Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Tides of Truth

The Tide is turning . The evidence is mounting. Socialism , Marxism, Communism ,...the "Great Experiment", as Olympic announcer Bob Costas called it , in his pandering whitewash of Russian History , has been exposed , for the nonsensical fraud that it is . No, not by conservative talk radio , Tea Party rhetoric, Fox News , or even Sarah Palin , but by cold , hard , irrefutable evidence ;...evidence that is mounting , evidence that will continue to mount the longer President Obama and the Democrats hold power . So, what is the evidence?Simply this ;...individual States in our Nation , that are being run, and controlled by Republicans , conservative or otherwise, are growing and prospering , while States that are run by Democrats and the liberal left , are either bankrupt or swiftly approaching it .The reason is clear ;..Republicans believe in the basic conservative concept of free market competition , with limited government interference. In other words,in Republican States , there are low taxes , and limited regulations that allow businesses to grow and prosper , and create employment opportunities .This  of course , creates new taxpayers that sustain the government without hurting the free market. A basic concept. A basic reality. And again , the evidence is there , for all the world to see . It's working.
This is why a State like Wisconsin , that once suffered from a massive deficit , when it was controlled by public labor unions , has a massive surplus and a growing economy . All it took was for its Governor, Scott Walker , to shut down the unions ever increasing entitlement demands on the State ;..demands that were not helping the working man , but simply forcing businesses to close their doors or face being sucked dry by an organization that serves no real  purpose except to act as a money laundering/ election campaign system for the Democrat Party.
More evidence of the Tide Shift is in Virginia, where auto workers of that State , have rejected attempts by the UAW to indoctrinate them into the socialist cult of the public union system .And , once again, the reason why has nothing to do with any political awakening or a Tea Party conversion , instead, has to do with the evidence that these workers are seeing across the Nation , that says , quite clearly , that states and businesses that are controlled by public unions , are states that have massive job layoffs,  business closings and a bankrupt economy. This isn't rocket science . These people want to work , so that they can support their families and improve their lives. Unions are a Socialist, Marxist concept , and therefore unions are a cancer on any business that wants to grow and prosper . Yes , Virginia , there is a Santa Claus,...and he's definitely a free market capitalist.
And so, SEIU, UAW,and other public union organizations , now face extinction as their membership continues to dwindle in the cold , hard light of conservative reality.
And, the ultimate template that proves the success of that reality , the success of the principles of conservatism, is none other than the State of Texas. Texas , you see, has no state income tax. Texas encourages the growth of new businesses by keeping their taxes and regulations low , which grows businesses and creates jobs. In fact, 30% of the jobs in the last decade , have been created in Texas. Texas is also a strong 2nd Amendment State , which means violent crime statistics are low, the streets are safe , and Texas families can feel secure in their homes.
The result of all this is that there has been a mass exodus of citizens from Blue states , like California , into Red states , like Texas. Again, not surprising. California is run by Democrats , and is therefore bankrupt. Texas is run by Conservative Republican Governor Rick Perry, ..and the Republican Party. It's an oil friendly State, with plenty of jobs, a great economy , and an ever increasing population of happy citizens. Evidence. Cold, hard, evidence that would hold up in any court , no matter how liberal the judge . Why has Fox News remained the number one news network in the nation , lo, these many years? Because it puts forth this evidence in every broadcast , and the American people always respond positively, to the truth.
True freedom must start with economic freedom. There is no other way.
The Tide is turning overseas as well , as bankrupt socialist and communist nations are, en masse, rioting and protesting . What are they protesting ? Their lack of freedom , of course. That's why 70 Ukrainian citizens are now dead . They were killed in a bid for freedom. Freedom from the evil of communism. Freedom from the grip of Vladimir Putin , who seeks a renewed Iron Curtain , from which he and his fellow ex-KGB agents can grow and prosper  off the labor of the Soviet citizens. This is why the Ukrainian citizens have now seized the capital city of Kiev, and demanded the ousting of the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
So too, in Venezuela, where rioters have reached their breaking point , living under the oppressive grip of the mad tyrant Hugo Chavez , for 15 long , painful years. But, what of Syria and Iran? Do their citizens seek freedom as well? Perhaps , but Muslim Ideology may trump any concept of true capitalist freedom .The citizens of these nations are caught in the middle of a struggle between warring factions of terror groups . And President Obama, despite another red line boast , will no doubt , do nothing but once again , appease and grovel before the tyrants that run these countries , while refusing to enforce the sanctions and weapon restrictions that could possibly bring about the regime change and the freedom that the citizens are sacrificing their lives for.
So too, with Afghanistan , and  Iraq, which are , once again, being controlled by Al Queda forces , now that President Obama has given his withdraw date from both countries , and again refused to impose the sanctions that are the only thing,besides military force , that will show the terror leaders that the U.S. means business.
The cry for freedom is growing across the globe . But, unfortunately, , as the riots continue , so too, will the casualty count , that is the unfortunate price all must be willing to pay, to break the grip of tyranny and achieve freedom. America paid its price . But , in all fairness, we did have the help of another nation;..France. Who now, can these other nations turn to for help , as Obama bends to appease their oppressors?
As the evidence of the benefits of freedom spread from our Red States , to even nations overseas , how can these nations achieve this freedom with Obama and the Democrats destroying the credibility of the U.S. as a Nation to be respected, and feared?
With the U.S. shrinking in status , and shirking its duties as the leader of the free world , can freedom survive? For you see, knowing that free market conservatism works is meaningless, if the tools to achieve it, no longer exist. Even with our Nation divided by political ideology  , still our individual States have shown the way and proven that capitalism not only works , but its the only thing that does work. But, for the rest of the globe that seeks their freedom , they must wait , even as the American citizens wait, for the rebirth of Republican rule and the destruction of Obama and the Democrat Party.And , all the while America , and the world, must now truly wonder , wherein , doth freedom lie, if not here in the Shining City on a Hill?
But, where freedom lies seems not to be a concern for President Obama. The President now seems far more interested in using the FCC  to shut down conservative free speech . It's election season, and Obama the idealogue is far more concerned with maintaining his power base than in being a champion for freedom. Much like his counterparts , Karzai , Putin, Chavez, Rouhani, and Assad, he seems only concerned with himself , and his own vision .And, if the Shining City on a Hill must lose its luster to achieve that vision , be it.
A pity,because as the light of freedom dims in America, our enemies grow emboldened , and the world will continue to grow , ever darker ,..indeed.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

"Can'st Satan Cast out Satan?"

House Speaker John Boehner has decided to break off all discussions with the Democrats regarding the proposed Amnesty Bill. The Reason? He and the Republican Congress have determined that Obama and the Democrats cannot be trusted , due to the President's recent Executive Actions regarding Obamacare  , climate change and a minimum wage hike, to name a few. All issues that the President has no executive power to influence , and yet, he is doing it.This , of course is illegal. In particular, President Obama, by changing the Obamacare Mandate, once again  ,moving it this time to 2016,.. and vowing to use his , "pen and phone", to get his way on other issues,is brazenly challenging the Republicans , to do something to stop him. Sure this is illegal. Sure, Obama and the Democrats can't be trusted.But the Question is;..why is the House Speaker only now realizing this? On course Obama's actions on Obamacare are illegal. The President can't just alter the mandate deadline at a whim . It's being done, of course, to secure Democrat victory in the November Midterms , that's all.But why make an issue of this one incident? Why only now is the Speaker deciding that Obama is not to be trusted?
Open your eyes, John Boehner.Everything that this President has done since he's been in office has been illegal. He passed Obamacare illegally , ramming the bill through with no Republican support and without the necessary 61 votes. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just decided to declare it passed. No rhyme or reason. He just decided to do it,...just like Obama is doing by executive action now .Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder took a legal program called Fast and Furious , a program put into effect by President Bush, and turned it into an illegal operation designed to damage the NRA and American gun rights , by forcing Gun Dealers , near the Mexican border , to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels, and then allow those guns to be used in drug related crimes and killings. This was done to marginalize the American citizen's Second Amendment rights. It cost ATF agent Brian Terry ,..his life. This was done by Attorney General Eric Holder by design , and it is completely ,...illegal.
The IRS targeting of conservative political groups in order to hurt their influence on upcoming election results. Completely illegal. The President, in a SuperBowl interview with Bill O'Reilly , stated that there is not a "smidgen" of corruption in the IRS,..despite the fact that the Senate investigation into this matter , is still far from over . An obvious lie , by the Commander in Chief.
The NSA spying on private citizens , also for political purposes, and also completely illegal and unconstitutional. And, of course,there is  Benghazi . On the anniversary of 911, our embassies , around the world, were left unprotected , and unsecured, , which led to the death of four men, including Benghazi Ambassador Stevens. This was also done for political reasons. It was done to support the Obama campaign claim that Al-Queda was no longer a threat , and was , in fact, ..on the run. The results were disasterous. Even during the seven hour terror attack on the embassy, the Obama administration still  refused to send help , or admit that there was , in fact, a terror attack on the embassy.Then came the ultimate  deception , as U.N.Ambassador Susan Rice was sent on a propaganda campaign on the Sunday Shows , to promote the idea that the attack on Benghazi was not a terror attack, but a "spontaneous protest" inspired by a YouTube Video that dared mock the Prophet Muhammad. A complete fabrication . A complete deception. A complete lie , also done for political purposes , to prevent the obvious terror attack from damaging Obama's re-election chances.Illegal? Of course . More than that, it's on the level of a premeditated crime. Then cometh the Obamacare implementation itself. "If you like your healthcare , you can keep your healthcare".A deliberate lie. Obamacare would be cheaper ;..also a deliberate lie. Obamacare would insure 20 million currently uninsured Americans. Another lie. Those Americans still remain uninsured, the website remains dysfunctional, and Obamacare, in the end, has done nothing but cause millions of Americans to lose their private insurance , and leave them, now, completely without coverage , ..since the website's main purpose was to register Americans for future taxes and regulations ,..not to insure them. Obamacare registrees are now finding that they are not affiliated with any Doctor or Medical facility. A complete ponzi scheme. A complete lie. And, completely illegal.
Obamacare is not a tax. This was the Obama administration's assertion very early on , before the law was passed. The Democrats asserted this claim , so that the law could be passed.Obviously, a law that would increase taxes on the private sector , at a time of near complete economic collapse, would not go over very well with the American public. But, once the issue of constitutionality was raised by the Republicans, the Democrats changed their tune. In a Supreme court ruling , which was decided by the vote of Chief Justice Roberts ,..a Republican,..the Obamacare law was ruled to be a tax . It had to be.If it wasn't , it could have been ruled as unconstitutional , since it was a government program that was essentially forcing Americans to purchase a product. The U.S.Government, cannot , under any circumstances, force the citizens to purchase anything ,..ever. That would be the very definition of unconstitutional.For this reason, the law had to be passed as a tax, which would make it completely constitutional,but, would also make it something,..that the Obama administration,..said it was not. They lied ,..again.And again, it was done strictly,..for the political purpose , to get Obamacare passed , and eventually force a single payer system on Americans that now would no longer have a private health insurance market to choose from ,..and to impose a whole new array of taxes on an unsuspecting American public. These taxes would ensnare the private sector, force it under government control , and insure the socialist utopia that Obama has dreamed of. Again, a total lie. Obamare is not a tax? Ridiculous. Obamacare was obviously a tax,to anyone who was paying attention,and the Nation is now discovering that painful fact, as Obama's ultimate lie has  now been  fully implemented.
Is all this illegal? Of course.Remember , if any private sector businessman had committed  deceptions of this nature on the American public, he  would be in jail ,..for the crimes of fraud , and malfeasance.It's as simple as that.
During the Sermon on the Mount, Christ was asked,"We have heard the voices of false prophets before, do we know you are not sent by Satan?"Christ answered,"If a Kingdom is divided against itself, ...the Kingdom cannot stand. If Satan also is divided against himself, can his Kingdom stand?How can Satan, cast out Satan?" Indeed. How can Satan , cast out Satan? He can't. Satan must be Satan . He can pretend to be no one , or nothing else. He is, what he is. Obama also, what he is. The lies that have outraged Speaker Boehner and belatedly forced him to realize that Obama cannot be trusted, have always been there . Deception is the nature of the man. He cannot be anything else,...but deceptive. So too, can the Democrat Party that he leads do nothing more than lie , deceive , and commit illegal acts to promote and pass their leftist agenda. That is their nature. Yes, just as Christ's actions , while he was among us, ..prove who he is, so too,.. do Obama's actions   , from his  first day as President,  prove who he is. A liar. How then, on the issues of Amnesty or Obamacare,..could he be anything else? How can Obama's Kingdom be divided against itself?
How can'st Obama,...cast out Obama?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Madness of the Monarch

Why did President Obama agree to be interviewed by Bill O'Reilly , live, just before the SuperBowl?It's election season, that's why. We have the critical Midterms coming this November, and all that Obama hath wrought, up to this point, hangs in the balance. If the Democrats lose the Senate and fail to take control of the House , it's over for them. Whether the Republicans are weak, wishy washy Moderates and Rinos or not, they are Republicans. They are part of the team that made America great. And when push comes to shove, they will vote with the team.After all, every single Republican voted no on Obamacare , whether moderate or conservative. Therefore it's critical for Republicans to win , and win big, if  conservative principles are to be restored to our Nation. For Obama, that would mean the defunding of Obamacare and an end to the Government mandate aspect of the law. In other words , it would spell the end of Obama's crowning achievement of socialist destruction. Therefore, this is a must win election , for both parties. Republicans must hold the House and take the Senate if they are to implement the policies their constituents demand. For Democrats , the situation is the same, but reversed.Democrats must take the House and hold the Senate , if Obama is to put that final nail in the coffin of free market capitalism. Obama and the Democrat Party are under siege right now. The endless scandals have taken their toll on the once magical charisma that enveloped Obama at all times. So too, has the liberal press , slowly but surely , begun to question the sanity of all that has transpired in the first five years of the Barack Hussein Obama Presidency. The Press will never abandon him, but as their ratings slip  , and Fox News 's ratings continue to grow, they have reached the point where they realize they have no choice , but to start reporting the truth , if they wish to survive as an industry. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, NSA, and of course the fraud called Obamacare, have reduced this President's popularity rating to something hovering in the mid to low thirties. In addition , with Midterms around the corner , many Democrats up for re-election have begun to distance themselves from Obama and Obamacare as well, but not because they are shocked and disappointed in the results of Obama policies, but simply because they fear losing their jobs . Being a politician , whether State or Federal , Democrat or Republican, is a pretty cushy , well paid deal, and ultimately none of them want to risk losing that deal, just to support an idealogue who could not care less about any of them. They will distance themselves, but again, they will not disown the President. Liberal Democrats always support their own in the end, and that is the advantage they hold over their Republican counterparts . Republicans need to see the lesson in their abandonment of Romney , wise up and support the team , do or die, and win this time around, just like in 2010. Only this time , we need to take both the House and the Senate, as well. So, the die is cast.The battle lines are drawn . The stakes are, indeed, high.
Why then, did Obama decide to risk all, and sit down with Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly, for a little chat on SuperBowl Sunday? Here's the reason;...Obama has a dilemma . There are currently open Senate investigations into the IRS, NSA, and Benghazi scandals . Corruption is the charge being leveled in each case, by the Republicans. The President must find a way , in one fell swoop, to eliminate the damage these investigations are doing to his credibility, and to his Party's future. The answer is stunningly simple. A 20 minute interview , with a Fox News commentator ,one who has always been willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt on any issue ,  on a day that guarantees him millions of viewers , is the perfect solution. Obama knew that, no matter how tough O'Reilly makes his questions , and no matter how many times he  chooses to interrupt him , O'Reilly still only had 20 minutes on camera , to conduct this two way dialogue. All President Obama needed to do was play defense , and run out the clock. The President knew , that no matter how tough the question , there is no law saying that he has to answer that question.He can duck . He can deflect. He can dodge. He can change the subject . And ,he certainly did all of this, especially on the subject of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius . O'Reilly asked Obama point blank why Sebelius , who is the architect of the implementation of Obamacare, has not been fired for incompetence? Obama's answer? Well, he didn't answer. He ignored the question and instead chose to emphasize the importance of going forward and getting Obamacare up and running effectively. Obama, like a Monarch with delusions of Godhood, would simply choose not to hear a question that he did not like, or for which he had no answer.  Imperious is the ear of Obama.
But dodging questions is all well and good, if you're debating Mitt Romney with a liberal moderator running interference for you. Obama had no choice. To win re-election, he had to show up for all three debates , or back down and be damned forever. He had to endure the probing questions that sought to expose his socialist agenda , and basic incompetence. But why endure a grilling by Bill O'Reilly? What could he have to gain by fielding Fox News questions , for which he had no answers?Actually, he had much to gain.For, with that interview, came the key strategem that , he thought , would insure his Party's victory in November, and erase all the scandals at the same time. President Obama, in the O'Reilly SuperBowl prelude, revealed his master stroke , his master battle plan , that would erase all scandals, all investigations , all probing questions , at least in the minds the uninformed Democrat voter, and the liberal left. The President,...simply blamed all of it;..Fast and Furious, IRS, NSA, Benghazi, Obamacare,.. ..all of it ,...on Fox News. Period. All of this, according to Obama , in that interview, was a fictitious , manufactured narrative , designed to bring him and his administration down , for no other reason , than they simply don't like him , and are shilling, for the Republican Party. Obama told Bill , in no uncertain terms, that Fox was , unfair, unbalanced, and inaccurate,nothing more than the American version of the Russian News service Pravda.
There it is, the political strategy that will be used by Obama, and the Democrat Party, for the President's  remaining three years in office. All of this so-called "scandal ", is is the fault of Fox News lies. And, this strategem is already being widely used by everyone in the Democrat Party .Case in point,Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel , the man who created the basic structure of Obamacare , has stated , quite unequivocally , on Megan Kelly's show, that Fox News 's badgering and bullying , has brought down Obamacare, and is the reason for all its failures. Unbelievable.Yet, this is the narrative that the Democrats now believe is the key to victory, the plan that will lift the curse from Obama and restore the Democrat Party to greatness.Every question, every probe, every inquiry into every misstep by the Democrats,will be, from now on, blamed on Fox News 's erroneous reporting. In Obama's mind, it could work; should work;...except for one tiny little problem ; People are now losing their money, Obamacare. There is no denying the fact that now, with Obamacare fully implemented , ..people,.... all people,....Democrats and Republicans ,are losing their coverage , and are being forced into bankruptcy , by Health Insurance policies , that they can no longer afford.
That is not Fox News propaganda. That is a fact.
There is less money in your wallet , since Obama has been President, and since Obamacare has been in effect.
That is not Fox News propaganda. That is a fact.
Businesses have been forced to lay off employees , cut hours and salaries, and raise prices in response to Obamacare .
That is not Fox News propaganda .That is a fact.
91% of the American people , are now on extended unemployment compensation, thanks to Obama's ever increasing taxes , regulations and Obamacare mandates.
That is not Fox News propaganda . That is a fact.
The Great Joe Louis, former Heavyweight boxing Champion , was once asked, before his fight with challenger Billy Conn,  how he would handle his opponent's hit and run style of fighting. "He can run, but he can't hide", Joe answered .
There it is, in a nutshell.
All of Obama's maneuverings , all his machinations , all of his strategems, all of his attacks on Fox News ,..will not change the fact that all that has happened , all that hath been wrought, in the last five years,...has occurred while he was President. None of this happened under Bush. None of this happened under Reagan. None of this even happened under Clinton. It has all happened under Obama. And now that the great masses of uninformed Americans are seeing the effects of all that has happened , ..on their wallets , and on their paychecks,..Obama and the Democrats can, indeed, no longer run to Fox News to escape responsibility, and ,..they are running out of places to hide , as well.
Now, does this mean that Democrat voters , the clueless and the hard left, will go running to the polls in November, and vote Republican? No, of course not, but they might decide to stay home , rather than support a Party, and a Monarch gone mad . Never have the Republicans had a better chance to seize the reigns of power, and reduce Obama to a hollow god , whose threats of executive action are meaningless. All we  need do, is show up at the polls and vote Republican. House Speaker John Boehner has stated that President Obama 's threats of executive action to achieve his goals proves that both he, and his Party, cannot be trusted . As a result, Boehner and the Republican House, has suspended all discussion regarding the so-called Amnesty bill. Boehner is correct . The President, and the Democrat Party , cannot be trusted ,with the future prosperity and security of our Nation,  now,...or ever.They must be stopped. And that responsibility , falls directly on us , the American people, who must vote this madman , and his  Party out of existence, permanently.      

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Fusion Army

The President's State of the Union address, the second of his second term, was nothing more than a continuation of the endless campaign this President has waged since day one of his Presidency . This campaign has but one purpose; take more of the American people's hard earned cash , in order to fund an endless array of entitlement programs ; none of which the Federal Government has any business being involved with in the first place. For the most part,he deftly avoided the issue of Obamacare and its obvious failure to do anything, except leave Americans in an uninsured healthcare limbo . He did , however, mention that 9 million Americans are now happily covered under his Affordable care act .A complete fairytale, worthy of Hans Christian Anderson himself.
The issues that he did address however, were the same issues that all liberal leftist Presidents , and Democrats, in general, rehash over and over, namely;...more "investments" in Education;..more "investments in infrastructure,...more "investments" in unemployment extentions,....more"investments" in "climate change", which the President stated is a fact, and not up for debate,.....more "investments" in bailouts for corporations, businesses , and Public Unions that donate to the Obama Administration, and the Democrat Party in general;... More "investments" in Green Energy scams ,..and most offensive of all,..more "investments" in creating jobs , that the President destroyed with his tax and regulation policies , ....and, in the midst of his collapsing economy,"investment" in a 10.00 an hour mininum wage , for all employees.
In other words , more "investments" in programs and agendas , that simply do not work, and do not solve or fix anything related to our economy , nor will they , unless they are programs that are run by the private sector without government involvement. The President , just wants the money,..period. All the billions upon billions of dollars that the President has already wasted on all this "stimulus" nonsense, gone apparently. What did it accomplish? Where did it go? Certainly not to the programs the President repeatedly claims to be so concerned about,..that's for sure. Where the money went, mostly, to failed Green Energy programs and Public Unions that operate as money laundering systems for the Democrat Party , and, addition , our enemies overseas that plot our demise while living off the hard earned tax dollars of American 'Infidels".
The one notable highlight of the State of the Union Address was when the President spoke of the injured soldier, Cory Rensburg sitting in attendance with the First Lady. Obama praised his sacrifice and his determination to overcome his near fatal brain injuries and go on living and achieving. The President rightly pointed out that this is the human spirit that our soldiers embody ;..overcoming all odds, all obstacles , and why we should make sure that our veterans always have the benefits they need. Sounds good, except that the President failed to mention that it was his policies that have made AlQueda stronger than ever, making our soldiers sacrifices in many ways,..wasted. Also, The Democrats and Republicans, in a bipartisan effort, have just engineered and passed a budget that would almost guarantee that veterans benefits would be cut, the near future. And, to add insult to injury,..the left wing media , and the Democrat Party,.. is now comparing this soldier's struggles ,...with Obama's struggles as President? How sick. How pathetic
That's the nature of the Democrat Party. they use our soldiers as a political campaign prop, and the only thing they are ever ready, willing and able, to cut ,at a moments notice, in regards to Washington spending, the money that funds the brave men and women that keep us free.
Again, none of this is new, and all of it has been rehashed before , in other speeches , and other State of the Union Addresses , with one exception,one that is chilling in its implication. The President has announced that he intends to double down on his use of executive orders to get what he wants,if the Republican Congress won't cooperate , and roll over , and let him raise taxes to pay for his destruction of America. This is nothing less than an American President , attempting a coup , upon our Republic . He is trying to impose his will upon our system of self government , and usurp the authority of Congress and,"We the People" , who actually run this country. He's already done this with Obamacare ;..passing it illegally without 61 votes or one one single Republican vote, and the fact that he has repeatedly changed this law to suit his political needs at any given moment.  The President has no authority to change an existing law that was passed by Congress and the Senate,..and yet,he did it to appease business owners and companies that otherwise might cost him the November Midterm elections. He can't do this. Yet, he did it. And, apparently, he got away with it. Now, emboldened to a new level of brazeness,the President has promised  , in his last three years, use his "pen and his phone", to get what he wants. A desperate ploy , by a man who feels his power ,..slipping away.
It's time to stop the madness of this Usurper who would be King.The Republican Party controls Congress.Congress controls the country.Congress creates the laws. Congress is the voice of, "We the People",..the ones who actually run this country. That's why Congress is called,"The People's House". It represents our will, our desires , our freedom to live, work, and worship as we please and as our founders envisioned. The time has come for all Republicans , whether in the House , the Senate, or the Tea Party , unite   , to fuse together,..for one single purpose. The battle has been joined. We are at war, for the future of this Nation as it was founded. If we lose the Nation,..our children lose as well. We must put aside all differences between so-called conservatives and moderates , and unite under the Republican Party War Banner. All new taxes proposed by this President and his Party ,...must be stopped. All new spending by this President and his Party,...must be stopped. And, all Executive Action by this would be King, must be stopped , any political  means necessary.What the Republican Congress has forgotten is that they hold the key to victory over all that is transpiring . They are the People's House, and , as such, ..hold all the power that "We the People", the rulers of this Nation, have bestowed upon them. They are not supposed to work with Democrats to get things done. That is not their job. Their job is to create gridlock. They hold the purse strings. They control the money. Their job is to say, "No", to all things Obama , and all things Democrat. Total gridlock. Total standstill. Time must be frozen. That is their job; stop the Democrat agenda and shut down this government again,...if necessary.
And, our job as Republican Congressman Paul Ryan pointed out , to "win elections". If we are to alter the grim  course of destiny that Obama has set us on. This is a two part battle plan. Part one is for congress to stop Obama cold by simply saying, "no", to him,..always and often. Part two is where We the People come in, and its quite simple . We must go to the polls , this November , and pull that lever for every Republican running for election ,..or re-election. If they win in the Primaries ,you vote for them. No exceptions. We can no longer afford to play this aloof elitist , Tea Party game. If the candidate who wins in the Primaries , is not the perfect conservative, be it. Who the hell is? We must support him anyway. , unwaiveringly, , at the polls. He is part of our team, warts and all,and he must win, if we are to survive as a Nation.
The time for rhetoric , talk and debate is over. Now it comes down to , "  What are you prepared to do?"We are at war. We must put on our war faces , and go to the polls in November and repeat the landslide victory of 2010,..if we are to survive. And this time, we need to win the Senate , as well as hold the House. Total victory,..or nothing. No more Mitt Romney situations , where 3 million Republicans stayed  home because Romney wasn't "conservative enough". Grow up babies . Your country 's at stake. All candidates must be supported , because they are part of the team. The team that made our Nation great. The Republican Team. We must be,..not a Party divided,..but an Army , United.
By War.
By Struggle
By Conflict.
We must fuse together , into an Army of One,....or we will surely become, Army of None.