Friday, August 22, 2014

The Republican Destiny

The madness of ISIS goes on .Their latest outrage is in response to American airstrikes, and it  comes in the form of an on camera beheading of American journalist James Foley, , a man who has placed himself in the heart of the terror storm repeatedly over the years, until his luck finally ran out. Foley, a compassionate man , a former teacher in fact, always felt the need to seek out reason in the middle of a  madness that has no reason.There is no need for investigative journalism in Iraq or anywhere else in the middle east. All these  efforts are pointless,, because ISIS,Al Queda, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas,..will not waiver from their mission to destroy us,..ever. That's all a reporter needs to know . Brave, honorable men like Foley are too valuable  to waste by sending them into terror states on a fool's errand to find something that simply isn't there , nor will it ever be there. Now, ISIS is poised to execute another brave, but  foolish American journalist , if American airstrikes do not cease immediately.
The President's response has been predicable, almost robot -like .He gave a speech lacking any emotion , as usual , expressing outrage at the barbaric act, and declaring that a "just God" would not permit such things.Really.Well, Mr. President, neither should a just America. Then , the short and definitely not sweet speech ended, and President Obama resumed  his vacation with a round of golf, while Jim Foley's parents mourned. Then, in an effort at damage control Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel released classified intel details of a special ops mission that attempted to rescue the two journalists. There's a reason military intel is classified.Releasing that information to the public is a good way to get people killed,including our special forces soldiers. But the Obama Administration has other priorities, and right now, damage control is number one on that list, as the Democrats scramble to cover up the fact that Obama's withdraw from Iraq is really the cause of all that is transpiring now, in Iraq. But now, what will be the President's,...and America's response , this latest atrocity? Nothing,..that's what. The President will continue to unleash limited, specific target airstrikes designed to do no more than"contain" the plague that is ISIS.In other words ,ISIS will not be stopped and the President's airstrikes will essentially be the equivalent of his drone strikes , that kill the terrorist  head,..but leave the body alive , grow a new  head, and strike again another day. Nothing will change in this strategy, unfortunately. It is the Obama military strategy and it will not be altered by this  man who,deep down views America as the true cause of all that has happened in Iraq.
The simple truth is, President Obama has little or no interest in foreign policy matters and will stick to his formula of soaring, verbose speeches ,filled with outrage , and followed with limited, or no military action. In truth, the President has other , more urgent problems on his mind ,..namely,..the 2014 Midterm Elections , which are looking , with each passing day, be an easy victory for the Republican Party , simply by default. Obama and the Democrat's failures, both on the domestic and foreign fronts, have  sealed their fate and placed the Senate well within the Republican Party's grasp. And, once this victory is secured, Obama becomes a lame duck President whose destructive agenda will be halted, perhaps in time to reverse the damage he has done for almost six years.The Republicans must be stopped. That is the agenda from now until November, and that is what Obama and the Democrats will focus on like a laser until then. But, how to stop them? What can inspire dispirited , low information , disgruntled Democrat voters and public Unions, to once again get out the vote for this man and his Party? Ferguson ,that's what.The President has wasted no time in sending Attorney General Eric Holder to the embattled Missouri town, in order to assure the narrative,..the myth surrounding the police shooting  of this 18 year old,"gentle giant", remains intact,regardless of conflicting evidence .This may be the only chance Obama and the Democrats have to save themselves. The race card, once again remains the only weapon they can call on to save them from their own self inflicted, leftist folly. This is why the President , since the beginning , has interjected himself in the Ferguson incident .An eighteen year old, unarmed , innocent , college bound African American , shot and killed in the streets of Ferguson , by a hate filled, racist cop. The looting and riots that followed the shooting were practically made to order for the Democrat Party. The citizens of Ferguson, Missouri are outraged , the parents of Mike Brown are outraged,..and all demand justice. President Obama sent Holder to oversee a third autopsy , that would insure that proper "justice" is indeed done. This is exactly what the President and his Party needed to spark another Democrat victory in November. Except for the fact,..that it really isn't. The evidence simply will not cooperate with the myth that was manufactured by the left regarding this incident. The reality is simply this;..Michael Brown,the "Gentle Giant", high on marijuana, robbed a convenience store, assaulted a store clerk, and then assaulted a police officer named Darren Wilson, breaking his facial bones in the process,when the officer dared stop to question him during his march down the center of a highway.He then rushed the officer, forcing the poloiceman to defend himself from further assault. Brown was shot six times , from the front.The last two shots were fatal. Those are the facts confirmed by eyewitnesses , and the damage to Officer Wilson's face. Brown was a thug , who would have surely killed Wilson, if he had the chance. His madman's attack on him proves this. Remember Brown had just robbed a store, and was no doubt convinced that was the reason Officer Wilson had stopped him. Michael Brown, apparently, was not going to allow himself to be arrested.These are the facts,..and they don't help the Obama -Democrat election agenda. Therefore,..Enter;...Attorney General Eric Holder.His mission; apply DOJ pressure on the Ferguson investigation ,..pressure in the form of some well placed political threats , no doubt. In the end, however, it doesn't matter. Brown's death meant seemingly little to the people of Ferguson , except an opportunity to cash in on the tragedy, through looting. In the end, the myth of the racist shooting in Ferguson will die , just as the myth of racist America will die as well , eventually, in the cold hard light of reality, and evidence,..especially in the minds of the Ferguson  grand jury .After all, the whole,"hands up don't shoot "scenario was created by Mike Brown's partner in crime, Dorian Wilson, who , not only has a rap sheet as long as his arm,..but he also has a warrant out for his arrest on the crime of robbery,..and has been arrested for lying to a jury , ..of all things. So much for the star witness in the Ferguson myth.And, so much for the Obama -Holder "race card", that would save their Party .In the end, nothing , including Ferguson , can save Obama and the Democrats from a bitter defeat in November , for they have allowed our economy to implode, our military to wither, and our enemies to grow stronger , with the realization that this American President will do nothing to stop their mission to destroy everything in their path.
What will stop ISIS?A stronger, more aggressive , American Military, that will support our Allies,and make our enemies fear us , once again. What will make this possible, the inevitable  Republican victory in November,and no Democrat race card strategem, or the myth of a racist murder in Ferguson , ..can alter the course of this Republican Destiny.

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Sinjar Strategem

The proposed U.S. rescue mission has been aborted. The refugees that have been trapped on Mt. Sinjar in Iraq, will apparently have to fend for themselves. Sure, there have been food and water aid drops by U.S. planes . Sure, there have been Iraqi Airforce  helicopter lifts of a small  number of  Kurds , but one of those aid missions ended in disaster, as the copter crashed shortly after lifting off the mountain ,..killing the pilot and injuring the Yazidi children aboard her.Sure, there have been food and water drops by these Iraqi copters , and Kurdish security forces have rescued 10,000 Yazidis through a safe corridor that leads off the mountain and  into Syria.But, 50,000 Christian and Yazidi Kurds continue to face death by thirst , starvation , , or execution by Isis, if they dare to leave their mountaintop retreat. And, all the while,Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel declares the situation, "not as bad as first thought",with no further need of rescue attempts.Not that bad eh? Tell that to the thousands of displaced Kurds who are currently stranded on that mountain of doom , who can never return to their homes again .Sure, there have been extremely limited , pinpoint airstrikes by U.S. forces that are still going on  now,..but, is not enough. All that has been done by the Obama Administration to this point to avert a modern day religious based genocide has simply been ,..not enough. Sure ISIS has been temporarily halted by the strikes,..but its too little,too late ,..for ISIS now controls the first terror state in history ,and that includes Iraqi oil fields ,tanks, guns, weapons of all kinds and most importantly, ..they control the chemical weapon stockpiles of Saddam Hussein, the so-called,"Weapons of Mass Destruction",that the left said did not exist. ISIS has even taken control of parts of Syria as well. They control it all, except for the capital of Iraq, Baghdad. But with each passing day, it grows increasingly more likely that Baghdad will also fall to this army of evil, before long. After all, who can stop them? Who can stop their march of destruction , that leaves beheaded and crucified Christians and children in its wake, not to mention vandalized sacred religious sites , mosques and artifacts, displaying  as little regard for Islam ,as they have for Christianity. Call them death and destruction. Call them madness and mayhem, them murder and malevolence , them what you will,..but take notice of the bloody trail of the  beheaded and crucified  , as ISIS plots and plans for the fall of Baghdad , the fall of Israel,..and the fall of America as well. Their leader, Anwar Al Baghdadi , when released from Gitmo Bay prison , back in 2011,..promised he would,"see us in New York".He intends to keep that promise. ISIS is in the grips of a Jihadist califate that respects no one or nothing , except its own murderous mission .ISIS will destroy everything in its path . It will never cease , until all infidels are destroyed in the name of the Prophet. Those on Mt. Sinjar will remain there , to die of starvation, or leave, and die at the hands of ISIS.
They are unbeatable.
They are unstoppable.
They are, invincible.
Unless,..the unexpected intervenes.
The Obama administration has created this entire situation , by failing to stop ISIS cold, months ago, despite being told by military advisors , and the CIA,..that action must be taken,..and swiftly. But , the President had no intention of acting,..either swiftly,or decisively.He had no intention of acting at all. That's why the President pulled all troops out of Iraq in 2011, an action that caused this genocide and an action that the President is now desperately trying to blame on George Bush ,..and Nouri Maliki as well. Nonsense. The pullout was President Obama's plan,..his decision from the beginning.Indeed, it's what he campaigned on. It's what he promised , over and over,..for six years. It's what he's bragged about repeatedly,right up to his 2012 re-election." Bin Laden is dead and Al-Queda is on the run. "  Wrong.
The President caused this mess , by causing the greatest force for good that has ever existed in the history of the world, retreat ,..and allow evil to grow and prosper in its absense.The bottom line is this;..if America does not lead  the fight against the evil that is ISIS, one will.That is the painful , unalterable fact that the world now faces , as mass, worldwide , genocide of all Christians, Yazidis , Jews , and other infidels is well under way.All will die , for denying the will of the Prophet Muhammed. All those that dwell on that mountain called Sinjar,..are doomed.
Unless,...the unexpected intervenes.
But, what could that unexpected be? The President will not send ground troops . The President will not escalate the conflict to the point where the U.S. is in another war. Sure , he talks of arming the Kurds against ISIS,but ,as  Maliki is about to step down as  Iraqi President, the question is, will the new President Hadir Al Abadi ,.cooperate with an American government that has betrayed him , and his nation? We have , however done more than just that. We have also betrayed ourselves. Iraq belonged to the U.S. We had secured it. We had destroyed Saddam and his evil sons . We had driven the terrorists out of Iraq, and into the wilderness. We had won, and under Bush, had indeed created a reasonably stable and secure Iraq.Then, we left,on order from Obama. Like Pontius Pilate ,the President washed his hands of the nation of Iraq, and by so doing, delivered it on a silver platter to the Al-Queda offshoot known as ISIS.
When America retreats,..this is the result. That's why we have military bases in every nation on earth. We are not protecting those nations. We are protecting ourselves . We are protecting American interests. We are protecting Liberty from the disease of terror born tyranny. We are securing the world, that America, and its citizens, will be secure.
Now, the world is afire with a new califate that calls for the massacre , the genocide ,..of those who dare to call themselves Christian , Jew, or even Yazidi. Pinpoint air attacks will not stop them.Nothing Obama does  will stop them.
Unless ,..the unexpected intervenes.
What is this unexpected? Short of a long and bloody ground war, what can possibly stop the forces of ISIS?
Madness will stop them.
Madness always wins.
Madness is the only force that will crush this cult of evil , once and for all.
Madness fully unleashed, always wins, and its the only thing that ISIS fears.
You see, no ground war is  necessary in a situation like this. No American soldiers need die in another attempt to bring peace to a race of warlike people. What is needed , is pure unadulterated Madness, the form of  airstrikes that will be continuous.Airstrikes that will never cease. Airstrikes that will go on and on and on,forever,..until those who call themselves ISIS,..beg and  plead,for us to stay our wrath and let them be. Unlimited airstrikes ,continuing night and day, with no respite, no quarter given, mercy shown to any. That is the only way to defeat terror.
Indeed, that is the only way to win any war. You must convince the enemy that you are mad,and will use the unlimited power of the American Military to create a holocaust that will dwarf their own by far. Extreme? The Vatican, and the Pope himself, is now calling for just such a strategy. For ,they know, in the end, there is only one thing that evil respects and fears. Madness. In the minds of the war obsessed middle eastern terrorists, madness is regarded as pure , almost sacred in a way,..for madness knows no fear,..and madness cannot be intimidated. ,..and therefore when it is seen in the face of the enemy, is to be respected.
To the terrorists,..madness is holy. And, madness is the one power that will give them pause , and ultimately,force their defeat,..and their surrender. History proves this theory repeatedly . In war after war, it was madness that prevailed, and forced evil to retreat. Pinprick air strikes will do nothing. Limited ground forces will do nothing. Look at Viet Nam .It raged on for more than a decade, with the Democrats fighting a limited war.Until,..the coming of President Nixon and his madness strategem , known as Operation LinebackerII, which unleashed unlimited bombing on Hanoi at Christmastime.Kissinger thought him mad. His administration thought him mad. The press publicly declared him mad. Yet, when the smoke cleared, the peace treaty was finally signed , by the North Vietnamese.What was once thought impossible, unacheivable,..was accomplished  by Nixon's perceived madness, saving countless lives that would have been lost in a war that was just, but poorly executed , by Democrat amateurs.  Nixon, however, was a master of foreign policy strategem,..He understood the mentality of the enemy,..and unlike Obama,..always supported our Allies , especially Israel,.. 100%.
World War Two was the same.The D-Day ground invasion was effective and necessary, to be sure,but only because we failed to control the war from the skies. Nazi henchman Hermann Goering once said, "Whoever controls the skies, controls the war".He was right. Hitler was defeated for one reason;..he was up against an American force with an unlimited supply of men and weapons, while his own forces dwindled . But, after Germany was taken by the Russians,..the war continued in the Pacific, against an Axis ally that would not be defeated or surrender , as the Nazis had. And , this enemy had a superiority in manpower and airpower as well. Japan would never surrender ,..ever. Their kamikazi pilots demonstrated that quite effectively. Japan was well prepared and equipped to go on forever against the American enemy.
Until,the unexpected,.intervened,...madness.
This madness came in the form of two atomic bombs that were dropped in the heart of two heavily populated Japanese cities. The result? Pure , unimaginable holocaust like destruction . Destruction such as the world had never seen before . Destruction so devastating that Dr. Robert Oppenheimer , the weapon's creator, declared,"I have become death,..the destroyer of worlds."So he had. But, out of that death and destruction ,...came surrender. And, with that surrender ,..came rebirth. And, with that rebirth,..came finally,...peace.
Now, decades later, Japan and Germany are our Allies and Viet Nam has become a profitable , freemarket tourist attraction.
From destruction,..came peace.
From madness,...came sanity.
So too will sanity come to the tortured land known as Iraq, that now suffers under the boot of evil personified. If, and only if,...our President  comes to understand the basic principle that is critical to winning any war.War is not a game .You fight to win,.you fight to destroy the enemy,....or you don't fight at all.The President must make the decision to end this madness by unleashing the unlimited strikes that will bring ultimate destruction ,..and then,...ultimate peace and prosperity , it always has, ..and always will. Al Queda,Hamas, ISIS ,The Taliban,The Muslim Brotherhood,..will not change , ..until they are tested by an enemy that does not fear them,...or the Madness that is War.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Operation:.. Mirage!!

The President has now authorized airstrikes in Iraq.The mission? To aid thousands of Kurdish Christians and other religious minorities that have been driven out of their homes and forced to flee to a religious mountaintop , face death by starvation or death at the hands of the terror organization known as ISIS, that has condemned them as religious "infidels".The airstrikes on isolated ISIS targets and the food and water drops to the Kurds are long overdue, and in the end, simply not enough. Remember, Obama has specifically ordered only 'limited" airstrikes. Limited? The President has stated that the purpose of these strikes is to "contain" ISIS, not to destroy them.Contain? Really? ISIS has already conquered most of Iraq, and by so doing, has created the first terror state dedicated to the destruction of the "Great Satan", America. Contain? The President already had his chance to do that,years ago. But, instead, he pulled all American troops out of a then stable and terror free Iraq, and by so doing ,created the current crises which could result in the genocide of thousands of Christian Kurds. This is a crises, created by Obama and his Administration. . The time for limited strikes and care package drops is long gone .If airstrikes are done they must be done to decimate ISIS, destroy them completely,..or they should not be done at all. The President has chosen not to name this "limited " military operation. Perhaps this is just as well, since it seems to have no purpose or goal, no  substance at all. If Obama does ultimately give it a name, , perhaps "Operation Mirage", would be fitting ., since it seems, at the moment,  to be nothing more than mere illusion.
But ,what else can be expected from a President that says it was merely "irresponsible",for Hamas to place rocket launchers in populated Gaza areas. Irresponsible?Deliberately placing war weapons near the homes of families with children is a war crime perpetrated by a terrorist organization , ..period. There's a reason for the President's apathetic statement regarding Hamas targeting of its own civilians . The President, like any member of the liberal left , believes they have no right to call out , or criticize any other nation on the issue of war crimes, since the United States of America has always been a major perpetrator of these crimes in other nations around the globe. This is what the President deep, deep, down,..truly believes. And, not only that, but he believes that the reason other nations commit acts of terror is, for the most part , in retaliation against American Imperialism. This is the chief reason President Obama has turned his back on our Middle Eastern Ally ,and partner in freedom, Israel, ..and on Middle eastern conflicts in general. Our President is not interested  in asserting imperialist, arrogant America's position in the Middle East, or anywhere else in the world, for that matter. His views are the views of the liberal left , best represented by the Democrat Party which believes that America is the problem in the world,..not the solution;.. so,...that problem must be eliminated.America must retreat, and disengage from the world and its  affairs, if its ever to stabilize and know peace.  For, you see, the world would be a tranquil paradise , if America was no longer a factor. This Obama and the left's true belief , and it's what fuels all their policies and agendas that weaken our nation .If America's economy is collapsed,through heavy taxes  regulations,and entitlements , and our military downsized and weakened, ..then America becomes just another U.N. supported and funded third world nation , and this, therefore,..will give other nations a chance to grow and prosper , without having to worry about the boot of arrogant America being on their throats.
This is the true purpose behind all that the left does. This is the reason for their destructive policies that weaken our nation and grow their power and control. This has been their goal since the days of Woodrow Wilson , and they will never relent in this mission to destroy hated America , because they know its destruction will save the world . They're smugly and arrogantly sure of it.
But, usual,.....they're wrong. Obama and the Democrats have ruled our land since 2007, when the Democrat Party first took complete control of both the House and the Senate , in the midterms of that year.The following year,..President Obama was sworn in as President . The Liberal Democrat coup was complete. Since then, the leftist agenda to weaken America in order to strengthen the world has been in full force , with the only glitch being the 2010 victory for House Republicans.However, the Democrat controlled Senate has blocked all bills passed by the Republican Congress, ..bills that were designed to save our Nation from the Democrat Agenda. Plus, Obama has vetoed  anything that they did not block, and has used his executive power to bypass Congress anytime he pleased. In short, Obama and the left have had the will and the means for well over eight years now, to finally accomplish exactly what they wanted. And, has failed,..spectacularly. Sure, they've weakened America,..punishing it for its crimes of the past , and they've grown Democrat, and public union power and control in the process,...but the real mission, save the world by destroying America ,..has been a complete failure. Indeed, that's the only positive thing about all that's been done to destroy our nation.
It has proven that the left's academia based theory regarding America and the world, just flat out wrong.America is now almost as weak and ineffective as other nations , thanks to Obama policies.And the result? The world has not grown more peaceful and prosperous. Quite the contrary. The world has grown more dangerous, more violent ,..with terror groups despots and tyrants growing bolder and more brazen in their attacks on the free world.Vladimir Putin has now renewed his attack on the Ukraine, and is now poised to take the region that America swore to protect. China has seized lands belonging to our ally Japan.Syria continues to massacre its own people , with weapons it obtained from Iran and Russia. And the Al-Queda offshoot known as ISIS now controls most of Iraq , has created their own terror state,..and is steadily moving closer to seizing Baghdad as well. On Obama's watch , the world has seen the creation of the first terror state,a safe haven,.. where the free world's enemies can now plot and plan the destruction of their greatest enemies, America and Israel.
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia,..mocks us.
Anwar Al Baghdadi, leader of ISIS, mocks us.
President Assad of Syria,..mocks us.
Hamas continues its rocket assault on Israel, while targeting their own children, for propaganda purposes, confident that America will not intervene.
For , all these tyrants and terror groups now know that America , led by President Obama, is but a paper tiger unwilling , and perhaps,..unable to stop them, in their mission to destroy freedom.
The world has now become a much , much, darker , more dismal, more hopeless, and more dangerous place to live, a world of ever increasing oppression , subjugation ,disease and poverty .A world of ever increasing terror attacks and violence. A world of ever increasing hopelessness and despair.
And,....the reason is clear,....
As America has grown weaker,....evil has grown stronger.
As America has retreated,...evil has advanced.
As America has appeased,..evil has grown bold and brazen.
As America has hesitated ,..and failed to act,...evil has acted ,..swiftly and decisively, the world's detriment.
There it is,..the final proof that all the left has believed in ,..for decades ,..has been wrong.
A world without America would not be a  stronger,better, more prosperous ,safer place.
No,...quite the opposite.
A world without America ,...will simply cease to exist at all.

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Angels of Abraham

In the Old Testament, Abraham, the Father of the Jewish Nation, withdrew from civilization , to a mountaintop with his son ,Issac, who he placed upon an alter , be sacrificed to the one, true God.But, before Abraham could complete his grim task, an angel from above intervened ,taking the sacrificial blade from his hand .Abraham , the Father of a Nation, had passed God's test of faith. Or did he? Did God truly demand the death of Issac as a test of Abraham's faith, or was this a darker, more malevolent spirit that sought the death of Abraham's son?Was this Angel actually sent by the one true God, to stop Abraham from being deceived by this spirit? Perhaps.For this Old Testament story raises the question ,'Why would God demand that we kill in his name , to prove our faith? Answer,he wouldn't . Yet, like Abraham, for thousands of years the Muslim people have been the willing dupes in this deception by an unknown entity calling himself God.An entity who once whispered his demands to a gullible Prophet named Muhammed, ..demands that were to set the Muslim nations against all civilization , in a bloody, never ending war that sought the death of all those who do not believe in their false god.
The near sacrifice of Issac , by his Father's hand, is one of the more disturbing biblical stories to be sure. Why didn't Abraham , who was , by all accounts, a good man , simply say no?Why would he obey the commands of anyone who demanded the death of his son? Because,.he believed the command was coming from the one true God himself, and Abraham , a man of faith, could not bring himself to disobey his commands . Much has changed over the centuries.The Nation of Israel, and its leaders ,would never believe in any God who commanded them to kill in his name. The Ten Commandments, brought down from Sinai by the Prophet Moses, and the coming of another prophet named Jesus, revealed the true face of God to the Jewish people ,..a face of peace, love,and the brotherhood of man.After the Great Flood, God vowed he would never again destroy man , nor would he ever ask man to destroy each other . He is a God of peace, and that peace was embodied in the teachings of Christ,..teachings that would change the world for the better , and eventually teachings that would be the foundation for the Shining City on a Hill, the beacon of freedom called America , and its partner in freedom, Israel. Our belief in basic Judeo-Christian values gave hope to a dark, dismal world of oppression and evil .America and Israel , because of these values , stand united in a fight to bring peace and freedom to the entire world. There would be no repeat of Abraham's mistake, by the Judeo-Christian Nations that were spawned by him.
But, there are others who, like Abraham, were deceived by someone , or something,..that dared call himself God. The Prophet Muhammed's  mistake of believing in this deceiver and his teachings has indeed been repeated down through the centuries by those who follow the Prophet , in the name of Islam. They came in many forms,..the Taliban, Al-Queda,the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Hamas,..but all have one thing in common,..their unwaivering faith in a God that commands them to kill all non-believers in his name. Their main targets..the beacons of freedom known as America, and Israel. America , now under the leadership of President Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrat Party, no longer recognizes the seriousness of this threat , and has subsequently withdrawn its military forces from nations around the globe that pose a potential terror threat. The result is obvious. Iraq is now a terror state run by the Al-Queda offshoot known as ISIS,that is currently persecuting , and killing all Christians in that region. And Hamas, the terror organization that controls the Gaza strip, has now unleashed all hell upon Israel, who can no longer count on the United States to back them up , while it remains under the leadership of President  Obama and the Democrat Party. Israel, however,is a superpower unto itself, and with the help of Reagan inspired SDI "Iron Dome"technology , is easily crushing the Hamas controlled Gaza.
Hamas, vastly outgunned,..will not quit, despite the fact that their casualties continue to mount and their terror tunnels are being  eliminated by Israeli air strikes. They will not quit. The will of their evil god must be obeyed , now and always. Israel will not relent either, and wants nothing more than peace. If Hamas puts down their weapons ,...peace is assured.If Israel, however,.puts down its weapons,..the death and destruction of all that is Israel is likewise assured. Both claim to be following the will of the same God. But, only one is. Peace, love, and freedom are the only teachings that should ever be followed by any nation of faith. To believe otherwise is to make yourself , like Al-Queda, a willing dupe to the forces of evil, as Abraham was.And, like Abraham these willing dupes who call themselves Hamas are ready, willing and able to sacrifice their children in the name of their God . Make no mistake about it, despite the rallying cry  from the American liberal left in support of Hamas controlled Gaza, Israel is not targeting Gaza's children.In fact, Israel has gone out of its way to avoid civilian deaths , giving Hamas plenty of warnings as to when and where their missiles will strike. No, Israel is not killing children. Hamas is. Hamas is not only deliberately putting Palestinians in the path of Israel's airstrikes,but , in many cases Hamas is killing these citizens themselves, including their children. But, this should come as no surprise. This is a standard tactic of all terror organizations . Civilian casualty propaganda is the lifeblood of the terrorist ,and its only effective weapon. After all, Hamas and all other terror offshoots cannot match the sheer firepower , or skill, of the American-Israel forces. Let's face it,if either nation really let loose on these terror states, they would obliterate them in record time. It is, in fact only the humanity of America and Israel that forces them to restrain themselves from going all out , in an effort to crush the terrorists. We value human life, including Gazan children. That gives us pause . That restrains us.And that's the reason Hamas and Gaza still exist instead of being reduced to a burnt out cinder.
Humanity, and Faith , based on the Judeo-Christian  principles of peace , love, and freedom ,saved the world from eternal darkness. Al-Queda, Taliban, ISIS,Hamas, , and all who follow the teachings of Islam , have no humanity and care nothing for their own children that they willingly and enthusiastically kill,for propaganda purposes , in the name of their evil god.
Israel and America fight to preserve life and freedom. Hamas fights to preserve power, oppression ,and evil. The terrorists have been duped , hoodwinked, by an evil god that seeks only power and the subjugation of his followers that foolishly worship him, and fight in the name of Radical Islam. Of course they're dupes, but,..they are dupes that , unlike Abraham,..have embraced the evil they commit, because they, themselves are evil. Yes, Abraham may have been deceived, but Israel is not.Nor will it ever bow to a God who demands the sacrifice of children in his name.
And, what of the Shining City on a Hill called America? Will it continue to stand with Israel in their fight against evil? Of course. Even though the liberal left , led by the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party have chosen to stand with evil Hamas and ignore the persecution of Christians in muslim nations around the globe , Israel need not worry. For,'We the People",are the true rulers of this land, and will,eventually overthrow the Obama regime and the Democrats. And"We the People" will never abandon our partner in freedom , noble beleagured Israel. The American left, embodied by the Democrat Party, has chosen sides , and in so doing have exposed their hypocracy .They hate Israel. They always have, and always will. And, therefore, they support its enemy,Hamas, and radical Islam in general. The reason for their hate is obvious. They hate America for its perceived imperialism , and self governing freedom. , which is a threat to the political power and government control they crave. Why then, wouldn't they hate Israel, that is a carbon copy of America's liberty and military power? Israel terrifies the left, because it proves that the concept of arrogant , elitist , imperialist America , can spread beyond our borders to other , far off lands.To the left, that cannot be tolerated, and is the reason that, like Hamas, the American left demands Israel's destruction, before this contagion called freedom can spread any further. Why else would the Obama administration continue to send  billions of American tax dollars to Hamas controlled Gaza, every year? They want Hamas to win . Its that simple. Too bad. Because ,"We the People", will stand with Israel eternally , and will never abandon the nation that believes as we do, that the one, true God, is a God of peace and freedom that demands that we, like Abraham's Angel, protect all children from the false god that demands their blood as a test of faith, and loyalty. Obama may have abandoned Israel, but,..there is a change in the wind. A storm is coming in November. A storm that will take back the Nation from the destructive Democrats who view America as the problem , and put it back in the hands of the Republicans who know that Israel, and America  are not the problem,........but the solution.