Sunday, December 26, 2010

The First Conservative

This Christmas season, I would just like to say a few words in defense of one of my favorite Reagan style Conservatives, that I feel , has been unfairly attacked by the media at this time of year for quite some time, and, unjustly so. I am, of course , referring to Jesus Christ. As we celebrate his birthday this year, let's remember the reason why he faces so much opposition , so much hatred at Christmastime. It's essentially because , like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin , Michelle Bachmann , and Rush Limbaugh, he spoke the truth. The Truth that all men are created, by God, to be free. Free to live, work, worship, and help our fellow man , as individuals , without government restrictions being forced upon us.
Remember, the I.R.S. is not a charity. Charity cannot be imposed upon us by government.
Freedom is the root of all Conservatives, including Jesus, and yes, especially at this time of year, he wants us to help our fellow man, but it must be of our own free will , not at the insistence of any King, Queen , Dictator, or even President.  History has shown that conservatives are the most generous most charitable people on earth . Liberals are too, but with other people's money, not their own. Conservatives are, in fact, following in the tradition of Jesus,history's first conservative.
Jesus drove the money changers from the Temple because they were using his Father's house as a means to make a profit. Why then, would Jesus support an Obama government that uses his name to impose forced charity upon the taxpayers?

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Dream; the Nightmare

Pontius Pilate once asked of Jesus Christ, my favorite Reagan Conservative; "What is Truth?" Well, truth is the Omnibus Bill. I want to thank Senator Harry Reid for ramming this abomination down the throats of the House right before the Holiday break, for it reveals the truth. ; the truth behind the entire liberal agenda, the truth behind the liberal left's pathetic facade that claims they are working to help "The People". They are working to help themselves. To your money. To be used for anything that they want, regardless of what they told you it was for. Reid's attitude , while ramming this thing through , seems to be, "I don't care what you Tea Partiers think, or what you say, at Townhalls, or how many Glenn Beck rallies you attend. It's our money. Not the peoples. It belongs to the government. All of it. You working class hicks should be grateful we let you keep any of it. , so how dare you speak out against us. We will continue to take as much of your money as we please, because we need it, to keep our power , to grow government, and to secure the continued election of Liberal Democrats in the future. The Free Market works for us, and supports us. If the economy collapses , it doesn't matter, as long as government grows and the remaining private sector economy falls in line and works to support us. ; "We the Government".For, "We the Government" , run this country , not , "We the People". You Republicans may shut down the Omnibus bill , and all future earmarks, but, that's to be expected. We never intended for Omnibus to actually be passed. It was intended as a test of your resolve, and also, as a middle finger , to you ; the Tea Party Conservative Republicans. We, the Democrat Party, will lay in wait, for our chance to regain power . And, we will , because the lazy, apathetic, uninformed, disinterested leeches on society , that depend on money that we take from those that earn it, will always vote for us; just as we will always provide them with free money , housing, and education, in exchange for that vote. "
"We the " People" understand all this. That's all well and good, Senator Reid, but, one of the most powerful forces in American politics , is a hunk of smashing patriotism that's called ; Conservatism; and , in the end, it always wins.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Negative Zone

Well, the verdict is in; the Bush Tax Cuts will be renewed in the coming year, for all Americans. There will be no tax increase, but , there will also be no tax cut. In addition, unemployment will be extended again, indefinitely. This is nothing more than another stimulus , bought and paid for by the Chinese, who own our entire debt, at this moment. This places Bush tax cut into a negative zone , neither effective , nor ineffective, a sort of yin and yang of power balance in the political universe.
Obama's insistence, during negotiations to get the Death Tax as a consession, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the President believes that your money belongs , ultimately, to the government, all of it, and when you die, this so-called Estate Tax will insure that the money you no longer need goes to it's rightful owner, the U.S. Government. There's your proof of motive for all that's been done by the Obama Regime. Democrats , do indeed, feel that your money is, in fact theirs.
With that question resolved , the one remaining issue is; do liberals still see Obama as a god? Blinking before Republican pressure,,  continuing the war in Afghanistan, and keeping Gitmo Bay open, certainly reveals cracks in his liberal agenda armour. However, in the Greek and Shakespearian tradition, this does not exclude him from godhood necessarily. The Greek god Hercules , in particular, was quite flawed, and even killed his music teacher as a youth in a fit of rage. Hercules was then forced to perform twelve labors , which he completeted , on his road to redemption, ultimately joining the other gods on Mt. Olympus. Can the liberal left's god, President Obama, also redeem himself in the eyes of the radicals that elected him? It would seem unlikely. For, you see, as much as liberals enjoy creating their false gods , they enjoy destroying them even more. Ultimately, the President will do what he must, to save not the country, but his ego and image .  Yes, like another greek figure, Narcissus, Obama seems transfixed  with his own image in a reflecting pool, while the liberal god Echo, looks on in puzzlement. Yes, the President will do what he must to maintain that reflected image, just as the liberal Left  will do what they must, to ensure the destruction of our freedom and free market.
Therein lies the difference between Obama and his followers; Obama, the leftist idealogue, ultimately needs only the adulation of the masses that elected him to survive, the Liberal Left , however, needs only hate.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Traitor Within

Julian Assange is a Terrorist. Those who aid our enemies , are in fact, our enemies. Wikileaks exists for one purpose , to bring about the destruction of America, which Assange , and the terrorists he works for, hate.
Like Saddam Hussein, Assange is a sponsor of terror , a promoter, who is placing our Mideastern allies , who provide us with much needed intelligence, in mortal danger. Those who sponsor terror , just like the terrorists, must be destroyed.
President Bush understood this, and that is the main reason we went to war with Iraq, and crushed the Hussein regime. Saddam Hussein trained, funded, and provided healthcare; to terrorists .He is well gone, and Iraq is the first Arab Democracy in History ; thanks to President Bush . A Democracy; that is astounding for a Islamic based community.
The real root of the the Wikileaks issue however, must not be overlooked. There are , within our Government, those that are leaking classified information to our enemies, and it is not just the one soldier who is now being questioned. No, there are more traitors within our system, our military, our CIA, and they are the true threat, because they work for the enemies of freedom, and they must be exposed, routed, and treated to the same brand of justice that we served Hussein. Unfortunately, they have always been within our system, and the only way to truly defeat them is, as Ben Franklin stated; through, "Constant Vigilance".

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Perfect Killing Machine

Sarah Palin's plan to renew our spirit, revive our free market, and restore our Constitution, and our standing in the world as a "Beacon of Freedom", is truly brilliant. But more than that, she herself is brilliant, because she is that most rare , most precious , most pure of gems, a Conservative.  You see, a Conservative, in it's purest form, is nature's perfect political machine. Self -contained, self-sustaining, self-reliant, it exists for one purpose , and one purpose only; to destroy Liberalism, and it's anti-American agenda. Palin can win the Presidency brecause , as her campaign wears on, she will grow stronger, while Obama will grow weaker. This is the natural way of things.
Conservatives, like the Great White Shark, are the perfect killing machines , natural predators, and can survive anything, as long as there are liberals to feed on, and our truth and freedom based Constitution, to fortify them. Julius Caesar once said he was as "constant as the Northern Star"; yet, he was felled by the daggers of Brutus and his conspirators. The only true constant in the Universe is truth , and truth is conservatism. Sarah Palin, like a Great White Wilderness William Buckley, will cut and slash through the Liberal quagmire, all the way to the Presidency. She has to, it's what Conservatives do.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Trojan Machine

There are only four things you need to know about the TSA's grope and scan scam , as you prepare to fly this Thanksgiving  Holiday;
1. This operation has nothing to do with security. The Patriot Act was firmly rejected by the Left, yet this is accepted. Why? Because it has nothing to do with security. This is about the Unionization of the TSA,  which includes the acceptance of these Trojan Horse  scanners that are bought and paid for by the taxpayers. Obama knows full well that unionization of Airport security means more tax dollars in the pockets of the gov't  and its obediant servant, SEIU, led by labor leader and hard core socialist, Richard Trumpka. Plus, it's one step closer to total government controlof the airlines , one more private business enterprise to add to Obama's long list of government takeovers .
2. The scanner , nor the pat downs, will be used on Muslim women, period. Janet Napolitano will not permit it. Muslim women will be exempt, thereby proving that this is not about security , . This is just one more example of the Left's  appeasement of Muslims and the  exemption of Muslim women will prove it.
3. This is not a violation of our civil rights. No one is forcing you to accept either the scanner , or the pat down. All it would take to stop this is for all Americans to exercise their freedom of speech and simply say no. They cannot do this if no one is flying . The Airlines will have to cease and desist, or die as an industry.
4. What will work? Simple Profiling.All young Muslim men are to be suspect , simply because they are , in fact , the one's who are committing these acts. We must stop this nonsense, and accept this and target those who are trying to destroy us in the name of their religion, and they are in fact;  Muslims!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Man behind the Mask

Who is this man ? Who is this man calling himself our President? Who is he to say that tax cuts are only for those making under 250,000 dollars a year? Who is he to tell our allies India and South Korea  that their trade goods should be distributed at lower prices , resulting in lower profits? Who is he to "negotiate" with Republicans,that now control the House , and therefore Gov't spending? Who is he to suggest that tax cuts for the rich would be disasterous for our economy at this time, when it's the wealthy that drve our economy?
Who is he? A Marxist, of course. Always has been, always will be. From his upbringing by a communist father from Kenya, to his leftist leaning college years, to his book, that clearly states his contempt for wealthy Americans , to his association with known radicals and terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, whose hatred for our country has been well documented through their attacks on Police and the Pentagon. In all these things the message is clear, money must be taken from those that earn it, and given to the government for re-distribution; to those that don't. The debate over what kind of tax cuts can be implemented goes on. But, "We the People', who actually run this country have made it quite clear on November 2nd, that tax cuts are for all Americans, gov't must slash it's spending, and only a total repeal of Obamacare will be tolerated by the self governed , self ruled citizens of our nation . Those that "We the People" have elected on November2nd should take heed of this, or face the same detruction that was rained down upon the Democrats , and the Obama agenda.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Scorched Earth Initiative

What happened on November 2nd? Complete victory, scorched earth policy, we took no prisoners. It had to be. For, if not, then the tea parties, Townhalls, Marches on Washington, and Glenn Beck rallies were all for naught, and a lie. For what is a March on Washington? What is a group of Americans , standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, holding signs? What is the message that these gatherings have put forth for two years now? Votes, that's all . Every townhall protestor, Tea Partier, or Glenn Beck Rallier, has to represent a vote against the Obama Agenda, or else their protests were meaningless. If we did not scorch the earth with our win, then our protests were hollow, and a lie.
But, we did win, and win big.The biggest win for the GOP , since 1938. Why did we win? Because , "We the People" , are , in fact , extreme, and the extreme have had their day. 'Moderate" is what got us to this point. Working with Democrats is what nearly destroyed us. Extreme got us out.
You see, America is great because it is extreme. Extremely free and extremely unwilling to allow any rule, except self-rule.  We are a self-governed nation. The first in history. The only in history. The people rule here, not the government, which is why we cannot "take back" the country. We never lost it. We are the country. We did not defeat Obama , Pelosi, and Reid, , because they didn't cause this. We did. We are the true enemy. We didn't take back the country , because it wasn't taken from us; we gave it up voluntarily. , with disinterest , and indifference. We should never forget this, because , when we do, it will most assuredly happen again.
And, for all those who wanted to keep Democrat rule, I have a message; Don't leave your State; ever. Stay there. As unemployment continues to rise, as crime grows due to liberal gun bans, as homeowners become homeless, and businesses fail, Iant you and your liberal smugness to stay right where you are in your liberal Democrat Sovreign Utopia. Stay right there in Delaware with Chris Coons, Stay with Barney Frank, Stay with Harry Reid. Stay with Jerry Brown. Don't you dare leave for a more prosperous State run by Republicans . Don't you dare infect economic sucess with your liberal entitlement freeloader nonsense anymore. Stay with Coons, Reid, Frank, Brown , and Boxer. You like what they accomplished , then continue to bask in the economic glory of their States, as they go broke. Stay there, Don't move and try to ruin Republican Prosperity.
You know, I think Christine O'Donnell was right . Not just about the First Amendment, Evolution, and Conservatism, O'Donnell  was also correct about mice being engineered by scientists with human brains. They do, in fact, exist. They are called Liberal Democrats, and they do, indeed, live in Delaware, and they do , indeed vote to support the Obama Ponzi scheme.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Revelation of the Prodigal Son

He knows. He knows the awful terrible, mistake he has made. He knows he has loved what he should have loathed, and now this prodigal son has returned full time, to Fox News. I'm referring to Juan Williams . Since he was fired from NPR, he has had an awakening, of sorts. Juan stated on the O'Reilly Factor the other night that he always thought that liberals were the tolerant, compassionate , forgiving ones. Now, he knows better.After all, how could they be? Remember, a liberal is nothing more than a big government socialist . They created the name ,"Liberal" in the 1930's to avoid the suspicions that their true name would arouse. That name is communist. This is what they truly are, and always have been.
Juan Williams was not fired for comments regarding Muslims. He was fired for being a commentator on Fox News, pure and simple. Mara Liason, who also works for NPR and Fox, should consider herself next for the chopping block. You see, Anti- American Entrepeneur, George Soros has finally figured it out. You don't pour millions of dollars into supporting liberal Democrats. No, you pour it into the media. By controlling the media , you control the message, and therefore, control the people. This is why Soros has contributed several million dollars to NPR, and is actively recruiting news pundits that will push his Pravda like socialist  agenda, and the truth be damned. Soros, no doubt, forced the Williams dismissal, and is now certainly calling the shots at this farce of a radio station. NPR CEO Schiller suggested that Williams should seek therapy to deal with his Muslim comments. Actually, it is Soros, Schiller and the entire NPR staff that should seek psychiatric help. They'll need it after the complete nervous breakdown they are sure to experience after November 2nd., when "We the People" take back this country . You see, Soros ,, and NPR, can't win, As long as the First Amendment is in effect, and "We the People" are willing to defend it. They will lose. They will always lose. Juan Williams is a good man., whose only crime was speaking the truth. Welcome home Prodigal son, you will always have a friend in Bill O'Reilly, Fox News , and the American people, who have expressed outrage at NPR'S decision. Caution, Juan! You are about to enter a no- spin zone! Your new three year contract with Fox News begins; right now!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Glass Mirage

Obama's campaign advisor David Axelrod has stated that Republican candidates have taken foreign money to win elections. He has no evidence to back up this claim. Instead, he has started a McCarthy style attack, accusing the Republican Party of shady dealings, and placing the responsibility on them to prove it's not true. Political Pundit Bob Scheefer put it best in an interview with Axelrod when he asked, "IS that the best you got?" , regarding this lame, Un-American strategy.
When you make an accusation of this magnitude, it is your responsibility to back up your claims with evidence, or back down and be damned forever by the American voters.  Besides, the fact is that Obama has received money in 2008 from unknown , credit card equipped backers , who remain a mystery to this day. Obama bows before the Chinese Emperor , who owns the entire debt and economy of our country, currently, and forces the Dali Lama to leave the White House by the back door, like the kitchen Staff.
People who live in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones, but the Obama regime lives in a Glass Mirage , that has not even the substance of a glass house, and will , in November, not shatter, but evaporate , like a mist over the English Moors, exposed to the light of it's own political strategem.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The True Nature of the Enemy

Global Warming is a hoax. The Green Peace movement is a hoax.The clean energy agenda is a hoax. The anti-war anti -Bush agenda is a hoax. The entire liberal movement is, and always was, a hoax.
The proof?The SEIU rally in Washington last weekend. Nothing spoke louder of what the true agenda of the liberal left is than the piles of garbage left behind at the foot of a monument created as a tribute to our fallen soldiers , the acts of violence committed in the crowd, and , last but not least , the numerous communist organizations that financially supported this SEIU , union forced, pantomime of a rally.
In contrast, the Glenn Beck rally was completely peaceful, funded by individual Americans of their own free will, and last, but not least, contemplate this liberal activists; not one speck of trash was left behind at the Beck-Palin rally of over three thousand people. Not one act of violence occurred . Not one communist organization financially backed the Beck rally; not one. So, liberals, in the future , if you want to hold a peacenick , take back America, tree hugging, environmentally concerned rally, call Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. After all, conservatives are the true environmentalists.
The question then is; what was the SEIU rally all about? Corporations and the free market. These are the true enemies of the left that must be eliminated. This is the true liberal agenda. The trash around the Washington Monument is all the proof you will ever need .You see, the left doesn't really hate Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin. They hate America. They hate freedom. And that is the true nature of this enemy.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Calculus of Reason

So, who won, The Glenn Beck Rally, or the SEIU Union controlled union funded , Union forced to attend by Union leader Trumpka rally? Here's an easy , mathematical way to determine the winner. Add the two Rallys together, which should total the quantity of two. Now, once you have done this; add to your total an organization known as the Communist Party USA. Now, simply deduct the rally that is not supported by this Party. The deducted rally is your winner, and the reason why Conservative Republicans will win every seat that is open in November , in the House and Senate. This is the basic calculus of reason . A Rally that is held to take back America that is funded and supported by communist organizations raises an important question; Take back America for who? And; for what?

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Witching Hour

Is Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell a Witch? The Liberal Left seems to think so, but President Obama and his regime better hope not. Historically, witches have always had a Shakesperian tradition of predicting the doom of King, Tyrants, and Despotic regimes . Three Witches, poised over a bubbling cauldron, predicted the fall of Macbeth and his reign. It now appears to be Christine O'Donnell , Sarah Palin, and Michelle Bachmann, poised over the bubbling, boiling cauldron of Conservatism, that will signal the Witching Hour for President Obama and the Democrat Party this November 2nd.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dawn of the Crockett Legacy

Can Christine ODonnell win the Delaware Senate seat in November? You Betcha! The reason?She is conservative, and only conservatives can win, now and in the future. Limited Government, tax cuts for all Americans , a strong military, and Free Market solutions are the simple truths that are now beginning to resonate with voters ; they finally see the reality of what works, and what doesn't.
Conservatism always works , since it's based on the simple concept of Freedom. If we are created by God to be free, then are we not free to govern ourselves , with no King , queen, Dictator, or President to tell us how to live?If we are free , then are we not free to keep the money we earn in a free market economy, since that money is, in fact , ours , not the federal governments? Are we not free to pay limited taxes , to be used only in defense against our enemies and the security of our nation? Are we not free to worship as we please, since the God who created us gave us free will?
There is a reason that every candidate Sarah Palin has endorsed has won, she has endorsed conservatives like herself, and regardless of non-issues like experience , background history, or personality quirks ; the bottom line is this:Only someone who believes in conservastive values will cut taxes for all Americans, guaranteed.This one issue is why conservative republicans will win, and win big in November. Remember , famed frontiersman David Crockett also had no experience, limited education, and a quirky background and personality.But it was his honesty winning personality, , and conservative values that got him elected to the Tennessee congressional seat for three terms. The Dawn of the Crockett legacy is now upon us.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Gauntlet is Thrown

In the aftermath of 9-11 , President George W. Bush stood on a smoking pile of rubble and declared to the gathering citizens of New York; "I hear you, and soon , the whole world will hear all of us". The world did hear us. President Bush stretched forth his hand, and Al-Queda trembled. And despite relentless attacks by the liberal left for eight years , the President stayed true to his word , and his mission. And because of this, those that fell on that tragic day rest easier, and the world is the better for it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The November Reign

So, the liberal left don't like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Tea Parties, or Restoring Honor rallies. That's too bad, cause none of these are going away, ever. Plus, there's another thing coming in November that these communist elite are really not going to like. It's called Republican Victory. The GOP will take back the House and Senate , quite easily. Why will they win? Because their winners! That's what winners do; Win! And, just like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck , and Rush Limbaugh, the Republicans will continue to win, since the Democrat Party, as we know it, is finished.
But , all is not bleak for the left. When Republicans cut taxes for everyone and end the freeloader liberal gravytrain, they can just claim that it was actually Obama's "Stimulus"that turned the economy around.  Yep, they can just keep telling themselves that, just like  Clinton took credit for Newt Gingrich 's Republican Congress economy. Let's face reality here ; anytime in the history of our country where we had a booming economy, you had a Republican controlled House and Senate, guaranteed. So, just keep telling yourselves that it was Obama policies that did it; right up to 2012, when Sarah Palin is elected President.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Reflections by the Reflecting Pool

When freedom is threatened anywhere in the world, freedom is threatened everywhere. Is man to be ruled by leaders , or is he to rule himself? This is the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King.Self -rule . Freedom for all.
The Restoring Honor Rally in Washington today, overlooking the Reflecting Pool , and the stoney stare of Abraham Lincoln, reflected on these things today. We need to continue to reflect and learn from our true history ,and finally fulfill the dream , here , now, today, and, forever.  America, this shining city on a hill , as Ronald Reagan called it, is the only time , the only place , in the history of the earth, that man has lived  truly free. Let's make sure that Glenn Beck's efforts today were not wasted. Let's keep this , "blessed plot, this earth , this realm , this America".

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Behold, a God that Hates"

While contemplating the Mosque at Ground Zero, contemplate this also, The Prophet Muhammed stated that all non-believers in Islam are to be shunned, and considered Infidels; and, as Infidels, are deserving of death. Being a Judeo-Christian Nation, America is considered by Islam as the" Great Satan", that must be defeated . Muslim tradition dictates that on the site of a great Jihadist victory over the infidels, a Mosque is to be built.
Imam Abdul Faisal Raeuf is head of the Cordoba Initiative, , named after a city in Mexico that was conquered by the muslims . A mosque was built on this site. The purpose of the proposed Ground Zero mosque is clear, it is to be a trophy, put on display to celebrate the great Islamic victory over the Great Satan, us. It's building would serve no other purpose, since Islam cannot "come together" with other faiths . The Prophet Muhammed made it very clear; there can be no tolerance for any other religions. Even converts to Islam are still considered Infidels, deserving of death.
We have only the word of Imam Raub that he is a bridge building moderate. His actions and statements in the past, blaming the U.S. for 9-11 , speak otherwise. Always remember, under Islam , it is permitted to use deception against Infidels in order to gain victory. A perfect example is Iran's President Mmoud Amadenejad. He has stated, quite clearly and repeatedly, that their nuclear program would be for peaceful energy purposes only. Yet , the day after the fuel rods were activated , a new missile weapon was unveiled , with the provocative name ,"The Ambassador of Death". All the while, the citizens of Iran chanted  in the streets, "Death to America" , and "Death to Israel".Can America afford to stand idlely by, and continue to believe the  proclamations of peace from men who worship a God that teaches hate?

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Temple of Intolerance

President Obama says the Mosque should be built on Ground Zero to "promote religious tolerance"..Religious Tolerance. Where? Where is this religious tolerance?
Every Christmas stores are told not to use the phrase, "Merry Christmas" to customers. Schools ban Christian symbols. The Cross is banned across the country on public land displays. The Ten Commandments was removed from the lobby of a court house by court order. "One Nation Under God" is a phrase that has been attacked and banned from schools along with the "Pledge of Allegiance". The phrase "In God we Trust" has been attacked by the left because it's on our currency.
There is no religious tolerance. For Christians that is. And, muslims do not want religious tolerance. They want religious dominance. We have to remember, that under Islamic rule, by the teachings of the Koran, all those who do not follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed are considered infidels, and are deserving of death, even if they convert.
There it is, pure and simple. All this talk of coming together and religious freedom is nonsense to the practicing Muslim. Their goal is a one religion America, and that one religion must be Islam.
America is regarded by the practicing Muslim as the"Great Satan" , that must be crushed and brought under Sharia Law , no exceptions. Ground Zero is considered Muslim territory , the sight of their great victory , and tradition demands that a Mosque is built to commemorate that victory over the "infidels" that must submit to the will of Allah.
Religious Tolerance? Try to build a Catholic Church near Mecca, and see the reaction. How laughable that Imam Abdul Faisal Rauf calls for tolerance while supporting a religion that has never shown any.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Mosque of Mockery

There are a myriad of reasons for not allowing a mosque to be built on Ground Zero.The Imam behind the project is a terrorist supporter who blames America for 911 and Bin Laden's existence.Also, where is the money coming from? The fact that it is a mystery clears up the mystery.It is most assuredly coming from Al Queda and the Taliban . Guaranteed. The question isn't should we allow it to be built, but, why does this Imam Faisal Abdul want to build it there? He knows the reaction he's getting. He knows the reason for outrage and opposition. He's doing it anyway,for one simple reason; to tick us off , and to thumb his nose at America in general. Remember, this man wants Sharia Law introduced into our courts. This law would call for the execution of Homosexuals , women , and non-believers for any infractions against the teachings of the prophet Muhammed.
How much longer are we gonna bend over for these people who simply regard us as infidels ?Muslim law has always called for the building of Mosques on the sight of a great military victory. There is the reason for this in a nutshell. They are establishing their territory at the sight of their triumph over the Great Satan; us!, and that is all. So if you're racking your brain for a good reason to prevent the Ground Zero Mosque , here's the only one you need. Spite. It will really aggravate them. It will enrage them. I can't think of a better reason.Ticking off terrorists and their supporters should always be the goal of every American. Why?Cause it's fun1, and fun is the one thing that separates us from the terrorists . They have no sense of humour at all . Why not exploit that by enraging them at every opportunity?They are seeing how far they can push us . It's time to push back , just for good ol" spite!Mayor Bloomberg wants to protect their 1st Amendment rights, but is a strong opponent of the second amendment , which defends the first amendment. So much for what Bloomberg thinks. But, Iam willing to make a deal with Imam Abdul. He can build his mosque on Ground Zero, but we get to build a Catholic Church at Mecca. That's a fair deal , right ?

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Republican Maneuver

Representative Anthony Weiner melts down in front of Congress , accuses Republicans of blocking another spending bill, and, in the same rant, brags about getting 95% of the Democrat vote which still , for some reason , is not enough to get the bill passed. Somehow, it's still the Republicans fault.
Meanwhile, Rep. Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters and Alan Grayson, all Democrats , face pending ethics charges, for tax evasion ,  a banking scam , and of all things  a DVD scam! The Democrat meltdown is in full swing, and the looming November elections are the reason
They know they can't win. They know they are about to lose every seat up for grabs ; including the 40 in the House, and they have no strategy to stop it, except to pull out the ol' race card against their main nemises ; The Tea Party.Andrew Breitbart of Big Government. com, has offered quite a bit of cash to anyone who can produce video evidence to support these charges. So far, he has not lost his money, and he never will. The Democrat Party is done, and for a very basic reason. Their secret has been exposed. They will not , under any circumstances , cut taxes , ever . Their slight of hand tricks with so-called 'tax credits" has not fooled anyone with a brain
who knows the difference. A tax credit is an Arby's coupon, and an insult to a business owner's intelligence. A tax cut is a permanent reduction , and that is simply not in the Democrat's playbook. They will not cut taxes , ever, and now, the American people have caught on to that fact, finally.
The Bush tax cuts will be allowed to expire, as planned, and yes , everyone's taxes are , indeed going up.  The Republican maneuver from now till November is a simple strategy based on a simple game; Poker. Pending voter fraud charges in the Obama election is the card that Republicans are playing very close to the vest at this moment, but it will be used very soon , to seal the fate of the Democratic Party and the Obama regime, in November.
Poker master Andrew Breitbart, has many cards up his sleeve , and he's been saving them for the right moment . That moment is here, now,  and it may spell doom for Obama's dream , once and for all.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Twin Pronged Attack

So, the joint military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea are making the North Koreans lose their minds.Ya know , I think It's time to take it up a notch on these losers. Are we gonna just sit back and let these commie punks vomit all over us and our allies with their empty suit threats? No! Let's catch them with their pants down with a good ol' fashioned Blitzkrieg style aerial attack , take out all their missles , then calmly fly home.Then , we implement part two of this twin pronged attack.We call Trey Parker and Matt Stone, of South Park fame, and get them started on a Team America Part Two, ASAP!! Kim Jong "Mentally" Ill will lose his tiny mind ! It's the perfect plan, and I'm sure that Matt and Trey will step up and help us win this one for Old Glory!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Phantom Punch

Whose to blame for the firing of Shirly Sherrod? President Obama , of course. Fox News didn't even air the video until after she was booted. The race issue is , in reality , a non-issue, and quite frankly , boring . Shirly is an old school race baiter from way back, and still is , to this day. After all, she has stated quite clearly that anyone who opposes President Obama is a racist, pure and simple.  But, as I said, that's an old song , and a very boring one at that.
Give it up Ms. Sherrod. There is no racism, except that which exists in your own mind. There's only one race, the human race, get used to it, those of you who make their living stoking the flames of hatred. The important part of this story is not Sherrod's statements , but Obama's reaction, which is quite revealing, indeed.  Obama is scared of Fox News, and Glenn Beck, in particular. The fear that Beck would run the story on his show that afternoon caused Obama to fire her unceremoniously, and immediately.This speaks volumes . With the November elections looming like a shroud over the Democrats , the Obama regime now resembles a punch drunk fighter that , not only flinches at feigned punches , but even the possibility of punches. The reason is clear; the pressure brought over this past year from Fox, Beck , Hannity, Limbaugh, Palin, and the American people,has taken its toll. President Obama is beaten , and he knows it. The race card against the Tea Party was a last desperation punch, to no avail. How ironic then that it was , in reality , a phantom punch that Fox News never even threw that ultimately knocked him and his regime out for the count. In the end, Fox, Beck, and the tea party didn't need to defeat Obama, no ,in the end , he defeated himself.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Puzzle's Final Piece

The smirks on the faces of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd , the architects of the Freddie- Fannie economic collapse, say it all ; The Finance Reform bill has passed, giving the Obama administration the final piece of the puzzle they needed to accomplish their goal of total government control of the private sector , and Goldman-Sachs is one of their primary targets.
The question is; why is the government involved in the dealings of Goldman-Sachs? The government has no business being involved in the private sector , period. If Goldman-Sachs is ripping off their investors , we have a court system that deals with criminals when they commit crimes, without government interference. Citizens who got scammed would actually do better to file a personal civil lawsuit; they certainly would get more of their money back,cutting out the Obama middleman, that's for sure.  Fannie -Mae and Freddie-Mac are the proof positive as to what happens when government gets involved in regulating private sector free market affairs.
A perfect case point is the government run Securities and Exchange Commission, which failed to detect either the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme or the R. Allen Stanford fraud.
What keeps companies honest? Free Market competition , that's what. In a government free market with lots of competition, businesses will keep themselves honest, guaranteed. If they want to keep you as a customer , and stay out of jail , that is. All the government is authorized to do to grow the economy , according to our Constitution, is to cut taxes, reduce their spending, and get out of the way. The Obama regime's infiltration of the private sector is for one reason alone; to grow government and place the private sector under it's control. That, my friends , is Marxism, and it will not stand in my America, where the citizens and the free market control this country , not the Federal government, which is there to serve us, not to rule us." We the People " rule in America , and that is the primary reason we are the greatest nation on earth.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Am I My Brothers Keeper?

When Caine slew his brother Abel, God came upon him and asked,"Where is your brother?" Caine replied, "Am I my brothers keeper?" That eternal. question is still being asked today. Iran is about to execute a woman for the high crime of "adultery". Should we intervene? Is the Pope Catholic? Of course we should. If we call ourselves a nation founded on Judeo Christian principles , we have no choice. To ignore this situation is to make a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ; the teachings that our Constitution is founded on . Jesus stood alone against an angry mob bent on the destruction of a woman by stoning; a woman accused of the same crime as this Iranian woman. I don't have to point out the moral . We must face the grim reality that all Muslim nations are guilty of crimes of oppression against women. The reason?They all follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed, who committed these crimes , and instructs his followers to do so as well. 
This is, of course, evil. We must stand against it and stop it ; by military force , if necessary. President Obama should stop using NASA for Muslim public relations , and take a stand against this atrocity that's about to occur. No amount of reaching out to Muslims , or making them "feel good" about their scientific contributions will ever erase the fact that they practice an evil religion that stomps on the freedom and liberty that was given to us by God, the real God, that believes in peace, love, and the brotherhood of man, and yes, that includes women as well. Am I my brothers keeper? God has given us the answer , and the answer is yes. And, what God has given, let no man put asunder; even a man called Muhammed.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Doctrine of Destiny

Congratulations to General David Petraeus on his appointment as commander of our troops in Afghanistan. And, congratulations to President Obama, for finally admitting that he was wrong about the Iraq war, wrong about the surge, and wrong about his choice of liberal leaning , Fox News bashing General Stanly McChrystal to lead our forces against Al Queda and the Taliban. After all , appointing the man who was singularly responsible for our victory in Iraq seems to completely vindicate President Bush and validate his approach to the war on terror, known only as the"Bush Doctrine".
Petraeus will no doubt continue this policy, and will reduce the nation building , diplomacy riddled approach that McChrystal used , much to our troops detriment. The Obama deadline for withdraw of troops by the end of July will also be re-thought, as it should be. The Afghans have a hard time trusting liberators that announce to the enemy the day and hour of their retreat, after all, how can you beat an enemy that already knows you have a deadline for victory? As we celebrate our Independence Day, we should remember one thing; that our freedom was obtained by a war that had one objective ; to kill our enemies , drive them from our shores, and force their surrender. And , I have no doubt that America would never have existed as we know it, had General Washington been using the "Obama Doctrine" , in his approach to fighting the Revolution.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Moses Destiny

This Fourth of July, let us not forget to remember those that have given their lives for our freedom. And, also let us remember that the war we fight in Afghanistan is not a war of choice that can't be won, as RNC chairman Michael Steele has characterized it. They attacked us on 911. We are now taking the fight to the enemy, on their soil, so that we don't have to fight them on ours. In truth, we have no choice. We must wage this battle  and we must win it, or all our claims of Freedom , Liberty , and Justice are a lie,if we are unwilling to fight for it, against those that threaten it., not only on our shores , but everywhere on our planet. America is the caretaker of freedom. We will win because we must. It is our destiny , and duty to do so. As the Prophet Moses stood , overlooking the promised land , he said to the Israelites; "Go, proclaim liberty throughout the land, and to all the inhabitants thereof". The "land" that Moses spoke of is the earth itself, and we do indeed , have a responsibility to all the "inhabitants thereof", despite what Michael Steele, the hopefully "former" RNC chairman says.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Return of the Prodigal Son

Congratulations to General David Petraeus for being appointed commander of our forces in Afghanistan. And , congrats to President Bush, who has now been completely vindicated in his approach to the Iraq War, the Surge, and the Bush Doctrine in general. President Obama's appointment of General Petraeus , in the wake of General McChrystal's public meltdown via Rolling Stone magazine, proves that he knows that Bush was right.About everything that he opposed regarding the war, especially the surge of which there was no stronger opposition to than Senator Obama.
This Fourth of July, let us remember the price of our freedom, victory in war by killing the enemy and forcing their surrender.  And now, with Petraeus in charge in Afghanistan, we now have a chance for complete victory. Hopefully, the General has another surge up his sleevYou see, Petraeus understands that when you go to war, your mission is to destroy the enemy and force their surrender.Nation building, political diplomacy, and restraint in combat , all part of the Obama McChrystal campaign,is a sure recipe for defeat, not victory.
Unlike McChrystal, Petraeus will do what is necessary to win, and winning means eliminating Al-Queda and the Taliban from Afghanistan , completely and permanenly. This is the only method that works.It's the method that created our nation.  It's fortunate that the "Obama Doctrine" wasn't in effect during the Revolutionary War. America, as we know it, might never have existed at all.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Second Coming

President Obama said he would get us out of Iraq; and yet we are still there.
He said he would close Gitmo, and yet he hasn't.
He said he would take the fight to Afghanistan, and capture Bin Laden, yet the mission there is unclear, and Bin Laden still at large. Why?
To win a war, you must become war.You must fight to win, and that means destroying the enemy, scorched earth policy, forcing the surrender.
General McChrystal understands this and also knows that the Commander in Chief was unwilling to give him the troops he needed , unwilling to take the fight to the enemy, unwilling to win. The result? The complete meltdown of General McChrystal ; a man who voted for Obama , banned Fox News from his barracks, and helped cover up the friendly fire death of Pat Tillman. This is a man who , in addition to being a military leader, is also a devout liberal, and a firm believer in the "Hope and Change" of Barack Obama.
Faced with the disappointing reality of the Obama Presidency, he chose to snipe at the administration through Rolling Stone Magazine. Why? Why not confront  Obama directly, as other Generals have done with other Presidents.  The reason is misgfuided loyalty. McChrystal is loyal to President Obama. He should be loyal to the American people, since that's who he's fighting for.  Generals Patton and McArthur were also dismissed by the President for insubordination. , but both men confronted their Presidents directly with their disagreements, and forced the hand of their commander in chief. Both Patton and Mc Arthur understood what was best for the security of the American people, the ones they swore allegiance to. But McChrystal, having misplaced allegiance to a man, instead of a country, could only snipe indirectly , comitting a blatant breach of military protocol.
Under General Patraeus , the architect of the surge in Iraq, this will not happen . He will do what is necessary to win and obey orders from the commander in chief. Until those orders begin to cost him victory and the lives of his soldiers , that is. Patraeus understands war, and understands the nature of his President . Obama also understands that he now has no choice . Failing at home in every domestic policy he has instituted, he now must place his legacy on the war front, if he is to be sucessful. He must give General Patraeus free reign to do his job.He must give Patraeus what he wants, and when he wants it, and then simply get out of his way . Because, one way of another, General Patraeus will have his way, and an assured victory to boot.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Last Nero and the New Rome

To those that say President Obama has failed to take charge during the oil crises ; I say , nonsense! He's using the spill to push Cap and Trade again, as was always the plan, from"Day One" of the accident.
He won't allow burning.
He won't allow sand traps or leveys.
He won't allow chemical cleanup.
He won't allow foreign help.
The reason is loyalty to the E.P.A. , and the unions who control Obama like a puppet on a string. The President will punish B.P. with fines and drilling restrictions , and will punish us with Cap and Trade, which in effect, is just another tax on private businesses and the working man. President Bush removed the Jones Act during Katrina to allow foreign aid. Obama will not do this because of his allegiance to the unions that bought and paid for his Presidency.
Was Bush the better crises President? You Betcha! He was a leader who made decisions and took action. Obama is a wealth re-distributing community organizer whose main goal as President is to take money from those that earn it, and give it to those that don't. President Obama increasingly resembles Emperor Nero , watching Rome burn around him , without a care . Nero had his fiddle; Obama has his golf clubs, And like Nero, Obama will play on, as the economic security of our nation, burns around him.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Wrath of the Great God Gaia

Since the dawn of time, humans have been hard wired to worship God , or gods. I can think of no better proof that there is a God. Even liberal atheists worship God, whether they want to admit it or not. Their god is Gaia, the earth god, mother earth , if you will . This is why we now have a Washington style , Spanish Inquisition of Tony Hayward and B.P.occuring at this moment. The liberal god has been offended . B.P. has comitted sacrilege against Gaia, and must now pay. And pay, and pay. The Liberal Dems seem to forget that it was President Obama ; their President, that gave the Deepwater Horizon rig safety awards , while President Bush cited them frequently for safety violations . If it is proven that B.,P, has been negligent and is at fault in the Hrizon Explosion that killed 11 employees, then they should face fines and prosecution and possibly even jail time . But, this is for the courts to decide , not the federal government. They have no business in a privately run companies affairs. More government regulation? No, the answer is always competition and choice in the free market. The more drilling we do, the more companies that are allowed to drill , the more competition there is in the oil business , the more they will be forced to regulate themselves better, if they want to stay in business, and avoid jail time and fines, that is.
Blame B.P. if you will . But why demonize oil? Oil runs our lives . Our homes , cars , computers toys , ans even clothing and food products are made from oil. There is no other viable technology to replace it. How do I know? Money. If other options existed , we would be using them , guaranteed , cause there would be lots of monet to be made from it , for a lot of "greedy corporate types" , right liberals? I love oil. It runs my car , and heats my home, and does it quite effectively. And liberals should love oil too. Since they worship Gaia , they should look at oil as a gift to man from mother earth . A gift we should use , since we will never run out . How do I know? Because oil is created by internal pressure in the earth , not from dead dinosaur bones. The Deepwater Horizon well is still pumping away, over 50 days later, and showes no sign of slowing down, nor will it.
Don't blame Obama for the spill? Nonsense. He is to blame. He gave safety awards to a shoddy run rig with obvious safety violations . He would not permit the burning off of the oil as it leaked , from,"day one" . This is a critical mistake. Burning off the oil is the standard procedure that all oil companies use for these emergencies . Why? Because it works. Oil was made to burn. . That's how we use it for energy. There fore that is the logical way to get rid of it also. He also refused to allow sand barriers , chemical cleanup , and skimmers volunteered by the Dutch. Why?  The Jones act. He refused to lift this law to allow assistance from other nations. His loyalty to unions and the E.P.A. also prevented cleanup by our own resourses. This disaster is viewed by the President as just an opportunity to push Cap and Trade again, and to extort money from B.P. , money that should go directly to the people harmed by this disaster , not to the government.
The difference between President Bush and Obama is obvious. Bush takes action , Obama talks action.  Bush recinded the Jones Act to allow foreign help with Katrina. Bush also cited the Deepwater Horizon repeatedly for safety violations. Who wins in the Better President contest? President Bush hands down. And , if liberals are looking for the one who comitted sacrilege against their god, Gaia, it's clearly Obama, with his failure to save the environment from further damage by the spill, when he clearly could have. Perhaps it's time for liberals to admit thast Bush was the better President, and leader, and accept the fact that the earth and its resources were put here for us to use by the real God , the only God. You know, the one that President Bush worships.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Way that is no Way

In the 1960's , a Martial Arts Instructor by the name of Bruce Lee ; frustrated by the inefficiency of existing fighting systems , came up with the concept of Jeet Kune Do, meaning "Way of the Intercepting fist".The basic principle of this philosophy is that all rigid fighting styles do not work in reality, because they cannot adapt to changing situations or the unexpected. He stripped them to their essence, discarding what would not function in reality. Flow and adapt, "Be like water my friend" , was his mantra. He meant this philosophy to apply to all aspects of life, even politics, which certainly needs to discard what does not work , and leave only the functional.
For instance; There is no Health Care reform bill.; only tax money that is taken from those that earn it by force, and given to those that don't.
There are no political parties; only those who believe in freedom, and those that don't.
There is no economy , no debt; only those that wish to buy and sell products freely, and those that wish to restrict this by taking their money in the form of taxes.
Ther is no oil crises in the Gulf. Oil is part of the earth and the ocean . It cannot be stopped , only re-directed to another path . Obama and the E.P.A. have blocked that path. If the oil flows strongly, drill another well , and the pressure will reduce and the flow will naturally slow. There is no permanent damage to nature from the oil; only change ; which is part of nature, and nature will eventually cleanse itself  and restore what was damaged , as it always has in the past, and will do long after man is gone from the earth , even as oil leaks will continue to happen naturally, in the ocean and on land, as they always have.
Ther are no different religions; a religion is a belief system that stresses spirituality and the peace , love, and brotherhood of man. Those that believe their God tells them to kill are practicing hate, and hate is against the spirit , and therefore it cannot be a religion.
There is no hatred of Christians and Jews; only the freedom they represent. and there is a fear of Muslims and a need by the left to appease them so that they won't be killed. Remember , Muslims target all non-believers , or infidels , mainly Christians and Jews. The left has always shown hatred and contempt for both religions simply to appease the terrorists , so that they also won't be killed. This is also why the left hates George Bush. Those that fear the bully will often try to befriend the bully.
There is no racism; only hate. If all humans skin was the same color, those that hate would simply find another reason to do so. Hate always finds a way , and race is just the mask that hides its true nature.
And finally, There is no real change in our country, since 'we the people" run the country. The gov't that tries to restrict that freedom will eventually be gone, as long as there are free elections. Americans are born into freedom. That's why in November those that restrict that freedom will be voted out. They have to be . This is not politics; This is simply nature, which always discards those things that impede it. That's the basic principle of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. Simplicity. And there is nothing  simpler, more basic, than freedom. We must follow the simplicity of nature, and be like the ocean, as it cleanses itself of its own oil. We must be like the ocean; and form to the shape of the shore.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Boys from Bebe

Ah , for the life of a pirate! That's the life for me! The open sea, fresh salt air, sunshine, adventure ; boarding terrorists barges bringing weapons into Gaza! Heartiest congratulations to Bebe and his boys for their magnificent , swashbuckling raid on a terrorist infested flotilla that was clearly looking for trouble, and as is often the case, they found it. Bebe's hearty mates were all over that barge, swinging in like a bunch of swashbuckling ,Kosher , Jack Sparrows! I haven't seen such flair and derring-do since Errol Flynn in Captain Blood! Maybe next time Bebe's boys could wear sashes and sabres, just to give it that  "Pirates of the Caribbean" feel.
Take note President Obama! This is how you handle a crises ; head on! Notice the second barge that tried to get through surrendered with nary a cutlass  wound. They know better now. Better stand behind Israel President Obama. They are our allies in Democracy, they are surrounded by terrorists on all sides ; and they are like pit-bulls. They will never back down or surrender. They need to know we will always be there ; not that they need our help, but just in case they need backup. Perhaps a little swashbuckling flair would be appropriate to show our support. The next lame press conference you hold, Mr. Obama, show up with an eye-patch and parrot on your shoulder, maybe even a hook and peg-leg, just to let Bebe's boys know that, when it comes to protecting democracy in the middle east, our motto should be;"All for one , and one for all!" between the U.S. and Israel.
Or, as my favorite sea chanty says; " What do ya do with a terror sailor, What do ya do with a terror sailor, earli in the morning?" "Ya board 'em and ya stop 'em like a Kosher Jack Sparrow, Ya board 'em and ya stop 'em like a Kosher Jack Sparrow, earli in the mornin'."
Always remember, if all nations are free Democracies there will be no more war. Ever. That is why we must back Israel and all other Democratic Republics. How do you end all war? End all Dictatorships everywhere on earth. Then, there will be no more war. Free men do not make war against each other. That is why the U.S. and Israel must destroy the evil of tyranny and terrorism aggressively , and wherever we find it. The United States and Israel must remain always the right and the left hand of the same body. And, when "Bebe's Boys" next set sail , they must know that , in spirit , at least, we sail with them. Ahoy , me Hearties!

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Measure of a man

This Memorial Day, as President Obama skips Arlington for a rained out ceremony in Chicago,and Vice- President Biden gives a truly inspiring speech in his absence, a speech that was the President place to give, I find myself asking the question; "What is the true measure of a man?" What he will do for a friend , of course is certainly part of it.  Jesus once told his Apostles that the greatest gift a man can give is to lay down his life for a friend. The men and women of our Armed forces , who we honor today, would do that for anyone; and that is their true measure.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Omniprescent Phantom

I'm afraid I must take exception with people who say President Obama has done nothing about the B.P. oil spill. Actually, he has done a lot, and has been there since"day one". For instance, when B.P. wanted to burn off the leaking oil, he was there ; to tell them they couldn't , the smoke might hurt the environment, you see.  And when the Coast Guard wanted to use cleaning agents on the shoeline and marsh areas of the spill, Obama was there again; to tell them not to do it.Might cause further damage to the environment , you see.  And, when Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindhal wanted to build mud levys to prevent the oil from reaching shore , and called for more patrol boats to help with construction; Obama was there again, to "take charge" and tell Bobby to hold off on the levys and extra boats; until he re-evaluates the situation and comes up with the best way to implement it. The mud levys might cause other problems , you see.
Does all this mean that President Obama hates Big Oil , and wants their cleanup efforts to fail, just so he has an excuse to shut down all drilling? Of course not! After all, how could the President hate big oil, when B.P. , in particular was a large monetary contributor to the Obama Presidential campaign? If he hated them , he would have returned the money, wouldn't he? Well, wouldn't he?? Plus , he twice gave  safety awards excellence awards to the Horizon oil rig that caused this problem , while President Bush twice cited the exact same rig for safety violations . I think this speaks for itself. It's obvious that its the"evil" Bush that hates big oil . Lokk how mean he was to them , twice!!  And speaking of which, where has Bush been during all this calamity?Absent again , just like with Katrina. Ya know, I'm beginning to think that Bush and Cheney set this whole thing up , just to make Obama look bad! They probably scuba dived down to the rigs pipeline, and planted explosives , then escaping in Cheney's submarine!! You know , the submarine that Cheney keeps his wind machine on ; the one that caused hurricane Katrina!!
No such shenanigans from President Obama . No sir, like an omniprescent phantom, he has been there from "day one", making sure that B.P., the Coastguard , and Governor Jindhal  didn't do anything that might upset another big Obama contributor, The EPA.  We can't have that , can we? After all , in addition to being a big moiney contributor to Obama's campaign, they are also tireless crusaders in the fight to save the environment from its biggest threat; the human race. And most assuredly, The Obama regime backs their agenda completely. But lets not be too harsh on our President. Remember, he 's been there from , "Day one". It's too bad the fallen soldiers at Arlington  won't be able to say the same thing about Obama this Memorial Day. No, I guess they'll have to be satisfied that our omniprescent phantom of a President is , like our fallen heroes, at least there in spirit.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Their Past is Prelude

What is the difference between a liberal and a conservative? Reality. Cold hard reality. Conservatives live in that reality; liberals hide from it. Here are some facts from that reality, the reality we all live in, like it or not;
Oil is our main power source, and will be for all of our lifetimes. We will continue to drill, because we must. Our cars homes , businesses and military are powered by it.This will not change. Ever.
The war on terror was started by muslims that want to destroy us because we do not follow their religion. We are Christians, therefore, we are infidels that must die , according to the Koran.Plus, those that convert from Islam to another faith must also die, Pure and simple.
The Second Amendment and the Military keep us free. Nothing else. Without the individual right to keep and bear arms, and the Military killing those who hate our freedom, we would have no freedom. We must have deadly weapons and a willingness to destroy our enemies , or they will perceive us as weak and attack, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Tax cuts are the only way to improve the economy.It has worked every time it has been done, and tax cuts are only given by Republicans. No Democrat will ever give you a tax cut. Ever. President Clinton's regime was headed down the Obama path , until Republicans took over the House and Senate under Newt Gingrich,and passed massive tax cuts. Forget about cutting spending. It will never happen . Even under Reagan, spending was  not cut, but, taxes were, to the bone. That's what works!! This is also why Democrats will never win another major election. Ever. This is not up for debate. Every administration that had a good economy had a Republican dominated House and Senate. Don't take my word for it . Google it.
You are not entitled to Health insurance, and hospitals do not turn away anyone who doesn't have insurance. If someone says they do, they are liars.  You are entitled to nothing other than what God gave you; namely, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Pursuit, that is, not government guaranteed happiness. If you feel you need more than that, you must move to a communist country that does not believe in freedom. You want Health Insurance? Buy it ,like you buy a loaf of bread , or a television.
It's our money. All of it . Not one cent the government spends belongs to them. The money you work for should be the money you keep. A tax system was created to support the military, Roads, and Postal system; all items related to our nations security, and that is all your taxes should be used for.
Tax dollars that are used as handouts to help people will not ever, ever, improve those people's lives. We spend billions every year on housing, schools, and to help the poor, and yet those people are still right where they have always been, and their housing projects are still grafitti ridden slums. The poverty is in the individual character, not in the money. Ther are plenty of people of modest means that have good families, a clean house, and good morals.And yes, they even take vacations, even though they are poor. Poverty is a mental problem, not a money problem. The so called "Ghetto" is in the people, not in the buildings. Why do ya think they take any new housing project, and quickly destroy it with grafitti? Because that's who they are , and they want their surroundings to reflect that attitude.  Better yourself, because no amount of tax funded handouts will do it.
There is no Global Warming. The Planet we live on has natural heating and cooling cycles, which shift over time globally. Also, no oil spill can destroy the environment, nor can we , as a species destroy the planet. No , we can only destroy ourselves; but the planet will go on without us, guaranteed. The Oil spill in Anwar 20 years ago was predicted at the time to have permanently damaged the Alaskan environment.Yet today, there is no evidence that it ever occurred .Fact; Oil spills in the ocean cannot harm the environment in any permanent way. Oil leaks occur naturally on the ocean floor on a regular basis, and no substance can win over sea water. Even steel battleships eventually corrode away from cantact with the sea. The bottom line of reality is this; oil comes from the earth, and leaks from the earth, wether we drill for it or not. Since it comes from the earth , it is therefore part of the earth, and therefore cannot harm the earth. Sorry, EPA!!
The defeat of Arlen Spector in Philly is mearly a prelude  of the fate that awaits all Democrats  for their past deeds during the reign of Obama. Like Spector, all Republicans and Democrats that voted for the stimulus, Cap and Trade, and the Health Care bill against the will of the people will be voted out of office in November , or sooner, depending on election schedules. Only conservative candidates, or those who pretend to be conservative candidates will win future elections The recent victories of conservative candidates in Obama's home town in Hawaii, and the victory of Tea Party candidate Rand Paul, prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt. The only Democrat victory this past week over a Republican was achieved by a candidate who claimed to be pro gun, pro life, and dead set against the Obama agenda , including Stimulus and Health Care. He could not have won , as a Democrat, without these berliefs, and he knows it
And finally , last, but not least on this list of cold hard facts of conservative reality is simply this; Sarah Palin will be the President of the United States in 2012  Liberals, welcome to hell.  

Monday, May 10, 2010

Those Who Anger The Gods

So, the land that spawned Plato, Socrates, Euripedes, ; the greatest philosophers, scientists, architects, artisans, not to mention the Greek Gods themselves,; the civilization that once led the rest of the world in all things now has become a nation of whining, violent beggars , demanding their handouts even as their broken economy crumbles around them.  The riots in the streets of Greece should serve as a reminder to all Americans as to the path we are now taking with our socialist bailouts and entitlements that are paid for by the few , for the many freeloaders that now clog our system.
Should we bail out Greece? By all the Gods, No!! They must fail, as a lesson to the world of the consequences of cradle to grave utopias that cannot be sustained, and always lead to destruction. We must not bail out anyone who adheres to a tax and spend , big government system , because it's as useless as puttting a bandaid on an ax wound. It will not stop the bleeding. Greece needs to fall , and , in the tradition of their heroes, fall hard,with no American assistance. The Greek Gods themselves believed in overcoming obstacles, Hercules in particular , had twelve to overcome , before he could reach God status.
Follow the tradition of your greatest heroes Greece, and overcome your problems yourselves, though, perhaps you don't deserve to survive, considering the arson and destuction you have wrought on your own land. Besides , we have our own problems to deal with. Our President,  announcing  to our enemies that we will not use nuclear weapons on them was like ringing the Taliban dinner bell . What's for dinner? The United States of America , of course, and the most recent near bombing in Times Square was just the beginning . Y'see, it's all where the fear falls. The terrorists now know they have no reason to fear this President. He is the "Paper Tiger" that Osama Bin Laden called us. Bush was different. The terrorists hated him, but they also understood that  if they attacked us on our own soil, scorched earth policy would be the result.They understand this , and respected it for eight years. This, however, is a different time, , and we have no spare resources to waste on spoiled Greeks that , in this case, cannot afford to"bear gifts".
Let's face it Greece; your violent riots and arson ridden brawls have angered the Gods that spawned you, and to ask them for help may result in an angry Zeus , hurling thunderbolts ,and releasing the Kraken to deal with your spoiled , ungrateful people.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Identity Syndrome

I am a Republican. My Party's symbol is the elephant,and like the old saying goes, an elephant never forgets. He never forgets the eight years of Bush bashing; calling a tax cutting , terrorist killing President everything from a liar, a killer who orchestrated 9-11, to a Nazi . No , this elephant will never forget . That's why the current predicament that President Obama's regime finds itself in, a predicament that I, a Republican, predicted, brings a warm smile to my face. Y'see , the ugly truth is that the Democrats will never win another major election. Never. Ever. A bold statement? Sure, but one that Obama himself now realizes is true.That's why a no-brainer issue like illegal immigration has been made a "Civil Rights" issue by Obama. He knows now that without the votes of these border jumping , drug importing criminals, he cannot win re-election.No democrat can.  Why do you think you are permitted to vote without showing I.D.? Identification is required from us all day long. The Library, The Department Store , when we write a check,  The Bank, and yet , the most important function we perform as Americans does not require that we identify who we are. Why?
Because without the votes of ignorant, violent, drug dealing  criminal invaders the Democrats cannot win anything ever again. One year of Obama rule has fully exposed who these people are who are now in charge of our country. They are Tax Grabbers. That is all.  And they will tell any lie to get more tax dollars out of your paycheck, by hook or by crook. Money that they need for programs? Nonsense. Most of the stimulus money has not even been spent, and it will stay that way. That money is to be used to keep Democrats in power, and that is all. Look at the evidence. Greenpeace is a lie. The EPA is a lie. Global warming is a lie. , now exposed by hacked E-Mails and scientific evidence. Clean Energy programs are a lie. After billions spent on them, still , none exist, and none ever will. Even the recent oil spill by B.P. is a trumped up lie. Remember the Exxon- Valdez Alaskan spill years ago? The so-called experts said the environment was permanently damaged , and species of animals gone forever. . Now, only 20 years later, the environment in that area of Alaska has fully recovered, and all the animals are back , safe and sound. Everything they say is a lie , designed to separate you from your money , to be used to save their jobs. Period.  And, the current lie , Immigration Rerform, has gone on so long now that it has now cost the lives of two Arizona Ranchers at the hands of drug cartels on the border.
Governor Jan Brewer recognized the fact that nothing will ever be done to enfortce federal immigration laws , so she grabbed  the bull by the horns , and took matters into her own hands. Let me make this clear; If you are here illegally, you must go back to your own country. Now. You have no civil rights , because you are not, "civil". Your rock throwing at Arizona Police proves that . You are ciminals, violating our laws . We did not steal the border states from you. They are ours. We own them. Present your I.D. when the policeman you hit with a rock asks for it,or be flushed back to the bowels of that septic tank of a country you come from. The free ride is over. You crapped up your country, and made it unlivable. Do not think you can come here and use our country as your toilet also. And trust me, Americans will take these jobs that you are currently doing in a New York minute.  There is no bigger, more annoying myth than the idea that Americans will not do these jobs. What nonsense. Americans will gradly take those jobs , and they will demand a proper working wage , not the slave trade pay theae shameless companies currently pay illegals. That, my friends , is called explotation, and is nothing more than modern day slavery. Wise up Republicans. We will take the country back easily, and all it requires is one simple law to be put into effect; a law that will assure Republican victory forever., and also send illegals back across the border faster than Speedy Gonzales. That law is simply this; Make it mandatory for all citizens ,for all elections, to present identification at voting polls. Do this, and you will end the reign of the Obama regime , and also end the influx of criminal ignoramuses into our country. After all, Why would any Democrat care about an illegals civil rights if they can't get their votes?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Maestro's of Mockery

Pontius Pilate once asked of Christ;"What is Truth?". Well, I have the answer.Truth is South Park. Once again, Trey Parker and Matt Stone have used their cartoon to expose hypocracy and to topple sacred cows. In this case they went after Islam and the Prophet Muhammed ; again. The result? Their lives have now been threatened , proving once again that evil has no sense of humor, and Comedy Central has censored future broadcasts of the offending episode. This is inexcusable, especially since every other religion under the sun , including scientology, has been spoofed by the comedy duo, with no censorship or death threats. The reason is clear; Islam is a violent religion that encourages it's followers to kill non-believers. That is the simple truth that South Park was trying to expose. Parker and Stone knew full well the episode would be censored , and that their lives might be put in jeopardy, but they did the show anyway. Why? Because they knew it had to be done. They knew that people need to wake up and smell the Jihad.Any religion that advocates the killing of non-believers is an evil religion, and we need to confront that reality , and stop living in fear of saying what the evidence plainly shows.
The message at the end of the show is an important one; we cannot let our lives be dictated or controlled by fear or intimidation.That's not what America is founded on.Freedom of speech is the one thing that separates us from nations that live under Sharia law, and always will be.The media feels free to attack Christianity almost on a daily basis, but walks on eggshells around the Islamic faith Why?It's simple. They know that mocking a peace based religion will not get them killed, while mocking a religion that directs it's followers to kill non believers probably will. That's it in a nutshell. Christians and Jews are easy targets that the media doesn't fear, becvause it';s based on peace , love, and the brotherhood of man. Nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus instruct followers to kill anyone. The Proiphet Muhammed does.There it is , pure and simple, and Mat and Trey understand that if they do not stand up to this evil faith they are hypocrites , unwilling to stand behind their philosophy to be equal opportunity offenders. Just like the Reverend Graham who was banned from the Pentagon's prayer breakfast ,they dared to mention the elephant in the room that everyone else seems determined to ignore, and that elephant is simply this;  "any religion that advocates killing of non-believers is evil, period.If your God asks you to kill someone; trust me; it ain't God you're talking to . Thanks Matt Stone, Trey Parker and Reverend Graham, You are First Amendment Patriots

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Art of War

So President Obama believes we should not retaliate with nuclear weapons against our enemies, but he does admit that we are a superpower ,"like it or not". Well, I not only like it, I think it rocks! Perhaps we should just nuke ourselves. How's that for a war strategy? President Obama could call it the, "Don't mess with us , we're crazy!", Initiative. The President has also recently stated that NASA will not return to the moon, but will head for deep space exploration and pursue "asteroids". Can you land on an asteroid? And , if you can, since when do we have the capacity for deep space exploration? Boy, I can't wait to see the tax bill the President signs to build that spaceship!  I guess  his motto is; " To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, That can "share the wealth", to boldly tax where no man has taxed before!"  Y'know , I'm beginning to think the President's doctor was right. He does need to cut down on his drinking!
I think it's time for the President to admit he's in over his head, and call for help. He needs to go out to the Rose Garden, and flash that special signal in the sky. No, it's not in the shape of a bat; this one looks more like a "W". This may be Obama's only hope.Cause let's face it, when it comes to the 'Art of War" , President Bush forgot more than Obama or Sun Tszu will ever know.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Master of the Game

You can force people to buy insurance.You can force insurance companies to insure people. But you can't force people to be Doctors,and there lies the fatal flaw in Obamacare. It takes a lot of time,schooling ,training, and, yes , money to become a doctor. Why then would I want to become a doctor if I can't profit from it? Why would I want to be a doctor if I can't even pay back my school loans? Answer ; I wouldn't, and many doctors are now contemplating retirement rather than letting the gov't. tell them how much they can make .That's not the governments business. That's between the doctor and his patient. And, surprise, surprise, many doctors that will continue their practices will simply refuse to take insurance , and will work only on a cash basis. Not only will this profit the doctors, but will also bring down the cost of medical treatment in general.
Besides, Insurance is an overrated , Un-American concept. If it's guaranteed, it's not insurance. That's forced charity, better known as welfare. That's not America. Risk is America. I've never been insured in my life. I don't believe in insurance. Why? Because there's no risk. Risk is what life is all about. Charles Lindburgh once said,"A life without risk is not worth living". He was right. The spirit of risk is what made America great.  Would any American prefer we didn't risk breaking away from England? Or that the early settlers didn't risk crossing the dangerous unexplored parts of our country? Or that the first Astronauts didn't risk a flight to the moon?
Risk, my fellow Americans , risk is what this country is all about .It's why we're the greatest nation on earth.Each day brings uncertainty . There are no guarantees of life, health , or hapiness,nor should there be. Without risk , the spirit of man withers and dies. Without struggle and hard times, we cannot survive. Life is not eating, drinking, and sleeping. Life is the challenges we face every day, and the obstacles we overcome ourselves, as individuals, as free men, as Americans.
Obama's lack of the spirit of risk is why he has been labled an "amateur" by Iranian leader, Ahmadenejad.Risk is how you play the political game. By playing it safe, our enemies perceive him as weak, and his constant pre-occupation with attacks against his policies , not to mention his removal of a nuclear threat against our enemies prove that he is indeed  the "amateur" that A-Jad labled him. President Bush was a professional . He risked war with Iraq. He risked antagonizing our enemies. He risked tax cuts that drew anger and resentment from the left . That's what leaders do.  He was proven right on all these risks , and during eight years of Bush bashing, calling the president everything from a Nazi to a liar that engineered 9-11, he never responded , never reacted , never varied, never waivered. That's the sign of a true professional , grace under pressure. And it's a lesson the amateur Obama needs to learn. Will he risk it? He needs to learn from the master of the game, President Bush, because when it comes to the "Art of War" , that's the game that he played best.

Monday, April 5, 2010

"What Price Victory?"

I am a Republican.Not a Tea Partier, not a Reagan Conservative,not an Independent. I am a Republican, I am proud of it, and in November, I intend to kick some Democrat ass. That's what this comes down to. Forget about standing on a higher moral ground, or weeding out the Rhino's , or electing a "Tea Party " candidate. Let me make this clear and cut through the crap.Do you want to win? Do you want the country back? Then let's do what works. Vote Republican.Vote every single Democrat up for re-election out of office; and forget this third party nonsense.Anyone calling for that is a born loser, looking to lose; because that's what third parties do. They never win, but they do take away valuable votes from Republican candidates. Remember Ross Perot? Bush senior was a one term President because of him. Ther is no more time for nonsense. No more time for moral highground, nose in the air superiority. Let's win big . Let's win Republican.I'm so Republican , I bleed red. Iove the word "Republic". It means that men are free to govern themselves as they choose. We are the first true Republic in history. Let's honor that history and win in November as Republicans.Because there is no choice. If we lose , the country is done. We are socialists . No second chance, no recounts.Don't be foolish Tea Partiers. The Republican Party is the party that believes in our founding principles. Limited government. Low taxes. A free Market economy, and a strong military. Don't be disgusted with Republicans. Be disgusted with yourselves. You caused this, not the Republicans. You let Obama get elected. Many of you even voted for him.He is doing to the country what he said he would. What his voting record said he would. And still, you elected him. And before him, you elected Pelosi and Pals to take over the House and Senate in 2008. Why? Revenge on Bush? For what' killing terrorists? Protecting the country? Giving us tax cuts?, and a booming economy? Enough is enough! , you angry , self absorbed, uninformed , selfish idiots. No more Bush bashing., weak kneed nonsense.  You wanna be a winner , vote Republican  and take the country back. You wanna stay losers, then vote for "Tea Party candidates . The Democrats will thank you.  As for me, I intend to vote Republican for every election, and will vote for Sarah Palin for President. You don't think she's qualified? Why do you think the left hates her so much? I'll tell you why. Because they know she will win , and win big, and that alone is reason enough to make her the next President of this United States

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Wisdom of the Ancients

"There was a time when the ancients kept humans as household pets; until it was proven that man could not be domesticated". The words of Dr. Zaius to Charton Heston in the movie, "Planet of the Apes"seem to ring true , even as the Democrats congratulate themselves on the passage of Health Care Reform. Both President Obama and Speaker Pelosi hasve stated in interviews this past week that ,"once we pass it , we'll all know what's in it. How true. Now that the bill that no one has read is law, we will spend every moment, every second, going over it with a fine tooth comb, from now until the November elections
What we will find , of course, is that the bill is unconstitutional.But, what exactly does that mean? It does not refer to mere legal speak technicality,but to a basic law of nature . That law is that we are all free to live as we choose. No man, or group of men can impose their will upon other men.To do so presumes that man , as a species , can be domesticated. But as Dr. Zaius stated in Planet of the Apes, he cannot.Since the dawn of time men of ambition have tried to bend the will of other men to do their bidding , only to meet with failure , time and time again.Like all species on this earth , we were , to quote the band Steppenwolf; "Born to be Wild', and nothing can be done by President Obama or Speaker Pelosi to change that. The bill will fail, because , by the laws of nature , it must fail.America is the greatest nation on earth because we finally accepted the fact that man cannot be ruled over, whether by King , Queen, Dictator , or Tyrant. We rule ourselves. Our laws are the common sense dictates of man's will as an individual, who must govern  his own life, free of the restrictions that politicians ,drunk with power  will try to impose on us. The government cannot force you to purchase Health Insurance,or anything else. Forget some piece of paper called the Constitution saying this; it's just basic common sense. Just as Lions , Tigers, and Elephants cannot be tamed , nor can we be tamed .
 At the moment, Obama and Pelosi hold the Lion Tamers whip, and believe they control us. But, like the lion, we will eventually take that whip away, and in November , we, the savage wild creature that, as Dr. Zaius said,"cannot be domesticated", will take the country back and show them who is truly the master.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Pi Factor

Tea Party protestors are gathered in Washington to stop the health care bill . Why? Obama will pass it. Bart Stupak caved as expected. The abortion issue is a red herring with no more substance than any other issue that blocked the bill.The reason the bill has not passed until now is because the people do not want it , not because of abortion. The reason Obama can push this thing through without even knowing what's in it is because it really doesn't exist as legislation,it's only real substance is as a new tax, and that is all.
The bottom line is this; the government cannot , under any circumstances make the citizens by force purchase anything.Ever. That is not speculation. That is a living , working reality. In a Free Republic, governed by the people, there can be no mandates put upon the citizens by the government that represents them.
The Health care issue cannot be resolved in legislation Like the mathematical value of Pi, this is a transcendental bill with its own circular logic that has no final resolution  in a free republic, unless the people give up their freedom, that is.Every tea party protestor should remember this.If any one of them agree to submit to this sham of a tax fraud,by purchasing
health insurance through this system or paying the fine, then they are hypocrites and , in effect sunshine patriots that talk a good game , but when push comes to shove, they gave up their freedom.This is unconstitutional. It cannot exist in a free America, unless we let it exist.This is about power. This is about control. This is about a left wing ideology that has been planning this for a very long time. Continue to say"no", and it will evaporate in the sunshine of freedom.Give in to this petty little man who is our President ,and you will be confirming what Obama has always believed . That people must be controlled by government if society is to function .The real power is in the hands of the people, unless you give it up to an angry bitter President that has nothing but contempt for this country, and the people that make it great. Show him what you think of that contempt in the November elections , and take back this country.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Judas Conspiracy

Are homegrown terror sponsors like self styled "Jihad Jane" of Philadelphia, and others recently exposed rarities? I assure you, they are not. For eight years of the Bush Presidency, you could find them on every street corner,bar, or restaurant. The guy with the "Bush lied and boys died" sign on his front lawn. The guy in the bar, cursing every time President Bush's image appeared on the television. The people carrying signs with pictures of President Bush with a swastika on his forehead. The woman who camped out on the Bush Crawfield Ranch, accusing him of being behind 9-11,and starting the war in Iraq for oil profits. And they did all this with never a word against Saddam Hussein, or the terrorists he sponsored, or a word of thanks to our troops for ending the reign of a despotic dictator whose rape rooms and torture chambers have now been closed forever, thanks to Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Surge.
"You are either with us or against us"; The words of President Bush as he stood on the smoldering ruins of the twin towers , and how right he was. Anyone in this country, citizen or otherwise, who would accuse a sitting President of the United States of deliberately killing three thousand of its citizens for oil profits is, like Saddam, a sponsor of terror , and has the potential to become a threat to this nation.
I may strongly disagree with Obama's socialist policies and the Marxist agenda they support,but, not for one second would I ever accuse him of trying to kill American citizens for profit , or any other reason. He is our commander in chief, and I would take a bullet for him, if necessary. I oppose him on his policies which are nothing more than one big tax , and a health care mandate which is clearly unconstitutional.But, he is not a murderer ,and neither is Bush, and those that accused the Bush-Cheney administration of these crimes  are , in fact , no better than the terrorists themselves. In the coming months, no doubt more and more of these bar-fly traitors will be uncovered, and no doubt why, albeit, reluctantly, President Obama has decided to extend the Patriot Act. He knows that all his plans for a socialist utopia will be for naught, if our country is left a smoking ruin from a terror attack.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"What Price Freedom?"

Are the Iraqi's ready for freedom? Yes, for they've passed the first test. They are willing to die for it. By turning out for their national elections by the thousands, despite bombings and threats by Iraqi insurgents to kill all who do, they have shown that they understand that freedom is not free. And, that , yes, sometimes the price is paid in purple ink; and blood.
President Bush should be proud of his legacy. Operation Iraqi Freedom was a sucess. The surge was a sucess. And well worth the sacrifice, because there is really no choice. "Live Free Or Die", is more than a mere slogan on a license plate. It is a way of life. The only true way to live, and now that they have tasted it, the Iraqi people do not want to give it up. Our countries efforts across the globe to bring freedom to other nations is the most important thing that America represents. Free nations do not make war against each other . America only fights against those that supress God given freedom. Now President Obama and Vice-President Biden are trying to bask in the glow of the reflected glory of Bush-Cheney accomplishments. This is understandable, since their own pale by comparison. And now, after eight years of opposing Bush in his war on terror, they have finally admitted that Bush was right. The war was right. The Saddam rape and torture rooms are closed forever. and the one phrase that remains on the lips of Iraqi citizens is, "Thank you President Bush".  They now have a chance. Acance to live in a world free from terror. A chance for, "Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness".

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Armaggedon Summit

The Health Care Summit was a complete sucess. Not as entertaining as the Beer Summit,but a sucess nontheless. The reason? It forced President Obama to finally expose his Hubris; what the Greeks called over-weening pride. The Republicans did their job.By insisting we tear up the bill and start from scratch,they backed Obama into a corner that he can never escape.He, of course, will not do this, and will forge ahead with the bill which was the plan all along. The summit was mearly theater for the masses, but it has backfired, because now "We the People", see that the republicans do have ideas, just not the ideas  that the Democrats want. They want the government to control the lives of it's citizens, while the republicans understand that we must control our own lives.
No government can take away the freedom that was given to us by God. No man can be made to do something by another man. No one man is wise enough to rule a nation of men. History has proven this , time and time again. The health care issue? It's no issue at all. The free market solves everything. Let Americans have acess to the over one thousand Health Insurance companies in this country, and everything is solved. Competition brings prices down. Competition eliminates the pre-existing condition debate. Competition insures quality and honesty. Competition is the only solution for a country whose greatness was fouded on it.
After President Obama spent six hours being petulant and whiney, even scolding  Senator McCain as though he was a disobedient child, he finally let his guard down for a moment, and defied the law of averages.He finally made an accurate statement. The President stated that he will forge ahead and pass Healthcare , and we will see in November who was right and who was wrong. He is correct. The line in the sand has been drawn. The sides have been chosen. Forget Tea Party , Townhalls, or marches on Washington. These are all ephemeral things, just words , with no real substance.  "We will vote you out", is the only slogan that any Tea Party sign needs. 
The battle lines have been drawn. The sides have been chosen. Washington is our Meggido, our final battlefield between the forces of freedom, and oppression. All seats are up for grabs in the House in November. We must vote the Democrats out, or back down and be damned forever.