Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jesus Christ , Part Man , Part God , All Republican.

With Christmas  now upon us, it's time to address some issues that seem to really bug some secular liberals about this holiest of holiday seasons.First, there is the issue of what we are actually celebrating ,which seems to be up for debate , in some very confused minds.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Son of God, pure and simple. If you have a problem with that, then don't celebrate it.Don't wander around in malls desperately looking for the perfect gifts for family and friends and work yourself up into a holiday stress syndrome if you are offended by the phrase "Merry Christmas". After all ,the word "Christ" is in the name of the holiday, for Christ's sake! It's a religious holiday, not a shopping orgy mall rats! Even Santa Claus is a saint , ya know, Saint Nicholas, who just happens to be a real guy by the way.
The next issue is this annoying habit all liberal Bush haters seem to have when they disagree with the president. They  love to throw up the theory that Jesus would not  approve of war ,and would certainly approve of socialized government programs that give freebies to people by taking the money from hard working people. This is NONSENSE. First, Jesus was not a pacifist who believed it's somehow wrong to defend yourself , your family, or your country against evil. On the contrary,The Bible strongly contradicts this.
First, on the issue of defending the innocent, Jesus states clearly that any one who harms an innocent child should be flung into the sea , with a millstone around his neck, and he further stated that it would be better if such a person were never born to begin with.
He physically defends the adulteress who is about to be stoned to death, and uses a whip to forcefully drive the moneychangers from his father's house, which is the Temple , of course.
And, as far as the "turn the other cheek" line goes,Jesus himself when he is struck by  a temple official verbally challenges him, and states that if what he said is true then he does not deserve to be hit . In other words, he is angry at the unjust assault and lets the priest know it, in no uncertain terms.
He also instructs the apostles to carry swords for protection , and peter uses his to cut off a soldier's ear in defense of Jesus!
In fact, most of Jesus life was spent in a very confrontational and agitational manner , and never passed up an opportunity to call the religious and govt. officials of yhe time "Hypocrites".
And, for all you tree hugging ,Greenpeacers out there, remember that Jesus once touched a fig tree and made it wither, simply because he was annoyed that the tree had no figs for him to eat!
Finally there are the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, "I come not to bring peace, but a sword".
So, in conclusion, I think that all this evidence proves that not only was jesus not a pacifist, but would probably make an excellent Vice President if anything happens to Dick Cheney!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hillary Clinton; The Divorced Communist President .

There are three reasons why Hillary Clinton must not become President. Number One, she is a communist. Forget about Hillary Care, Higher taxes for the so called rich, and the complete inability to answer a simple yes or no question regarding whether illegals should have valid drivers licenses, the simple fact is that she makes Stalin look like Yankee Doodle Dandy .This is a woman whose mentor and idol in college was a professor who made no bones about the fact that he was a card carrying commie.It takes a village?Forced Health Care for everyone? Sorry comrade Clinton, but in America we believe it takes an individual, a free individual, who can decide himself whether or not he wants health coverage , from a free market run, not government run, Insurance company.She believes in big government and small , insignificant citizens , who will just shut up and vote for her with no questions asked. After all, who are we to ask her questions about her qualifications to be  president? Don't you realize she was married to the President for eight years?
Secondly,she is a woman.Now, don't get all upset ladies , let me explain what I mean. As a woman, she is subject to more emotional reactions to decisions that could affect the security of our nation. Do we really want someone with PMS to have access to nuclear missles?Or an entire army, airforce, and navy for that matter?And we already know she has a vicious temper, just ask Bill.
Let me put forth a hypothetical scenario just to illustrate what I mean. Hillary is PRESIDENT, and her relationship with her husband is far from cozy and cuddly. A Russian spy is recruited to Wine and Dine  President Clinton and ultimately get her to fall in love with him. Sound like crazy James Bond nonsense you say?Picture this if you will;
Russian Agent: " You know, you are really quite beautiful , my dear". "More wine?"
Hillary:"You really think I'm beautiful?" Well, all right, I guess I could show you a couple of the missiles ".
Third reason; Hillary will divorce Bill. That's right Bill Clinton fans . If you are voting for this unqualified pain in the ass just to see Bill back in charge, dream on, folks.She only stayed with this letcherous loser this long to further her political career , and if she becomes president, she will no longer need him.So, she will dump him, shack up with a russian spy that sweeps her off her feet, and then tells him all the missile launch codes during a prolonged session of "pillow talk".
So in conclusion , a vote for Hillary will ensure Communist takeover and possible nuclear war. Think before you pull that lever, comrade.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

AL Gore Top of the Food Chain

The time has come for Al Gore to run for President again.Based on what? A film showing a doomsday scenario of ice caps melting and polar bears drowning? Even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss this film as a fairy tale.
Besides,let's say the ice does melt.Polar bears are extremely aquatic, and can swim in frigid waters for hundreds of miles; that's more than Al Gore can say.And let's say you're a polar bear, and you're stalking your prey, which in this case is, let's say, Al Gore.
Now, do you think the polar bear has a better chance of stalking and killing Al Gore on solid grass and dirt, or on a sheet of ice?True, Al doesn't look like he's too swift a runner,but you have to admit the bear would have a much easier time catching and killing Al on dry ground than on ice.
So,finally, Global Warming doesn't really look that bad, after all. The grass is green,the flowers blooming, and Al Gore has made a significant contribution to saving an endangered polar bear's life.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Wishful Thinking

"There you go with that wishing stuff again! I wish you were a wishing well, so I could drop a bucket down ya and sink ya! James Cagney said that in the movie Public Enemy, and the sentiment applies to the more recent attempts by the liberal media to smear certain right wing figures with no more factual evidence than a wing and a prayer. Sorry George Soros and all your commie socialist pals, wishing just doesn't make it so.
General Petraeus didn't "betray us", and his report on the surge was factual, unbiased, and to think otherwise is not only insulting to an honorable man, but clearly shows just how scared and desperate the left is right now.If the war is won, they lose politically, it's as simple as that.
Rush Limbaugh simply never said what they are claiming he said. Rush's record is impeccable in defending and supporting our troops, and has been to Iraq and Afghanistan in person unlike Harry Reid , who is leading the charge on this wishing well fantasy that he hopes is true, but it ain't! Rush called soldiers phony that were in fact phony, they made up their military records and fabricated Iraq torture and murder scenarios,without even making it through boot camp! Now, if that ain't phony,then maybe we need to re-examine Baron Munchausen's adventures .Maybe they were factual as well!
So, MoveOn.Org pals, take some advice, will ya? wishing on a star for your socialist utopian dreams to come true just doesn't work. That Jiminey Cricket was, in fact , a PHONY!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

How to save the world in three easy lessons

Okay, let's get down to brass tacks here. First, erosion of our moral principles and values. Solution? Get back to basic family values, you know, like mom and dad actually participating in their childrens lives in a positive way ?Not trying to be their friend, or letting them drink or do drugs as long as they do it around the house, but cracking the whip and laying down the law on them, and raising them in a religion based house, preferrably , Christianity , the one our constitution was based on and the one that has the most common sense values . You know, peace love and the brotherhood of man? Makes more sense than raising them in a religion that teaches hate , like radical Islam.Here's a clue to those picking a religion, if the God in question in the religion tells you to kill specific groups of people, it ain't God you're talking to pal , it's probably the other guy , you know the guy with the pitch fork and horns?
If you're looking for a perfect example of the kind of family unit I'm talking about, look no farther than the Bush family. Very religious, very involved in their children's lives,and the evidence speaks for itself.Not only are they very accomplished people, but seem to be very nice friendly people with a strong sense of moral values.  This all is reflected in their  strong  family ties that are quite admirable.
Next, the War in Iraq and the controversy over it. This one is simple. the wae is just, the only way to world peace is through war, history proves this , and to dispute this is to refute history,like our friend ahmandenijad does .Right holocaust disputers?As long as there are coumtries that are run by petty dictators that think they can run peoples lives better tnan they can run them, we  will be sticking our red white and blue noses in them and ousting them by force if necessary, not just for their benefit, but for ours as well. The simple fact is that free countries that are run democratically by free people do not I repeat, do not make war on each other .This is a simple , blatant, and painfully overlooked fact. The more countries we free , the more dictators we force out , the more peace we have in the world . Why is this so difficult to understand?
 This brings me to my third and final point,recognizing the enemy, whether it's the liberal Bush haters, MoveON. ORG, or the Iranian leader who gets to speak at Columbia University, while the R.O.T.C was denied the same right on the same campus. It's laughable to think that this evil sponsor of terror was applauded many times during his speech ,and treated with more courtesy than he deserved , while American right wing figures like Ann Coulter are hit in the face with pies during their visits to this campus.
What's the root of this behavior? Simply this, Stockholm Syndrome. Alarge number of left wing liberals in this country are simply scared and intimidated by these radicals, and to compensate for this they side with the terrorists and show them that they too hate George W. Bush and all he stands for, somehow thinking this will spare them in the next attack on our country.Very basic, give the bully in the schoolyard my lunch money so that he leaves me alone mentality.Nothing more, nothing less.
Now the other aspect of this attitude from a political point of view is that these are people who believe that  a democratic , capitalistic society like we live in is simply blantantly unfair , and that socialism , or , as I call it communism is the way to go .They like the idea of equal shares for everyone, even those too lazy or shiftless to work.The rich have too much , and should be forced to give their money to the poor, who have nothing.Sounds good huh? Except for the fact that communism has never worked in any country that it has been tried in.And it isn't equal, because there is always that one guy who thinks he's smarter than all the equal people, and decides to run the show, and in the process, makes himself a little bit "equaler". than the commoners.In the basic vernacular, this is known as a DICTATOR!
This, by the way, is what MoveOn.Org is all about. Their billionaire benefactor, George Soros, Has stated in interviews that he wants the U.S to go back to the feudal system of merry old England, when Kings ruled their loyal subjects , who accepted whatever crusts of bread fall from his palace roundtable.The knights and Lords rule under him, and likewise rule over the peasents who were not fortunate enough to be born into royalty.This is his vision for America , and the true purpose behind MoveOn.Org , and their financial support of presidential candidates such as Hillary Clinton , who embodies this socialistic philosopy to a T.
It's easy to beat the dems once you understand this is what they are about. Unfortunately for them, and their political aspirations, this is not what America is about. Now or ever!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Patreaus hears a Who

Well, the verdict is in ,the surge is working, and  the Democrats,as predictable as a shark pissing in the sea, have stated in unison that four star  General Patreaeus is as deluded in his observations as Horton hearing a Who. Except that  Horton was not deluded , he did hear a Who , and was vindicated in the end .
The Liberal Democrats have ,in fact, by attacking this four star General's credibility made themselves look more ridiculous , deluded and sinister than the Wickerson brothers , who took special delight in declaring Horton,s assertions not merely the ravings of a crazed talking  elephant , but in some way the beginnings of some dark conspiratorial plot to undermine society in general!!
In fact,I woud'nt be surprised if Moveon. Org was behind descrediting General Patreaus and Horton as well!!!! And those Wickerson Brothers do bear a remarkably strong resemblance to George Soros.Some relatives of his on the payroll perhaps?
 Well in any event, Horton the Republican elephant stuck by his guns , endured their abuse, and proved his point that a Democracy is still a Dmocracy , no matter how small!!
Right President Bush and General Patreaus?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bush Lied And Boys Died , Blah Blah Blah, By Hans Christian Anderson

Some advice for those who commented on my recent blog entries;
First,when you start off your arguement with a personal attack or insult , you have already lost the debate ,just like the bully in the schoolyard who loses the fight , so he resorts to name calling out of frustration.
Secondly, when Emailing a counter point , don't have the name of the left wing  blog on the comments you send. It gives the impression that these opinions and statistics that you are spouting aren't really yours, but those of the Bush bashing blogosphere that you have slavishly memorized. It,s okay to have an opinion,even though you're wrong of course, but back it up with statistics and information obtained from independent sources, not these sites that spin the stats  and facts to suit thier plan to have the hated  and evil Bush ogre impeached and banished from their liberal utopian fantasy land.
Third, and most important, children, use only facts, proven facts,in yor arguement , not hate filled sour grapes theories and conspiracy scenarios.
Yes, Virginia, there is no Santa Claus, no Tooth Fairy , no Boogyman, and no 911 Bush Saudi inside job . But, if you can't deal with the reality of the facts and hard evidence that supports this, try reading material more up your alley , like Hans Christian Anderson or The Brothers Grimm. Although, even these guys would dismiss your stories as fairy tales.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Nuclear War Monkeys

This entry will explain the meaning of the name of this blog, "warmonkey".
President Bush has done nothing for this country, killed Americans for oil and the people who elected him are brain dead rednecks.When is this ignorant cowardly rhetoric going to end?
The war was justified,Saddam had weapons, used them on his own people,shot at our planes during a cease fire, and blocked weapon inspectors.AND did I FAIL TO MENTION  FINANCING AND TRAINING TERRORISTS?
Saddam is well gone,his child raping and murdering sons are well gone,and we are fighting this thing until it,s over, end of story. I love these peace loving bush haters who hate the war but tolerate gang shootings, and drug warfare in their own neighborhoods that kill their own children.Guns killed their chidren not the drug dealing scum that pointed and fired the weapon.
AND HOW ABOUT SMOKING? Everyone screams about smokers rights,while cigarettes kill more people every year than the Iraq war ever will. Why don,t you Bush haters admit the real issue?You are afraid of the terrorists,so you,re trying to show them that you support them by hating our president.It,s called Stockholm Syndrome,look it up somtime geniuses.
Face facts peace lovers.You who cut people off in traffic, insult waitresses, pick fights with salesgirls and bartenders,need to accept reality.We are a warlike hostile species war is the best path to peace and always has been. History proves this . The Japanese and South Koreans are staunch supporters of our country and the fight against terror, despite the long and bloody conflicts that we had with both countries, not to mention Germany,another peace loving nation, thanks to us of course.
Yes, we are a violent , warlike species, but we fight for freedom in the U.S, NOT TYRANNY, AND THAT IS WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT!
After all, The Japanese had two , count em, two, nuclear bombs dropped on them by us, and now their president visits Graceland with our President.Nothing brings people closer together than nuclear war apparently.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Bin Laden , by any other name;

Why haven't we caught Osama Bin Laden yet? The President, once asked this question at a press conference,replied that Bin Laden is "irrelevent", and that he did'nt even think about The Terrorist leader anymore.The reason for this attitude is clear and in the context of this war , accurate.
Who cares about Bin Laden? We should'nt even pursue methods to capture him. We want him to keep running , keep hiding, keep crawling in and out of every cave in Afghanistan, like an animal, until he begs and pleads for us to let him be.
I want him to stay well and healthy,as he watches his mad dream of darkness vanish with the coming of freedom's dawn.The new troop surge is working, combined with our new strategy which is really quite simple,fight a war to win,not to keep from losing. When we do that,we can't lose, never have , never will.
But Bin Laden must remain alive,and unharmed,just like his predecessor in evil, Adolf Hitler. Faced with the reality of his total defeat at the hands of the Allies,Hitler took the only way out for an evil coward, suicide.
That is how history should play out again for Bin Laden as well, as it should for all evil little tyrants who hate freedom,God's ultimate gift to us .

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

No free lunches, only fences.

The old saying, there are no free lunches", is quite accurate, and applies to our immigration and health care problems. First, to solve the illegal immigrant issue is really quite simple,build a fence,protect the border.If this is a country and not an international soup kitchen we must have borders.Otherwise,we live in a big lump of dirt, which certainly then does not require a flag or a constitution, or even an official language, for that matter. Sounds kinda like one giant penal colony , like that movie Escape from New York .Iguess that would make president Bush the Duke of New York, like  the Issac Hayes character.
Build the fence, for Christ,s sake! If fences don't work , then why do they put them around prisons?
Next, punish companies and employers who hire these people.If you hire an illegal, a monetary fine and possible prison sentence would certainly persuade companies to check backgrounds of potential employees. If they can't get work, they will be back over that border  faster than Speedy Gonzales!
Now, Health Care. You can't have free health care. This country is a free democracy , not a socialist bread line. Affordable health care in a free market where the buyer can pick and choose in a healthy capitalistic competition is how it works in free nations with free enterprise economies.If you don,t like it, go live in a socialist country that gives handouts and free health care.If you like waiting several months for emergency surgery that is. All the people of France and Canada come here for treatment when they are really sick. The reason?According to these foreigners, we have the best health care in the world! Shocking isn,t it?After all, freebies usually are the best indication of a high quality product, right?
And it is not free, by the way.These  countries are just more brazen at picking their citizens pockets with taxes that pay for the treatment of people too lazy to work, and too lazy to exercise,quit smoking ,or watch their diets.Whats next? Free Lunches??

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Pontius Pilate Syndrome

Should Scooter Libby be pardoned?Absolutely not. You see,in order to be pardoned of a crime, there has to be a crime to begin with. Despite the fact that Valerie Plame's husband ,Joe Wilson,had been telling everyone including their housekeeper,what his wife did for a living for years, and the fact that the special prosecutor knew that it was actually Richard Armitage who had "outed" Plame, the fate of Scooter Libby seemed almost pre-ordained.
The reason for this is simple, good ol' fashioned political scapegoat-ism.You see, when our new democrat dominated congress was elected, complete with speaker of the house Pelosi,it was expected,as one of it's first duties, to bring down the Bush administration by impeachment.George Soros and his pals over at Move On . Org has invested a lot of time and money toward this end, and now Pelosi and crew could make this happen.
However, when Speaker Pelosi made it clear that she would not pursue this time and money wasting endeavor,someone else had to be brought down, as sort of a consolation prize.
Enter Scooter Libby, scapegoat and all around fall guy for the Bush administration.And this time the liberal need for conservative blood was so strong,that even the overwhelming evidence of Libby's innocence could not save him. For twisted political ideology and hatred of Bush-Cheney he had to fall. Sure, the President can still pardon him , should his appeal fail, and he probably will, but even a full Presidential pardon cannot erase the disgrace of  this entire kangaroo court fiasco ever occuring at all.
 But Libby shouldn't feel too bad , since he's not the first innocent political figure to be convicted to appease the masses. Pontius Pilate did the same thing to Jesus Christ, simply to keep peace withinhis political party and to appease the bloodthirsty crowd during Passover.But, at least Pilate had the decency to express guilt and regret over his crucifixion, and didn't gloat over it , like Pelosi and company.
And incidentally, in case anyone's interested, you can't "out" a C I A agent that wasn't covert for over five years!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

War , the greatest source of peace.

This Memorial Day was a true source of supreme irony.While we were celebrating our freedom, which was obtained by the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives in armed conflict with our enemies, while simutaneously watching an evil dictator exposed for the petty tyrant that he truly is.
Spain,s new Fuhrer, Hugo Chavez, decided that the criticism a local news station leveled upon him was unacceptable,so in true Hitleresque fashion, shut the studio down and fired over 100 employees in the process. That,s right folk,s! While our President was honoring our fallen heroes who preserved our freedom,Danny Glover and Rosie O, Donnell,s pal Hugo Chavez was showing the world his version of democracy in action, a democracy that is completely fair just and effective, for one person, Hugo Chavez. But not for the people he rules over with an iron boot.
This is a lesson all free men should never forget. So, the next time you see Mr. Chavez on television calling our President the Devil, or snuggling up to the gullible and dense Hollywood elite, who still believe that socialism is the way to go, and that capitalism is evil, remember this event that occured on Memorial Day.
And, while you're remembering, contemplate this,you who continue to hate the President ,hate this war,and hate our military.No freedom,on any part of this globe that has been won,has ever I repeat, ever been won without the spilling of blood in an often long and brutal conflict that creates massive casualties on both sides. Wr protestors like Cindy Sheehan believe that we are the agressors, we are the butchers, and we murder women and children.
Statistically speaking,this may be true, we may in fact kill just as many people in war as the enemy does, and in just as brutal a fashion, perhaps, even more so. What then,you may ask, is the difference between us and them? We apparently use the same savage methods, and achieve the same fatal results.
The difference is in what we are fighting for.Evil fights for power ,greed,and in the case of Islamic Extremists, the right to have seventy virgins in the next life over the crushed bodies of Christian American Capitalists.
We fight for peace in the world ,and the brotherhood of all men. We fight so that all humanity can live in freedom one day,especially our children.
That is the difference.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Mexico the 51st State

Ted Kennedy,s amnesty program for illegals is absurd of course, but like a many faceted jewel, this abomination has many sides to it. First, the idea of cutting a deal with an individual who broke the law is ridiculous, you came here illegally ,so your punishment must be that you leave the country , it,s as simple as that.Secondly, the idea that these people will now come forward, pay a back taxes fine  submit to a guest worker identification system, and then go to the back of the line to apply for legal citizenship is a fantasy worthy  of  Hans Christian Andersen.These people are criminals, you see. they came here illegally, lived her under the radar of our system, refused to learn our language, our laws, our way of life, and hold the country in contempt.If they didn,t they wouldwant to be a citizen with I.D and all that good stuff.Crooks do not pay fines , wait in lines , or submit to rules and regulations . That is why they are criminals , comprende?And don,t even get me started on what this marvelous plan is going to cost the law abiding tax payers like you and me.
You want to really solve the problem, here,s what you do. Annex MEXICO!1 It,s not as crazy as it sounds.The illegals already think that the U.S is part of their country anyway, so let,s make them correct ,but not in the way they want.No, you see we won the war with Mexico, which is something that most latinos seem to forget, so when we merge with them , they become the 51st state, and must obey the same laws that every state in our union must obey.The border problem is solved, our nation expands, and now we can track down the mexican crooks a lot easier, since they are in our country and legally, with I.D, CREDIT cards, Social securitycards , the works!!
Not fair you say? Well, All we fought Mexico for was Texas, and when we won, that,s all we took. These sore losers lost that war and still think they are entitled to the entire country we live in!
They should remember the old adage, You can,t have our country and fahita it too!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Big Brother or God,s Judgement?

The debate over electronic surviellance cameras in the streets of our cities continues to rage on.Those opposed to them feel that they are a violation of their privacy and freedom, suggesting that it,s just another example of the government taking away a basic right guaranteed by the constitution.
In response to this,I must ask the question, what right are you really concerned with anyway? Earlier this week,a World War 2 veteran was car jacked by a young thug who struck the elderly gentleman at least twenty times to the head in an effort to get him to relinquish his vehicle, while several witnesses just stood staring, as helpless and pathetic as sheep.The entire incident was captured on hidden camera,fortunately,which will hopefully lead to the capture of this mindless animal who gives pond scum a bad name.Now the question is, what right are we defending here by objecting to this on street surviellance? The right to beat an old man in complete privacy? The right to watch the beating like timid cowardly sheep without being shamed by a video recording ?Or is it just the right to not be bothered by such depressing images on the news at night, images which may remind you that some camera may one day capture your criminal activities for all the world to see and judge.What kind of rights do we think we have anyway?

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Jihad Mickey

The recent foiling of a terrorist plot to attack Fort Dix has been fortunately prevented, thanks to a store clerk who had the good sense to look at the film they had dropped off for processing, and realize that this was not an NRA spring outing that he was looking at. Good to see that some people realize that the solution to terrorism is not in the hands of  Homeland Security crackdowns, but in the hands of the people, you know, as in WE THE PEOPLE! We must never forget that ultimately our freedom and security are in our own hands, after all, that,s how we formed this great nation of ours to begin with, by rising up against our oppressors and taking back our God given rights from those who thought they could run our lives better than we could. The cost of freedom is constant vigilance. Ben Franklin said that, think and it is as true now against Islamic extremist as it was then against the British.We must take heed and follow this private citizens example, just as private citizen Franklin,s example set the wheels of democracy turning more than 200 years ago
People seem surprised to learn that Islamic extremist have now begun to use characters like Mickey Mouse to promote Jihad among school children.Why? This is a common tactic in  extreme movements, PETA used comic books for their message, cigarettes used a cartoon camel,even the Nazis had their own special youth program!
What to do about it? Simple really. Use cartoons to promote anti terror messages! It,s not as goofy an idea as it sounds. During WW2, a whole host of anti axis cartoon shorts were produced for movie audiences , many of them featuring Bugs Bunny  using his beloved dynamite in a carrot trick to blow up many a Nazi and Japanese solldier! Even Superman showed his politically incorrect side when he  encouraged his comic reading fans toSLAP A JAP! The simple fact is these methods are designed to form the thinking and ideals of our youth.For they will eventually shape the world in their image and ideals . Ijust hope they are not learning those ideals from Jihad Mickey!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Wiping your ass on the flag.

Last week,a new disgrace was brought upon this nation,when the recently deceased Captain America,s costume was used as a prop in a drunken groping of a woman in a bar . Apparently, a group of doctors in Florida went on an after work bar crawl while dressed in costumes of different heroes , including the good Captain. Here,s some good advice, barfly, the next time you get the urge to embarrass yourself and your medical collegues in public by
getting hammered and groping an innocent girl, picking a fight with her boyfriend, forcing her to pick you out of a Captain America lineup!,and then attempting to flush a bag of marijuana down the toilet at the police station, at least have the decency to take off the costume of a hero who symbolizes the country you live in beforehand.
Next time, try a Bozo the Clown costume to perform your hijinks in,and let Cap rest in peace.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

3 In 1 Blitzkreig

A few comments on a few issues. First, the Virginia Tech massacre.This reprehensible psycho should not have been able to kill these kids with impunity, when one armed goodguy could have taken him out. All of these  school type killings  occur in gun free zones . The killers are aware they are gun free zones. They planned their cowardly murders based on this fact. Why are they not targeting gun shows or NRA conventions?Guess it takes away some of the fun when you shoot at someone who can shoot back,Huh?
 Don Imus. He was fired because he is a liberal who works for a liberal radio station and a
liberal news network.Liberals are like pirahna fish, they tend to eat their own.Stern, O,Reilly,
Limbaugh,and Hannity have said far more controversial things,yet they still have their jobs.I rest my case.
Alec Baldwin. I actually thought he was pretty funny in his Cat in the Hat movie. He plays a man who gets revenge on a woman who rejects him by threatening her children . The kids, however, have the last laugh by cleverly outwitting the enraged, but slow witted Baldwin.With
the help of the hatted one, of course.Sound familiar?I mean,except for the cat part , of course.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech

Could this tradgedy have been prevented? Probably not. When some nut decides to go on a shooting spree and then take himself out,he,s probably going to do it.
Does this mean that students and faculty alike should just line up like sacrificial sheep going to the slaughter? No! This campus was asleep at the switch in notifying students after the initial shooting,asleep in providing armed security to protect the grounds ,and criminally negligent in their public declaration that this campus was a gun free zone. Imagine advertising the fact that you are unable to protect the children that have been placed in your care , and in such an arrogantly , smug and politically correct manner! When is this anti gun
nonsense going to end?How many more of our children must die because of some misguided liberal agenda that promotes gun control for the good guys and in the process turns our school grounds into a shooting gallery for these scum who don,t have the guts to do the decent thing and just blow their own twisted brains out and leave our children alone.
Am I promoting arming our schools? You bet your sweet bippy Iam! The simple fact is that past on campus incidents like this one were prevented from escalating be cause of students and faculty that had guns and knew how to use them.This tragedy may not have been prevented but armed faculty and even students could have lessened the number of innocent lives lost.
Sound crazy and extremist?I really don,t care. I am right and you are wrong and my method lets more chidren live than your method.
One final thought. The previous worst mass murder on our soil was  in Texas a few years back, wnen a psycho crashed his car into a mall restaurant and began calmly shooting the customers, one by one. One of the diners was  a local Texas congresswoman
who was eating with her parents. She realized she could take him out , since she had her gun in her purse and the killer had his back to her.
Her heart sunk , when she realized that she had left her gun in her car, due to a new  local carry permit law that said guns must be left in your vehicle. That law cost her the life of both of her parents, who were shot to death right in front of her.So much for worrying about what the public thinks. I Want my child to live, even if it,s over the body of your mass murdering child, and you can bet thats one congresswoman that wont let public perception influence her personal safety decisions again.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Peter Pan; Unsutable for children?

With the release of the anniversary edition of Walt Disney,s Peter Pan comes the question;is this cartoon suitable for children? Well, lets examine the content and see.First, lets examine the author of the story himself,who had some legal controversy over his associatons with
children,sound familiar Michal Jackson? But that aside, lets look at the cartoon itself.I myself had not seen it since I was a kid ,so it kind of surprised me to see it through the cynicism of an adult perspective. To begin with ,Peter Pan is seen in menacing sillouette on the rooftop of the children,s home,waiting , believe it or not, for the parents to leave the house so he can break in the home through the children,s bedroom window! Then, he begins a thorough ransacking of the kids room, looking for his shadow supposedly! Yeah , that,ll hold up in court Pete! Next, he kidnaps them, and takes them to his hidden island filled with other children that he has abducted .
It gets even better. Captain Hook at one point shoots and kills one of his pirate crew for singing too loud,and I don,t mean the way Bugs and Daffy shot each other during rabbit and duck season, where they simply have blackened faces and burnt feathers, no I mean he shot him dead in the context of the cartoon.
The scene involving the Indian tribe is interesting too. The braves are colored the brighest red this side of an apple, and offer a peace pipe to children who are clearly too young to smoke!
And The kids,led by bad influence Pan, smoke it too!
My personal favorite, is the scene involving no less than Tinkerbelle in a blatant act of terrorism! It seems that when Miss Belle grows jealous of Pete,s attentions to the underage Wendy,she first attempts to make her crash while  flying, and later even goes as far as to betray her to Captain Hook, resulting in a bomb planted in a clock designed to blow Wendy and everyone else to kingdom come! Watch  the DVD, I,m not making this up!
Now of course I,m not really outraged by this, and other examples in the film ,but simply demonstrating how easy it is to fake outrage over complete non issues. The Bugs Bunny,Bullwinkle, Speed Racer , Jonny Quest and many other great cartoons that I remember as a kid were violent and written on an adult level; but are still far better than the mindless,drivel being made for kids now that are nothing more than an insult to childrens intellegence.Its not the violence but the intent behind the violence. Does good triumph over evil?Is the violence humerous? The three Stooges were. And still are to new generations of viewers. In summation for all of it,s politically incorrect flaws, the moral and heart of the cartoon Peter Pan is good and fine for kids then, and now.No matter what politically correct liberal phonies say.When popular Xbox games glamorize crazy postal workers and murderous drug gang goons you need not breathe very deep to smell the hypocracy.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Evidence not Theory

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This is the credo that scientists and researchers live by , and the most appallingly obvious one that conspiracy theorists stubbornly ignore. Whether you,re talking about bigfoot, aliens, Kennedy assasination,or
global warming, you have to cut through the theoretical crap and look at the cold hard
evidence that backs up your premise.Unless you are willing to do this, you have left science
behind and have crossed over into the boundaries of fanaticism.
Wanting something to be true is not the same thing as proving something to be true, right
evolution theorists?
I believe in the possibility of an unknown species of hominid walking the forests of North America,in fact unknown species are uncovered all the time,but to have the balls to start a
website with members who pay dues to the homage of  a still unproven creature is foolish
and also has the stench of cheap fairground tricksterism.
This also applies to Al Gore and his global warming theory.Back in the seventies, it was the
global ice age theory,which was great for scaring gullible people, but also had no hard scientific evidence to back up the hyperbole.
This is what I,ll be raving about in this and in future entries,plus any political theories thatI feel need to be addressed, such as the cold hard fact that war is the only true proven way to assure peace. History proves me correct on this, so don,t dispute me, crack a book once in a while, and you,ll get a dose of truth, not theory.
One final thought regarding global warming and the flooding of the earth it will cause. Take a
glass , fill it halfway with water and add ice until the ice extends over the top of the glass. Now, if Mr. Gore,s theory is correct , as the ice melts, it should flow over the glass, spilling
on the table it sits on. But proven science, not hysterical theory,has proven that the ice can
only occupy the same amount of space as a liquid that it occupied as a solid, therefore creating no spill.But I guess Mr. Gore  would,nt know this, since since ice is banned in his house. You see, it wastes energy for his fridge to make it .