Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Perfect Killing Machine

Sarah Palin's plan to renew our spirit, revive our free market, and restore our Constitution, and our standing in the world as a "Beacon of Freedom", is truly brilliant. But more than that, she herself is brilliant, because she is that most rare , most precious , most pure of gems, a Conservative.  You see, a Conservative, in it's purest form, is nature's perfect political machine. Self -contained, self-sustaining, self-reliant, it exists for one purpose , and one purpose only; to destroy Liberalism, and it's anti-American agenda. Palin can win the Presidency brecause , as her campaign wears on, she will grow stronger, while Obama will grow weaker. This is the natural way of things.
Conservatives, like the Great White Shark, are the perfect killing machines , natural predators, and can survive anything, as long as there are liberals to feed on, and our truth and freedom based Constitution, to fortify them. Julius Caesar once said he was as "constant as the Northern Star"; yet, he was felled by the daggers of Brutus and his conspirators. The only true constant in the Universe is truth , and truth is conservatism. Sarah Palin, like a Great White Wilderness William Buckley, will cut and slash through the Liberal quagmire, all the way to the Presidency. She has to, it's what Conservatives do.

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