Saturday, December 24, 2011

To Rule;....or to Serve?

Our military has the power to obliterate any nation on earth within minutes;...but we don't.
We could take the oil we need from Iraq by force;...but, we don't.
We could rule the world with an iron fist;...but, instead;....choose to serve.
Peace , love, compassion , to love your fellow man as you love yourself .These are the principles that , "We the People" live by;.. the principles our nation was founded on;...the principles of a Carpenter from Nazareth.
We, as a Nation , celebrate Christmas to remember the man who taught us the greatest lesson of all ; love your fellow man , as you love yourself. This message is the Rock; upon which our great Nation was built .
The Rock of Christianity .
The Rock of Freedom.
But, one question still lingers;...Was this child , born in a manger in the town of Bethlehem over 2000 years ago ;....the Son of God?
Jesus himself gave the best response to this question in the Gospel of John;..'If I am not doing the work of my Father; not believe in me, but , if I am doing his work , and you still do not believe ;...believe in the work I do'.
This Christmas , let's all believe in that work ;...and, as a Nation , continue it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Line is Drawn ; part two.

In the last debate , before the Iowa caucus , Paul's true colors finally emerged . He is not just weak on foriegn policy, and Anti -Israel; but actually believes that our enemies should be allowed nuclear weapons . He also has stated , that its our agressive military strikes that caused 9-11. In other words , according to Congressman Paul, the War on Terror is our fault, the United States fault. He is not alone in this belief. Al-Queda and the Taliban agree with him .
But,. make no mistake, whoever is ultimately chosen to run against the President, We the People;...must unwaiveringly support him , or her, and vote. Yep, as dangerous as the prospect of a Paul presidency is; a far greater danger looms for the country in the form of the Tea Party itself.
Tea Party leaders have suggested that , unless a conservative that meets their specifications is chosen as the Republican candidate ; they will, as a party, stay home on election night . This , is a shameful disgrace. , and would spell the end of our country by assuring an Obama vctory. Remember , that's how Obama became President to begin with ;...voters , who foolishly saw no difference in the two candidates , stayed home , instead of doing their duty to save the country from socialism .
Let's be clear;...Tea Party or so-called , "Independents";...those that choose to stay home on election night are , like Congressman Paul , collaborators with our enemies and, like the terrorists , themselves , have actually , through sheer stupidity and ignorance sought to destroy America as we know it.
Stay home and be a traitor. , or stand with freedom . Do your duty and support the mission ;...the only mission ; Detroy the Obama Presidency , and save our children's  future . Or , stay home forever. Never vote , for you will have proven yourselves too stupid, ignorant , and lazy, to live in freedom anyway .  
The battlefield has been chosen . The line has been drawn in the sand . Pick a side Tea Party , or back down , and be damned forever.

The Line is Drawn

Kim Jong Il is dead, and his son is now poised to take over as Dictator of Noth Korea. Iran continues  to push forward on their nuclear program and is now on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon that will surely br used against Israel. The war in Iraq has been artificially ended by President Obama , in a last ditch effort to create something positive on his resume as his re-election bid looms near. But, with our troops fully withdrawn , will Iraq be capable of sustaining its fragile democracy and prevent an Iranian takeover?
The next commander in chief of our armed forces will be facing these , and other mideast challenges as the war on terror presses on .Who best then , to lead?In truth , all of the candidates would be far better as president than our current commander -in-chief. On both foreign and domestic issues, they all have proven records of conservative values and legislation. Even Romney , who most closely resembles at times , that poltical species known as a Rino, and who has been on both sides of every political issue ;..including global warming , and abortion ; would still be readfy , willing, and able to end Obamacare , cut taxes, and strengthen our military.
Newt is, of course, the most likely candidate to win it all, since he alone has done what all the others are mearly talking about  doing ;namely, turn the country from debt to deficit , unemployment , and despair, to free market prosperty and growth,
Obama is the maimn goal, the only target . He must be defeated . That is the plan . That is the purpose . That is the only mission , all that matters , and all of these Republican candidates can do the job.All that is, save one. Texas Congressman Ron Paul , who , at first glance, is a strong , by the book , hard core , fiscal conservative, with strong faith in our founding fathers vision of self-government.
However, upon closer scrutiny, we see the truth . This man, who has tried repeatedly , over the years to become commander in chief , is , in fact, an anti-military , appeaser whose beliefs regarding our guilt in 9-11 and willingness to collaborate with our enemies by allowing them nuclear weapons makes Obama look like Bush by comparison.
In the last debate before the I

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Village called Reality

I live in a special village called Reality . In this village, all things are as they are . What is ; What was ;...was. What will be;....will be. No spin , no political manuvering, just reality. Hrsh, stark, black and white . This is the village of conservatism .
In this village, Barack Obama is a socialist, because his political record and redistribution of wealth policies say so. That is reality.
The economy is shot , because Obama has taken money from those that earn it, and gave it to those that don't. That is reality.
Tax cuts for all those that earn money in the free market ; the only thing that will correct this problem . That is reality.
A Democrat will never give you a tax cut and will never cut govt. spending , unless it's in the military budget. That is reality .
The Occupy protestors want only one thing;, free money , taken from those that earn it, and given to them , by the government. That is reality.
Any of the Republican candidates , except Ron Paul;, would make better Presidents than Obama , but Newt Gingrich is the logical choice , because he, as Speaker under Clinton, took an economy worse than Obama's and turned it around with tax cuts for everyone. Period. That is reality.
There is no appeasement of Islam extremeists. Their religion is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed , who says that all non-believers in Islam are infidels, and therefore , must be killed. That is reality.
If Iran gets a nuclear bomb , they will use it on Israel, because they are infidels , like us , who deserve death.That is reality.
The ultimate goal of the terrorists is a world under Muslim rule . Nothing else will be tolerated . That is reality.
Newt Gingrich knows this;..and wants John Bolton as Secretary of State.That is reality.
The main difference between Republican and Democrat is the fact that Republicans cut taxes and recognize the war on terror as a fight against Muslim extremeists; one else. And they understand, that they must be destroyed. No other option is possible. That, is reality.
The  President doesn't see this , nor does he see the fact that we are a self-governed nation , and that the govt. must be the people, not Washington. And, that is the reality , that will end his Presidency.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Nothing more . Nothing less . It is the most celebrated holiday world wide, because the message of Christ is the greatest message ever to be given to man , and is the very foundation of our freedom , and our country. That is reality.
The Liberal left hates Christianity  because it takes power away from those in  government , and puts it where it belongs ; in the hands 0f the people who run this country , and in the hands of the God that created them ,rather than the false god in washington , that taxes them . That is the ultimate reality.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Changeling

Mitt Romney is favored to win the Republican Presidential nomination . Says who?The Polls?The frontrunner has switched back and forth almost weekly , depending on which candidate has put his foot in his mouth at the latest debate. So, why is Mitt Romney still considered the frontrunner , the one favored to go up against Barack Obama in 2012? Mitt is no conservative . He's barely a Republican , although he is very strong on the military , and war on terror issues. However , he did have Obamacare in Massachusetts , and has also been on both sides of any political issue you can bring up at a debate.
He was for abortion ;...before he was against it .
He was for govt. controlled healthcare;..before he was against it .
He was for gun restrictions and bans;...before he was against them.
He believed in global warming ; .. and , unfortunately, he still does .
Am I referring to Presidential candidate John Kerry? Nope, just Governor Mitt Romney , the man favored to win the Republican nomination.
Conservative voters are the ones who won  the November elections last year.The question to ponder is;..what conservatives are picking this man as their candidate ? Answer;... none of them. The concept of Mitt Romney as the favorite has originated from only one source;...the Liberal Media. They picked him , many months ago, and have put the word out to the press and the media in general that he is somehow , our pick. The reason is clear. Of all the candidates with a viable chance to win ;.. Romney is the one Obama would like to face in debates , and it's obvious why. He is Obama , in many ways . Not now , of course , but at one time he has agreed with many of the positions that the President holds . Obama will exploit this in the debates , and force Romney to admit that he, at one time, agreed with the President on many issues , especially the elephant in the punch bowl;...Obama Care. Obama should feel confident in this strategy . It already worked once . ;against Senator John Mc Cain . Mc Cain also, was no conservative and often worked closely with liberal democrats on many issues, McCain -Feingold being one of these atrocities.
John McCain also was picked by the liberal media , as our candidate , and we , like suckers , fell for it. You see, the strategy is simple . In debates , the lack of difference with Obama's policies will become clear , and , as a result , many voters will make a fatal decision ;...not to vote for Obama , and to simply stay home , and not vote at all. This is how McCain lost to Obama .Indecisive , weak kneed fools who call themselves , 'Independents";. stayed home , in disgust , despite the fact that the socialist record of Obama clearly showed what a danger this man would be to our country as commander in chief of the armed forces. They, lazily , saw no difference in the candidates;...despite the fact that there was, and the fate of the Nation hung in the balance.
Now, the Obama machine sees another opportunity to repeat history , and Mitt Romney is their "Mc Cain "this time around. They will continue to try to slyly push him through and promote him heavily , in print, television , and radio.
We, as conservatives , must recognize what nonsense this is. Newt is a good pick and the current frontrunner. Bachmann is too. So is Perry. These are all conservatives , with proven records of conservative ideas and action . One of them must be our pick . In fact, any of the candidates would be better than Obama , but, they must win first. We cannot risk a repeat of Obama -McCain . A conservative must be the pick if we are to save this country from another four years, that we, as a country, surely cannot survive.
A second coming of Obama means one thing;...taxes and spending will go up. Drastically , and steadily.
In fact, the only spending cut that will ever occur under Obama , or any democrat for that matter, is to cut to Military spending. That's all a liberal Democrat ever wants to cut. Which is ironic , since the military is the one thing that we cannot ever , under any circumstances, cut. Our freedom depends on the strength of our military, our ability as a fighting force, to obliterate any country that goes up against us; quickly and easily.
This is important, and is the root of what is known as the Reagan Doctrine;...Peace through strength .The simple reality that President Reagan understood was that freedom is an illusion , a fantasy , that will quickly vanish in the midst ;...without the military might to destroy those who don't like our freedom..and want to take it from us.
The one thing that the so -called "Super Commitee" members seemingly do not understand is simply this;...all entitlements can be cut and cut drastically ;...but the military cannot;...since the nation that believes so strongly in peace and freedom must also believe in our overwhelmingly powerful military force ;...that makes our freedom possible. This is why we cannot risk the Presidency on Mitt Romney , for he has displayed the qualities of a changling;...a creature from Greek Mythology that appears to be something;....that it is not.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Shadow Committee

As the deadline looms for the Super Committee, there still appears to be ; resolution . Nor will there be. The Super Committee exists for only one purpose; get Barack Obama re-elected President. Senator John Kerry, a member of the committee, said it best, 'We are a deficit reduction committee , not a tax reduction committee". He's only partly right, since there will be no deficit reduction either. The Democrats will not allow it. Ever. Nor will there ever be a spending reduction . And, most assuredly, there will be no tax cut, tax reform , tax restructuring either . Democrats , you see, do not , under any circumstances, , cut taxes. For any one. For any reason. Ever.
The clueless Republicans that have been roped into this farce still don't get it. The committee is a tax . A tax on the American people. It was so, the minute it was put into operation . The pretense of a problem solving committee was just a smoke screen , a facade , to accomplish Democrats two objectives;, to hike taxes through the sheer expense of the committee operation itself, and two, to establish the Democratic alibi for 2012, that Republicans are blocking all deals , and refuse to raise taxes on those that are the root of all economic problems, namely, the rich.
No deal will be made. Even if the Republicans give in to everything the Democrats want, they won't agree to it. They can't , and they know it. The President's only hope for re-election is to prove to the weak kneed , indecisive , so-called 'Independent' voters, that Republicans are preventing Obama from passing much needed , job creating legislation . Republicans are therefore , the problem , that must be defeated in 2012, by electing Obama for President , again. And, since Democrats cannot run on the Presidents abysmal record of socialist wealth re-distribution , they must use Republicans, the unwitting pawns in this farce of a shadow committee, as the last , best hope of winning re-election . How pathetic. Since 2008, they have owned the House, The Senate, and the Presidency. Yet, in three and a half years, have failed to do anything other than pass legislation designed to take money from those that earn it;..and give it to those that don't . Their old strategy ; blame Bush, after almost four years , now seems a stretch , for even the most liberal Democrats . Therefore, the Republican party itself, must be the new target , which will hopefully enable the Democrats and Obama to hold on to power , and the entitlement street urchins that vote for them , because of entitlements that their party supplies to them.
The one major flaw in the committee's strategem is this; the occupy Wall Street spectacle. No riots, no violence, no vandalism , no public urination , no public defecation , no rapes , no robberies , no drug dealing or usage, . No property damage, no trash cleanupo . Iam , of course , talking about the Tea Party , not the Occupiers . The contrast is startling , and quite rervealing , as to the stark differences in these two organizations, and what they stand for. No clearer lines could be drawn between good, and evil. The Tea Party left no destruction , violence, trash, or hate , of any kind , in their wake. The Occupiers ,,on the other hand , have been the petri-dish in the political laboratory of debate . They have, in effect, by their gathering , revealed the viral contagion that is at the root of liberalism. There it is , isolated , and finally exposed , for all the world to see, as if it were on a slide of a microscope in a laboratory. The disease has been exposed and isolated by the protestors . It's called liberalism , and the cause of the disease is hatred , violence , envy , and pure evil. The cure?Conservatism , of course, and the Tea Party that represents it. Our first vaccination is due in 2012, when Barak Obama becomes an ex-president.
And the Occupiers , like a tumor, will begin to shrink and vanish , as the entitlement freebies , that fuel their evil, are finally cut off completely.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Legacy of Evil

Here's all you need to know about the Penn State scandal;..If you see a grown man sexually abusing a ten year old boy, two things must occur. One; you should automaticallly beat the perpetrator senseless, and two; call the police immediately.No Penn State procedure, no reporting to Joe Paterno . You exercise your right to make a citizens arrest on this criminal .
This was not an "incident" that needed to be reported . This was a violent , criminal act,being perpetrated on a ten year old boy by a man with a well known history of this type of behavior . The fact that an 'incident" was reported , and then forgotten , for more than a decade, simply to preserve some twisted sense of , "legacy".proves one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt. Man, as a species , is hard wired to worship God . You either choose the right one, or the wrong one. Those on the campus of Penn State have chosen their false god; Joe Paterno and the Penn State legacy. And, like loyal disciples , they will do anything to protect that God, and his Legacy. Even , it seems covering up  felony assaults  against Paterno 's assistant coach , Jerry Sandusky
 Who is the real guilty party?They all are.
These  repeated crimes by Sandusky are monstrous , but those that chose to do nothing are equally guilty . Jesus once said that any who would harm a child should have a millstone tied to them and then , flung into the sea. ""It would be better if that person was never born".he said.
"We are Penn state"Joe Paterno yelled in support of the students that rallied around him at his home , even as they rioted and turned over cars in protest of their god being fired for his sins. Yes, Joe Paterno .You are Penn State. As is Jerry Sandusky, and all the others that willingly participated in this criminal coverup of these assaults against children.
But, they need not worry. Their god is safe. The Legacy is secure. A  Legacy of pure evil.
Are there no heroes ?Is this concept just fiction , conjured up  in comic books?No, the superhero does exist.The men and women of our armed forces , that lay their lives on the line, every day,to preserve our freedom , and Liberty.These are the heroes we honor this , and every veterans day. These are the heroes who give us hope for humanity, in the wake of the inhumanity of the Penn State coverup.But, is there a root cause of the corruption that pervades that campus? Yes, and its called 330 million dollars in tax money , that was given to Penn State every year, by the government. That's the kind of "bailout"that breeds the kind of corruption , now rampant in the instution that we call;....................Penn State.                                                                                         

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Conservative news, politics, opinion, breaking news analysis, political cartoons and commentary – Townhall

Conservative news, politics, opinion, breaking news analysis, political cartoons and commentary – Townhall: warmonkey

The Wrath of Zeus

The ancient Greeks worshipped Zeus, Father of all gods,knowing that to do so, and offer their sacrifices in his name, would bring bounty and prosperity to them.
That was the ancient myth . Here is the modern reality;We, the People of the United States, are , in fact, Zeus. At least, as far as Greece and the other third world socialist countries are concerned. Here is the cold, hard reality of socialism, communism, Marxism , and the countries that embrace these failed systems of government. They have only survived to this point of history because of the free market system of the United States, and the tax dollars that we send to them to prop up their economies. This is a fact. Our economy,
Our free market
Our freedom based , Judeo Christian , self-governed , self-ruled system of government, is, in effect, the glue that keeps socialism together, and props up facist regimes around the world . Without the bailout money that hard working Americans provide, through their tax dollars,. ....socialism cannot survive.
It must stop. The lie of socialism must be finally exposed as unworkable , without the United States to prop it up.
We must end all bailouts , all handouts , to these countries. No more . Greece, with its riots and collapsing economy must stand, or fall , on it's own , just as these other, arrogant,  contemptuous,anti-American nations must fall , or stand,......on their own. They think their systems of government are superior to ours. Well, I'm from Missouri . You have to , 'Show Me".
Show me by relying on your own economy , your own money,your own products and goods, your own Marxist system,to stay afloat;... without our help.
Let's see how long you last.
Without America,there is no world economy .
Without America, all other nations must fall.
Without America, the world itself will be a very , very, dark, dismal, cold place indeed.
Now, its time for us to prove it . We need to cut off all aid to countries that refuse to embrace freedom, and are, in fact, our enemies.
The time has come to expose just how fragile socialism truly is; without a free nations ' dollars to back it up.
When the ancient greeks had angered Zeus, and the other gods, thunderbolts and destruction were rained down upon them .
Well, now, we are Zeus. Yes, we, the United States of America, are the god that runs the world. The world has angered us.
It's time to unleach  our thunderbolts upon it, by cutting off the freedom created bounty that , "We the People", have so generously bestowed upon them.
They must embrace free market capitalism , on their own ;......or be destroyed.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Protest;...and the Purpose, Part 2

I earn is mine .
The property I own ; mine.
Everything I posess; this free market economy; mine.
I do not know you, great , unwashed protestors , nor will I give you anything for free.
There is only one thing these bums have in common with the Tea Party members. The Tea Party wants to keep the money they earn , and the Wall Street protestors also want to keep the money that the Tea Party earns .

The Protest;.....and the Purpose.

Here is all you need to know about the Wall Street protestors, the Philly occupiers , and any other gathering of young street hobos who use public property as their personal toilet . They want your money. That is all. They don't hate corporations, they don't hate Wall Street, they simply want the money that you earn , by getting up in the morning , and going to work, taken from you , by the government , and given to those that didn't earn it. Namely, themselves. This isn't complicated. They want what does not belong to them ;...other people's cash.
They are not interested in bettering themselves, they just want you to be poor too. They don't want equal opportunity, they want equal outcomes.
This is why they support public unions and Democrats. They know these organizations are the biggest redistributors of wealth there is. This is communism , pure and simple. If you believe everyone should be forced ,by government, to give up their wealth to other people, out of some twisted sense of fairness, I have a suggestion for you. Leave. Venezuela, Cuba, or Greece will gladly take you into their crumbling , socialist countries where you can live in poverty , like the rest of their socialist supporting citizens
Move to these countries and be equal . Equally poor, that is.
As a working individual, in a free market , capitalist, country, let me make one thing perfectly clear;.....the money

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Evil Among Us

Qaddafi is dead. The Libyan people are finally free of this murdering dictator. But, the question is; can they keep this freedom?They can, but only if they accept that freedom comes with a price; must be willing to die for it. They have shown that willingness . The rebels seemed destined to lose initially, hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned by the forces of Qaddafi. But , with the help of President Obama's drone strikes and our NATO support , they have seized the initiative and brought down the tyrant.
However, freedom requires something more , an ability to recognize evil, and the resolve to destroy it. The Libyan people must never forget the one thing that defines evil above all other things , and that is simply this; ..evil wants what belongs to other people. . this can be money, as in the case of the Wall Street protestors and the Marxism they promote, or people's lives , as demonstrated by Tyrants and Dictators who believe that the citizens they rule over are mearly slaves, whose lives , property and money , all belong to them.
Evil is entitlement, pure and simple. If you believe that you're entitled to what is clearly the property of another human being, regardless of what it is, you are , in essence; ..evil.
"Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Goods".This is one of the Ten Commandments set down in stone by the finger of God and given to Moses .There's good reason why this is included in the Ten.Coveting other people's lives , property , or fortune is the root of evil. It's where it all starts , and grows from .
As Greece burns and the Wall Street protestors grow more violent, we must realize that its all been caused by this one concept;.....Entitlement.
To stamp out evil, to end the reign of dictators like Qaddafi , Hussein , or Ahmadenejad, or to end the growing violence occuring at the Wall Street protests, we must be able to identify the enemy, and it's goal.
Freedom is at stake . Entitlement must be stopped.
My life is my own.
My money is my own .
My family is my own.
Myproperty is my own .
And, my soul is my own.
By the will of God, we were created to be free . What God has decreed, let no man put asunder, or they will suffer the fate of all tyrants . As President Bush said ," sooner or later, justice will be served".

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Invasion of the Puppet People

Are the Wall Street protestors the liberal version of the Tea Party? No. The Tea Party has a solid plan , a purpose, and a pro-capitalism agenda. The protestors want one thing; other people's money . The Tea Party wants their own money , and an economy that allows them to earn it, and keep it. Tea Party members show up for free. Wall Street protestors are there for freebies ; free booze, free cigarettes , and the money they're paid to be there , funded by and SEIU. Tea Party rallies have had zero, I repeat , zero  arrests . Wall Street protestors have been arrested by the hundreds and have even defecated on a police car . Tea Party rallies haven't even left behind one scrap of trash on the ground , and have had no incidents of violence whatsoever .
Those   puppets that stagger through the streets for George Soros' eleven dollars a day and freebies may be mindless , but those behind them do have a purpose to this movement , namely, collapse the economy, and strengthen their political position by doing so. This is what all communist leaders do. The Tea Party purpose , on the other hand , is simple; cut taxes to the bone for all Americans, and then get the hell out of the way, and let the rulers of this country , namely us, get on with the business of preserving the greatest free market , and greatest country ever to exist on earth.
On second thought , the protestors themselves do have a purpose;..they want stuff for free , and have been instructed by to continue their attack on Wall Street , in return for these freebies. Wall Street , you see, is evil , and has been stealing money that should , rightfully , be given to the protestors , or so they've been told. Actually, this is partially right. , but for the wrong reasons. Wall Street is guilty , but not of corporate greed , but of being in the governments pocket. You see, Wall Street cannot fail, because the government insures that our tax dollars will bail them out, and prevent this failure . This is the root of the Wall Street problem.
Any business , that is not allowed to fail ;...cannot suceed, since risk and competition breeds quality and integrity . Security breeds only contempt and incompetance. The puppets who wander our streets like homeless waifs, need to wake up and recognize the real enemy , the Democrat government that backs Wall Street , and the President , that is the puppetmaster behind this invasion that has been orchestrated for one purpose; get him re-elected.Yes, ultimately, the only job the President is trying to save , is his own.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Nebula Children

Does the President support the Wall Street protestors?Of course, or , at least , he supports the purpose behind it. So what is that purpose? There is none, at least according to those that are interviewed while they block traffic and defecate on Police cars. They claim to want jobs , but want to punish corporations that create jobs . Let's face it, they don't want jobs,  they just want the money that people with jobs have.
Apparently, evil corporations are good enough to supply them with I Pods  designer jeans , and a place to pee, but not good enough to be a job source. What mind -numbing logic. So, why would they continue this long with this meaningless protest? Answer; ...they are being paid to . The real purpose is to demonize the rich , blame them for the economic collapse, and get Obama re-elected. And the funding for this campaign strategy is from the usualk suspects;..Michael Moore, SEIU,and George Soros , of All capitalists to the max, who pretend to be socialists for profit.The question is ; why would any organization or individual , who makes his cash in our free market , devote so much time and money to collapsing that market? Because , these individuals envision a government controlled free market , which will leave most businesses and corporations working for the government, the Obama government, they hope, which will, in turn , funnel taxpayer cash right into their hands . Crony capitalism is their ultimate goal, and the American people must be broght to realize that , they don't work for themselves , but for the government , the unions Michael Moore, and George Soros , who , by the way , became a multi-billionaire collapsing economies around the world.
But, to accomplish this on the United States economy, one thing must occur . Obama must be re-elected , and demonizing the wealthy is the only card the liberal Democrats have left to play , and their plyers are the nebulous , lost children , who gather and protest , for the right to other people's money , and a more sinister purpose , that they will never comprehend.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The War of the Drones

Will Sarah Palin enter the Presidential race? Will Rick Perry overcome his weakness on Border security? Is Newt Gingrich the right choice , despite his baggage from the past? Are Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain the true, hardcore conservative choices for nomination?
The Answer to these questions;..matters little. What does matter is simply this;  Any time , when you, as a working American , have been able to keep more of the money you earn , Republicans have been in charge.
Any time the economy has been booming;...Republicans have been in charge. Republicans let you keep more of the money you earn . Democrats do not. Vote Conservative . Vote Republican . Keep more of your hard earned cash, and our nation will prosper. We must end Obama's reign , and elect the most conservative Republican , the one candidate that will let you keep the money you earn in our free market , pure and simple.
But, what of President Obama? He has already lost his Presidency in a landslide, since no one can win a second term on a campaign of raising taxes during a bleak , recession riddled economy. We know he's already lost . All that remains now is this one question ;..what will be Barack Hussein Obama's final legacy? Answer;  The War on Terror. Ironically, the man who , as a Senator, opposed all things Bush , including his anti -terror agenda, has now , in ,many repects, implemented them overseas as effectively as Bush-Cheney. The reason? Predator Drones. President Obama has taken these specialized weapons and made them the center of his war on terror. His drone strikes have paid bid dividends, including killing terror leader Anwar Al-Awalaki, and other key Al-Queda members.
Like him or hate him for his socialist domestic agenda, the President has effectively continued the Bush terror agenda and has added his own touches , such as a hit and run mission against Libya, that proved effective in helping the rebels dethrone Quaddafi while keeping American casualties at a minimum. But, it's Obama's war of the Drones that has reaped the most dividends , keeping the terrorists on the run , and under the constant threat of this unstoppable , mechanized , death from above. Obama's drone war has demoralized Al-Queda , taking away the human element of armed conflict that 's part of the pride and ego of the Arab mentality , and reducing it to cold , hard , systematic elimination of Al-Queda leaders , with pin-point precision , with no human troops for Al-Queda to retaliate against. Targeted for Termination , indded.
However, President Obama's sucess in the war has a bitter , ironic , twist to it. As Senator Obama , he had campaigned for President by becoming , in the eyes of the left, the Anti-Bush. The man who would end the war on terror, close Gitmo Bay, and bring the troops home .Now, as a President under seige, in mortal danger of losing re-election , his only viable campaign strategy will be the Bush Doctrine, that he so opposed once upon a time.The doctrine he now enthusiastically embraces and cling to , as a means of saving his Presidency. Yes how ironic that President Obama's re-election hopes now ride on another President's war strategy , and of course , his own war of the drones.
Who knows? Perhaps this is the war that Obama , the socialist visionary, sees in our future. A mechanized war of Predator Drones , no soldiers needed , which will enable the President to implement the one government spending cut he embraces;.....the Military.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"I Am Legion, For We Are Many"

Jesus once healed a man, by casting out the demon in him. Before he did so, he asked of the demon his name."I am Legion, for we are many", was the reply. That has always been evil's great trump card that it holds over good, it usually operates in groups , whether its Al Queda, The Taliban , or even public unions .
We must follow evil's example, and unite . On stage last Thursday night, nine candidates for the office of President , once again bickered and sniped at each other like children , choosing to attack the things that divide them , rather than remembering the things that unite them.
Newt Gingrich is right . The Republicans running for the office of President must not forget their main goal, their mission , which is simply to end the reign of Barack Obama as President of the United States. This is the purpose of these debates, not to snipe at each others flaws , but to remind each other of the common values that unite them ; values that are rooted in the Constitution , values that make us the greatest nation on earth . Here's on simple truth ; all those on that stage thursday night are good , conservative , Republicans , of greater , and lesser degrees. All of them have their flaws , their weaknesses. None of them are perfect . No one is.
However, the reality is this; All of them would make far better Presidents than Barack Obama.
Listen to Newt Gingrich , fellow candidates. This man is the only one on that stage that has taken our nation at a time of deficit, and, as Speaker of the House under Clinton, turned it into a surplus. He did it His contract for America worked, saved the country, saved our economy , and, especially, saved the Clinton Presidency that was sinking faster than even Obama's . He knows how to do it. Tax cuts for all did it. Welfare reform did it. Listen to this man , fellow candidates. Your records, not your words , will determine which of you becomes President. We elected a President on words before . This is the result. Stay united in your mission to defeat this socialist that believes in taking money from those that earn it, and giving it to those that don't.
Around the globe right now, we are seeing evil in a united front , and it's spreading across Europe rapidly. That evil is socialism.We must not follow them down this path . Stay united , fellow conservatives. We , also, are Legion , for we , also, are many. And, we have the weapon that gives us the edge . We have the truth . 

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Infinity War

On this, the ten year anniversary of 9-11, we mourn the loved ones and heroes that we lost, even as we celebrate the unbreakable will, determination , and resolve of the American people that has kept Al-Queda and the Taliban on the run and on the defensive ever since.
One question still remains;...did we do it right?Have we been sucessful in our war on terror? The answer is a resounding yes. When President Bush stood on that mountain of rubble , megaphone in hand, he stated , quite clearly, that, "those who knocked down these buildings will hear all of us very soon".They did hear us , and the world is the better for it. President Bush made it quite clear that those who are not with us, are against us. That included Saddam Hussein , dictator of Iraq, and his two evil sons , Uday and Qusay. Enough of this nonsense that Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11. He had everything to do with it , because he was a sponsor of terror . He paid and trained terrorist recruits in Iraq. Like Bin Laden , he was an essential money source for Al-Queda and even provided medical care for wounded terrorists.
Also, he had weapons of mass destruction . He used them on his own people , and he had the materials to make more very quickly , if needed. We destroyed him and his mass murdering , child raping sons, and it was absolutely the right thing to do at absolutely the right time. Mission Accomplished. The Taliban is gone from Afghanistan , and we have captured or killed most of the terror leaders , and prevented most attempted terror attacks on our soil since 9-11. And, best of all, thanks to the anti-terror programs put in place by Bush-Cheney, and the continuation of  these policies by our current President, Barack Obama, we have killed terror leader and sponsor Osama Bin Laden , and under President Bush, captured Kalid Sheik Muhammed , the true mastermind of the 9-11 attacks.
We must never forget , our people were massacred because of our Judeo-Christian beliefs , and the freedom we embrace. They sought to destroy our resolve.
They sought to break our will .
They have failed , miserably.
We have triumphed .Mission Accomplished . Yes the battle was won. But, the war must, go on . For, as long as evil endures , we also, as a Nation , must endure.
This is our purpose.
This is our mission .
This is our freedom.
This, America.
And, for those that still embrace conspiracy theories regarding 9-11, and blame Pres.Bush and Vice-President Cheney ; saying Iraq was a war for oil, and that those men knew there were no weapons of mass destruction , and say the Pentagon was actually hit by a missile , let me be clear , you poor ignorant fools. You are pissed because we beat you last November , and we are gonna beat you again this November, another Tea Party victory for you to choke on.You , the left , are angry because your President has failed , and i, in the midst of his failure has finally embraced the Bush terror doctrine , and killed Bin Laden using it. Total surrender. But if it makes you on the left , like Washington post columnist Paul Krugman feel better, your analysis of our war on terror, and your hatred of our country are the exact same opinions that Iran President , Mamoud Ahmadenejad has about our country.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Anti- Bush Maneuver

Is Rick Perry Dumb?Questioning a someone's intelligence seems to be a common tactic for the left  against Conservative Republican candidates that truly put the fear of God in them. But, shouldn't their question really be;"Is Barack Hussein Obama dumb?" After all, if I had a question about Palin , Romney , Bachmann, or Perry 's intelligence, I would simply look up their school grades , which are available to the public.
But what about Obama? This is a man who has been touted by the left as the Anti-Bush , the thinking man's President, yet, after three years in office , Obama's grades are still a mystery, still unreleased, still unavailable to the public , still unknown. Why? There can only be one reason . His grades are bad. After all, if his college record was something to be proud of , he would release his grades immediately. And, maybe even tape a copy on his Whitehouse refrigerator door, you know, just to showc his family how proud he is of his work.
But, three and a half years have past, and the grades remain hidden . There is a deeper reason for this , and that reason is President George W. Bush . Think about it. Obama would'nt be the first President with subpar grades, so why conceal them to this degree? The reason is clear;....President George W. Bush 's grades must have been superior to his. And, the left, instinctively, knows it. Obama's grades will never, never, be released, for the reality of finally seeing proof of Bush's greater intelligence would be more than the left , or Obama could bear. Yet, it does seem to be the only explanation. George W. Bush, called a moron for eight years by the left , has better college grades than the anti-Bush intellectual , Barack Hussein Obama. What greater victory could the Tea Party hope to achieve?
However, the left will never allow this victory, never allow our President's grades to be compared with the President Bush's . No matter . I'll just settle for the inevitable viictory in November , when another "Dumb" Conservative Republican takes back the White House from the "intellectual " liberal socialist that's currently bankrupting our country. Union Leader Jimmy Hoffa Jr. better get ready , because those "sons of bitches" in the Tea Party are GONNA WIN AGAIN , AND WILL TAKE BACK THE COUNTRY from those in public unions that survive off of tax payer's money, and use that money to keep the incompetent employed and voting for Democrats, who then , make sure that corrupt unions stay in power.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

City on the Edge of Oblivion

Wherein Doth Freedom Lie? Certainly not in Philadelphia. Even as Governor Corbett rams home the passing of the Castle Doctrine for the State of Pennsylvania ; the City of Philadelphia still suffers under the stigma of drive by shootings, random street assaults , and women being attacked in public , simply because they dare to wear skimpy clothing.
Philadelphia , it's wake up time.
You have driven homeowners and businesses out of your city , leaving many neighborhoods in the grip of drug gangs that, essentially, now control your city . The solution?Guns, of course . Guns , in the hands of the citizens that have an obligation and duty to protect their lives , property , and families ,from those that will always be the enemies of freedom.
A city that's willing to exercise it's 2nd Amendment rights to defend itself is a city that is family friendly, business friendly, and , most importantly, Conservative Republican friendly. Cut taxes , arm your citizens , and prosperity will reign. Raise taxes , and continue with your pathetic gun roundups that disarm citizens and leave them unwilling , and unable to defend themselves , and their families , and you will continue to be a city that, essentially, is nothing more than a Penal Colony, where the inmates truly do rule the Asylum . The city where freedom was born seems to now have amnesia . It 's forgotton the price that must be paid for that freedom .
Remember, Philadelphia , if you are unwilling to defend that freedom , you wiil not have it very long . And, to the Rino Republicans like councilman David Oh who mearly fill space in the Philly political scene ; it's time to stop promoting your padded military records and promote the 2nd Amendment , without which, we would have no freedom .
If Philadelphia Patriot Joey Vento were still with us , I'm sure he would agree.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Ultimate Machine

If there existed a device , an ultimate machine , if you will, that could calculate the outcome of any contest , any event, by sheer mathematical reality; who would it say won the Republican debate the other night? That's easy. Newt Gingrich, with Michelle Bachmann coming in a close second. The reason? Everything that all the candidates are talking about doing, to turn Washington around, and save our economy , our free market, and our country; Newt has actually done.
President Clinton was going under quickly, with the same socialist policies that Obama embraces ; until Newt became Speaker of the House , and the Republicans took control of the House and Senate , for the first time in many years. Speaker Gingrich and the Republicans cut taxes , cut spending , passed Welfare Reform , and saved our country from bankruptcy. Prosperity reigned. All on a Liberal Democrat President's watch. Newt actually did what all the otheres on stage Thursday night were only talking about doing. Therefore, he could do it again ; using the same methods he used before. He has job experience , not just in ideas and beliefs , but in actual accomplished Legislation.
Michelle Bachmann , would be the ultimate machines second choice . Why? Because , she also has been in the arena of practical Washington experience, and has proposed and stood strong on pure conservative legislation that would cut taxes , cut spending and, most importantly , end Obamacare. Although , as Tim Pawlenty pointed out , she did not actually accomplish passed legislation , she never varied , never waivered , never cut deals , , and never compromised her beliefs. She knows that Democrats must be defeated , not negotiated with . Congresswoman Bachmann was unfortunately outnumbered in Congress before last November's big Republican sweep , and that is the only reason she , technically , accomplished nothing .
The otheres are eliminated simply because they have waivered on issues , made deals with Democrats ,. or they have no Washington experience; being ex-Governors, or local State officials, or corporate Pizza moguls. Ron Paul and John Huntsman are, unfortunately, flawed for different reasons , that make both oif them unelectable. Paul is a military hating , isolationist, who would choose to defund the military , end our war on terror, and leave us clueless and vulnerable , to enemies determined to destroy us . Huntsman is , at best, a Rino, and at worst, a liberal Democrat . His record as Governor speaks for itself ; and proves his true colors. Santorum is a strong conservative , but inflexible on rape and incest issues regarding abortion . This will always hurt him in any election. Herman Cain is also a strong conservative , with business experience and an instinctive grasp of how thr free market operates , but his lack of knowledge of foreign affair issues regarding the war on terror, seems strange for a man running for the office of commander in chief of the armed forces.
However,the Ultimate Machine would probably throw out these results now that Rick Perry has entered the race . Gingrich and Bachmann are good , Perry is better , for one reason. In a country with a shattered economy , his State , Texas , has a booming economy ; the result of his low taxes and oil drilling. Also, he has a strong pro Second Amendment stance , and strong Christian values that create a state that is business and family friendly , always helpful to an economy.
The Ultimate machine result? Perry reigns supreme , with Newt and Bachmann 2nd and 3rd. Governor Perry has accomplished the impossible , an island of free market prosperity , surrounded by a crumbling , socialist , leaning country . His Texas  is an oasis of conservatism , that will spread , once he becomes President , that is .
One final question remains ; what is the ULTIMATE MACHINE? It's the American People . Us. The single greatest force of self government , liberty , and freedom , ever to exist on earth. And , for that Ultimate Force, the choice will always be, not in individual candidates , but in the princilples of conservatism that founded our nation.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

To Destroy the Republic!

Vice- President Joe Biden called the Tea Party members , "Terrorists".We are. And, we intend to prove it. ; by terrorizing the Democrats into defeat , again.
The Debt Limit Deal that was reached is, actually, no deal at all, since there is no debt limit. It's a made up concept, that is nothing more than a vehicle for accomplishing the one thing that the President has wanted since the day he took office;....higher taxes . That's all this so-called debt limit is, all it ever was ; raise the debt limit, taxes must go up ,....guaranteed.
There will be no spending cuts . There will also be no tax cuts ; if the debt ceiling increase is passed in the Senate.
Tax reform , and permanent tax cuts for corporations and all Americans are the only ways to force gov't spending reductions and grow the economy. It's time to declare 'Jihad", on the Democrats who feel "entitled " to as much taxpayer money as they can steal.
No Debt Increase.
No Tax Increase.
Tax Cuts for All Americans.
Do this, and spending cuts will be forced upon Washington.
Fail to do this; and spending and taxes are going up; guaranteed.
This is one battle that the "terrorists "must win for America, and more importantly, for the Republic. You see , this isn't really a battle over Debt Increases , or Spending Cuts; no, this is a battle to preserve what our founding fathers created; a system of self -government , self-rule , history's first true Republic. Continued tax increases on private citizens of our nation will surely destroy what our founders put in place , and force our citizens to work , not for personal profit , but to support an over-inflated , socialist style government , that no longer obeys the will of the people.
No one summed up the meaning and importance of the word, "Republic " , better than Actor John Wayne as Davy Crockett , in the film ; "The Alamo".
"Republic. I like the sound of the word . It means people can live free, talk free, go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober , however they choose . Some words give you a feeling ; "Republic" is one of those words that makes me tight in the throat , the same tightness a man gets when his baby takes his first step , or when his first baby shaves , or makes his first sound like a man . Some words can give you a feeling that makes your heart warm ;"Republic" is one of those words". And later in the film , "There's right and wrong. You do one or the other". "Do the one, and you're living"."Do the other , and you may be walking around, but inside , you're as dead as a beaver hat". Wayne was right .There is only right , and wrong. It's time for us to do "right ", cut taxes for all Americans PERMANENTLY, and save the "Republic ", from destruction.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Conjurer's Curse

House Speaker John Boehner says that President Obama doesn't have a plan. He is wrong. He does have a plan . But , it doesn't involve the Debt ceiling , the Budget , or spending cuts. It's the same plan that he 's had , since day one of his Presidency . Raise taxes . Increase spending . Collapse the economy. Then , rebuild it , as the socialist based utopia that he has always envisioned.
The President refuses to put forth a budget plan because he has no budget plan , and will never have one . A budget is the last thing on his agenda . However, the debt ceiling is on his agenda . He knows he must raise it . Not to prevent default. Default will never happen , simply because it can't. The gov't. takes in 800 billion per month in taxes . More than enough to pay off anything that needs to be paid off . Besides , the debt limit discussions are unnecessary , since the debt limit does not really exist . It's an illusion , a mirage created by Washington , to promote a false crises ; a crises looming about to bring destruction to the economy of our country . A crises that can only be solved ; raising taxes . That is the only purpose of this fraud called "Debt Ceiling".And we , the American people , are the ones being hoodwinked by these so-called , 'Debt Debates'.
The bottom line is this; Washington will never cut spending ;...ever.
The Debt Ceiling is irrelevant and we will never default; since our economy runs the entire world's economy. Without the United States free market , the world's economy would collapse completely, and believe me, all these other countries know it.
The only thing that means anything in these debates , the only thing that will work , the only thing that ever works , to create a prosperous , booming economy ; tax cuts for all Americans . Let Americans keep more of the money they earn , and the free market prospers . That's it . nothing more needs to be said. Cut taxes permanently , force Obama to use the money that he still has from the stimulus to pay off our debt , ,the money he intended to use for re-election. All Boehner and Cantor need to do in these negotiations is to prevent tax increases by the President at all costs ; introduce a new permanent tax structure , which will force the gov't . to work within a set budget , and then , Boehner , Cantor , and Ryan can sit back , relax , and wait . Wait for 2012 , when the mirage of debt finally evaporates in the light of reality . The illusion of being broke evaporates , as the conjurer of this mirage , and his conjurer's curse ,; ends finally as he is defeated in his bid for re-election , for President of the United States , by someone who , no doubt will understand that 'We the People run this government , and , all the money , belongs to us.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Perfect Fighting Machine

The difference between Republican and Democrat is fairly easy to define. Forget the  political ideology of following the Constitution , or socialist leanings. The real difference in nuts and bolts reality is simply this ; Republicans cut taxes . Democrats raise taxes . That's it , pure and simple . Both parties are addicted to spending , both have scandals , both have flip-flopped on issues that should clearly define them . Tax cuts are it . A democrat , left to his own devices , will never , never, never, cut taxes , or spending , for that matter . History has proven this. Kennedy was the last Democrat President to actually cut taxes across the board , of his own violition , across the board , and prosperity reigned during his time in office  because of it.
But, that was a different time , and Kennedy , if he ran today, could not be a Democrat . The party would reject him for his strong military support , and , of course , those tax cuts. Clinton was forced to cut , by Newt Gingrich , and a Republican majority House and Senate. So, his prosperity during his reign , was not his doing at all, despite what liberals would like to believe . So, if tax cuts define the essential difference between the parties , what then , defines the difference between Republican , and ;.......Conservative?Many Republicans are not conservative , but , all Conservatives are Republican , or at least vote tht way . How then, do we define , in basic nuts and bolts terms again , the difference between people that, on the surface , believe in the same principles and should then , be the same. Shouldn't they?No. There is actually a very important differnce , and that difference is what formulated our victory last November.
While Republican and Conservative believe in the same Constitutional principles that founded our country , a Conservative does more than mearly believe in these principles of freedom. A Conservative lives them . Every day. And, a true conservative will never compromise those principles . To a true conservative , they are written in stone. No compromise of them with Democrats for political gain is possible ; in their world . No compromise .No surrender . This is how we won our freedom ; how America was born . This is how we won in November. This is how we must deal with the debt debates with the President ; no compromise , no raising of taxes , no raising of the debt ceiling . Force the Senate to vote against our budget proposals .
So far, Republicans have stood strong on the tax issue . But, the debt ceiling must remain untouched as well You cannot make deals with Democrats . They will never follow through on their end . Look what happened with Pres. Reagan';s "deal"  with Democrat House leader Tip O'Neil.Reagan agreed to raise taxes , and Tip agreed to cut speding . Tip did not cut spending . Reagan learned from this, finally cut taxes , as he originally planned , and prosperity reigned. As a Conservative , you know that you must simply defeat Democrats, and force them to your plan , your will ,the will of constitutional gov't. , by the people and for the people .
Presidential Candidate Michelle Bachmann understands this, and has remained unflinching on both taxes and debt , and , I am confident she will remain so. . Even if Boener and Cantor weaken , she will not . Why?Because she is the purest form of political animal, the perfect political fighting machine , that , by it's nature ,. cannot be defeated , since truth is it's main weapon . She is a Constitutional Conservative . She lives the principles that founded our country . She is relentless , unstoppable unbending , unbreakable , indestructable. And, she stands a very good chance of being our next President of the United States .Once done, she will repeal Obamacare. She will cut taxes , which , of course, is the only true way to economic prosperity;  Despite meaningless debt ceiling debates . If taxes are tax , including corporate gains taxes, and Obamacare, businesses can make more money . Then , they can hire more employees. This will create more taxpayers , which , of course , creates more revenue to the government. It's as simple as that. And, all done without raising taxes . Consevatives undertand this, and Michelle Bachmann , the leader right now of their party , says what she will do, and yes, will do what she says.
And that, my friends , is the difference between a mere Republican , and , the perfect political fighting machine ;Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann , Presidential candidate, and proud conservative, who dares to live her principles .

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Usurper's of the Throne

What is the purpose behind the Debt Ceiling meeting tonight between House Leaders and the President?From the President's point of view, the purpose is clear; actually, it's been his only purpose , his only mission , since taking the office ; raising taxes. Why? After collapsing the economy by entitlements for almost three years , and putting unemployment at 9.2%,why in God's name would he think raising taxes would be the answer to our problems?Because , President Obama is a Socialist and a Marxist, and completely destroying the economy through taxes is the first step to Obama's two part plan to  establish a socialist government , right here , in America.
Is he doing this on purpose? Yes, because he feels this is the way. Socialism and Marxism  work , and just need to be implemented here , in the U.S. , and then, it will work all over the world too. This is truly what Obama  and the liberal left, believe , and heavy taxes  in a struggling economy , are the 1st step .The second step? Well, that has been implemented by Attorney General Eric Holder , at the Mexican Border . The so-called, 'Fast and Furious "agenda , that urged gun dealers to sell to Mexican drug cartels , so that the weapons could then be traced back to the Drug gang leaders , was an abysmal failure . Or, was it? No effort was apparently made to actually track these weapon purchases , leaving the Mexican drug gangs well armed and several ATF agents dead , at  their well armed hands. Hands that were armed by our Attorney General.
The true purpose of"Fast and Furious " is clear . It was not designed to destroy Drug Lords , but to destroy the 2nd Amendment , and the organization that supports it , the National Rifle Association . This, you see, is the second part of any government plan to introduce socialism to a nation ; you must take away the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms freely. Once done, the final step to take away freedom has been implemented . For , you see, a free people that cannot defend that freedom against possible government tyranny will not remain free for long. Demonizing gun dealers would lead to more restrictions on them , more regulations , and yes , ultimately, more taxes on their businesses. Which would eventually put them out of business, and make guns far too expensive for the common man to own . Plus new security restrictions would make it difficult to own a weapon anyway.
This is the two part plan . The Obama plan that was always intended , and the plan that, now , with Obama's stance on taxes , and the border scandal , has been fully exposed , for what it is; an attempted socialist coup . But unfortunately, for the President , his time to implement such things is almost up . 2012 rapidly approaches , and with it , no doubt, a new Republican President.
But, it's possible that, long before this happens , the ATF scandal may wind up being Obama's Watergate . A scandal could get Eric Holder fired , and possibly arrested , and , when traced back to the President himself, may lead to his impeachment , long before he needs to worry about the looming presence of Sarah Palin , or the other Tea Party candidates , that are poised and ready, to usurp his throne , and return his power to it's rightful owners , namely, the People of the United States of America.  

Monday, July 4, 2011

This Miracle ; This America

There are those that say God does not exist. That there are no miracles . They are wrong. There are miracles . We are living in one. It's called America. Think about it. Since the dawn of time, there has never , never , never, been any place , any area of the earth , where men truly lived free. Self-governed, self-ruled , with no King Queen , Dictator , or tyrant , ruling over them .
It has never happened . Anywhere. Until , the true birth of freedom occured, when a small group of colonists from England declared themselves free , and founded the United States of America. This was over two hundred years ago . And yet, it has never been duplicated since , in any other Nation on earth , and it probably never will . That, my friends , is a miracle . That is the very definition of a miracle . Our founding fathers decided that , man must live free , as God intended , as he created us to be . They decided that a man who is not free , will wither and die . Without the risk , and the challenge that self-rule creates . They understood that it is our nature to be free , and that it was time for someone to stand up and say; "I will live this way , free , as God and nature intended , or I will die trying . Why did it work this time, when it never worked before ?Or since?
Because of Faith. A deep seated faith in the Judeo Christian values that formed the basis for our Constitution . A belief that, our true strength comes not from within ourselves , but from God himself.
This Fourth of July , we should remember this. Remember the miracle that occured in 1776. Remember that this great experiment in self-government has never been duplicated since . We must remember this always , for , when we forget , when we start to take what we have as Americans for granted ; ...that's when it could be taken from us, by enemies of freedom , boyh foreign , and domestic . And , make no mistake , once it's gone , once this , "shining city on a hill" , as President Reagan called it; is no more , because of our neglect and apathy, rest assured , it 's most likely that it will never , never , never , occur again . And , once gone , the Earth itself ; ...will be a very dark place indeed , for a very , very , long time.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Kingdom of the Blind

President Obama has finally figured it out. The missing piece of the puzzle has finally been revealed to him . The reason for the failure of the Stimulus ,TARP, Obamacare, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, Cash for Clunkers , The Clean Energy Agenda, and the Global Warming scare, is simply this; we need to "invest" more money in all these items. But, if the country is broke, and in deep debt, where is this money to come from?Why, the Military, of course. You see, Obama now realizes that if we weren't wasting all those tax dollars on funding the military and paying for wars , we would have plenty of cash to ,"fundamentally transform", America here at home.
This was the jist of the President's Address to the Nation the other night. The troops will be brought home . We will withdraw from Afghanistan , despite the protests from Obama's Generals on the ground. This withdraw is not because we have won the war , or secured Afghanistan for Democracy. No, the reason is simply this; the only thing that Obama , as President , is good at , is spending tax dollars on mostly non-existent entitlement programs . When he's in political trouble , the only thing he can think to do to save himself is ,......... spend even more tax dollars. A defunding of the war on terror and cutbacks in military spending in general , will accomplish this , or so Obama thinks. The President, like all liberals has fallen back on the left's oldest trick in the book to save themselves in times of Democrat created , economic dsaster ;....cut military spending, and end all wars  that are simply too expensive to wage.
To do this, towards one clear , concise , self-destructive end;...To increase entitlement programs and spending , and to strengthen the Democrat voting base . There is, however, one other effect this action will have . It will weaken the Nation's security , which is the foundation of our freedom , and also the only entitlement program that our tax dollars , according to the Constitution , should be spent on .
Without the military, there is no freedom. Without freedom , there is no America. Without America, the Democrats , no matter how many elections our tax doillars secure, will be the rulers of a Desert Kingdom. A Kingdom of the Blind, , who traded their liberty and freedom for a few crusts of government bread .

Monday, June 20, 2011

To Contemplate;..... Defeat!

Has the President admitted defeat?Perhaps not yet , but comments about jobs not being "shovel ready" , and hints at the possibility of being a one term President show him to be at least contemplating it.
He knows now . He knows that, all his plans , all his dreams of a new America , where clean energy reigns and the rich corporate owners fund virtually everything is simply impossible.Socialism may reign in other nations , but can never even begin to suceed here , despite the many Americans who are ready, willing , and able to sit on their butts and live off the money of those that earn it You see, we were born into freedom , even the liberal left in the country.And when push comes to shove, the American people will simply rebel against socialist programs that take money from those that earn it, and give it to those that do not.
The bottom line is this; Obama now realizes the one fatal flaw in his dream , the constitution . Without a government system that oppresses its citizens by government controlled military force. Witthout a totalitarian system of government , where the citizens are subjugated to the whims of a dictator , there can be no socialist utopia for Obama. You see, we Americans have a system of self-goverment , self -rule, We are the government . Washington is mearely our employees that we send there to represent us. We are unique as a country because of this . We are the first nation to truly claim a citizen run government where the people are truly free. How then , can Obamacare exist? How can green Energy ?How can any of Obama's plans possibly work in our country? They can't . For one simple reason ; In a socialist , Marxist , government , the people , as a collective , are valued above all else.
In America, it is the individual that is valued and the individual right of self-rule that is the cornerstone of our nation's greatness. The self-sufficient, self-sustained individual made this country. Self-Reliance is the quality that defines us as Americans. How then  could a system that makes the individual but one out of many dependent on the government for survival , ever exist here now, and in the hearts of Americans?
Answer; it can't. And, Pres. Obama knows it. Shovel-Ready doesn't exist.
Obamacare doesn't exist
Green energy doesn't exist.
Social Security doesn't exist .
Medicare , Medicaid, and Global Warming do not exist.
Except, as Taxes, that is. Ever increasing taxes on hard working individuals ; taxes that are used to support those that will not support themselves . Taxes that, are used , ultimately , to assure future votes for Obama and the Democrats that have taken your money , and given it to those that will vote for the President , who , is finally revealed as nothing more than a tax grabber , a tax increaser , whose only accomplishment , at the end of his one term Presidency, will be that he increased taxes for political gain, in the form of votes. Votes that will keep Democrats in office. Votes that will , ultimately , keep Barack Obama's dream of a socialiost utopia alive.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Destiny's Child

Once upon a time, a girl named Sarah , went on a journey to find America , and instead, she found herself; ..and her destiny.
But , what of the rest of destiny's children? What of the other Republican candidates for 2012?Newt Gingrich has self -destructed. His Achilles heel has been revealed, over-weening pride, and, despite being the smartest man in politics , his lack of horse sense and campaign strategy shall always be his downfall. Mitt Romney is a Rino, like John McCain . He opposes Obamacare , yet, when Governor of the most liberal State in the Nation, he had it's statewide equivilent; Romneycare. That combined with a flip-flop on abortion rights and a strong belief in the left's Global Warming agenda , and you have another McCain, ready to fall beneath the indifference of independent voters .
Bachmann and Palenty , are both strong conservatives , but , seem to lack the name recognition . Although , with Bachmann , that may change soon , since her personality and strong stance against the raising of the debt ceiling and Obamacare , has been , from the beginning , loud , passionate , relentless , and unwaivering. Palenty may lack fire , personality , and energy, but Bachmann is a virtual Howling Banshee of conservative values , and , possibly, a very strong contender in the Republican Primaries. Texas Governor Rick Perry , now contemplating a run , may prove to be the most viable contender of all. He is Governor of the most sucessful , most prosperous , State in the Nation , and despite a weak stance on immigration reform , a very strong , pro 2nd Amendment , Texas style conservative , who has the experience and sucessful Governorship in his resume to make an extremely good President , if he decides to run.
But, what of Sarah?Her bus tour of America has done it's job , sending the liberal press into a mass panic , as they try to cover her every move , exposing their hatred and mocking contempt for her as mearly a ruse , designed to conceal their fear of her.
Fear, that is rooted in the grim reality that , if Sarah Palin runs for President ;...she will win . She is the pure conservative, and, conservatism is truth , and , truth ; ....always , in the end , wins. So, as Sarah continues her cross country American Odyssey; the question that remains is, what is she seeking? A deeper understanding of America , or perhaps she seeks an even greater truth , a deeper understanding of herself , and her destiny. Hers, ours, , .....and America's.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Pilgrimage ,....and the Purpose

What is the meaning behind the Sarah Palin Bus Tour? To reconnect with America? To prepare for a Presidential run? Nope. The purpose is to mock the Liberal Left. For years now, since Sarah burst onto the scene as John Mc Cain's ruunning mate , the Liberal media has had but one mission; to destroy her. Now, with the 2012 Presidential election looming closer , the personal attacks on Palin have increased , and the coverage of her , in print and on television , has drastically expanded. The Liberal media claims Palin's poll numbers are low , she lacks intelligence, , and is simply a non-issue in future Republican Primaries. And, worst of all, Sarah Palin has commited the most unforgivable of sins;.... she just isn't a very interesting media personality anymore.
The Palin pilgrimage , however, has proven all these issues , to be untrue. As Sarah moves from State to State , the press has fallen all over itself , trying to cover her movements on a 24-7 schedule , CNN in particular. Strange behavior , since the media has such supposed disinterest and disdain for her. Why can't they leave her alone? Why do people that regard her as nothing more than a joke, still devote so much air time and print media to covering her?
Because, ....they fear her. Sarah Palin represents the one thing that the left despises above all others, ...the truth. The former Governor is a pure Conservative, her own creation , a natural , unpretentious, human being, and, she couldn't care less what the media thinks of her. She believes in the founding principles of our Nation ; self -government , self-rule, low taxes , strong military , and free market solutions to economic problems . In other words , she believes in everything that the left , does not believe in . So, yes , they will continue to mock her , follow her , and watch her every move on this bus tour, with ever increasing apprehension , and yes , fear, because , deep down , they know that , if she runs ; ....she will win.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sentinels of the Shining City

We were created by God, to be free. To be self-governed , self-ruled, and live, work , and worship as we please . Why then , has man suffered under dictatorships and tyranny for countless centuries down through the ages? Why was America the first true Democracy ? Why were there none before her?
Because , freedom is not free. It requires sacrifice, and the price to achieve it, is often blood .Those that founded our country recognized this , and were willing to pay the price ; to live free, or die. And , for that reason alone, America stands as the last , best hope for freedom in the world today . Yes, freedom is not free., for though it is the natural state of man , there will always be those that do not not believe in it, and want nothing more than to take it from those that do . Yes, the United States is a beacon of freedom , the only true source of self-government and self-rule to ever spring from this planet, other than our partners in liberty; Israel. We will remain so as long as we remember that it's not enough to want freedom , you have to be willing to die for it.
Jesus once told his Apostles, 'The greatest gift a man can give , is to lay down his life for another." This Memorial Day, let us remember to honor the heroes that keep us free. The men and women of our Armed Forces , who willingly lay down their lives to keep our Nation what President Reagan called it; "The shining city on a hill ".,and the last , best hope for freedom ,.....and the world.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

This Beachhead Freedom

"This will not happen".The words of Bebe Netanyahu to President Obama regarding his proposal to Israel to move its borders back to 1967 positions. Israel 's current borders have been in place for more than 40 years . This beach head of freedom is surrounded on all sides by Taliban and Hamas dominated Totalitarian regimes , dedicated to the complete obliteration of the State of Israel , by any means necessary.
The end of the world has been predicted by some religious charlatan , for tonight. If Israel falls ; if it's borders are reduced and therefore its enemies moved closer, it will be one step closer to the end of the world; the world of freedom , in the middle east. Our country's obligation is to protect this Island of freedom , this last , best hope for peace in the middle east . If we fail, then , truly, the light of  freedom itself has finally been extinguished . President Obama will not get his wish. Netanyahu has made this clear. But, there are       two things that Obama has accomplished that he did not intend . One; he has finally fully exposed the complete contempt for the State of Israel , which he regards as the true obstacle to peace in the Middle East , not Hamas dominated Pakistan. And two; he has virtually assured his utter and complete defeat in his bid for re-election in 2012 .
But, even if Obama got his way , and Netanyahu agreed to allow his Nations enemies to inch ever closer , it will not appease the Pakistani's in the least The land is not the real issue. It never was. The real agenda of Hamas controlled Pakistan is simply this ; Israel and all that it entails, must be completely and utterly destroyed , according to the will of Allah , and the teaches of the Prophet Muhammed.There is no amount of land , no amount of peace treaties , no amount of appeasement on Israel's part that will change this. President Obama refuses to see this; and that will cost him the Presidency. This beachhead of freedom ; must remain , untouched , unaltered ,and aloof, 'We the People', must insure this; no mattter what the cost.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wherein Doth Freedom Lie?

There are two reasons, and two reasons alone, that Usama Bin Laden was finally brought down , and served the justice he was due. Waterboarding ; and Dick Cheney. Waterboarding is the 'enhanced interrogation " technique that was used on Khalid Sheik Muhammed , the architect of the 9-11 attack , and right hand man of Usama Bin Laden . Sheik Muhammed gave us the name of the Bin Laden courier , and the courier , eventually led us to Bin Laden.
Thanks to Vice-President Cheney , and his tireless eight year , terror attack free , effort to keep this technique in effect , the Nation , today; breathes a little easier. The Vice-President endured endless attacks from ther left , whose goal was to end waterboarding, close Gitmo Bay, and prosecute the CIA agents that applied this technique on suspected terrorists ; prosecute for war crimes .
Waterboarding works . The Khalid Sheik Muhammed intel proves this . Cheney authorized the CIA  to use it  because he knew that it did , indeed work .How could he be so sure?How could he be so sure of the importance of waterboarding , so sure of it's effectiveness , when the liberal left insists that it can't work , and the intel it produces , unreliable?It's simple really. Cheney believes in the existence of evil in the world . Liberals do not. If you believe in evil , then you understand the nature of  evil.
Compassion , courage , kindness , loyalty , these are the qualities that evil does not posess. Dick Cheney ;... understands this. He understands that these qualities are posessed by the good side of man . Liberals , however , cannot understand thgis , since they see no evil ; only different points of view. They feel that the average man subjected to this technique , will say anything to get the torture to stop , , or , will simply hold out, knowing that America does not really torture , and would , ultimately, leave them un-harmed . But, the fatal flaw in that view is that they are looking at the issue through their eyes ; not evils.
Evil , by its very nature , is essentially , a coward . And , most certainly , has no loyalty except to itself. Without the courage and loyalty that good posesses , evil will eventually, crack , and sell its own mother , at the slightest discomfort . That is after all, part of it's nature  Bush and Cheney, both men of faith , understand , by the teachings of Christ, that evil must always , in the end, be defeated by good, because evil , when confronted forcefully ; always retreats .
We are a free nation , , the greatest nation on earth, because of our faith , and the courage that comes from our faith . Waterboarding wouldn't work on a free man of faith , but , it does work on a man born into totalitarian oppression , for , without freedom , there is no courage , no good , no faith . Liberals simply do not believe in this concept, and, that is why they live in fear of the evil that they continue to deny even exists . Without faith , there is no courage . and , without courage , liberals will always reject waterboarding, and, always fear the terrorists.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Ghastly ,Anti-Terror Machine!!

How did we get Usama Bin Laden?   Answer; , the Patriot Act, Enhanced Interrogation, and yes, especially, WATERBOARDING. In other words, The anti-terror programs put into place by George W. Bush.
Congratulations to President Bush on the killing of Usama Bin Laden . His dedication, sacrifice , and enhanced interrogation techniques that he created on his watch, have worked in bringing Al-Queda members to justice, including Bin Laden , the mastermind of terror. Also, thanks to our troops who have never waivered in the war on terror, and the Nvy Seals who performed the daring raid that finished Bin Laden once and for all. President Bush had said that no matter how long it takes , justice will be served. Well, thanks to him , the Patriot Act , and enhanced interrogation techniques , including waterboarding ; it was served.
President Obama deserves special thanks. Despite being a Presidential candidate that opposed all things Bush ; including his anti-terror operations , as President , he found the wisdom to keep most of these initiatives , proving that the student learned well from the master , President Bush , the Winston Churchill of our generation , who has , after ten long years , triumped over Bin Laden , and the forces of evil.
Let the just execution of this brutal terror criminal send a message to all terror leaders throughout the world . Death and humiliation are all you have to look foward to ; for you worship a false god that teaches you to hate and kill those that refuse to bend their will to Radical Islam. Always remember ; a god that teaches you to hate and demands that you kill non-believers , is obviously , not God, but the master of deception . The one who was cast out of paradise , because , like Bin Laden ; he chose hate over peace and , as Milton wrote in his poem , 'Paradise Lost', preferred to rule in Hell  rather than serve in Heaven.
But, the flaw in this theory is that the Bush Anti-Terror programs have made it clear that Hell, would be a light pleasantry , compared to the brutal justice served by the Bush Anti- Terror Machine. A Ghastly , unstoppable machine that never varies, never waivers , in its sole function ; to destroy all those who would follow the words of Milton; and choose to Rule in Hell. And , unfortunately for the terrorists, this machine has shown that it is , quite effective, at sending them there.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The False Messiah

Jesus was once asked; "How do we know you are not sent by Satan?"We have heard the voices of false Messiahs before". He answered, 'If I am not doing the work of my father, do not believeve in me, but if I am doing his work , and you still would not believe , believe in the work I do'.
Donald Trump is a Democrat. From 2001, to 2008, he was one of the most strident Bush bashers in the nation . He has donated money to Democrats. He supported and donated to Anthony Weiner, Democrat congressman , in particular. He supported and congratulated Nancy Pelosi on her 3election . He supported public unions and has donated to them and their causes.
He is not a conservative.
He is not a Republican .
He is a businessman , who supports public unions to get what he wants. He didn';t vote in any primary election; for twenty years. I guess he was too busy , making money off of taxpayer funded union workers.
The definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over, and expecting a different result . President Obama ran in 2008 as a moderatye , yet his record showed that he was a hard core liberal socialist, with Marxist tendencies. , thrown in for good measure.
Yet, more than half of this country voted for him , because he said he was moderate . These voters didn't bother to check his voting record , or his Senate record , or even read his book , which , quite clearly, told you what he was, and how he really felt about this country.
It was a stupid , lazy , unforgivable blunder by Americans who were simply too lazy and self-absorbed to care about anything but their own wants and needs , which , Obama claimed, he would take care of. These people voted , and the nation , now suffers for it. Now , we stand on the precipice. of this mistake being repeated by the very same morons who perpetrated the first mistake . Many consevatives , Tea Partiers , and foolish Repblicans  are poised ; ready willing , and able , to elect Donald Trump as their Republican candidate for President in 2012. This cannot happen , Donald Trump, by has, by the evidence of his entire past history , proven himself to be only one thing , a shameless P.,T. Barnum -like  self promoiter, that only wishes to promote his reality show. , and use this nations troubles to do so.
Trump will not actually run , He doesn't have skeletons in his closet, he has cemeteries. Liberal Democrat cemetaries , that is.No, he thinks only of his ratings for his television show , and would not care a wit about Obama, his presidency , his birth , or his school records , if his own business was not hurt by this man that he, Trump , supported and voted for.
So, Tea Party Patriots , Fiscal conservatives , Libertarians , Constitutional conservatives , or just plain Republicans, remember one thing , before foolishly casting your vote for this man. ; For EIGHT YEARS, this man spent every waking moment bashing President Bush , condemning the Iraq War , and supporting Bush haters like John Kerry , Nancy Pelosi and Harry reid. Use your heads . This man is a Liberal Democrat . , despite what he says now.; ....Just like Obama .
Vote conservative ,Vote Republican ,Vote for anyone other than Donald Trump , the false messiah , who will . if elected , repeat the path of Obama
Vote a man's actions, not his words. 
Vote for our our future , for our country , for our freedom , and  most importantly, for our children. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Dawn of Freedom

Passover and Easter. We celebrate these holidays , these events , every year, but do we really understand the significance of them? It's certainly deeper than eating Matzoh's and Bunnies carrying baskets of candy. . In reality, these holidays are the dawn of freedom, for all men.
With Passover, we commemorate Moses , the prophet that led his people out of physical bondage into the promised land . With Easter, we celebrate a spiritual freedom ,; a freedom from original sin , a freedom that was obtained by the greatest gift a man can give; to lay down his life for another . Now, we face another attack on our liberty, in the form of government control . Not of our bodies , or souls, but of the money we earn, by the swat of our brow. President Obama believes that the government has a right to re-distribute wealth , to help the less fortunate. I say that it is our individual right , and responsibility , to help the less fortunate; by our own free will. Otherwise, it's not help , but a return to the slavery inflicted by Egypt on the Hebrew people,  the occupation of Rome in Judea during the time of Christ, and , most importantly, a return to the spiritual decline that, government control  most assuredly, creates.
We must not forget the lessons of the dawn of freedom created by the Exodus and the Crucifixion. We must honor these sacrifices by these men , these prophets , by continuing the fight today, against a government that fails to see that, "We the People" , are self governed, self-ruled , because , we were created to be that way. We have now answered the question posed at the dawn of civilization . The eternal question ; was man meant to be ruled by other men , or was he meant to rule himself?
Now, we must go forth , and put into action the words of Moses  to the Hebrews  by the river Jordan ; "Go, Proclaim Liberty throughout the land , and to all the inhabitants thereof !!"

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Slaves of Plato

The Greek philosopher Plato had a term he used to describe those that preferred government security over freedom; he called them , "Natural Slaves".
In a fit of pique over the Republican Party's proposed budget cuts , President Obama has stated that all the programs on the chopping block are, in fact, the"Thing that make America great '.That's funny, I thought what made America great is Freedom; not Freebies. We have more freedom and liberty than any nation on earth , with a military that is willing to lay down their lives to protect that freedom , and yet there are still those that protest, whine , and complain  that a nation , on the brink of complete financial collapse, still owes them , "entitlements".
What are we , as Americans , truly "entitled " to ?Answer ; Nothing. With freedom , you already have more than 99.9% of all other nations on earth . Our tax dollars are not for health care. , education , housing, or free meals. Our taxes are for the military ; to keep our soldiers well equipped , well fed , and safe, while they risk all to keep us free. So, yes , I want people dying in the street, children uneducated and starving , and the elderly homeless and hungry, right there along with all the other union entitlement protestors .
But, while they lay there, in the street , starving, uneducated , homeless , and old , I want them to think;....and see the truth. The truth is, that yes, Republicans do want our tax dollars to go to education , meals, homes and healthcare ;...for the military. They keep us free , and for that , they are the only true 'entitled" Americans . The only one 's that 'We the People", have a duty and responsibility to take care of ; with our tax dollars .
President Obama will continue to whine and complain that Republicans are killing the elderly and the sick and the homeless and leaving children starving and uneducated , with their proposed cuts ; cuts that are a mere pittance , cuts that will never pass in the Senate ; cuts that do not include the worst offenders , such as Obamacare , and Planned Parenthood. Cuts that will never happen .
The reason is simple; you cannot propose cuts in Washington spending without first proposing cuts in taxes ; for all Americans. For , if you don't cut taxes first, you simply give Obama reason to raise taxes , to compensate for budget cuts. Government will never , never, never, stop spending , unless we cut up the credit card they are using. And that credit card is the American people's tax dollars.
Without tax cuts , there is no economic recovery . Without tax cuts ; there can be no budget cuts . Without tax cuts ; there will be no end to Obamacare, or Planned Parenthood.  Our money, that "We the People"  earn , is the economy. Without it, there is no economy . There is , only ; ....Government. And, those that work and slave to serve it. It's called communism , and , without tax cuts , we will remain on the path towards this grim fate.
Republicans now have the House . That means they hold the purse strings. They can defund all the entitlements that have been created in the two years of the Obama Presidency . This must be done . But, if it 's to mean anything to the free market recovery ; Congress must follow the history of the Kennedy , Reagan , Clinton , and Bush administrations , and cut taxes permanently , to save our economy and freedom.
Always remember, our taxes are for our soldiers ; to preserve the Republic , not for earmarks , special deals, or entitlements for parasites on our system.
Ultimately, entitlements serve only one purpose , not to 'help people" , but to get politicians elected. The time is now . There is no tomorrow. Republicans , use your purse strings, and defund everything , except our freedom.