Monday, May 3, 2010

The Identity Syndrome

I am a Republican. My Party's symbol is the elephant,and like the old saying goes, an elephant never forgets. He never forgets the eight years of Bush bashing; calling a tax cutting , terrorist killing President everything from a liar, a killer who orchestrated 9-11, to a Nazi . No , this elephant will never forget . That's why the current predicament that President Obama's regime finds itself in, a predicament that I, a Republican, predicted, brings a warm smile to my face. Y'see , the ugly truth is that the Democrats will never win another major election. Never. Ever. A bold statement? Sure, but one that Obama himself now realizes is true.That's why a no-brainer issue like illegal immigration has been made a "Civil Rights" issue by Obama. He knows now that without the votes of these border jumping , drug importing criminals, he cannot win re-election.No democrat can.  Why do you think you are permitted to vote without showing I.D.? Identification is required from us all day long. The Library, The Department Store , when we write a check,  The Bank, and yet , the most important function we perform as Americans does not require that we identify who we are. Why?
Because without the votes of ignorant, violent, drug dealing  criminal invaders the Democrats cannot win anything ever again. One year of Obama rule has fully exposed who these people are who are now in charge of our country. They are Tax Grabbers. That is all.  And they will tell any lie to get more tax dollars out of your paycheck, by hook or by crook. Money that they need for programs? Nonsense. Most of the stimulus money has not even been spent, and it will stay that way. That money is to be used to keep Democrats in power, and that is all. Look at the evidence. Greenpeace is a lie. The EPA is a lie. Global warming is a lie. , now exposed by hacked E-Mails and scientific evidence. Clean Energy programs are a lie. After billions spent on them, still , none exist, and none ever will. Even the recent oil spill by B.P. is a trumped up lie. Remember the Exxon- Valdez Alaskan spill years ago? The so-called experts said the environment was permanently damaged , and species of animals gone forever. . Now, only 20 years later, the environment in that area of Alaska has fully recovered, and all the animals are back , safe and sound. Everything they say is a lie , designed to separate you from your money , to be used to save their jobs. Period.  And, the current lie , Immigration Rerform, has gone on so long now that it has now cost the lives of two Arizona Ranchers at the hands of drug cartels on the border.
Governor Jan Brewer recognized the fact that nothing will ever be done to enfortce federal immigration laws , so she grabbed  the bull by the horns , and took matters into her own hands. Let me make this clear; If you are here illegally, you must go back to your own country. Now. You have no civil rights , because you are not, "civil". Your rock throwing at Arizona Police proves that . You are ciminals, violating our laws . We did not steal the border states from you. They are ours. We own them. Present your I.D. when the policeman you hit with a rock asks for it,or be flushed back to the bowels of that septic tank of a country you come from. The free ride is over. You crapped up your country, and made it unlivable. Do not think you can come here and use our country as your toilet also. And trust me, Americans will take these jobs that you are currently doing in a New York minute.  There is no bigger, more annoying myth than the idea that Americans will not do these jobs. What nonsense. Americans will gradly take those jobs , and they will demand a proper working wage , not the slave trade pay theae shameless companies currently pay illegals. That, my friends , is called explotation, and is nothing more than modern day slavery. Wise up Republicans. We will take the country back easily, and all it requires is one simple law to be put into effect; a law that will assure Republican victory forever., and also send illegals back across the border faster than Speedy Gonzales. That law is simply this; Make it mandatory for all citizens ,for all elections, to present identification at voting polls. Do this, and you will end the reign of the Obama regime , and also end the influx of criminal ignoramuses into our country. After all, Why would any Democrat care about an illegals civil rights if they can't get their votes?

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