Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Twin Pronged Attack

So, the joint military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea are making the North Koreans lose their minds.Ya know , I think It's time to take it up a notch on these losers. Are we gonna just sit back and let these commie punks vomit all over us and our allies with their empty suit threats? No! Let's catch them with their pants down with a good ol' fashioned Blitzkrieg style aerial attack , take out all their missles , then calmly fly home.Then , we implement part two of this twin pronged attack.We call Trey Parker and Matt Stone, of South Park fame, and get them started on a Team America Part Two, ASAP!! Kim Jong "Mentally" Ill will lose his tiny mind ! It's the perfect plan, and I'm sure that Matt and Trey will step up and help us win this one for Old Glory!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Phantom Punch

Whose to blame for the firing of Shirly Sherrod? President Obama , of course. Fox News didn't even air the video until after she was booted. The race issue is , in reality , a non-issue, and quite frankly , boring . Shirly is an old school race baiter from way back, and still is , to this day. After all, she has stated quite clearly that anyone who opposes President Obama is a racist, pure and simple.  But, as I said, that's an old song , and a very boring one at that.
Give it up Ms. Sherrod. There is no racism, except that which exists in your own mind. There's only one race, the human race, get used to it, those of you who make their living stoking the flames of hatred. The important part of this story is not Sherrod's statements , but Obama's reaction, which is quite revealing, indeed.  Obama is scared of Fox News, and Glenn Beck, in particular. The fear that Beck would run the story on his show that afternoon caused Obama to fire her unceremoniously, and immediately.This speaks volumes . With the November elections looming like a shroud over the Democrats , the Obama regime now resembles a punch drunk fighter that , not only flinches at feigned punches , but even the possibility of punches. The reason is clear; the pressure brought over this past year from Fox, Beck , Hannity, Limbaugh, Palin, and the American people,has taken its toll. President Obama is beaten , and he knows it. The race card against the Tea Party was a last desperation punch, to no avail. How ironic then that it was , in reality , a phantom punch that Fox News never even threw that ultimately knocked him and his regime out for the count. In the end, Fox, Beck, and the tea party didn't need to defeat Obama, no ,in the end , he defeated himself.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Puzzle's Final Piece

The smirks on the faces of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd , the architects of the Freddie- Fannie economic collapse, say it all ; The Finance Reform bill has passed, giving the Obama administration the final piece of the puzzle they needed to accomplish their goal of total government control of the private sector , and Goldman-Sachs is one of their primary targets.
The question is; why is the government involved in the dealings of Goldman-Sachs? The government has no business being involved in the private sector , period. If Goldman-Sachs is ripping off their investors , we have a court system that deals with criminals when they commit crimes, without government interference. Citizens who got scammed would actually do better to file a personal civil lawsuit; they certainly would get more of their money back,cutting out the Obama middleman, that's for sure.  Fannie -Mae and Freddie-Mac are the proof positive as to what happens when government gets involved in regulating private sector free market affairs.
A perfect case point is the government run Securities and Exchange Commission, which failed to detect either the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme or the R. Allen Stanford fraud.
What keeps companies honest? Free Market competition , that's what. In a government free market with lots of competition, businesses will keep themselves honest, guaranteed. If they want to keep you as a customer , and stay out of jail , that is. All the government is authorized to do to grow the economy , according to our Constitution, is to cut taxes, reduce their spending, and get out of the way. The Obama regime's infiltration of the private sector is for one reason alone; to grow government and place the private sector under it's control. That, my friends , is Marxism, and it will not stand in my America, where the citizens and the free market control this country , not the Federal government, which is there to serve us, not to rule us." We the People " rule in America , and that is the primary reason we are the greatest nation on earth.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Am I My Brothers Keeper?

When Caine slew his brother Abel, God came upon him and asked,"Where is your brother?" Caine replied, "Am I my brothers keeper?" That eternal. question is still being asked today. Iran is about to execute a woman for the high crime of "adultery". Should we intervene? Is the Pope Catholic? Of course we should. If we call ourselves a nation founded on Judeo Christian principles , we have no choice. To ignore this situation is to make a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ; the teachings that our Constitution is founded on . Jesus stood alone against an angry mob bent on the destruction of a woman by stoning; a woman accused of the same crime as this Iranian woman. I don't have to point out the moral . We must face the grim reality that all Muslim nations are guilty of crimes of oppression against women. The reason?They all follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed, who committed these crimes , and instructs his followers to do so as well. 
This is, of course, evil. We must stand against it and stop it ; by military force , if necessary. President Obama should stop using NASA for Muslim public relations , and take a stand against this atrocity that's about to occur. No amount of reaching out to Muslims , or making them "feel good" about their scientific contributions will ever erase the fact that they practice an evil religion that stomps on the freedom and liberty that was given to us by God, the real God, that believes in peace, love, and the brotherhood of man, and yes, that includes women as well. Am I my brothers keeper? God has given us the answer , and the answer is yes. And, what God has given, let no man put asunder; even a man called Muhammed.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Doctrine of Destiny

Congratulations to General David Petraeus on his appointment as commander of our troops in Afghanistan. And, congratulations to President Obama, for finally admitting that he was wrong about the Iraq war, wrong about the surge, and wrong about his choice of liberal leaning , Fox News bashing General Stanly McChrystal to lead our forces against Al Queda and the Taliban. After all , appointing the man who was singularly responsible for our victory in Iraq seems to completely vindicate President Bush and validate his approach to the war on terror, known only as the"Bush Doctrine".
Petraeus will no doubt continue this policy, and will reduce the nation building , diplomacy riddled approach that McChrystal used , much to our troops detriment. The Obama deadline for withdraw of troops by the end of July will also be re-thought, as it should be. The Afghans have a hard time trusting liberators that announce to the enemy the day and hour of their retreat, after all, how can you beat an enemy that already knows you have a deadline for victory? As we celebrate our Independence Day, we should remember one thing; that our freedom was obtained by a war that had one objective ; to kill our enemies , drive them from our shores, and force their surrender. And , I have no doubt that America would never have existed as we know it, had General Washington been using the "Obama Doctrine" , in his approach to fighting the Revolution.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Moses Destiny

This Fourth of July, let us not forget to remember those that have given their lives for our freedom. And, also let us remember that the war we fight in Afghanistan is not a war of choice that can't be won, as RNC chairman Michael Steele has characterized it. They attacked us on 911. We are now taking the fight to the enemy, on their soil, so that we don't have to fight them on ours. In truth, we have no choice. We must wage this battle  and we must win it, or all our claims of Freedom , Liberty , and Justice are a lie,if we are unwilling to fight for it, against those that threaten it., not only on our shores , but everywhere on our planet. America is the caretaker of freedom. We will win because we must. It is our destiny , and duty to do so. As the Prophet Moses stood , overlooking the promised land , he said to the Israelites; "Go, proclaim liberty throughout the land, and to all the inhabitants thereof". The "land" that Moses spoke of is the earth itself, and we do indeed , have a responsibility to all the "inhabitants thereof", despite what Michael Steele, the hopefully "former" RNC chairman says.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Return of the Prodigal Son

Congratulations to General David Petraeus for being appointed commander of our forces in Afghanistan. And , congrats to President Bush, who has now been completely vindicated in his approach to the Iraq War, the Surge, and the Bush Doctrine in general. President Obama's appointment of General Petraeus , in the wake of General McChrystal's public meltdown via Rolling Stone magazine, proves that he knows that Bush was right.About everything that he opposed regarding the war, especially the surge of which there was no stronger opposition to than Senator Obama.
This Fourth of July, let us remember the price of our freedom, victory in war by killing the enemy and forcing their surrender.  And now, with Petraeus in charge in Afghanistan, we now have a chance for complete victory. Hopefully, the General has another surge up his sleevYou see, Petraeus understands that when you go to war, your mission is to destroy the enemy and force their surrender.Nation building, political diplomacy, and restraint in combat , all part of the Obama McChrystal campaign,is a sure recipe for defeat, not victory.
Unlike McChrystal, Petraeus will do what is necessary to win, and winning means eliminating Al-Queda and the Taliban from Afghanistan , completely and permanenly. This is the only method that works.It's the method that created our nation.  It's fortunate that the "Obama Doctrine" wasn't in effect during the Revolutionary War. America, as we know it, might never have existed at all.