Tuesday, March 27, 2018

"Operation : Trumpian Fury!!"

With only 24 hours to go before being eligible for his 1 million dollar pension, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe was terminated,..with the deadly speed of a cobra strike, the finality of an executioner's guillotine.
Surprising? Not at all. The President hinted at this strategem, for many weeks now, in his twitter feed. The plan was simple, yet brilliant in it's demoralizing effect,..not just on corrupt McCabe, but on the Democrat Machine as well. Since money and power are all Clinton-Democrat operatives care about, ..then take both away from this man, with one swift stroke, by instructing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, to follow FBI recommendations,..and fire McCabe, with the million dollar prize just barely out of his grasp. Maddening? Infuriating? Of course. All part of the President's three dimensional chess game,..all part of his ultimate plan, drain the swamp of all Democrats, that now hold any power within the FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS, NSA, and VA , as well.
All, must be eliminated, for the Democrat mission has become crystal clear,..thanks to an endless series of miraculously retrieved Clinton and FBI texts and emails,..that all have one, uniting theme,...assure a Hillary Clinton victory , any means necessary,.... destroy the Republican nominee,..and, ultimately ,..the Republican Machine as well, ending their hold on the House and Senate,..permanently. Eight Years of Democrat corruption and malfeasance under Obama made this mission vitally important. Obamacare, Benghazi,...Fast and Furious,....IRS and NSA scandals,...Fusion GPS,....Uranium One,....all this Democrat evil, that was the Obama Legacy and beyond,...must never see the light of day,..and would not, long as the Democrats secured the Hillary Presidential win,...while taking the House and Senate as well,...eventually.
The plan has failed,..thanks to a singular, steel willed, conservative force of nature called Trump,..who understood from day one of his candidacy, why Republican challengers of the past,...had been destroyed by this Anti-American pestilence called the Democrat Party. He saw the fatal flaw in Republican strategem, and knew he had the formula,...not only to win the Presidency,..but to reduce the Democrat Machine, nothing more than scattered atoms as well.
The Trump strategem was simple, yet brilliant in it's simplicity. The Republican agenda has always been sound, and the granite hard foundation, of all that makes America the earthbound Olympus that it is,...a Free Republic, system of self government, taxes and regulations,...a strong military,...ending slavery,...and creating Civil Rights,...the 2nd Amendment Right , keep and bear arms,....defense of Judeo Christian values,...and our Allies in Freedom,...unwaivering support for our Veterans,..all of this, what the Republican Machine is,....all that America is,...
America is the Republican Party,...
And the Republican Party, America,..period.
One cannot exist, without the other, for the Republican Party is the wellspring , from which this Shining City on a Hill,..flows.
But,..the Democrat Party remained,...from the beginning, opposition of all things American. They are the Loyalists , that sided with the British, during the Revolution,...
They are the Southern States,...that went to war against their fellow Americans, to preserve Slavery, and Jim Crow laws,..
They are oppressive, heavy taxing,...elitist government,..
They weaken our military,..and oppose the Judeo-Christian values, that our constitution was founded on,..
They oppose the right of free men, to arm themselves, in defence of that freedom,...
They oppose freedom itself,...
Yet,..despite all this,..the Republicans, from the beginning,..have struggled to defeat this pestilence called Democrat.
Even after Lincoln,..Teddy Roosevelt,..Cooledge,..Gingrich,...W. Bush,...even after all those who showed what conservatives can do,..when fully engaged with Republican Majorities,..still,..the Republicans struggled to beat the Democrat Party consistently, and permanently. Why?
Trump understands why.
He knows why Reagan makes no difference now.
He know why, the Republican won prosperity of the past, matters not at all. It was always forgotten,..and the Democrats would always rise again. Trump had reasoned it out, he came down that escalator , to announce his run for the Presidency.
He knew,..he had the formula now,...that would make him invincible in battle against the forces of the Democrat Party.
He knew,....  he could not lose.
The secret? Simple.
Fight back,..hard and relentlessly,...against all enemies ,..all attacks, matter how small, matter how petty,...
Don't rise above the fray,...but wade into it. Plunge into the blaze of battle,..and wage war with the Democrats, on their own level, .and never cease attacking, ..using only three unbeatable weapons,...
The twitter feed that repels all Democrat attacks,..
The mass rally,...that connects Trump directly to the source of all Republican power,...
We the People,...
And, finally, the Republican Agenda itself, cuts , a strong military,..2nd Amendment Rights,...Judeo Christian values, of our Allies and Vets,...that is the essence of the Republican Agenda, and Trump knew that day,..on that escalator,..that all he had to do,..was fight hard,...fight savagely,. .fight relentlessly,..with the Republican Agenda as his War Banner,..carried before him, into battle,...
And,..he could not lose.
And, winning, he used those principles to create record setting, American prosperity, a record setting, first year in office.
But now must begin phase two. The Democrat enemy is defeated yes,..and in retreat,..yes,..
Now,..they must be destroyed as well,..reduced to atomized ashes, that they may never rise to power again.
Drain the Swamp?
Drain the Democrats is more accurate,..
And, a master surgeon, Trump has been cutting away at the very essence of the Democrat Machine,..bit by bit,...the death of a thousand cuts,....leaving it a powerless, shadow of its former self,..a dark, empty  pit of anger, madness, and despair,...
Comey was fired ,..McCabe was fired,...and even those within the President's cabinet were fired, they were shown to be Democrats in disguise,..deliberately working against his MAGA agenda,..Secretary of State Rex Tillerson,...the latest casualty. Not surprising .Global Warming Supporter,...anti tax and regulation cuts,...supporter of the Iran Deal,....Tillerson should have been gone,..months ago,..just as others have been removed,..
Even Attorney General Sessions,..May be in peril,..if he fails to maintain pressure , on the Democrat Machine,..
The lesson is clear,..
If you oppose this President's agenda,...a purely Free Republic agenda,....whether you be Republican or Democrat,....
You will be destroyed.
Andrew McCabe, shocked and angry at being exposed and humiliated by the Wrath of Trump,..will, no doubt, like Comey ,.seek retribution against this man who, at times , must seem more devil than man to them,...
Aye, the Democrats,..must now seem,..almost invincible in battle,..
They will fail. Comey is gone,..McCabe gone,..along with his million dollar pension,..and the endless texts and emails , exposing Clinton, Democrat, FBI malfeasance , will lead to more Trumpian executions, no doubt. Mueller is next,...despite denials by the President. His failed Russian strategem , vanishing, a grey mist before the coming Trumpian dawn,..
Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page, now cooperating with Republican committees , in order to save themselves from prison, are also, no doubt, next to face the executioner's blade,...
Rod Rosenstein , waits for the blade to fall as well,..
And, all thee while, Pelosi, Schumer, ..and Hillary as well,..continue to sink their Party, ever deeper into a dark, Stygian pit, of anger, despair,....and madness,..from which there is no escape.
The Midterm Elections will belong to the Republican Party, landslide,..the Republicans will now investigate the failed, farcical Mueller probe, and expose all the truth behind Fusion GPS,...and the Democrat evil,..that created it.
All because, one man understands what all Republicans before him, failed to understand,...
Republicans win every time,..if they fight back with the fury of a thousand devils,..
A fury borne of pride,..and arrogance,....yes,..
But, Love of Country as well,..
The Fury of a God gone Mad,..
A Trumpian Fury,..that will never subside,..
Never relent,..never waiver,...
A Fury,...against which,..even the Gates of Hell,...cannot endure,...

Sunday, March 18, 2018

"Operation: Steel Resolve!!"

They said his twitter feed, would hurt his run for the Presidency. Yet, it became a key to his victory, for it connected him directly to We the People, who elected him. They said his constant rallies, across the country, were filled with fringe extremists, and racists, who would be inconsequential, when election time came.
Yet, the rallies proved to be an accurate gauge of his overwhelming popularity, before and after his election , and again, more proof of his unbreakable bond, with the American people of this Free Republic.
They said his inexperience in politics would bring his administration,.. disaster. Yet, he has accomplished more in his first year, than any President in history.
They said the Russian Conspiracy strategem would end his Presidency,..yet, all it has done, is expose Democrat -Russian conspiracy,..and far reaching Democrat corruption.
But, despite all his Trumpian, record setting accomplishments, with even more soon to come,...still his critics bet against him.
Still,..they cannot believe,...
Still ,...they cannot understand,...
How many more? How many more missions, need to become swift accomplishment,... before his critics realize that this man refuses to lose, ..refuses to be defeated,..on anything?
When will they begin to comprehend that they are playing checkers, against a man playing three dimensional chess, ...a man who is always a half dozen moves, ahead of them?
It seems never,...for now , once again, they are betting against this man.
Once again,..they are about to lose their bet.
The latest Trumpian chessmoves that have proven both Democrat operative, and Republican double agent, worthless as soothsayers, are the twin threats to National Security itself, .namely,..the threat of a nuclear armed, North Korean madman,...and the threat of a broken free trade system,..that only benefits our enemies, increases our debt, and deficit,...destroys American Industry, and leaves our steel and aluminum production,  vital to national security, the hands of foreign nations that do not regard America as an ally.
Once again, on both issues, the Trump enemies have predicted the President's downfall,...and, once again,..on both issues, have proven themselves moist unworthy successors to Nostradamus and his legacy.
Trump campaigned on trade reform , and now,  he will deliver on that promise. American steel and Aluminum manufacturers will prosper,...tariffs will be imposed on steel and aluminum imports, finally,..forcing the inevitable NAFTA renegotiations, that will finally make free trade,..fair trade, as well.
On the issue of Kim Jong Un, the President has been proven correct on his strategem for dealing with the despot. A strategem, he actually formulated back in the mid nineties, when he was still playboy industrialist, private citizen, Trump. Even then, he understood the"Madman Theory",...put forth by President Nixon,..who had inherited the Democrat formulated, unending death spiral, known as the Viet Nam Conflict. Nixon understood,...that there would be no surrender, no cease fire, end to this war. Communist controlled North Vietnam, would never yield, ..except to the one thing that evil respects,...the only thing evil fears,....
Power,....and the madness fueled will, use that power, obliterate all who oppose it.
On Christmas Eve,..Nixon unleashed unlimited bombing on Hanoi, ..the American press called him insane,...yet,..the North Vietnamese now ,..finally,..stood down,..and signed the cease fire treaty.
The VietNam Conflict,...was ,..finally,..effectively over ,...because the enemy now knew,..that a madman, with unlimited, death dealing power, held the title,..Commander in Chief,..of the Armed Forces,..of the United States,...
Private citizen Trump absorbed this lesson,...the most important lesson to learn, any foreign policy dealings ,..
The only thing a madman fears,...
Is another madman,...with superior weaponry, unbreakable will,...and the steel like resolve to use that weaponry , to break his enemies.
No doubt, Donald Trump has always embraced this philosophy, in business boardrooms, and beyond,...his style seems to reflect this,...
The unending late night tweets,...raving against any and all enemies who dare slight him, any way,..
The  constant rallies that are used to mock and belittle his opponents, while constantly touting his own overwhelming victories,...
The never ending, ..unyielding,. Trumpian pressure, thousand pounds per square inch,...used against all enemies,...all of these strategems,.....have produced record results , even as his enemies still bet against him ,...
Still bet against this one,..Trumpian reality,....
You cannot beat a man,...
Who refuses to recognize defeat,...
Who accepts only victory,...or death,...
Like the Democrat Machine itself,...Kim Jong Un  now knows this as well, his own madman tactics that have worked in the past, against Clinton and Obama, who were willing to give the despot hard earned, American cash, exchange for supposed nuclear disarmament. But, Neville Chamberlain dealing with Hitler,..they failed to understand the nature of evil,..and therefore failed to stop it,..when it should have been stopped.
Trump, however,..does understand.
His response to North Korean threats of missile launches against South Korea, Guam, and even America itself?
Simple. A threat in return, ..and more than mere threat,...
A promise,....
If any American Ally is targeted by the forces of North Korea ,..then North Korea will face unlimited Fire and Fury,...unlimited Death,....unlimited Destruction,....
The likes of which the world has never seen,...
And then, began the endless mocking of Kim Jong Un, calling him "Little Rocket Man,",.. Reminding him of his phallic inferiority,  in military power,...
And then,..finally, the one, grim , cryptic warning,..that finally broke the tiny despot known as Kim Jong Un,..and sent him crawling to the negotiation table,..pledging to disarm,..if President Trump will meet, one on one, with him.
The statement? Trump was asked by the press, ..if it concerned him that he was taunting an unstable madman.
The President replied,.." That, something that Kim should be worried about,...not me,..."
So Be It.
And now, Trump stands on the precipice, of Presidential greatness,...
The Nobel Peace Prize,...
A Thousand Accolades,...
For, North Korea,..Free Trade,..and unlimited  accomplishments beyond,..
If, he never yields,..never relents,...never ceases the unending Trumpian pressure, thousand pounds,..per square inch ,..
And, never relinquishes his signature warblade,...
That one, unbeatable weapon,..
Called Madness,...

Sunday, March 4, 2018

"Children Of The Abyss!"

There was something about him, as you watched the Republican Primaries. Something in the way he moved, as the song says, something in the way his mind always seemed to be three chess moves ahead of his political opponents on that stage. But more importantly, there was something about his political style as well. His opponents ,..even the pure conservative fighting machine, Ted Cruz,..all seemed stiff, rehearsed, worried into place,...their talking points ingrained through endless hours of practice, research, and memorization. But, Trump,...the way he strategized,  battled,... .used his will  and strength,'s almost as if he was born this way.
And, more importantly,..what set him apart from his Republican opponents ,..that week after week,..fell like wheat before the scythe,..was his fighting spirit and instinct, ...the natural ability to counterpunch effectively , against all opponents , whether Republican,..or Democrat. Trump's killer instinct ,..honed to a murderous edge in business boardrooms, no doubt, truly what defines this man, and is the true source of his success as President.
The nation saw this man attacked by liberal media, Democrat Operatives, and Republicans alike,...more savagely then perhaps any Republican candidate in history.
And yet, Trump kept coming after them,..endlessly,..relentlessly,...obsessively, Ahab strapped to his White Whale. For hates sake, for America's sake,...from Hell's heart,...Trump would spit his last breath at his opponents before ever admitting defeat , or letting the Democrats win, even the smallest, petty, battle. The twin bladed weapon of tweet and rally, defined Republican candidate Trump,...and President Trump as well,..and the Democrats had nothing to counter it,..for this weapon gave Trump direct access to the true source of his strength,...his unbreakable bond with the American people.
That bond,..enabled him in his first year, accomplish all things he campaigned on. Trump is no mere politician , promising things that evaporate into endless gridlock. Nay,...this man sees mission,..and accomplishment, one and the same entity,...and what he promises,....he delivers on. His record setting first year in office ,..a conservative Trumpian Miracle to behold,...proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt. And his skill at disarming his opponents and bonding with We the People , who rule this land, was again on display, as he gave a lengthy speech at the annual CPAC conference.
Trump abandoned a script written for earth bound mortals, and instead,..gave a funny, touching,..magnificent speech,..mocking himself and his opponents, with equal skill,...a skill reminescent , of Reagan himself, his peak. In fact,..each speech this man gives, quickly becomes his best speech to date,..the CPAC speech, exception. And, in the wake of yet another school shooting massacre,..this time in Parkland, Florida,...the speech's main theme quickly unfolded.
This President would not simply cast empty platitudes and more useless gun restrictions at an ever present problem that slaughters children, without let, or hindrance. Nay,..this President would solve the insoluble,..once and for all,..and end the slaughter . This President would,..once again,...find a way to turn mission,..and accomplishment,..into the same,  inseparable entity.
By All the Gods,..this President will stop the shootings,..
In truth, force of man,..or god,..can stop him.
He listened to the children of Parkland at the White House,..patiently,...clutching a memo card that served to remind him to hold his wrath, and just listen,..patiently.
He watched Republican Senator Marco Rubio ,and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, savagely attacked by a Democrat lynchmob,..on a CNN Townhall ambush,...patiently,...
He nodded yes, the calls for a ban on AR-15's,...
He nodded yes, a ban on bump stocks,...
He nodded yes, "fixing" the so called mental health issues,...
He nodded yes, all said by the Democrat left,..and the brainwashed children of the abyss,...who seem willing to go to the slaughter, as they echo the left's anti gun agenda . They are willing dupes ,..willing sacrificial sheep, ..willing to continue to attack guns ,..willing to promote "gun free zones " on their campuses,..willing to keep dying ,...if, dying in mass slaughter rituals,...the Republican Party ,..the NRA, ....the 2nd Amendment,....and this hated President, ...are all destroyed in the process.
The smirks on the liberal parents faces,.during the CNN broadcast said it all,...
They are delighted that this shooting happened, ..and so are their leftist children, because it gives them more ammo,...moves them one step closer, destroying America as founded, ..destroying the freedom that man can only have,..if he can defend that freedom from those who would take it from them, force.
As Rush Limbaugh pointed out ,..the next shooter is out there,,...ready to strike. We already have over 20,000 gun laws on the books,...
They are meaningless.
If someone decides he wants to kill you,  he will do it,...with the weapon of his choice.
No mental health program, will stop him.
No increase in gun ownership age,..will stop him.
No ban on assault style weapons, ..will stop him.
No Gun Free Zone,..will stop him,..
No cowardly police force,..led by Democrat Operative Sheriff Israel,..will stop him,..
No Democrat controlled FBI , that ignored over thirty warning calls about the shooter,...will stop him,...
Nothing, of this nature, will stop him from accomplishing his objective,...
For all these are conjurations of the Democrat Left,...designed to seal your children's grim fate,..and by so doing,..bring about an end to the hated 2nd Amendment.
Nothing from the Democrat left will stop the next shooter.
There is no legislation that can ever stop the next shooter.
Only one thing can,..
A weapon, the hands of every free born American.
A weapon,...poised and ready to shoot back at the shooter.
A weapon, that freed America from the tyranny of England .
A weapon, that must always be ready to kill evil,..before it can kill you.
Enough nonsense talk of gun bans,  gun free zones, mental health restrictions, and background checks that Democrat controlled states refuse to participate in, ..
There is a new sheriff in town named Trump, .and he will have none of it.
He has listened patiently, and now, this President will listen no more. Now, he will act,..and, once again,...turn mission into accomplishment , in one savage sword stroke.
President Trump will have done with patience,..for this man does not suffer fools gladly,..and he will hear no more talk of Democrat strategems designed to slaughter children in the name of Democrat socialist glory.
Now, this President will act , and do the one thing,...the only thing,  that can stop this slaughter cold,..
President Trump, .through executive fiat, ....if necessary,...will sign into law legislation that will arm all schools across our nation,..heavily.
Armed Guards will cover campuses,...
Armed Teachers will occupy classrooms,...
Armed Students will go from class to class,...their concealed carry permits now giving them the power , to do what Democrat controlled government forces , will not do.
The power, kill those, who would kill them.
That, is the only solution to the school shooter problem.
The only way, to stop the mass slaughter of children, who, far too often,...have willingly gone into the abyss,..their hatred for Republicans far greater, than their sense of self preservation.
Enough of this nonsense.
Trump will hear no more.
Trump will now solve a problem that should have been solved, decades ago,...when the first child fell to a campus shooter.
Trump will turn our schools and college campuses into the America that Japan's General Yammamoto envisioned, Emporer Hirohito contemplated an armed invasion of America, in the days before World War Two. The General knew the folly of such an invasion, for he was educated in America , .and understood what made it the ultimate superpower ,..and the last, best hope for humanity.
Yammamoto said that there would be a gun behind every bush,..behind every blade of grass,...
A gun, the hands of every American.
The Japanese invasion,..never happened.
General Yammamoto,....knew better.
He knew the reason, that such an invasion would be useless folly, ..The same reason there are no shootings at NRA conventions,...
The same reason there were no mass shootings, in the Wild West,...
The same reason there are no mass shootings,  in terror surrounded Israel,...
An armed population, a safe population,...
Whether mentaly ill ,...or simply steeped in evil, mass shooter will strike at a venue that is clearly protected by a well armed populace, .  nay,...they will simply seek another venue,  another place,...
A place emblazoned with the left's symbol of surrender,  "Gun Free Zone".
But,..under this President's watch, ..these venues will soon become few and far between.
The Wall will be built, our borders secured,  our nation defended,....
And our schools , now fully prepared to turn any would be mass shooter ,...into a bullet riddled corpse.
So Be It.
For, the Democrats may accept the murder of innocents, to further their anti gun agenda,...
The children of the left,  may accept their fate,...and go willingly into the dark abyss,...prepared for them,...
The police and FBI may accept the need to stand down,...and do nothing, .. In order to stop the NRA,...
They may all accept and embrace the grim fate of the innocents, to further their socialist agenda,...
But this President ,.does not
He will stop it now, by executive action ,..he will arm all schools,...and take federal tax dollars from all schools that do not comply,..and arm up.
The President's message is clear,....
Arm yourselves, O'America,...
For, in a system of self government,...
Freedom has a cost.
You must be able to defend that freedom, by force,...or your freedom is a hollow lie.
The mass slaughter of these children, who willingly go into the abyss, had gone on long enough,....
The President will now end it,..
Will once again,...turn mission into Trumpian accomplishment,...
By making General Yammamoto's vision of a heavily armed America ,
A living, working reality,..
A savage truth,...that no dictator, tyrant, despot, or mass shooter, ..will ever dare strike against,...
For, behind every blade of grass, 
Shall dwell,...death,....