Sunday, July 24, 2016

"United We Stand,..Divided We Conquer!"

"The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock,whose habitation is high, that saith in his heart, who shall bring me down to the ground?"
Obadiah: 1:3
Now, at this time in history, after a masterful display of political maneuvering worthy of Shakespeare,this is the question that must be answered of two men, inexorably linked by fate and destiny;the Leaders of the Republican Party,Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
"Who Shall Bring Them Down To The Ground?"
Who indeed?
The answer is, no one.
Both men, proud , arrogant, reckless at times, sure, yet also steel willed,savagely patriotic, and grimly determined as well, to win not only for themselves, but for America as well, the nation that both of these men have a fierce loyalty to.A loyalty, and a determination to make it Great Again, no matter what the odds .Indeed, both have dedicated their lives and fortunes to doing exactly that. Either man,left alone to his own devices, in a time of his choosing,would have been political forces to be reckoned with, to be certain. Each would have easily dominated that time in history.
Yet, destiny decreed that they share this time in history, share this political stage, share this battle for the lost soul of the nation. During the Republican Primary season, they started as friends , each recognizing the skill and will of the other,each respecting what they saw, and chose to concentrate their attacks on the other 15, lesser contenders.
At first, that is. But, just as it was inevitable that they would be the last men standing in the Primaries, so too was it inevitable that they clash in final battle.
Each possessed of equal strength, each decreed by the Shakespearean fates,to be locked in eternal struggle,to prove their mastery over the other. This seems to be their political destiny ,while the future of the nation hangs in the balance. Indeed, their conflict seems reminiscent of the rivalry of another two great men, whose destinies were also seemingly determined by the three Macbethian Witches known only as The Fates.Three Witches ,who seem playful and cruel indeed, in their manipulations of mortal men.
Muhammed Ali and Joe Frazier ,were these other two mortals, who, like Trump and Cruz, seem to have been forced into Olympian conflict ,that would become the stuff of legend.
In truth, there is much of Muhammed Ali in Donald Trump, perhaps by design, since Trump is a long time admirer of the boxer. Both men have similar personalities , with a P.T.Barnum -like flare for pretended bluster and braggadocio.Both have a child-like humor about them. Both have a talent for self-promotion. Both have iconic, charismatic, larger than life personalities that are tailor made for the media.Both seem to transcend social and political divisions,and attract fans and followers from every class in the American spectrum .Even politically,both seem to be unorthodox, and undefinable,.Both Trump and Ali ,at various times in their lives,were both Democrat and Republican. Ali started as a patriotic, right -wing Olympian, then morphed into a Black Muslim , linked to the Nation of Islam, then finally turning Conservative Republican, backing Ford, Reagan, and Bush Presidential runs. So too for Trump,who spent most of his life as an unfocused, low information, unpredictable  New York Democrat ,before transforming into a populist style Conservative Republican over the last three years, as the nation's grim fate under Democrat rule ,could no longer be denied.After this "Road to Damascus" style awakening, Trump has emerged as an instinctive conservative by nature,with a fierce loyalty to the nation that brought him great personal success.The nation's distress awakened a determined patriotism that compelled him to enter the race for the Presidency. Ali too,experienced a patriotic rebirth,despite his links to Islam, after the 911 attacks .Had Ali's health endured, who knows what a political force he might have been ?Who knows how he might have helped the nation to heal? We can only speculate.
Yes, the Trump -Ali comparisons are obvious, just as the Cruz -Frazier similarities are as well. Both Ted Cruz and Joe Frazier are fierce competitors in their chosen fields,both have a relentless , attacking style , both are strong, no nonsense conservatives who bristled at the childish antics of the rival that  would draw them into the epic battles that defined their careers. Both Cuz and Frazier are men of honor, integrity,men of strong religious faith, men who believe your word is your bond. And, most importantly, both Cruz and Frazier have a fierce loyalty to their families, and will not tolerate any attacks on them. Frazier held a lifelong grudge against Ali,for calling him an "Uncle Tom', calling him a "White Man's Negro", calling him a" Gorilla".All these attacks, not only hurt his pride, but also led to his children being bullied in school. Frazier never forgave Ali for these attacks , and rightly so, since overweening pride never allowed Ali the luxury of apologizing to Frazier. So too,has Cruz held a grudge against Trump, for his Primary campaign attacks on his wife and father, disparaging his wife's looks and inexplicably linking his father to Lee Harvey Oswald, and the Kennedy assassination.Both Ali and Trump most likely carried out these attacks in a sophomoric, tongue -in cheek,humorous spirit. Both men most likely never meant their attacks to be taken seriously.But, both Cruz and Frazier took them seriously. And, both attacks did have an impact on both Frazier and and Cruz's personal lives.
Intriguing parallels to be sure, in these four men, forever linked by fate, and destiny.
Much of the Ali-Frazier rivalry was spent in Manila ,with both men calling their third and final encounter the "closest thing to death",they had ever experienced.Both men left pieces of themselves in the ring that night .Both men would never be the same again. And, although much of their hatred had been spent in that ring, in that third and final fight, they still remained bitter rivals for the remainder of their lives.
Ali and Frazier, forever determined to prove themselves the master of the other, until death's hand claimed them,..and perhaps even beyond that.
Will Trump and Cruz suffer the same fate? Will they allow past grudges , carelessly inflicted insults, during the heat of battle, of intense political conflict, force them into an eternal rivalry, that will define their existence? Perhaps. The second night of the Republican Convention in Cleveland, Ohio was perhaps a portent of things to come between these two men, as Cruz gave one of the finest speeches of the entire event, yet, was then booed off the stage for failing to endorse a man who had insulted his wife and father. Even with the fate of the nation hanging in the balance, the Christian Cruz could not forgive and forget and offer a formal endorsement of Trump from the convention stage.
Yet, all is not what it seems, for Trump invited Cruz, wanted him there, wanted him to speak, and knew ,there would be no endorsement. Trump met with Cruz , approved his speech, word for word, and accepted the fact that Cruz would not be making a formal endorsement. At least, not yet. Trump accepted this, and still approved Cruz's appearance at the convention. Why would he do this?For one simple reason;..he wanted to test him. And,..Cruz accepted, because he wanted to test Trump. Yet again, the rivalry would not, could not, be put to rest. In truth, both of these men will be testing each other ,for many years, in many political battles to come.That is their fate.Like Ali and Frazier , that is their destiny.
But, unlike many of the other Republican Primary candidates,Cruz,in fact, did honor the pledge, and Trump knows it. He showed up, where many did not, including the Governor of Ohio John Kasich. Cruz said that all Republicans should vote their conscience, vote for conservatives who follow the constitution, vote straight ticket Republican,..and most importantly, Cruz insisted that every Republican honor the memory of the Founders who sacrificed everything for freedom, by not staying home for this election,by showing up,..and electing Republicans., defeating the Democrats, permanently.
There are only two candidates left;.. Trump and Hillary.Which, of these two, supports the constitution? Which of these two, supports the border wall, that Cruz endorsed? Which of these two , would  more likely implement the conservative principles that Cruz lives by?
Of course Cruz endorsed Trump. He even congratulated him on his nomination. But , what Cruz didn't do, was bow before a man who he still seeks to defeat politically some day, a man he still seeks mastery over.
Cruz endorsed Trump, but he did it like a man, not like a whipped dog ,as Christie did. And, despite intense bitterness towards Trump, he showed up. Unlike Bush, or Kasich, Cruz, Walker, Perry,and Carson,would put aside Primary bitterness, and show up for the good of the Party, and the good of the nation.
Trump wanted Cruz to speak, not to belittle him, or destroy him politically,but because he respects him as his greatest rival, his steadfast foe, his fiercest competitor. So too, for Cruz, who wanted to be there because he knows , like Trump., like Pence, like Carson, like Gingrich, like Guiliani, like Phares, like Sessions,like Ryan,..that Hillary must never become President ,and the Democrat Party must be defeated permanently, if America is to be saved.
They were not seeking, to destroy each other,
But to test each other,..
Both passed the test,..
Both are men of courage, conviction, determination ,
Both are dedicated to making America Great Again,..
And both will continue to do battle with each other in the political arena , for many years to come .
Indeed, that is their destiny.
But, what of Republican Party unity?Does not this endless political infighting and maneuvering hurt the Party, divide the Party, and help the Democrats achieve victory?
Not at all.
In truth, the Cruz incident helps the Party, and secures the Trump victory in November, because it shows the Republican passion, for the battle, and their honesty. It shows the Republicans are the thinking mans Party , the Party of Lincoln, of Reagan, the Party that wages fierce internal battles, but also is united behind basic the conservative principles of tax and regulation cuts, a strong military, 2nd Amendment rights,support for our Judeo-Christian values,and our Allies in freedom.
These principles, despite all differences , always unite Republicans and these principles , despite all bitter arguements, despite all rancour, are the reason Republicans will be victorious in November ,and Democrats will suffer permanent defeat.
House Speaker Paul Ryan said it best, when he told the gathered convention crowd that the differences that pull us apart, do not matter. It just means that we are individuals who think,who feel,who are alive, and who love freedom and the constitution that protects it. Of course we disagree .We are the thinking man's Party, made up of strong , opinionated conservatives who believe in their own vision , to be sure, but , in the end, believe in truth above all else.
The Constitution may be set in stone, and unalterable, but Republicans are not. And, it's that freedom,that diversity, of thought , of opinion, of will, that truly defines this, the Party of Washington,the Party of Lincoln, the Party of Reagan,..
You want unity of Party?
You want unity of thought?
You want unity of agenda?
Look no further than the Democrat Party.
They are united in higher taxes and regulations on all Americans.
They are united in open borders that threaten our security ,and increase their voting base.
They are united in weakening our military ,and appeasing our terror enemies,..
They are united, in attacks on our 2nd Amendment right, the right that makes all other rights possible,..
They are united in the concept that America is the true terror state, and it is America that must be destroyed.
So much for unity.
Republicans prefer to battle among themselves, like men, as our founders did,..and then unite against the enemy to protect this Free Republic, this Shining City, this America.
Did the Trump-Cruz conflict help the Party? The Nation?
You bet.
It shows We the People , like our Founders, are real men, unafraid of conflict, unafraid to stand and fight for passion , for principles, for the last best hope for humanity,
This Shining City,..America.
Donald J.Trump may not be conservative in the traditional sense, like his nemesis Ted Cruz, but his agenda is defined by his team, and they are conservative indeed. Pence, Gingrich,Guiliani, Phares, Carson, Sessions, Ryan,..and perhaps, day,..even Cruz, all ultra-conservative Supreme Court picks ,..all this,..define the man, the Party, and this moment in history.After all,conservatism is nothing more than truth,..and, as Christ once told Pilate,"All those who are of the truth, hereith my voice".All those at the Republican Convention, including Trump and Cruz, here this voice indeed.
Will Trump and Cruz battle on?
No doubt.
As proud men , they can do no less than self-crucify,on that  pride,that vanity .
But, in the end, after all the conventions done,
All the speeches over,..
They will unite, on the real battlefield, against the real enemy,..
The Democrat Party.
A Party United? Nay, a Party of individuals, of one God, of one Nation,  indivisible,
And, as yet undefeated,against all enemies united against her.

Monday, July 18, 2016

"The War Gods,.Assemble!"

Wherein doth freedom lie?In France,the nation that aided America's fight for Independence?In France whose underground resistance force battled the Nazis?Unfortunately, not. Today, this France is but a shell of its former self. The very concept of  Bastille Day, an Independence celebration, in a nation like France,is nothing more than a hollow mockery of the freedom that is man's birthright.
In truth there can be no Independence celebration in any nation that operates under a socialist government system that restricts a man's right to live, work, and worship as he pleases ,and replaces the natural system of self government with an oppressive leftist elitism that takes away the right of those citizens to keep and bear arms ,the natural, God -given right to defend oneself, to defend freedom, to defend the so called, "Independence" that France thinks its celebrating.There can be no Liberty, no Independence, no Freedom, to speak of,in the European Union lackey nations like France that leave their borders open,and their citizens unarmed,defenseless sheep before Islamic Nazi invaders determined to take their land in the name of their false and evil god. France's Leftist President is a pathetic joke, Frances Security Forces are a pathetic joke, and the biggest joke of all, are the willfully ignorant French people who allow their leftist government to disarm them, while at the same time,foolishly appeasing the Islamic terrorists who seek nothing less than the Flag of ISIS planted firmly atop their rotting corpses.
The citizens of France, and all of Western Europe as well, deserve a collective slap in the face, from Charles DeGaulle, and Winston Churchill , who would be appalled at their weakness in the face of evil, a weakness that let a sleeper cell agent of ISIS murder 83 French citizens during the Bastille Celebration, with a truck that mowed them down like corn stalks ,for over a mile. Sheep to the slaughter? The French are worse in many respects, for even sheep, will fight ,when cornered. Indeed, all of Western Europe has formulated their own defeat,by allowing the Islamic Nazi controlled nation of Belgium to control their destiny , and that destiny,is a muslim controlled Europe, and eventually, a muslim controlled world as well. The one thing that kept Belgium's mission in check up till now, has been the last best hope for humanity, America. We the People have led the War on Terror , no one else. We the People have destroyed terrorists and the sponsors of terror, no one else. Only We the People of the United States, have the right to keep and bear arms , and only We the People, use that right to defend our nation,against any terror force that would dare threaten freedom. No other nation on earth, has this right, or would use this right , if they did have it. The simple truth is;if you cannot , or will not, defend freedom and liberty,defend so called, Bastille,"Independence",then, you will not have it very long at all.
Evil advances when good retreats ,and the tentacles of Radical Islam, have nearly engulfed the globe. Not only because of the eternal weakness of socialist Europe, but also because America , the greatest force for freedom to ever exist, has, while under Democrat rule, retreated from the War on Terror in the middle east, allowed the terror nation of ISIS to be created , and allowed the scourge of terror to come to the shores of even America itself. And, as a result, the fate of Europe is one that America will; soon share, as the terror attacks on the Shining City increase with each passing day. The latest of which being carried out by the ISIS vanguard known only as Black Lives Matter, against the police of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  An attack that has left three heroes dead.More flowers, more tears, more death, more destruction, more terror in our states, cities, and neighborhoods, is assured,  against our police, our military, our citizens, as America moves ever closer to being controlled by the same socialist evil that all of Europe now suffers under.
The Democrat Party that has ruled our nation for eight years now , continues its attacks on our free market economy with its never ending taxes and regulations.The Democrat Party continues to weaken our military , withdraw from the fight against terror, and denounce our police as racist killers,while appeasing our Islamic Nazi terror enemies that seek our destruction.
The Democrat Party continues to attack our Second Amendment rights that make all other rights possible, that makes freedom itself, possible. The one right ,that prevents us from sharing the fate of Western Europe .The Democrat Party continues to alienate our Allies in Liberty , and attack our Judeo-Christian values , while appeasing the forces of Islam. , and its partner in evil, Black Lives Matter.
America's grim fate seems virtually assured, under the rule of the Democrat Party, for the Democrat Party sees only one terror enemy;
America itself.
And make no mistake, the Democrat Party's one goal, since the days of Benedict Arnold, Arron Burr, and Woodrow Wilson, has been the complete and total destruction of this terror state known only as America.
They are , seemingly, unstoppable;..
Unless, the unexpected intervenes.
The unexpected?
A new ,savage primitive, barbaric form of conservatism, that is sweeping America, and Great Britain as well.A new, savage conservatism, being led by the Republican nominee for the Presidency, Donald J.Trump. Trump, an unorthodox, , instinctive conservative, that rejects the nonsense of political correctness, the details of political diplomacy, in favor of a basic, functional conservatism that has but one goal; to win.  Political intrigue is for the boardrooms and hallways of Washington ,
The ugly, savage hunt was on;
And the prey?
The Democrat Party.
And, out of their destruction,will come a new Republican rebirth;
Taxes and regulations, slashed to nothingness;for its our money, and We the People who rule this land,have a right to keep it.
Our military and police supported, strengthened, and unleashed fully on the forces of terror, at home and abroad.
Our Second Amendment right to defend ourselves,our families, our freedom, fully utilized, by every American citizen ,
Every citizen armed and prepared to defend their nation , for America's first line of defense has always been its armed citizens , ready ,willing, and able, to defend the Shining City , against all enemies , against all threats, against all evil.
A savage, free nation, against which, no force of terror can endure.
All this will come to pass, a new conservatism will rise like a Phoenix , from the ashes of Democrat defeat.
There is now a gathering of forces, in motion, that will make this America , once again, a living, working reality.
This gathering of forces begins, in Cleveland Ohio,this week,as the Republican National Convention prepares its army, for the battle to come, and crowns the presumptive King, who will lead that army.
Trump is that King to be crowned, that leader to be anointed, and all conspiratorial forces who oppose this, and plot against this reality, whether #NeverTrump, double agents, or Democrat elite,are all enemies of freedom, to be destroyed, nothing more, nothing less. Make no mistake, Trump is the new , savage, conservative leader, prepared to do battle for America , and his army of War Gods has now, finally, been well and truly assembled;..
Mike Pence, Trump's pick for Vice President,Governor of Indiana, Reagan disciple, hard core conservative, and former congressman who has used deep slashing tax and regulation cuts,to make Indiana the most prosperous State in the Union.
Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker under the Clinton Administration, whose Contract with America led a Republican Revolution that gave the Republican Party control of both Houses , for the first time in 50 years .Another savage conservative that cut all taxes and regulations, ended all debt deficit, and welfare entitlements , assured economic prosperity, and saved the Clinton Administration, from economic disaster.
Ben Carson,a soft spoken yet  hard as nails conservative, whose intellect has made him an enemy of the left, and whose surgical skill has saved countless lives.
Jeff Sessions; Master Conservative Senator, who crafted the Reagan -style tax plan, that is the rock, upon which the Trump Administration will be built.
Walid Phares, Anti-Terror expert, and fierce patriot, who has dedicated his life to the destruction of Radical Islam .
General Mike Flynn, a savage, blood and guts, Anti-Terror Military strategist, who defied the Obama Administration's appeasement  of  Radical Islam, and stood strongly with the forces of freedom
Trump's War Gods are now well and truly assembled,
And ready to do battle, against any and all who dare to challenge America and her Allies. Any one of them, makes a formidable enemy to the left;..
Together, they are invincible;
United, Republican Victory, is assured;
As the American people, now confronts this grim truth ;
The Democrat Party cannot, and will not protect them from the Islamic terror enemies, that they have allied themselves with, and will not protect the free market capitalism, or 2nd Amendment rights, that limit their power;
And will not support the military , or police, that defend our nation.
No matter, for Republican Victory , is now almost certain, and the newly assembled War Gods mission, is now clear;
Death, to Al Queda,..
Death, to ISIS,..
Death, to Black Lives Matter,..
Death, to the false god Allah, who inspires their evil,..
And Death, to the Democrat Party ,that has allied itself with the enemies of America, and must now, share their fate;
At the hands of War Gods, now well and truly assembled,
For one purpose , and one purpose alone;
To Make America Great Again,
To Make America, Safe Again,..
By destroying all enemies of America.
The time for mourning , is over;
There is a War to be Won.
Dry all Tears, stiffen all spines,
Discard all flowers,..
And let the battle begin.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"Operation: Democrat Destruct!!!"

Adolf Hitler dreamed of a thousand year Reich, and an Aryan Master Race, that would rule the earth.Yet, he was unable , and unwilling to maintain his armies in the field , ultimately leaving his soldiers to starve and freeze to death,in the frozen wilderness of Stalingrad.And, all the while,the Fuhrer's architect Albert Speer, diverted Nazi funds to build statues of gold and marble to Hitler's personal glory
So too, for the Democrat Party of the United States , that since the days of Woodrow Wilson, has dreamed of an America transformed into a similar socialist utopia.Yet, after decades of Democrat rule, has instead created only a collapsed economy, a weakened military, and an emboldened terror enemy. Like the Nazis before them, the Democrat Party has used the hard earned money of its citizens to do nothing more than increase their political power and create a mindless entitlement class that will vote Democrat eternally, just to keep from starving to death. Like the Nazis,the Democrats have dreamed of a superior society, where all citizens would be equal , and, like the Nazis,they have created it; a nation whose citizens are indeed equal; equally poor that is, and under the boot heel of their liberal elitist rule,that uses their tax dollars to grow their personal wealth and political power , while leaving our nation under-funded, and our military woefully unprepared to repel our nation's terror enemies.
The result?The growth of ISIS and Al Queda terror forces around the globe, increased terror attacks on American soil ,a collapsing economy, Second Amendment right of citizens under siege , while our police officers are slaughtered by a domestic Axis of terrorist evil.
One question hangs in the air, like a guillotine;
Have We the People,..Had Enough Yet?
Have We the People,. had enough of a destructive Democrat rule,that permits our terror enemies to grow stronger, while weakening and vilifying our military and police, who pledge their lives to protecting our freedom?
Have We the People, had enough of our Judeo-Christian principles being attacked, while the evil of Islam is appeased , protected, and promoted, at home and abroad?
Have We the People, had enough yet; of our hard earned tax dollars being confiscated by a Party that uses them to financially support illegal entitlement bums and sleeper cell terrorists that they envision as the future Democrat voting base?
Have We the People had enough of  the corruption and malfeasance of Democrat politicians, on a state and federal level, that perverts our constitutional principles , almost on a daily basis, while fattening their personal fortunes with misappropriated American tax dollars?
Have We the People, had enough, of Democrat politicians who leave our military embassies woefully unprotected , let our heroes die , and share our nations secrets with the enemies of freedom, yet never face the Justice of our American Legal System?
Have We the People, had enough ,of a Democrat controlled I.R.S. ,that bilks the American taxpayer , and unfairly targets those who dare to support constitutional conservatism?
Have We the People had enough  of Democrats who reward corruption , evil, and incompetence,with a nomination to the office of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces?
Have We the People, had enough yet, of Democrat created Gun Free Zones, that use the bullet riddled corpses of our children, to promote their Gun Ban Agenda?
And finally;..
Have We the People, had enough yet,..of a Democrat controlled government , that leaves our borders unsecured and sanctuary city protected terrorists free, to murder Americans in the name of a Jihad that the left supports, because it furthers their anti-gun agenda, and control of the American citizens in general?
Have We Had Enough Yet?
How many more Americans must die, needlessly, before We the People say, no more,and do what is necessary to stop this?
The time to act, is now,
And there is but one way to stop this madness, permanently.
Stop electing Democrats to Public Office.
This Party has proven , after decades of government rule, both on a state and federal level, that their only goal is to weaken our Free Republic , strengthen our enemies, and grow the political power of the Ruling  Democrat Elite.
This, is their only mission,
And the time to stop it; is now.
We the People must start electing nothing but Republicans , both on a state and federal level, from now until the end of eternity itself,..
And reduce the Democrat Party to a powerless minority Party, permanently.
This must be the goal, the mission, for now, for November,.. for all time.
Only Republicans cut taxes and regulations , and allow our businesses to grow and prosper in a Free Market economy.
Only Republicans strengthen our military and fight an aggressive war on our terror enemies.
Only Republicans support our Second Amendment rights that make all other rights , all other freedoms,..possible.
Only Republicans support our Allies in Freedom,and defend our Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation, of our system of self government, the greatest system of government yet devised by man.
Every state run by Republicans, is prosperous and growing, every state run by Democrats , is bankrupt, crime ridden and poverty stricken.
If,..we have had enough now,...
This is what must be done.
Now, We the People have an election in November. An election, that must be won, by the Republican Party.An election, that must be won, by the Republican nominee, for President of the United States.
Donald J.Trump is the nominee of the Republican Party, period. He, like the 17 other Republican  contenders, fought long and hard , picked up the necessary delegates, and won the nomination fair and square. He has shown a determination and a dedication to fight for America .A determination to pay America back for his own personal success; A determination to make America, what she once was;
To make America Great again indeed;
To make America the Greatest; Permanently.
Forget #NeverTrump twitter cowards, and pathetic Democrat double agent attempts to sabotage his Presidential efforts.
Make no mistake;
Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Ted Cruz is the perfect conservative fighting machine,with perhaps even greater potential than Reagan,
But, We the People had our chance to nominate him, and instead, once again, 80% of Republican voters stayed home for the Primaries, in abject , smug, self satisfied, apathetic ignorance, and let the Democrats pick our nominee again. Your allegiance to Cruz now, is too little, too late,..and lacks sincerity or political intelligence.
Too stupid for freedom?
So be it.
Trump is the nominee,
Is he the perfect conservative?No. Certainly not the way that Cruz is.
He hasn't promised to repeal the I.R.S. ,or impose a permanent flat tax, and lacks the consistent anti amnesty record, of Cruz,as well,..
And, in truth, Trump has a long history of Democrat support, and opposed the Bush War on Terror, even questioning the WMD claims of the Administration. This kind of Code Pink rhetoric, is hard for any true conservative to ignore, but,..
Trump has also shown that he understands the importance of defeating the destructive Democrat Machine, and the importance of replacing it with a conservative based Administration , before its too late.
Trump is, at heart, an instinctive, undisciplined conservative that lacks a solid Republican based framework, but has compensated for this, by surrounding  himself with a solid conservative advisor team, which clearly demonstrates his willingness to listen,..and to learn.
The Trump Advisor team , consisting of Newt Gingrich, Ben Carson, Paul Ryan, Walid Phares, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, and an impressive,11 count list, of  hard core conservatives for Supreme Court appointment consideration, aptly demonstrate his commitment to a Conservative Agenda, should he win the Presidency. Add to this a formidable Jeff Sessions tax cut plan, strong support for our military and Second Amendment rights , and a savage, relentless attack on the scandal ridden Hillary, and you can see the emerging potential in this political enigma called Trump.
He has supported our military, our police, and our Second Amendment rights consistently , and is, in fact, the only Republican candidate who has never ceased to praise the men and women who live by the motto;"To Protect, and to Serve".
His attacks on Hillary and the Democrat Agenda over the last few weeks have become laser intensive, and demonstrate that Trump is indeed, serious, and has earned the support of We the People, as the battle to save Our Republic is well and truly, joined.
Trump has indeed, over the last few weeks,  shown the look of a Champion, a flawed, unorthodox Champion, to be sure,.. but a Champion nonetheless,..
The People's Champion,..
America's Champion,..
Who will lead us,..into battle ,..
This November,..for the Soul of the Nation.
The Battle Lines are Drawn,..
The Republican Champion chosen,and ready to do battle,..
If,..his army , prepared to follow him .
The Alternative?
To back down once again,..and admit final defeat , the hands of a political machine,that serves no purpose,
But one;..
That exists for no reason;..
But one,...
To Destroy America.
The Trumpets have sounded,..
Our Leader chosen,..
Our War Banners unfurled,..
Operation;Democrat Destruct ,..has begun,..
And the choice is clear,..
Republican Victory, in November,..
Or Death,..
To the Free Republic ,..
Called America,...

Monday, July 4, 2016

"This Savage Glory!"

Conservatism is the natural state of mankind, and conservatism will ultimately triumph, in America,and now, seemingly, in Great Britain as well. Not since the days of Churchill, and Margaret Thatcher has England been so close to a conservative revolution , a revolution that has the potential to spread throughout all of Western Europe as well. The question is; why/Why now? Why is England , an island long steeped in oppressive socialism, gun bans, and collapsed economies, now rejecting the political system it has so long embraced?America is the reason. The only reason there is; the only reason there can ever be. For you see, the ugly truth behind socialism goes far beyond Prime Minister Thatcher's proclamations regarding it eventually running out of money,or Churchill's pontificating on the the evil that creates it. No, the real truth is that socialism , beyond being economically inoperable, and morally bankrupt, simply has no basis in reality , as a viable political system. The reality is; socialism, marxism, or communism, all have  had existed and survived in the world this long, only because of the free market capitalism of America. Free Market Capitalism is not just one system of government, it's the only system. It's all that really works , ever. We are the greatest nation on earth , because we are a self governed nation with a free market, and free trade, simple as that.
Every other nation that operates under tyrants dictators, and despots, whether it's the milder tyranny of England ,France, and Germany, or the extreme tyranny of China,Venezuela, Russia, Cuba, or North Korea,all, have survived this long only because of the economic bailouts of the one, the only,true free Republic, to ever exist; America. Our economy has always propped up the so-called "socialist" nations with cash handouts for decade after decade.The poverty , disease, and despair that socialism creates,has always forced America to step up and provide financial aid, for a clueless world that still , even in the 21st century, cannot grasp the concept of free will, self-governance, and a Free Republic,despite the fact that it has made the United States the greatest nation to ever exist. So,America's tax dollars continued to flow into these countries, even as it's military continued to liberate their populace from the constant stream of dictators and tyrants that oppressed them.
This created a balance of sorts. These nations could continue to generate no wealth, create no goods and services , create no freedom , and yet survive because America would give them money that would be used to make tyrants wealthy and keep the poverty stricken alive, until the next United States handout. But now, after decades of destructive Democrat rule, including eight years of Obama madness, America is no longer that Shining City on a Hill, the Leader of the Free World, the last, best hope for humanity,due to the socialist based Democrat Agenda that has reduced our Free Republic to a mere shadow of its former self.
America, under Obama rule,has collapsed economically under the heavy burden of ever increasing taxes and regulations .It's military has withdrawn from the War on Terror, leaving the once secured and terror free  Iraq to the mercy of ISIS,and the middle east , to the combined Axis evil of Syria, China,Russia,and Iran.Our Second Amendment rights have been attacked relentlessly, and gun free zones have reduced our citizens to helpless sheep ,being led to the terror slaughter.
Our Allies in Freedom have been alienated , our Judeo-Christian values mocked, rejected, and scorned, in favor of the Islamic based faith that promotes control of the masses by government decree, and the destruction of freedom based Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of America's Constitution. In short, America has been slowly fading away,and has begun to resemble just another failed third world nation. The immediate result?Socialist economies collapsing around the globe at an accelerated pace , and the growth of AlQueda and ISIS  in both strength and numbers,which has led to the mass invasion of all nations by the forces of Islamic Terror. Their goal? Nothing short of world domination .A world,under the iron boot of Islamic rule,and America's retreat , has only accelerated this process , not only throughout Western Europe,but in America as well. All because America is no longer the overwhelming force for freedom and liberty around the globe, no longer the superpower that goes to war against nations, not to conquer, but to liberate the world from the ever present evil of tyranny and despotism.
It has been said, that if America did not exist, the world would be a very dark, dismal, despair ridden place indeed. Now, we can see,that this is the truth. Worldwide economic collapse ,and ever increasing Islamic terrorism , in all nations, is the proof, and the European Union is the now unopposed power behind it. In reality,the EU's sole purpose for existing is to spread the evil of Radical Islam to all nations around the globe, through forced Islam invasions and the redistribution of the world's wealth, into the hands of terror's home operating base of Brussels, a nation that harbors and finances terrorism ,and uses the EU's collective nations, as the source of that funding.
A world, under Islamic rule,
A world, where Judeo-Christian infidels are all converted, or destroyed,
A world under the Flag of ISIS, Al Queda, the Taliban,and the Muslim Brotherhood,
A world whose ruling capital,is none other than Brussels,
A nation that harbors evil, and dreams of a world with no borders,
A world , under Sharia Law,
A world where America is nothing more, than a romanticized , distant memory.
The ever increasing terror attacks around the globe , attacks like those recently in Orlando Florida, Istanbul, , and Saudi Arabia, are proof positive that Radical Islam is inching ever closer , dangerously closer, with each passing day, to making this dream a grim reality.
All because America has retreated.When good retreats, evil advances, with ISIS and Al Queda as its monstrous vanguard. And, with America in retreat, a political vacuum has also been created, and , in the case of England, that vacuum has now been filled with a new found sense of nationalist conservatism.
Fear was a great motivator as well, no doubt, in the Brexit vote. Even the most ardent anti gun socialist Brit,still has a strong sense of nationalism.The British people still have a pride in their nation and its history .They are still proud to be British. And they, like most nations under the Islamic control of the EU are now seeing their nations vanish, under wave after wave of terror sleeper cell invasion. They see the ever increasing domestic terror strikes on their own soil. They see, the Islamic attacks on their cultures,
They see, the rape of their women , the murder of their Judeo-Christian citizens.
They see the ever increasing number of Mosques ,scattered throughout their cities,
They see the closed Islamic communities among them, that operate under no law, except Sharia Law.
With America in retreat, they can now clearly see what has been happening to them, for decades.
With America no longer a force for freedom and liberty , they see themselves as they truly are, helpless disarmed sheep, about to be conquered by Islam for the greater glory of the Prophet Muhammed.
They see it, and fear has now finally spurred them into desperate action.
England has rejected the evil of the European Union , in favor of the basics of freedom. A nation with enforced borders.A nation under sovreign rule.A nation that defends its freedom , its liberty, against all invaders who would force them to submit to the despotic boot heel of Sharia tyranny and oppression.
While Orlando endured a record setting mass slaughterby a gun welding terrorist,
While Istanbul endures suicide bombers at its airports,
Ramadan is being celebrated by the collective forces of Radical Islam,and during this celebration, which could last for months, terror attacks against the Infidel, the Great Satan,..will be happening with ever increasing, alarming frequency.This is how they celebrate , in this strange evil cult called Islam. . They celebrate, by destroying those who believe in the Christian principles of freedom and liberty,
They celebrate by destroying all those who will not submit , will not subjugate, their free will, and bow before an evil, false god.
And, with America in retreat, the strange celebration of Ramadan , will, no doubt, go on far longer than expected.
Yes, England has broken free of the evil of the European Union, and appears ready to embrace their conservative party, for the first time since the days of Thatcher.
And, Germany, France, Norway, and Sweden, may, in fact, soon join them out of sheer desperation, now that they can clearly see the fate that soon awaits them, if they do not.
But, with America in retreat, all this sudden burst of nationalism , all this sudden embrace of sovreign rule, may be too little, too late.
Churchill and Thatcher are, no doubt, spinning in their graves over the Chamberlain-like apathy the British people have shown in the presence of evil, for decades now.
Too little, too late?
For England, for Europe, and for America as well?
Perhaps, perhaps not.
In America, there has been a slow , but steady awakening since 2010, the year that the Republicans recaptured control of the House of Representatives. The awakening continued, in 2012, and 2014, as Republicans also regained the Senate, and the majority of state level governments as well. And now, the Republican Party stands poised to take the Presidency as well.
The failures of the Obama economy,
The weakening of our military,
The retreat in the face of Islamic evil, at home and abroad,
The Clinton scandals, both email server, and Benghazi related,
The death of Four Heroes, while the 600 pleas for help, were ignored by a Liberal Democrat Administration that has nothing but contempt for our nation , our freedom, and the military that defends them.
All this has awakened a sleeping giant of sorts, in the form of We the People, who now see our own fate reflected in the fate that Europe now endures, under the Islamic boot heel of the European Union.
Yes America has seemingly awakened, but is it, like England, too little, too late?
That depends on three things that must happen, if the world is to survive.
First, the Republican Party must win the Presidency in November by an overwhelming straight ticket sweep, and reduce the Democrat Party to a permanent Minority Party on both a State and Federal level.
Second, the Republican President must fully unleash our military upon our terror enemies , and reduce their homeground forces to a burnt out cinder .No mercy , no quarter can be given, until the Islamic State submits to a full and unconditional surrender and occupation of their lands , permanently, by American forces.
Third; the American people must fully ultilize their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms .A right, that only the Republican Party protects and defends against the Democrat Party's constant attempts to destroy it.We are at war, and the war, has now come to American soil. All Americans both young and old, who wish to live free , must now be prepared to defend that freedom from a relentless , ruthless , profoundly evil enemy , that is determined to take it from them. An enemy, that is now ,among us.
Once, that would have been considered  unthinkable.Impossible.
In the days before World War Two, General Yamamoto of Japan refused to invade America , because he felt there would be ,"a rifle,behind every blade of grass". Yamamoto also opposed the attack on Pearl Harbor, because he feared it would "awaken a sleeping giant".The General, was correct,..about that America.
But America  now, is no longer united under the banner of freedom,
No longer united under our Second Amendment rights,
No longer united in the battle against tyranny.
America, is no longer a "sleeping giant",
But a sleeping sheep, waiting to be slaughtered.
And, as America goes, so goes the world, including newly liberated, finally awakened, England.
But, as Rudyard Kipling said, "IF" , is the middle word in life.
"If', America elects Republicans in November, and defeats Democrats permanently,
"If' America fully unleashes our military upon our terror enemies ,
"If", the American people embrace the 2nd Amendment , and prepare to defend their hard won, elusive freedom , against all who would dare to take it from them,
"If", Americans embrace and defend our Judeo-Christian values, and our Allies in Liberty,
"If", we defend and support our Republican representatives and nominees, who prepare to do battle, for all of us,..
"If" we are willing to risk all,in the arena of ideas,  in order to live free, or not at all,
"If", we stand united behind the man who now prepares to lead us into battle, a boorish, blustering bully, with questionable Republican credentials, but also an instinctive conservative, who has shown no fear in attacking the Democrat machine and terror enemies alike, a savage, primitive conservative, who , above all, knows how to win,..and for this reason, above all else,deserves our support,..
"If", we can do all this,..
"If", all this, comes to pass, from now until November,..
Then America is restored,
An enemy conquered,
A world saved,
And a conservatism assured , for a Nation, and a World,
Now united under this War Banner,
This Freedom,
This Savage Glory,..