Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Predator Syndrome

Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tzarnaev had cars , guns, money, and explosive devices. Neither man was employed. Where did they get their money? Al Queda , that's where. America needs to wake up, and, most importantly, the Obama Administration , and the liberal Democrats, need to wake up. These two Chechnyan brothers were recruited , trained, and funded, by Al -Queda , for the sole purpose of killing American citizens , and, in the process, creating terror. In addition , the Tsarnaev parents were also radicalized and living , and living in our country because they were driven out of Chechnya as undesirable political dissidents. In fact, the mother was on a CIA-FBI terror watch list as well.
Once here , in America, both parents and children were all living the Obama entitlement dole , for many years. How much of that hard earned , taxpayer money that these radicals wre living off of , actually funded the brothers terror activities? We can only speculate. But ,what's beyond speculation is this one , basic fact;...the CIA gave the FBI terror watch info on Tamerlan Tsarnaev , originally obtained through Russian intelligence services. The FBI , fumbled the ball. Tamerlan had been under  investigation by the FBI . The FBI, then , dropped the investigation , apparently clearing Tamerlan of all suspicion , despite repeated warnings from Russia of the older brother's potential threat, and despite the Radical Islamic  themed Youtube websites that both brothers had.
There were clear warning signs here. The entire family were well known radical Islamists. The brothers , especially Tamerlan , were outspoken Radical Islamists. Yet, ;...nothing was done.
And the result? Another tragedy, this one in Boston on Patriots Day. A tragedy that cost three innocent spectators their lives and severely injured well over a hundred others .
Yet, this latest attack really should come as no surprise . After all, we've had four previously , on American soil ,  under President Obama 's Administration . We were luck that the first three failed. Then , Major Hassan massacred his own troops in the Fort Hood terror attack. An attack that is still described , by the Obama administration , as "workplace violence" , rather than what it was, namely, a terror attack, by an Al-Queda operative , on American soldiers. Then, the Benghazi attack, on the anniversary of 9-11, . No help was sent to the embassy ,no admission of guilt, or responsibilty for this failure,  and there has been no admission by the Obama administration , that this was a terror attack.
America is at war with radical Islam . There's no doubt about that, despite the Obama administration 's denial of the cold, hard evidence , that proves it. In fact we have been at war since 2001, after the 9-11 attack . The difference now is , under the Obama Administration , we are being attacked, on our own soil, with incresing frequency. However , we were never attacked , on our own soil, under President Bush's Administration , after 9-11. Never . Why is this?
President Bush pursued an agressive anti-terror program that included the Patriot Act, , waterboarding, Gitmo Bay, and of course, the legendary Bush Doctrine, that advocates pre-emptive strike , against the radical enemies of America, that threaten the lives of our citizens .
Part of the Bush Anti-Terror strategy was  to set the agenda within Federal agencies , such as the FBI, and the CIA, and let them know that all threats are to be taken seriously , and all threats are to be neutralized , before they reach fruition . It worked. The Bush Doctrine kept American citizens safe from terror attacks , for eight solid years. Obama has served only 4 and a half years , yet he has already had five domestic terror attacks , including the Boston Bombing.
The reason is becoming quite clear;....this Administration is living in denial of the threat we face. The President sets the agenda. The President will not admit that Al-Queda is a growing threat. The President has a reluctance to target Muslim suspects because,he simply doesn't want to offend the Muslim community that he, in his youth , was a part of, and,. no doubt , the terror sponsoring nations that the President caters to . No doubt , the FBI and the CIA ,  , who answer directly to the President , are following the directions of the Obama administration , and have been ordered to ease off on pursuit of suspected Muslims . All in the name of some sick, twisted notion of liberal fairness.
Well, congratulations Mr. President. Your need to prove yourself more tolerant than the Bush Administration , and your need to avoid angering nations that hate us anyway, no matter what we do, has now placed us in a very dangerous position , a position that will result in ever incresing terror attacks on our soil, in the months to come.
You see , unlike under Bush, we are now perceived as weak , by an enemy that respects only one thing;...force , and the willingness to use that force, to kill those that threaten American lives, and , freedom . The Islamic Extremist , under Al-Queda, are like sharks that smell blood. Infidel blood. And, they know that the head infidel , in the White House, , refuses to acknowledge their threat.
Al-Queda ,senses, in Obama, a weak prey, and is now poised to close in for the kill. in the months to come. For, Al-Queda knows there is no easier prey , than the prey that refuses to believe in the  existence of the predator.
Against any enemy, any foe, the United States remains;...invincible. But, we can still be defeated; ourselves.
President Bush showed us the way, and set up an Anti-Terror Program that is state of the art;...unbeatable. And,. President Bush , unlike Obama recognized the enemy.
The enemy is Islam .
The enemy is Extremist.
The enemy is Jihad.
And, the enemy is targeting;

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Enemy Among Us

Why? Why did these two Chechnyan brothers , one dead and the other now in police custody, detonate two homemade bombs at the Boston Marathon , killing three people and severe4ly injuring over a hundred others? Because they're terrorists , that's why. This is what terrorists do. The older brother was trained as a terrorist in his hometown of Chechnya , and he then recruited his younger brother , a Nationalized American Citizen , to aid him in the Boston attack.
We are at war , whether the President wishes to admit it or not. We are at war with Radical Islam . The war was forced upon us , on September 11th, 2001, when the Twin Towers were brought down by an act of terror , masterminded by Osama Bin Laden . We will remain at war , probably forever. For, you see, the goal of Radical Islam has nothing to do with defeating another country militarily . The goal is simply this; kill infidel non-believers in the name of Allah , and the Prophet Muhammed. We , the United States, are the Great Satan , and we must be destroyed , for no other reason than the fact that we do not follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed , and instead follow the teachings of the false prophet , Jesus Christ, Our Nation is a Christian Nation , and must be destroyed in the name of Islam . This is the reason for the Boston attack , and for all the rest of the terror attacks that have taken place on American soil. It's a pity our President doesn't recognize this. In fact, the President still refuses to admit the Major Hassan attack at Fort Dix , and the Benghazi Embassy attack , were planned, organized , Radical Islam attacks of terror on our soil. This is absurd , and speaks to a growing problem within the Obama Administration , namely, his need to appease those nations that sponsor terror. Despite effective drone strikes against terror targets , the President believes that the future of the middle east is the Muslim Brotherhood , and, because of this, our tax dollars are being wasted funding nations controlled by this group, while those very nations continue to fund the terror attacks that result in the carnage seen in Boston this week.
These two Chechnyan students, recruited and brainwashed by Al-Queda, sought to create terror, fear , and panic , with their attack in Boston . But, instead, they created courage , heroism , and love, as the citizens of Boston ,  on Patriots Day, rose to the challenge , and showed why America will never be defeated by terror attacks , or by any enemy that wishes to destroy our freedom  . We the People, are united, in times of tragedy.
We the People, are united, in times of turmoil.
We the People, are united, in times of disaster.
We the People , are united , in times of great loss.
And yes, We the People, are united, in times of war.
The citizens of Boston ran towards the explosians , not away from them .
Without thought for their own safety, in the midst of of terror and horrible carnage , they showed no fear, only strength, humanity, and great concern , for their fellow man .
No fear? At a time when explosives are ripping arms and legs from the spectators around them ? No fear? How is that possible? Well, it isn't possible for the terrorists. That kind of courage can only come from those that are born into freedom Freedom is our heritage . Indeed, freedom is our legacy . And , it is this freedom that makes us as a people, unbeatable. No enemy , no cowardly terrorist , can stand against us. For, they know only fear, for that is the nature of the terror states that recruit them . These states rule by fear. Their false god, rules them by fear. That's why they hate us. Our God, is a God of freedom ;...and love. And , we will fight to defend that freedom , and those that we love.
This love is why we cannot be conquered . These terror attacks will continue There will be more . For , this war upon us , will go on .
The price of freedom , is constant vigilance. Ben Franklin said that. Part of this vigilance is the ability to defend that freedom . This is why the 2nd Amendment is so important to us, as a self-governed,  free nation . For, those who cannot defend their freedom ;...will not remain free , for very long. This is why all anti-gun agendas brought before the House and Senate by the Obama Administration, must be defeated , just as the Machin -Toomey bill was recently. Nothing must infringe upon a free citizen's right to keep and bear arms , for that is the only way to defend their freedom . We are at war with an enemy that has now , indeed , brought the war to American soil . This is no time for the liberal left to be pushing their new gun restrictions , that serve no purpose , except to disarm the American citizen . This cannot happen , and, thanks to both Republican and Democrat "no" votes regarding the Manchin -Toomey bill, it won't. For now, at least.
The President gave an angry speech in the Rose Garden , after the failure of his  latest attack on the Second Amendment. He should save his anger for those that deserve it, such as the terrorists who killed and maimed our fellow Americans in Boston , and the Nations that sponsored them .
The war on terror is here , in our Nation , Now. We the People, must remain alert.
We the People, must remain vigilant.
And, We the People, must remain armed , if,  We the People, are to remain  free.
England , during the Second World War, faced an attack by Nazis on their very soil. Constant bombing attacks left their once proud city , in ruins.
All through the horror, came the inspiring voice of their  Prime Minister, Winston Churchill;"Never, Never, Never, Give Up. "
London survived their Blitzkreig.  
We too, can survive ours, if we follow the example of the people of Boston , and , never , never , never, ...give up, in our war on terror.
And, in the end, when the smoke clears, we will be victorious. The chants of , "USA!, USA!", in the streets of Boston , after the capture of the terrorists , are proof of this.
America cannot be defeated;...for our weapon is freedom . All they have; hate.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Pandorian Plague

There is a growing consensus among the liberal left that Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, due to his opposition to new gun restrictions, is more dangerous to America than North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Truly remarkable. Remarkably wrong , that is. Let me pose a question to the left;...., What is the major difference between the North Korean people and the American people? Answer;...the American people have the right to keep and bear arms .
Always remember, the one thing that defines any dictatorship , like Kim Jong Un's , is the fact that the citizens are not permitted to own a firearm . If people are to remain free, they must be able to defend that freedom . The United States already has over ten thousand gun laws currently on the books, including background checks. Why then , would we need more? Because the gun laws and restrictions are not created by Democrats to keep people safe from guns . They are created to gradually erode the American citizen's right to own a gun . Why else would the existing gun laws remain , for the most part, unenforced, by the very  Federal Government that wants to impose more?
Why are criminals who commit crimes with a gun given slap on the wrist sentences?
Why did the Obama administration 's Fast and Furious program permit gun dealers near the Mexican border ,  to sell guns to Mexican Drug Cartels?
Why are illegal immigrant violent criminals being released from Federal Prisons all across the country?
Why were our Mental Institutions shut down in the late 70's , and  the mentally unbalanced allowed to roam free , like a Pandorian plague, allowing them to   commit mass murders in our schools ?
And, most importantly, why are our public schools proudly advertising that they are "gun free zones" , thereby encouraging violent criminals to target them ?
Because,;....this is all part of the Democrat Party's ultimate plan to ban the American citizen , from owning a gun .
It's a simple plan really;...create a crises situation involving gun violence , and then , solve the crises , by imposing ever increasing gun restrictions that have only one purpose ; take away the American citizens right to keep and bear arms, which will leads to more government control of those  citizens. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell , and the other Republican Senators who are standing strong to stop new proposed gun laws , are patriots , defending the right that made us a Free Nation , of free men , and the right that keeps us from becoming a Nation of sheep , cowering under the oppressive rule of a dictator like Kim Jong Un ,or, even perhaps;....Barack Hussein Obama?
The bottom line is this;...the President's gun agenda has nothing to do with protecting children's lives . The Anti-Gun push was planned from the very minute Obama became President. It has nothing to do with children , and everything to do with government power and control growing, and remaining in the hands of the Democrat Party.
After all, if the President was really concerned about children's lives, woulkd he, as a State Senator, voted repeatedly in favor of late term abortions ;...even if the fetus survived the abortion procedure?
The big concern  now is;..with Republican moderates like John McCain and Pat Toomey seemingly ready to cave to the Democrat plan for our guns;...will the bill pass in the end, after the amendment process is over? Possibly. But , remember this;...New gun restrictions, new background checks , new registration laws, new restrictions on assault weapons and their magazines, nothing;...except increase taxes on already overtaxed Americans , and will , most certainly, do nothing to stop gun violence.
What will?
Three things;....
One;...stiff prison sentences for violent criminals who commit crimes with guns.
Two; our Mental Institutions , and allow them to , once again , lock up the mentally ill who have a history of violence.
Three;....Arm ourselves. Self defense , in a self-governed , free market society , always must depend on the individual citizen ;.....not the government .
Arm yourselves . Arm our schools . Let's take back our Nation from evil.
Our Founding Fathers fought a war to win us our freedom . Is it too much to ask that we defend that freedom , from the evil that threatens our children?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Indestructible War Machine

Kim Jong Un, despotic ruler of North Korea, has threatened the United States with Nuclear War. Or, so it seems. He may , in fact, be engaging in a ritualistic sabre rattling to demonstrate to his people that, like his father and grandfather before him, he has no fear of the evil West, and their military might. Plus, North Korea, as usual, is broke, and like all dictatorships ,they will threaten war, like a spoiled child, to get negotiations , and cash, from us. If this threat is , in fact , mere posturing for these reasons , it makes sense. North Koreans have no outside knowledge of the world, except what the Un  regime tells them . North Korean children are taught from birth that the United States is evil, and must be destroyed. Therefore, a new, untested leader must be prepared to show his people that he has no fear of this capitalistic evil.
Of course, there is the other alternative. The threat could be real. Kim Jong Un has made specific threats against South Korea , and the U.S. Military Bases stationed there. Our response was immediate ;...F-16 Stealth Bombers were dispatched from a military base in Missouri  , and flew to South Korea to drop dummy bombs with pinpoint precision , during South Korea military training exercises. The message was clear;...sabre rattling cannot combat the greatest military force  the world has ever known , the indestructible war machine;..the United States Military. North Korea would stand no chance in a war with us . It would be like a cat, toying with a mouse. Indeed, there is no nation on this earth that could stand against the power of the United States Military , if fully unleashed , without let or hindrance . We could , as a Nation , level the surface of the earth three times over, without breaking a sweat , or incurring one casualty . We have never lost a war . Never . And we never will. Indeed our only flaw is our humanity , our willingness to help rebuild the nations we destroy, even while we are still at war with them . This admirable, but foolish strategy resulted in the quagmire that was Viet Nam , created a stalemate cease fire during the Korean conflict, and took a clean , easy victory over Saddam Hussein and his evil regime , and turned it into a prolonged , casualty ridden , strategic mess. It did not need to be. Nor did Viet Nam , or Korea. To win a war , you strike hard . You decimate and demoralize the enemy with a scorched earth strategy , and force the enemy into complete surrender .And then , and only then , rebuild. Rebuild their Nation in the image of freedom . If their people want it , that is.
Either way, our interests are served . A dictator is deposed , a threat to freedom and world security eliminated, and people are given a chance;...just a chance , to rule themselves , and rebuild a nation that lets men live as God intended ;
Again , in the end, we never lose at this game.Libyan Leader Momar Gadaffi, in the wake of the Iraq War, willingly surrendered all of his nuclear weapons to President Bush , without a shot being fired. Why? Because , Gadaffi knew , and understood, the only thing a despot does understand , and repond to;...pure naked power ,sheer force , and the willingness of then President Bush; use that force on terrorsts , and the terror nations that sponsor them .The enemies of freedom , like North Korea's  Kim Jon Un , and the Leaders of the middle east terror nations, were relatively quiet and reserved  during the Bush Presidency. Indeed, we had zero attacks on American soil during his eight years in office. Now, we have a young , inexperiencec tyrant in training , threatening the greatest military force on earth. Why? Why is this son of a madman daring to declare war upon the U.S.?Because of President Obama and his foreign policy strategem . The President may be extremely effective at killing terrorists with his revamped drone program , but, at the same time, he has bowed , scraped, capitulated, and catered to ,  the very middle east nations that financially sponsor these terrorists . The reason has become quite clear;...President Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood., as the successor of Al-Queda and the Taliban , that will ultimately control the middle east. Why else would the President continue to send billions of U.S. dollars to Egypt, a nation that has threatened not only our ally in freedom,  Israel, but us as well. Sure, Obama aided the Nato forces in deposing Libyan Dictator Momar Gadaffi, but Gadaffi was an active enemy of the Muslim Botherhood , and their push for control of the middle east. Therefore in the eyes of President Obama, Gadaffi had to go. Obama believes that the Muslim brotherhood , whether it be in Egypt , or Afghanistan ,, or Iraq, or Iran ,; the future of the middle east.
This is  unfortunate , and quite  a foolish strategy,  on his part. For you see, the Muslim Brotherhood is the Taliban . The Muslim Brotherhood is Al Queda . The Muslim Brotherhood is a terror sponsor that does indeed support the destruction of Israel as a State, and the United States , as a Nation.
And we, as a Nation under Obama, are financially supporting them ,by giving our tax dollarts to  terror nations , like Afghanistan , Iran  Pakistan  , and , of course Egypt. This is absurd, considering all these nations are our sworn enemies dedicated to our destruction. Even Pakistan , weho was believed to be a tenuous ally in the war on terror, hid 9-11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden from us, and now keeps Dr. Afridi,  the hero who gave us the intel that brought the terror leader to justice, in prison, for daring to aid us.
Meanwhile, our President continues to brag about the killing of Bin Laden , while ignoring the plight of this brave man who made the killing possible. Not surprising , for a man like Obama , who seemed reluctant to share the glory of the killing with anyone , whether it be a seal team , or a courageous Pakistani ally. Perhaps President Obama views Dr. Afridi as a traitor to the Muslim Brotherhood associates that he forces us to financially support? Well, anyway you look at it,  the Muslim Brotherhood threat is just as real as Al-Queda and , make no mistake, the threat of North Korea's Kim Jong Un, is also very real , indeed.
It's real because our President has allowed it to be real. And, there will be many more military threats against us to come. Why? Because Kim Jong UN , Mohammed Morsi, Mamoud Ahmadenejad, and all the rest of these terror sponsors, understand that, under the Obama administration, the United States , as a military power, has become a paper tiger, targeting individual terrorists with mechanical assassins, but reluctant to challenge the nations that are the financial force behind them . The ultimate goal of all these nations? The destruction of the Great Satan , the United States. And our President, is financing their goal,by supplying them with our tax dollars. A pity, because militarily, we are still a force to be reckoned with, a force of nature that cannot be stopped , by any enemy . A pity our  President is using this force to support an ideology that wants nothing more than our complete destruction .
The President needs to wake up to the reality that, none of these evil, terror supporting despots that abuse their own people and threaten the free world;.....could ever , ever exist;.could ever survive...without the money of the United States of America.

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Resurrection

Easter is a time when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.But , this year, there is another resurrection , another rebirth to celebrate ;...the rebirth of the conservative movement , and ;... the rebirth of one of its strongest defenders.A defender , who was seemingly reborn , at the CPAC convention this year.
She endorsed Nikki Hayley for Governor of South Carolina , Nikki Hayley won . She endorsed Marco Rubio for the Senate  . Marco Rubio won . She endorsed Ted Cruz for the Senate. Ted Cruz won .
She is conservative gold. Her endorsement can mean the difference between victory or defeat. She is the purest of conservatives , without guile or pretensions, without the posturing or political maneuvering of the Washington elite. She speaks simply , the truth of conservatism . Period. And, she is back with a vengeance. After a brief stint as a Fox News commentator , Sarah Palin , former Alaskan Governor , and the Angel of Death to the liberal left and the Democrat Party, chose CPAC  to once again spread the message that must be heard ;..the message of constitutional conservatism . The message that made our Nation the greatest on earth. As President Obama was preparing for his run for re-election , I predicted that , if Sarah Palin chose to run for President , she would win , handily. And indeed , she would have. There was nothing that could have stopped it.
The popularity of this woman is astounding .  Book signings for her autobiography showed record turnouts. A few lines of commentary on a tweet , or a Facebook page, still generate tremendous response from both friend and foe alike.
In fact, no political figure in History, including G.W. Bush, can generate more love;...or more hatred, from the left, than former Governor Sarah Palin . Why? Why such strong reactions towards a woman who , at the moment , has no platform , no agenda;..other than speaking the truth of conservatism. Sarah holds no political office , having resigned as Governor of Alaska midway through her second term in office . Apparently, the left's constant attacks on her left little time to govern properly , and with focus. Her stint on the Fox News team has ended abruptly as well, leaving the former governor nothing more than a private citizen , with no current political ambitions. For herself , anyway. Still, the fear and hatred of the left remains , as does the determination to destroy her. In fact, if Barack Obama had to endure the attacks that Palin has , he would be in a rubber room right now , and , in a straight jacket.
The basic reason why Sarah Palin inspires such love from the right;..and such hate from the left , has nothing to do with her hard core conservativism . There are other extreme conservatives , many of whom Sarah helped get elected , who don't receive the same level of attention .The reason the left fears her is her personality. Sarah has what Reagan had;...only more so. Many conservatives  know the message, and  believe the message , but they cannot effectively convey the message. Sarah can . Sarah has personality. Sarah has humour. Sarah has that rare ability in politics to simply be herself, always , both on and off camera , without pretentions , but, with plenty of grace, and humour. Kennedy had it. Reagan had it .Lincoln had it.  And, yes indeed , Sarah has it , perhaps more so , than all the others combined.
Does Obama have it? Seemingly. But his was based on a false mask that he maintained throughout the 2008 campaign,. The mask fell away , however , as one campaign promise after another proved to be a lie , and, as a darker , meaner , less tolerant Obama emerged as his second political term began , he found that he no longer needed the mask, or the lies, to fool anyone. Now , his true nature is revealed . In truth, his second term campaign showed the erosion of the charm mask , and Palin;...if she had been the Republican candidate, would have crushed him .
Reagan defeated Walter Mondale in a record setting landslide re-election .That means many Democrats voted for the hard core , tax cutting , conservative extremeist Presidential candidate. Why? Humor and personality. Reagan's joke about his age during his second debate with Mondale turned the tide , and gave him the platform to preach his conservative message to a people now willing to listen . Not to a politician . But, to a human being , with faults and foibles and frailities , just like themselves. Reagan , with that one joke, became human , and , at that moment , became one of the greatest messengers of conservative values that our Nation has ever seen .
Sarah can do this too. Perhaps easier than Reagan . Reagan , after all, lost the first debate with Mondale. No politician has a more off the cuff ability to express herself and her ideas than Sarah . Look at CPAC for example. By simply pulling out a Big Gulp from under the podium she spoke at, she conveyed the threat of big government more effectively, than any other speaker there ;...and they all had good speeches. Even Freshman Texas  Senator Ted Cruz recognized Sarah's abilities and insisted on introducing the former Governor before her speech. Ted , without hesitation , attributed his election victory to Sarah's endorsement , and nothing else. He could be right , and Ted is proving quite  worthy of Sarah's faith in him , as he has wasted no time in casting himself as an aggressive , confrontational conservative firebrand , unafraid to take on the Democrat establishment , much like his fellow conservative Senators Rand Paul and Marco Rubio.
Yes, Sarah has returned. The Angel of Death is once more casting a shroud of fear over the Democrat Party . And, there was a sense of urgency in her speech, at CPAC. Why? What is Gov. Palin's real reason , real motive , for her triumphant, return ? 2014. The 2014 elections. We have both House and Senate seats coming up for grabs, and Republicans have a chance to seize control of the Senate , and even pick up seats in Congress . In other words , Sarah Palin well understands that 2014 is the year we can potentially take back America from the socialist President that is leading it down the path of destruction . This is it. There's no turning back , no second chances. Republicans must win , and win big , in 2014 , or else , it's potentially all over for America as we know it.
Sarah Palin , the private citizen , , who doesn't even have her own reality show anymore, has but one agenda ;,,,the same agenda of all those who spoke at CPAC; save the Nation .
SarahPac has released a new , powerful video advertisment outlining the looming threat we now face that could destroy us in but a few years , perhaps sooner. SarahPac is not about a politician running for office . Nope. It's about a highly charismatic , down to earth , self described . "Hockey mom" , , recognizing a threat to the America her children must inherit , and , like a "mama grizzly', , has acted to defend her children , and the Nation , that they , must ultimately live in .
Who is Sarah Palin? Just an American citizen , who understands  that a system of self-government , if it is to survive, requires but one thing;...the participation of the citizens who govern . Sarah , like all the conservatives who are willing to endure the attacks from both the left and the right , recognizes that those who fail to govern will soon find themselves governed ;...against their will.
The left will continue to view Sarah Palin's return with much apprehension , for they know , she has that rare gift. She not only believes in , and understands conservatism , but , she has the Reagan like ability to get others to believe and understand it too. And, perhaps there is another reason for the left to fear this former Governor's resurrection . Perhaps , as 2016 looms closer, , Sarah's thoughts may turn to a Presidential run . The left is praying this doesn't happen ;..because they know, they have always known ;....she will win.