Monday, August 16, 2010

The Temple of Intolerance

President Obama says the Mosque should be built on Ground Zero to "promote religious tolerance"..Religious Tolerance. Where? Where is this religious tolerance?
Every Christmas stores are told not to use the phrase, "Merry Christmas" to customers. Schools ban Christian symbols. The Cross is banned across the country on public land displays. The Ten Commandments was removed from the lobby of a court house by court order. "One Nation Under God" is a phrase that has been attacked and banned from schools along with the "Pledge of Allegiance". The phrase "In God we Trust" has been attacked by the left because it's on our currency.
There is no religious tolerance. For Christians that is. And, muslims do not want religious tolerance. They want religious dominance. We have to remember, that under Islamic rule, by the teachings of the Koran, all those who do not follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed are considered infidels, and are deserving of death, even if they convert.
There it is, pure and simple. All this talk of coming together and religious freedom is nonsense to the practicing Muslim. Their goal is a one religion America, and that one religion must be Islam.
America is regarded by the practicing Muslim as the"Great Satan" , that must be crushed and brought under Sharia Law , no exceptions. Ground Zero is considered Muslim territory , the sight of their great victory , and tradition demands that a Mosque is built to commemorate that victory over the "infidels" that must submit to the will of Allah.
Religious Tolerance? Try to build a Catholic Church near Mecca, and see the reaction. How laughable that Imam Abdul Faisal Rauf calls for tolerance while supporting a religion that has never shown any.

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