Sunday, November 26, 2017

"Amongst The Children,..Dwells A Demon!!"

Is Judge Roy Moore, Alabama's Republican nominee for the Senate, guilty of the charges leveled against him? Perhaps. In some respects, he certainly fits the profile . He is a former Democrat, weak on Second Amendment issues, and has stated publicly, that if confirmed, he would oppose both Repeal and Replace , and the Tax Reform bill as well. These revelations, cast an ominous cloud over him as a holder of a critically needed Republican Senate seat, to be certain, while raising moral  questions about his basic character as well. Time will tell. Time,..will ultimately reveal the truth. The women from his past will either be proven credible ,..or proven to be merely Democrat Operatives, acting to sabotage the Republican Party's current hold on power .
But, whether guilty or innocent, there is one absolute, that must be maintained. The Alabama Senate seat that Roy Moore seeks, once held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, must at all costs,..remain in Republican hands. This is crucial. The 2018 Midterms loom ever nearer, and it is vital, not only that Republicans hold existing seats, but gain more seats as well. A Super Majority in the House and Senate, must always be the goal, if the President's noble agenda, is to be realized.
It would seem, on the surface, a monumental task, for the Republicans indeed,,
Yet, appearances can be deceiving . For, despite continued obstruction in the Republican Senate by the usual Republican Double Agents,..McCain, Murkowsky, Collins, Flake, Paul,..and the pedophile charges leveled against Roy Moore, .....
The Republicans, are still winning easily,....
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said,..."This is a game, of numbers,.." Pure and simple. The Party that can win elections consistently, on a State and Federal level, ..controls the fate of our free republic. Our nation was founded on Republican principles ,pure and simple. Therefore, if America is to remain the Shining City on a Hill that Reagan envisioned, and the last, best hope, for humanity, then the Republican Party must continue to win everything , at all levels of government, consistently, easily,..and permanently.
The Democrat Party, since its inception, has been nothing more than the Party of conspirators, and traitors. They are the Party that sided with the British. They are the Party that created the Ku Klux Klan, and fought to keep slavery. They are the Party of National Socialism,..otherwise known, as " Nazism." They are the Party of ever increasing taxes,  a weak military, and gun bans . They are the true racist, sexist, bigoted, Nazi homophobes, ..and now, have been exposed even further, with Clinton Uranium One and Fusion GPS scandals, now fully coming to light, not to mention a massive wave of sexual misconduct, from harassment ,to rape , .leveled against Democrat donors, Hollywood Elites,..and yes, even Democrat politicians as well,...Senator Al Franken being the most recent.
Make no mistake,...
This is the true face,..the true nature,...of these people,..revealed now, by the Trumpian Legions who, unlike Republicans of the past,...know how to fight back hard,  against Democrat attacks, And,..more importantly,...
They know how to win.
Forget self serving, self absorbed, conservatives like Steve Bannon, or Mark Levin, who pontificate nicely on the constitution and conservative values,..but lack the will, to win.
Instead, they spend most of their time attacking Republicans, not Democrats. Democrats are the true enemy of America. Yet, Bannon  and Levin would seek to dismantle the Republican Majorities in both Houses, right before the critical 2018 midterms.
That, is the mark of a loser,..afraid to face the real enemy, and therefore chooses the easy way out, by targeting and blaming their own team,..their own Party,..
The Party of Lincoln,  the Party of Reagan,...the Party that made America,..all that she is.
This is the Zero Hour, and this nation has no time to waste on those faux conservatives who lack the will to win,..who lack the will, crush the Democrats, by any means necessary,..
Until they are, no more.
If it is necessary for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reclaim his old Senate seat, in order to save it from the failing Roy Moore,. then it must be done, to protect the Republican Majority , pure and simple. Whatever it takes. And, for those Trump voters who would seek to "punish" Republicans in the 2018 Midterms , by staying home, or voting Democrat,...
Contemplate this, ...
If Democrats regain their control of the House and Senate,..their first rule of order will be,...
The immediate Impeachment of Donald Trump. And, even if he is spared full removal from office, by Senate vote,  it would matter little. Trump's Presidency would be reduced to ineffective, "Lame Duck" status, with the Democrats blocking every single aspect of his agenda ,..the agenda, of "We the People."
Make no mistake,..the Republicans in both Houses are flawed, and sometimes weak , as all men are. Heroes like Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan,...cone along as often as Haley's Comet emblazons the sky.
Their uniqueness among mere mortals, is what makes them special,..what makes them leaders,  what makes them,.  Heroes,. .
So Be It.
Now, we have Trump, a conservative force of nature unto himself,...who, armed with only  his phone, pen, and willpower,..has accomplished more in his first 100 plus days,  than most Presidents accomplish in eight years.
He is Hero enough, ...for this Trumpian Age of Miracles,...
And, all this Hero needs to complete his Olympian Labors,. a Legion , unstoppable , unbeatable army of Republican Congressman and Senators, who keep winning elections, keep gaining seats, creating an unbreakable Super Majority that will make the nay votes of Republican Double Agents , whether in House or Senate,...irrelevant.
Trump's Legions are strong.
They must, however, become stronger, and there can only be overwhelming strength, in overwhelming numbers.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is hated,....yet,....he alone,...stood against Obama in his last year , preventing him from appointing the Liberal Democrat Supreme Court Judges, that would have sealed this nation's fate, for decades to come.
House Leader Paul Ryan may be hated, but he has voted consistently for Repeal and Replace, and has pushed the President's Tax Reform agenda relentlessly , lo' these many months , and Ryan has managed to pass all of these bills through the House, ..leaving only a handful of fake Republican Senators, as the true obstructionists.
The Republicans are not the Enemy.
The Democrats are.
Those who fail, at this critical time in history, to recognize this fact,..are no better than the Democrats themselves,. and must be destroyed along with them.
Total Victory is within the Republican Party's grasp, ..
They need only open their eyes,..and find the courage, to reach out, and take it.
There  is no honor among thieves, or deposed , powerless Democrats either. And, to this end, they have begun to cannibalize their own, turning on the sexual predators among their ranks, even to the point now, where Democrat Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand,...admits that Bill Clinton should have been not only impeached,...but removed from office as well,  and Democrat Chairwoman Donna Brazille, has written a tell all book, on the corruption behind the Clinton-Democrat Machine.
Total Republican Victory is here ,..
If but Republicans had eyes to see it, ....
But then,  they need no eyes,....
Only numbers,..endless Republican  legions,  voting for the Trump Agenda, consistently.
This must become reality, for the Trump Agenda is the only agenda that saves the future for those are destined to inherit it,...
Those who Trump truly fights for, ....
The Children, ....
On his recent trip to China, to hammer out new trade deals and gain new sanction allies against North Korea ,...the President was greeted at the airport by throngs of children,.who were carrying flowers, present to the American Commander in Chief.
Remarkably, Trump has attained Pop-Idol status among the Chinese people , with even  the Chinese President and First Lady,..seeming  quite enamored of him.
But, its the children of China, who seem the most smitten with the President,...calling him a "Natural Man",.. Rousseau's " Innocent Savage",....A pure hearted barbarian-demon, ...whose down to earth personality speaks only truth,..while, at the same time,...never losing his boyish , Huck Finn sense of humor.
Christ once told his disciples that only those who could retain their child-like innocence,...could pass through the Gates of his Father's Kingdom,..and any who would dare harm a child,...would be better off never conceived,...or, failing that fate,... deserve to be flung into the sea, with a millstone about their necks.
The President's daughter, Ivanka, agrees with this sentiment,..for when asked about the Roy Moore accusations , stated,..."There is a special place in Hell,...for any who would harm a child."
So Be It.
But, thing is certain. Those Democrats now being exposed for their crimes against children, and Democrat turned Republican Roy Moore , if proven guilty,..
All, would indeed be better off in a state of non existence,..flung into the icy depths, or condemned to eternal toil, in the darkest Pits of Hell,...
Than to Face the Wrath of Trump,....

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

"Rise Of The Witch-Slayer!!"

Is Trump man, or devil?
Other Republicans would be in lifeless pieces by now, decimated by the relentless onslaught of the Democrat Machine, and it's sinister strategems, yet, ..Trump endures.
Endures, ..and has even grown stronger, wading into the heart of the maelstrom, armed with only two weapons; .......a savage, unrelenting twitter attack against all enemies, and the constant rallies,...from which Trump draws strength, and fighting spirit as well,...
His will, and the will of We the People,...have merged, and become the right and left hand, of the same indestructible body, the same unstoppable force,...the same conservative truth.
So Be It.
And now, faced with this grim truth, the Democrat Party is no more, it's true nature , it's true agenda,...finally fully exposed, in the light of this new conservative dawn, breaking over this Shining City on a Hill, this Free Republic,....
This America,...
And, as the dawn comes, so too, must come a sobering reality ,..
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated,..
"This is a game,..of numbers".
A game,...the Democrats can no longer win,..
Even special elections in South Carolina and Georgia were out of Democrat reach, despite spending millions on each campaign,  and faced with mere nondescript, moderate Republican opponents, ..and all future elections will remain out of Democrat reach as well,..
For the Trumpian Age of Miracles , has exposed the truth;.....
Only Democrats raise taxes and regulations, endlessly,..
Only Democrats weaken our military and appease our enemies,...
Only Democrats attack our constitution, and the Judeo-Christian values it's based on,....
Only Democrats oppose our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms,...the one right,..that makes all others,..possible,.for freeborn men.
No sane man, would ever support this agenda.
And so, the Democrats ,..are undone,...
Their permanent defeat, a fait accompli, ...
The Trump Agenda, has brought final requiem, a Party that has always had, but one inglorious purpose,...
One malevolent goal,...
To Destroy America ,.... as founded.
And, they now know, in the wake of losing over 1000 legislative seats to Republicans, across the land,..
The House, Senate, and Presidency, .in Republican hands as well,...
The Democrats know,..they cannot win,..
Ever Again,...
Sure, they won Governorships in Virginia, New Jersey,.....and picked up local seats in Philadelphia as well,...but these are Democrat strongholds, New York and California,  ....and must remain so. Their monuments must continue to be pulled down...taxes must be ever increasing,...unemployment must rise,..ever higher.. the Philly Soda Tax must remain,...their Sanctuary City status,.must remain as well,...
Just as Dachau and Treblinka ,..must remain,...
As monuments,... To ignorance , apathy,...and socialist evil .Aye, these states and cities, must remain,...Democrat , a reminder of what evil can accomplish,..when small men try to make themselves seem taller, standing on the backs ,..of other men,...
Aye, ..let these blue  States and cities  be the Democrat Party's Last Sanctuary , their Last  Beachhead, fight upon,..a beachhead,..soon to be stripped of all Federal Subsidies, Attorney General Sessions,...and left , in poverty, ignorance, disease, .and despair,...lost , and isolated, for all eternity, the socialist wilderness,...
So Be It.
Aye, desperate times call for desperate measures,...and to this end,..many months ago,...came a real-life coven of witches, that sought , their bubbling cauldron of Trump Hate,...the right combination of evil spells, and conjured demons,...that would do what simp!e , devious Democrat strategem , could not .
And, at the heart of their conjurings, came the Russian Conspiracy strategem, ..a relentless , lingering spell, that uses the existing reality of decades long Russian espionage, taint the Trumpian Triumph,...make the Republican Presidential Victory illegitimate, finding some small Trump-Russian connection,..through campaign associates,...magnify it,...and force the President's impeachment and prosecution
A lofty ambition, to be sure, and one fraught with peril,...for the Democrats Party as well,..
For conspiracy is always a double edged sword.
Yet, despite the risk to their own corrupt Party,...the Democrats remained , since inauguration day,...laser focused on the Russian Strategem,...while the Witches Cauldron of Democrat Hate,...continued to bubble and froth, the witches poised, strike,..from the depths of hell, . at the first sign of Trumpian weakness
And so, it went on, this witches hunt, for the head of Trump ,..Lo,  ,these many months .
And the result?
No evidence of Russian Conspiracy ever found, with Special Prosecutor, and Comey lackey, James Brennan, able to indict only former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort on Ukrainian business dealings that took place long before the Trump Campaign ever existed.
All these months, millions of tax dollars spent , on a fantasy witch hunt, designed to bring down a President elected fair and square, by the will of We the People.
The Witches failed in their task,...seemingly,...
And, unfortunately for the Democrats,...for every spell cast,...there is always an equal ,..and opposite,...counter spell, as well,...
A counter spell,...that hard apparently been proven,...quite effective.
For, Russian Conspiracy had been proven, as evidence has surfaced, showing the Clinton Foundation's direct connection to  Russia, through illegal Uranium sales.
Clinton and the Democrats have also been exposed, as the true root of election malfeasance,..having paid a shadowy British-Russian legal firm called Fusion GPS,...millions, ...for a fictional Trump  Scandal Dossier,...and also paying the DNC bribe money,..for the right to call Hillary Clinton ,..the Democrat Presidential Nominee. Bernie Sanders never had a chance, ..because there was no Democrat Primary,..
It was rigged from the beginning, by Hillary Clinton,..and the Democrat Machine.
Rape and Sexual Harassment scandals amongst Hollywood Democrat donors, have been now fully exposed  as well,...revealing the ugliness,..the evil,...the true face of the Liberal Democrat Machine,..and those who fund it .
Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has been exposed as a traitor, ..deserting his post to join the Taliban, .and causing the death of his fellow soldiers who searched in vain for him.
Bergdahl and his Family,...are hardcore Democrat-Clinton Foundation donors,  and lobbyists.
So Be It.
The Democrats are undone indeed,...
They are the true Russian Conspirators,  the true racist, sexist Nazis, ..the true election riggers,...
And they are done, a Party, .
But, need to despair,...for from the depths of Democrat self destruction,...
Comes creation as well,...
Unemployment is at an all time low,..
The economy booming,...
The stock market,..booming, ..
The border secured,..
Regulations slashed by 75%,...
Tax cuts , Tax Reform,. and Repeal and Replace,..despite Republican Senate obstruction,...
Mere weeks away,..from finally passing,  in both houses, ..
A Supreme Court,.. Now firmly in Conservative hands,...
The Terror Supporting U.N. ,..finally defunded ,.
The ISIS Terror State, ..defeated,and Iraq's tenuous Democracy restored,...
The Forces of Terror,  itself,..driven back,..into the wilderness.
Our Second Amendment ,..protected,..
Out Military ,..restored o full fighting strength,...
Our Veterans properly honored,..and no longer ignored ,..
Our Allies respected,..and new ones created,...
Trade made free,..and fair,..for all nations,...
American businesses returned , to American soil.,. .
Our Flag, and Anthem,...respected by our President,...and We the People,..who elected him to the office of Commander in Chief,..
The Witch Hunt, ended indeed,..
The Coven, defeated,...
By a Witch-Slayer Supreme,...
Who will not relent,..never varies,..never waivers,...
And has yet,.... to taste defeat.
The Witches of the Democrat Party should take heed, ..and learn from this ignominious defeat.
Before again summoning demons to do battle with your political enemies, certain first, that they do not already hold allegiance to another demon,...who has but one mission,..
One Noble Task,...
Make America Great Again,...