Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Virus....and the Vaccine

Whether it's the revolt inLibya, the uprising in Egypt, or the Union rallies in the Wisconsin Rotundra, and around the country; the root of the problem is this; an attempt by men to take away the God-given freedom , from other men . The right to self rule, self-government is God given. When men try to take that basic right away from other men ; you get Egypt under Mubarek, or Libya under Gadaffi. The result? Riots in the streets, by people who have reached a breaking point, and no longer want to be told what to do by a murderous dictator. And, in our own country,we have a different threat on our gift of freedom, in the form of the SEIU, AFL, CIO, backed public unions; unions that force workers to join ;unions that are financially backed by the government; and therefore,  funded by us, the free market taxpayers . Unions that collect dues from members , by force, and use that money to keep the Democrat party in power , and  union bosses wealthy. Unions that insist that the free market businessmen and taxpayers fund union workers yearly salary increases, healthcare benefits , and other perks that are all better than the non-union workers benefits that fund them. Again, this is all done, against our free will. We, regardless of party affiliation, are essentially being forced to fund the Democrat Party , which, in essence, cannot survive without the tax funds collected by public unions. We are forced to give teachers better raises than ours, out of our own pockets. And, the ultimate hypocracy, we are being forced to fund union members  exemption ; ...from Obamacare.
This cannot continue. Whether it's the freedom of the people of Egypt and Libya, to rule themselves, or the freedom of the American people ; to work free in a healthy , competitive, free market , the bottom line is ,as always; freedom.It's the natural state of mankind, and , when it's taken away, by dictator , or government backed union boss; chaos, violence, and destruction will always, surely follow.
Our goal then, as Americans , born into freedom, is to always be on guard against, and strongly oppose those that would take away this gift we were born with , and, as Hamlet said;"by opposing ; end them".The chaos that has spread across our globe has now exposed the virus we are afflicted with , as a people. It's called communism; and we , as Americans , have the vaccine. It's called freedom.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Reagan Resolution

I have the perfect solution for Governor Walker of Wisconsin regarding union protestors and walkouts that have now camped out at the State Rotunda, in  a show of opposition to his attempts to balance the State's out of control budget . The Reagan solution. Fire them. All of them. Enough with these union games . We need to face reality about public sector unions in this country. They are funded by the taxpayers , therefore, they are a drain on our economy . All public unions need to be eliminated , and eliminated the free market way, by allowing privately run , privately funded unions to compete against the public funded unions in our free market system.
Remember, public unions are a cancer , started by Progressive Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt ; and all that they really do is make union leaders rich off the taxpayers dime , and keep Democrats in office. That's ultimately their true purpose. Not to support the worker, that they bilk for union dues , but to keep the Democrat Party in power , which then , keeps the union bosses in power. It's a twisted socialist, symbiotic relationship that is rooted in greedy  men , that  take money from the free market , and thereby weaken the economy , while growing government and union power. It needs to stop. Workers need to be given a choice. To join , or not to join. It cannot be mandatory. That's communism . The free market solves this . Free Market unions solve this . Teachers , Fire fighters , and other public funded workers that are currently on strike need to be fired , and forced to seek employment in the private sector. President Reagan had it right . He fired the air traffic controllers who walked out . He understood that you do not create a security threat in order to get a raise.
The bottom line is this; if you want endless raises , tenure, health benefit increases, all of the goodies that these crybabies are now screaming about like angry , spoiled children in Wisconsin ; work for the private sector. It's basic arithmetic. If you choose to work in the public sector, you must accept limited income. You should not be able to get rich off the backs of working Americans . In a free market society, every dollar you earn as a public employee is a dollar taken from our economy. That is a fact. That is why your demands are laughable . Deal with this reality , before our now Republican controlled congress uses the Reagan resolution; and deals with you.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Gift From The Gods

So, with President Mubarak out, the Egyptian Military in, a question still remains . Who controls the Suez Canal? The source of oil transport that we, as a Nation, depend on. For you see , America is that most confusing, most perplexing of paradoxes . We are the greatest Nation on earth, with a system of self government thaty has brought freedom and liberty ; not only to ourselves , but to many nations around the globe. Our military is also second to none ; yet, for all our liberty , all our freedom , all our military might , we are in one way , the weakest nation on earth . For, you see, the United States alone, among the varied nations on earth , has no energy policy or dependable source of energy. Yes folks, the most powerful nation on earth ; is not energy independent.
The bulk of our energy comes from overseas , from countries that are not our friends ; countries with whom we have an uneasy alliance, countries run by dictators and tyrants. This cannot continue. A nation that wishes to remain free , must be able to defend itself militarily, and the military, must have a power source. We won World War II for one reason alone , we had more of everything than the enemy . Our free market economy and mass production skills , simply out produced the Axis war machine. Plus , we were energy independent at that time. Who controls the Suez Canal? It would not matter at all to us, nor would we have spent billions of dollars in an effort to prop -up the Egyptian military, if we were energy independent. The Green peace movement, not to mention President Nixon's EPA, have done more to harm the security of our nation than any terror organization, simply by handcuffing our energy production in our country for decades now. This, cannot continue. With a faltering economy, we are already less respected by other nations that buy our debt; such as China . We cannot compound the mistake by being energy dependenton these nations as well .
Fortunately, the solution to this problem is simple. We now have, on our own soil, an energy source that is dependable , plentiful , and, since it is made by the earth itself ; completely renewable and environmentally friendly . We will never run out of it, as long as the earth continues to exist.It's called OIL,and  in addition to fueling our homes , cars planes , and tanks, most of our products are made from it as well . In short , without oil, life , as we know it, would simply be impossible . Let the situation in Egypt be a wake up call . In an uncertain , unstable world , we need to remain a symbol of strength and stability . We can only do this if we are energy independent ., and that can only happen , if we put aside environmental politics , and face reality .
Who controls Egypt is not the question . Who controls the U.S, is. There is only one way to resolve this question . We must drill here. We must drill now. The fate of the free world may very well depend on it . Perhaps it was no mere chance that the United States has more oil than any other nation . Perhaps it's a gift from the gods , to a nation that will use this gift to secure freedom and liberty around the globe. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Praetorian Solution

Shafik Gabr, Egyptian businessman, feels that the U.S. should stay out of Egyptian affairs . Perhaps that opinion should have been uttered before we gave Egypt billions of dollars to prop up their corrupt government and military .
Question; who runs Egypt? Mubarak is apparently on his way out, and his newly appointed Vice -President Sailumen has already been the target of assassins . Payback for past crimes against the Egyptian people perhaps? The people? They are in turmoil now, divided between genuine freedom seekers and members of the Muslim brotherhood , who see an opportunity in the chaos to seize power and bring Sharia Law to the embattled country. Who then, does run Egypt? Answer; The Military. They have sat back,  calmly watching the riots , lootings , and burnings , with a cool , confident detachment , as bemused by the events as a cat playing with a mouse.  But, the military is a force of draftees ; made to serve by force, and therefore , have no strong political leanings except that they may lean more towards the people than the ruling class . Then , the question must be; who runs the military? Answer; We do .
For many years , the U.S. has given billions of dollars to Egypt; money that has been used exclusively to support their military at the expense of the poverty stricken Egyptian people. Without us, Egypt would have no military to speak of; and rest assured , President Mubarak would have been ousted long ago, without our support of his regime.  The answer to the riddle of the Sphinx may remain, but the answer to this current Egyptian puzzle is quite clear. Indeed , it has been employed in political strategem down through the centuries . The Roman Emporer Caligula , reigned little more than two years, , but , in that time, he robbed , raped, and  pillaged his own people during his madman's reign , without  let or hindrence, until he dared to cross a dangerous political line, declaring himself a god, and appointing a horse a member of the Senate. He had gone too far, and the true rulers of Rome at that time, his Praetorian Guard, saw him now as a danger , not just to Rome and its people, but to their own personal political and militaristic aspirations.
Now, the Praetorian Guard of Egypt, funded by the U.S, has reached their Caligula moment. The puppet dictator that they have backed for the last 30 years, with our consent, has now become a threat , not just to Egypt, but to the Egyptian military personally. The military that we , the United States , funds and controls.
Who will control Egypt? Not the people, not the Brotherhood, not Mubarek or his sons , or his Vice-President.  We will. Ultimately, the military of Egypt, a force of the people, not Mubarek, will do what we say. They have to. Without our money, they do not exist , and, if they do not exist, then they are mearly citizens , lost amid the chaos that currently reigns in their streets. The chaos and instability that always exists under a dictatorship, The Egyptian military must act now , just as the Roman military acted against Caligula, , and , end it, by force , if necessary. If the people truly want their freedom , then, this is the only way . Yes , ultimately , the only real solution to the problems in Egypt is the Praetorian Solution.