Friday, September 28, 2012

Arena of Death

Why did the Obama Administration lie about the motive behind the 9-11 anniversary Embassy attacks? Answer;...they had to. Remember, this administration has nothing ;...nothing to run on . No accomplishments , no achievements , unless you count increasing our debt by trillions of dollars , and taxing , spending, and regulating our economy into oblivion . The one shining jewel;...the well spring from which Obama's re-election chances flow, is the killing of Bin Laden , and the Drone attacks on terror targets . The President said he wouldn't spike the football , but as re-election panic  looms over him like a death shroud , he realizes ;...he has to. It's his only accomplishment. ;.... other than Obamacare , that is. Obama won't promote this in his campaign , however, because he realizes that most Americans that pay attention comprehend that;..all Obamacare amounts to is;....just another incredibly large ;
"Bin Laden is Dead;...and GM is alive", Vice- President Biden exclaimed at the 2012 Democratic Convention , but, he was only partly right. . GM is still dead . It's just on artificial life support. You cannot "save" a failing company by paying its employees with money taken from other Americans paychecks. A business must be allowed to fail. Or, you damage the economy. It's as simple as that. However, the killing Bin Laden claim is a  real accomplishment;,,,but , for President Bush;....not Obama. Senator  Obama opposed the Bush-Cheney anti-terror program that brought about the terror leaders demise , and, kept us safe from attacks for the eight years that Bush was in office.
The plan was already set;...and in motion . It's purpose true. All O bama did was give the OK to pull the trigger . Any President , no matter how lame;...woulkd have done the same thing . To do otherwise would have been political suicide . But, now;..reality has set in on Obama's claims of sucess in the war on terror.
A YouTube video was not responsible for the attacks in Libya, Egypt, and other embassies around the world . It was Al -Queda .
It was planned for the 9-11 anniversary . And;...the Obama Administration knew it;...from the day it happened.
Obama knows he has failed ;...miserably.
He failed to boost the security of our embassies , despite the approaching anniversary , and warnings from security advisors of a potential problem .
He failed to meet with , and stand with, Bebe Netanyahu , on the eve of potential war with with Iran ;...a Nation dedicated to Israel's complete destruction.
And, he has failed in his most important task as Commander in Chief . Namely, the ability to put fear , and respect, in the hearts of the enemies of freedom.
His placating of dictators and and call dor debate , discourse, and dialogue, have made him a weak, laughing stock in the eyes of our enemies , and the fires raging across the middle east ; the result.
And;...this is the accomplishment President Obama continues to crow about? Of course. Is it any wonder he still denies Al-Queda is the source of the attacks that killed four Americans , or that he still insists that the YouTube video was the catalyst ;...not the Bin Laden kill or the 9-11 anniversary? To do otherwise , the President would have to admit something his ego would never permit;...and his campaign would never survive.
President Obama has failed.
At everything.
And, unfortunately for his campaign , that includes the war on terror.
Killing terrorists with remote controlled robotic assassins is not enough. Not when those Nations  who sponsor these killers , perceive our Commander in Chief , as an appeaser who will continue to finance them , with American tax dollars. Dollars that will continue to be used to finance their war against what they call the ,"Great Satan". Namely;
This is Romney's chance to strike. He must use the upcoming debates to expose the illogical nonsense that you can tax your way to prosperity , and , at the same time , explain that capitalism ;..without government restrictions; what made America , the Greatest Nation on Earth.
More importantly, he needs to continue to speak out ;.....loudly, about what he would do to enemies that threaten the freedom and security ;...of all Nations that want to live in freedom. And, he should continue to meet with Netanyahu in Israel , to show that a Romney Presidency , will indeed , without doubt, stand beside Israel ; the fight to prevent Iran from unleashing;...nuclear armageddon.
Mitt Romney can , indeed , win the Presidency fairly easily, but, he must remember one very, important thing; the arena of ideas, there is no room for mercy;'s victory;.....or death. He must attack Obama relentlessly, and go for the kill, by emphasizing the fact that, the President has , indeed, failed on all levels . Romney must remember that, once he and Obama , enter the Arena on debate night ;  there are only two ways out;...victory;....or  death.
A political campaign is a full contact sport , and, if Romney is to win the Presidency, and save the Nation from a socialist treadmill to oblivion ; ....he must win that first debate with Obama , by making that arena of ideas;....for President Obama; arena;...... of  political death.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Infernal War

When Pontius Pilate asked Jesus , "What is Truth?";...Jesus could have easily answed;...'Truth is Conservatism". And, conservatism, expressed openly and honestly, will win Mitt Romney , or anyone else, the Presidency.
Romney has nothing to apologize for. His statements regarding Obama's reaction in the wake of the embassy attacks, and, his comments at a fundraiser regarding entutlements, had one thing in common;...they were both,the truth.
We should not have apologized for the youtube video that mocked Muhammed. That is free speech. That is the First Amendment. That is our Constitution ;... Truth.
And, as Romney said at the fundraiser, those that spend their lives on the public dole, living off welfare, foodstamps and other assistance provided by the tax payers, those that simply refuse to work,;....will not vote for Romney, or any other Republican . Ever. That, also , is the simple truth.
Romney doesn't want to expand government and entitlements , to take care of people. No, he wants to shrink government and cut taxes for all Americans , so that they can take care of themselves , and take care of those in need of their own free will; they should be able to;...under a Republic based system of self government.
There are simply people who will never accept this as plausible, and will, certainly never vote for Romney, because this is what he believes , and what he will do, as President.
Again;...the Truth. Romney made no gaffes , no mispeaks , no blunder , that has cost him the Presidency. Quite the contrary. Romney must do more of this. Just speak the truth. , no matter how painful to some, or , how outraged the liberal left becomes . If Romney can continue to simply express the truth of conservative principles , as Reagan did, he will anger some, outrage others , and infuriate the left. But, in the end, if he stays the course,and speaks the truth, that government entitlements must end, taxes and regulations must be cut, and the military must be strengthened. This, and only this, will save our economy , and our Nation. If Romney can do this, withouyt fear without let , or hindrence, without mercy, or apology to anyone, from now, until November 6th, Then;...Mitt Romney will win the Presidency of the United States by a landslide. The reason? Conservative truth. and truth, no matter how painful , is always in the end , against all odds;...the winner.
One must not forget, Polics is a contact sport. Kill or be killed. Romney must go after Obama in the upcoming debates, brutally, attacking all the destructive socialist policies, that the President has enacted, and explain , not only why taking money from those that earn it , and giving it to those that don't, doesn't work, but, he must also explain to the American people why the President is doing it in the first place. Romney must explain that President Obama is diminishing America, on purpose, by weakening our economy, free market , and the military; the name of social justice;...for the Nations that the President believes were looted, by the United States, in order to make ourselves rich and prosperous.
This is what the President believes . Romney and Ryan must not only explain the conservative principles that will restore our Nation to prosperity. , but they must also explain , in detail , the the Wealth redistribution principles of Obama, that have never worked anywhere; any country, at any time; the history , for one basic reason ;......When the few, who are prosperous;,must pay for the many;...who are not.....the result is , always .......complete destruction for that Nation.
The world is an inferno of hate right now;...thanks to the President's weakness in the face of our enemies and his weakening of our economy ;..and military.
The results are clear;....Al Queda organized attacks on our Embassies around the world, on the anniversary of 9-11.A world on fire, a world now trapped in an infernal war;...thanks to the President's weakness in the face of our enemies. , and his weakening of us, as a Nation.  The solution is simple;....the solution is Conservatism . Conservatism is truth, and, the truth ; Romney , for President in November. For, if not, we will face another ,  painful , truth . ;......The end , of America, as we know it , forever.  

Friday, September 14, 2012

War Against The World

Should Mitt Romney comment on the Middle East attacks against American Embassies? Of course. This man will be President of the United States after November. That means he will be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He needs to be bold, brash, decisive, and aggressive , in his stance against our enemies in the War on Terror. And, make no mistake. The countries , where these events are occuring, are our enemies, not our allies.
In Libya , who we freed from Qaddafi's evil rule,  our ambassador, and two special ops agents, have been killed, in a planned jihadist uprising against our embassy there.
Egypt, who we give billions of dollars to every year, has also allowed Islamic radicals to attack our embassy there , as well , who condemned America,and  desecrated our flag , while screaming , "We are all Bin Laden".
We helped Egypt gain Democracy and freedom from the rule of Mubarek by funding their military, and the Egyptian people paid us back; electing Muhammed Morsi, of the Muslim Brotherhood, as their new President . So much for freedom and democracy. And what of
Pakistan?They  hid Bin Laden, while pretending to be our ally in the war on terror.Yes , Pakistan too seems to hate America, but still accepts billions of our tax dollars each year.
Afghanistan? Of course the people there hate us. After all, we freed them from the murderous Taliban Rule, and gave them back their country, and their freedom ;.... not to mention the billions of American dollars each year.Can you blame them for hating us?
But, in all seriousness , the question remains;.....'Why do they hate us?"Is it the You Tube  Prophet Muhammed video? Is it President Obama's bragging  about the Bin Laden sanction and terror leader drone strikes? Or, was it President Bush's cowboy diplomacy and the "Bush Doctrine " , of striking first against all who sponsor terror?
Nope. None of our actions inspire their hate. Being diplomatic , or insulting , matters little to their attitude regarding our Nation. No. They would hate us just the same. The reason?
We are Infidels. According to the Prophet Muhammed , all those who do not follow Islam and its teachings , are , in fact, infidels, and, as such, deserving of death. That's all it is , folks. All it ever was.
And , they will , in fact, always hate us. Always. They will never be our allies in the war on terror .They will always hate us, but;....can hate be combined;...with fear and respect? Of course. These attacks did not occur under Bush,. but did occur under Clinton and Obama. They may have hated Bush, but they also respected Bush, as a man who would indeed kill those who kill our citizens in the name of a false god. The destruction of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and his evil sons sent a message to our enemies across the middle east;....'If you are not with us, then, you are against us".Saddam didn't cause 9-11, but , he was a sponsor of terror, paying and training those who would attack us , in the name of Jihad. That's why he is a dust ridden , fading memory now, That's why Al Zawahiri Bin Lade, and other terror leaders, are now dead, or behind bars at Gitmo Bay. And, that is why , under Bush, there were no terror attacks on our soil. Zero.
The Middle Eastern Islamic mentality respects only one thing;....strength. President Bush showed it. Clinton and Obama did not. This is why, on the anniversary of 9-11, this year, these planned, coordinated attacks on our embassy soil, are occuring across the middle east, and;....the world. This was planned for the  9-11 anniversary, long ago.
Al Queda waited for the right time to gain their revenge with these attacks . They waited , plotted , and planned , for the right time. And, of course, for the right President. Barack Hussein Obama ;......a President who will never be respected , like Bush , despite his Drone War on the terrorist leaders. Al Queda still perceives him as weak. ;...because , unlike Bush, he bows and scrapes before Nations that sponsor them , and therefore the source of their threat remains;...unchallenged.
The solution? It's three part. First, we must kill all those who were responsible for these attacks ;...immediately. Sound crazy and extreme? These are character traits that may seem negative to Americans, but to Islamic Extremists ;...they are greatly respected , and almost sacred.
Second, we must cut off all, I repeat, all of our money that currently goes to all of these enemies of freedom . For, without our money, none of these nations that sponsor terror;....could long survive at all. We support the world ;...economically , and militarily. . Without us;...they are all out of business , permanently. And, it's time we let them know it.
And Third? Elect Mitt Romney for President , in November. Romney was not out of line with his statements regarding attacks on our Embassies . He should speak out ; despite what the Obama Administration, and the liberal press , might think. He should be bold , loud , agressive , and decisive , in attitude when dealing with our enemies . The things he says should anger our enemies ;...while reassuring our allies. Should he have waited for Obama to comment first? no. Mitt wants to be President . Nobody 's going to just hand him the job. He's got to take it ;...BY SEIZING THE MOMENT. And;.........he did.
Yes, it is , indeed, a time for "Change". We need a President whose main function is not to campaign all year, or to appear on Jay Leno , or hang out with Jay Z;....BUT, .....To be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces , of the United States of America. And to reaffirm the Bush Doctrine , in our War against the World 's terror sponsors;...."Those who do not stand with us, stand against us".

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Inheritors

At the 2012 Democratic Convention , once again;..President Obama promised to stop the seas from rising, save the planet, and create jobs by investing in education , infrastructure, clean energy, and new technology research. And, all he needs to accomplish this; four more years ;...that, and a lot more of your hard earned tax dollars , of course. And, even then , Obama said that it might still take even more time , extending well beyond his  Presidency.
Did the President speak of accomplishments in his four years in office?Of course . And , all of them , were , in fact, the result of Republican   policies. Forget the auto bailouts.No jobs were created here. If a company goes under ; goes under. the reason?Simply the fact that no one is buying their product , or in this case , their cars. Here's a simple , but true , economic reality; cannot 'save"jobs or save  a failing company, It does nothing but harm the economy. You see, if you take money from taxpayers , and give it to the Auto industry , in order to pay their employees ; have , in fact. hurt the economy, hurt the free market, and hurt the American citizens , who work in it. But, what of the other Accomplishments that Obama spoke of.?Bin Laden? The killing of Osama Bin Laden was , in fact, a Bush administration victory. It was the Bush -Cheney , anti-terror program , a program that Obama opposed as a Senator , that brought about final justice  , to the evil mastermind behind 9-11.
And, what of Bill Clinton. ?He was the featured speaker on the 2nd nite of the convention ;...and with good reason. He is the Golden child, of the Democratic Party. He is the rosetta stone;...that proves all their methods do, in fact, work, to grow the economy, and to create a prosperous America . Clinton proved that Republican methods of tax cuts and regulation cuts are not the answers;....but the Democrat plan of tax increases , regulation increases, and spending increases, are the true way to prosperity. Clinton was so sucessful,economically, that he was the first Democratic President , since FDR, to be elected to a second term Small wonder . Clinton's speech was highly anticipated , and Clinton , proves , without a doubt, that Liberal Democratic methods work .
Or; they?Actually , Clinton 's sucess , like any sucess the Democrats crow about; because of the Republican Party.In Clinton 's first two years  he was going down faster than Obama , economically, And then;...divine intervention occurred , in the form of  Newt Gingrich ;  a Republican House and Senate, and a New Contract with America. Cinton was dragged , kicking and screaming, into cutting all taxes , cutting regulations and signing the welfare reform act, which would become  Clinton's signature accomplishment, the one he still brags about ,.......especially at these conventions  . 
The simple fact is ;...none of Clinton's sucesses would have been realized, without the first Republican takeover of the House and Senate in more than fifty years. Yep, left to his own devices , William Jefferson Clinton would have gone down in flames,
Look, here's all you need to know about Barack Obama and the Democratic Convention's bid to re-elect this failed President.
Obama had four years.
He had the House.
He had the Senate.
He passed everything that he wanted to pass , without Republican support, or interference.
And;...he failed;...magnificently. The reason? The Democrats had total control;...of everything. You see, without Republicans to reign them in,. Democrats can only fail;...since all they know how to do is tax heavily, and spend heavily , which , , of course, leads to economic collapse;...everytime;....all the time. And , despite what Obama, and his fellow Democrats think, the Bush tax cuts , didn't collapse the economy.
The Bush Administration had one of the greatest economic booms in American history;...until 2006;...that is. Then , it did indeed , go South. What happened in 2006? The Democrats won back the House and Senate, that's what. And, they proceeded to tax, spend , and regulate , their way, into economic oblivion;.......and then;....Obama became president;....and compounded the mess.
Yes, folks , it was a Democrat created mess that Obama had to , 'clean up";.........not a Bush mess.
This is a cold, hard, reality. The Obama speech was a Utopian fantasy, a fantasy that we already heard back in 2008;....the year of;..."Hope and Change". The Obama speech , at this Convention;...was the same soaring rhetoric ;...but this time, ....Obama makes no promises, no guarantees , at an immediate fix , but instead, just the idea that , "Change" , ....may take longer than he originally anticipated.
Wake up liberal America.
There is no need to , "Change" , America;..its policies, .....or the free market system of self government , that made us the greatest Nation on earth .The 'Change" , that the President spoke of in 2008, and the 'Change" he spoke of in 2012, is simply the "Change' from a system of self government; the tyranny of big government socialism .
How long will it take? It matters little. It cannot happen . Obama must be  defeated , and the reigns of control must be returned to the Party responsible for all Democrat sucess ;....the Republican Party;...the Party that must inherit the earth;...if we are to survive;...that is.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gathering of the Gods

They have nothing. Nothing. President Obama had four years to accomplish his goals; stop the sea from rising; save the planet. He said he could accomplish this while standing between the Greek columns of the Temple of Obama in 2008. He had the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court ;...all in his pocket, all ready , willing , and able, to do his bidding. He passed everything he wanted to pass;...all the dream projects of the liberal left , made reality;...and he still failed miserably.
Notice the liberal left didn't attack Clint Eastwood's convention speech, his statements, his facts;...because they couldn't. So, therefore, the attacks were made ;...on a personal level.
Conservatism is truth. You casn't attack truth. You can't argue against truth, and hope to win . So, attacks against Romney, Ryan , Palin , Bachmann, Gingrich, ;...and yes , even Clint, must be on a personal level ;....if  Obama wants to win , that is.  Personal attacks are all the left has; the face of conservative facts ;....and reality. If you're young, middle class, and conservative;'re stupid;..and most likely , a hick; Palin. If you're young ,wealthy, highly educated, and conservative;'re a misguided dupe ; Ryan.  If you're older, wealthy, educated, and conservative;'re a racist ; Romney. And, last but not least , if you're really old, wealthy , educated , and conservative;'re a  senile brainwashed old man. Predictable attack strategies , the same old playbook . They used the senile card on Reagan ;..they used it on Charlton Heston , and now ;...Clint Eastwood will be the new target of this strategy. Same old , tired , liberal cliches;...all personal, all designed;...not to win the arguement in the political arena, but to demoralize the opponent , keep him on the defensive, trying to counter the personal attacks , leaving him no time to debate the actual issues that effect our Nation ;...and our security.
Why debate issues? The left knows their policies are designed to destroy this country;...why should they admit it? Better just to stick to the failed game plan ;..raising taxes endlessly, demonizing the wealthy, who create jobs , and , of course , weakening our Nation  by reducing spending in the one, the only , area that the left has ever been willing to cut;...the military. The only thing that keeps us free ;...the one area of government spending;.... we should never cut.
Yep, the same old tired playbook;...same old Democrat Party;...all out of ideas , all out of time, and soon to be;...out of power , permanently.
The main purpose of the Republican Convention this year was to 'humanize" the Romney campaign machine , by letting the two candidates tell their personal history , their struggles , and their love of family ;...and country. Clint Eastwood's speech/ It was off the cuff, improvised , but still , it was designed to mock the Obama Presidency;...a presidency that well deserves it ;..a President who , in only four years , made a mockery of his office , the Nation , and the free market principles , of which he has nothing but contempt for.
The Republican Convention is over now, but, within that gathering of conservative gods, was a portent of things to come. A new age of heroes , who, like Eastwood, are not afraid to be in the arena of ideas, not afraid to suffer the," slings and arrows" of the enemies of freedom , knowing that, in the end , when the smoke clears ;...Conservatism is still the truth;,,and Conservatism , always wins.
But, what of the Democratic Convention ?Many prominent party leaders will not be attending ;.. includng Pelosi , Reid , and Hillary Clinton;  Obama's secretary of state. Why? Well, only a fool stays with a sinking ship;.. and Hillary, Reid, and Pelosi ;...know it. Yes;...a fool ;...or the Captain. In the case of the Democratic Party , that Captain is Obama, who , will indeed go down without much support from fellow Democrats, who now, finally, realize that Obama has no interest in saving his party, ;.....if he doesn't survive as well.
Clint Eastwood summed it up nicely;...."We own this country, politicians are our employees . When someone doesn't do the job; let him go." Or, in President Obama's case; let him go down;.....with his ship. You have to;...for he has failed to understand the one simple law that makes a free market economy work;.......You let the people who earn the money;.....keep the money;.....and, prosperity, and freedom, are the results.