Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Indestructable Savage

The Feinstein -Obama Anti -Gun Bill has failed to pass. In truth, it had no chance at all . Even Senator Harry Reid , whose left wing agenda is evident in everything he does , predicted the bills downfall . In fact, Senator Reid was hoping it would fail. As left leaning as he is, he also understands that the entire gun issue crosses party lines and has brought down many a Democrat politician . President Clinton found this out , when his attempted assault weapons ban became the issue that cost him both the House and the Senate , and gave Republicans control of Washington for the first time in fifty years. Clinton, to this day , lays the blame for his Party's defeat squarely on the shoulders of the NRA. The Clinton anti-gun agenda also was the catalyst that made Newt Gingrich Speaker of the House . Gingrich , a no -nonsense conservative , forced Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act, , and introduced new corporate tax cuts and spending cuts , that led to a booming economy, that President Clinton , ironically, still brags about at his college speaking engagements. , as if he had anything to do with it.
The simple truth is , a restriction  on our Second Amendment rights can never work , because the American people recognize the hypocracy in it. You see , the left is not really anti-gun . They are only anti- you having a gun . Senator Feinstein herself has had a conceal carry permit for years, and in fact bragged about it at a Senatorial hearing back in the mid-nineties. Senator Harry Reid, too, is a gun owner and is, in fact, an active member of the NRA promoting the building of new shooting ranges , ....with our tax dollars , of course.
In fact, until the Newtown massacre , even President Obama shied away from pursuing an overly aggressive anti-gun agenda.The reason is clear;....Democrats who do not support the constitutional right of the people to keep and bear arms ;...wil lose come election time . American political history has proven it, and the Democrat party , is well aware of it. Yet. Obama  is now willing to pursue the gun ban agenda more aggresively , despite the failure of the Fenstein Bill . Why? Because,unlike other members in the Democrat Party,  Obama is a pure idealogue. Despite his constant campaigning, and his recent"charm offensive", which , apparently, has failed to impress the people of Israel, and their prime minister,  Bebe Netanyahu.. Despite hi good intentions, President Obama  seemingly just couldn't resist giving a speech before a gathering of Israeli youth ,in which he essentially blamed Israel for the Palestinian situation . The boos that followed these comments did not speak well of the effectiveness of the President's  "charm offensive".
The simple truth is, despite political backlash for such statements back home, the President just can't help himself. Obama remains a true believer in the socialist agenda. And;......Gun Bans are a key part of that agenda. Despite whatever it may have cost him , or his Party politically, Obama will continue to push this issue , even if it means his own destruction in 2014, when the Republicans will most likely retain control of the House , and seize control of the Senate  ;... All because of the Obama dream ;...a false dream of a socialist utopia , founded on an  American public stripped of their guns , and helpless before the ever increasing government control of their lives.
This is why Obama will fail. His anti gun push defies a basic human instinct;...the will to survive. Only a Nation born into oppression  could tolerate being disarmed and helpless before a tyrannical government.
Americans were born into freedom, and part of that freedom is the right to keep and bear arms. Obama supporters may want entitlements , free healthcare , and the government control that goes with it, but the line is , apparently drawn at guns , for no other reason than the fact that those born into freedom. cannot be taught to willingly relinquish the survival instinct . And . unfortunately, for the Obama-Feinstein socialist utopia , that will to survive, is one American trait that cannot be broken .
Congressman Paul Ryan's new budget proposal passed sucessfully through congress, only to be rejected , in the Democrat controlled Senate. But, thanks to Obama's obsession with disarming America;.... the 2014 Senate race will most likely be a Republican sweep, and the Ryan Budget that would eliminate Obamacare will, indeed, pass, eliminating Obamacare , and restoring a large chunk of freedom to the  indestructible savage known as the American citizen.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Wrath of the Man-God

CPAC is, once again ,in full motion, with many conservatives like Sen. Rand Paul ,Sen. Marco Rubio, Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Ted Cruz, and former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin giving great speeches , but , perhaps tinged with a greater sence of urgency in their words this year.
Why are National Parks being closed to the Public?
Why is the WhiteHouse now closed to all tours?
Why are aircraft carrier deployments being delayed?
And , last, but not least, Why are illegal immigrants , convicted of felonies , now being release from federal prisons, at the same time that Senator Diane Feinstein is trying to disarm the American public, by introducing a new Gun Ban Bill?
Revenge. Pure and simple. This is President Obama's revenge on Republicans , in the House and Senate , for refusing to let him increase tax rates on the so -called rich.
The Sequester was designed as a bluff, to force the Republicans to agree to new taxes, simply because the alternative of the loooming disaster of the sequester , was simply unthinkable.
But, that's where President Obama has miscalculated.
At least , for the moment, the Republicans appear to be standing their ground on the issue of new taxes. They, apparently, will not budge, and in return , the man who would be God, President Obama, is throwing a temper tantrum . For the most part, his endless list of looming disasters is all bluster and bully, with no real substance, Obamacare offers far more real menace. But, two issues are quite real, namely, the release of dangerous illegals , and the renewed assault on our Second Amendment Rights.
Ther purpose is clear;..create a crises situation , while disarming the citizens at the same time, , and then , as Americans citizens begin to panic, ...blame it all on the Republicans.
Ultimately, this is all about 2014 and the Senate Elections. If the Republican Congress won't give the President the tax increases he wants, then , the disaster, misery ,. and pestilence unleashed on America, is all the fault of the Republicans . How then , in good conscience, can the American citizens , vote for Republicans in the Senate Race , when it was their stubborn inflexibility that led to this disaster?
At least, that's the theory that the President has put forth.
In reality, Americans are beginning to wake up. They have seen their dwindling paychecks , and remember that  the President promised that his Health Care program would not raise taxes on anyone;...except the evil rich. It has, of couse , increased taxes on everyone, as predicted , and , it would seem our only hope now is Conservative Republican Congressman Paul Ryan 's new Budget proposal , which, if passed, will repeal the massive tax known as Obamacare.
Less money in your check is a great way to awaken people to the reality of the Obama agenda, and ,apparently , it's working . Slowly, but surely.
Now , the reality of Obama's campaign promises in 2008 become clear. He lied . The President just flat out lied ;...on everything. He sais that Bush was irresponsible for increasing the debt limit . Yet, he too has increased it, and tripled it, at the same time.
You see, all the President has done , in reality, is tax and spend , and he has no intention of stopping;...ever. Unless;.....the unexpected intervenes. That unexpected , is none other than the Republican Congress and Senate , that has decided to say no , to new Obama taxes. And , there seems to be a growing strength in the GOP , mostly because of conservative tea party members such as Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas , who dared to challenge Senator Dianne Feinstein , on the issue of the Second Amendment .Senator Cruz could not get Senator Feinstein to admit that , having the right to change the Second Amendment, means that other items in the Bill of Rights , should be open for debate as well. Senator Cruz' objective  was clear; ram home the point that, regardless of gun tragedies, it changes nothing about the phrase, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed". Especially at a time , when the President has decide to unleash a plague of illegal criminals upon us.
This is our secret weapon . Conservative Senator's  like  Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio , Ron Paul, and Tim Scott, refuse to bend to Obama and his agenda , in any way. Especially, on the one thing that was designed , specifically, to protect us from the madness that is Obama. That one thing is the right to keep and bear arms . It exists to protect our freedom from a  tyrannical government. A government that is now becoming reality, in Obama's second term .
President Obama claims not to be a dictator. Yet , his socialist nature must force him into the role , regardless of what he perceives himself to be.
But , fortunately , we have our weapon . A weapon in the form of constitutional conservatives , that will , stand and fight, and defend that constitution , and its principles , with their lives. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio , Pat Toomey, Rand Paul, Tim Scott , Allen West Micelle Bachmann, an yes , Sarah Palin , who gave the one of the best speeches , of the entire convention ;.and others , who understand that now, more than ever,our right to keep and bear arms, "Shall not be Infringed".
Not if we are to survive as a self-governed Republic , that is.
And , as the Man -God continues to unleash his ever increasing number of plagues and pestilence upon humanity, survive we must.
For, if America falls;.....can the world be far behind?
We will survive. We , as a Nation , will prevail against an administration determined to diminish us. But, our survival cannot depend solely on those congressman and Senators we send to Washington to represent us. No, it must depend on 'We the People" , and our greatest asset and strength;...our will to disobey, and defy;...authority , that would take away our freedom .

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Endurance War

Did the twelve hour filibuster by Senator Ron Paul accomplish anything? Actually , yes. It accomplished three very important things. One;..It exposed the hypocrites . The Democrat Party , for eight long years, bashed everything that President Bush did regarding Gitmo Bay, waterboarding , the Patriot Act, the Bush Doctrine of preemptive strike, and the War on Terror in general. All were condemned by the left as violations of human rights , and the constitution . Yet, the idea put forth by the Obama administration having the right to target American citizens , on American soil , with Drone strikes, without a trial or due process is completely ignored by the Party. Not only that, but the Paul marathon protest of such proposed strikes , as unconstitutional, is ignored as well , not just by the Party as a whole, but also by the main stream media as well. The reason for this sudden apathy towards pre-emptive strike techniques is clear   the left is protecting the President , and refuses to attack him or his administration ;...on anything. It's as simple as that. Remember, the left really has no core values , other than protecting their members and holding on to their power ; destroying the Republican Party.
The number two reason that Senator Paul's stance was effective was that it exposed the traitors in the Republican Party. It came as a shock, but no surprise , that the usual suspects , Senator Lindsay Graham , and Senator John McCain, after being wined and dined by President Obama, viciously attacked the Paul filibuster as a cheap political stunt ;...that accomplished nothing. They are wrong. It accomplished something very important. It exposed McCain and Graham as nothing more than country club politicians , more interested in preserving their own status and position , than in defending the constitution,and a fellow Republican. Make no mistake about it. All those Republicans who opposed Paul are now exposed;...forevermore, as traitors to the cause of freedom . Just political opportunists and hacks with little interest in supporting a fellow Republican's just cause. No, their interest is in political maneuvering , in order to gain the favor of the Democrat Party. This is the core reason the Republican Party is struggling to regain the upper hand . It is a Party divided, and those in it, are like vicious piranha, that eat their own . The Republican Party has egregiously broken the 1st commandment , set down by President Reagan ;......'Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican . "
The Democrats never attack each other . Ever. No matter what the offense , they back each other , unwaiveringly, with no exceptions.
This is why we now have a President Obama in his second term, and a Democrat controlled Senate. No other reason. A Party united will always defeat, a Party divided. Even if the Party divided has the constitution on its side. Especially, if the Party united has the media in its pocket. Senator Paul did the Nation a service , by completely exposing  the traitors, and hypocrites ,. on both sides .
The bottom line is this;...if the Republicans want victory in the upcoming Senate races, and beyond, they can no longer tolerate any division in its ranks , and , all those Republicans trying to work with the Democrats ;..on anything;.....must be voted out of office;... forever. Senator McCain and Senator Graham still don't understand . A Democrats idea of working with Republicans is simply getting them to give in to Democrat demands;....while giving up nothing on their end of the bargain . Who knows this better than Reagan himself, who , during his Presidency, agreed to raise taxes , only because House Speaker Tip O'Neill agreed to massive spending cuts. Those cuts , of course , .....never came.
In other words; never work with a Democrat ;...ever. You defeat him .
You never compromise on your ideals;...because there's no need to. Republicans have the Constitution on their side . No compromise on this is ever necessary, or tolerable.
This is an endurance war, and , to win this war , the Republicans must unite under one basic concept;...the destruction of the Democrat Party. And, all those Republicans who don't see it that way, must be voted out of existence. Thanks to Senator  Paul,s filibuster, we now have a much clearer idea of who these betrayers of the Party are.
Now, the third , and most important thing that Senator Paul accomplished  ; showed us the path to victory. And , it showed how effective that path truly is. OPPOSE. That's all it takes. Simply stand on the side of the constitution ;..on the side of truth. And, like Senator Paul, never flinch, never vary, never waiver, and , in the end, you will win , every time. Truth , you see, always wins, but it requires one thing, the one thing that Senator Paul showed us. In order to win ;...the truth, must be heard over, and over , again , utilizing the most effective weapon that any Congressman , Senator, or American citizen posesses;.....his voice. His ability to speak out , loudly, clearly, and often , for the constitution ;...and the truth. That , is the American citizen's most powerful weapon . It's the weapon that Americans died for. It's the weapon that finally, after twelve hours of filibuster , forced Attorney General Eric Holder , and the Obama Administration , to admit that targeting American citizens , on American soil, with Drone strikes , without due process, when there's no imminent threat of danger, is simply now, and forevermore, Unconstitutional, and beyond the reach of any American President's power.And, Senator Paul forced the Obama regime, to admit this.
Has Senator Rand Paul's stand inspired others ?We can only hope, because there are other wars to be waged, and, other victories to win , for both Senator;...and citizen.
The spoils of victory? nothing less ;...than the future of our Nation.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Doomsday Machine , Part Two

The answer lies in the upcoming 2014  midterm Senate elections. Republicans must take the Senate in 2014, and must hold the House . And, that depends on us. We , as a self governed nation , can no longer afford the snobbish luxury of searching for the so-called, "perfect candidates". For, even those hard -core consevatives have had their lapses in judgement . Take Rand Paul, for example. He voted for Hagel. Why? Because, above all else Paul is part of the system in Washington , that, ultimately, looks out for its owm self interests. There are a handful of strong conservatives that seem , for the moment , unwaivering. Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachmann , Marco Rubio all fit this bill . But then, so did Rand Paul , just the other day. Eve John McCain , and Linsay Graham , on the issues of  Benghazi, and the  Hagel appointment, seemed hardcore, and unbendable;...until they just broke and allowed Senator Hagel to become our next Secretary of Defense.
We cannot fully depend on these people to do their job . The Republican House did stay strong on the issue of tax increases, which activated the Sequester. But , that had to happen anyway, by Democrat design . No fault by Republicans there. But, ultimately, to turn this around , We the People, must be unwilling to to surrender to the Obama agenda. We must take the Senate in 2014. And, we must pick up more seats in Congress as well. Like the surge in Iraq, we must win , not by political strategem , but by overwhelming force. A solid majority in the House and Senate would give us this overwhelming force. Not a conservative force , but a sheer , pure Republican force. The Tea Party is the key. We must get the vote out and flood the House and Senate with Republicans. Only Republicans cut taxes. Only Republicans cut entitlements. Only Republicans cut spending. Only Republicans cut green energy fantasies. And , only Republicans will strengthen our military, and make our enemies fear us again . Only an overwhelming force of Republicans can save our country from destruction by Obama.
But, for that to happen, We the People need to recognize the fact that self government requires self involvement. . We must , as a free people , participate in the arena of ideas , and elect those with the "R", in front of their names. Nothing more, nothing less. Remember, one need only look at American History to see the grim , stark, difference  between  Republican rule and Democrat rule. When Republicans have the House , the Senate, and the Presidency, we , as a Nation, are prosperous, and growing . When Democrats have the House , the Senate , and the Presidency , we, as a Nation , are plunged into economic disaster. Unless , of course , you're Bill Clinton , and simply benefit from Republica rule during your Presidency . Clinton was going down faster than Obama in his first two years , and then Newt Gingrich and the Republicans seized the House and Senate, and saved the Clinton Presidency, and the country , at the same time; forcing tax and spending cuts down the President's throat.
We can save the country . Vote Republican , always . Vote in every election . Always. If we, as a free people, can do this , consistently, this nation will finally be tha shining city on a hill , that President Reagan spoke of.
Sel-Government made us the greatest nation on earth . But, self-rule requyires;...self-participation , by the rulers, or , those in Washington , will surely, usurp that rule;...permanently. And now, no one sees that danger better than investigative journalist Bob Woodward . Imagine a world , an America where those that dwell in Washington  , our employees, can threaten a reporter for exercising his 1st Amendment right , by speaking the truth regarding the "madness" of the Obama sequester plan .
Well, we are now living in that world. And now, liberals , like Woodward, are seeing the results of a free people , too lazy , disinterested, and uninformed; run their own government.

The Doomsday Machine Part 1

There are those who believe that Barack Hussein Obama created the Sequester to act as a doomsday machine; destructive to the economy that it would force the Republicans to give in to his demands . Apparently, the President was wrong.
Finally, the Republicans have stood their ground . They said no to the President's demand for more tax increases. They did their job, finally.
And now that it's been enacted, will the automatic sequestration  really wreak the doom destruction and devastation on the economy that the President said it would? Nope. The Sequester cuts will virtually have no effect on the economy at all. Nothing will change;....from the sequestration , that is. Only the military and the Pentagon will be affected by these Obama created automatic cuts. That was the plan. There will be no locusts or plagues rained down on the American citizens , as Charles Krauthammer joked the other night on Fox News. Cutting the military spending is the only spending Obama will ever be willing to cut ;...ever. And, this pre-planned slash of military funds will have devastating effects on our Nation's defense systems . But , the private sector economy need not worry about the sequestration . It's got a lot of other things to worry about. Namely, virtually everything else that Obama has done since becoming President . All of it, from Obamacare to green energy programs to endless entitlements , have been create to to destroy the economy . And so far, they have done an effective job. All that remained was the military to destroy, and since the Republica House rightly refused to agree to new taxes , the sequester had to happen , making the military part of Obama's plan a grim reality.
The question now is, what to do about it? House Republicans seem unwilling to strongly oppose Obama , which has resulted in Senator Chuck Hagel , Israel hater , and enemy appeaser, being sworn in as our new Secretary of Defense. Even Senator Rand Paul , a staunch Conservative and Tea Party favorite, inexplicably , in the end, voted for Hagel, and Hagel's appointment was the perfect prelude to the sequester taking effect , ;...the anti-military Defense Secretary , and the anti-military, spending cut. Perfect together. How can this be stopped?