Sunday, December 29, 2019

"If This Sceptre,..Be Wrested From My Grasp!!"

As the world prepared to celebrate the birth of the Holy Child,..the Son of Man, whose coming would alter mankind's grim, preordained destiny,..the diabolical Democrat Machine continued it's own march to an equally grim destiny,..Preparing for stranger celebrations, as the deadly gauntlet of Impeachment continued on,..unabated,..lacking in any true substance,..perhaps,. but certainly not lacking in hate filled intensity ,..and variety of attack methods.
Indeed, since the inception of the impeachment strategem,..started in 2015, before Trump even became the Republican Presidential nominee,. the attack has constantly shifted its focus,..first starting as Collusion with Russia,..the Fusion GPS -Steele Dossier providing the opening needed for one fraudulent FISA warrant after another,..used to spy on the Trump campaign,..starting with campaign aids Carter Page, and George Papadopolous, ..then came the the Democrat claims that Trump had conspired with Ukraine to bring down the Biden campaign,..
Then came charges of a quid pro quo, bribery scenario,..with the President supposedly withholding much needed Ukrainian monetary relief,..and weapons as well,..unless the new Ukrainian President initiated an investigation into Biden and son's connection to the corrupt Ukrainian Oil Company,..Burisma,..
Then came the Shiff -Nadler charges that Trump had obstructed the congressional inquiry, instructing administration staff to not cooperate with Democrat subpoenas to testify ,..
Then , finally charges of treason,..bribery,..abuse of power,  and overall Un-Presidential behavior, .by the Commander in Chief,..
All have failed,..for the President has done nothing wrong . Indeed,..the crimes that the Democrats have charged the President with,.have in fact,.been committed by the Democrats themselves. To be certain,..if projection were declared an Olympic sport, doubt the Democrat Machine would take home the gold,..every year,..
Yet,..the impeachment hoax goes on,. unabated,..with no indication of an end in sight,..for even though the House vote is now part of history,..with impeachment passing with not a single Republican vote,..and three Democrat defections as well,..Speaker Pelosi has steadfastly refused to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial,..thereby leaving impeachment in political limbo,..non existent,..yet still there,..a spectral stain on the Trump Presidency,..yet,..not a stain at all,..
For what is it based on? Charges of obstruction,..bribery,..extortion,..quid pro quo,..collusion,..are all mere phantoms,..with no substance,..for there is no evidence , to support Democrat accusations,..
But, in the place of evidence, the Democrats produced an endless parade of Democrat operatives, to pass as so called witnesses,..
All loudly proclaimed their hatred of the President,..their outrage over his treasonous conduct with the Ukrainian President ,as well as the Russians,..all claiming impeachment must happen,. must be as inevitable as the rising sun,..because the next election brings assured Trump Victory again, and prolongs the Democrat National Nightmare,..
Trump is going to win ,..
Win by overwhelming Trumpian level landslide,..if the Democrats do not act to impeach,..Now,..
That is the Democrat admission,..they know that Trump and his Republican Legions have beaten them,..
Beaten them by three dimensional chess rules,..attacking them from all angles,..Tweet and Rally remaining constant , formidable weapons of choice,..
Attacking the Democrats relentlessly,..while also producing the results that the President swore by all the gods,..that he would produce,..
An economy unsurpassed in American History,..for growth and prosperity,.all based on the President's savage tax and regulation cuts,...
Cuts that lift all economic boats,..and made America energy independent as well,..
A Military restored to full power,..and unleashed at its peak,..on the Terror Forces of ISIS,..
The result? ISIS vaporized within a few months,..and a terror world driven back into the shadows,..trembling at the mere thought of the Trumpian wrath yet to come,..
Our Allies in freedom,..Israel and beyond,..supported as never before,..
Our veterans treated like the heroes they are,..and always will be,..
Our Second Amendment rights secured fully,..
Our Trade system revitalized,.. and made over to benefit American economic interests,..finally,..
NATO reworked , so that all Allies contribute equally,..
Our enemies now fear and respect us,..
Our Allies, .now embrace us, as never before,..
And yet,..the grim gauntlet of impeachment goes on,..with a rogues gallery of Democrat witnesses, ...ultimately making House Impeachment,..if nothing else,..a reality,..
Ambassador Sundland ,..the only direct witness,..who was forced to admit that the President stated,.."No quid pro quo,.."with Ukraine,..The President said,.."I want nothing in exchange for aid",..
And the President released the text of the phone call to the Ukrainian President,..and the audio of the phone call itself,..proving all that needed to be proven,..
Clearly illustrating one, simple truth,..The President,..has done nothing wrong,..
And,..even if he had withheld money from Ukraine,..there would still be no crime,..
The President has the undisputed right,..and duty, withhold money from any nation suspected of corruption,..and has the right,..and duty, ask that nation to investigate corruption,..
Aye,..even if it involves a former American Vice President,..and his son,..
Yet,..despite this truth,..there came Colonel Vindman,..a Democrat operative and Ukrainian liason,.. who used the time tested Democrat strategem of using a military uniform, bolster more third person heresy non evidence,..
Then came the Ukrainian Ambassador,of long standing ,. Maria Yovanovich,..who claimed Trumpian mistreatment most foul,. as the President fired her unceremoniously, is his right to do so with any member of his administration that he feels is working against his agenda,..
Then came Professor Patricia Karlen,..a hard core Democrat activist , and Trump hater,..who offered nothing more in her lengthy testimony before Congress,..than a clear window into her twisted soul,..
Filled with hate for all things American,..and the President, particular,..
One after another,..
Day after day,..
A parade of Democrat operatives with no evidence, direct witness, any Presidential malfeasance,..
But,..they all agree,..
This man,..must be impeached,..purged from their version of Washington, and their and their corrupt essence, .
Now,. before it is too late.
So Be It.
But,..even as Speaker Pelosi continues to block the articles of impeachment from the inevitable Senate trial ,..and Presidential acquittal,.
They know,..nevertheless,..deep within their blackened souls, .
That it is already too late.
For, the impeachment spectacle has served to expose Democrat evil even more fully to the American populace,..and at the same time, it has strengthened the bond the Republican Legions have with their Commander in Chief,..
Aye,..all Republican representatives have risen to the challenge admirably,..attacking Shiff,.. Nadler,..and the entire farce of the proceedings fiercely,.. relentlessly,...showing a spirit ,..a force of pure energy, not seen in the Republican Machine ,..for many years,..
All are to be commended,..Representatives, Trey Gowdy,..Lindsay Graham,  Louis Gohmert,..Doug Collins,..Elise Stefanik, .Matt Bevin,..John Ratcliffe,.and many,..many more,...
All will be remembered as heroes who stood against evil this day,..and ,..despite the impeachment vote passing,..they triumphed.
Not since the Republican congress rejection of Obamacare,..has the Party been this United in purpose and resolve,.
And,..never before has the Republican approval rating been higher,..
For Trump and Republicans have now merged,..and become one and the same indestructible ,unbeatable entity,..
This Scourge of God and his Legions smell the blood of the wounded Democrat enemy,..and are now prepared to finish it ,..once and for all,..
On the next battlefied,..
The Senate.
For the President has refused to back down from the challenge of the Diabolical Democrats,..
He will not call for an end to impeachment madness,..but instead,.he will wade into it, keeping the three dimensional chess strategem in operation,..insisting that impeachment go on,..forever,..allowing the Democrats to destroy themselves publicly,  on a daily basis in the McConnell controlled Senate trial,..with Trump using his Tweet and Rally weapons to attack each and every second,..minute, .hour,..of this farce,  attack relentlessly,..and expose, without fear, each and every Democrat participant in it as well,..
Never has the true nature of the Democrat Machine been more publicly exposed for what they truly are,..even while the Horowitz IGA report exposes the Democrat controlled FBI as well,.for the Comey McCabe FISA abuses most myriad indeed.
And at the same time,..Attorney General Barr and special U.S. prosecutor John Durham continue to amass more and more evidence each passing day,..on seemingly  endless Democrat crimes related to the Trump -Russia hoax,..and beyond,.
The result of all this inevitably?
Massive Trumpian-Republican Victory in 2020,..and Democrat Death,..
There can be no other outcome,..
To this end,.the President will not relent,..
The President knows,..instinctively, .that when an enemy is weakened, the attack must go on,..until the enemy is not only defeated,..but destroyed permanently as well,..
The impeachment trial will now be the new Trumpian weapon of choice,..
It will go on,..and on,..and on,..whether Pelosi moves it to the Senate or not,..Perhaps even starting again in the Trump second term,..
All the while the Democrats will expose more and more , of their madness,..their corruption,..their mindless hatred,..
And the President and his Republican Legions,..will be there to mock them,..each and every day,..
"Let them rave on,..that men shall know them mad",..the President seems to say,..even as he looks forward to the Senate phase of this battle,..
A McConnell-Republican controlled Senate,..that will expose the Impeachment hoax quickly,..with subpoened Democrat witnesses,..and give this Savage President a victory most unorthodox indeed,..
Impeachment will be the final spoil of war  that the President will wear like the Lionskin of Hercules,..a badge of courage , flaunt,..right up to his inevitable 2020 Victory ,..
Aye,..woe unto you O' Democrats,..
For if this sceptre, to be wrested from this President's grasp,...
It will take more than mortal man,..
Or Democrat, take it,..