Sunday, November 24, 2013

Who Weeps For Narcissus?

Senator Harry Reid, and the Democrat controlled Senate ,have decided to pass the so-called,"Nuclear Option ", which would prevent the Republican Senate  Minority to filibuster on any future Democrat Presidential nominations , Judicial nominations, or anything else , for that matter. Filibuster has been a House and Senate tradition ,going back to the very founding of our Nation and its laws. But. more than that, it's been a strong symbol of what we are as a Nation ;...not a Democracy where the majority rules, absolute, but a Republic where the individual counts more than the collective . That is the very essence of a system of self  government , and the filibuster , although not in the Constitution, is a strong symbol of it. The reason Reid and the Democrats are enacting this illegal law is obvious . Fear Their government healthcare push, in the form of Obamacare, has now been exposed as , not only a tax fraud,but as unworkable, mechanically.The numbers simply do not add up. It is an illogical law , that depends on Americans being mindless robots that sign up en masse, and private insurance companies and Doctors embracing it, despite the fact that the law will hurt them financially. That won't work in America.Americans were born into freedom , for money generations now . Like a wild animal in the jungle, Americans can be caged, their freedom taken temporarily, but, ultimately, they can't be domesticated.Eventually, when the handler leaves the cage door open a crack,  Americans will either attack, or make a run for freedom. England and France have always been socialist. Like cats and dogs they were bred for many generations , to be domesticated That's why they continue to tolerate , and even embrace, their financially broke socialist systems. Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid and the Democrat Party , are now beginning to perceive that everything they have dreamed of , since the days of FDR
and the ,"New Deal", has now been proven unworkable;..a mere economic lab experiment by a group of sheltered academics who have never functioned in the real world , the real free market economy , and therefore have no idea how it truly functions, nor do they really care. They only care about their way, their methods, being implemented , for the purpose of securing power for the left.. They have always had nothing but contempt for American free market principles that they perceive as unfair. Their way is the only way , ..the fair way. Their way is socialism . Their way is Marxism. Their way is communism . And, their way works , at least, for them. Those in the elite, those who make the rules . Those who view themselves as superior , and therefore born to rule over the inferior masses . That is the essence of the Democrat Party mentality , and the key to achieving what they want has always been a single payer healthcare system. The website was designed to fail, and designed to destroy private insurance ,by  increasing  premium rates and taxes and add fines to the mix , for those who don't comply. Ultimately , it was designed to strand people in no man's land , leave them uninsured and in crises , create total economic chaos, and therefore force the government to enact the single payer system , which , by the left's own admission, is the ultimate goal anyway. Now, the Democrat Party has begun to perceive that dream will never be realized. The American people will apparently not be domesticated and are seeking , ..not only to escape the cage , but also to attack the trainer who has kept them caged.
It's all over . The 2014 Midterms will belong to the Republican Party . And, they will rule , perhaps ad-infinitum , because of this debacle. Not only will the Democrat Party now lose their power, but it may be the end of liberalism itself, at least as an organized movement in our Nation. What then, is to be the final legacy for Obama and the Democrats?The President, when he was inaugerated, embraced Lincoln, as part of his legacy. But, as time passed, one could see this was done more as a publicity stunt, with no real substance to it. After all, Lincoln was a tax cutting , strong  military, Republican that took us to war with the Democrat controlled States, that supported slavery. In fact, not one Democrat politician , in Washington, supported the end of slavery. And, except for the freed slaves aspect of the Lincoln Legacy, Obama really has no reason to admire , the rail splitter from Illinois. That's why he had no interest in attending the Gettyburg Address ceremony . He is, in fact, the first President to pull a no-show at this event. He simply doesn't care about a ceremony for this assassinated Republican . His only concern, right now, is for the  crumbling facade  of his own image. Which is why he did attend the ceremony at the Eternal Flame, in Arlington, that commemorated the anniversary of the death of President Kennedy,...the shining star of the Democrat Party. At least, that's the spin. The reality is that Kennedy was a tax cutting , strong military and National defense, commie hating Conservative , that created a booming economy , with tax cuts for all Americans. Some of Kennedy's speeches may have hinted at liberalism, but, the reality of his actual policies , and what he actually accomplished, speak volumes for what he really was. The Liberal spin of the JFK legacy carries over to his assassination as well. Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President, according to all credible evidence . Yet, the left blames a fictional  right wing ,Texas based conspiracy. Why? Because Oswald was a Marxist. Oswald was a communist. Oswald was a Castro supporter, who eventually fled America to become a citizen of the Soviet Union. He also tried to become a citizen of Cuba. In other words, Oswald was a liberal leftist , with a big hate on for America,...just like the Democrat Party. Oswald, therefore , could not be the shooter. Kennedy must belong to the liberal left's legacy,  for no other reasons  than his charisma and Democrat pedigree. Therefore ,history had to be re-written , and they have , indeed tried. Now, Obama clings to that re-write ; all else slips away .But , it is to no avail. Kennedy belongs to the Conservatives. Reality has proven this. Clinton , the other left icon, also belongs to the right, on a technicality. Clinton's sucess as President, was simply due to the fact that the Republicans controlled both the Houise and Senate, for the bulk of his Presidency, and Republican policies gave Clinton a booming economy.
The question then remains;...What then , shall be the final legacy of the Democrat Party?Obama, and Obamacare, will have to suffice,..unfortunately. In the end, their final legacy must be one of ever increasing taxes , mounting debt , and deficit, a weakened military, and ultimately, the Affordable Care Act, ...Obamacare,..the supposed key to a socialist utopia that has has now been exposed as mere illusion.Yes, the Left must settle for this. While, Obama, at this point , seeks nothing more than to preserve his image, ...his popularity, with the American people. That's why he has chosen to campaign again,..for Obamacare. It's all he can do ,..simply sell himself again to the citizens he has willingly duped. Meanwhile , his own sinking Party , screams at him to save them, and their careers.
There is a Greek Legend that tells the story of the wood nymph , Echo, ..who fell in love with a mortal, named Narcissus who , one day ,  upon seeing his image in a reflecting pool, fell in love with himself, leaving Echo heartbroken and weeping. Obama , like Narcissus , can only continue to gaze at the reflection of his fading political image, while the panicking  Democrat Party, Wood Nymph Echo, ...can only weep,...for their lost,...unrequited ,

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Operation: Usurper!

Dr. Charles Krauthammer , Author and Fox News commentator, has stated that the collapse of Obamacare , may, in fact, be the collapse of liberalism as well. Not very likely. Liberalism is like a disease . It can be controlled , but never fully eliminated.But, it has been exposed by this law that was  supposed to prove , once and for all,the superiority of socialism over capitalism . It has , in fact, proven quite the opposite . It has actually done nothing more than confirm the fact that, socialism, simply cannot survive , without capitalism's cash handouts.
Obamacare cannot be fixed . Obamacare must be destoyed . It's complete annihilation, is the only fix that can save our Nation from the complete economic collapse that will ultimately result from the implementation of this elaborate, socialism  based tax scam . However, the President has proposed a so-called 'fix" in which , by executive order, he will allow the American citizens to regain their private health insurance plans,.....if they can , that is. The problem is these plans no longer exist. They have been eliminated by the government mandate , that makes their policies too expensive for their customers and unprofitable for them. Obamacare has done its job . It has, in effect, put private health insurance out of business . Forget the failed website .That is nothing more than a mere technicality , a deliberate snafu intended to prevent the citizens trying to sign up from seeing just how thoroughly screwed they are, until after the 2014 midterm Elections.The website does function just well enough to register the  personal information of the gullible American citizens that are actually complying with this ridiculous mandate, and that's all Obama needs to implement the taxes and fines that are the heart of Obamacare. Supreme Court Justice Roberts declared Obamacare a tax and so it is , despite Democrats insisting , for months , that it was not. But , of course , this was before it was passed , illegally , by a special vote , created by Senator Harry Reid,  that allowed the Democrats to forgo the need for 61 votes. Now with the law passed, there is no need for pretense by the Democrats.  Now, they fully embrace the truth ;..Obamacare is a tax ;...nothing more , and nothing less.That's all it is, all it ever was, Just like Obama's Stimulus , Greeen Energy programs,Education programs, Infrastructure programs, Cash of Clunkers, GM Bailouts , Anti Gun Agenda, and Global Warming Initiative ;...all of it,....just one big ,Democrat Party Scheme , to get more money out of the wallets of those who earn it, , in order to give it to those who support their liberal , big government agenda , those who represent the Democrat Voting base,those who keep  the Democrat Party in office.
President Obama had no authority to pass Obamacare , a law that forces Americans to purchase a product . That is not the job of the government, State, or Federal. The President also has no authority to fix this illegally passed law, by  allowing the American citizens to try and regain their illegally lost Private Insurance plans. He is brazenly manipulating free market commerce.That is , in no way, shape or form, part of his specific duties as Commander in Chief The President is just making it up as he goes along . But , the fix has accomplished one thing , it has now effectively shifted the blame for the canceled insurance plague, from the Democrat Party , to the Insurance Companies themselves. Obama has granted a waiver to the citizens, for one year. They are allowed to try to regain those plans , but, of course, those plans no longer exist. So now, the bad guys are the evil insurance companies , not the President and his Administration.A clever ploy by the President, quite worthy of this trickster in chief ,But, none of his tricks matter now, Obamacare is exposed, unraveling, and the Democrat  Party , in panic mode, is jumping ship , and looking to shift the blame and save their political careers.
In the meantime, a new law , proposed by the Republican congress , and supported by 39 Democrat defectors , called the Upton Bill, would counter the President's supposed fix , by allowing the Private Health Insurers to operate without the government mandated updates to their policies ;..they can stay as they were , before Obamacare , forever. This may pass in the congress , but certainly not in the Senate.There, the Democrat Party will reject it , for the most practical reason;...if Obamacare allows the private insurers to survive, by government mandate, then,...Obamacare cannot survive. Obamacare's funding depends on the total elimination of the Private health insurance industry. Otherwise ,it cannot exist . Unless Obamacare destroys the private markets , it will collapse.
No fix is possible, Except for the Ted Cruz, Mike Lee  version , which destroys the law, by defunding it.At this point, what should the Republicans do? Nothing . Nothing is needed at this point. They need to stay out of the way of Obamacare's collapse, and simply propose the across state lines, portability plan, that allows the free market to solve the healthcare issue, the same way the free market solves all economic problems , as long as government stays out of the way. Republicans must not fall into the Democrat trap now , of putting their names on anything to do with this law, for that will surely give the Democrats the chance to , once again, blame all their failings , on the Republican Party;..the Party, of,"no'.If they stand back, and watch it collapse on its own, they will have positioned themselves perfectly, for victory in the 2014 Midterms. The Democrat Party, Liberalism, and the shining jewel of socialism,Obamacare, are crumbling right before our eyes . With the collapse of this one law , the law that the left has dreamed of, since the 1930's , the law that would enable socialism to take root in America,the proponents of socialism are finally being proven wrong ;..their philosophy has finally been debunked completely, simply unworkable , in the real world. Indeed, everything that the left has spent decades , trying to achieve , has now, with the fall of Obamacare , been proven a grand illusion , created in the minds of left wing academia, who , have simply, never lived in the real world, and have no concept of how it functions.
The Republican Party must let the left self destructon their own, and concentrate on winning elections , which, at this point , is the only logical way to crush all things Obama , once and for all. The question now is;...what shall be the campaign strategy for the Republicans?Answer;...they don't need one. All that is needed , by us, is to do the logical thing , at this point, and simply support the Republican Party , and all the Republican candidates that are running in 2014. No staying home on election night. No third party votes. No Tea Party inflexible arrogance. Democrats support all of their candidates, unwaiveringly. So must the Republicans . Forget looking for the perfect conservative, and remember , the Republican Party is the Party of the people, for it represents the principles our Nation is founded on, the principles of self government and free market capitalism . We the People rule, and the Republican Party represents this rule. The plan is simple;..we get out the vote in 2014;...and we win. It's that simple. We support all our candidates strongly, and we win . If we stay home , as 3 million Republican voters did with Romney, or vote third party, then;....we lose . Again . And always. 2010 proved what we could do, as a Party, if only we would. Let's do it again . Let's support the team , America's team , our party, The Republican Party. The Party of Winners.
Who shall usurp Obama in 2016?Will it be Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey? The Media will certainly choose him , as they did ,McCaim and Romney, for the media leans left , and knows that these moderates will insure a Democrat victory. But , that's only if 'We the People", let them . If Christie is nominated, who cares? We the People , have a job to do . We need to support the Republican candidates, in all elections, as if   the life of the country,  depended on it. Because , in many ways , it does. When the colonies broke from native England, Benjamin Franklin told his fellow Founders , "We must hang together , or, we shall surely , hang seperately. "Franklin's words have the ring of truth to them;... then, and most assuredly, now.We the People , must simply  hang together , as the left crumbles .And, if we do , we win. We are the Usurpers of this tyranny. And , we can only be defeated; ourselves.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Deceptions of the Trickster

The President, is now under fire from his own Party, as Democrat Congressman and Senators now  fear losing their jobs , due to their support of Obamacare. This is why the President , in a recent interview , was forced to give a left handed apology to those who lost their private Health Insurance , due to his policies. However, this half-hearted apology , based on an Administration and a Party in panic, will not change the course of destiny, that is now leading them to political doom.
Obamacare , the President's crowning achievement , is now collapsing under the weight of a failed website riddled with security issues, and a string of empty promises and deceptions that were designed to conceal the true nature of this law. Obamacare has failed, utterly and completely, but,...this was inevitable, since it was based on the flawed premise that Healthcare is a right. Healthcare is not a right, but a commodity, that can be purchased on the free market , the same way you would purchase a loaf of bread , or a big screen T.V. You have no right to Healthcare , and the Government has no constitutional right to force the American citizens to purchase anything. The only thing that all Americans have a right to , is freedom. With freedom ,all other things are possible , including the right to purchase Health Insurance , the right way, ...on the Free Market. We have 1, 750 existing Health Insurance Companies in this country. If we are allowed to choose from among these companies , across State Lines , free market competition will be the result,and all Health Insurance problems will be solved.
Also, the idea that the Democrats put forth, that we need Government Health Insurance , because taxpayers are forced to pay for Emergency Room patients , is ridiculous. Put these people on a payment plan .Make them pay for their treatment , in installments , the way you would pay for a car. If these people can afford Big Screen T.V.'s , Cars, I-Phones ,  X-Boxes ,and all kinds of bling,...they can afford to pay for their own Healthcare. But, if you still feel that you have a right to Free Healthcare, Free Housing , Free Education ,....then,....your solution is simple. Move to Russia , Venezuela, Cuba, or some other Socialist State. There, you can have everything you want, ...except your freedom.And,.... everyone is equal,...equally poor , that is.
The bottom line is this; can have all the free entitlements in the world, but it means nothing, if you don't have your freedom. Obamacare has now been exposed as a fraud , designed to take your private Health Insurance , and your freedom, away, while at the same time, it has forced the President into campaign mode , once again, as he desperately tries to promote and defend, what has become , indefensible. Indeed , as the President, once more enters campaign mode, to sell Obamacare to the American People, he has begun to seem more like a Cheap , Fairground Trickster,than the  Commander in Chief , of the Armed Forces. Well, the Trickster in Chief  has not really apologized, but he has promised to fix the problems with Obamacare , that , according to him, he barely knows anything about. He said the same thing about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA, and IRS scandals, all of which he claimed to know nothing about , and all of which, he claimed, that he would fix. The President will fix nothing ,..because all that has been done , has been by design , to weaken America, and strengthen government ;... And,  all is going according to his plan. And, if this brings discomfort to the American people ;...the President will , no doubt,apologize, and weep about it, at some later date.  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Witches Cauldron

If the Three Witches of Macbeth , were to look into their cauldron , and predict the fate of Obamacare, and the Obama regime,...what would they see?Perhaps this;..........
Imagine, if you will, that the Obamacare website was working ,..and working well, ..from day one.Imagine that, everyone who wanted to could sign up , pick a plan, and compare prices.What would be the result? Disaster, that's what. Complete , and utter disaster , for the Obama administration, that is.If the website worked as promised , all Americans would be able to clearly see,..that they have been hoodwinked. With a functioning website , they would see that, their Health Care costs have now , at least , tripled in costs , and , of course, they would be able to see that they cannot even keep their own doctor.
All Americans , overnight, would know that they have been scammed , and that the President and his administration had lied to them . That would spell disaster for the Democrat party, in general, as we approach the 2014 Midterms . This is why the website doesn't work . Nor will it ever work, until after the 2014 Midterm elections ,. that is.In the meantime, we have a total of six Americans who were able to sign up opening day, and millions of Americans being told by their private health insurance company that they are being dropped,  because the Obama Administration , is forcing them to provide coverage that they simply cannot afford to provide.
The President has said, repeatedly, over the years, dating back to 2008, that, "If you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare,...period."He was wrong.But, more than that, he was lying. He knew , from day one, that Private Insurance would be forced to drop  their customers . That's a proven fact, and if Obama and the left were to reach their ultimate goal of a single payer Health Care system , it's an essential fact, that the American people be dropped by their Health Insurers . It was part of the plan , as was the failed website. The website was designed to prevent the general public, from seeing the cost of Obamacare. It was designed to simply enable you to register on the site, that's all. For, once you're registered, they got you. Mission Accomplished. Obamacare , at that moment, now has all your personal info , and can now implement the essence of Obamacare , namely, the taxes and regulations , that will quite effectively, take more money from your pocket ,...guaranteed . That, ultimately, is all Obamacare really is. Government can't run Health Insurance , Health Care, or anything else , for that matter. History proves this . Everything Obama has touched has gone bankrupt . Green Energy, the Freddie and Fannie Housing fiasco, cash for clunkers, ..all private sector endeavors that Obama has imposed himself, and the Federal Government on, has ended in complete financial disaster. Now, it's Health Care,..which is , of course ,the Holy Grail of socialism to the left , since controlling the Healthcare of citizens guarantees control of all aspects of the free market. But, as history has shown, it cannot work , and has not worked anywhere in the world that its been tried. Even Romneycare , a state run universal Healthcare system, is now collapsing under an avalanche of higher taxes , and subpar medical availability and care .So too, is now Obamacare now collapsing , as the full effect of higher taxes , regulations , and premium costs, has been exposed as unaffordable for those Americans who somehow have been able to sign up.This is the nature of government . This is why it can never , and should never , interject itself in the free market. For, the government has no money, it does not create a product or service, and therefore , must depend on the money  of those who do provide a product or service , in order to implement their projects, and, just to survive, well. When you depend on the money of others to build your dream, your socialist utopia,..quality doesn't matter then, ..either of product, or service , because , you see, you cannot go out of business ,..because your business is not dependent on free market sucess. It is only dependent on the flow of taxpayer money to your business ,..and that,...will never run out.
The President has lied. About everything from closing Gitmo, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, ..the President has never told us the truth on anything ,..ever. Why then , would he tell the truth about Obamacare? It's a tax. That's all. That's all it ever was, and all it ever will be, and , all that Obama and the left, ever intended it to be. It's designed to destroy the free market and increase government control and power over that free market. Power and Control. That's Obamacare. That's its true purpose.
To defeat it, we must reject it. We must refuse ,..en masse, to participate in it. The website is just a tool to register you for new taxes , and all it gives you in return , a security risk to your private info. Why would anyone willingly sign up for this? Refuse, reject, and defy,..this President and his mandate ,..and the mandate will go away. It has no choice. We need to reject it, and then , win elections for the Republican Party ,..the Party of economic prosperity. That's it in a nutshell. No amount of sign carrying protests by the Tea Party will change anything ,...if it does not translate into Republican votes at the polls. Only Republicans cut taxes. Only Republicans cut regulations.Only Republicans cut entitlements that bankrupt our nation. And, only Republicans have voted , unanimously, "no", Obamacare. Conservative, or Moderate , it matters little. All must be supported , by the American people, in every election , from now on. No third parties, no staying home, in arrogant moronic , indignation, because the candidate is not the perfect conservative. That's a loser strategy. That's how Republicans lose elections . Democrats need no Third Party. Democrats support all their candidates . Democrats are consistently getting out their vote.Why then , do Republicans fight amongst themselves , condemn conservatives , and Tea Party members , and stay home, 300 thousand strong, rather than cast a vote for the moderate Romney, who campaigned on stopping Obamacare, by granting Statewide waivers. Romney should be President. Right Now.And, he would be, if 300 thousand Republican voters , didn't stay home , instead of saving their country. No more.
You want to stop Obama?Stop the outrage , and accept the fact that,"We the people,"are responsible for all that's happened , and we need to do what is necessary to stop it. And, all that's necesssary  is for the Republican Party to start winning elections.We did it in '93, when the Republicans took control of the House and Senate for the first time in fifty years,....and it led to  a booming economy. We did it in 2010,..specifically to stop Obamacare. We can do it again . All it takes is for conservatives , Moderates , and Tea Party Members , to unite , like we did for Ted Cruz's defund Obamacare push. We must unite and resolve never to stay home , for any election, again. Never to vote third party again. And, never allow any Republican candidate, to lose,..ever again. Remember, Healthcare is not a right, ...but freedom is. And only freedom , can really exist. Obamacare cannot exist , because it was based on a myth , that people showing up at hospital emergency rooms, cannot afford to pay for their care . And , that single myth was how the left sold Obamacare to the public . We need government mandated insurance ,..because people can't afford to pay hospitals for their treatment. What utter nonsense. If you show up for treatment, can pay,and, the hospitals  need to make them pay.It's called a monthly payment plan.You pay for your treatment by cash installments ;..the way you would pay for anything else in the free market. These people have cars , big screen televisions, I Phones, and designer clothes and jewelry. They can pay for their hospital care, guaranteed. And, if they pay cash, it's 30% cheaper anyway. So much for that myth, and the myth that was spawned from it,..Obamacare;...a myth that now, fully exposed , has sealed the fate of the Democrat Party , and the Obama Administration.
Many years ago, conservative Republicans predicted the downfall of the Obama Administration, just as surely as the three witches predicted the downfall of Macbeth , and his kingdom. And, if those Witches existed today, poised over their bubbling cauldron of truth, doubt their names would be ,..Cruz,...Lee,......and Bachmann.