Sunday, February 26, 2017


Mere hours before the SuperBowl  battle would begin, the newly crowned Commander in Chief was asked a question by Fox News pundit Bill O'Reilly . It was a question that would give most men pause, and force them into a moment of deep reflection, ...of serious contemplation. Not so the new President. His reply to O'Reilly's question, was simple, direct, blunt, and brutally honest.
The question? "How can you claim respect for Russian President, Vladimir Putin, when he is clearly a brutal communist killer?" The answer?  " There are a lot of killers in the world." "Do you think the United States is so innocent?"  The President's comment may have sparked controversy, but it is nevertheless, undeniably true.  The world is full of killers.  The United States is a haven for killers, as is Russia. Both Russia and America have unleashed hell in every corner of the globe, including nuclear Armageddon.  Since the Revolutionary War itself, America's history has benn written in blood  and destruction, often against our own countrymen. President Trump is correct. We are all killers. Russia ,China, North Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, North Korea, and yes, America as well.
Our World Wars reveal all. Whether free republic, communist state, or Islamic state, all engage in war, all use the same basic methods, and all achieve the same basic results..
Yes, once again, President Trump is correct.
We are all killers.
But, what separates America from the evil of other nations, is not our actions, but the purpose behind those actions. The United States Military  has unleashed hell around the globe, on many nations, killing soldier, terrorist, and civilian alike.
But, there is a streak of Nobility , in the American Savage.
The United States wages war , to liberate nations from the evil rule of tyrannical despots. We do not conquer lands. We liberate them. We destroy the tyrants that subjugate them, and then give them the choice, of freedom, or tyranny. We give them the right, to decide for themselves their  earthbound destiny.
But, regardless of the final choice they make, it is their choice. The United States leaves them in freedom, but it is a freedom they can accept, or reject, as long as their choice does not affect American interests. That is the difference between a conqueror, and a liberator. And that is the difference between the United States, and virtually every other nation on earth
We are killers, like Russia. We kill , but we do it to protect American life, American freedom, and the lives and freedom of all men. Russia, like all tyrant States, kills to conquer, to subjugate, to impose tyrannical rule over their fellow man. Such had been the nature of warfare, until the Birth of America, that is.
Trump respects Putin, because he respects that killer instinct, that will to win, at all costs, that can be used  for either good, or evil. President Trump knows that America has often allied itself  with evil, in order to overcome a greater evil. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill  allied themselves with  Stalin, to overcome the greater threat of the Nazi Party. It is that killer instinct that creates great nations,whether good, or evil. The killer instinct that spawns a will to win, a refusal to lose, in any arena of conflict. An instinct that demands victory, at all costs,  nothing less than victory,  for,  the very concept of defeat is unthinkable, and utterly unacceptable.
That will, can now be used to destroy the New Nazi Party; the forces of Radical Islam. ISIS, AlQueda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, ....all ,...are now far greater threats than the forces of Russia, and are, in fact, even a threat to Christian based  Russia as well. All those who do not submit to the will of the false god ,Allah, are infidels, deserving of death, whether they be American, or Russian born.
In the Eye of Islam, all are mere pawns of Satan, who must submit to the will of the Prophet, or be destroyed.
The killer instinct, the will to win, that led Trump to landslide Presidential victory and enabled Putin to give rebirth to the Soviet Union, ...that will to win,..that accepts nothing but complete victory , against all opponents, is the weapon that will destroy ISIS, just as it destroyed the forces of Nazism, during World War Two. That will, whether motivated by good, or evil, can always be channeled to benefit humanity .History has proven this, and Trump , better than most, understands this all too well. For he knows this instinct , that has given him much private success , is an elusive instinct, possessed by a rare few, ..but always those few, are remembered by History.
Yes, Russia, corrupt as it may be, enemy to be feared by the free world indeed, will, nonetheless, join America and her Allies now, to destroy an enemy that seeks not simply to conquer, but to exterminate humanity, for extermination's sake. An enemy that seeks not the glory of conquest, but simply the destruction of man, simply for destruction's sake. To destroy for evil's sake, nothing more.
Radical Islam will be stopped, by President Trump, President Netanyahu, and yes, President Putin as well, all Leaders of the World who possess that killer instinct, that will to win, that refusal to accept nothing less than victory,  for victory's sake.
Putin stated that the Democrat Party should learn to lose with grace. But, that is beyond them. For to lose with grace , one must have that grace, that dignity, to begin with. Both concepts are bi-products of  the killer instinct, the will to win. Both concepts are beyond a Democrat's understanding. For a Democrat, like all of America's terror enemies, only show strength against the weak. They lack the will to do battle against an enemy that has the audacity, fight back.
Is Russia truly what Reagan called it,..the Evil Empire?  Perhaps. Putin is former KGB, and has eliminated any and all who blocked his path to power. But, corrupt as he is, as is all Russia under the scourge of communism,...there has always been that glimmer , . that spark,..within the folds of its Iron Curtain, the fighting will of the Christian based Russian people, who stood against the Nazis at Stalingrad, the will that joined the Allies and turned certain defeat,..into overwhelming victory. There must be something redeemable within the psyche of Russia, for true evil has no such courage ,...and would never ally itself with the forces of good, for any reason.
That killer instinct, that will to win,..against seemingly hopeless odds, against their own nations collapse, ..the will to rebuild the Iron Curtain, for good or evil,...from the ashes of total collapse. That kind of instinct, of will, of courage, can only come from what President Lincoln called,.."The better angels, of our nature". Indeed. Russia may be the nation of Lenin, of Stalin, of Putin, .but it is also the nation of Gorbachev, the reformer,..and Yeltsin, the conservative capitalist as well. Russia has a Judeo-Christian based history,..and that, inevitably,...always leads to freedom.
As during World War Two, Russia will, once again, be our Dark Ally,.. that will help destroy a greatrr evil, that seeks the end of all civilization,..whether  Soviet or Free Republic. And Trump, during his SuperBowl prelude, made this strategem crystal clear.
We are all killers by nature,..all evil,...but man can use his will , his intellect, rise above this instinct,..and use it to a greater purpose.
To kill, order to liberate.
To kill, order to give man the chance to live, as their creator intended,...
In Freedom.
To use that killer instinct , to refuse to lose, to destroy the enemy of all mankind,...
This will, proven formidable indeed, during the Trump primary and main election battles. He always found a way to win, because he refused to lose.
So too, for his friend ,New England Patriot's Quarterback Tom Brady, who, down  25 points at the end of the first half of Superbowl play, came roaring back in the second half, not only outplaying the inexperienced and shocked Falcons, but , more importantly, convincing them that , despite their ommanding lead at halftime, ....they still had no chance to win.
No chance at all.
That is the killer instinct, the will to win, that Tom Brady seems to share with his friend, President Trump. Both are fierce competitors who refuse to lose, who use their will, to convince the enemy,...they have no chance.
Never did.
And there always, throughout the NFL season, was that blood red warcrown  on Brady's head, or in his locker.
More than mere symbol, the Patriot's inconceivable come from behind victory in the SuperBowl seemed to put forth the same message it had during the Presidential Campaign;....
"Whosoever Wears This Warcrown,
If Worthy,
Shall Possess The Power,...
Of Trump,.."
And so it came to pass, ...
In both Presidential Election, ..
And SuperBowl as well,...
In fact, both seemed mirrored reflections of the other.
Both examples of iron will, overcoming impossible odds,...
Both snatching overwhelming victory, from almost certain doom and defeat.
Both symbols of the killer instinct, that, all the Gods,..will Make America Gtreat Again.
Against such a will, can a Democrat controlled Judicial system , seeking to destroy the Trump immigration plan,..endure?
Can the fabricated Russian connection that brought down NSA Director Mike Flynn,..endure?
Can Senate Democrat obstruction of Trump Cabinet nominees,..endure?
Can the rioting,looting, vandalizing terrorists who seek a Trump Impeachment,..endure?
Can security leaks within the intelligence community that seek to destroy the Trump Presidency,..endure?
The answer is now clear,...
President Trump will never relent, never waiver, against the Democrat enemies determined to destroy his Presidency, and regain their power over the American people.
Trump will win, because he has always refused, lose.
Whether against Democrat Party ,
Radical Islam,..
Or Atlanta Falcons, in the SuperBowl,...
The enemy will not only be defeated,...
But destroyed as well,...
By the same mean beast that dwells within the hearts of all great men,..
The beast that demands victory, at all costs, and will ally itself with hell spawned devils, to achieve that victory.
And, with those allies, comes new weapons as well,..all forged in the furnace of Trump's wrath.
The First Weapon,..Scott Pruitt,..finally confirmed by Ttrump and Republican will alone,..completely dedicated  to the scorched earth destruction of the regulation imposing,tax grabbing, hollow mockery of a free republic, called the Environmental Protection Agency, Agency,..that Climate Change debunker Pruitt, now Supreme Director of.
The Second Weapon;...The Rise of the Trump press conference,  his first solo effort,..but certainly not his last, for it was a performance for the ages, with the President savagely disemboweling the Democrat Press, for well over an hour.A brutal display, that, no doubt, was a portent of things to come,, things which spell doom for the Democrat Party, indeed.
The Third Weapon;...The return of the Trump Rally in Melbourne Florida. A rally that began with the First Lady reading the Lord's Prayer, a prayer well chosen for the occasion, since it always reduces the Democrat forces to rage and madness.The rally is the President's greatest weapon, which forces his message of truth down the throats of all, whether friend or foe. It's Trump's signature chessmove, against which, no Democrat force can endure.
And the Fourth Weapon;...A new, stronger alliance with America's  Vanguard of Freedom,..Israel.
The Summit between President Trump and President Netanyahu was one of Olympic proportions, with the bitterness and rancour of the Obama years now wiped away, and replaced with a true bond between two charismatic leaders , dedicated to one goal, mission,..
One Warcry,...
Death, to Radical Islam,...and all its terror forces.
Is now in effect ,...
Let the lesson, begin,..

Friday, February 3, 2017

"The Hand That Wields The Warblade!"

Who?Who is this man calling himself the Commander in   Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States?He is seemingly almost impossible to define.As unpredictable,as the weather itself. Neither Democrat or Republican,he is more pure force of nature,as unstoppable as the very elements,with truth the only mantle,he seems loyal to. It is his singular weapon, that enabled him to destroy all opponents, both Republican and Democrat,that stood in his way of winning the Presidency.
On January 20th,Inauguration Day, that weapon was on full display,as he took the Oath of Office,on the Lincoln Bible,and then gave a speech for the ages,in many ways reminiscent of the tall rail splitter himself. Absent from the speech were lofty platitudes,delicate prose, or Reaganesque rhetoric, and,in it's place,was a short, blunt speech,with a simple, workmanlike message,to all assembled in Washington Square, both representative and citizen alike. A message that the new President wielded like a double edged battleaxe, attacking from all sides, like a lethal whirlwind,that leaves nothing but destruction in it's wake.
The days of Washington and Democrat elite,reaping all the rewards of our free market economy ,were now gone forever. President Trump would now return the power to the hands of We the People, the rightful rulers of this Republic. And once done,all illusions that had been constructed by the Democrat Elite,over decades, would now be wiped away forever, by a new -born sense of national patriotism, and fierce pride in this Shining City, this Shining Jewel, the greatest system of self government,yet devised by man.
All myths would now be swept away, with one savage speech.The myth of racism, the myth of sexism, the myth of global warming, the myth of a peaceful Islam, the myth of wealth confiscation,and wealth redistribution, the myth of sanctuary cities, the myth of  open borders,that serve only one purpose; to expand the Democrat voting base. The myth of  Imperialism,that says America is the catalyst for all the evil in the world.
"Where Patriotism exists, there is no place for racism",our President proclaimed, " And, from this day forward, the mission,is simply this;...."America First".  So be it.
And,once all speech, ceremony, parade, and gala celebrations were done,....
The words of Truth,...would quickly become action.
Never one to rest on his hard won laurels, the newly crowned  President would not even wait until Monday morning, before unleashing hell's legions upon the stunned Washington Democrats.
Dancing was for the ballroom,....
The ugly hunt was on.
Fresh from the Inauguration walk to the WhiteHouse, President Trump quickly donned his warcrown, armor, and weapon,and with the restored bust of Churchill looking on, engaged the enemy  in his new battlefield,...
The Oval Office.
His War Generals gathered about him,and watched in awe, as this new President,pen in hand, signed  executive order after executive order,...going from one, to the other, like a well oiled conservative fighting machine, and quickly destroyed  19 executive actions put forth by his predecessor President Obama.
The Pen and Phone, were now Trump's weapons of choice,and he made it quite clear ,..on his first day,...that the games and clowning of the campaign trail, were done.
He had a mission to carry out. A mission he promised  the American people he would dedicate every waking moment to.
The promise, would be fulfilled.
The mission, would be accomplished.
Like a Demon Possessed, President Trump quickly set about his task, of destroying  all traces of the now  permanently  defeated Democrat Party.
In fact, in one weekend, Trump would destroy what took the Democrats eight years to accomplish.
Executive action misused, is a double edged sword.
For what Obama created by this means, Trump would now destroy,....using the same method.
To win a war,you must become war. Both good and evil,must use the same  methods,and will often achieve the same destructive results.The difference between them, always lies in the purpose,...the goal,...behind the destruction.
Obama's goal? Permanent Democrat Party power and control, over our free market republic, and it's citizens.
The Trump goal?
To restore power and control,to its rightful place.
To the hands of We the People.
If the Democrats would bypass congress, then so would the  Republicans ,....
But, for  a less sinister purpose.
Obamacare,eliminated, with but a stroke of  a pen,and replaced with the only health system needed,. ..
Free market choice and competition.
The EPA all but eliminated, and with its passing, 75% of regulations that handcuffed business growth,would be eliminated too.
Taxes slashed, to an all time low of 10 to 15% , for all Americans,whether corporate or individual .
The Keystone Pipeline approved,and  all EPA restrictions,removed from its path.
The Border Wall plans now signed, making security concept,a living , working reality,..the wish of the American people, now becoming,..Trump's will.
And, make no mistake,Mexico will indeed pay for it,  whether by restructured free trade, or by heavy tariffs,...
But, all the gods,...they will pay, and the drug cartel and terrorist flow across the open border, will finally  be ended, once and for all.
So too, will the flow of Syrian refugees and terror sleeper cells, from seven terror sponsoring nations, be ended,as well.
Sanctuary Cities have now been put on notice;...
Obey Federal Law,,or lose all the federal funding,that  all socialist entitlement states depend on,for basic economic survival.
ICE, and all border agents, also put on notice;...all criminal  elements crossing our borders, or living  in Democrat controlled Sanctuary cities, must be arrested,or deported, immediately and permanently.
And, all the Trump Cabinet appointees, who will implement  the Trump designs,..will, by all the gods, approved, despite Democrat attempts to block them.
The replacement for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, has now been chosen.He is Judge Neil Gorsuch, a hard core, constitutional originalist, who does indeed fit the Scalia mold, just as the President promised he would.
Planned meetings with leaders across the globe,including Russia, China, Great British, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and the UAE,...are now becoming reality.
The TransPacific Trade Partnership,and NAFTA as well, has been destroyed,..and will now be restructured, to America's benefit.
The FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, and all military and security personnel, have now been put on notice, by this new President.
They all have but one mission;...
Destroy ISIS, and all terror factions, quickly, and the President will give them everything they need, to accomplish this.
And, our Veterans, long treated with contempt by the Democrat machine, will now be taken care of, promptly, by the restructured VA, or they will be permitted to receive complete and immediate care, at the medical faciliy of their choosing.
Those anarchists bought and paid for,by George Soros and the Democrat Machine, who riot,loot, burn and destroy public and private property, the name of Trump protest,..will be arrested  immediately ,on felony charges.
By All the Gods,
America Will Be Made Great Again,..
At a record setting pace,..
In the seeming wink of an eye.
And, all the while, since Inauguration Day, a pestilence has gathered,in the streets  and cities of  our nation, in the name, of protest.
They protest racism, sexism, transgender-phobia, election fraud, collusion with our Russian enemies,and Global Warming denial.
Their protest agenda, a false one.
It is merely a mask, that same mask, that the liberal left ,the communists,..the Democrat Party,..has always used to conceal  their true motives, their true agenda,...
There is no racism.It was destroyed by the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and a Republican President,who risked Civil War, and assassination, end its evil.
There is no sexism,for it was Republican legislation that gave all American women the right to vote,and equal pay as well.
There is no transgender prejudice,for all Americans regardless of race,creed,or color, are equal under our constitution.
There was no Russian Election fraud.No machines were hacked,no votes were tampered with. It has always been the Democrats themselves,that have tampered with elections, no one else, and Democrat malfeasance and corruption was justly exposed,by Wiki-Putin,for We the People  have a right to accurately vet any elected official sworn to obey our will.
There is no Global Warming, no Climate Change, other than that which the earth,and its sun, create on their own.
Trees breathe carbon emissions,and exhale oxygen , for our use. It's called photosynthesis,..and without it, the earth would indeed be a carbon free liberal paradise,...
Just like Mars.
Global Warming,and Health Care , are nothing more than Democrat tax scams, designed to steal money from the pockets of hard working Americans, and put it in the pockets of  Democrat politicians .
If the Democrats really cared  about carbon pollution and the health of  American citizens, then why do they continue to pollute the air,and their lungs, by smoking?
Enough of this nonsense.
The protests have grown ever louder, and more violent.The grip of madness upon the Democrat Party is now all encompassing,and will never relent, for only one simple reason;....
They Lost.
They lost,to the Republicans.
They lost to Trump.
They lost over 1000 Legislative Seats, and most governorships, as well.
They  lost the Presidency, the House, the Senate,
They lost the FBI, CIA, IRS, NSA, VA, and the DOJ.
They lost the ability  to steal the wealth of the American people,through taxes and regulations.
They lost everything, and are now a powerless, permanently defeated Party, with no future,...
Except one borne of  anarchy, vandalism, terrorism, despair,...
And ultimately,..Madness.
Hillary lost,...and Trump won,...
By an overwhelming electoral landslide,
And therein lies the root  of their eternal rage,and ever growing madness.
And America will indeed be made Great Again,
An America,..they are no longer a part of.
For, they have been made obsolete,by a power they can never hope to comprehend,..
By a Power,..
By a People,...
By The Hand That Wields The Warblade.