Friday, September 10, 2010

The November Reign

So, the liberal left don't like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Tea Parties, or Restoring Honor rallies. That's too bad, cause none of these are going away, ever. Plus, there's another thing coming in November that these communist elite are really not going to like. It's called Republican Victory. The GOP will take back the House and Senate , quite easily. Why will they win? Because their winners! That's what winners do; Win! And, just like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck , and Rush Limbaugh, the Republicans will continue to win, since the Democrat Party, as we know it, is finished.
But , all is not bleak for the left. When Republicans cut taxes for everyone and end the freeloader liberal gravytrain, they can just claim that it was actually Obama's "Stimulus"that turned the economy around.  Yep, they can just keep telling themselves that, just like  Clinton took credit for Newt Gingrich 's Republican Congress economy. Let's face reality here ; anytime in the history of our country where we had a booming economy, you had a Republican controlled House and Senate, guaranteed. So, just keep telling yourselves that it was Obama policies that did it; right up to 2012, when Sarah Palin is elected President.

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