Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Behold, a God that Hates"

While contemplating the Mosque at Ground Zero, contemplate this also, The Prophet Muhammed stated that all non-believers in Islam are to be shunned, and considered Infidels; and, as Infidels, are deserving of death. Being a Judeo-Christian Nation, America is considered by Islam as the" Great Satan", that must be defeated . Muslim tradition dictates that on the site of a great Jihadist victory over the infidels, a Mosque is to be built.
Imam Abdul Faisal Raeuf is head of the Cordoba Initiative, , named after a city in Mexico that was conquered by the muslims . A mosque was built on this site. The purpose of the proposed Ground Zero mosque is clear, it is to be a trophy, put on display to celebrate the great Islamic victory over the Great Satan, us. It's building would serve no other purpose, since Islam cannot "come together" with other faiths . The Prophet Muhammed made it very clear; there can be no tolerance for any other religions. Even converts to Islam are still considered Infidels, deserving of death.
We have only the word of Imam Raub that he is a bridge building moderate. His actions and statements in the past, blaming the U.S. for 9-11 , speak otherwise. Always remember, under Islam , it is permitted to use deception against Infidels in order to gain victory. A perfect example is Iran's President Mmoud Amadenejad. He has stated, quite clearly and repeatedly, that their nuclear program would be for peaceful energy purposes only. Yet , the day after the fuel rods were activated , a new missile weapon was unveiled , with the provocative name ,"The Ambassador of Death". All the while, the citizens of Iran chanted  in the streets, "Death to America" , and "Death to Israel".Can America afford to stand idlely by, and continue to believe the  proclamations of peace from men who worship a God that teaches hate?

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