Saturday, August 28, 2010

Reflections by the Reflecting Pool

When freedom is threatened anywhere in the world, freedom is threatened everywhere. Is man to be ruled by leaders , or is he to rule himself? This is the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King.Self -rule . Freedom for all.
The Restoring Honor Rally in Washington today, overlooking the Reflecting Pool , and the stoney stare of Abraham Lincoln, reflected on these things today. We need to continue to reflect and learn from our true history ,and finally fulfill the dream , here , now, today, and, forever.  America, this shining city on a hill , as Ronald Reagan called it, is the only time , the only place , in the history of the earth, that man has lived  truly free. Let's make sure that Glenn Beck's efforts today were not wasted. Let's keep this , "blessed plot, this earth , this realm , this America".

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