Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Wrath of the Great God Gaia

Since the dawn of time, humans have been hard wired to worship God , or gods. I can think of no better proof that there is a God. Even liberal atheists worship God, whether they want to admit it or not. Their god is Gaia, the earth god, mother earth , if you will . This is why we now have a Washington style , Spanish Inquisition of Tony Hayward and B.P.occuring at this moment. The liberal god has been offended . B.P. has comitted sacrilege against Gaia, and must now pay. And pay, and pay. The Liberal Dems seem to forget that it was President Obama ; their President, that gave the Deepwater Horizon rig safety awards , while President Bush cited them frequently for safety violations . If it is proven that B.,P, has been negligent and is at fault in the Hrizon Explosion that killed 11 employees, then they should face fines and prosecution and possibly even jail time . But, this is for the courts to decide , not the federal government. They have no business in a privately run companies affairs. More government regulation? No, the answer is always competition and choice in the free market. The more drilling we do, the more companies that are allowed to drill , the more competition there is in the oil business , the more they will be forced to regulate themselves better, if they want to stay in business, and avoid jail time and fines, that is.
Blame B.P. if you will . But why demonize oil? Oil runs our lives . Our homes , cars , computers toys , ans even clothing and food products are made from oil. There is no other viable technology to replace it. How do I know? Money. If other options existed , we would be using them , guaranteed , cause there would be lots of monet to be made from it , for a lot of "greedy corporate types" , right liberals? I love oil. It runs my car , and heats my home, and does it quite effectively. And liberals should love oil too. Since they worship Gaia , they should look at oil as a gift to man from mother earth . A gift we should use , since we will never run out . How do I know? Because oil is created by internal pressure in the earth , not from dead dinosaur bones. The Deepwater Horizon well is still pumping away, over 50 days later, and showes no sign of slowing down, nor will it.
Don't blame Obama for the spill? Nonsense. He is to blame. He gave safety awards to a shoddy run rig with obvious safety violations . He would not permit the burning off of the oil as it leaked , from,"day one" . This is a critical mistake. Burning off the oil is the standard procedure that all oil companies use for these emergencies . Why? Because it works. Oil was made to burn. . That's how we use it for energy. There fore that is the logical way to get rid of it also. He also refused to allow sand barriers , chemical cleanup , and skimmers volunteered by the Dutch. Why?  The Jones act. He refused to lift this law to allow assistance from other nations. His loyalty to unions and the E.P.A. also prevented cleanup by our own resourses. This disaster is viewed by the President as just an opportunity to push Cap and Trade again, and to extort money from B.P. , money that should go directly to the people harmed by this disaster , not to the government.
The difference between President Bush and Obama is obvious. Bush takes action , Obama talks action.  Bush recinded the Jones Act to allow foreign help with Katrina. Bush also cited the Deepwater Horizon repeatedly for safety violations. Who wins in the Better President contest? President Bush hands down. And , if liberals are looking for the one who comitted sacrilege against their god, Gaia, it's clearly Obama, with his failure to save the environment from further damage by the spill, when he clearly could have. Perhaps it's time for liberals to admit thast Bush was the better President, and leader, and accept the fact that the earth and its resources were put here for us to use by the real God , the only God. You know, the one that President Bush worships.

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