Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Savage Elite

Who is the Mastermind behind the automatic Sequestration which will drastically cut funding to our military? The Republican Congress? Nope. It was the President . He proposed it. He signed it into law , and he threatened to veto any and all proposed bills that would try to stop it. Obama , and Obama alone, created this. It was always part of his plan , you see. There is a good reason why the President and the House Democrats have refused to submit a budget for more than four years. They know that , if no budget is signed into law, the automatic cuts to the military , must happen ,all according to the President's plan . You see, there was never to be a budget.Never to be tax cuts.  Never to be spending cuts . Never to be cuts in entitlements. And;...never to be a growing, prosperous economy. At least , not according to the President's plan .
This is why the State of the Union Address was a complete waste of time. The President had nothing new to say. The plan remains the same.
Invest in Education . Invest in Housing. Invest in Green Energy fantasies. Invest in Science and Medical research. Invest in Infrastructure. In other words , re-invest in the same old , bloated entitlement programs that have bankrupted this country.
Just more of the same. "Invest " , means tax increases , not on the so-called "evil rich corporations", but on everybody. And the payoff?  Well.....eventually, total government control of the free market.
The President will never varyfrom this goal.  
The President will never waiver from this goal .
And , the sequester is a major part of this goal.
The sequestration forces our military to become weaker , our security to become, less secure , and our enemies to become bolder and more aggresively hostile, in their dealings with us.
This is the Obama plan.
Weaken the economy .
Weaken the military.
Strengthen government control over its citizens, and force America to lose its undeserved superpower status among Nations.
Make America equal with other Nations , make America weak, and thereby strengthen our enemies , in the process. This seems to be the ultimate goal. What else could it be?
America is unfairly superior. So make make America inferior, for no other reason than the President's own twisted sense of fairness.
Ther was one thing slightly different about this State of the Union , however.Ted Nugent ; musician , hunter, and conservative activist,  was in attendance , a guest of a  Republican Congressman . There was good reason for Ted  to be in attendance. Obama had  decided to use this State of the Union to increase his attack on the NRA ,  and the Second Amendment. Apparently, the President sees the massacre of Newtown school children as an opportunity to take away law abiding citizens right to keep and bear arms.
This will not happen. It can't. Any Democrat who has attempted this , in the past, has faced defeat in future election campaigns. And , with the 2014 Senate race looming , this anti -gun push by Obama could be the factor that secures control of both the House and Senate, for the Republicans. Surely , the President realizes this, just as he must realize that only tax cuts can grow the economy;...not government programs.
Apparently, the President just doesn't get it.
"We the People , have a natural  right to keep the money we earn ,and we have a  natural right  to arm , and protect ourselves. We don't need a constitution to verify it.
The President claims to be a fan of President Kennedy. He opened his State of the Union speech with a quote from him . Yet, he fails to see that Kennedy cut taxes and spending  to create a robust , growing economy.
The President is also a fan of President Lincoln and his legacy, yet he fails to understand that anti-gun laws were only created after President Lincoln freed the slaves. The, carpetbagger politicians fron down South petitioned Washington to pass a law which would prevent  all newly freed African Americans from owning a firearm . You see, they understood that you can't beat , lynch, or burn crosses on the lawn of a black man with a gun . The second Amendment , made the freed slaves ;...truly free.
If the President recognizes these contradictions ;...he probably just doesn't give a damn. His larger agenda is all that matters , and that agenda is , simply;...control of freedom . You see, in the mind of the President, freedom  ; simply not fair. Not just. Not equal.
The President's goal is to strip away the unfair, unjust, concept of freedom , and replace it with the great equalizer;...socialism . Sure, you may not be technically free, but; will be equal. Equally poor , that is. Except , of course , for the wealthy elite, that will , under Obama's plan , dwell only in Washington. And, not only will this elite group  have low taxes, but, they will also have guns, armed guards ,secret service, and military drones , to protect them ;.......from you.
A nightmare scenario , to be sure . But;...there is a way to stop it. "We the People" need to remind these tax and spend savages who dwell in Washington ;...that We run this country;...and they are nothing more ;...than our employees.
We must always remember;...this is a self governed,  self ruled , free Republic. "We the People" , rule this land , until the day;....that we forget this fact.  

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Boy Who Would Be King

President Obama spoke of many things during his State of the Union Address . He spoke of , reducing the debt, investment in clean energy, investment in infrastructure , investment in education , investment in housing , and, investment in new technology.
He spoke of all the things that he has spoken of, many times before in previous State of the Union Addresses, but he still doesn't understand that he cannot solve any of these problems through government . You see, government created these problems. And , only free market capitalism , can solve them .
In truth , all the President proposed in his address was more spending , more taxes, more regulations , while at the same time , still showing no interest in actually passing a budget. This , of course , is done with a purpose. No budget means automatic cuts to the military . This has been the Democrat plan all along. The only thing a Democrat will ever cut, is military spending. The automatic sequester will take care of that;...and the President can always blame it on the Republicans refusal to compromise on the budget.
The President's speech was a long one , filled with his grandiose dreams of a socialist utopia. That dream , will never be relaized, however. It can't be . Socialism fails because it cannot sustain itself financially without free market capitalism supporting it. This is why every Nation on earth that tries this system , ....eventually collapses. Those that survive for any length of time , like Greece , or France do so only because they are funded by United States freemarket dollars that keep them afloat temporarily .Until we stop sending them money , that is.
The President must know this by now. He must see this major flaw in his plan . An ever expanding government , must, in turn , shrink the free market. It must destroy the very engine that keeps it running . A good economy is built on one thing alone; cuts. You let the people who earn the money , keep the money. The economy then grows and prospers , and this, in turn , increases revenue to the government; increasing the number of tax payers. Simple.
Yet, Obama still refuses to even discuss tax cuts at all. Strange for a man who quoted President John F. Kennedy at the opening of his address. Kennedy grew his economy , the same way Reagan did , the same way Bush did; cutting taxes and regulations . Yet, the President continues to believe that he can spend and tax his way to economic prosperity. How can this be? And, how can the President keep giving the same utopia speech for more than four years ;...yet be no closer to achieving that utopia?
Because, the socialist utopia was never his true objective. His true objective, has always been ;;...bigger government ;...that is all. That is the goal of all would be dictators and tyrants. And , it all starts , with one , simple thing:...., gun control.
Obama knows that stricter gun laws and regulations are a prelude to a  government takeover, so naturally, that was one of the key issues of his Address.
A citizen disarmed , is a citizen controlled. History proves it, and the President knows it. And, if the Republican dominated congress fails to back his new initiatives ; problem . The President has a back up plan . He will simply use an executive order ; over rule them . Indeed, since re-election , the President has grown more petulant , more whiney, more intolerant of any who would dare thwart his will.
Ultimately, the President seems to be not a dictator , or socialist tyrant, but a spoiled child , an arrogant brat , who simply wants his own way, no matter what destruction it may wreak on our country. Like a sulking teenager with his parent's credit card, he just wants the money to spend and waste , on anything he wants , as he sees fit.
This is why Barack Hussein Obama wanted to be President;..why he campaigned so long and hard for it. After all, he's obviously not a leader , and not interested in the boring details of the job.
He wanted the power .
He wanted the prestige.
He wanted to be able to do;...anything ;...without an adult telling him no.
 If Obamacare is not stopped, by the individual States, and , if Congress does not stop the tax and spend policies of this boy tyrant;...the destruction will continue. It has to.
Time will tell, if the Republican Party has the will to stop Obama.
But , the larger question is;...How will history view this President, and his administration?
A socialist tyrant?
A radical extremist?
Or, just the worst President since Jimmy Carter?
Nope. None of these.
Ultimately, President Brack Hussein Obama will be seen by History , not as tyrant dictator, or socialist visionary, but, simply as a very naughty boy, who really needed  a good spanking by congress , to make him behave.
Yes, in the end, History will show that Obama wasn't really trying to create a new socialist utopia , where everyone lives in fairness and equality, but like a Marxist Huckleberry Finn ,was simply trying to see, just how much he could get away with , just for the sheer fun of doing it, while , all the time, knowing, that none  of the grown-ups  in Congress , was able to stop him .  

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rise of the Mechanoid

So, the man who condemned the Bush Anti-Terror program , condemned  waterboarding as torture , condemned the Iraq War , including the surge, condemned the entire Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strike against our enemies , now, apparently, has a new , proposed Drone agenda, which would permit him to execute American citizens suspected of aiding terrorists.
At least, that's what a recently leaked CIA memo outlines quite clearly. CIA director nominee John Brenner however, insists that it's not as extreme as it sounds , and if implemented, it would only be used against proven terror targets. Gee , I thought Americans were entitled to a fair trial;...before we assassinate them .  
Actually , the idea of an expanded Drone program by President Obama is not surprising . The Drone initiative has always been a mainstay of the Obama terror program , even more than under Bush. But, not for the reason one might think. This new Drone initiative isn't really about fighting a war on terror. It's about control. It's about power. It's about securing the President's power. Many political pundits have painted Obama as an Imperialist President, asserting his authority in areas of government he doesn't belong in , and disregarding the rulings of Congress , when those rulings oppose his will.
The President has, in many cases, behaved like a modern day Roman Emperor, imposing his will upon the Senators that grow increasingly nervous about his unstable rule.
However, there is a difference ;...power. The Emperors of Ancient Rome had a source to their authority,  a  source that prevented all from daring to defy their will . The Praetorian Guard. This was a specially chosen , hand picked , team of elite soldiers that would protect the Emperor , at all costs , against all enemies , without let or hindrance. . President Obama , however , rules over a self-governed Republic. He could find no American who would willingly fulfill this Praetorian Guard Agenda. No free man , military , or otherwise , , would support and protect  a rogue President , leading the Nation to destruction .
But ;...there are the Drones , the mindless mechanoids , that , so far , have indeed carried out his will , and eliminated enemy targets quickly and cleanly. No waterboarding, no Gitmo Bay imprisonment , no lengthy military trial , just a quick, clean kill. Far less expensive , thereby leaving more tax dollars available for other Obama agendas, more urgent to the President. Yes, the President has his mechanoid assassins , and thanks to Obamacare , he will soon have an extensive database of information on virtually every human being living in the United States. This gives the President a tremendous psychological advantage over his enemies , even those on the domestic front . The threat need not be real, but, the threat is there , nonetheless. Obama has maintained a hit list of terror enemies , and then terminated them without any approval from Congress . He just does it , and no one opposes him, on this issue , or on anything else really.
Until now, that is .  
The Benghazi Gate scandal is simply not going away , as the President and Secretary Clinton no doubt hoped it would. The questioning on the incident continues , as the Republican House and Senate has shown unusual persistence in demanding answers. The Republicans , have finally, held their ground. At least , on this issue. As I stated before in a previus blog , there are three questions that must be answered regarding Benghazi;....Who ordered the stand down? What did Secretary Clinton know, and where was the President during this seven hour battle?
Well, thanks to the testimony of outgoing CIA Director Leon Panetta , and the relentless questioning by Senator Lindsay Graham , we now have the answer to one of these questions. Where was the President? Well, apparently, he was asleep. Director Panetta informed the President of the situation unfolding, and then , the President apparently did nothing more than say, "Do what you have to do";...and then, went to bed. The President made no further attempt , according to Panetta , to obtain updates about the situation . The President , apparently, just didn't give a damn . Much like Secretary Clinton , who could not be bothered to do her job , and read reports coming from the Embassy. This is inexcusable. This is an impeachable offense. The President knew that only he had the authority to send military aid to Benghazi , or anywhere else. No one else could have done it. Yet, he chose to do nothing . And , four Americans are dead because of it.
This is our President. This is the same man who now uses mechanical assassins to terminate terrorists on a whim . Was a gun running operation being conducted at the Benghazi Embassy , as Senator Rand Paul has suggested? Perhaps. And, if so, that may be a reason for this bizarre coverup of blatant negligence of duty by top government officials ;...including the President.
This however, is mere speculation . What's clear is that the President  has little real interest in fighting a war on terror, unless it's done cheaply by his ever increasing army of mechanoids. Otherwise, he couldn't care less. The war on terror just an annoying distraction from his true mission ; secure the Democrat power base by controlling the free market.
Wars are expensive.
That's money that could be better used , for Democrat entitlement programs , and election campaigns.  
Yes, wars are expensive. But;....Drone assassinations are not .
If the President manages to avoid impeachment for his failure , as Commander in Chief , to protect Americans lives , then , no doubt , it will embolden him , and his administration . His Drone war will go on , as planned , and , make no mistake about it , eventually all who oppose him will , no doubt, be on his enemies list one day, with his ever present mechanoids , hovering, menacingly , nearby.
As an after thought, one of the President's real, human soldiers was murdered this past weekend , by a fellow soldier he was trying to help. Chris Kyle, former Navy Seal, the American Sniper, who devoted his life to service to his country, continued his service in his private life, helping troubled soldiers in need ,even donating all the proceeds from his book to this cause. His selfless devotion to his fellow soldiers , unfortunately, cost him his life.
There will be a funeral ceremony at Dallas Cowboy Stadium in his honor, highlighting Chris' selfless, and never ending service to his fellow Americans both in wartime, and as a civilian .
Chris Kyle is truly, an American Hero;..a skilled sniper who targeted the enemies of freedom , and in the process , saved countless lives on the battlefield. And then , in retirement, he gave his life trying to help a troubled soldier.
The President;...Kyle's Commander in Chief, will not be attending his funeral. Apparently, the President prefers his snipers to be machines that can be controlled, and that cost him a lot less taxpayer money.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Alone against;..The Tempest!!

Former Senator Chuck Hagel is a terror state appeaser who has sided with middle east dictators when they called the United States , "Brutal Aggressors", and , "The World's Bully".He has shown little support for Israel , or its right to defend itself , even to the point of calling their use of force against Palestinian attacks , a "brutal bloodbath". He has strongly opposed all things Bush , including the Iraq war , the surge , the Bush anti- terror program in general, and the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes against our enemies.
He has called , repeatedly, for cuts in military spending , which would drastically weaken our nations security , and leave us vulnerable to our enemies.
And yet, despite these surprising views and actions as a Republican Senator during the Bush Administration , he has become the number one choice of  President Obama to assume the role of Secretary of Defense.
Why? What qualifies this man for such a position? He even called Iran a , 'legitimate government" , simply because it occupies space as a member of the corrupt United Nations. And, best of all, this past week , a Senate confirmation hearing took place , in which the former Senator was grilled brutally on his past statements and actions ;..a grilling for which Senator Hagel had no comprehensible response.
Senators McCain and Graham, in particular, forced Hagel to respond to past Anti-American , Anti- Israel , Anti- Military statements , but Hagel's responses left both Republican and Democrat Senators , at the Hearing, speechless and dumbfounded. Indeed, not only did Hagel have no defense or rational explanation for his past stances on issues, but he also seemed not to even understand what the duties of Secretary of Defence might be. Imagine that . He wants to be the Secretary of Defense , yet has no concept of what the job entails. Not only that, but given his past antipathy towards our military, a bigger question arises ;...why does Hagel even want the job in the first place? And , more importantly, why does President Obamna want him for the job?
For one reason alone. Hagel is Obama. All that Obama believes is reflected , quite clearly, in the views of Senator Chuck Hagel. His Anti-Military, Anti-Israel, Anti-America stance is Obama. Qualifications don't matter . Competance doesn't matter. No, all that matters to Obama is that Hagel, when appointed, will unwaiveringly support the Obama Agenda , without question.
This is why Tim Geitner became Secretary of the Teasury, despite his  inability to even pay his own taxes.
This is why Elena Kagan was able to become a Supreme Court Judge, despite having no experience that would qualify her for that position
This is why Hillary Clinton was able to become Secretary of State , with no more experience than being a former First Lady with a failed government health care program .
And, this is why Senator John Kerry is about to become our new Secretary of State, despite the fact that he has spent his entire military and political career, accusing our military of war crimes .
All of these people , and more, all serve the Obama cause which ultimately amounts to two simple things;...taxes and spending.
All support Obama's endless tax increases.
All support Obama's entitlement spending increases.
All support Obama desire for increased government power , and control , over the free market.
Senator Hagel , despite his shocking lack of qualifications for Secretary of Defense, may, in fact, be extremely qualified , in Obama's eyes , for the office , for one basic reason;..Sen.Hagel has always wanted cuts in military spending. This fact is crucial , in the President's eyes.
You see, the Democrat Party has always had one overwhelmingly defining trait, and that is the complete inability to cut either taxes, or spending . With one exception , of course. The Military. Democrats are always willing to cut the military, because , in their minds , this allows them to pour more money into their favorite entitlement programs. Programs that will ensure future Democrat voters . That's the bottom line , and Obama and Hagel , both know it. Tax dollars that go to the military are a waste, because the military always overwhelmingly, votes Republican. Why then , in God's name, would you want to increase military spending , when it produces unfavorable results at the election polls?
This is where the Democrat Party's contempt for the military comes from. The military is , essentially , in their eyes, stealing their money . Money that could be better used , elsewhere.
Will Hagel be appointed? Hard to say. Despite the Republican Party's strong stance against him , they have caved to the Dems on many issues recently.
However, there may be one reprieve;...the Democrats don't seem to like Hagel much either.
Why? Well it certainly has nothing to do with  Hagel's Anti-Military, Pro-Appeasement stance , or his incomprehensible Senate Hearing appearance.
Actually, the reason is a completely unrelated outrage from Hagel's past. Senator Hagel, you see, dared to crticize an openly gay ambassador nominee , questioning if the man's sexual persuasion would interfere with his ability to do his job.
This, in the minds of the Democrats , is where Senator Hagel has truly crossed the line, you see.
You cam make anti-Christian statements sure, but not anti-Gay statements .
Christians are a strong Republican voting base. The Gay community , however, is not. It's just like the left's recent attacks on Al Gore's selling of Current T.V. to Al Jazeera. The Liberal Left doesn't care that Gore sold to a company  that supports terror groups. No, their beef is the fact that he sold to a company that is sponsored by Evil big oil money.
Hagel dared show prejudice against a strong Democrat voting base . Therefore , like Gore, Hagel must be punished. Not for being Anti-Gay, or Anti-America, but for failing to reflect the total vision of the liberal Left, and their leader;...Barack Hussein Obama.
Unfortunately, even if Hagel is rejected by the Committee , it matters little. We still have a Republican dominated Congress that refuses to take a strong , united stand against all things Obama. If Hagel fails, it will simply be the result of Democrats opposing him too, but for different reasons , of course. The rejection of Hagel would be a small ,hollow victory for the GOP, indeed.
But there is one bright spot on the horizon , in the form of 19 Senators , led by Rand Paul,who have indeed stood strong and unwaivering on the issue of U.S. dollars and weapons , including tanks , going to Eqypt , a Nation now controlled by Muhammed Morsi, of the terror supporting  Muslim Brotherhood. Apparently, these 19 Republican representatives don't hate our military or appease our enemies , like Senator Hagel. No, instead , these conservative heroes have refused to budge on this issue , refusing to vote , 'yes' on the approval of sending U.S. money and weapons to one of our enemies.
History will show , on this day, that these 19 Senators stood strong against all odds , in the middle of the socialist tempest seeking to engulf our Nation. History will show that they did their job , they honored their oath , to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Hopefully, this courage is contageous and the other Republicans , in the House and Senate , will catch the virus, before its too late.