Sunday, March 7, 2010

"What Price Freedom?"

Are the Iraqi's ready for freedom? Yes, for they've passed the first test. They are willing to die for it. By turning out for their national elections by the thousands, despite bombings and threats by Iraqi insurgents to kill all who do, they have shown that they understand that freedom is not free. And, that , yes, sometimes the price is paid in purple ink; and blood.
President Bush should be proud of his legacy. Operation Iraqi Freedom was a sucess. The surge was a sucess. And well worth the sacrifice, because there is really no choice. "Live Free Or Die", is more than a mere slogan on a license plate. It is a way of life. The only true way to live, and now that they have tasted it, the Iraqi people do not want to give it up. Our countries efforts across the globe to bring freedom to other nations is the most important thing that America represents. Free nations do not make war against each other . America only fights against those that supress God given freedom. Now President Obama and Vice-President Biden are trying to bask in the glow of the reflected glory of Bush-Cheney accomplishments. This is understandable, since their own pale by comparison. And now, after eight years of opposing Bush in his war on terror, they have finally admitted that Bush was right. The war was right. The Saddam rape and torture rooms are closed forever. and the one phrase that remains on the lips of Iraqi citizens is, "Thank you President Bush".  They now have a chance. Acance to live in a world free from terror. A chance for, "Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness".

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