Sunday, May 23, 2010

Their Past is Prelude

What is the difference between a liberal and a conservative? Reality. Cold hard reality. Conservatives live in that reality; liberals hide from it. Here are some facts from that reality, the reality we all live in, like it or not;
Oil is our main power source, and will be for all of our lifetimes. We will continue to drill, because we must. Our cars homes , businesses and military are powered by it.This will not change. Ever.
The war on terror was started by muslims that want to destroy us because we do not follow their religion. We are Christians, therefore, we are infidels that must die , according to the Koran.Plus, those that convert from Islam to another faith must also die, Pure and simple.
The Second Amendment and the Military keep us free. Nothing else. Without the individual right to keep and bear arms, and the Military killing those who hate our freedom, we would have no freedom. We must have deadly weapons and a willingness to destroy our enemies , or they will perceive us as weak and attack, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Tax cuts are the only way to improve the economy.It has worked every time it has been done, and tax cuts are only given by Republicans. No Democrat will ever give you a tax cut. Ever. President Clinton's regime was headed down the Obama path , until Republicans took over the House and Senate under Newt Gingrich,and passed massive tax cuts. Forget about cutting spending. It will never happen . Even under Reagan, spending was  not cut, but, taxes were, to the bone. That's what works!! This is also why Democrats will never win another major election. Ever. This is not up for debate. Every administration that had a good economy had a Republican dominated House and Senate. Don't take my word for it . Google it.
You are not entitled to Health insurance, and hospitals do not turn away anyone who doesn't have insurance. If someone says they do, they are liars.  You are entitled to nothing other than what God gave you; namely, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Pursuit, that is, not government guaranteed happiness. If you feel you need more than that, you must move to a communist country that does not believe in freedom. You want Health Insurance? Buy it ,like you buy a loaf of bread , or a television.
It's our money. All of it . Not one cent the government spends belongs to them. The money you work for should be the money you keep. A tax system was created to support the military, Roads, and Postal system; all items related to our nations security, and that is all your taxes should be used for.
Tax dollars that are used as handouts to help people will not ever, ever, improve those people's lives. We spend billions every year on housing, schools, and to help the poor, and yet those people are still right where they have always been, and their housing projects are still grafitti ridden slums. The poverty is in the individual character, not in the money. Ther are plenty of people of modest means that have good families, a clean house, and good morals.And yes, they even take vacations, even though they are poor. Poverty is a mental problem, not a money problem. The so called "Ghetto" is in the people, not in the buildings. Why do ya think they take any new housing project, and quickly destroy it with grafitti? Because that's who they are , and they want their surroundings to reflect that attitude.  Better yourself, because no amount of tax funded handouts will do it.
There is no Global Warming. The Planet we live on has natural heating and cooling cycles, which shift over time globally. Also, no oil spill can destroy the environment, nor can we , as a species destroy the planet. No , we can only destroy ourselves; but the planet will go on without us, guaranteed. The Oil spill in Anwar 20 years ago was predicted at the time to have permanently damaged the Alaskan environment.Yet today, there is no evidence that it ever occurred .Fact; Oil spills in the ocean cannot harm the environment in any permanent way. Oil leaks occur naturally on the ocean floor on a regular basis, and no substance can win over sea water. Even steel battleships eventually corrode away from cantact with the sea. The bottom line of reality is this; oil comes from the earth, and leaks from the earth, wether we drill for it or not. Since it comes from the earth , it is therefore part of the earth, and therefore cannot harm the earth. Sorry, EPA!!
The defeat of Arlen Spector in Philly is mearly a prelude  of the fate that awaits all Democrats  for their past deeds during the reign of Obama. Like Spector, all Republicans and Democrats that voted for the stimulus, Cap and Trade, and the Health Care bill against the will of the people will be voted out of office in November , or sooner, depending on election schedules. Only conservative candidates, or those who pretend to be conservative candidates will win future elections The recent victories of conservative candidates in Obama's home town in Hawaii, and the victory of Tea Party candidate Rand Paul, prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt. The only Democrat victory this past week over a Republican was achieved by a candidate who claimed to be pro gun, pro life, and dead set against the Obama agenda , including Stimulus and Health Care. He could not have won , as a Democrat, without these berliefs, and he knows it
And finally , last, but not least on this list of cold hard facts of conservative reality is simply this; Sarah Palin will be the President of the United States in 2012  Liberals, welcome to hell.  

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