Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Scorched Earth Initiative

What happened on November 2nd? Complete victory, scorched earth policy, we took no prisoners. It had to be. For, if not, then the tea parties, Townhalls, Marches on Washington, and Glenn Beck rallies were all for naught, and a lie. For what is a March on Washington? What is a group of Americans , standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, holding signs? What is the message that these gatherings have put forth for two years now? Votes, that's all . Every townhall protestor, Tea Partier, or Glenn Beck Rallier, has to represent a vote against the Obama Agenda, or else their protests were meaningless. If we did not scorch the earth with our win, then our protests were hollow, and a lie.
But, we did win, and win big.The biggest win for the GOP , since 1938. Why did we win? Because , "We the People" , are , in fact , extreme, and the extreme have had their day. 'Moderate" is what got us to this point. Working with Democrats is what nearly destroyed us. Extreme got us out.
You see, America is great because it is extreme. Extremely free and extremely unwilling to allow any rule, except self-rule.  We are a self-governed nation. The first in history. The only in history. The people rule here, not the government, which is why we cannot "take back" the country. We never lost it. We are the country. We did not defeat Obama , Pelosi, and Reid, , because they didn't cause this. We did. We are the true enemy. We didn't take back the country , because it wasn't taken from us; we gave it up voluntarily. , with disinterest , and indifference. We should never forget this, because , when we do, it will most assuredly happen again.
And, for all those who wanted to keep Democrat rule, I have a message; Don't leave your State; ever. Stay there. As unemployment continues to rise, as crime grows due to liberal gun bans, as homeowners become homeless, and businesses fail, Iant you and your liberal smugness to stay right where you are in your liberal Democrat Sovreign Utopia. Stay right there in Delaware with Chris Coons, Stay with Barney Frank, Stay with Harry Reid. Stay with Jerry Brown. Don't you dare leave for a more prosperous State run by Republicans . Don't you dare infect economic sucess with your liberal entitlement freeloader nonsense anymore. Stay with Coons, Reid, Frank, Brown , and Boxer. You like what they accomplished , then continue to bask in the economic glory of their States, as they go broke. Stay there, Don't move and try to ruin Republican Prosperity.
You know, I think Christine O'Donnell was right . Not just about the First Amendment, Evolution, and Conservatism, O'Donnell  was also correct about mice being engineered by scientists with human brains. They do, in fact, exist. They are called Liberal Democrats, and they do, indeed, live in Delaware, and they do , indeed vote to support the Obama Ponzi scheme.

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