Friday, April 24, 2015

The Omega Legacy

The mass beheadings crucifixions, and burnings of Christians, Jews, Yazidis and Muslims as well, are happening for one reason;...America has forsaken its role as the leader of the free world.
If America is not an Imperialist, Nation building, destroyer of tyrants around the world, then the world is plunged into chaos and overwhelmed by evil.When good retreats, evil advances.That's human nature, and the simple truth is that America, under President Obama and the Democrat Party's rule, no longer willing to use it's power to battle evil, then no other nation will either.
America remains the first and only Judeo -Christian based,self governed , self ruled, Free Market Republic in the world .
America is unique.
America is powerful.
And,America has always been a force for good.
But , with great power , must come great responsibility,and an even greater sense of duty as well.
Simply put, if America was still the imperialist , global despot destroyer that it was under Republican rule, Iraq would be a free Democracy,and ISIS would not exist , their terror state would not exist,the beheading of thousand of Christians and Jews would not be happening, Benghazi would have been protected and defended on the Anniversary of 911,and Iraq would not be getting 50 billion American tax payer dollars,to sign a treaty that virtually assures they will have the nuclear weapon they need to destroy Israel, and the Great Satan, America.
The grim reality is;..World War Three has now begun. And, just like our previous two World Wars, it has been caused by Democrat weakness and appeasement of evil. The solution is simple;..the Republicans now control the largest majority in the House ,Senate, and State Governments , since the 1930's .They must use their power to thwart the President and the Democrat agenda, make sure that our next President in 2016, is a Republican,..and reduce the Democrat Party to a permanent political minority .
On the Anniversary of 911 in 2012, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was working at the State Department as the Libyan Embassy in Benghazi was attacked by muslim terrorists..Despite pleas for help from the Embassy's Ambassador, a stand down order was issued by the State Department that doomed the embassy.That stand down order could only have been issued by one person ;..Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.,the same Hillary Clinton who then blamed the attack on a YouTube video, erased all government emails connected to her time as Secretary of State ,wiped her illegal server clean, and is now accused of using her "Clinton Foundation" to make herself rich off of donations from terror sponsoring nations, and committing treason, by selling American Uranium interests, to a Russian based company. Marvelous.This is why Hillary, or any other Democrat,..can never be President of the United States , ever again,or hold the reigns of government power .That power must always remain in the hands of the American people , and the Republican Party that represents them., if America is to be restored, and this new Christian genocide is to be stopped , once and for all.
But, all is not bleak for the left . You see, there is one great, positive accomplishment that Obama and the Democrats can claim in their 6 plus years of rule. They have finally disproven a theory  that is essentially the motivation for everything they believe in and everything they do. You see, the left has always believed that America is the problem .America is the reason the world is in chaos , is in poverty,..and engulfed in mass slaughter by terrorists.The left has always believed that it is American Imperialism , American interference , in other countries , other governments, ..around the globe, that has created a world of disease, poverty , and despair.They believe that America has stolen it's wealth , it's prosperity, it's number one status,..from other nations , and left them to wallow, third world misery.
The Liberal Left, in  tax payer funded Academia ,...whether it's Ward Churchill, Bill Ayers, ..Noem, Chomsky,..or any other America hating, overrated, terror supporting ,Marxist indoctrinating hack,..they have all believed, and have all taught,..for decades,..that if America was no longer a factor in world affairs , then the world would know peace,..and prosperity.
President Obama and the Democrats , for the last eight years now,..have made that vision of an invisible America ,..a reality. And,..the result has indeed been,..World War Three.
Terrorism has increased, both at home and abroad.
ISIS was created , a grew , unchecked, into the first terror state in existence.
Mass slaughter of Christians, Kurds , Jews ,Yazidis,and Muslims as well,....has increased ,..worldwide.
The results of the left's diminishment of American influence, and presence in the world,..are clear;..with America now invisible ,disinterested, and detached from world affairs,evil has grown .And now ,Iran is on the verge of having full nuclear capacity, including missiles obtained from Russia.
The Middle East, and the world , on the brink of a nuclear arms race that will leave no victor, except the pale rider known as death.
Yes.This is President Obama and the left's greatest ,..and only ,..worthwhile achievement.They have finally implemented their plan to diminish America,..and it has failed spectacularly,..proving, beyond a shadow of a doubt,..that after eight years of Democrat rule,..
They were always wrong,..on everything,..
And the Republicans,..were always right.
They have proven that the world, without America, a very dark and dangerous place indeed.They have proven that the world,..without America,..simply cannot survive. They have proven that,..a world without America , a world that may soon vanish , the blinding flash of a nuclear holocaust,..that may very well turn out to be Obama and the Left's only,..and final,..Legacy.

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Forsaken and the Dead

Why does former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton want to be President?She obviously hates campaigning, hates talking to the press,and hates talking to the American people themselves , as evidenced in her "Scooby Do" van stop at the restaurant Chipotle, where she didn't tip,and spoke to no one, except for pre-arraigned Democrat operative plants.Even her book tour a year ago was a complete disaster .Hillary barely sold over 1 million copies, and again she seemed massively uncomfortable talking to those who did come out to have their book signed by her.Strange behavior, for a potential Presidential candidate.
A Presidential candidate must be able to live under a microscope of constant scrutiny by the press, the public,and by their political opponents .They must be willing to shake a million hands , give a million speeches,and answer a million questions , often of a personal nature.The political game is, no doubt, a full contact sport that takes no prisoners.To run for President you must be a gregarious engaging personality that can interact with people comfortably, and endure a scrutiny of your past, both personal and professional ,and you must be able to defend that past, skeletons and all, in a convincing way.In other words , you must be able to sell yourself, and your personal and political record in a way that wins you the most votes.
Secrets are a no-no.Anyone thinking of running for President that has a history of secretive , deceptive, and evasive behavior will find a run for the office of Commander in Chief ,a grueling task indeed.
This is what makes the Hillary Clinton Presidential run all the more baffling.Not only has she already executed an unsuccessful run for the office against Barack Obama in 2008, but since then,her personal and professional resume of lies ,deception ,and malfeasance,has expanded with such items as the failure to protect the Libyan Embassy in Benghazi during the Anniversary of 911, her subsequent lie about a video being the cause of the attack, her refusal to answer congressional hearing questions regarding the incident,and her refusal to turn over all her email correspondence related to government business.In fact,not only did she fail to turn over her emails, but then refused to turn over the private server that she illegally used to conduct government business on ,..even going so far as to brazenly wipe the entire contents of the server clean.
Add to this the Clinton Foundation , which has for many years taken donations from terror supporting nations such as Saudi Arabia , and Brunei,and you have a resume that no sane person would think made them Presidential material.Secrets?Skeletons?Hillary's got em, in spades.Who knows, maybe that's why she decided to nickname her tour vehicle the "Scooby Van".After all, the van from that 60's cartoon was called the "Mystery Machine".In Hillary's case , that name fits quite well. But Hillary Clinton is a Liberal Democrat, a hard core member of the left, and for them, deception , lies, and malfeasance are not only a way of life, but the standard way of politics.Simply put, Hillary and the Democrat Party do not have a problem with her sketchy record of no accomplishments , a failed healthcare program, and endless scandals. Their Party is their religion , and Democrat Party victory, at all levels, is the key to achieving their ultimate goal of transforming America into the Marxist, Socialist utopia they always envisioned it to be. Hillary, or any other Democrat candidate that wins the Primary will receive the Party's full support and the liberal press's full protection .After all ,to the left the ultimate goal is to bring permanent defeat to the Republican Party, and all it stands for.
Democrat Victory, by any means , and at all costs, always the goal, no matter who the candidate may be , for they know that all Democrats share the same vision , and do not waiver from the pursuit of that vision.
Therefore , Hillary is the choice , not because of any accomplishments , but simply because she shares their vision,and has name recognition, since her husband is a leftist icon.The simple truth is, the Democrats want Hillary because they know with Hillary, they get Bill Clinton as well, and that is about as close to a Clinton  third term as they are likely to get. William Jefferson Clinton , is arguably the Democrat Party's most successful President, the one who actually did achieve a successful economy during his reign , will be able to return to the Oval Office , under the guise of a Hillary Presidency.
This is the left's dream,and it's the only reason Hillary is their number one candidate.
But, the choice is based on faulty logic. Bill Clinton did not create the booming economy that existed during his Presidency.The Republican Party did. In Clinton's first two years, he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.The result was a nation sinking almost as fast as it has under Obama's rule. Then, the Republicans seized control of the House and Senate, for the first time in nearly fifty years, and appointed Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House. The result was tax and regulation reform across the board,a cut in spending that eliminated the deficit and actually balanced the budget , and the Welfare Reform Act, that President Clinton reluctantly signed into law .That is a recipie for economic success.A Republican recipie, no matter what revisionist history the Democrats now try to sell.
And the truth is , the Democrats know it .They know it was Gingrich and the Republicans that turned things around .Deep down, in the pit of their dark souls,..they know it,..and they don't care. A freemarket, economic boom , you see, not what they really want.
They just want to win,..for power and control,..that's all.
It's the Government and the Ruling Elite that must prosper ,..not the American economy.
The American , freemarket economy , is just a toll that the left uses as a money source to fund their agendas.And our military?  To the left, it's just a Republican based unnecessary expense.
Power and Control, of the capitalist free market.
Of the military.
Of the American People.
That is the goal .
And the first step now, to achieve this goal, is to win the Presidency in 2016.
And that is why former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton , a disciple of America hating leftist Saul Alinsky,..wants to be President.
Power and Control must be concentrated in the hands of the ruling class , the ruling elite of the Democrat Party.And that is why the Democrat Party wants Hillary Clinton to win the Presidency in 2016.
But, unfortunately, an elitist lust for power and control is not a valid reason to run for President.
For, you see, power and control , according to our constitution, belong in the hands of the American people ,..and no one else.
That is the message the American people sent to Washington in 2014, as the Republican Party won it's Midterm elections with the largest majority since the 1930's.
And, the Republican House and Senate, has slowly but surely begun to assert its dominance upon Barack Obama and the Democrat minority.
They ignored the President and the Democrats and invited Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before the House, on the threat of a nuclear Iran.
They ignored the President and the Democrats and sent a letter to Iranian President Rouhani letting him know that any nuclear deal made with their nation, is not valid in the eyes of the Republicans who now run this country.
They ignored the President and the Democrats and refused to entertain any new tax increases , and voted to repeal the unconstitutional Estate Death Tax.
They ignored the President and the Democrats and passed a bill in the Senate that enables them to overrule any veto the President may use to prevent them from rejecting the Iran deal. They didn't even need to do this.They already have the power to simply say no to any foreign policy deal that threatens the safety and security of our nation, whether it's a nuclear treaty , or not.
They have the power.
They have the control.
And they represent the will of the true rulers of our nation ,..the America people .
And that's why Hillary Clinton's run for the Presidency , a waste of time.
The power she seeks.
The control she seeks.
Are already taken, by We the People.
The office she runs for is simply Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, that's all.
In 2012, on the Anniversary of 911, the Libyan Embassy in Benghazi, was attacked by terrorists, for eight hours.Benghazi Ambassador Stevens begged the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to send military aid to defend this American outpost that was left completely defenseless more many months, deliberately.
The Ambassador's pleas were ignored during the attack, just as his pleas, months earlier , for more security, were also ignored, Secretary of State,..Hillary Clinton.
The result? the unprotected unarmed, defenseless Embassy, was burned to the ground ,..and four American operatives of the Embassy were killed, including Ambassador Stevens , who, no doubt,  until his last conscious moment, wondered why his President , his Secretary of State,..and his country , had forsaken him , and left him to die at the hands of those who dared attack America on her own soil, on September 11th, 2001.
During an eight hour attack on an outpost that is considered American soil, our military was told , by someone in the White House, "stand down", and abort any plans of a Benghazi rescue mission.
One question still remains;..and still hangs in the air,like a guillotine ,..."Who gave the Stand Down Order?"
In truth,it could have only been one of two people.One,..the President of the United States, whose whereabouts the evening of the attack are still unknown. And two,....the Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton,whose whereabouts that evening , were indeed known.She was working, at the State Department , well into the night, and was on the phone with the President at approximately ten o clock .The Benghazi Embassy's safety was the responsibility of the State Department,..and the Secretary of State. Hillary gave the stand down order ,and then blamed the attack on a You Tube video  to protect the President's reelection anti terror narrative .No doubt about it. That's why she refused to answer questions on the matter before a Congressional hearing.That's why she refused to turn over her emails .That's why she refused to turn over her server.That's why she erased all her emails ,..and then wiped her server clean.
And,that is why  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,..can never ,..ever,..under any circumstances,.....
be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces ,of the United States.

Friday, April 10, 2015

A Horseman Called Death

The Iranian Arms control deal is no deal at all.Obama and Kerry have not negotiated a deal that would prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Quite the contrary.What Obama and Kerry have done is give Iran full U.S. support ,and permission to have nuclear weapons.This farce of a deal does not require Iran to give up anything, or concede on any points at all.
Iran is still allowed to build centrifuges, unrestricted.
Iran is still allowed to enrich uranium, unrestricted.
And Iran is still allowed to grow its nuclear program in general, and in ten years time,..anything goes.
Iran is clearly being given permission to develop a nuclear weapon by the President of the United States, as long as they do it after he's out of office, that is. To the President, it's the prestige and legacy of the deal that matters,..not whether the deal really exists.
Meanwhile, adding insult to injury, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has announced a new demand that must be met, immediately, or the deal is off. All sanctions must be lifted , the very second the deal is signed,..or there is no deal.
Not surprising. Rouhani , you see,understands Obama. He knows he will not walk away from negotiations Rouhani knows Obama wants this deal,..not to insure world peace,..but to insure the Obama foreign policy legacy. Obama just wants history to say that he, and he alone,..was the first and only President to a nuclear deal with Iran.That's all he wants ,..legacy,..and the safety of the world be damned. Rouhani knows what really motivates Obama. It's ego , pride, and a self centered ideology that comes first above all else.Rouhani knows this,..because he is of the same ilk. Rouhani also wants this deal for personal legacy, and for one other thing as well. Rouhani wants it,because it will be considered a victory over the U.S., while virtually assuring the destruction of Israel as well.
Sanctions lifted, and nuclear weapons assured ,..all with the United States blessings. Rouhani knows weakness when he sees it, and like every other terror sponsoring state in the middle east, he intends to take full advantage of it, in order to fulfill Islam's ultimate mission ;..the total destruction of the Great Satan,.America ,...and it's partner in freedom, Israel. Obama and Kerry simply will not walk away from the negotiating table ,no matter how outrageous Iran's demands ,..and Iran knows it.
That's why this deal is a farce.You cannot negotiate anything with an enemy unless you are willing to walk away.And, more importantly,unless you are negotiating from strength,..not weakness. That's why President Obama's deal must fail.
He has shown weakness in the war on terror,by pulling all troops out of Iraq and refusing to protect our Libyan Embassy on the Anniversary of 911.He has shown weakness by refusing to engage ISIS forcefully.
He has shown weakness by failing to aid our allies ,the Kurds and Yazidis,in their fight against ISIS genocide.
He has shown weakness by abandoning America's strongest ally in the fight against middle east terror,..Israel.
Obama has shown weakness ,..and America's enemies are well aware of it.
Reagan negotiated deals with Russia and China.
So did Nixon before him.
But,they did it from a position of strength, and were always willing to walk away , when they didn't get what they wanted.
America's enemies respect only one thing,..force,..and the willingness to use that force.
Reagan brought Russia to its knees with a massive buildup of our military,..which bankrupted Russia .
So too, with Nixon's negotiations with China .President Nixon increased funding to our military, ended the Viet Nam war with massive bombing strikes in Hanoi,and then ,approached China to talk deal.It worked.China knew Nixon had the power , and would not hesitate to use it .That's how you negotiate with evil.
President Obama , and the left,..will never understand this, because they do not see our enemies as evil.
He sees America, evil.
He sees American presence  as the cause of middle east unrest and world wide terrorism.
America is the problem , and the Obama solution is to diminish America , eliminate it's imperialist threat to the world , by bankrupting it, and downsizing its military,..and then strike peace deals with a host of enemies, now made peaceful, by America's self destruction.
Sorry, doesn't work that way, and the result of this liberal leftist Democrat misconception and perception of foreign policy negotiations can only be, in the end,..nuclear armaggedon.
Iran you see , thanks to the weakness of Obama and the Democrats already has all it needs to make a nuclear weapon.In fact, it most likely already has that weapon.All that remains is for President Rouhani to continue to bide his time, and allow his nuclear program to grow unfettered , until it is no longer possible to stop them without all out nuclear war.
No sanctions, no restrictions whatsoever , to stop them.This is the deal, our President has made with Iran.
This virtually assures the completion of their ultimate mission ;..the total annihilation of Israel and the United States.
For you see, unlike Russia, Iran does not care about superpower retaliation. There is no fear of the power America could unleash on them. Their law is their religion ;..and the elimination of all infidels who do not follow the Prophet Muhammed for the glory of Islam is all that matters.
That is their nature, and that is precisely why no deal can ever be made with Iran , or any other Islam based nation that includes nuclear power, let alone  nuclear weapons.
This must be stopped,right now, by any means necessary,and, it is therefore, the duty and responsibility  of the Republican House and Senate , and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu , unite in this mission,and end this madness ,..before it's too late.
For the simple reality is this ;.all those who kill  in the name of the Prophet Muhammed,...should never be permitted to have the power of the atom. Ever.
For, once one Islamic nation does, then begins a nuclear arms race in the middle east that will accurately  fulfill the Biblical prophecy of Armaggedon. The final days will finally become reality, with all nations meeting on that final battlefield of  meggido , and the only victor in the end will be the rider who bestrides a pale horse;..
the Rider called Death.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Infidel Weapon

The outrage over Indiana Governor Mike Pence's Religious Freedom Law is not about gay rights.It has absolutely nothing to do with it.The gay community already have rights.They live in America, and nowhere else in the world are homosexuals more accepted..And yes, they do have the right to get married in every state, despite what the left claims.They have exactly the same rights as any other citizen of the United States .So what is the outrage over a religious freedom law that protects businesses really about?
It's about a war.A war that is directly related to the war on terror.A war that the liberal left had declared on Christianity ,many years ago.
Christianity has always been the number one target of the left,and for good reason. Christianity is, after all, the religion that promotes individual freedom, and self rule. Christianity is the religion that says our rights come, not from government, but from God. Christianity says that freedom and free will are the gifts that God has given us , and no individual, or tyrannical government ,can take away this gift.Christianity is what America is founded on .The Judeo-Christian principles set down in the scriptures are the template that the Declaration of Independence , the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights,..were founded on.
Christianity teaches peace , love, and the brotherhood of man.Christianity teaches self sufficiency and independence.Christianity says that man was created to rule himself, with no King, Queen, Dictator, or Tyrant imposing their will upon him.
America is the last, best hope for the world, because it remains , even to this day, the only nation on earth that is self governed , self ruled, in accordance with Judeo-Christian principles. For all these reasons there is nothing on earth that the liberal left hates more than Christianity ,and America.
The left has always known one thing;.if they can destroy Christianity,then America will surely fall. The left knows that without the freedom based principles of Christianity, America, and it's people,will belong to them, and will be forced to obey the will of a government that will be the final arbiter of what rights they have. To achieve this goal, the left needs weapons .One of these weapons is the issue of racism. By accusing the conservative majority of racism, they seek to marginalize it. Free Market Principles are racist.Corporations are racist.2nd Amemdment Rights are racist.Tax cuts and limited government, are racist.And yes, a strong belief in Christianity is racist.The race card is the number one weapon in the left's arsenal, which is used to destroy the foundations of our free market Republic.Women's rights is the second weapon they use in exactly the same way.So too, with their third weapon, the gay rights movement, which is now poised to bring down the Republican controlled State of Indiana , and it's Governor Mike Pence , over a Religious Freedom bill which he signed into law.
Shutting down Christian based businesses operating in Indiana is the goal, and the left is now pursuing that goal, full bore.
A Christian bakery was the first target.
Next, a Mom and Pop Pizza Parlor that dared to proudly advertise its Christian faith.
Both of these businesses had to be destroyed,..but how?Which weapon of the left could be used to destroy these free market, private sector businesses who dared to advertise their Christian faith?
The Race Card? No.Not in this case. Racism is a fiction in America now anyway, and no business would refuse to serve someone on the basis of their color.No way.
The War on Women strategem then?No. Again, another completely made up issue designed to win  Democrat elections only,and certainly no business would refuse to serve someone based on their sex.Not a chance.
This leaves their third weapon, the so-called Anti-Gay Movement.This also does not really exist,not in America,.and no Christian business would ever refuse to serve someone simply because they are gay.That's not how Christians roll, and it just doesn't happen in the American free market,anyway.
But,..there is the issue of ,..marriage.The Catholic Church does not permit gay marriage .Marriage is considered a sacred union, between a man and a woman only,..for the purpose of creating a family. Christians , therefore,oppose gay marriage.
There is the weakness that the left can exploit.
There is the way the left can bring down all Christian based businesses, in the State of Indiana,..and the rest of  America as well.
There is the weapon that the left will use to demonize the right, in time to insure Democrat Victory in 2016.Republican Governor Mike Pence, can be brought down with this weapon.Christianity can be brought down with this weapon.And the right, in general, can be brought down with this weapon just in time to insure a Democrat President in 2016. That is the ultimate goal, and the Lesbian and Gay Task Force is the weapon of choice for this Democrat election campaign.
The Race Card won't work.After all, it's the Republican Party that fought a war to free the slaves, created the civil rights act, and made sure that the freed black man could own a gun to protect his freedom,despite objections from the Democrats.
Womens Rights won't work either .After all, it's the Republican Party that elected the first women to Congress and the Senate,and pushed for their right to vote, while the Democrats support and defend Muslim nations that suppress women's rights .
The weapon then,this time, has to be gay rights. After all, the Republican right is made up of mostly Evangelical and Catholic Christians,both of whom oppose gay marriage , at least within the confines of their churches , that is.
That is the weapon that must be used then.
That is the weapon that will restore the Democrat Party to power , starting with Hillary's Presidential Victory in 2016.
That is the weapon that will now be used , by leftist operatives , in every Republican controlled State in our Union,to shut down the right and make their 2014 Midterm Victory a hollow one.
This is the only goal, the only reason for these attacks on private businesses in Indiana , and across the country.
The left's power base must be restored, and this is the way to accomplish it.
The left will say, or do anything , win.Why else would Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, a lie which he admitted to recently?
Why would President Obama seek a faux nuclear deal with terror supporting Iran, that virtually guarantees they get a nuclear weapon?
They will do what is necessary to achieve Democrat Victory, and to secure their leftist voting base support.
They will fail , however, for one basic reason. The left is a minority.Always has been, and always will be .This feigned outrage over gay rights violations in Indiana is, in reality, being carried out by a mere handful of hard core leftists .
We the People,..however, have the numbers., and are now rallying around these businesses , giving them financial and moral support .Thanks to the efforts of conservative pundits Dana Loesch, and Glenn Beck ,well over 300,000 dollars have been raised to help Memories Pizza stay open.Well done. Christianity is finally defending itself from leftist bullies that only target them, because they assume Christians , by their nature, will not fight back.
However, if this was truly a fight against religious oppression  of homosexuals in general,then why hasn't the Lesbian and Gay Task Force targeted Muslim bakeries and Pizza parlors?After all, according to the basic tenants of the Islamic faith, homosexuals are deserving of death by stoning .A muslim bakery would most certainly refuse to bake a gay themed wedding cake.
A muslim Pizza parlor would most certainly refuse to cater a gay wedding , as well. They would, however, be more than willing to stone them to death,..just for the crime of being gay.
Yet, the left will not use the gay oppression weapon against muslims , the true violators of women and gay rights.
The reason is clear, the left has always allied itself with Radical Islam because they both have the same goals, power, control, and repression of individual freedom.
They both hate Israel.
They both hate America.
The left fought a war to insure slaves, remain slaves.
The left repressed women's rights to equal pay and the right to vote.
And the left has always supported muslim rights in America , despite their oppression of women and gay rights.
The left and Islam are the oppressors of minorities, gays, and women.
And they always have been.
And both have always been dedicated to destroying America and Christianity.
Fortunately they are a minority, and they are opposed now by a Christian nation that is experiencing their own resurrection this Easter season, for they finally realize that their  faith is based on the teachings and deeds of Jesus Christ, a man who never failed to protect the innocent,.. from the forces of evil.