Monday, October 31, 2022

"Operation : NUKE!!!"

 Russian Premiere Nikita Khruschev once predicted  that America would fall,..without firing a shot, "We will destroy you,..from  within",...he said,....

Who? Who would destroy us? Who was Khruschev referring to, the destroyer? The Russian people?  No,...he was referring to the American Democrat Party,..which,..since its creation during the Revolutionary War,..has always had the hidden agenda of slowly,..but surely , breaking down the American system of self government,..and returning the colonies to  British control,..mere serfs living under the King's tyrannical rule,..a Marxist state ultimately,..a socialist utopia,..communism,..pure and simple,..

They were called Loyalists in those days,,..But,..regardless of the name they were known by,..the mission has always remained the same,..for century after century,..decade after decade,..and the results are now clear,.. Cities and states that have been controlled exclusively by Democrats for decades,..are living Hells on Earth, specific Democrat design,..

There is no mystery as to why Philadelphia,..Chicago ..California,....New York,..New Jersey ,..Oregon,..etc,..are,..and have always been,..crime ridden..poverty stricken..drug and disease infested ,..bankrupt nightmares ,..Total Democrat control has done this,..quite effectively, to any city or state that refuses to elect anything but Democrats to represent them,..

A foolish miscalculation on the part of the American citizens of these districts,..for everything the Democrats do, in opposition to every single principle outlined in our constitution,..and in opposition to every freedom based, common sense Judeo Christian value as well, .Values that are the foundation of our Constitution,..the foundation of our system of self government .which makes us the greatest nation on earth ,..Aye,..Khruschev predicted it indeed,..

He knew who, and what the Democrats really were ,..even then,..He knew that the Democrats want to destroy America ,..and profit from its destruction, by selling its resources,..secrets,..and technologies to its foreign enemies ,..

So Be It,  

But,...we can stop them...Right now, a few days,..on November 8th. We can stop them easily,..quickly,..and systematically, a well oiled MAGA  machine ...

Every city or state controlled by Republicans is free ,..growing, and prosperous,  as America in general was always intended to be,..The horrors occurring in Democrat cities and states could not happen in Florida ..South Dakota,..or any other Republican controlled city or state in America,..The solution is clear,..The Battle Strategem?..Simple,,..and deadly effective,..

Starting with the November 8th Midterms,..every Democrat held seat must be converted into a Republican held seat,..permanently, all levels of government,..Right Now,..And..they will be ,..

The MAGA Republicans have learned their lessons well  well from their Leader , President Trump,..and are now poised to reap the rewards,..

The Republican agenda has always been solid,..based on common sense Free Republic principles,..But now, .the Republicans have been  transformed into a  finely tuned fighting machine,..Savage,..Merciless,..and Relentless, their Trumpian Leader,..and that fact,..will now produce massive rewards indeed,..

The beating the Democrats will receive on November 8th ,. will be merciless,..and permanent,...for in truth,.. Republucans have always had the battlefield advantage,..Republicans have ALWAYS drastically outnumbered the Democrats,..ALWAYS,..In truth,..America would have vanished decades ago,..if this were not true,..,..But,..too many Republicans have sat home , and not participated in elections consistently,..and some,..have never participated,..thereby allowing Democrats to win elections that they had no business winning ,..ever,..

There is zero excuse for Republicans not voting all the time, all elections,.. Nothing is more important in a self governed,  self ruled , free republic,....NOTHING,..

Self government demands self participation,..ALWAYS,....if our Free Republic is to endure as our founders envisioned it,..

Trump and the MAGA Movement have awakened the Republican Machine to the deadly threat the Democrats pose to the Shining City ,..and have shown them the battlefield solution,..The simple,..yet deadly strategem that cannot fail,.

Democrats must be destroyed now, voting them out of existence ..permanently,..Forget foolish concerns about RINO Republicans ,..No republican caused any of this,..not even the most questionable,.. most weak,..of the assembly,..

We need massive Republican numbers in both houses,..and in every state and city governments as well,..Republican Victory Everywhere,....Now,..and there is no time to attack any Republican , matter how questionable,...The RINOS will be dealt with in good time,..after we have secured the seats we need , and only then,  Do the Democrats care that Biden and Harris are gibbering idiots,..or that Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman can no longer speak or comprehend English due to a stroke?? Of course not.

Democrats understand that gaining and holding the seat , either House, all that matters,..for that seat is one more link to their total power, more vote, destroy America as founded,..And,..they have tried to destroy us as well,..since we are essentially America personified,..

For more than two years now,..they tried to destroy us by any means necessary,..The virus hoax....voter fraud,..unprotected borders and schools,..criminals released into the streets,..drug infestation..a weakened  military ,..a collapsed economy,..a shutdown of all energy production,....

So Be It.

Aye,..they tried to destroy us,  with all their heart , mind,..soul ..and body,....they tried,..

But,..they failed. 

And now,.. it's our turn, take from them ,..everything,..To take from them,..the only thing they value,..POWER,..the ability to win elections,..

That, all they value,..all they care about,..All that gives their evil existence any meaning,..

We The People,..will now take that from them,..take everything from them,..permanently,..

Their reason for existing,..permanently,..and then send them back to the pit of hell from whence they came, return to their previous task,..stoking the Devils Furnace,..for all eternity,....

So Be It.

Operation: NUKE , now in full operation,..MAGA Republucans shall now NUKE , each and every Democrat held seat,..and from their radioactive ashes,....shall rise permanent Republican seats,...

Every Republican running for anything ,..MUST be voted for in massive Republican numbers,..and MUST be elected,..if America is to be reborn..and restored to its former Trumpian Glory,..

In truth,..we have no choice,..We must have complete,..massive ..Republican Victory,..for the Democrats seek nothing less than our complete destruction now,..and they know they are running out of time ..very rapidly, Republican candidates now surge in all polls,..and are winning all debates ,..easily,..and all the while ..the Trump Rallies continue ..unabated,..their message quite clear,....President Trump will have his revenge..and America..will be the better for it,...for,..Trump knows,..

The Democrats are trying to kill we must kill them first,..We must fight with the fury of a thousand MAGA DEVILS...if this bold experiment ..this embodiment of arrogant disobedience,..this glorious ,..reckless ,..heroic resistance,..

This greatest system of self government,..yet devised by mortal man, to ,..endure!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

"Now There Comes,..A Crimson Death!!"

 In any chessmatch,.. there comes that one ,fatal move,..that spells disaster for one of the two participants,..a move that virtually hands the advantage,..and effectively the game itself, his opponent,..

Such a move,..was the brazen FBI raid on the Trump stronghold..Mar A Lago..on the premise that the President in Exile had classified documents in his possession,..Documents that he took with him when he left the Whitehouse after the Biden-Democrat coup,..A coup that turned a rightfully ordained,..two term President,..into a President in Exile,..plotting his battle strategem,for his inevitable return to his rightful throne,..

Trump had no such documents,..and even if he did, President he has the power to  declassify at will.....and he certainly would have,..

The President's power to classify and declassify is sacrosanct,....and rests solely with him,..

In reality,..the raid was nothing more than a desperate chess move, a Democrat controlled FBI,..that now realizes,  beyond a shadow of a doubt,..that the November  Midterms,..and the 2024 Presidency, will belong to Trump and his MAGA Republican Army,..

In truth,..there can be no other outcome possible,..Republicans are winning elections everywhere right now,..even in the Democrat controlled Blue States, ,..and Trump backed Primary candidates are sweeping county after county,..with  even RINO Republican Liz Cheney losing her Wyoming seat in a savage, one sided beating....revealing the inevitable truth,..the Democrat Party has now been fully exposed by Trumpian level pressure ..and the strategically placed  Conservative Federal Judges ,..all 300 plus of them .appointed by Trump and McConnell,..are now countering all Democrat actions quite effectively,..bringing lawsuits against Democrat operatives for voter fraud , property damage and loss of life from Antifa riots,..and the libelous slander of the fake news media , .that sought to destroy any who dared ally themselves with Trump and the MAGA Republican Machine,..

Republican Victory in November, .is now as inevitable as the rising sun ,..and no one knows this better than Biden and the Democrats,..who watched in stunned disbelief, the Trump-McConnell created Conservative Supreme Court , overturned the long standing Roe vs. Wade ruling....effectively eliminating the concept of a tax funded,  national right to abortion,...and then,..the knockout blow quickly followed,..with the right to keep and bear arms,..on your person , public, a Nationwide Federal Law, longer left up to the whims of a weak , Democrat controlled state,..

The message is clear,..the Republican Machine is taking the war to the Democrats,..and there can be only one outcome,...

Republican Victory,..and Democrat Death,..

The death of the Democrat Party as a whole,..a Party that will no longer have any longer have any control over the lives of freeborn citizens,..and, .in reality,..they never did, anyway..fir the simple truth is that Republican voters have always drastically outnumbered the Democrat voters,..It has only been the limited Republican voter turnout,..that has kept Republicans from winning virtually everything..all the time,....

Self government,..requires self participation,..and Republicans MUST participate in all elections,..EN MASSE, .and if they do..Democrats are no more,..and MAGA reigns eternal,...

Death, what the Democrats deserve..for they tried to bring it to the American people,...

They tried to destroy us by shutting down the XL pipeline ..and domestic  oil production in general,..while reopening Putin's Nordstream Two oil pipeline that Trump had shut down..resulting in the Russian invasion of Ukraine,..

They tried to destroy our economy,..with ever increasing taxes ,.. regulations ,..and a Covid shutdown..that only served the purpose of stealing a Presidential election by  mail in ballot voter fraud ,..

They tried to destroy us with an open border , that lets criminal invaders roam America ,..while supplying the  Democrats with a new ,..unlimited....illegal voting base,..

They tried to kill our children and elderly,...with gun free zones,..mask mandates that cut off oxygen to the brain,.. moving the covid infected into nursing homes, ...and an experimental vaccine, that destroyed the immune system,..of millions of people, .while making the Democrat Machine, beyond their wildest dreams,..

They tried to destroy our military.and police...with Woke nonsense,..defunding bills,.. ..and a botched Afghanistan withdraw,..that left 13 American soldiers and hundreds of civilians  dead,..and 85 billion dollars worth of military equipment in the hands of Americas enemies ,..A withdraw thst sent a message to Americas enemies everywhere,..that now was the time to strike against freedom,..

The Democrats now seek the final nail in America's coffin,..with the recently passed , so called Inflation Reduction Act,...that is nothing more than another round of Democrat imposed taxes and regulations,..that will finish off our economy,....while fattening the Treasure Chest of Democrat Wealth,...Wealth stolen from the American people, the name of fake causes,..such as Healthcare,..Climate Change,..Abortion Rights,..Racism..or the Anti Gun Agenda,..

They tried to destroy us with the IRS, .a Democrat  created expanded and fully armed,..An organization designed to take a free man's hard earned wealth,.. and put it in the pockets of the Democrat Ruling elite,.....

So Be It.

Aye,..they tried to destroy us,..for decades now,..and.for the four years of Trump..and the two years under Biden..They tried,..

Aye..they tried..

But..they failed,..

For, the Trumpian Age of Miracles, is still upon us,..and the savage MAGA Republicans created by Trumpian will, and skill,..are still here,..UNDESTROYED,....stronger...more savage,..more unrelenting....than ever before,...they make WINNING ..a way of life..,..and are now poised to finish off Biden and the Democrats,..once and for all, this final, nuclear fused,..armageddon level battle to come in November,..that will indeed bring an a Crimson Death to the Democrat revelers,...They will by one,..only to be replaced swiftly by their MAGA Republican counterparts ,..finally bringing an end to the deadly scourge,..the malevolent pestilence,..known  as ..Democrat,....once and for all,..returning them, the fiery abyss, stoke the Devil's furnace ,..for all eternity,..while leaving America, its rightful owners ,..We The People,..who serve no Man....Devil.....or,.. Democrat,....

This is the inevitable outcome, it must be, a land ruled by free born men,..

The Reoublican Party is the engine that drives the machine called America,..and that will be proven , once and for all, November,no doubt,....but the evidence has always been clear,....

Every City or State run by Republicans is,..and always has been,..prosperous and growing...even during the Covid Hoax..which Republican states  mostly ignored,..

Every time in our Nation's history,..when Republicans controlled the balance of power in Washington,..between the Presidency..the House..and the Senate,....the nation prospered indeed,..

Any time in history when Democrats held that power advantage,..the nation was weakened..and faltered,..and the American people , and our Allies in Freedom .around the globe,..suffered..

Tax and Regulation cuts for all Americans...The 2nd Amendment Right to keep and bear arms, for our military and for our Judei Christian values. and Constution.. support for our free market for our Allies in for energy independence, through carbon based for a secure border,.. a secure nation...

All of this.. .is exclusively the Agenda of the Republican Party,...

All of this..the Democrat Party strongly opposes,..always have..and always will,..

For the Democrats hate this Nation as Founded,..and have always made its total destruction..their primary goal,..

So Be It...

Aye,..the Democrats have always sought to destroy America,..while taking its spoils for their own,..Our tax dollars have always ultimately gone into the pockets of Democrats, ...who seek only wealth,  power,..and the right to rule the American people who they deem.. ..inferior,..and only of value as slaves,..laboring for them and their elite ruling class ,..for all eternity,..while they rule over the burnt out husk of a nation ,..once called,..America,...

A bold ambition, be sure....not unlike those of every would be tyrant, dictator, or despot down through history,..who sought to make themselves appear taller, standing on the backs of their fellow man,..whom they deem..inferior,..

Aye,..a bold ambition..a mad dream, about to be destroyed, the light of the coming Trumpian Dawn,..this November,..and well beyond,..

Massive numbers of MAGA Republicans elected, all levels of government,..all primaries.and..all main elections,.. .anywhere,..everywhere,..

This is the final MAGA battle strategem,..all that is needed to end Democrat destruction and restore the Shining City to its former glory, Warp  Speed,... for the the RINOS? ..They will be dealt with...after the war is won..not before..Fir only a fool goes into battle  ..with an Army divided against itself,...

And,..with the desperate raid on Mar A Lago the Democrats have revealed their innermost thoughts,..and fears to the MAGA Army ,..The Democrsts know they are beaten,...and therefore,  now seek a final blaze of destruction before their pre ordained fall, possibly mortally wound Trump before the eyes of his MAGA soldiers,..

A foolish mistake in judgenent,..for the Man Devil Trump has proven himself, quite impervious to Democrat attack,..always rising again,..and countering each attack quite effectively , with disastrous results for the Democrats,..who, a few short years,..have seen their power base..and  all they know ..crumble into  dust before their eyes, under the relentless ,..unstoppable Trumpian MAGA Assault, assault of nothing more than..brutal ..savage ..truth,..

Aye,..better,  at this point,..  for the Democrats to simply call upon the Gods to save them from their fate,..for that may be their last,.. true hope ,....But..they should not hope for much,...For Trump is the favored Son of Zeus,..Zeus the Destroyer,..whose wrath is ever growing in the wake of Democrat madness,..His thunderbolts,..already unleashed on Washington ..with many more to strike in the days to come,..

And the Democrats, doubt,..tremble in their MAGA wake,....all the way, Final,..  November,.. Oblivion,...

Sunday, June 12, 2022

"By My Hand Comes,..Annihilation!!"

 "Better to rule in Hell,..than to serve in Heaven", ...The words of Lucifer , from Milton's ,"Paradise Lost",..But,..they could also easily be the Diabolical Democrats war cry, their mission to destroy America as founded , continues unabated,,..Relentless..merciless ,..their one sinister goal,..Transform the Shining City into a third world socialist, marxist hellhole,..which they shall rule over with an iron fist ..the boot of Democrat destruction ,..forever on the neck of a hated humanity..that Democrats deem..inferior,..

Aye..and the Biden Administration has defined this agenda quite clearly,..for in in less than a year and a half,..the highly touted and unrivaled Trumpian Economy and Military has been all but vaporized,..Massive increases in gas and energy prices in general,..ever increasing taxes and regulations,.. food shortages due to supply line disruptions,.. baby formula shortages caused by a manufacturing shutdown..and existing supplies sent to the border .to be used by illegal invaders,..Russia and China emboldened by perceived Biden- Democrat weakness ,..leaving World War III, an ever looming possibility,..

The Afghanistan withdrawal left 13 American soldiers dead,..and 80 billion dollars of American weaponry in the hands of of our enemies,..and gave tyrannical governments the opportunity to expand their evil grip on humanity , beyond their existing borders,..knowing full well that an America under Biden and Democrat control, is no threat to them,..none at all,..

The fear that tyrants had of Trumpian Rule is gone now,..and the world now stands on the precipice of armageddon because of it,..And,..all the while, America implodes within ,..No longer energy indeoendent,.. no longer a booming economic marvel to behold,..The borders remain open to Americas enemies , as Democrats relocate foreign invaders to every part of  America, .

The Plan??

Replace freeborn Americans with foreign socialist third worlders,..who will become the new Democrat voting base,..A base thst will obey the Democrat edicts without hesitation,..who will vote Democrat in all elections for eternity without question, exchange for a taxpayer funded weekly check..and taxpayer funded housing ,..And the Democrats target our children specifically as well,..with the never ending school shootings becoming ever more frequent,..the latest in Uvalde Texas ,..a border town that represents an easy access point for the Democrat  invader plan,.. .and the schools under Democrat rule are set up,  as bait for dangerous criminals,..

Gun Free Zones ring the dinner bell,..for every would be mass assassin ,..Gun Free,..Protection Free ....creating the perfect environment for mass execution , which serves a dual Democrat purpose,..First, kills off Americas free born youth,..the future of a free America,..and second, also promotes the Democrat Anti Gun Agenda ,..Every shooting moving America one step closer to gun confiscation,  and an end to the 2nd Amendment,..which essentially ends the self governed,  self ruled,  Free Republic,..that the Democrats despise, .

Make no mistake, the days to come, it will be revealed in full, that the police on Uvalde were ordered to stand down, by the Democrat controlled Police Chief..a Beto O'Rourke supporter and donor,..who let the school shooter wreak havoc  upon the helpless students and teachers , ..for hours,....with no attempt to storm the building and take down the shooter, Dead school children serve the anti gun Democrat agenda quite well indeed,

Far fetched?? 

Not at all,..

Democrats hate America, and will kill us and our children to bring an end to it, .and its Trumpian  MAGA Republican Madness , that threatens their rule ,..their power and control...over American Freemarket Money,..

Democrat madness to be sure,..but,..through the dark veil of Democrat destruction, irrefutable truth stands above all things,..

The Republicans are winning ,..and have been,..since the faux election of this  pretender in chief, by mail in ballot fraud,...Aye..Republicans are winning elections everywhere,..the Republican primaries dominated by Trump endorsed wins,..over 80 and counting....the Democrats control is, in reality, optical illusion ,..for even with the faux election of Biden by fake ballots..Republicans still won big in the same election, retaining all House seats they were predicted to lose,..and picking up more besides,  in not only the House,..but the Senate as well,..leaving the Democrats with the slimmest of House and Senate  Majorities in American History,..and made worse by several Democrats turning against their party and its radical agenda ..Senators Manchin and Sinema most notable ,..

Aye..only a handful of seats now stand between an America vaporized..or an America restored,...and Made Great Permanently,....And,..make no mistake,..while Democrats may be the Masters of Destruction,..Republicans are the Masters of WINNING,..everywhere and anywhere,..

The Trumpian restored Party has always had the winning agenda,..but now its fighting spirit is imbued with Trumpian Energy, unstoppable..nuclear fused..juggernaut force of nature,..that makes the Party of Lincoln, virtually unbeatable as well..Who wins the Republican Primaries is irrelevant..Trumpian Republican wins there were as inevitable as the rising of the sun,..

But, the main election..there MUST BE massive Republican voter turnout,..for ALL Republicans running against ANY DEMOCRAT,..All Democrats must be all elections,..from now til the Midterms, and beyond,..for it is Republican Super Majorities that will restore the Shining City ,..punish Democrat  criminal activities,..and reduce the Biden Administration, to a powerless, lame duck anomaly,..that will be controlled like a helpless puppet , by the unstoppable MAGA Republican Machine, engine of destruction, that can accomplish anything ,..shatter armies,..move mountains..conquer worlds,.. if Republican Suoer Majorities are achieved ,...

We The People hold the power.

Always have,....Always will,..

By our hand comes Democrat Annihilation,..the hand of the Republican voter , endless numbers, all elections,..pressing the Republican Nuclear Buttons at the polls,..

Pressing the Doomsday Button..for the Democrat Party,..sending them into political  oblivion,..returning them..eventually.. to their former task,.. 

Stoking the Devils Furnace..for all eternity,..

Aye,..Satan awaits the return of his Democrat servants,..and will leave  America to the Republicans ,..who are now a Trumpian force of nature ,..that employs formidable weapons indeed,..

First..the Republican Agenda itself..ab agenda founded on tax and regulation cuts , ..Second Amendment Rights,..a strong military,..a sealed border..Judei Christian values, independence..Trump and McConnell created 370 plus Conservative Federal Judges spread all across the nation,..that will bring audits of elections  , and lawsuits against Democrat cities and states that dare attempt election fraud , or Democrat smear tactics,  like those employed against President Trump,..A House and Senate already on the verge of Republican control,..with only a handful of seats giving Democrats the edge ..and Democrats now turning against their own radical Party in ever increasing numbers,..Republican controlled cities and states,..that prove the effectiveness of Reoublican rule,.. .

Massive Republican voter turnout,.fir all elections,...that renders Democrat voter fraud impossible,..and will create the Republican Suoer Majorities , that neutralize all so called Republican RINOS,..making their influence and sabotage virtually meaningless,..

And...President Trump himself,..who gas transformed the Republican Party into an unstoppable engine of destruction..A fighting machine..that has but one mission..Destroy All Democrats,..

A fighting machine,..that that makes WINNING,..a way of life,..

Against such forces,..can Satan and his Democrat Army long endure??

Aye,..better for Satan to follow the principles set forth in Milton's "Paradise Lost",..and rule in Hell,..over his Democrat minions,..than face final defeat at the hands of a Trumpian Force of Nature called Republican,..A force that will obey no commands,...submit to no tyrant,...

A force that has yet to be defeated in battle,..with Gods...Devils,..or,..Democrats,....

Monday, March 14, 2022

"If This Mask Shall Fall !!"

 The ancient greeks  created the word, "hypocrite" , to describe the masked stage actors that would perform their ritualistic plays for the greek citizens amusement,..

And here now..centuries later, the Trumpian Age of Miracles, age under seige....the word accurately describes a new breed of masked performer called Democrat.....Malevolent actors who use their thespian skills to attack the Free Republic called America,...

A Republic they despise...a Republic they seek to destroy utterly, destroying its founding principles , by one,..bankrupting it by cutting off its energy supply,..and gaining individual wealth, selling our nations secrets and resources, enemy nations ,..for a profit ,..

And,..all the while,...the Obama-Fauci created biowar weapon that won Biden the Presidency through fake ballot fraud..kept this nations economy shut down..the citizens  masked and muzzled,..and a vaccine mandate, the Democrats  the excuse to weaken the Shining City even more, demanding all working Americans be injected with their experimental serum,..or face employment termination, all levels ..

The plan seemed unstoppable, costs rising by the day,..our military woke..weakened..and demoralized by the botched withdraw from Afghanistan that left 13 American soldiers dead,..thousands of American civilians and Alllies stranded...and the Taliban much stronger and wealthier,..with 80 billion dollars worth of Trumpian  weaponry and equipment, their hands,..and the hands of China as well,..And..all the while,..Biden will be funding the Taliban with American tax payer dollars ,..just as he and the Democrats fund all of Americas enemies,..Just as Biden continues to keep American oil production shut down,..while continuing  to buy Russian oil,..essentially funding Putins attack on Ukraine,..

Vladimir Putin has long dreamed of taking back Ukraine,..making it part of Russia once again,..recreating the Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain,..And now,..the Biden-Democrat weakness has given hin his chance to seize the moment ,..just as Obama weakness gave him the chance,..when Putin took back part of the Ukraine known as the Crimea,..

Russia,..China,..North Korea,..Iran..the Axis of Evil that has long been funded by the Biden crime family and the Democrat Machine, see their chance to move on their long held plans, gain more territory , move the shadow of tyranny across ever increasing areas of the globe,..The world seems poised on the edge of oblivion,..

But,..there are other forces,..forces that oppose,.. ..forces that rise to the defense of the Shining City,..Savage,..Relentless,..MAGA Republican Forces,..still led by the true Commander in Chief,..Donald J.Trump,.. ..forces that make winning a way of life,....forces that are now winning elections everywhere,....forces that reject all things Democrat,..all virus nonsense ,..all mask and covid shutdown mandates,.....forces that are now assured overwhelming nuclear fusion level victory in the coming Midterms,..

Aye,..Forces,..that will soon drink the wine of Trumpian Victory,..from the Democrats crushed skulls,.....

And the Democrats see this coming as well,..They see their preordained fate reflected in in the plummeting Biden polls,..and the ever increasing energy and  food prices , chain shutdowns,.. and bare store shelves,....

The Democrats see their Death ,..reflected in the eyes of the demon Trump,..who continues his rallies,..his media site now up and running,....his twitter account miraculously resurrected,..and the Republican Candidates he endorses,..all winning their elections in sweeping fashion,..

The MAGA message is clear,.. ..To save America,..every seat now held by a Democrat,..on a city ..state,..or federal level,..MUST become a Republican seat,..PERMANENTLY,....if the Shining City is to endure,..and return to former Trumpian Glory,..

Aye,..Trump summed up the Biden-Democrat debacle best , his most recent Rallies in Texas and North Carolina,..with two simple statements,...."This is a load of Bullshit!"..and,.."None of this,..would be happening,..if I was still President!"....

So Be It.

Aye,..the Democrats see their death coming indeed,..and, .out of desperation,..have abandoned the Covid scheme,..and introduced a new strategem,.. one emphasized at the farcical Biden State of the Union Address,....The Democrats have now lifted the mask mandates and business restrictions, .and Biden even adopted a pseudo Trumpuan theme for the Address,....Pro Police,..Pro Military,..Pro America,..seemingly,....But,..heavy taxes and regulations for the so called wealthy remain...the green agenda remains,..with its massive government spending plan,..the Biden shutdown of American oil and gas production remains,.. ..and,..most importantly,..the open border remains,..with illegal invaders being secretly flown all over the nation,.. in covert private planes,......which reveals all to those with eyes that can see,..

The Democrats have a nothing but contempt for America and it's people,..and nothing illustrates this clearer,..than the Russian oil that Biden and the Democrats continued to rely upon for American energy until recently,...and the fact that Biden refuses to shut down the Nordstream two pipelines of Russia, Trump had done,..The only sanction thst would stop Putin's assault on Ukraine and its valiant people,..the only sanction that would cripple the Russian economy. .and its war machine as well,..

The truth is clear,..

Despite Biden's supplying Stinger and Javelin missiles to Ukraine..and just recently stopping the import of Russian oil to the U.S.,...

The Democrats are Russia,..They are China,..They are North Korea,..They are Iran....They are the Taliban,....

For they fund all of these enemies of America,..with American tax dollars,..while punishing the American economy with ever increasing taxes , regulations,  energy shutdowns,..and covid mandates, that serve no purpose , except to allow elections to be stolen by mail in ballot fraud,....

Aye,..the Democrat mask of hypocrisy may have temporarily fallen,..but this has simply exposed their malicious intent ever more clearly,..for even in fear of Midterm destruction,..the mask mandates remain on the American children..who they hate most of all,..for they symbolize MAGA Future,..and must be muzzled, controlled ,..and indoctrinated to the Democrat agenda,..permanently,....even while the open border continues to provide the Democrat Party with new Democrat voters who will do what freeborn Americans will not do,...OBEY,...without question,..Obey..and vote Democrat,..always,.. is too late for Democrat schemes and malevolent machinations now,....the hellspawn Trump and his MAGA Republican Army are now poised for inevitable overwhelming victory,....and Satan,..seeing his Democrat Machine broken and exposed by the Sorceror skills of Trump, calls the calls them home to the dark abyss, return them to their original task,..stoking his fiery furnaces,.....For All Eternity,..... 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

"Master Of The MAGA Arts!!"

 Republicans are now winning elections everywhere..even in cities and states long established as Democrat controlled ,.for decades..proving that although the Miracle of the Christmas season has come and gone..the Trumpian Age of Miracles is still it spells inevitable doom for the Diabical Democrats,..long before the Republican landslide that will define the Midterms,..

There is a simple truth that the American people are waking up to.....a truth that will always be revealed,..once you give Democrats what they always sought...Total Power....Total Control...of all three branches of the Federal Government...Once they have this..the true malevolent nature of the creature called Democrat, is exposed ,for all the world to see,..

They hate all things that define America,..and seek nothing more than its complete destruction , through heavy taxes and regulations ,..which are then implemented to make the Democrats wealthy,..nothing more ,..No global warming bill, or social relief program created by the Democrats ever accomplished anything,..all they do is weaken the economy , and move the Democrats one step closer to the Marxist  socialist utopia that they wish to turn America into,...

The Biden Administration's total contempt for America and our Armed undeniable ..They seek to pull everything our Founders created down..and then rule over its ashes...That is always the goal of the self created tyrant..Mankind beneath the boot heel of their rule,..for they believe themselves to be superior to their fellow man, birthright heritage,  .

But,..thanks to President Trump and his MAGA Republican army's relentless pressure and counter attacks,...the Democrat Machine is crumbling rapidly,..Indeed,..they cannot comprehend what is happening to them,.and have no viable strategem to counter basic MAGA Republican truth, that has unmasked them fully, last,..

In addition to sweeping Republican victories,..all across the nation...there is another portend of things to come,.. with the verdicts in the Kyle Rittenhouse and Jussie Smollet trials now in.. .

Kyle Rityenhouse is not guilty..because We The People have the God given right to defend ourselves, our family,..and our property,..with the weapon of our choice,..

That, the Natural Law, that defines the freedom that makes America unique in all the world,.....That makes the American people unique,....We rule ourselves,..because we have the will..and the means , defend that rule, from those who would challenge it,..

You cannot be free,..unless you can defend that freedom ,..its as simple as that,..

And the Jussie Smollet verdict?? He was found guilty of fabricating his race crime,..simply to obtain an increase in in salary as an actor, .His guilty verdict once more confirms the truth about the Democrats race baiting strategem,....Its a trick, illusion,..designed to make money,..

Democrats get rich promoting America as a racist Hell Hole,..but the truth is ,..America was never racist,..In the Declaration of Independence , the mechanism to end slavery was already put in motion,..only Democrat controlled colonies prevented it from becoming a reality ,right from America's inception,..

The basic truth,..??  America's racism has only existed in the minds,...hearts,..and souls,..of the lowborn creature called Democrat,..and they remain the only source of racism in this great nation,..

Enough if this madness,..Democrats Must Be Destroyed,..Now,..

To this end,..the MAGA Mission remains clear.. Turn every seat currently held by a Democrat ,..into a Republican seat,..permanently,..on a city,..state,.. and federal level,..

We must take from the Democrats,.. the only thing they value,..Power,..and the ability to win elections, the source of that power, .

Once done,..once Republican  Super Majorities are established,..everywhere,..  as History has proven,.. all things become possible...

It's the Republican Agenda that created America ,..that Made It Great ,..while the Democrat Agenda  has done nothing except damage that greatness, .

Therefore,..the Democrats must be reduced to a powerless minority Party ,..permanently,....if America is to survive,.

President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have placed 370 plus conservative federal judges all across this nation ,..and they are currently neutralizing the Biden Democrat Agenda,..everywhere....even in Democrat stronghold districts,....buying us precious time to destroy them, the election polls ,..before they destroy us,..

The Trump rallies will continue, an effective weapon to rally the MAGA Army..expose Democrat malfeasance..and promote Republican candidates for election, all levels of government,...

We The People..Must ElectAll Of  These Republicans,....if our Free to endure,..

The Three Dimensional Chess Master now moves his final piece into play on his chessboard,....while the Democrats barely comprehend  their inevitable fate,.....

A fate preordained,....

A fate which must befall,....

When you dare challenge the Master of the MAGA Arts, battle for the soul of the Shining City ,..