Saturday, August 22, 2015

Operation: Exile!!

When Hillary Rodham Clinton was appointed Secretary of State, she took an oath to protect America's security secrets from the prying eyes of enemy nations.Once she actually became Secretary of State ,Hillary Rodham Clinton gave up all rights to such luxuries as private emails , or private servers for that matter.Her emails are property of the United States Government , and as such, property of the American people as well. She cannot conceal them.She cannot delete them. She cannot refuse to turn over the server they are stored on. She cannot wipe that server clean.She cannot remove top secret designations to those emails.
They do not belong to her, period. When asked by a Congressional committee to turn them over, she must do so immediately , or face criminal espionage charges and inevitable Federal prosecution. 
So too, with the related Benghazi scandal .Ambassador Stevens clearly, for months, requested additional security for his Libyan Embassy as the Anniversary of 911 approached, and was flatly refused, repeatedly.His defenseless Embassy was eventually attacked by heavily armed terrorists , and again, the State Department , under Hillary Clinton's control refused to dispatch any rescue team to provide assistance to the Embassy.The order that came from the Statehouse that night, our military forces in that area,.. during the seven hour siege,..was to "stand down."
So be it.
The result? Four American operatives ,..dead,..and the Benghazi Embassy burned to the ground by Al Queda operatives on the Anniversary of 911. 
Then, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blamed the attack on a YouTube video that no one had ever seen, in order to promote President Obama's re-election campaign claim that Al Queda was "on the run", and virtually defeated.
She was subpoened by a Congressional Committee.She ignored the subpoena , refused to answer questions regarding the Benghazi attack,and flatly refused to release emails pertaining to the case. Now, she's running for President, and only now, has her server been seized , and pressure finally being put upon her by the FBI.
Why?Had this been any Republican in office they would be in jail now,and rightly so. Had Hillary been a Republican ,Benghazi and the subsequent email scandal would have finished her instantly and prevented any run for the office of Commander in Chief, before it had even begun. 
Why then,has nothing been done to force this woman to answer for her behavior that has compromised the security of our Nation, jeopardized the safety of our troops ,and cost the lives of four Embassy operatives on the Anniversary of 911?
And how in God's name could this woman , while acting as Secretary of State also be running the "Clinton Foundation" , which openly took money from foreign nations in exchange for political favors?How could she and her husband, be receiving half a million dollars for a speech given before the leaders of these foreign nations , while she was still Secretary of State,..and no questions regarding these activities were never asked?  
Because Hillary Clinton is a member of the liberal left, a student of Saul Alinsky, and Karl Marx, and a member of the Democrat Party, that's why. The Democrat Party has been in control of this country and it's policies for the bulk of it's existence , and it has been nothing more than an instrument of destruction designed to transform America into a socialist nation. Hillary Clinton is a true believer in this mission to destroy America. She is a member of the Democrat Party.She is a student of Saul Alinsky.She is a student of Karl Marx .She is a student of Woodrow Wilson , the racist Progressive President that started America's downfall and inevitable shift towards socialism. 
Above all, she is a Democrat, and Democrats protect their own .
She will not do jail time for her crimes against the Nation. The only reason charges are finally being brought against her is the fact that President Obama does not want her to be his successor. Her punishment will be the loss of the Presidency, while Vice-President Joe Biden , Obama choice ,will take her place as the Democrat nominee. There is no love lost between President Obama and the Clintons , and that, will now become quite apparent , as the investigation intensifies.But again, in the end, she will not be prosecuted.Why?Because Democrats do not prosecute each other, for carrying out their leftist agenda against Imperialist America .Hillary has done what any Democrat in her position would have done, and she will be protected for this reason. Nor will there be any consequences for the I.R.S. crimes.For the NSA.For the Illegal Amnesty push by an unlawful President. 
Obamacare will not be repealed.
The attacks against police will not stop .
The collapse of our free market economy will not stop .
The weakening of our Military and mistreatment of our Vets will not stop.
None of the destruction to our Nation will stop;..
Until the Democrat Party's decades long control of our government; on a State and Federal level, is ended once and for all. 
You see, the simple truth is ;..
The collapse of our economy,..
The collapse of our military,..
The demonizing of our police,..
The invasion of illegal criminals on our shores,..
The rise of ISIS and Al Queda ,..
The beheadings burnings, and crucifixions of innocent Christians, Yazidis, and Kurds by these terror groups,..
The Planned Parenthood butchery of unborn children for profit,...and the taxpayer funding of this organization,..
The attacks on Christianity and defense of murderous Islam and Sharia Law.,..
The destruction of traditional family values,..
The taxpayer funding of abortions, and transsexual operations,...
The attacks on our gun rights and the refusal to protect our schools and public venues from armed killers,...
The disarming of our military , both at home and overseas, that leaves them defenseless against terrorists that are targeting them,...
The deliberate misinterpretation of our Constitutional Amendments , claiming that the 2nd only permits militia to own guns, and the 14th grants citizenship to illegal foreigners born on our soil.False,..both times,..
The rejection of our allies in freedom and the embracing of our enemies who seek our destruction,..
The arming of these enemies with our tax dollars,and nuclear weapons,..
The illegal use of executive power by a President who embraces our enemies and who seeks to flood our shores with illegal invaders that will keep the Democrat Party in power permanently.
All of this is happening for one reason;..
We the People have allowed the Democrat Party to remain the majority  political power for far too long,..and the result has been the almost complete destruction of the Free Republic called America. 
Trump has arisen from this destruction as a falsely perceived viable Republican leader because he opposes the immigration of illegal criminals and is willing to talk endlessly about stopping it with a wall, and mandatory deportment, other reason. 
This man is a lifelong Democrat donor, who favors taxing the wealthy, condemns the conservative Koch Brothers  , Attacks Pamela Geller for provoking terrorists,and believes in government controlled single payer Health care. 
Donald Trump is not a conservative.
Donald Trump is not the answer.
No one man is. 
The answer is, was, and always will be,..Republican Party control of our Nation and the total defeat of the Democrat Party. 
The Republican Party is the Party that has produced the system of self government that has made America the greatest nation on earth.
The Republican Party, is the Party of Lincoln,
The Party that freed the slaves,..
The Party that created the 2nd Amendment , that protects our 1st Amendment,..
The Party that cuts taxes and regulations ,..
The Party that supports our military and defends our Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of our Constitution. 
The Democrat Party,..believes in none of this 
Absolutely none .
Yet, despite all this,despite the evidence that clearly shows that our nation prospers only under Republican rule,..we have allowed the Democrat Party to control our nation for the bulk of its existence. 
The results are clear and have now reached critical mass. 
This Nation can endure no more. 
The Presidential race of 2016 has but one purpose; secure Republican control of the Presidency , gain a Republican Super Majority in the House and Senate,...and to bring permanent defeat to the Democrat Party. 
May the best man win.
May the most truly conservative, truly Republican candidate win,..but regardless of who that inevitable candidate may be, a Republican candidate must take the Presidency ,..if this nation  is to survive. The time has come to purge this nation. Trump is right on this, if nothing else. 
We see the nation's prosperity at the hands of Republicans such as Reagan and Bush, and then always revert back to long term Democrat control. Why? Enough of this self destructive behavior by the American voter.
Time to actually, for once,..give the Conservative Republican base a chance to run this nation and reduce the Democrats to a permanent minority Party, now,..before it's too late. Make no mistake. There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be fixed quickly , driving all Democrats from power .
The Democrat Party's agenda can no longer be in question. The state of America and the world today,.. ,proves it. Make no mistake ,if Republicans had won the White House in 2008, and held it ,..until now ,...none of the destruction and decay that has torn our nation apart would ever have happened at all. None of it.
Now ,'s time to put up,..or shut up. 
Now, it's time to prove,..once and for all,..that Conservatism,..fully implemented, every time.
Time to prove that the Republican Party and it's policies work. 
Time to give the Party that makes America work the power to accomplish this. 
Republicans must win, now,..and control all three branches of government , or America will indeed finally become what President Woodrow Wilson envisioned it to be , and every Progressive socialist since then,..envisioned it to be,..
Time to crush that vision,..permanently. 
Remember, Woodrow Wilson is the Founder , the Creator,..of all the destructive liberal policies that have poisoned our country .Wilson could never have gained power and become President,..if Teddy Roosevelt had not abandoned the Republican Party and run a Third Party campaign. 
That was the moment that began the Democrat control of our nation and it's institutions,..and it's slow but inevitable slide into socialist decay.
And now, Donald Trump's threat of a third party run could complete what Teddy Roosevelt began, with his ill advised "Bull Moose Party" run for President,that allowed socialism to infest our nation. 
No more.
Forget Trump.
Forget Cruz.
Forget Walker.
Forget Carson.
Forget Rubio.
Forget Fiorina.
Forget individual victories, that come,..and go.
Permanent Republican Party victory is the key,not the individual victory of one man,..
United,..we cannot be beaten. 
It's time to end the Legacy of Woodrow Wilson, by starting a New Legacy ,..
The Legacy of a Republican Party united behind the Republican nominee, matter who it may be, because it doesn't matter.They're all good men,..all worthy candidates.
United, the Republican Party cannot be defeated , because its message is the truth of Conservatism. 
Divided, and at war within its ranks,..the Republican Party will simply continue the Legacy of Woodrow Wilson , which is nothing more than a legacy of contempt for freedom, for liberty ,and for the shining city called America. 
We the People, have a Two Party system of Government .And so it should remain, because that's the system that works.
But,..from this day forward,..the Republicans must remain the gods that hold the reigns of power in this, the new Olympus , with the Democrats their deposed  foils, exiled to the depths of  Political Hades for eternity ,..if this mortal sphere is to endure. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Rise of the Saboteur

Last Thursday, sixteen men and one woman, gathered on a stage in Ohio,united in one single purpose;to restore America to her former greatness, by winning the Presidency in 2016.Seven of the contenders did battle at the five o clock hour, , while the top ten engaged at nine o clock.The debates were sometimes heated and confrontational , with nine o clock moderators Brett Baier ,Chris Wallace ,and Megan Kelly pulling no punches, and simply doing their job by confronting each candidate with their weaknesses and forcing them to demonstrate the one quality that all who wear the mantle of Commander in Chief must possess, "grace under pressure",..the ability to "keep your head while all about you, are losing theirs", as Rudyard Kipling put it.
They all did indeed , display this quality.And, they all believe in the same basic, strong conservative values and agendas that they know will reverse the destruction that America has suffered while under Democrat rule for almost eight years.
All believe in tax and regulation cuts to grow the economy .All believe in strengthening our military and fighting the War on terror aggressively. All believe in protecting our Second Amendment rights. All believe in defending our Judeo-Christian  values that are the foundation of our Constitution.
All, of course, also have their weaknesses , mostly on the long standing issue of Amnesty for illegal immigrants , Common Core education programs, and securing the border. All are, nonetheless,despite their weaknesses,worthy contenders for the title of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
All that is, one.
For, among this gathering of conservatives , there was an anomaly, an outsider, an intruder , a political saboteur, who has the potential to insure Democrat victory and bitter Republican defeat,in the 2016 elections.
Donald J. Trump, multi-billionaire real estate mogul, business entrepeneur,and reality television star, and recent convert to Conservative Republicanism,is that anomaly , that outsider, that saboteur, that could spell doom for the Republican Party and for the future of America as well.
Trump has had an impressive run for Commander in Chief .His poll numbers have been consistently high , leading the other contenders , except for Bush and Walker,by double digits. But why? What is it that makes Trump irresistible to voters? His bluster for one thing, the" Chris Christie syndrome", to be sure.He states exactly what's on his mind and offers no apologies to whoever he may offend. Highly unusual for the politically correct world of Washington politics.Secondly, he is a pop culture icon, instantly recognizable to the American people , due to his reality star status. Third, he has directly addressed the issue that most other Republicans dodge, ...the issue of "sealing the border", completely.
This issue has been avoided by both Parties for decades ,ever since President Reagan first signed Amnesty into law, for one reason alone,..Republican Campaign donors are businessmen who employ large numbers of illegals as cheap labor. Republican politicians do not want to risk the loss of these donors by sealing the Mexican Border and intiating E-Verify to force the self deportation that Mitt Romney could only speculate on,during his 2012 run for the Presidency.
Donald Trump, however, has no donors to be restrained by, least not yet. As he has stated repeatedly, he is quite rich, and apparently needs no corporate money to fund him, and his agenda.
Trump wants the border sealed.
He will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, through imposed tariffs.
He will bring back the jobs that China is stealing from America.
He will take the oil of Middle Eastern Nations , in exchange for our military aid.
These are the simple basic talking points that Trump has recycled for every interview , and for his first debate appearance on Fox as well.
No specifics.
No detailed plan or agenda.
No real substance.
No belief in the Constitution.
No belief system, period.
Trump is simply all style and no substance ,..brash bluster backed up with billions of dollars , a promise to build a wall, and a promise to keep China from stealing our jobs.
But one question remains, the question that moderator Megan Kelly herself put forth ,.."Mr. Trump, when exactly did you become a Conservative Republican?"
You see, Donald Trump is not new to politics, as some would lead you to believe. His opinions on many political issues have been well documented over the years.
But, until a book he put forth in 2011,  and the re-election of Obama in 2012,....the Conservative Donald Trump,...simply did not exist at all.
Question;..can a man suddenly convert from Liberal Democrat, to hardline Conservative Republican Firebrand , his late sixties? It seems unlikely. Sure, Reagan switched Parties in the early sixties, but he had always put forth consistent conservative values , and always seemed less like a Republican convert, and more like a man who simply finally realized he was a member of the wrong Party. As Reagan himself often said,"I didn't leave the Democrat Party,..the Party left me."
This , however, is not the case with Donald Trump.
The Democrat Party has not left him at all. In fact, on many issues that Mr. Trump pontificates on,..he is in complete agreement with the Democrat Party.
On taxes;...Trump has always believed in taxing the rich more, and cutting them only for the middle class. That is a long standing Democrat Policy and it does nothing except create more unemployment , and a weaker economy. Trump also wants to keep the I.R.S. in operation, unlike his fellow Republicans , who are calling for it to be abolished. The I.R.S. was created by a Democrat President, and is run by the Democrat controlled unions.Why would any Republican candidate for the Presidency defend it's existence?
On the Iraq War;..Trump believes there were no WMD's , that war with Iraq would de-stabilize the region,..Bashed President Bush and his war policies  for eight years,..and blamed them for the creation of ISIS. That is precisely what the Democrat Party believes as well.
On Jobs and the Economy;..Trump continually bloviates on the idea that overseas nations such as China,  have stolen our jobs.No, Mr. Trump., China has not "stolen" our jobs. Democrat policies of heavy taxes and regulations have driven the corporations that create those jobs overseas, in an effort to escape those taxes and regulations.The Trump concept of China "stealing jobs is a Democrat concept,designed to dodge the issue of high taxes,and to promote public union control of the economy.
On Guns;..Trump supported assault weapons bans, just like all the Democrats.
On Obamacare;..Trump supported the law, initially, and now still supports the idea of Government controlled , Single Payer Health Care, ....just like Canada's system.So do all Democrats.
On Planned Parenthood, ...Trump believes that abortion is just a small part of what they do, and believes the Eugenics based organization should not be defunded..despite their selling of baby bodyparts ,for monetary profit.Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Party agree with Trump, and have thanked him for taking this stance.Trump has also donated heavily to Planned Parenthood, and criticized Jeb Bush....for his strong stance against it,and his defunding of it;..during his days as Florida's  governor.
\On past political affiliations,..Trump has donated to all the major Democrat players  that have contributed to America's destruction.,..including Hillary Clinton,Harry Reid,..Nancy Pelosi,..and Chuck Schumer,..and last,..but not least,..the Clinton Foundation itself.
On the Military,and the war on terror,...Trump does indeed want to strengthen our military and help our Vets. But then, in the same breath,mocks the war record of bomber pilot and POW, Senator John McCain,,..and attacks Anti-Terror Activist Pamela Geller , of the American Freedom Defense initiative, for holding a "Draw Muhammed" contest in response to the Islamic calls for Sharia Law to be instituted in America. Trump calls her actions in defiance of Islamic extremism,,"disgusting", and asked,"Why are they provoking them?""Can't they draw something else?Democrats agree with Trump and defend Islam's right to have Sharia Law adapted in America, including a ban on depicting the Prophet Muhammed.
On religion;..Trump addressed a Christian Group, saying he never asks God for forgiveness. He has also expressed the belief that their are far too many churches in America, and some should be torn down.
Trump defends Islam and Sharia, yet attacks Christian faith and Churches?Again,...sounds like a Democrat .
Trump attacked Debate Moderator Megan Kelly on twitter,.. ..calling her a "Bimbo" twice,..for daring to confront him on his disparagement of  women, in past  years.Again,.. Sounds like something a Democrat would do.
And last, but not least,..on that stage in Ohio,  Moderator Brett Baier started the evening by asking each candidate to swear an oath that none of them would ever run Third Party, and would support the inevitable Republican candidate, matter who he may be. Trump alone,..refused to make this pledge,despite knowing full well that a third party run virtually assures victory for Hillary and the Democrat Party.
If Donald Trump isn't an Agent , secretly working for Hillary and the Democrats,..he sure is doing a good impersonation of one.
Trump's blatant refusal to swear loyalty to the Party he claims to be a member of;...proves one thing,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,...
Trump is not trying to make America Great Again,..
Trump is trying to make Trump,..Great again,..
As always,..Trump is just,..promoting Trump.
And,...when he sees that he simply can't win,...
He will run Third Party ,..Guaranteed.
Ultimately, to Trump,..whether or not Hillary and the Democrats win is not important.What is important is that Trump has boosted his status as a worldwide . marketable commodity, and icon.
Trump has apparently, once again negotiated a Great Deal for himself,..and those businesses who will benefit from his new status as a Presidential contender.
The Trump Presidential run will emerge as a good deal,..for everyone,..except America.
This Nation has already elected a President whose words ,..did not match his deeds. No more. Cruz, Walker,.Rubio,..Carson, Fiorina,...These candidates ,have conservative records that match their words,..consistently.
We the People must learn from the mistakes of the past., and elect a candidate whose record says,..he will put America's interests, above his own. This time,...we must make sure.
Before We the People, risk World War Three on a man,..we must make sure that he is 100%  reliable dedicated,..dependable,..and determined to  make America,..Great Again,...
Trump, not that man.

Friday, August 7, 2015


Why all this leftist outrage over a lion hunt in Zimbabwe,Africa?Last time I checked, hunting for sport, trophy, or food,..was completely legal. The Dentist at the center of this controversy, who participated in the hunt of this lion,had apparently obtained the proper permits, paid the $50,000 dollar fee, and hired  guides that he trusted to follow all rules and regulations regarding such hunts. The fact that these guides led this Dentist into a wildlife preserve, and lured out a protected lion to harvest, is their crime, not the Dentist's But, nonetheless, this was another golden opportunity for the left to use as a distraction, and obscure the Democrat Party's latest outrage .Hunting has always been a favorite target of the left, since the majority of those who hunt are both gun owners and NRA members.This makes them, by proxy, supporters of the 2nd Amendment ,and that, of course, makes them bitter enemies of the left.After all, if you're a Democrat, trying to establish a socialist , Marxist state government in America, , one of the biggest obstacles in your way will be the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees the American citizen the right to keep and bear arms .For a self-governed free Republic, there can be no more important right , than the right to keep and bear arms. For, in many ways, the 1st Amendment right to free speech , free religion, and free assembly;cannot exist, without the Second Amendment, which gives the American citizens the ability to defend that right, from the forces of tyrannical governments, who would make removing that right a first priority of that tyranny , in order to establish a socialist utopia. This is why the left hates the NRA.This is why the left hates gun owners.This is why the left hates hunters.The left knows that these individuals all have one thing in common;...they all believe in the first Amendment., that guarantees their freedom, and the Second Amendment,that protects that freedom , from those who would destroy it. The left knows that hunting for sport , hunting for trophies, or just hunting for food,...are the activities of the self reliant ,independent , strong willed individuals , able to run their own lives , and control their own destiny., without the need for government control. That sense of rugged individualism , that is personified  by the American Hunter, is the very foundation of the principles of self government that our constitution and nation, founded on. That 's why hunters will always be , target number one,.. to the Democrat Party.
And the timing of this Lion hunt outrage was perfect. It gave the Democrats perfect cover for their own outrages ,..their own scandals, which are now, almost a daily occurence. Indeed, the death of Cecil the Lion at the hands of a trophy seeking Dentist, was just the thing to distract from..a different kind of killing ,..a different kind of trophy hunting .The sport? The killing of unborn babies, Planned Parenthood .The Trophy? The dissected body parts of these babies that are being sold by the left,..for monetary profit. This is the true hunting outrage.
You see, hunting animals for sport, is not an outrage, not obscene, at all. All hunting is for sport.All hunting is for trophies .That's why the hunter takes a selfie, with the animal he kills.That selfie, his trophy. Legal hunting keeps animal species healthy,the fees go into aiding the economy , the meat is used to feed homeless shelters, and the hunter gets the trophy of his kill. So, everybody wins. Hunting is a part of nature, a part of the cycle of life, just as the right to keep and bear arms is an essential part of freedom. However, the only way the left will ever accept it, would be if the hunter starts aborting animals ,instead of hunting them.Then, not only would they accept it, but they would probably call for the public funding of it, with American taxes. After all, we must support a pregnant animals right to choose, right?
The true outrage here, is a different kind of hunt that targets the unborn, for only one reason, ..Planned Parenthood is getting rich selling the body parts of dead babies.No wonder the left jumped all over the "Cecil the Lion "story. They needed something,..anything, distract from the brutal truth that has been exposed about the money laundering tax scam,..known as Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is conducting a modern day holocaust, on the unborn, and the taxpayers are funding it. This, apparently, the one true purpose behind Planned Parenthood's existence,..they promote abortion as being "pro choice", because that choice makes them money. Truly horrendous. And yet, the Democrats continue to ignore the videos that are exposing this crime, , and focuses instead on a Dentist who legally hunted a lion in Africa? You see, to the left, the Lion Hunter is the true monster, the true butcher ,who targeted innocent, harmless,"Cecil", just to mount his head on the wall of his den. This proves that the Democrats, are truly masters of distraction, deflection,..and misdirection indeed.
But,..this time, no avail. The crimes of Planned Parenthood cannot be erased by the demonizing of a lion hunting Dentist. The outrage, not going to go away .The videos will continue to be released,..exposing more of the horror that is Planned Parenthood, and exposing more of their true agenda as well. But, all of this,..should really come as no surprise. After all, Planned Parenthood's Founder,....a hard core leftist named Margaret Sanger,..was a true believer in the theory of Eugenics which promotes the concept of a master human race ,that can only be achieved ,through the abortion of those deemed,"inferior".Planned Parenthood apparently embraces the Nazi "Master Race" theory,..and the Holocaust that will make that theory,.. reality.
This madness must be stopped.
This madness must be defunded ,and those responsible for the selling of dissected babies prosecuted.
This will happen ,....despite the congressional gridlock and debate among the often reticent Republican House leaders Boehner and McConnell, on how to accomplish this.In the end,..the conservative Republican representatives in both the House and Senate,..will win the day. and defund this abomination.
For, you see, a new, different kind of hunt has begun, with the coming of the first Republican Primary Debate on Fox.
A new bloodsport has been joined,..and a new trophy is being sought.
The Republican Primary season has begun,...
The battle has been joined,..
And the ugly, brutal hunt is on.
The Target?....
The Democrat Party.
And,..the Trophy?...
The Head,..of Hillary Clinton.