Monday, August 2, 2010

The Republican Maneuver

Representative Anthony Weiner melts down in front of Congress , accuses Republicans of blocking another spending bill, and, in the same rant, brags about getting 95% of the Democrat vote which still , for some reason , is not enough to get the bill passed. Somehow, it's still the Republicans fault.
Meanwhile, Rep. Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters and Alan Grayson, all Democrats , face pending ethics charges, for tax evasion ,  a banking scam , and of all things  a DVD scam! The Democrat meltdown is in full swing, and the looming November elections are the reason
They know they can't win. They know they are about to lose every seat up for grabs ; including the 40 in the House, and they have no strategy to stop it, except to pull out the ol' race card against their main nemises ; The Tea Party.Andrew Breitbart of Big Government. com, has offered quite a bit of cash to anyone who can produce video evidence to support these charges. So far, he has not lost his money, and he never will. The Democrat Party is done, and for a very basic reason. Their secret has been exposed. They will not , under any circumstances , cut taxes , ever . Their slight of hand tricks with so-called 'tax credits" has not fooled anyone with a brain
who knows the difference. A tax credit is an Arby's coupon, and an insult to a business owner's intelligence. A tax cut is a permanent reduction , and that is simply not in the Democrat's playbook. They will not cut taxes , ever, and now, the American people have caught on to that fact, finally.
The Bush tax cuts will be allowed to expire, as planned, and yes , everyone's taxes are , indeed going up.  The Republican maneuver from now till November is a simple strategy based on a simple game; Poker. Pending voter fraud charges in the Obama election is the card that Republicans are playing very close to the vest at this moment, but it will be used very soon , to seal the fate of the Democratic Party and the Obama regime, in November.
Poker master Andrew Breitbart, has many cards up his sleeve , and he's been saving them for the right moment . That moment is here, now,  and it may spell doom for Obama's dream , once and for all.

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