Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Last Nero and the New Rome

To those that say President Obama has failed to take charge during the oil crises ; I say , nonsense! He's using the spill to push Cap and Trade again, as was always the plan, from"Day One" of the accident.
He won't allow burning.
He won't allow sand traps or leveys.
He won't allow chemical cleanup.
He won't allow foreign help.
The reason is loyalty to the E.P.A. , and the unions who control Obama like a puppet on a string. The President will punish B.P. with fines and drilling restrictions , and will punish us with Cap and Trade, which in effect, is just another tax on private businesses and the working man. President Bush removed the Jones Act during Katrina to allow foreign aid. Obama will not do this because of his allegiance to the unions that bought and paid for his Presidency.
Was Bush the better crises President? You Betcha! He was a leader who made decisions and took action. Obama is a wealth re-distributing community organizer whose main goal as President is to take money from those that earn it, and give it to those that don't. President Obama increasingly resembles Emperor Nero , watching Rome burn around him , without a care . Nero had his fiddle; Obama has his golf clubs, And like Nero, Obama will play on, as the economic security of our nation, burns around him.

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