Monday, July 28, 2008

Words of wisdom from Quint the shark Killer

Well what can I say? Imean it goes without saying that Obama's run for Emperor of the Earth is just going splendidly; the Germans seem to love him and all it took was a free concert and that old time politicians trick of free beer.How can ya not vote for a guy who gives out free beer ?Except for one small detail. Obama's running for President of the United States ; not chancellor of Germany. He did give a rousing speech in front of the victory Tower however, which was the favorite  of another great speechmaker; Adolf Hitler. Yep ,ol, Adolph gave many a rousing speech in front of this monument; and gave out lots of free beer too; in the process. Obama sure does learn from the best.
Barack,s run for the Presidency came to a crashing end when he chose to ignore our troops and went to the local german gym instead.Well , why would he? If he refuses to admit that it was the surge that has resulted in a more peaceful Iraq; and still says he would not vote for it , despite the obvious sucess; then why bother to visit the soldiers that really had failed in their mission?Truly a Dukakis moment  for Emperor Obama; sealing his fate and assuring a McCain victory.After all, soldiers get to vote too.
Ithink the best way to sum up Obama's European tour would be with a quote from our old pal Quint, the shark killer;
"You go on tour ;tour go to germany; soldiers in germany; our soldiers,
Farewell and adieu to my dear spanish ladies; farewell and adieu to my ladies of Spain; for we recieved orders for to sail back to Boston; and so nevermore will we meet you again"

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Charlton Heston; The missing link.

Spain has recently passed a law that recognizes apes as having the same rights as humans do.Seems rather smug and arrogant to bestow on a species rights that DNA analysis already has. Apes, chimpanzees in particular, share with humans an almost identical genetic code; maybe one per cent difference in there, according to scientists.
The question is not whether apes are equal to man,but whether man is equal to the ape.
Apes are stronger than us, can make tools as we do, and have recently scored higher than college students in selected aptitude tests. The arrogance of man in his attempt to morally judge the the apes is ridiculous, to say the least, considering the state of the world today; under man's rule.
When a king is near the end of his reign; he should not be looking to extend his realm; but to who might possibly , with honor, suceed him.
I think Charlton Heston summed it up best when asked why he would journey to the stars in the movie Planet of the Apes.
He said;"Somewhere in the universe , there has to be something better than man;there has to be" Yep. Modern man may yet turn out to be the missing link between the ape ; and the human being.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Sensitive Flip Flopping Changing Obama

So Obama is offended by the cover of New Yorker magazine. It depicts him in muslim garb and his wife in some sort of guerilla terrorist ensemble. How interesting.This man wants to be president, yet can't even tolerate a satirical cartoon by a magazine that actually supports him.In fact, most of the left wing media was outraged by this offensive cartoon and said so repeatedly.
And yet it was perfectly all right for the very same media and various publications to depict the president for the last eight years as Hitler or at least a Nazi; usually complete with a swastika emblazoned proudly on G,W'S forehead , or some other part of his anatomy.
The difference is one of character. You see, the president never once paid any attention or acknowledged these insults with direct comment; that would be beneath his dignity and the dignity of the office of the President of the United States. In fact most political figures in our government just ignore political cartoons ; it's just part of the game, it doesn't upset them.
You know who does get upset by political cartoons? Yep ,that's right , Muslims!!! What is Barack trying to tell us?

Friday, July 4, 2008

The United States of Almighty God

In reference to the idea put forth by the Phila. Inquirer goon who wrote that we should not celebrate the fourth of July this year , let me just say this ; I will celebrate it , with fire and rockets red glare and cookouts and with Kate Smith's God Bless America blasting out of my stereo speakers at full volume. You see, this is the greatest country on earth , and continues to be the only one who continues to fight for free people all across the globe, since that is all God guaranteed us when we were born.
There is no free health care
There is no free housing
There is no free schooling
Thereis no free ride in this country period.
What there is , and what we have that is better than any other country's is freedom.
Pure and simple.
Freedom to suceed
Freedom to fail
Freedom to live in a cardboard box , if that is the goal you seek .
But freedom is a double edged sword, and has to be won by blood from the tyrants and elitist that want to take it from you.
Don't let them
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't celebrate your love of the day freedom came to this country.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

McCain and Rambo, unfit for command.

General Wesley Clark has stated that having your plane shot down and being a prisoner of war for five years does not qualify you to be President.Well, I guess that disqualifies Rambo too. Yeah, Rambo may be a one man army but he's definitely not commander in chief material, Oh well.
Barack Obama, in response to Gen. Clark's attack on John McCain's qualifications and military service , once again dodged the issue, refused to mention Gen. Clark or his comments,and instead turned the incident into another opportunity to bash those who would question his patriotism.Well,if you don't want to wear the flag or put your hand over your heart during the anthem, questions will arise; legitimate questions.
He should have denounced Clark's comments directly , but his response is typical for a man who flips, flops and skirts every direct question like a, well,typical politician.
Remember, this is a man who believes that child rapists should get the death penalty, but believes it's okay to kill a child in a partial birth scenario.Add to this his anti-gun stance and you have a man who essentially believes in killing child rapists,and killing children if they are kinda, sorta, born,but thinks it's wrong to kill either the rapist or the child if you use a gun to do so. Hmmm; maybe Rambo for President is starting to sound pretty good after all!