Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Everybody's gone waterboarding; Waterboarding USA!!

As President Elect Obama gets ready to take office,once again the issue of waterboarding has been brought up by Eric Holder; Obama's choice for Attorney General.In addition to being completely against the Second Amendment and our right to keep and bear arms; Mr. Holder also believes waterboarding is torture and that we should never use this technique under any circumstances even if it would save lives and prevent another terror attack. This attitude is, of course  non- sensical and absurd.Any person with half a brain will admit that if it was their family being threatened and their lives were at stake; of course you would torture to save them.
Why then does this same issue not apply when it comes to protecting our country and its citizens in general?Sounds like a selfish attitude to me.Besides if any of these people against waterboarding would take the time to Google the procedure, they would see how tame it really is by torture standards.Let's face it ; the Spanish Inquistion would never adopt this technique. It's laughable by their standards.It does no physical or mental damageto the individual. It is however,very effective , and in the three times it has been used, it has saved lives.
Waterboarding is so tame, in fact,that I would equate it to no more than typical frathouse hazing hijinks.And, as any ex- frathouse member will tell you,hazing works.It builds character.Besides,if torture of the enemy is so bad ,then why is the T.V show 24 so popular?That's what torture gets you.Jack Bauer is a hero who defends his country by torturing the enemy ,and has his own action figure.You don;t get your own action figure  by doing something bad do you?
We tortured during WWII , and if you don't believe that then you are living in a fantasy world of marshmallow flowers and unicorns. As Pres. Bush said in his final address to the nation;"There will always be good and always be evil; and there can never be a compromise between the two.Evil must be destroyed .It's really as simple as that.And please forget the liberal concept that destroying evil makes you evil as well.That is nonsense . We kill to save lives and preserve freedom.They kill to appease their evil God ; who bids them to destroy infidels such as Christians and Jews.
Besides, it's just a little waterboarding.Personally, I think they should take it up a notch, just to make it more fun for everyone involved. Maybe bring in Frankie Avalon in a bathing suit with his surfboard. He could sing a few tunes during the waterboarding.Maybe even some beach bunnies in bikinis and some sand ,just to give it that Beach Blanket Bingo feel. So on the subject of waterboarding; I have just two words; Cowabunga!, and Surfs Up!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Anti War Armchair Quarterback Syndrome

There's a good reason why the anti-war movement is lost and will always be lost.It's not that these people are too radical.  Quite the opposite. It's the simple fact that they are nothing more than political armchair quarterbacks . The toughest decision these people have to make in their lives is whether to order the large or small espresso at Starbucks.Let's cut through all the B.S. here.
When you sit in the chair of the commander in chief ; and the CIA intelligence briefing is put before you that indicates a serious threat to the safety of our nation; you can't pull out a protest sign and call your advisors liars that are just eager to start a war for oil.No, what you do is make the only decision that the President can make in this situation,and that is to protect this country and it's people by military force if necessary.
Barack Obama will do exactly what Pres. Bush did; he has no choice.He will also keep Gitmo Bay open for business.He now knows how important it is to our security. Why you ask? Because he's President now .
You see folks, Pres. Obama's days as a radical armchair quarterback are now gone forever. Now he has a job to do, and he will do it. The Anti- war movement will also continue to do it's job too;which amounts to expressing opinions loudly and obnoxiously without thought or reason to back up their stupid signs which attack our country and  President.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Crocodile Tears From Hamas

I find it laughable that Hamas has been crying foul over the sustained attacks by Israel.They claim that they are deliberately targeting civilians. This coming from an organization whose main trademark is planting bombs that kill civilian targets; and often strapping these bombs to the bodies of their own women and children.Can you say Mondo Mega Hypocrisy?Look, the only thing Israel has done wrong is failing to start these attacks years ago. Adopting a scorched earth policy regarding Hamas and the Palestinians is the only way to resolve this issue once and for all.
Sound harsh?Remember, Hamas is an organization that has called for the complete extermination of Israel and all Jews in the process.They believe their God ,Allah, has instructed them to do so.Once you have established that fact there is nothing more to talk about; and no need for negotiation.The Israelies are in a fight for survival . This is war ;and a war must be fought to win and winning means forcing the enemy to admit defeat.Until then,Israel must keep attacking ,until Hamas begs them to leave them be.
Three old sayings come to mind in summing up this conflict;
1 What comes around goes around.
2. Don't mess with the eagles if you don't know how to fly.
3.When you invite abuse; it would be impolite not to accept it.
And finally, always remember, all out war often is the only thing that changes attitudes and brings people closer together.Sound strange? Well, look at Japan, for example.
They were our mortal enemies during WWII ,but after a long bloody war and two nuclear bombs dropped on them, they are now our best buddies, and partners in Democracy.They support us in our fight against terrorism and even manufacture autos for us  in one of the cities we bombed ; Hiroshima.That's right folks . The Mazda plant is located in Hiroshoma which just goes to prove that from the seeds of complete destruction often comes rebirth and new hope for a future where all men shall live in freedom; as our creator intended.