Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Armaggedon Summit

The Health Care Summit was a complete sucess. Not as entertaining as the Beer Summit,but a sucess nontheless. The reason? It forced President Obama to finally expose his Hubris; what the Greeks called over-weening pride. The Republicans did their job.By insisting we tear up the bill and start from scratch,they backed Obama into a corner that he can never escape.He, of course, will not do this, and will forge ahead with the bill which was the plan all along. The summit was mearly theater for the masses, but it has backfired, because now "We the People", see that the republicans do have ideas, just not the ideas  that the Democrats want. They want the government to control the lives of it's citizens, while the republicans understand that we must control our own lives.
No government can take away the freedom that was given to us by God. No man can be made to do something by another man. No one man is wise enough to rule a nation of men. History has proven this , time and time again. The health care issue? It's no issue at all. The free market solves everything. Let Americans have acess to the over one thousand Health Insurance companies in this country, and everything is solved. Competition brings prices down. Competition eliminates the pre-existing condition debate. Competition insures quality and honesty. Competition is the only solution for a country whose greatness was fouded on it.
After President Obama spent six hours being petulant and whiney, even scolding  Senator McCain as though he was a disobedient child, he finally let his guard down for a moment, and defied the law of averages.He finally made an accurate statement. The President stated that he will forge ahead and pass Healthcare , and we will see in November who was right and who was wrong. He is correct. The line in the sand has been drawn. The sides have been chosen. Forget Tea Party , Townhalls, or marches on Washington. These are all ephemeral things, just words , with no real substance.  "We will vote you out", is the only slogan that any Tea Party sign needs. 
The battle lines have been drawn. The sides have been chosen. Washington is our Meggido, our final battlefield between the forces of freedom, and oppression. All seats are up for grabs in the House in November. We must vote the Democrats out, or back down and be damned forever.

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