Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Alfred E. Obama , The "What me worry" candidate.

Hey Barack! Mad Magazine called, they want their Presidential Seal back! In all fair ness, that seal would have made a great cover for the magazine,, and I'm sure that Mad is probably kicking themselves that they didn't think of it first. I can just picture it; Alfred E. Newmann standing behind the podium, looking all presidential, and Obama's seal of approval right there for all to see.Maybe they could still use it, just have Obama and Alfred behind the podium maybe having a tug of war over the seal! That's Gold Jerry! Hope your reading this Mad staffers. After all, you have to milk this comedy cash cow  Obama for all that he is worth; before he self destructs completely, which probably won't be too far off, the way he's going. Remember , this is a man who is  for  partial birth abortion, and against your second amendment right to defend your life with a gun. So, in Obama's world, you can kill a baby , just as long as you don't kill him with a gun! Now, that's what I call real Mad Magazine logic! What me Worry? You better believe it! We should all worry about this specimen being elected President.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Slap the Bracelets on em Sheriff Obama!

Barack Obama still refuses to visit the troops and has now stated that he feels the Court system should be the way to prosecute the terrorists, despite the fact that this method ; which was used during the Clinton administration resulted in 911.Court systems and police are used to deal with crimes that have already been perpetrated . So apparently President Obama would be perfectly happy to wait for another attack, and then slap the cuffs on those pesky terrorists.Then give them a fair trial of course.I hate to break it to Mr. Obama,but it was the Patriot Act, Gitmo Bay,and the surveillance of terrorist  communications that have prevented another attack on our soil since 911, not the court system.
We are at war , you fight to win, you strike first and you strike with a scorched earth policy.That's how you protect the lives of our troops and citizens. This isn't a boxing match;there are no FAIR FIGHT RULES.We are fighting to preserve peace and freedom in the world,you destroy the enemy; then and only then can Sheriff Obama slap the bracelets on those yellow bellied sidewinders.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama; Community Rabble Rouser Supreme.

Well, Barack Obama has found something new to be outraged about.Apparently, while Obama praises John McCain for his many accomplishments, including his military service to his country, John McCAIN has steadfastly refused to acknowledge Barack Obama's many accomplishments.
However I feel this was not done to insult the overly sensitive radical Marxist Obama. He simply couldn't think of any accomplishments worth mentioning.
This isn't exactly fair, however, since in addition to having a long standing record of over 100 votes of "present" in the senate, Obama also has extensive experience as a community organizer in the mean streets of Chicago,the windy city itself. Sounds good on paper .But what exactly is a "COMMUNITY  ORGANIZER" anyway?
Well , it's really quite simple. Remember the movie Frankenstein" with Boris Karloff? Well, remember the scene where the villagers discover the body of the little girl that the monster drowned accidently? Naturally, everyone is standing around in shock until that one villager starts ranting and raving about Dr. Frankenstein and the evil that he's brought upon the village with  his unholy creation ; and how we have to gain vengeancefor the poor child by storming the castle with our torches and burning the monster out of existence once and for all?Well, that raving villager is what's known as a community organizer.And he was pretty good at it too, since he not only "organized" the community to get  the Frankenstein Monster, but Dracula , the Wolfman and a Hunchback  too in the sequels. Let's see Barack Obama top that record of ''COMMUNITY ORGANIZING". Of couse, back in those days they did'nt call it community organizer. They used a less politically correct term; Rabble Rouser.
Yes  it seems that Obama could organize any thing back in those days, unlike now, when he find it difficult to even organize a trip to Iraq; to visit the men and women that he wants to be commander in chief of.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Obama , The First American Dictator

The idea that the Florida and Michigan votes should not be counted is utter nonsense,and proves that the Democrat agenda is to get Obama the nomination , by hook or by crook. The vote of every citizen counts in full, not a half vote or any other kind of compromise.
Obama is complaining that he wasn't on the ballot in these states, but whose fault is that?Obama is the one who took himself off those ballots, out of some misguided sense of arrogance and false self confidence. The liberals complained endlessly about the votes not being counted when it was Bush vs. Gore.It would be total hypocracy to not count all the votes now, and they know it.Bend all the rules you want to get this lemon nominated , but remember this;Barack Obama has refused to visit the troops in Iraq , the very same troops that he wants to be commander in chief of. Contemplate that before you make your decision to turn this country over to a man who has nothing but contempt for its citizens and our military. And remember, they did'nt count the votes for Hindenburg and the result was a nomination of Adolf Hitler ; by way of delegate votes , of course.