Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Judas Conspiracy

Are homegrown terror sponsors like self styled "Jihad Jane" of Philadelphia, and others recently exposed rarities? I assure you, they are not. For eight years of the Bush Presidency, you could find them on every street corner,bar, or restaurant. The guy with the "Bush lied and boys died" sign on his front lawn. The guy in the bar, cursing every time President Bush's image appeared on the television. The people carrying signs with pictures of President Bush with a swastika on his forehead. The woman who camped out on the Bush Crawfield Ranch, accusing him of being behind 9-11,and starting the war in Iraq for oil profits. And they did all this with never a word against Saddam Hussein, or the terrorists he sponsored, or a word of thanks to our troops for ending the reign of a despotic dictator whose rape rooms and torture chambers have now been closed forever, thanks to Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Surge.
"You are either with us or against us"; The words of President Bush as he stood on the smoldering ruins of the twin towers , and how right he was. Anyone in this country, citizen or otherwise, who would accuse a sitting President of the United States of deliberately killing three thousand of its citizens for oil profits is, like Saddam, a sponsor of terror , and has the potential to become a threat to this nation.
I may strongly disagree with Obama's socialist policies and the Marxist agenda they support,but, not for one second would I ever accuse him of trying to kill American citizens for profit , or any other reason. He is our commander in chief, and I would take a bullet for him, if necessary. I oppose him on his policies which are nothing more than one big tax , and a health care mandate which is clearly unconstitutional.But, he is not a murderer ,and neither is Bush, and those that accused the Bush-Cheney administration of these crimes  are , in fact , no better than the terrorists themselves. In the coming months, no doubt more and more of these bar-fly traitors will be uncovered, and no doubt why, albeit, reluctantly, President Obama has decided to extend the Patriot Act. He knows that all his plans for a socialist utopia will be for naught, if our country is left a smoking ruin from a terror attack.

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