Sunday, August 28, 2016

"Pawns,Across A Chessboard!"

In the far reaches of war torn Normandy France, a grim tableau unfolds in the cold, marbled halls of a place of worship, dedicated to the words and deeds of a man from the first century, a man whose message of peace, love, and the brotherhood of man, woudst bring salvation, and deliverance,to a wayward mankind,poised on the edge of the abyss.
"You are Simon,..I shall call you,Peter , the Rock,..upon which,..I shall build".The very words of this first century man, to one of his followers , and,as surely as the words were spoken, too,didst they translate into deeds ,as upon the rock called Peter, this man wouldst  indeed build, his church.
And now, in this, the 21st Century, within the walls of the Cathedral of Rouen, stood Father Jaques Hamel, a priest in the midst of performing a ceremony inspired by a man whose last wish before taking up his cross, was for his followers to love one another,as he had loved them, and to share amongst themselves,the Passover meal, and the strange transfiguration of bread and wine, in memory of him.
And, as this priest raised high to the heavens the bread and wine of Christian ceremony before the assembled masses,sinister living pawns,shrouded in black,now moved into place on the very altar amidst this sacred moment, with a brazen irreverence that only the followers of Lucifer could muster.
Peace, Love, and Brotherhood, were but alien concepts to these disciples of evil,these followers of the terror state known only as ISIS,and they fell upon this minister of Christ,and quickly drove him to his knees, before the stunned worshippers. There suddenly, amidst this black pestilence that didst engulf the priest ,there appeared a sudden flash of blue steel,the glint of scimitar,honed to a murderous edge,now raised slowly, but resolutely,above the priestlings head,the flesh of his neck exposed , naked ,in the face of murderous intent. But then,before poised threat could become grim reality,this bound disciple of Christ,found untapped strength,struggled free,momentarily,raised his eyes in defiance heavenward,and, his final earthbound moment cursed the name of Satan, even as the deadly blade flashed downward, turning mere murderous intent, into realized beheading ,...blasphemous slaughter.
A Christian Priest, murdered in his Church during Mass, men ,women, and children beheaded ,burned, crucified,in crimson red , mass slaughter,across the sand swept,wide expanse of the middle east, the Sinister Forces of ISIS,..AlQueda, the Taliban, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well,...all followers of the evil god,.. known only as Allah.
And, all the while, all of the much vaunted might of the American Military, the finest fighting force yet assembled by man, could seemingly do nothing.Pinpoint airstrikes and the dispatch of terror leaders by mechanized drone,..are not enough.
The killing of Bin Laden, Seal Team 6; not enough. Not while the Obama Administration gives billions of taxpayer dollars to the sponsors of terror,enabling and appeasing the practitioners of Sharia, moving Iran, ever closer to nuclear powered armageddon.  And, in the midst of this carnage,our borders remain open to all alien invaders,terror attacks on American citizens increase,and in the far away,middle eastern land known as Libya, in an Embassy called Benghazi, four heroes were slaughtered during the 2012 Anniversary of 911, even as its Ambassador , a man named Chris Stevens,sent 600 emails to the Hillary Clinton State Department,pleading for help,yet receiving no answer,except inevitable , all consuming ,...oblivion.  Death to American Forces in Libya,on the 2012 Anniversary of 911.
Ambassador Stevens repeated email pleas to the State Department , for months ,leading up to the time of Ramadan, to the Anniversary of 911, were ignored , for this was an election year,..and for Obama to win a second term as President, his false scenario of American Military Supremacy, must appear to ring true,and the forces of terror as dead , the Terror Leader Usama Bin Laden.
"Bin Laden is dead,..and Al Queda is on the run",....exclaimed  Vice President Joe Biden, during a 2012 Election Rally. Any and all potential terror strikes, at any American Forces ,..must be ignored, and covered up, order to maintain this illusion, order to insure President Obama's re-election.After all, an economy collapsed by taxes, regulations and Obamacare, was not a winning selling point. But,..a dead Usama Bin Laden,..and a seemingly defeated Al Queda,..was.
And so, would come to pass.But,..the Ghosts of Benghazi will not rest, will not be silent,..all Four Heroes scream from the grave,..
"Who Shall Avenge Us?"
Who shall end this scourge of evil,and bring down the supporters and appeasers who enable them?
Who indeed,..but one man,..
Who else could it be?
There are, but two viable candidates now seeking to wear the crown,..of Commander in Chief.
One,..Hillary Clinton,whose inept State Department sealed the fate of the Benghazi Embassy, and who has used the ruse of the Clinton Foundation, amass untold wealth , by selling America's secrets around the globe. There is no mystery to the Clinton email scandal, to her  Private Server, any perceived malfeasance on Clinton's behalf. She, and her Muslim Brotherhood tied Assistant Uma Aberdeen,..have used the facade of the Clinton Foundation , and its worldwide speaking engagements,..,to sell all that is America,..for a traitor's purse,..for their thirty pieces of silver.
Hillary Clinton is a tax and regulation increasing Marxist, a student of radical leftist leader Saul Alinsky,..and a traitor, who created a Black Market in American Security.
In any conceivable Universe, she cannot be President,..ever. For, to allow such an outrage,after eight years of Obama destruction,..would surely doom America. Trump is the only viable alternative, a man who has stepped from his role of Playboy Industrialist , Capitalist Icon,. American Ideal,.. ..and confronted the grim truth,..the painful reality,..of an America in decline, America on the brink,of oblivion,..on the brink,..of the abyss.An America that he feels ,through his force of will alone,..can be reborn,..can be made Great Again,..before it's too late,..before the damage becomes,..irreversible.
In the Primaries, he battled 16 worthy  Conservative Republican contenders ,and emerged victorious.A relatively easy victory indeed, amassing the greatest number of Republican votes in Primary History, with only conservative firebrand Ted Cruz, offering any real competition.Yet, despite this, the doubt still lingered about Trump's true agenda. His long ties to the Democrat Party were undoubtedly the source of this, and even after an endless series of sellout  townhalls and stadium rallies,..,where Trump put forth a solid conservative agenda, ....the doubt still lingered. He waffled on taxes, trade,..NATO,..and, of course,there were the attacks on both Bush and McCain,..not to mention the Iraq War. Not exactly the musings of your typical Conservative Republican. Yet, the alternative is unthinkable.Without question, Hillary , as President,..would destroy America,..beyond a shadow of a doubt.She would further increase taxes and regulations .She would eliminate the coal industry,..destroying the entire economy of coal mining regions, and increasing fuel costs astronomically. She would further weaken the military ,that she has nothing but contempt for, and has proven that she has no interest in fighting Al Queda or ISIS.She would leave our borders open, and has already outlined plans to import 10, 000 more unvetted Syrian refugees,all in the name of Democrat votes. She would appoint Liberal Democrat Supreme Court Justices,..that will surely end the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..virtually assuring the end of the 1st Amendment as well,..and ,..ultimately,..our system of self government,..the system that made America the greatest nation on earth.
President Hillary Clinton will do all this,..guaranteed.
There is no alternative .
You vote Trump,..or you are a traitor to the Free Republic, better than General Benedict Arnold.For, by voting Hillary,..or by simply staying home on election night, have willingly committed yourself to the destruction of America as we know it,..and virtually assured its future as just another U.N. controlled poverty,and crime ridden, despot driven,..third world nation.
But,..what of Trump?
Those misguided fools who comprise #NeverTrump feel he is an equal threat,that his bluster, unpredictable temper, and emotional instability,would , in a rash moment, plunge the world into nuclear armageddon.
Utter nonsense.
#NeverTrump is comprised of Hillary supporters , established Democrat voters,..simply using the ruse of the disaffected conservative,to convince ignorant Republican voters  to stay home and assure Hillary victory.
It is a lie, and an obvious one.
They claim neither candidate deserves their vote.  Deserves?  Why speak of deserving,..when Trump, through deeds alone,..has earned them?
By now, there should be no doubt .Any Republicans, with a modicum of intelligence and attention span,..should be able to clearly see what Trump hath wrought, lo these many months.
Forget hotheaded bluster and ill timed gaffes, and look at the agenda of the man.
He has called for tax and regulation cuts, across the board,..employing a Reagan style tax plan , engineered by conservative adviser, Senator Jeff Sessions.
He has called for our military to be strengthened , and our veterans to be given the care they have earned with their service, and sacrifice .
He has called for the destruction of ISIS ,and Al Queda and is not afraid to use the term, "Radical Islam",
He has called for the protection of our Second Amendment rights, the rights that make all other rights possible.
He has called for unwaivering support of our Allies in the fight against terror,.
He has called for the complete sealing of our borders from alien invaders and sleeper cell terrorists, for Trump knows a nation without borders cannot long endure.
He has called for the end of Sanctuary cities that protect illegal criminals,..and the enforcement of all existing immigration laws.
These are,but words,..his detractors say.
But, Trump's deeds are the equal of his words.
He has assembled about him, the most conservative team of advisors ever seen by mortal man.
Newt Gingrich, Jeff Sessions, Walid Phares, Rudy Guiliani, Ben Carson, Sabastian Gorka, David Clarke,..and an 11 count of Supreme Court Justice picks , that are all hard core conservatives indeed.
Should all Republicans support Trump unwaiveringly?
Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The alternative is unthinkable, and monstrous in its implication.
Why doubt a man's words,..when he has confirmed them,,with his deeds?
Trump's most recent proof ?His visit to flood ravaged Louisiana , .No Hillary, no Obama,.no Democrat operatives, press, no photo ops,..just a man showing compassion ,..for his fellow man.
When questioned by local press regarding the motives behind his visit,..Trump simply replied;.."I'm just here, help,"..
And so,..he did.
Donald Trump and his Vice Presidential pick, Mike Pence,..unloaded trucks,..moved debris,..comforted the distraught, the grief stricken, ..the now,.. suddenly,.. homeless.
"I'm just here, help".
Of all Trump pronouncements,..none has been more eloquent,..
None has better defined the true nature of his Presidency.
 Words may shape a political agenda,..what better defines the man,..than his deeds?
Trump has often been compared to another iconic legend, known for his bluster, Muhammad Ali. Trump is a long time admirer of the boxer , and perhaps has finally taken to heart,..the words of Ali, himself,..that best define him as a man,..
"Service to others, the rent you pay,..for your room here on earth,.."
So be it.
Children are being beheaded , burned, and crucified, all across the middle east .Terror attacks are spreading across America, and Western Europe, a plague.
Trump says he will stop it,..once and for all,..and through his words,and deeds,..he has indeed earned the right, try.
He has endured all trials, met all challenges, overcome all obstacles,..and , each time,..emerged ever stronger.
Therein,lies the true measure of man,..
For what would Hercules be,..without his Labors,..
Or Christ,..without his Cross?
A Priest, in Normandy France,..eyes turn heavenward,..
Cursing the name of Satan,..
While silently praying,..for Deliverance,..
And, as the blade falls,..his silent prayer is answered,..
Deliverance, here,....
Elect him,..and his Party,..
On November 8th,..

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

"Prometheus Unbound!!"

And, it is written, the Greek god Prometheus, was bound by chains to a mountain near the Sea of Caucasus, for all eternity, as punishment for imparting the gift of fire to the mortals that he, himself, had fashioned out of clay and water. There he would remain, as the Wrath of Zeus remained unabated, until set free, by the hand of a mortal Hero, called Herakles. .A god, rescued ,by a mere mortal? This was fitting indeed, for immortal Prometheus, for of all the Olympians borne of  the Titans, it was he and he alone, who had not only created man, in the image of the gods, but catered to their whims as well, constantly sharing with them the knowledge of the gods; aiding them endlessly, and ultimately rejecting his immortal pedigree , becoming one of them. Prometheus , alone,among the Greek gods,understood man , saw their potential, and sought to aid them in achieving that potential; to rise above their mortal limitations,perhaps to one day,even challenge the gods themselves.
This was the hope that Prometheus had for man, ,who he had indeed created in his own image. The cunning trickster, the scientific innovator,the metal worker, the wise man, the fool, the rogue, the saint, the sinner. All these were Prometheus, who created man, and then sought to lift him to the heights of Olympus itself; man made free, and equal, by the hand of his creator. And,for daring to embrace man, his fellow gods punished him .Bound by the twin demi-gods Strength and Force, his flesh torn by attacking eagles eternally, until rescued by the demi-god Herakles, who, like Prometheus, bestrode the worlds of both man and god,..and yet, was seemingly rejected by both,..
This was Prometheus punishment,for defying the will of his fellow gods, his fellow Olympians, rejecting his immortal heritage,and embracing the savage mantle ,the barbaric heritage, of the mere mortals they dwelled amongst.
But, what of the new Olympian Trump?What will be his punishment , for rejecting all Republican status and strategems,and imparting the savage truth of conservatism directly to the mere mortals who have chosen him as their champion?Trump's campaign has rejected the political correctness of his predecessors,and instead embraced the language and brutal truth of mere mortals, who care nothing for political tricks and maneuverings.Trump knows the truth, and the truth is conservatism, in its purest form.It's a message that transcends all parties , all machinations,of political tricksters. Forget the political reserve of his predecessors; Trump answers every attack , big or small, by Democrat or Republican,with a savage arsenal of his own. Trump ignores the details of his agenda, and focuses on the basic principles of sledgehammer truth ,that always wins in the end.The basic principles of conservatism.Principles, that always work.
You cut taxes and regulations to the bone, and let those free men who work, keep the money they earn, and prosperity will reign , simple as that. You support and strengthen the military, and unleash it fully on the enemies of freedom, and no force of terror can long endure.
You defend the rights of free men to arm themselves in defense of that freedom, against all those dictators ,tyrants or terrorists who would seek to take it from them.
You embrace the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of our constitution, values that gave birth to freedom itself, values that made the Shining City called America possible.
You embrace all this, you assemble a team that embraces it as well, and you have made yourself invincible.
Trump's punishment for defying the Republican gods, and returning the power to the hands of mortals?
Complete and overwhelming victory in November.
Indeed, there can be no other outcome, for despite manipulated polls that show Clinton still leading in key states, Trump continues to fill all arenas all across the country, while Clinton barely fills a school auditorium.Hillary's negative polls continue to rise proportionally with the exposure of new scandals , making her campaign strategem quite clear;..she must remain on the attack against Trump, for she is well aware that she cannot win on a political record consisting of nothing more than malfeasance, misappropriation, and a treasonous email scandal concerning  sold American  secrets and security, in exchange for monetary profit. Hillary must successfully attack Trump if she is to win. But, Trump is no ordinary candidate who will weigh his responses carefully and choose only those battles that will reap maximum strategic benefit.No, Trump will attack from all angles, accept any battlefield,and make it his own,..and will never relent in a scattershot attack against any and all , who would deny him the title;,..Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the United States. Sixteen formidable Republican candidates fell like wheat before the Trump scythe; can an incompetent socialist criminal possibly endure?Is the system rigged in Hillary's favor by the Liberal Media and the Democrat Machine? Of course.Trump is correct in that assertion, and what worked for him in the Primaries , against fellow Republicans, matters little in the general election. The Democrat Primary strategem remained the same for this year, ..encourage Democrat crossover voting in the Republican Primaries,in order to choose the weakest Republican candidate for Democrats to run against. The Liberal Media too, as usual, promoted heavily who they perceived to be the weakest Republican candidate running. And, as usual, the Democrat Primary strategem was aided and abetted perfectly by the 80%of registered Republican voters who, once again stayed home for this Republican Primary season. The result? Once again, the Republicans failed to nominate the strongest conservative, and chose instead, through Republican apathy and ignorance , and Democrat strategems, a weak RINO, easy opponent for any Democrat they choose to run.
This time, however, there was a flaw in the plan. For this time, they chose Trump as their willing foil,a man with long ties to Democrat politicians, a man who condemned Bush and the Iraq War , a man who funded the campaigns of the very Democrats have damaged our country .They perceived him as a Democrat double agent, who would go through the motions of Trumpian self-promotion and bluster,..then implode,..and pave the way for an easy Hillary victory.
This,..did not happen,because they, like many Americans, have failed to see what Trump really is.
Donald J.Trump is a free market profiteer in the building industry, a P.T.Barnum like self promoter, with a talent for making money off his own carefully crafted , larger than life,image.He has no political affiliation or loyalty, other than those that have best served his personal profit margins. He is a rogue,with a childlike Huck Finn mischieviousness about him,always seeking attention , always seeking to tweak the humorless , stuffy adults about him,..always pushing the limits of how much he can really get away with. And, the strategy has worked, for him, in business dealings, bankruptcies, private scandals, and con-artist faux University scams, Trump has outrun all his mistakes, and made himself a success, by sheer hard work, determination, and a business savvy that has always enabled him overcome his childish excesses and recklessness.
Trump, despite all ego and pretended showman bluster, has always been smart enough to surround himself with intelligent, talented, skilled employees,whose judgement he would trust 100% .Success and winning were always the Trump goals.The teams that Trump assembled around him were always those with proven records of success. Trump was always willing to learn from those around him, whose skill he respected,from business executives to the men who poured his concrete,..installed his sheet rock. Trump, despite all vanities , has always been willing to learn,and humble enough to know that all men are his superior, in that he can learn from them. And that singular Trump quality, above all else, is the secret of his success. Trump is a Champion of the Common Man, because despite all his millions, he has never looked down on those who worked for him, or what their jobs entailed. He learned to drive a tractor, was on sight to pour concrete , worked closely with those who worked for him ,..always with a child-like wonder at the skills they possessed. .Always smart enough to know that men and women such as these, were the true key to his success. Always smart enough to make them more than mere employees, but partners, comrades in arms as well, part of one team, Team Trump;..and part of one goal;..Winning.
And now, Trump the politician has followed the same pattern.Upon receiving the nomination, Trump, despite his past ties to the Democrat Machine, quickly surrounded himself with a hard core conservative team of advisors .Gingrich, Guiliani, Sessions, Phares, Carson,Flynn, and the last chess piece moved into place,..Indiana Governor Mike Pence,..a disciple of Reagan, a conservative congressman,..on the level of Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee ,..a Governor who slashed and burned taxes and regulations in his state, to such an extreme degree, that it has made Indiana the most prosperous state in the Nation. Add to this Trump's 11 count Supreme court Justice picks, all solid extreme conservative firebrands, all feared by the Democrat Machine, and you have the perfect picture of who Trump really is. No RINO would have chosen this team to support him. Trump is following his business plan, .To put it simply, Trump likes to win, ,always,..and will settle for nothing less than complete and permanent victory over Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party. Trump has assembled the team that he knows will give him that victory, simple as that.
Donald Trump has always claimed a "Road to Damascus" awakening, explain his recent conversion to conservatism. Or, perhaps even an Oscar Schindler  awakening.Trump, like Schindler, the ultimate capitalist icon,..the playboy industrialist,..the American ideal,....self aborbed,... politically lazy by nature,.... now  forced to confront,.... the truth.
The truth,..of an America in decline.The truth, of a collapsing economy.The truth,..of a failing military.The truth,..of ever increasing terror strikes around the globe.The truth,..of a Second Amendment under attack. The truth,..that, the Party he supported, he funded,..was the cause of all this destruction,..The truth,..that he too,..was responsible for that destruction.And that final truth,..that only the Republican Party and only Conservatism,..under his leadership,..his blunt, brutal message,..can save the soul of the Nation. ,..and make America truly Great Again.
Trump knows that only he, a man who cares nothing for political correctness or protocol,would be able to unleash the truth of conservatism, a sledgehammer,..upon the nation,..flood every media venue with it,..expose every corruption, out every attacker,..attack every slight,..real or imagined,..take no prisoners,..suffer no fools,..tolerate no incompetence,..destroy all RINOS,.. all Democrats,..scorch the earth,..and achieve the ultimate victory,..with the unstoppable Truth,..of Conservatism.
Trump knows now, nothing can endure against it. Cruz came closest to stopping him,..with this same weapon,..but Trump would unleash an even purer form of it, unorthodox, by established political standards,..a smash mouth , punk rock style of conservatism,..that takes no advice,..needs no strategy,..respects no opponents,..and exposes all hypocracy.Trump would be the punk rock conservative,..the Johnnny Rotten,..the Sid Vicious of the new pop culture conservative movement. Take no prisoners, accept nothing but truth, and total victory,..and, the heart of it all,..beneath the reckless veneer of Trump as the very embodiment of Rosseau's "Innocent  Conservative Savage", a hard core conservative team, and a solid conservative Republican agenda,that will not alter its course , or waiver in its mission to save the free Republic.
Christ once told his doubters, "If I am not doing the work of my Father, not believe in me,..but,..if I am doing his work,..and you still would not believe,..believe then, the work I do."
So too, with Trump, who , like Christ,..gave his most revealing statement to his doubters and critics by saying,.."If you don't like me,..that's fine, for Mike Pence,..because ,..when you see Pence,'re seeing me".
Reflections of Christ again,..who told his followers,.."No one comes to the Father,..except through me,..for we are one".
The message is clear;..For the doubters and #NeverTrumpers, who can see only gaffe upon endless gaffe,..that the Democrat controlled Media promote and distort to weaken Republican support for Trump,..
They need to put aside this nonsense ,..and see the truth.
When Trump attacked  the Mexican Judge, who would preside over the Trump University case,..he was right,..for the man was  a Liberal Democrat activist, and Obama donor.
When he attacked the 'Gold Star" Family, that attacked him,, he was right,..for Kasir Khan family,..backs Sharia Law in America.
When Trump called for the NRA members to rise up, and stop Hillary's attack on the Second Amendment,..he was right,..for the legislative powers of our nation, have always rested with 'We the People",..a United People.
And, when Trump called Obama the Founder of ISIS,..he was right,..for it was Obama's withdraw from Iraq, and the middle east in general,his appeasement of terror supporting nations,,.and his weakening of our military.that allowed the creation of the first terror state in history.
Politicians may conceal themselves behind the mask of political correctness,..but Trump the outsider,..the anti-politician,..will not.He will speak the brutal sledgehammer of truth,...all the time,..whether you like it or not,..whether his enemies like it or not.
Truth is Conservatism.And, like it or not,..Trump is now that Truth. ..the Leader of the Republican Party,..
This is how it had to be,..for a Nation that has lost faith , all Leadership, all Leaders,..
America wanted the Anti-Politician,..
The Savage Conservative,...
And,..for its sins,..they got him.
If they truly wanted Cruz,..the perfect conservative fighting machine,..the Reagan disciple supreme,..they would now have him.
But,..80% of Registered Republican voters , once again,..stayed home,..and allowed Democrat crossover votes, to once again,..choose the Republican candidate.
Trump, the result.
He won fair and square, the will of We the People,..
And  was borne,.. out of Republican apathy ,..Republican ignorance,..
So, We the People ,..must now now fight for him,..because he is surely , all evidence ,..fighting for us.
We the People,..must now put aside all pretended conservative posturing and arrogance,..all Republican pride and vanities,..and now support the Champion,..chosen by our Party, Fate, Destiny,..
To destroy the Democrat Party ,once and for all.
The time for debate is over,..
The battle is joined,..the mission clear,..
Our Champion chosen,..and, as yet,..undefeated,..
His most recent speeches on Foreign Policy and Law and Order,..already being hailed as the stuff of conservative legend,..
He is Prometheus Unbound,..
And prepared to bring down the walls of  Olympus,..
And return the gift of fire to mortal man,..
Back him,..or back down,..
And be condemned forever, self imposed, eternal darkness,...  

Sunday, August 7, 2016

"Masque Of The Red Menace!"

A few weeks ago, in an appearance on ABC News,Democrat-Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison made an attempt to demonize Donald Trump by comparing him to racist Georgia Governor George Wallace. On the face of it,there was nothing unusual in this tactic.Democrats frequently use the race card to attack their Republican opponents.But,this time ,there was a slight difference.This time,not only was Wallace linked to a Republican candidate in character and judgement,but also,inexplicably, in Party as well. Ellison claimed that the former Georgian Governor, like Trump, was actually a member of the Republican Party.There was no correction from Stephanopoulous, who certainly knew Ellison was in error. Nor did the other ABC commentator correct the obvious gaffe.It took,another guest on the show, Republican Congressman Tom Cole,to finally correct Ellison.Why?The ABC morning show staff were certainly well aware that Wallace was not a Republican, yet they let the statement stand. This was a portent of things to come.Indeed, the Ellison statement was to become , in essence, the entire strategem of the 4 day Democrat Convention in Philadelphia.
The plan was a simple one, and no doubt,borne out of a sense of desperation..Trump had pulled even with Hillary in the polls,after a rousing Republican Convention in Cleveland that, despite the ongoing Trump-Cruz personal feud,was a complete success. In fact, the Trump-Cruz Showdown was probably the factor that helped unite the Party.Trump was selling a newfound Nationalism, a Reaganesque populism ,and his own well crafted image as well, and the American people were buying it, hook ,line and sinker.Trump may not be a conservative in the purest sense, but he likes to win, and conservatism is the weapon of choice ,that he will use to achieve that victory. Meanwhile ,Hillary's negatives continued to grow, as the Bernie Sanders Army refused to budge an inch.They would have Bernie as their nominee, or no one at all. In the eyes of the extreme, distopian left, Hillary was an old school ,deceptive,corrupt, Wall Street bound ,crony capitalist warmonger ,and nothing would alter this Sanders Army perception of her. No More War was their mantra.Hillary  voted for the Bush War in Iraq,therefore, she was Bush in their eyes. Add to this the Wikileaks exposure of DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz's attempts to sabotage Sanders campaign by attacking his atheism ,and you have the potential for a disasterous DNC Convention indeed.
The solution?The Sanders Army must be shut down ,along with Black Lives Matter,as well, since anarchy , not victory, is always their goal.While both were useful as money laundering vehicles for the DNC Machine, they were also self-destructive terror organizations as well, that could easily sabotage elections. And so, after a disasterous first day for the Democrat Convention ,in which riots and anarchy reigned supreme on the convention floor,the new strategem was put into effect. Sanders and Black Lies were shut out,and the complete lack of flags other than Palestinian, was replaced with a Patriotic Fervor rarely seen outside of a Fourth of July Parade. Flags were hastily erected onstage, and handed out to the spectators. Signs reading "USA" were shoved into the hands of every conventioneer,and instructions were given .All protestors , whether Anti-War Code Pink ,Black Lives Matter terrorists, Palestinian terror supporters, or disgruntled Sanders supporters, were to be shouted down with chants of,"USA,USA,USA!"
And so they were, as with speaker after speaker,this new found Democrat theme become crystal clear;...The Republican Party's Convention was a dark, dismal, depressing, distopian, fear-mongering mess, and the Democrat Party's Convention would be an uplifting celebration of Patriotism, Liberty, and the Spirit of America.
It was a lie,
And a poorly crafted one, for all about the edges of the facade, the grim  fatalistic truth ,was apparent, to any willing to accept it., willing to see the reality , the dark, truly distopian agenda behind this new ,false faced facade of cynical patriotism.
The truth could easily be seen, by simply examining the basics of conservative values and comparing them to this leftist fairytale. What then, is the truth of conservatism? Quite simply, it is rooted in the freedom of the individual .All that conservatism is, was, or will be,stems from this one concept.
For you see,Freedom of the Individual, is the natural law,and needs no Declaration, no Constitution, no Amendments, no Party, define it.
Limited taxes and regulations define conservatism, because nature dictates that the money you earn, is the money you should keep, to use as you see fit. Every speaker at the DNC Convention demanded that your money  be used, as they see fit.
A strong military,an aggressive War on Terror, and strong support for our Allies in Freedom;..this is the essense of our Nation's Security. Again, common sense,natural law. You cannot have freedom ,if you are unable or unwilling to defend it against all enemies .Every speaker at the Democrat Convention ignored the enemy, refused to acknowledge the existence of ISIS, and those few who did, former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta,..were booed off the stage.And, while Black Lives Matter was represented by the parents of slain thugs, not one family member of our fallen officers was permitted onstage, .Indeed, not one police , or military officer was even permitted on the convention floor.
Your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms ,..again,..the natural law of self defense.I need no constitution , no amendment, to tell me I have the right to defend myself, my family, and my country,against enemies at home and abroad.The law of nature tells me I can.
Not one speaker at the Democrat Convention,spoke in favor of the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms .Every one of them actively seeks to take that right from every American. For they know,..without that right the Democrat Party's power increases,and the right of We the People ,to rule ourselves, will no longer exist.
There it is.Behind the false mask of patriotism ,carefully and cynically crafted for this convention, the truth is clear;;..
Ever increasing taxes and regulations that will fund the Democrat Agenda.
A weakened military and appeasement of our enemies .
A rejection of the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms .
A rejection of our Judeo-Christian values that are rooted in the concept ,that we were created free, and should therefore, free.
This agenda was apparent at the DNC Convention. No flags, no police, permitted,. no military allowed, no mention of the War on Terror, Radical Islam, or ISIS allowed,..period.
The Distopian City known as Philadelphia remained pure, in all its anarchic glory,in all its Anti-American disdain.
There it was, all on display in Philadelphia,the birthplace of freedom.
The truth of the DNC.
The true face of the Democrat Party, for all the world to see.
But, the Democrats know,they have always known,..that in order to win,this face must be partially hidden, and made to appear as something else. They know that America still remains ,for the most part,a center -right country that will always reject the true face of communism when it is revealed to them.
And so, the Democrats have learned that they must conceal themselves behind the carefully crafted mask of the "Compassionate Party", that cares about the poor,the middle class, the minorities,the illegal aliens ,all those in need .For they know that the truth of their Party could not sell.
The Democrat Party collaborated with the British, against American Independence.
The Democrat Party opposed anti-slavery rhetoric in the Declaration of Independence, and ultimately opposed the freeing of slaves as well.
They are the Party of the Ku Klux Klan ,the Party of Jim Crow Laws, the Party that opposed the Republican's carefully crafted Civil Rights Act, the Party that opposed the right of freed slaves to own a gun,.which was always the true purpose behind the left's anti-gun agenda.
The Party that demanded the "slavery" of ever increasing taxes,and the weakness of a downsized military,
And the appeasement of our terror enemies,
And the alienation of our Allies in Freedom,
And the condemnation of our Judeo-Christian values that are the rock, upon which all freedom is built,..
They oppose all this,... always have,..and always will,..
Because freedom takes away their power ,and,in the end,..power is all they crave.
To win however?
They can no longer hide behind mere compassion for the downtrodden, for eight years of their rule under this mantra ,..has produced no results,except  crime,despair, poverty, and an explosion of terror attacks around the globe.
No.Now to win, the Democrats must steal the very mantle of the Republican Party ,
The Mantle of Patriotism,
The Mantle of Conservatism,
The Mantle of Truth,
And , at the same time, portray their Republican opponent as an unstable madman, prepared to blow up the world simply to feed his insane egotism,his out of control narcissicism.
We, the Democrat Party, are the true Patriots, and the Republicans, led by Trump, are the evil elitists seeking to rule the world , or destroy it, on a whim.
This is the Democrat Strategem.
It cannot work.
For, behind the facade, the truth, can indeed, be seen.
For, when the flags are gone, the rhetoric ended,
Who truly lives according to the truth of conservatism?
There is only one Party that fits the bill ,only one Party that has fought to free slaves, fought for civil rights,fought for the right to keep and bear arms, fought for limited taxes and regulations, fought for a strong military, and police force, fought for Judeo-Christian values,  fought for an aggressive war on terror, fought for our Allies in freedom.
That's the Republican Party, and its Leader ,is a man called Trump, who despite lack of Republican or conservative credentials, has proven himself worthy indeed,
Not by Flag waving, or Patriotic rhetoric,
But by his actions.
Trump has assembled his team of War Gods .Solid Conservatives .A team that symbolizes what he truly believes in. A team that truly represents American Patriotism.Not by what flag they wave, or by empty rhetoric, but by the way they live their lives,every single day, and by their record of legislation that speaks of nothing, except conservatism,
Except truth.
There is your proof.
And, if you need more , look no further than the aftermath of both conventions;..
In the wake of the Democrat Convention;.. the tattered,torn, burnt remnants of American and Israeli flags,..the discarded trash and refuse , strewn carelessly on the convention floor,..the violence hate,and property destruction ,of Black Lives Matter.
In the wake of the Republican Convention;..peace,..and a clean stadium,..
There is your final proof,..that rips away the cynical Masque of the Red Menace , known only as the Democrat Party,..
Even the "Gold Star Family" ploy was doomed to failure against a man who would not play the Democrats game,and rightly dismissed the Khan's  as Sharia controlled shills for Hillary,and the Democrat Machine. After all, who besides an enemy of America, would back a woman who has shown nothing but disdain and contempt for our soldiers , even allowing four heroes to die in terror torn Benghazi, simply for political gain?Kasir Khan dishonored his heroic son's memory,and Trump called him on it, while also exposing the hypocrasy of a man who hides his support for the evil of Sharia, behind a pocket constitution.Another failed ploy of the Democrat Machine against a man who will not back down , will not apologize, and will not be defeated.
And what of Pat Smith, the God Star Mother, who supports Trump? Trump's rebuff of the Khan attack , was a light pleasantry, compared to the vicious Democrat attacks on Smith after her appearance at the Republican Convention. Not only was she called "disgusting" and "inappropriate", but one Democrat worm writing for GQ magazine said he wanted to "punch her in the face".
Trump should apologize, for going too easy on the Sharia supporting Khan.
The Democrat Convention Strategem;..
An ambitious coup to be certain,..
But, in the end, doomed to failure,
For it was the man called Trump ,who , in a moment that balanced genius,on the edge of impossibility,..would execute the final ,winning chessmove,..
In the wake of the Wasserman-Schultz email scandal,..Trump would call on Wikileak linked Russia,.to find the lost Hillary emails. And by so doing,...virtually forced the Democrats to finally admit,..that Intel security had indeed been compromised, the deceptions and malfeasance of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The final, master stroke, from the master chessman,.
That endeth the Primary Season,..
Checkmate Trump;...
And the Republican Party,..