Saturday, May 30, 2015


America has effectively withdrawn from the world, and for all intents and purposes, has become an isolationist nation, that has turned it's back on our allies, and retreated from our enemies.
President Obama and the liberal left, in the guise of the Democrat Party, have spent the last 7 years putting their anti American agenda into effect, and the results have been predictably disasterous. The left has always believed that it's America that has caused all the problems and turmoil in the world, and if America's presence in the world is diminished,then the world's problems would be diminished as well.
That theory has not only been proven dead wrong, but the exact polar opposite has been proven to be the truth.America must maintain a constant presence around the globe, or the worldwide destruction will be the result, every time.There it is.The one, single theory that the left has based their entire movement on, does not work,....nor did it ever work, just like all their theories. Without America, the world simply reverts back to what it once , and always was,since the beginning of time. A violence filled collection of poverty , despair, and tyrannical regimes, , constantly in bloody conflict, with no moral restraint whatsoever.
This is what Obama and the Democrat Party have always wanted.An invisible America, an America diminished by it's own sins of the past and forced to finally let other nations lead the world. And the goal of these other would-be leaders of the world?Nothing short of world dominance , with all opposing nations crushed beneath the boot heel of their tyranny.
Russia has grown ever bolder, and has now taken complete control of the Ukraine, and carrying out mass killings of its citizens in the process.These are the very same Ukrainians that America, under Clinton and Bush, promised to protect with all our military might, if they would agree to withdraw their defense systems, in a gesture of peace with Russia.
China grows bolder as well, continuing to build its military , and is now using two islands in the Phillipines  to stockpile armaments.China, now seems poised to overtake the United States militarily, and is prepared to compete with Russia for the right to call itself, ...the number one superpower in the world.
And the Middle East? It has now effectively fallen to the forces of ISIS and Al Queda. Syria is all but defeated, with the city of Palmyra being the latest area to  submit to the terror state.And Iraq? The key city of Ramadi has fallen,... the very city that was a key victory for our troops during the surge that gave America complete victory in the Iraq War.Syrian , Libyan, and Iraqi rebel forces , trained and armed by the United States military, ..have failed spectacularly, and despite having superior numbers and firepower , have dropped their weapons and retreated ,rather than face ISIS.Many of them, in fact, are converted Sunnis, and are now unwilling to engage an enemy that it seems to agree with,..on so many levels.
And, all the while, ISIS continues to burn, behead, and crucify all those they deem to be enemies of Islam,..and the newly formed Islamic State.
And , on American soil, chaos reigns as well, as Democrat controlled cities such as Baltimore , Ferguson, and New York , continue to see increases in violent crime, with shootings and killings becoming a daily event. Baltimore's Mayor, Stephanie Rawlings Blake, and her District Attorney, Marilyn Moseby, have promoted the Obama racist cop agenda perfectly, and this is the result;..a City under siege, criminals that now know the police will not risk intercepting criminals , now that they know the elected leaders in Baltimore have placed a bullseye on their backs, all in the name of creeping socialism, monetary greed, and political ambition.Like with our military in the Middle East , and the rest of the Globe, the Democrat left has withdrawn our police forces from the cities and streets that they control, and it has indeed created disaster , destruction destitution, and death.
Whether overseas or on a domestic level, when the Democrat left withdraws the military force that protects America , and the world, Evil takes notice, and quickly moves in to take control of our cities, states, and nations, worldwide.
You see, quite the opposite of what the left believes, it is only America that has kept the world from falling into chaos and destruction .
It is only America that kept ISIS non-existent, and Al Queda  on the run.
Withdraw , retreat, isolate ,has been the left's war strategy for the last seven years, and now we see the grim results.ISIS has established the first Terror State in the formerly Democratic Iraq, and is poised to take Syria, and the rest of the Middle East as well.
And all the while, Russian President Vladimir Putin, now dreams of a new Iron Curtain, and is invading the Ukraine in an effort to make that dream a reality.
China has similar ambitions, and  has increased their military arsenal  and air force ,even as America cuts its military budget to the bone.
And, all the while,America's cities and streets are now being controlled by anarchists and career criminals who loot, vandalize,and murder at will.
Yes Folks, this is the Utopia, the perfect Socialist Nation , that the left has always dreamed of.
America,...not a Superpower,..not the Leader of the Free World,..but just another third world nation, no better or worse,..than any other nation,..and just as unwilling as other nations to stand up and fight for freedom and liberty. America is now just like other nations , who are unwilling to fight against terror, against evil,..against oppression.
Yes, Americas, despite having the airpower to destroy ISIS in less than a week,..will now only strike limited, pinpoint targets that risk no casualties and gain nothing ,..just like all other nations.
It's now known that our military has known weeks in advance , not only where the headquarters of ISIS was located, but when they were planning to strike at the Iraqi city of Ramadi.
Even the Pentagon, and General Martin Dempsey, himself, have now admitted there is not now,.,.nor has there ever been,..a war strategy to defeat ISIS, or AlQueda, for that matter.
We should have stopped them.We could have stopped them,..but ,..we didn't.
And, at home,..our cities are crime ridden, and our police now rendered,..indifferent.Just like all the other third world countries.
Yes Folks, America has finally become what the left has always wanted it to be;.....
Equal Among Nations.
America is equal with the rest of the plight stricken world, that has always refused to fight against the forces of evil, while keeping it's citizens in abject poverty.
America is Equal, last.
And,the forces of ..Russia, China, ISIS and Al Queda ,..know it.
They are all poised , like vultures, ready to strike,...ready to bring lasting defeat to the once Great America,..the last, best hope for the world.
But,..America has already fallen, to the only enemy that could ever defeat it.
America itself.

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Lost Victory

The Iraqi City of Ramadi has fallen to the forces of ISIS.Yes, Ramadi, of the key cities that our military took during the surge that gave us complete victory in the Iraq War,has fallen, to an enemy that has cut a swath of terror across the Middle East , leaving in their wake an endless pile of burned, crucified, and beheaded Christians,Jews, Yazidis, and Kurds. The crime they committed that warranted such treatment?They refused to bow to the evil god that ISIS worships.And, in the same week, the Syrian City of Palmyra has also fallen to ISIS.And all the while, our President still refuses to develop any kind of war strategy, and even refuses to admit that we are losing this war,..and losing fast.
America has the power , to crush AlQueda and ISIS in ;less than a week, but the President is simply unwilling to participate in this war.
President Obama is unwilling to fund our military.
And, President Obama is still unwilling to admit that ISIS is even a credible threat to the United States,or her allies.He believes Global Warming is the bigger threat to the world , and said so during a speech to the graduating class of  the Coast Guard Academy.That's right, just as he had done before the graduating class of West Point, in 2014, the President of the United States told our elite military , that Global Warming was the threat they had to be prepared to fight,..after graduation.
There is one thing that the President was willing to do, however, and that was to pull all of our troops out of a Democratic , stable Iraq, and leave it to the mercy of the Iran backed , invading forces of AlQueda , and ISIS.Make no mistake, all that is now occurring in Ramadi, Fallujah, and Palmyra as well,is the direct result of the complete troop withdraw from Iraq.The Iraq war was won, and a relatively stable , Democratic Iraq had been created.This was our victory, as hard fought victory that required the blood and sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform.
Now,all that has been lost, because President Obama failed to heed the warning put forth by his predecessor, President Bush, in 2007.President Bush stated quite clearly,and quite prophetically,..that total troop withdraw from Iraq, in the aftermath of the war, would result in an unstable Iraq, that would soon become a safe haven for AlQueda .President Bush was dead right. Yes folks, the man who for eight years was vilified and condemned by the left, ..was right after all.
About the withdraw.
And, especially about the Iraq War , in general.
The Iraq War was indeed a war that needed to be fought , despite all the second guessing by the left , the liberal media,..and yes,..even the Republican Party.
In fact, the issue has now resurfaced as the key question the media is asking each and every Republican Presidential Candidate. "Knowing, what we know now,..would you have authorized the Iraq War? Many of the candidates say no, including Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.Jeb Bush , however,..wanted it both ways,first saying he woulds authorize the invasion ,..and then, later saying he wouldn't.
This question has replaced gay marriage, and abortion,..and become the new "gotcha", that the liberal press will use to demonize Republican Candidates, or to simply make them look like babbling fools, as they struggle ,..Hamlet like,..for an answer.
But ,why is this such a hard question to answer?The Iraq War was justified, period. After 911, President Bush made it quite clear that ,"the people who knocked down these buildings will hear from all of us,..soon.
President Bush also stated that,"those who are not with us,..are against us".
President Bush made it clear, as he stood upon that smoking pile of rubble at Ground Zero that he would not only target the terrorists who brought down the towers, but any and all who gave them aid and comfort.
Saddam Hussein not only had  the Weapons of Mass Destruction that he used on the Kurds,but he was also, first and foremost, a major sponsor of terror.Saddam gave money, weapons, medical treatment,training,..and safe haven to all Islamic Terrorists , including those who carried out the attacks on the Pentagon and Twin Towers,..on 911.
Saddam was a Chief Sponsor of Terror, who had WMD's, that he used to massacre thousands of his own citizens.
Saddam had violated the cease fire truce from the Gulf War, and had fired upon American jets.
Saddam had targeted George Bush Senior,..for assassination.
Saddam refused to cooperate with weapons inspectors.
Saddam trained, funded, and gave safe haven, to all Islamic terrorists.
Saddam has to go .
We didn't declare war on Iraq,..Iraq declared war on us, the day that the very same  terrorists that he had funded and trained , killed  3000 American Citizens.
As President Bush had said;...
"Those who are not with us,..are against us".
And,..President Bush was as good as his word, and brought down the tyrant , and his two murderous ,..child raping sons as well.
And now, with the 2016 Presidential Campaign looming ever nearer, we have the left's narrative , once again,..being pushed .We had faulty intelligence ,..or Bush lied,..or both,..because there were no WMD's in Iraq.Total nonsense.The Pentagon compiled a list of all captured weapons in the wake of the war, and they did indeed include massive amounts of chemical weapons , or ,..Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Bush was right.We should have gone in,..then,..and now. And, we should never have pulled our troops out once victory was achieved, in Iraq, Afghanistan,..or anywhere else in the world where we have engaged the enemies of freedom.
Bush was right again.
And, every Republican Candidate worth his salt, should recognize this, and say, without hesitation,.."Yes.'"Knowing what we know now,I would still authorize the War in Iraq, for the world is a better place without Saddam Hussein , a mass murderer who gave comfort and aide to America's enemies.
Our Presidential Candidates need to understand that the War in Iraq is not something that needs to be regretted.Our soldiers, who fought it,..sure don't.
What needs to be regretted is the election of a President whose seething hatred of America led him to withdraw our troops from the world, and allow evil to grow and fester.
America must always be a strong presence in every part of the globe , if the evil of Al Queda and ISIS are to be defeated.
The Iraq War was just, and no one, not one man , woman, or child shall ever be burned, beheaded, or crucified , by a hate filled enemy of humanity , because America failed to act,..while under my leadership".
That is the answer that every single Republican candidate should give, the next time they are forced by the liberal media, to ponder the "Iraq Question".
There is no question.
There is no doubt.
There is nothing to ponder.
America is the number one superpower , the single deadliest , most destructive force on earth.
With that power, must come great responsibility.
America has an obligation and a solemn duty to use that power to battle any evil that threatens the peace, safety, and prosperity of mankind.
And, if you want to wear the mantle of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, must acknowledge this,..and swear an oath that , under your command,..America will never again,..retreat in the face of evil, and let innocents be slaughtered ,..because she failed to act.
Was the Iraq War justified?
Damn right.
The eternal battle of good against evil,..always is.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Great Train Robbery

Before the number of injured was even tallied, before the dead bodies were even cold, and before there was a shred of credible evidence as to the real cause of the Amtrak Train crash in Philadelphia,  former Governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell, could not wait to set the record straight , and make it crystal clear, that he knew exactly what the cause of the crash was. Governor Rendell said it was a "failure of infrastructure".Quite a remarkable statement, really, considering the fact that the actual cause seemed to be just human error, since the train had been traveling at 106 miles per hour, around a 50 miles per hour curve in the tracks .Nevertheless, Governor Rendell cut right to the heart of the problem and blamed it on lack of government spending on "infrastructure", pure and simple. How absurd, and how predictable really.After all, Rendell is a Liberal Democrat, and as fellow Democrat , and former Obama Advisor, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel once said, "You should never let a crises go to waste".How true. And the left, certainly never does. The Amtrak crash is just the latest "crises" that Rendell and the Democrat Party has used as an opportunity to push for higher taxes on hard working Americans. The irony is that most of these "crises"are actually created by the Democrats themselves, and just used as convienent excuses to bilk the American freemarket out of money that is, and always will be , used for Democrat Election Campaigns, Democrat entitlement and green energy programs , funding Democrat Unions, and funding America's enemies overseas , as well.
Every State in our Union that is run by the Democrat Party is bankrupt and crime ridden.That's a grim fact. And, every State run by the Democrats is constantly demanding government bailouts for their list of con jobs, such as "education", "infrastructure", "green energy" , and "job creation".Billions of dollars were already given to these collapsing, Democrat run,states for their endless list of entitlements in 2008, when Obama was elected.And yet, today, every Democrat State still has failing schools, still has record high  unemployment, and yes, ..still has failing infrastructure. The reason is clear;..Democrats use every tax dollar the American people gives them, to just fatten their own wallets, and the wallets of the Democrat Union bosses. , that's all. If this wasn't true, the problems they have had for decades,that they claim they want to solve,..would be solved,..wouldn't they?
Since the days of Woodrow Wilson, and Roosevelt's "New Deal", the Democrat Party has taken over 30 trillion hard earned American dollars,and "invested" them in ;.creating jobs, better education,..better infrastructure, welfare handouts,.and green energy programs,..and it has accomplished nothing , and has actually made things a lot worse. Not surprising really.For, you see, total economic collapse will always be the result when you take money from those that earned it, and give it to those who didn't.
And the latest "con" from the left is an accelerated push from Democrat controlled States to demonize local police forces as 'racist".The purpose is clear;..create riots,and  create a racial divide in the community, and you create new Democrat voters , new reasons to petition Washington for more tax dollars , and a new excuse to bring local police under Federal control.
Ferguson , Baltimore, New York, and Chicago, are the chief offenders in this racist cop con, and the results are riots, looting, and wholesale destruction of the property and businesses owned by hardworking , freemarket, capitalist Americans. This matters little to the Democrat politicians who run these cities however.For, like Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake, and her chief prosecutor Marilyn Moseby , who both orchestrated the destruction of their city, by pushing an entitlement agenda and police hatred, they know that the more destruction , the more race baiting, the more government imposed poverty,..the more Democrat votes and union control as well. They also know , and so do all Democrats , in every Democrat controlled State, that by declaring the police 'racist" and calling for a Federal takeover of them, and by keeping the citizens in poverty, keep the Federal government tax payer bailouts coming .
And the blame for these failing Democrat cities and states , will always rest squarely on the shoulders of the Republican Party. That right folks.Blame your smoking, charred ruin of a city on the Republicans who withheld funding for, "education" and "infrastructure".It's their fault.It's always the Republicans fault, and the Democrat Party will always make sure their voting constituents know it.
Republicans are racist tightwads that are keeping Americans poor in order to fund their rich, corporate pals.That's the scenario they spin , in order to assure that the people suffering under their socialist policies continue to vote for the Democrat Party. And now, we have Amtrak as the latest part of this elaborate con on the American public. Amtrak ,in reality, is just part of the larger "infrastructure con".Amtrak was actually created by Republican President Richard Nixon, and it is totally  funded, by taxpayer money. And, in all the years it has operated, Amtrak has never made a profit .Never. And, just like all the Democrat controlled government programs, has always been a complete and utter disaster , waiting to happen.
And now, that disaster has happened .8 Americans dead, and more than 50 injured in a crash that was clearly caused by the engineer , who was either too drunk, too high, or simply too incompetent  to realize that you cannot make a turn in a train going 106 miles per hour. Even House Speaker Boehner weighed in on the issue, calling the claims of failing infrastructure ridiculous, and stated that the train was simply going too fast, end of story. The engineer has lawyered up, and is refusing to answer questions .He will, no doubt, be held responsible, eventually. But, that's not what's important , according to the Democrat Party.What's important, is the fact that , once again, the Democrats have a good, solid, crises on their hands,..and they will most certainly not let it go to waste. They will use this tragic crash as just another tool, another weapon, to be wielded against those on the right, who still believe the absurd notion that government should be subservient , to the citizens it serves.
The Republican Party should take heed, and regard this attempt by the Democrats to turn a train tragedy into a train robbery of the American taxpayer as a warning by the hand of fate, that the Democrats must  remain a minority Party,...permanently,... and have no part in the governance of America's future ,....if America is to have a future.

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Spartacus Strategem

A Bounty has been placed on the head of Pamela Geller, the Director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative.The reason?She held a "Draw the Prophet Muhammed Competition in Garland Texas, and by so doing, committed an act of blasphemy, that is punishable by death..The question is;..blasphemy to who?Blasphemy to Al Queda who killed 3000 Americans on 911?Blasphemy to ISIS,who beheads , burns, and crucifies Christians, Jews, Yazidis, and Kurds,all across the middle east and around the globe?Blasphemy to Saudi Arabia and Iran, who sponsor terrorists, oppress women, and murder homosexuals?Blasphemy to who,..exactly?To Islam, a religion that condemns all non-believers as infidels , deserving of death? Blasphemy to an intolerant religion that demands the death of any individual who would simply draw a picture of the Prophet Muhammed? Is this the blasphemy that we are supposed to concern ourselves with?
Time for a wake up call.Pamela Geller is an American, not a Saudi, not an Iranian, not a member of Al Queda, and not an ISIS recruit. She is an American, living on American soil, and as such, she is not subject to the petty , intolerant demands of a petty , intolerant, and violent religion. Our religion, America's religion, is based on freedom , individual rights , and the brotherhood of all men.It's based on the idea that all men were created by God, to live free , ruled only by themselves. Our religion is the basis , the foundation, for the greatest system of self government ever devised by the mind of man.Our religion is the basis for our constitution ,the blueprint that makes us the greatest nation that ever was, or ever will be. Our religion is based on Judeo Christian principles, the teachings of a man called Jesus, who taught us to love God , and our fellow man, as we love ourselves.  Peace, love , and the brotherhood of man, is the religion of America. Hatred , violence , intolerance,and  oppression, is the religion of America's enemies, the religion called Islam.
The word Islam does not mean, "peace",contrary to popular opinion. The word Islam means, "submission".Submission to an evil god , and an evil Prophet  that demands the death of all those who dare to reject them, and instead, embrace freedom.
America dares to reject all that Islam stands for, ..and Pamela Geller dares as well. And, for this sin, this blasphemy, Islam demands the death of not only Pamela Geller, but of America as well.
You see, the Mayor of Garland Texas , the media pundits , and the liberal left in general, that dared to condemn Pamela Geller as an agitator , who deliberately provoked Islamists by mocking their Prophet , are wrong, wrong,..wrong! They are dead wrong,..and history will indeed judge them so. We are at war people, both at home, and abroad .The CIA has now determined that there are over 71 terror sleeper cells living in the U.S., ready to strike. Pamela Geller did not agitate , or provoke Muslims , or anyone else. Pamela Geller defended the First Amendment.Pamela Geller defended the Constitution. And Pamela Geller defended America, from an invading terror army that is determined to take this land for Islam and the Prophet Muhammed, and will not rest , until the flag of ISIS is flying from the White House Lawn, and every State in our Union is forced to live under Sharia Law.
Defending America from her enemies on our own soil .That was the purpose behind Pamela Geller's drawing competition .For Pamela, like our Founders before her, knows that the root of freedom is the refusal of the individual ,to submit to the will of another, and live under his rule. ISIS has called for the death of any who would dare to mock the Prophet, by depicting him in an illustration.And, in every nation on earth that has dared defy them on this edict, has paid the price in blood, and has indeed submitted to the Will of Islam. England , France, Germany , the Netherlands ,...all of them, and the rest of Europe as well, , have Sharia Law imposed on them, mosques on every street corner, and constant terror attacks against civilians, and police alike. They have all submitted to the will of Islam, and those exceptions, like the staff of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo, who didn't,..paid a heavy price
The Flag of ISIS is flying proudly from all these nations now , because they did not wish to agitate , anger, or provoke an enemy determined to destroy them.
But,...not America,..not yet, anyway. Not as long as We the People have stand with the America Freedom Defense Initiative,..and it's Leader Pamela Geller,..who understands that America is a living symbol of defiance that not only has the right to draw the Prophet, but it has an obligation and a duty , draw the Prophet Muhammed, if  for no other reason than Islam has told us we cannot. We said "no", to British taxes, and religious oppression. We said,"no", to Nazi socialism and genocide. We said "no" , to North Vietnam, China, and Russia's communist forces.
We must now stand with Pamela Geller , and with a united voice, say "no" , to those who tell us we can't draw a cartoon depiction of a man whose life was one long, murderous rampage, against Christians, against Jews, against women, and against homosexuals , who were all put to the sword ,..his sword ,..for refusing to obey his will, and the will of his evil god.
Pamela Geller does not stand alone.
We the People stand with her, and will draw the Prophet.
Will reject Sharia.
Will reject all the evil and oppression that Islam seeks to impose upon us, and our great nation.
There is no safety in hiding, or submission .We the People must stand united and fight,or stand divided and die. In the 1960 Stanley Kubrick film , "Spartacus", the Romans sought to destroy the rebellious gladiator army by isolating the leader of the rebellion , and making an example of him .This , they reasoned,would put fear in the hearts of his followers , and bring an end to the  rebellion, by showing them the price they would pay for such rebellion.The Leader of the Roman forces, Marcus Crassus,..gave the captured rebels a choice , betray their leader, or suffer mass crucifixion. Their leader ,the Gladiator Spartacus, stepped forward , to identify himself, and save his men, . but his followers would have none of it. One by one, they all stepped forward , and all identified themselves , ..with the cry, .."I am Spartacus!" They were all united,with their leader, in their defiance of the evil that was Rome.
We the People, here,, the New Rome,..the Rome created by our President, and the Democrat Party,..must employ this same Spartacus strategem , and declare to America's enemies that the bounty imposed by ISIS on the head of Pamela Geller , is on the heads of every other American as well.
Pam Geller will not stand alone, and the "Draw Prophet Muhammed" terrorist trap that she devised ,that brought about the deaths of two terror sleeper cells at the hands of a Garland police officer. ..will be used again, and again, in every City, and every State,..all across  our Nation.In truth, it must be.
Who is Pamela Geller?
We the People are Pamela Geller, ..and we have no other choice.. but to fight with her, ..and if necessary, die with her ,.....defending our Nation from the scourge that is Sharia.

Friday, May 1, 2015

"Those Who Survive!"

In the wake of the unexplained death of career criminal Freddie Gray,while in Police custody, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake said she would give protestors,"space to destroy", and gave her police force orders to "stand down", in the face of rioting looters and vandals. Now, why would any Mayor , Governor, or any other government official, elected to protect the security of their state and it's citizens, make such a statement, or give such an order?
Because , just like the Mayor of Ferguson , Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake is a card carrying member of the liberal left, and the left believes , first and foremost, that it is America ,..not the Baltimore thugs and criminals , that is really guilty of robbing, looting , and pillaging ,..all other nations all around the globe. America is racist.America is sexist.America is anti-gay.America is an imperialist invader that has stolen it's wealth and power from other nations and it must be punished , and reduced to the lowly level of a third world nation in order to even the score, and finally bring peace , wealth and prosperity , to the rest of the world.
This is why hardcore leftists like Stephanie Rawlings Blake will take an incident like the still unexplained death of Freddie Grey , and use it as one more golden opportunity to use the race con to attack the police, and the military, for that matter, who are perceived by the left to be symbols of the white power structure .In other words, symbols of hated,Imperialist, criminal America. Ironically, however, Baltimore is not only Democrat controlled , and has been for fifty years,but it's government officials and police force, are predominately African American as well. How's that for a dose of reality? But despite this, the police and military, symbols of White America ,must nevertheless be brought down , and ultimately placed under the control of the Federal Government. That's the left's game. State rights to run their own local police force, or anything else , as they see fit, must be done away with , and all police must be brought under Federal control because they are inherently racist and corrupt, and cannot be trusted.
In other words, a National Police State must be imposed on American citizens , if the left is ever to achieve the socialist utopia it has envisioned since the 1930's. It is, in fact, the final step to achieving a Marxist style government .
First, you impose National Healthcare.
Then , push the race agenda.
Then, gun registration.
Then, gun confiscation.
Then, impose a police force that answers only to the Federal Government, and the leftist elite that runs it.
It's the perfect plan.
It's the plan that's been used by every tyrant ,dictator, and despot in history, to gain power and control of their nations.
And, make no mistake, it is the plan being implemented in America, by the left , right now, every liberal controlled state in our nation.
Of course , liberal Democrats like Baltimore Mayor Blake blame Republican policies for the poverty and crime that exists in her city, but that assertion is laughable , and lacks all credibility .As stated before,..Baltimore, like Ferguson, is Democrat controlled and has been for many decades.
So too, is the entire state of California.
So too, is Chicago Illinois.
So too, is Detroit Michigan.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke out about the Baltimore incident , and stated that Freddie Gray's death while in police custody is part of a pattern that has been going on for a long time.Indeed it is. But, not the "racist cop" pattern that she is alluding to. Like all liberal Democrats, Hillary is trying to blame Baltimore on Republican policies, no doubt hoping to boost her fading Presidential election chances that are already being imperiled by the Benghazi and  Clinton Foundation deceptions.No, despite what Hillary says, the reason this has indeed been going on so long, because of Democrat policies, and nothing else.
This cannot be denied.The historical evidence makes it clear. Every state in our union that is run exclusively by the Democrat Party, is in poverty and despair. Record levels of unemployment high crime, drug dealing, and drug use ,are the normal state of affairs in every Democrat controlled city or state. Not surprising really.When your main economic policy is to increase taxes and regulations endlessly,  to increase taxpayer funded entitlement programs,to enact gun bans on citizens, to push for union control of all things free market, and to demonize our military and police ,...this is always, always, always,..the inevitable result.
For, if not, why are there no race riots in Republican controlled states like Texas?
Why are there no race based riots that destroy the hard work of free market business owners in any Republican controlled City or State?
Because, Republican States have good economies , due to tax and regulation cuts that enable business owners to prosper and create jobs.
Because Republican States support our Second Amendment rights , and allow their citizens to use those rights to protect themselves, and their property.
Because Republicans cut entitlement package deals that embolden the lazy, the unmotivated, and the illegal.
Because Republican States support union charter schools that create a  free market competition in education and ends Democrat union monopolies.
And, most importantly, because Republican States support our military , local police, and firefighters strongly, and understand that without them, , vandalism, looting , and general destruction is always the result. Evil rises when good retreats , and, despite their other faults, Republicans never retreat in the face of evil, unlike their Democrat counterparts who permit thugs and criminals , backed by leftist communist organizations , to control the streets of their towns and cities, in the name of so called, "social justice".
Make no mistake, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake  of Baltimore,..despite her denials after the fact, did indeed say that she would allow criminal thugs the "space to destroy", if that is what they wished to do.After all, she said,.. it's "only property".
And, make no mistake, ..Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake, of Baltimore,..did indeed order her police force to "stand down" that first night , and allowed her city to be destroyed by worthless, entitlement scum , that she only supports ,..because they vote Democrat.
That's all this is ,just a push for more political power , and once again,..the racism con, the weapon of choice. Baltimore, like Ferguson ,..can burn to the ground for all the Democrats that run them care. What matters is the agenda. By allowing their their cities to burn,..their chance for re-election ,..actually increases. For, beyond any shadow of a doubt,..those racist Republicans, and those racist cops,..will always be blamed,..despite the overwhelming evidence that the trillions of dollars spent , since the 1960's, Democrats to improve their cities has done nothing,..except increase poverty, and create permanent entitlement zombies,..who will indeed continue to vote Democrat,..for eternity ,..just so they can survive in a world that their chosen Party has left them woefully unprepared for.
A World where only the individual,..
...the independent,....
..the self-sufficient,...
..and the strong,....
....A Republican World.