Monday, December 26, 2016

"The Last Wish Of The Boy King!"

In First Century Judea, during the time of Passover, Jesus gathered his Disciples about him, and said unto them, "My Last Wish, is that you love one another as I have loved you."The Greatest Gift a man can give, is to lay down his life for a friend.And when I'm gone, you'll be grieved, but your grief will turn into joy.A woman in childbirth feels great pain, but when that child is born, she doesn't remember the pain, for a child has been born into the world.And I will see you again, and when I do, your joy will be such, that no one can take it from you.For you have the faith, and you believe in me, and in him from whom I was sent".
"A Last Wish;... Love one another, as I have loved you".
So be it.
For, whether saint or sinner, prince or pauper, tinker, tailor, soldier, spy,..
A man's Last Wish, should always be honored.
To that end, how does the Trump Agenda honor that wish?Can a political strategem that calls for sealed borders, government imposed mass exodus of illegals, and increased nuclear capacity for American Armed Forces,effectively promote a message of peace and love? Indeed it can. For there can be no peace, no love of our fellow man, no freedom for mankind,if America does not take a stand against the forces actively seeking to destroy it. The Forces of Terror are now poised to take control of every corner of the globe.The tentacles of ISIS have all but destroyed Western Europe, with Germany being the most recent casualty of Syrian sleeper cells,who have only one goal;
To conquer all lands they inhabit, in the name, of the Prophet.
To this end, these territories are using our own Democratic freedom, to destroy freedom itself. Our Judeo-Christian principles that promote free speech,and belief in the equality of all men under God, has created an apathy toward evil, a willingness to let it take root in our nations,without opposing,lest we tarnish that freedom and liberty men have fought and died for.
This is dangerous, misguided nonsense.For, there can be no freedom, if free men are not willing to stand and fight and secure their nation, against those who would seek to destroy it. England,Germany, France, and Sweden are all but engulfed in Sharia Law because of this flawed sense of fair play. And America under Obama and the Democrat Party, is well on the way to being conquered as well, with the President unwilling to profile muslims,and even seeking to weaken our ally in freedom, Israel, by refusing to cast America's vote in favor of Israel's expansion of territories in their western settlements. Obama and the Democrats, like the socialist governments of England, France, Germany, and Sweden, cannot see the truth. The truth , that a Holy City, under the control of Israel, would allow all religions to worship in Jerusalem.But, a Holy City under Islamic control, would ban all Christians and Jews from the City, while continuing to seek their complete extermination.
So be It!
Freedom cannot exist without security , and , as Alexander Hamilton mused, 'A nation unwilling to fight,in order to secure it's freedom, is ready for a Master, and deserves one, as well".
So it was written,..the the words,..have the ring of truth.
And, as for those among us, who are unwilling to fight, who are contemptuous of the very concept,of our Free Republic, they need to find a new land to dwell in, for tyrannies and despots, around the globe, are vast and varied,and they can , no doubt find a land, ripe with fellow sheep,willing to be sheared.
But, even in the wake of a mass exodus, one truth will remain,
America,under the new President-Elect,is not ready for a Master,and will never bow before the Evil of Islam.
No, America will strengthen itself, and fight back, against all odds, even if it requires nuclear engagement .For freedom is not the birthright of all who exist. Evil despises freedom,and is therefore not entitled to live in freedom among good men they seek to destroy.
Is America Imperialist?
Of course. But,make no mistake, the nations she conquers, are always left in freedom. Destroying tyrants and despots is the enduring legacy of America at war, and every nation that has fallen her unmatched might, is now the better for it, for they are all now, peaceful Democracies.
Germany would still be under the evil spell of Nazism, if not for war with America and her Allies.
Japan would still be the Evil Empire,if not for war, with America and her Allies.
Viet Nam would still be a poverty stricken,disease infested, communist controlled , Hell on Earth, if not for war, with America and her Allies.
America does not conquer nations,
It Liberates them.
And, the World, is the better for it.
The Last Wish of the Boy-King, who sacrificed all, for the soul of humanity,
Will be honored this Christmas and beyond,
For finally, after eight years of bowing before evil,
America, will now stand against it, and oppose it, to the death.
And, at her helm, will be a Man,and a Party ,who have always known,
That the Words of Christ,..ring true,..
"For those who would harm a child, it would be better, had they never been conceived , or a millstone tied about them, and flung into the sea.".
So Be It.
The Children of the Middle East, now fleeing terror torn Syria, cry out for salvation from the beheadings, the burnings, the crucifixions, the grim fate they will all endure, for the crime of following the teachings of the Boy-King,..
The Crime of being Judeo-Christian.
They must hold on tight,
They must never give up hope,
They must never surrender ,
To final despair,..
Nay, they must, instead, look to the Heavens,..
And listen for the booming crack,and peal,...the rumbling,.. of righteous thunder,..
For Salvation, is coming,
Salvation, personified,...
In a Force of Nature ,..
Called,.. Trump,..

Thursday, December 22, 2016

"The Saboteur Within!"

In the days of Ancient Rome, it was the divine right of the Emperor Caesar, to choose the final destiny of those who did battle in the Great Arena.No matter the circumstance,no matter how decisive the victory or defeat,of gladiator, or slave,it was the hand of Caesar alone,who would determine their ultimate fate , with but a single gesture.A thumb up to the sky, or a thumb down to the earth. One gesture to live,one gesture to die. By holding this power,the Emperor became the hand of God on earth personified,holding final sway over the forces of life, and death. So too, for the Emperor in this, the New Rome, the new arena,of life and death. And in this Arena of Ideas, a battle has been waged, the result of which has left sixteen Republican contenders for the Presidency defeated, by a perceived pretender to the throne , who then went on to final victory over the dark forces of the Democrat Machine, and its chosen Champion, Hillary Rodham Clinton.. And, in the wake of this hard fought triumph, there was one task, one campaign promise to be fulfilled,before all others. A promise,a vow of justice,that became a recurring mantra, a ritual chant at all of President -Elect Donald Trump's capacity crowd rallies .One chant, that grew ever louder, ever stronger, even as his rallies grew ever larger in sheer numbers,the endless reverberating warcry, "Lock Her Up!, "Lock her Up!, "Lock Her Up!"And Trump, always smiling, tongue firmly planted in cheek, always promised his loyal disciples that for all the crimes and treasons committed against the American people, justice would indeed be served, against Hillary Clinton, and the Democrat Machine, once victory was his.
But then, in the wake of a near landslide Republican Presidential victory, Donald Trump reverted to the reserved form he had shown during the primary contests. No matter how hard fought each primary state, no matter how venomous , how blustering the attacks on his fellow Republican candidates, once victory was his, Trump would adopt a more measured, gracious demeanor,and offer nothing but praise and compliments to his newly defeated primary opponents. Even Ted Cruz, the only viable threat to the Trump nomination,would, in the end,be praised as a worthy opponent , and a comrade in arms,as well.And Cruz would live up to that praise, by joining forces with Trump to defeat the true enemy, the Democrat Machine. And once the preordained Presidential election victory was achieved, the battle over, the opponent no longer a threat to America's future,Trump, once again, became the benevolent Emperor -presumptive, and ,thumb raised  symbolically upward ,decided to spare his determined arena opponent,Hillary Clinton.Suddenly, all venomous rhetoric and vows of final justice had vanished from Trump's refrain, and were replaced with a begrudging praise for his Democrat opponent as a tough competitor,who had "suffered enough", in defeat alone,and now needed nothing more, than "time to heal".Then Trump, still serene in victory,spread spread his benevolence to President Obama as well, and after meeting with him in the Oval office,proclaimed the President a "nice man, that I look forward to working with, in the future".
The Emperor-Elect, fresh from overwhelming triumph,the Democrat enemy destroyed , its power broken permanently by the newly won Republican majorities on a State and Federal level, the liberal left, outraged in defeat to the point of madness, and the heir presumptive to the Obama throne, could offer nothing more than praise for his soundly defeated opponents , and calls for peace, and unity.
Trump may be a sore loser, but he certainly has proven himself to be a gracious winner.And, the President-Elect's reward for such a magnanimous gesture?Hell's Legions were unleashed upon him,with the Democrats now in the grip of near suicidal madness,calling his election illegitimate,due to cyber-hacking by Vladimir Putin , and so called "fake news"designed to demonize Clinton ,and sway undecided , so called"independent'voters. They also railed against the electoral college itself, claiming the popular vote tally that favored Clinton, should be the only true way to elect a President.This,despite the fact that such a method, would leave every election decided, by only two or three heavily populated Democrat states.The Democrat Party was now fully unmasked,as they saw their power and ability to confiscate wealth and property , now slipping away , with the grim realization that the Democrat voting majority was, in reality, all illusion. Now fully awakened by the message of truth put forth by the charismatic Trump, the 85%,silent majority registered Republicans now showed up , not only at Trump rallies, but at the election polls as well. Some, for the first time in their lives. The result was a virtually assured overwhelming Republican victory,and permanent Democrat defeat, that has driven the deposed Democrats to the point of near madness. Who the Conservative Gods would destroy, they would first make mad. So be it.
There would now be calls for an election recount, on a nationwide level, by Green Party candidate Jill Stein. A recount, funded by the combined forces of Hillary Clinton and Ex-Nazi, terror funding, international leftist, George Soros. The result? The recount simply gave Trump an even larger margin of victory, and only exposed malfeasance at the polls in Democrat controlled Chicago Illinois, and Los Angeles California. But, still refusing to accept the reality of this defeat at the hands of We the People, the Democrat Machine has now resorted to intimidation, and death threats , aimed at Republican electors ,in an attempt to get them to declare the Trump victory null and void, the President-Elect mentally unfit for the office , and ultimately force them to switch their votes to the Democrat elite's chosen, preordained victor,Hillary Rodham Clinton. And, to this end, further elector persuasion was attempted by reminding them of the false claims of Russian interference in the election itself.According to the now desperate Democrats, the Russians combined forces with WikiLeaks, to expose Clinton and the Democrat Party's email correspondence,in an effort to secure a Trump victory . This is sheer nonsense. There is but one reason for the Clinton defeat, and that is Clinton herself .Te email leaks merely exposed the truth of her crimes, and those of the Democrat Party as well. Russia is not to blame for these leaks.The blame lies in the Democrat Party's sheer contempt for America's classified intel. A contempt, aptly demonstrated, by Secretary of State Clinton's insistence on storing these secrets, on a private server , in a barn bathroom. Who hacked the intel? Everyone, that's who. The Russians, the Chinese, North Korea, Iran, Syria, all of America's enemies , are always seeking access to her secrets. That is their job. It's called, espionage. It's called the Cold War. If they had not hacked our intel, under these circumstances, they would have to be considered incompetent, by their own governments. Democrat contempt for United States security ,and treasonous disregard for classified material are responsible for the Democrat Party's email leaks, nothing else.
But, the email leaks did not really cause Hillary's defeat. In reality, her defeat was already made a fait accompli ,by eight long years of Democrat destruction under the Obama Administration. In 2010, Republicans regained control of the House. In 2012, Republicans increased their House and Senate seat total again, and state legislatures as well. In 2014, Republicans regained control of the Senate, and  now controlled most state governments as well.
Now, in 2016, Republicans have won control of all three branches of the Federal government,including the Presidency, and even more states now fall under Republican control as well, making their victory virtually irreversible. This was inevitable. Total Democrat defeat had long been in the air, with only Democrats seemingly refusing to breathe. The final nail in their coffin was the charismatic Trump, who became the perfect vessel to promote the truth of conservatism, a truth that can never be defeated, when unleashed by a man who will accept, nothing less than victory. And in victory, Trump has indeed shown mercy to his Democrat foes, and for that sin, they have sought to destroy him. Trump now knows, there can be no mercy from the new emperor,no let or hindrance, no quarter given, to Hillary and the Democrat Party, ever. Permanent Republican victory can only be achieved, by assuring permanent Democrat defeat. Trump must learn this lesson well, if he is to survive his Presidency. This new Emperor must be as merciless as Caesar himself, and extend his Thumb down, always. Hillary and the Democrats must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and all traces of Democrat legislation eliminated and replaced with an agenda that moves the country forward.A Republican Agenda.
For Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, Iran, or even ISIS itself, are not the enemies to truly fear.No, for America at full power, has always been able to easily hold these threats to freedom in check.No, the true threat to our Republic has always come from powers within, that are dedicated to weakening the very foundation of our Free Republic itself, thereby leaving us vulnerable to our foreign enemies as well. To counter this possibility, President-Elect Trump has a new, hard core conservative cabinet, the latest of which are Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State, Texas Governor Rick Perry for Energy Secretary, and Oaklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt for EPA Director. All are strong proponents of carbon based, energy independence for America's future, for they all know that a Self Governed Free Republic with unlimited energy, is an enemy to be feared indeed, and a possible future ally, to be considered as well. An energy independent America, under the Trump Presidency, may find that the forces of Russia, forces that once helped the Allies defeat the Nazi menace, may become an uneasy ally again, under a new administration that advocates peace with rival nations, but only through a show of strength. And, make no mistake, strength is the only thing that the forces of tyranny and despotism , will ever respect, or fear. Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson has close ties with Russia , due to oil dealings made with President Vladimir Putin.This could be a powerful bargaining chip, for an energy independent United States , one that may even rival the Reagan "Star Wars" strategem, that brought down the Iron Curtain, once and for all, while also restoring a sense of fear and respect for America, in the hearts of her enemies. But, there is one enemy that does not fear , will never fear,America. An enemy, whose sole mission, is to destroy it. That enemy, is the enemy among us, the Democrat Party. But, a double agent seemingly dwells among them now, an agent that saw Benghazi, saw the Clinton Foundation,saw the evil of communism itself, arising within the Democrat ranks, and knew that Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Machine, can never have the Presidency, and must be stopped, now, if the Free Republic was to endure.
And to this end, this same force,
Perhaps in the CIA,
Perhaps in the Pentagon,
Perhaps in the People's House,
Perhaps in the FBI,
Perhaps , even in the DOJ ,
Leaked the emails that would become the instrument of the Democrat Party's total destruction.
So, look not to Russia for answers, O 'Democrat Party,
For your fall was most assuredly formulated by a Saboteur Within,
And , a singular force of conservative nature, known only , as Trump,
A force that has now been consecrated by the electoral college, for the final time,
A force, that is now, well and truly,..
Commander in Chief, of the Armed Forces, of the United States,..    

Monday, December 12, 2016

"The Sub-Atomic Strategem!"

How do you win a war? There is only one ,proven method.To win a war, you must become war.You must be prepared to destroy the enemy that is trying to destroy you, and wade into the fray of battle, until a total ,scorched earth annihilation is achieved.Then, and only then , can a war be said, to be truly won. It is not enough to merely outfight an enemy, to overwhelm them in numbers and weaponry. It is not enough to force them into momentary defeat on the battlefield, and have them retreat before you. No, this is a temporary solution that mearly allows the enemy time to regroup , gather its forces, renew its strength, and ultimately begin the war again.Since the dawn of time and armed conflict, history has proven this to be true. The Revolutionary war was seemingly won by the Continental Army, when the British were forced into final retreat, and formal surrender papers signed by General Cornwallis,who then completed the ritual submission , by handing over his sword to General Washington as well. Yet, in 1812, the British renewed their aggression, by attacking American merchant ships, kidnapping their crews, and even attacking Washington and New Orleans as well. Yet, even as British forces were defeated again, on both land and sea, they still refused to end hostilities, refused to admit defeat, refused, to surrender. The struggle continued,as the Civil War, as a Republican President finally ended the scourge of slavery, giving the Democrat allies of the British forces another reason to renew the battle again, with England promising to reinstate slavery, if the Democrat Southern rebels were victorious over the Republican North. Only the genocidal slaughter of thousands at the hands of their fellow Americans finally ended a war that had begun more than a decade earlier, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. World War I, begun by Germany and Russia, would seemingly be halted by the signing of the Treaty of Versailles,but ,in truth,this was merely a pause in battle that gave Germany time to re-group, grow in strength and numbers, and renew its attack , in World War II, even allying itself with the Empire of Japan, that also sought world domination, at all costs. How was it ultimately stopped?Total annihilation of all Axis powers , by the Allied forces.Germany, was left a scorched earth ruin, by the invading Soviet forces , and then even Japan,whose Emperor believed himself to be the sun god personified, an empire that vowed to never surrender , an empire that would never admit defeat, an empire whose wartime atrocities even exceeded those of Hitler and Stalin combined, an empire whose Kamikaze pilots, would hurl their planes upon the decks of U.S. aircraft destroyers , choosing flaming death, in order to assure Imperial America's defeat, even they, in the end, would meekly surrender at official ceremony, their fallen sun-god, Hirohito, submitting to the Allied Forces, with a mere stroke of pen to parchment. How was this achieved? How could this enemy of freedom, that lived by the motto, "victory, or death",..a nation more monstrous than Russia or Germany ,suddenly bow before their hated Imperialist enemy? Again, complete annihilation , complete and total implosion, scorched earth incineration, this time,on a scale never before dreamed, this time, begun at a sub-atomic level, at the heart of nuclear fusion where the very atoms of matter itself, collide, producing imploded energy of a thousand suns, the pale rider unbound, his gleaming scythe , slashing not once, but twice, Oppenheimer's hydrogen powered Destroyer of Worlds,..unleashed not once,..but twice , upon Japan's twin cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,and consuming them whole,..all flesh bone, metal, concrete, wood, organic and inanimate , all reduced to cinders, in a moments atomic madness, all arrogant tyranny, returned, to the dust from whence it came.
That, is power.And that, is how you win a war .
You fight to win, and you can only win, by one path, destruction of the enemy.
And, as history has shown, creation of peace, only comes from the ashes of sub atomic destruction.
President Richard Nixon would test this theory again, during the last days of the Viet Nam conflict, against North Vietnam, an enemy , like Japan, who would never surrender , as the endless war raged on , into a new decade, with the American body count growing ever higher. Until, the unexpected intervened, in the form of a new Republican President , who understood the nature of this war, this enemy, and knew that the only way to defeat madness, was with madness .On Christmas Eve, President Nixon unleashed hells legions upon Hanoi, , in the form of raining napalm fire, unlimited, massive, scorched earth bombing, that broke all arrogant warrior spirit, destroyed all battle resolve, and forced an evil enemy to surrender before an American President , now perceived as a man gone mad.
That is how you defeat the evil despots throughout history, who deem themselves superior to their fellow man .The forces of good, must demonstrate to the forces of evil and their petty gods, that America is the hand of God itself, here on earth, and all who stand against it, will suffer destruction. Only then, will there be surrender, only then, will there be peace.
The proof?
England , Germany, Japan, Vietnam, are now our allies in freedom,because of America's resolve to destroy evil in order to achieve peace, and liberate their fellow men.
And now, as a new President prepares to take office in January, this war strategem must be employed again , against two enemies , both determined to destroy him, the Republican Party, and America as well. One; ..the terror forces od AlQueda, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS,that have spread its tentacles across the globe, in the wake of America's retreat during the eight years of Obama-Democrat destruction. As America withdrew its military presence in the middle east, and around the globe as well, the evil of Radical Islam has advanced , and grown , ever stronger.
So too, for the forces of the Democrat Party, that has , through ever increasing taxes and regulations, and a weakening of American military forces, imperiled the world as well.
Both now, have been checked, defeated in battle, and forced into temporary retreat, ISIS in Iraq, at the hands of the Kurdish Allies, and the Democrat Party, by President Elect Trump and the Republican Party , by landslide election victory.
But, they are not defeated, by any means.
The war on both these fronts, still has not been won.The lesson for the newly victorious Republican Party , and the incoming Trump Administration is clear,
To truly defeat ISIS,they must be destroyed completely, by overwhelming power, by the madness of war itself, now turned against them, with a savage fury that will drain away all hate, all evil, all resolve, and force its survivors into submission and ultimate surrender  to the finest war machine yet devised by man, the American Military.
A war machine, that will now be fully unleashed, at peak strength,by a victorious Republican Party and its new Commander in Chief. So too, for freedom's twin enemy, the Democrat Party.Since their takeover in 2008, the Republicans have slowly, but surely been regaining lost ground.In the 2010  midterms , they took back control of the People's House. In 2012, they gained even more seats, in both House and Senate.By 2014, the Senate was also under Republican control.Now, in 2016, We the People, awakened fully from a seemingly endless slumber of apathy, has achieved landslide victory, capturing the Presidency , maintaining House and Senate control, by even greater margins, and now controlling most state governments as well.
But still, even though the battle is won, and the Democrat Party seemingly undone, the war remains, the war endures.For, even in seemingly overwhelming defeat, the Democrats now plan new attacks, on Republican forces.The Jill Stein -Hillary Clinton sponsored nationwide recount to expose a perceived Russian election interference, is but the first of many schemes to come.
Even in the face of overwhelming defeat, even in the face of full realization that the Democrat Party is now, and always has been, a powerless minority party, they still will not surrender.They still plot and plan, to undermine the Trump Presidency and prepare to regain their power in 2020.
There will never be unity.
There will never be compromise.
There will never be a bipartisan effort of both Parties, to work for America's future.
No, the Democrats seek only one thing, overwhelming Democrat victory, and total Republican defeat, with the American people under the boot heel of socialist government control, permanently.
No Trump revolution will change this.
Only one thing will,
The same thing that has brought total defeat ,to England, Germany, Japan, and to all of freedom's enemies.
To win a war against the Democrat Party, they must be destroyed , like Hiroshima, at a sub-atomic level,
Every attack they make, against Trump and the Republicans, must be met with an equal and opposite, counter-attack.If they compare Trump to Hitler , Republicans must compare Hillary to Stalin, simple as that. If Democrats use the race card, they must be reminded, every time, that it is their Party, that fought a war , to keep their fellow man, enslaved.
There can be no compromise , no bi-partisan bills or legislation, every action the Democrats take, every attempt to block the Republican agenda, must be met with immovable, irresistible force.
No compromise, with the Democrats, on anything, must be tolerated, for the Democrat agenda, has brought nothing but destruction to our nation.
There is but one way to deal with the now defeated Democrat Party.They , like Japan, like Germany,must be forced into total surrender , by destroying them, on the same sub-atomic level,
They can never again be permitted, to win a major election.Every illegal action must be instantly exposed, by either Wikileaks, or the combined forces of Trump twitter, rally , or press conference.
The Reagan method must now be employed , a method that takes the message of truth, of conservatism, directly to We the People, almost on a daily basis,
Every proposed Democrat legislation, rejected,
Every Democrat imposed tax, regulation, or fraudulent nuclear deal, destroyed and reversed,
Every trace of their presence, removed from Federal and State law, with only the last remaining blue states as their crumbling Alamo, cut off from all Federal funding, their last stand sanctuary cities, now finally falling, to the fully unleashed forces of Republican destruction. From this day forward, the pressure must be kept on Democrats, until , at last, they realize , they cannot win, ever again,. The President -Elect seems well suited to this task, as his appointment of global warming skeptic and Oklahoma Attorney General, Scott Pruitt,  to EPA Director, demonstrates quite aptly. Trump,apparently, uses one rule of thumb in his appointments;.. if the Democrats object strongly, he's made the right choice .
Only complete Democrat destruction ,
Only complete Democrat defeat,
Can bring the complete , and unconditional, Democrat surrender,
Which may , one day, bring redemption and rebirth, to the Democrat Party.
This is the lesson of History , that President-Elect Trump must now heed, if their victory is to endure.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

"A Ship To Sail,And A Star To Guide Her!"

"I must go down to the seas again , to the lonely sea and sky, and all I ask, is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by." A line from the poem, "Sea Fever, by John Masefield, a line that perfectly defines the Trump strategem, for the coming year.
The President Elect, now has his ship, and his guiding star.But one thing more remains,essential for any successful sea voyage.A ship, needs a crew, loyal to that one man , that one vessel, and equally dedicated to the odyssey that lay before them. President -Elect Trump is now assembling that crew, one by one, in his  fortress of solitude known only as Trump Tower.And, so far,Trump's ability as a master politician, has only been overshadowed by his ability to judge human nature as well. Trump has, above all else, always had the ability to spot talent, and recruit that talent to aid him in his dual mission; to grow the Trump empire, and to Make America Great Again. And, with less than a month to go till inauguration,  Trump's transition team is well ahead of schedule in choosing the most important part of his ship's crew, his first officers, his cabinet of advisors that will shape the mission to come, to match their Commander in Chief's vision. Senator Jeff Sessions, the creator of the Reagan-style, Trump tax plan, that will slash and burn all taxes and regulations on a corporate and individual level,down to an unprecedented 15% top rate. This man will be the new Attorney General, the man who will make sure the laws of our nation , set forth by our founders, are followed, and that justice is served, to our nation's enemies as well. Secretary of Defense will be James "Mad Dog" Mattis, a poet warrior in the classic Churchillian sense,a former Marine General and Iraq War veteran, who lives by the motto, 'Be respectful to all, but be prepared to kill all, as well".
So be it.
Reince Preibus will be the President-Elect's Chief Advisor, and this is a choice well made. As RNC Chairman, Reince acted as the glue that kept Republicans united toward one goal, one mission;.."Destroy the Democrat Party." Steve Bannon, will act as staff advisor, and right hand man to Trump, during the transition phase. As Editor in Chief of Breitbart News, Bannon established a no nonsense, take no prisoners , suffer no liberal fools approach to politics that has made him the Democrat Party's most hated foe. That alone, makes him supremely qualified for his position. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, has rejected any formal position, but nevertheless will assume a Richleau-like, power behind the throne status that, given his experience as the architect of the Republican revolution during the Clinton Presidency, suits him well indeed. Newt would be invaluable to any Republican President, due to his unmatched skill and experience as a conservative icon and leader. Trump will be well served by him. Ted Cruz may remain as a Senatorial confidant to the President-Elect, or may replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.Either way, he would be the indispensible man, in any Republican President's Administration,the closest thing to the perfect conservative fighting machine , yet created by the gods.
Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin may assume control of the Veterans Administration. She is the pure,almost instinctive conservative, who , like Trump,has that rare combination of pop-idol charisma, and conservative truth. A deadly combination to any Democrat Machine that would dare oppose her. Like her, or hate her, one thing is certain, our veterans will be well served , with Sarah as their Champion.
Tulsi Gabbard , the rebellious dark angel of the Democrat Party,former military officer and Hawaiian congresswoman, a fierce defender of our armed forces and their fight against the forces of terror, has a future with the Trump Administration that is as yet , undefined .But, Gabbard does seem to be on the verge of being cast out of a Party that has no use for a congresswoman who actually believes in the greatness of America, past,present, and future. Trump may be the force that finally swings her from the "dark side" of the Democrat Party, once and for all.
Ben Carson will be the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,and there could be no better pick, for this role. Doctor Carson came from modest means , and learned from his mother that hard work, discipline, and sacrifice, are the keys that open the door of success.Make no mistake, Ben Carson, the master of intellectual conservatism, could virtually assume any domestic related position, and handle it with equal skill.Carson had to serve the Trump Administration in some capacity, or the wrath of the conservative gods would be aroused indeed, at the sheer waste of political talent.
Millionaire conservative activist Betsy DeVos, will be the Secretary of Education.This is a woman who has one defining quality that makes her the perfect choice for the role; a hatred for the liberal mind control program known as common core, that is only equaled by her hatred for the Democrat unions that have made a holocaust level ruin, of the public schooling system. Betsy knows that privately funded charter schools, and free market competition in general, is the only way to improve failing school programs and to end the Democrat union control of our schools as well. Betsy will serve our children, and the nation , well indeed.
National Security Advisor will be General Mike Flynn, a fierce promoter of the Bush -Cheney anti-terror program, and a man who understands the evil of Radical Islam , all too well, and is not afraid to do what is necessary, to destroy it.
One key position that remains a question mark, is the pick for Secretary of State. But, despite the open field, of many possibilities, all current evidence would seem to be a fait accompli, in favor of former Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. This has created a controversy and a division in the Trump camp of supporters and advisors , that is simply unwarranted. There is no reason for anyone to question the pick of Romney for Secretary of State. The man's entire life qualifies him for the position . He is an international businessman, who has achieved a level of success, only matched by Trump himself. A successful Governor of Massachusetts, a hard core conservative, who, like Trump and Cruz, has supported a secure border first policy, slashing tax and regulation cuts for all Americans, a strong military, an aggressive war on our terror enemies ,and has shown an instinctive ability to navigate the chessboard of American Foreign Policy strategem.In 2012, Romney not only promised to end Obamacare on day one of his Presidency, but he also accurately predicted the current state of Russia, Syria, ISIS, and the Middle East conflict in general. Romney called it all, accurately, while Obama scoffed at him, in all three debates, telling him that the "eighties called, and wanted their foreign policy back". Obama, is no longer scoffing.
Romney was right, on everything. Obama was wrong. What more needs to be said?
Forget Romney's criticism of Trump during the primaries and beyond.Like with Cruz, both men said things , in the heat of battle, that they now regret, and both have now united , for the sake of our nation's future.
The critics of Romney, must always remember, if Romney has won the Presidency in 2012, then today, there would be no Obamacare, there would be no ISIS, and no domestic terror attacks. There would be no record unemployment, there would be no Syrian refugee invasion, on America's shores.There would be no threat to our Second Amendment rights, no endless attacks on Christmas, and Christianity , in general. There would be no failing Veterans Administration, that disrespects those that gave all, in service to their country.
Had Romney won in 2012, the Benghazi scandal would have been quickly exposed, prosecuted, and those responsible, punished. If Romney had won, the crimes of Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation, would have ended her bid for the Presidency, before it could have even begun. The nation would be prosperous, secure, free from domestic terror attacks, ISIS would be decimated, and on the run, our schools would be secured , our children protected , Obamacare , would be destroyed, our borders secured, and illegal immigration ended, once and for all.
This is not speculation. This is the living, working reality , that would have been, if Mitt Romney had won the Presidency, in 2012. And yet, he is now opposed , for the position of Secretary of State, the third man in line, for the Presidency.Why? Make no mistake, those that oppose him fall into one of three categories,
One, they are 2012 Republican Primary opponents, still bitter about their loss. Two; they are crossover Democrat voters, who voted Obama in 2012, not Romney, thereby sealing America's fate. Three; they are the most reprehensible group of all, the 80 to 85% of registered Republican voters who stayed home in 2012, just as they had in 2008 , and let Obama win, both times. The reason? They just didn't give a damn, about their country, and just couldn't find the energy , the strength of will of character, to put down the remote , get up off the couch, and save America from socialist destruction.
They just didn't care, for either McCain, or Romney, and both of these men would have made America not only great again, but free from all Obama  created destruction as well.
80 TO 85% , of Republicans, worthless non-entities, that sealed America's fate. However, I'm sure they found the energy to drive down to the WAWA , for their weekly carton of cigarettes.Therein lies the priorities, of those proven to be , simply too stupid and lazy, for freedom.
Their excuses?
McCain wasn't "conservative" enough.
Romney was "too rich, and out of touch".
Wrong, both times, The only ones lacking conservative values who are woefully out of touch, are the 85% of center right Americans that are , in reality, the only ones responsible for America's fall .For, as Trump has now proven, the center right outnumbers the left drastically.Always did.Those that never voted before, or simply sat home for most elections, and let Democrats win, now showed up for Trump.
Why?Because he had a t.v. show?Because they liked his personality? The McCain -Romney agendas, were essentially the same as Trump's. The same as any Republicans. Pathetic that it took a man with unique charisma,to awaken a sleeping America, that just couldn't be bothered, to do their job.That job, is to assure that the Party that moves the country forward, remains in power,
The Republican Party.
It doesn't matter who is the Republican nominee for the Presidency.
You elect him, if you want America to remain the Shining City, that our Founders envisioned.
Only Republicans cut taxes,
Only Republicans cut regulations,
Only Republicans strengthen our military,
Only Republicans fight terror aggressively,
Only Republicans protect our Second Amendment rights,
Only Republicans secure our borders,
Only Republicans care about our Veterans, and our allies in freedom that stand beside us.
And yet, 85% still stayed home.
If you, are sixty years old, and only now got up off your butt, to finally vote, don't deserve freedom,..because , as Dr. Franklin said,  the price of freedom,, constant vigilance.
And likewise, if you sat home, in 2008, and 2912, or voted Obama,..and you now have the nerve to oppose Trump's choice of a good man, named Romney, for Secretary of State,..
You deserve a punch in the face, from Romney himself, who , like Trump, does not drink, does not smoke, does not do drugs, and is remarkably fit as well, as his charity boxing match with Evander Holyfield aptly demonstrated.
You don't like Romney?
A pity, because, that's what you're getting.
Trump and Cruz attacked each other viciously during the Primaries, and beyond. So too, did Trump and Romney. All three, gave as good as they got. All three, knew the stakes were high. All three knew they were fighting, for the future of the nation. All three fought like children, over the same toy.
But now, all three have decided to put aside all childish things, and unite , in order to save the country .
Can We the People, who they fight for, do less?
If President-Elect Trump is worth supporting, then so are his choices and decisions, which, so far, have seemingly all been correct, judging by the results.
If you back the man, then, he deserves your trust, your faith too.
Damn it, he's earned it.
Romney's appointment, should stand, as a reminder to all who failed to vote for him in 2012,
That freedom , is not free,
And those who failed to act,
Have only themselves to blame, for all that has come to pass,..
Romney didn't lose in 2012,
Nor did McCain lose, in 2008,..
No, We the People lost those elections,
The worst possible way, to lose any battle,..
By simply, not fighting,..
So be it.
Romney will join Trump's crew as Secretary of State,..
No force of man, can prevent that now,..
And, We the People who truly rule this nation,
Now have our Captain, our ship, and a star to steer by,..
The wind, is at our backs, the sails unfurled,
And adventure lies ahead,..
For all those who dare to sail, this turbulent sea,
This norway malestrom,
"And all I ask, a merry yarn, from a laughing fellow rover,..and a quiet sleep, and a sweet dream,..when the long trick, over."