Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Maestro's of Mockery

Pontius Pilate once asked of Christ;"What is Truth?". Well, I have the answer.Truth is South Park. Once again, Trey Parker and Matt Stone have used their cartoon to expose hypocracy and to topple sacred cows. In this case they went after Islam and the Prophet Muhammed ; again. The result? Their lives have now been threatened , proving once again that evil has no sense of humor, and Comedy Central has censored future broadcasts of the offending episode. This is inexcusable, especially since every other religion under the sun , including scientology, has been spoofed by the comedy duo, with no censorship or death threats. The reason is clear; Islam is a violent religion that encourages it's followers to kill non-believers. That is the simple truth that South Park was trying to expose. Parker and Stone knew full well the episode would be censored , and that their lives might be put in jeopardy, but they did the show anyway. Why? Because they knew it had to be done. They knew that people need to wake up and smell the Jihad.Any religion that advocates the killing of non-believers is an evil religion, and we need to confront that reality , and stop living in fear of saying what the evidence plainly shows.
The message at the end of the show is an important one; we cannot let our lives be dictated or controlled by fear or intimidation.That's not what America is founded on.Freedom of speech is the one thing that separates us from nations that live under Sharia law, and always will be.The media feels free to attack Christianity almost on a daily basis, but walks on eggshells around the Islamic faith Why?It's simple. They know that mocking a peace based religion will not get them killed, while mocking a religion that directs it's followers to kill non believers probably will. That's it in a nutshell. Christians and Jews are easy targets that the media doesn't fear, becvause it';s based on peace , love, and the brotherhood of man. Nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus instruct followers to kill anyone. The Proiphet Muhammed does.There it is , pure and simple, and Mat and Trey understand that if they do not stand up to this evil faith they are hypocrites , unwilling to stand behind their philosophy to be equal opportunity offenders. Just like the Reverend Graham who was banned from the Pentagon's prayer breakfast ,they dared to mention the elephant in the room that everyone else seems determined to ignore, and that elephant is simply this;  "any religion that advocates killing of non-believers is evil, period.If your God asks you to kill someone; trust me; it ain't God you're talking to . Thanks Matt Stone, Trey Parker and Reverend Graham, You are First Amendment Patriots

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Art of War

So President Obama believes we should not retaliate with nuclear weapons against our enemies, but he does admit that we are a superpower ,"like it or not". Well, I not only like it, I think it rocks! Perhaps we should just nuke ourselves. How's that for a war strategy? President Obama could call it the, "Don't mess with us , we're crazy!", Initiative. The President has also recently stated that NASA will not return to the moon, but will head for deep space exploration and pursue "asteroids". Can you land on an asteroid? And , if you can, since when do we have the capacity for deep space exploration? Boy, I can't wait to see the tax bill the President signs to build that spaceship!  I guess  his motto is; " To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, That can "share the wealth", to boldly tax where no man has taxed before!"  Y'know , I'm beginning to think the President's doctor was right. He does need to cut down on his drinking!
I think it's time for the President to admit he's in over his head, and call for help. He needs to go out to the Rose Garden, and flash that special signal in the sky. No, it's not in the shape of a bat; this one looks more like a "W". This may be Obama's only hope.Cause let's face it, when it comes to the 'Art of War" , President Bush forgot more than Obama or Sun Tszu will ever know.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Master of the Game

You can force people to buy insurance.You can force insurance companies to insure people. But you can't force people to be Doctors,and there lies the fatal flaw in Obamacare. It takes a lot of time,schooling ,training, and, yes , money to become a doctor. Why then would I want to become a doctor if I can't profit from it? Why would I want to be a doctor if I can't even pay back my school loans? Answer ; I wouldn't, and many doctors are now contemplating retirement rather than letting the gov't. tell them how much they can make .That's not the governments business. That's between the doctor and his patient. And, surprise, surprise, many doctors that will continue their practices will simply refuse to take insurance , and will work only on a cash basis. Not only will this profit the doctors, but will also bring down the cost of medical treatment in general.
Besides, Insurance is an overrated , Un-American concept. If it's guaranteed, it's not insurance. That's forced charity, better known as welfare. That's not America. Risk is America. I've never been insured in my life. I don't believe in insurance. Why? Because there's no risk. Risk is what life is all about. Charles Lindburgh once said,"A life without risk is not worth living". He was right. The spirit of risk is what made America great.  Would any American prefer we didn't risk breaking away from England? Or that the early settlers didn't risk crossing the dangerous unexplored parts of our country? Or that the first Astronauts didn't risk a flight to the moon?
Risk, my fellow Americans , risk is what this country is all about .It's why we're the greatest nation on earth.Each day brings uncertainty . There are no guarantees of life, health , or hapiness,nor should there be. Without risk , the spirit of man withers and dies. Without struggle and hard times, we cannot survive. Life is not eating, drinking, and sleeping. Life is the challenges we face every day, and the obstacles we overcome ourselves, as individuals, as free men, as Americans.
Obama's lack of the spirit of risk is why he has been labled an "amateur" by Iranian leader, Ahmadenejad.Risk is how you play the political game. By playing it safe, our enemies perceive him as weak, and his constant pre-occupation with attacks against his policies , not to mention his removal of a nuclear threat against our enemies prove that he is indeed  the "amateur" that A-Jad labled him. President Bush was a professional . He risked war with Iraq. He risked antagonizing our enemies. He risked tax cuts that drew anger and resentment from the left . That's what leaders do.  He was proven right on all these risks , and during eight years of Bush bashing, calling the president everything from a Nazi to a liar that engineered 9-11, he never responded , never reacted , never varied, never waivered. That's the sign of a true professional , grace under pressure. And it's a lesson the amateur Obama needs to learn. Will he risk it? He needs to learn from the master of the game, President Bush, because when it comes to the "Art of War" , that's the game that he played best.

Monday, April 5, 2010

"What Price Victory?"

I am a Republican.Not a Tea Partier, not a Reagan Conservative,not an Independent. I am a Republican, I am proud of it, and in November, I intend to kick some Democrat ass. That's what this comes down to. Forget about standing on a higher moral ground, or weeding out the Rhino's , or electing a "Tea Party " candidate. Let me make this clear and cut through the crap.Do you want to win? Do you want the country back? Then let's do what works. Vote Republican.Vote every single Democrat up for re-election out of office; and forget this third party nonsense.Anyone calling for that is a born loser, looking to lose; because that's what third parties do. They never win, but they do take away valuable votes from Republican candidates. Remember Ross Perot? Bush senior was a one term President because of him. Ther is no more time for nonsense. No more time for moral highground, nose in the air superiority. Let's win big . Let's win Republican.I'm so Republican , I bleed red. Iove the word "Republic". It means that men are free to govern themselves as they choose. We are the first true Republic in history. Let's honor that history and win in November as Republicans.Because there is no choice. If we lose , the country is done. We are socialists . No second chance, no recounts.Don't be foolish Tea Partiers. The Republican Party is the party that believes in our founding principles. Limited government. Low taxes. A free Market economy, and a strong military. Don't be disgusted with Republicans. Be disgusted with yourselves. You caused this, not the Republicans. You let Obama get elected. Many of you even voted for him.He is doing to the country what he said he would. What his voting record said he would. And still, you elected him. And before him, you elected Pelosi and Pals to take over the House and Senate in 2008. Why? Revenge on Bush? For what' killing terrorists? Protecting the country? Giving us tax cuts?, and a booming economy? Enough is enough! , you angry , self absorbed, uninformed , selfish idiots. No more Bush bashing., weak kneed nonsense.  You wanna be a winner , vote Republican  and take the country back. You wanna stay losers, then vote for "Tea Party candidates . The Democrats will thank you.  As for me, I intend to vote Republican for every election, and will vote for Sarah Palin for President. You don't think she's qualified? Why do you think the left hates her so much? I'll tell you why. Because they know she will win , and win big, and that alone is reason enough to make her the next President of this United States