Tuesday, October 20, 2020

"A Savage Reborn!!"

 In the First Century A D.,..a youth by the name of Gaius,.son of the Roman General Germanicus, and nephew of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, was suddenly struck down by a mysterious virus,..and was exiled to the Isle of Capri, rest and recuperate,..

Yet,.he hovered on the brink of death for many months to come,..,leaving many a Roman citizen distraught, that the beloved son of the noble Germanicus , recently slain in battle himself,..should now share his father's fate,  and be cut down so early in life,..leaving the future of Roman rule by Dynasty, much in question,..

Then,..suddenly,..almost miraculously, Young Gaius recovered,.. the fever broken,..He returned Triumphant to Rome,.. the streets lined with cheering citizens greeting the youth,..with a celebration worthy of a Roman General , returning victorious,..from the battlefield itself,..
Aye,..and in the celebrations wake, seemed inevitable that the charismatic youth would soon find himself sitting upon the throne itself,..the will of the Roman people demanding it,..
After this Triumphant return from the brink of the abyss,..they would have no other,..
Aye,..even the Gods themselves,..seemed to demand it,..
But, the months wore on into Young Gaius's rule, .a second miracle seemed to be transpiring ,..this one of a darker,..more sinister nature,..
An evil transformation had occurred,..leaving on the Throne of Rome,..a changeling, the place of the charismatic youth so beloved by the masses,..A strange, sinister changeling, created , no doubt. the deadly illness that had nearly claimed the youths life, and left him , in its wake ,..altered somehow,..his mind, spirit,..and soul,..seemingly twisted by his struggle against the beckoning abyss,..leaving young Gaius ,..nicknamed "Little Boots",..or , "Caligula", the Roman people,..a different man indeed,..
Savagely unpredictable,..mentally unstable,..violent,..merciless,..depraved,..a soulless ..mad emperor,..
Aye, more, in a long list of Roman Tyrants, who would carve an infamous record of madness and mayhem in his two year reign, .before being struck down by his own Praetorian Guard ,..for the crime of mocking the Gods themselves, ordering his legions into battle,..against the undersea legions of King Neptune himself,....Gaius's soldiers standing on the shores,..staring at the lapping waves ,...and realizing , that moment,..that this madman"s reign must end now,..lest it risk the future of the Empire itself,..the Praetorian Guard dispatching young Gaius during the games at the Coliseum,..
Bread and Circuses for the masses, always,...but death,..for an Emperor , now made by an evil virus ,..too unstable,..too dangerously unpredictable,..for even corrupt and cruel Rome,...
So Be It,..
It is often said, that time itself,  seems to meander in circles ,..even in this, the storm tossed 21st Century ,..The Trumpian Age of Miracles,..
At least,..that would be the perception of the Diabolic Democrats, who ..plotting and scheming in vain for 3 and a half years now, overthrow the justly elected President , see yet another sinister strategem emerging,..that may succeed where all other Russian Hoax,..and Ukrainian farce,..hath failed,....
The dreaded Wuhan Virus,..used to all but destroy the booming Trump economy through nationwide economic shutdowns,..would now be used to end the Trump Presidency itself,...even before the November election polls can decide the issue,..
For, after weeks of endless rallies, and a brutal, savage.. face to face stage debate with Biden, that left the former VP stunned, .and shaken,.. with only the moderator Chris Wallace saving Biden from total meltdown,..then a rain swept rally ,..crowing of his triumph over Biden ,...then a Democrat enraging , Rose Garden ceremony announcing the President's nomination of his third Supreme Court pick,..ultra conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett,....
Suddenly, the early morning hours,..the President issued a tweet,..that would rock the very foundations of the Trumpian Republican Machine,..
The President had tested positive for the Wuhan Virus,..along with the First Lady,..and would be quarantining immediately,..and leaving for Walter Reed medical center, by helicopter,..within the hour,..
While Republicans were concerned , were Democrats,..but for far different reasons,..
It became clear within hours , that the Democrat Machine was already envisioning a scenario of a dead President,..slain by the China created virus,..and his entire administration laid low by the virus as well,..leaving Speaker Pelosi , in command, last,..
Had they really said it??

MSNBC,..CNBC,..CNN,..ABC,..NBC,..CBS,..all could barely contain their joy at the possibility,..
And the Democrat death wishes on twitter,..and facebook,..were myriad,..and brutal indeed,..The Democrats hoped for the President's death at the hands of this virus, and they made no bones about it,..
The coup they dreamed of,..was almost within their grasp,..
Then,..came reality,..
The President,..emerging Gaius like,..seemingly undestroyed by the deadly virus ,..rising from the dead it seemed,..after three days, Christ from the Tomb,..
The President's physician prescribing a formidable drug cocktail of Vitamin D,..Zinc,..Rendesevir,..Steriods ..and the still experimental Regeneron,..which the President says was responsible for his miraculous resurrection ,..leaving him feeling 20 years younger,..and so full of energy,..that he even did a limousine drive by of his fans,..gathered outside Walter Reed,..just to show his appreciation for the well wishes,..
An act of pure, ..impulsive energy, that drove the Democrats mad indeed, did the President leaving the hospital after only three days,..
As well it should,..
They envisioned the President at least impaired. and forced to relinquish his rule,..
And, best,...dead,..
 Now....he stood on the balcony of the White House, again, virus free,..
Antibodies present in his system,.. ,..already indicating that  an immunity to the virus,..was becoming Trumpian reality indeed, .
Then,..standing triumphant ,..wind sweeping his hair,..his eyes,..a steely gaze,..
The President,..reached to his face,..ripping away the mask of submission ...with undisguised disdain,..
Then,..the next day ,..came a videotaped message ,.."Do not live in fear of this virus",.."For, can be conquered",..
So Be It,..
This leader had proven it.
He conquers not only Democrat enemies, ....but microscopic,..Bio War enemies from China as well,....
And,..already an event at the White House again, in the history books,..and more rallies , coming rapid fire ,..all across the nation, the last 30 day push towards November 3rd Landslide Victory,...
Biden may hide,..but the miraculously cured President will not, .demanding even another face to face debate with the addled Biden, offer the Biden camp initially refused, .but now agreed to,..but only with another leftist moderator prepared to do anything necessary, disrupt the Trump attack,..even turning off his microphone,..
A necessary strategem to stop the relentless Trump, .indeed,..
For the Democrat Machine knows full well they barely escaped alive from the last one,..a virtual substitute was offered,  that would give Biden the chance to read prepared material,..and gain aid from handlers as well,..
The President refused,..and rightly so,..
Debates,..between men,..must be face to face, the Arena if ideas,..if you are to be deemed worthy to hold the title,..Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces,..if the United States,..
No deal,..the President would  rally instead,..with many to come in the final weeks, doubt,..about his triumph over death itself,..proving the virus , no match for him,..even toying with the idea of wearing a Superman shirt beneath his own, be unveiled,.. Clark Kent style, a rally or White House function as a joke,..
An idea, put on hold,..
But,..perhaps,. just for the moment, .
And the Democrats??
Besides dreading the Trumpian forced,.upcoming second face to face debate with the President ,..they are now deep into their new strategem,.. the 25th Amendment,..Pelosi summoning it forth, a demon from the abyss, plant the evil seeds of Presidential removal from office , due to instability,..mental,..physical,...a rebirth if the Gaius -Caligula moment,..centuries ago,. to be sure,..
But whether unstable or not, matters little to the Democrats,..
They can claim it anyway,..saying the virus has affected the Presidents mind,..his judgement,..his stability,..since his release from Walter Reed Medical Center,..
And, also sets up the reason to oust his potential successor,..Joe Biden,..if he wins,..leaving radical leftist Kamala Harris the heir apparent to the Presidency,..
Aye,..the coup against the Trump Machine, finally completed...thanks to the invisible enemy ,..that did what all the Democrat strategems previously had failed to do,..
An ingenious coup indeed,..
But, all the others,..destined to fail,..
For Trump is healthy and strong,.. fully recovered ,..and ready to resume his relentless Trumpian attack on his Democrat opponents , at all levels,..while Biden will continue to fade and re appear, unpredictable as a mist bound phantom,..
A phantom destined to fade into nothingness,..long before his crushing November defeat to come,..
Still,..the Caligula strategem ,..using the 25th Amendment,..was not unexpected,..
Democrats , having no issues to run on,..except higher taxes and regulations,.., gun confiscation,..and a weaker military,..have always sought to label their Republican opponents mad,...
Aye,..the last refuge of a rogue combatant that knows he is beaten,..
Yet,..refuses to yield,.. 
And while labeling Trump an unstable madman, is an act if total desperation  , no doubt, is certainly justified desperation,..
For the Democrats saw the Trump debate with Biden,..and whether they truly regard the President as mad or not,..they could not escape the grim reality of the savage beating Trump had administered to the stunned Biden ,..,..refusing to obey the Biden protecting rules outlined by the moderator Chris Wallace,..
For he knew Biden himself would not obey them,..
Trump had seen what Biden had done to  Republican VP candidate, Paul Ryan years before,..during the Vice Presidential debate,..
Ryan was lost,..trying go rely on notes, and details regarding the economic outrages of Obamacare , and its ravages of Medicare and Medicaid,...
Biden interrupted,..laughed,..called Ryan names,..labeling him an inexperienced amateur,..who simply didnt know what he was talking about,.
The moderator,..did nothing to stop Biden,..
The result? Ryan had the correct information,..but Biden won the debate,...easily.
Now Trump,..within seconds,.. saw Biden  attempt the same attack strategem on him ..and knew instantly what he must do,..
He must counter savagely , with a similar attack on Biden,..calling him out for each and every lie he spewed,..instantly,..ignoring the demands of Chris Wallace ,..even countering him with the reply,.." I'm fighting two men up here,..and thats okay,..".
Okay indeed,..
Trump destroyed both,..and forced Biden into a stunned silence ,..with this series of blistering attacks,..questions..,.. that were Weapons of War,..Weapons of  Mass Democrat Destruction indeed,..
"Why was Hunter Biden being paid 3 miliion by a Russian Mayor's wife,..and why did China and Ukraine business boards pay him millions as well??"
"Is Biden planning on packing the supreme court ? " 
"If so,..with who?"
"Who are the police organizations endorsing Biden?" "Why can't he name them?"
"Why has Biden refused to denounce Antifa and Black Lives Matter as terror groups?"
"Why is Biden claiming he supports fracking,.. and opposes the Green New Deal,..when his own website,..says the opposite?"
"Why dies Biden claim he is not raising taxes,..except on the wealthy,..when his own website says massive tax increases across the board,..are coming?"
"Why does Biden blame Trump for the virus,..when Biden opposed the China and Europe travel ban that started in late January,..calling them racist and xenophobic?"
"Why does Biden call Trump racist,..when Biden is on record as being pro segregation,..and considers former Senator and KKK leader Robert Byrd,.who fought against the civil rights act, be
his friend and mentor??
And,..why did anti racism Biden create a crime Bill in the nineties ..that targeted and incarcerated minorities for minor crimes and drug offenses?"
Questions,..that even through the chaos of this brutal debate,..that Biden,..had no answer for ..
In the combat rules of political debate,..the man who can pose questions,  for which his opponent has no answers ,..
Is the man who wins the debate,..simple as that.
So too,..for the Vice Presidential debate between Pence and Harris,..
Though Pence may differ in debate style and attack methods from the President,..he achieved the same results,..just in a more polished,  relaxed way,..partly due to the townhall style of the debate setup,..
Harris is also a race baiting leftist,..who seeks to transform hated America , and , like Biden,..she also created laws  .that targeted minorities ,..when she was the Attorney General ,.of San Francisco,..
So Pence simply attacked with the same questions posed by the President,..and the President,..drawing only silence in response,..
The only difference was that Biden"s non answers were punctuated with personal insults directed at Trump,..
Whereas Harris's silence was highlighted by smirks,.. mumbling ,..and nervous laughter,..
Bottom line? 
Neither Biden nor Harris answered any questions posed,..and both claimed their opponent was racist,..
Aye, .the only card, the end,..that the Democrats have left to play,..
But,..ultimately, could not save them,..
Trump and Pence both emerged victorious,..easily,..for their weapon was the truth,..
The weapon that,..when properly wielded, a determined opponent,..who will not surrender,..
Always wins,... 

No wonder Democrats now pin all hope,..on a President driven mad,  by the very virus he once mocked,..
The Democrat Praetorian Guard ....ready and willing to physically remove Trump from the Oval Office,..after the election,.. 
Or ..maybe even before,..
So Be It,..
It matters little,..
Trumpian Triumph is now almost complete ,..the final weeks will see Trumpian rally after Trumpuan rally,..
The President may even wear that Superman shirt  to one,..perhaps,..
And , will be glorious ..
For Trump knows full well,..that madness is a formidable weapon indeed, that works quite well in battle with a madness,.. called ,..Democrat,..
For the Trumpian madness is backed with skill,..will,..and intelligence,..qualities all lacking in the Democrat Machine,..
Winning is what this man -demon reborn does best,..
Aye,..and even if he,.., mad Gaius,..were to challenge the seven seas themselves, doubt, the end,..Neptune's Trident would be within Trumpian grasp,..
For the fray of battle , this man's home,..
And ,..he has yet, be defeated,..
By gods....demons,....or Democrats,.....