Wednesday, December 23, 2020

"The Last Beachhead!!"

 A Covid Vaccine,.. ready for nationwide distribution,..before the New Year,...
It was declared a laughable impossibility, by the Diabolical Democrats,..
And,..they had labeled the President an unstable madman ..for even daring to suggest it,....
Aye,..only a miracle could achieve such a thing,..
Only,..a miracle,..
But then, not the Shining City itself,..a nation conceived,.. where the people themselves rule, impossible miracle??
And, this not, the Trumpian Age of Miracles?
Aye,..indeed it is,..and in this age,..President Trump did, once again, stretch forth his hand,..and out of him came virtue, and a will of steel,..and from this came,..many miracles  indeed,..
A record setting economy,..created by the greatest tax and regulation cuts in American History,..
Energy Independence,..for the first time as well,..
Our military revitalized and unleashed on ISIS,...with stunning results,..its power and fury bringing a swift end to the terrorist scourge,..
Free trade made fair trade,.as our founders intended,..the President making our Allies,  and our foes. their fair share,...and  NATO  restructured, to do this as well,..
Our Second Amendment made sacrosanct,..and peace brought to the middle east,..through the UAE,..with American troops even being withdrawn from Afghanistan,.finally,..ending the 14 year war,..and ending thousands of years of tribal conflict, as well,..
Aye,..the Trumpian Nobel Peace Prize nominations , now numbering four in all,..
And, a rebirth of the Trump created economy,..brought to the brink of disaster by an Obama-China engineered biowar attack ,..the economy rebounding,.setting impossible third quarter numbers , and the Dow Jones industrial average reaching all time lows,...
And now,..the new miracle,..
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are FDA approved,.. and are being distributed nationwide,..
A Vaccine,..that the Democrats called  a madman's fantasy,..
Developing one would take at least 5 years,..they said ,..with business shutdowns and mask subjugation,..remaining a symbol of Democrat tryranny,..indefinitely,..
Yet now. ..behold the new Trumpian Miracle,..
Operation Warp Speed has produced three vaccines.  In exactly the timeline the President outlined,..his 75 percent regulation cuts that he signed into law immediately after his inaugeration,..making the stunning speed of production possible,..
And the steel will of Trump,..demanding that it be so,..
The 3 Dimensional Chessmaster  ..applying Trumpian pressure , thousand pounds,..per square inch,..had indeed achieved another modern day miracle, that would thwart the Democrat plans for eternal shutdown and mask submission,..
For there would be no more reason to submit,..or obey,..or vote Democrat.  ..ever again,..and America will not,..
A madman's dream?? An impossibility?? 
Democrats always deem their superiors mad,..and nothing is impossible..
A Roman General in the time of Caesar,..once had the motto,..' 
"If it is possible, is done,.."
"If it is impossible,..It will be done,.."
Words that the President and his Republican Legions live by,..each and every day,..
The only thing that can stop them is fear,..and fear is not a word in their vocabulary,..
They have not,..nor will they ever know,..
 its meaning,..
For it is part of the Heritage ..and Tradition ,..of these  freeborn,  self ruled savages called ,..Americans,...that the words fear,..and impossible,.. do not exist,..
And still one more Trumpian Miracle remains,..
75 million Americans went to the polls ,and re-elected President Trump ,..and also gave sweeping victories to his Republican Legions ,..keeping all Republican congressional seats,..and gaining Republican Senate seats as well,..
But,..the Diabolical Democrat voter fraud remains,..All Democrat controlled networks,..and Fox News as well,..declaring Biden the winner under strange,..suspicious circumstances,..
The Wuhan created,  bio war weapon doing its job most effectively, Democrats the chance to shut down the Trump economy , and force citizens to separate and mask themselves into totalitarian silence ,..and submission,..
The Dominion software system working wonders, indeed,. created in Venezuela to keep tyrants such as Chavez and Maduro in power, utilizing a sinister software algorithem,  .that multiplies the Democrat candidate vote count, just enough, win,..
And mass mailing of blank voter ballots ..all across the nation,..
Illegal and unconstitutional, be sure,..yet , was done, the Democrats an emergency supply of fraudulent ballots, be used to rob Trump of any margin of victory,..
No matter that 75 million Americans re-elected the President, matter at all,..for  the Democrats now had the ballots , and a software system , that would halt that victory,..and award it to the hapless Biden,..
The flaw in the plan??
They left a trail of evidence,..undeniable to any with eyes that would  but see,..
Democrat controlled Blue cities and states ,..including Pennsylvania,..Georgia. ..Michigan,..and Wisconsin,..shut down all ballot counting at 10:30 pm..kicking out Republican poll watchers ,.and.closing all doors ....for many hours .Why??
300 thousand ballots in all swing states cast with only the name Biden marked on them,..Why??.
Hundreds of poll workers and mail carriers testifying under oath the fraud they had witnessed,..Why??
A voting system created by a software company called Dominion,...
Created in Venezuela to keep tyrants such as Chavez and Maduro in power,..
A company that is staffed by anti Trump Democrats,....whi still bristle at the thought of Hillary losing to Trump,..
A staff led by software distributor Eric Coomer,..who has tweeted and facebooked his hatred for Trump,.. Republicans ,..and America,..for years,..
Eric Coomer,..who promised the Democrat Machine that his software,..combined with the Virus-Ballot strategem,..would bring about complete Trump destruction,..
He has failed,..
They have all failed,..
For while the judges of blue states , Pennsylvania, Wisconsin,..Georgia,.Michigan,..Nevada,..Arizona,..and the Democrat compromised Suoreme Court ad well,..have refused to even look at the overwhelming evidence of a stolen election ,..the Trump legal team has doubled down,..bringing the battle to the Peoples House,....with an overwhelming number of Republicans in the House and Senate,....backing the Presidents bid to expose,..and stop this brazen crime,..and save his hard won Presidency,...
Agreeing that the evidence of Democrat fraud, indeed overwhelming,..and irrefutable,..if your eyes would but see,....
And Republucan eyes in Washington are now seeing indeed, Trumpian 3 dimensional pressure and will,..are , once again.. triumphing over all,.
The President's Legions stormed Washington, rally after rally,.. with more to come, doubt,..
The Message?? 
Trump will be President,..
We the People,..will have no other,..
And the President has promised yet another miracle as well,..on January 6th,..
A rally,.. that will reveal all,..and destroy all Democrat strategem with nothing more than Trumpian truth,..and Trumpian will,..
And the Democrats know what is coming,..
They had hoped that Team Trump and his Republican Legions would have submitted , once the courts and Democrat controlled media refused to see the evidence,..or even acknowledge its existence,..and the electors finally certified the Biden Victory,....
But,..the Trumpian Legions battled on,..Guliani,..Ellus,..Wood ..Powell,..DiGenova,..all stating one undeniable reality,...
The evidence is overwhelming,..and we are in this , win,..
No other outcome,..will be accepted,..
There will be concession, surrender,.. 
For they know.... there is nowhere else to go,..
To allow this fraud to stand,..would end the Shining City,..
The Democrats would rig every election,..destroying all semblance of a free republic, the blink of an eye,..with the now demoralized Republicans surrendering .even the Senate runoff elections in Georgia,..without a fight,..the twin socialist scourge of Warnock....and Ossoff, giving the Democrats full control of all three  branches of the federal government,..
Ending all that America is,..
All that America was,..
Swiftly,..and brutally,..
But,..this will not become reality,..
For the fight goes on,..
And this President,..and his Republican Legions,..fight to win,.. and win they will,.. 
They have the evidence,..Dominion machines are being audited , as rigged,..and witnesses to the brazen crime,....coming forward by the hundreds,..
They have Republican Congressional and Senatorial support now,..and it's ever growing ,..with each passing day,..
They have the unbreakable will of this President,..and his endless sea of Spartan warriors,. 
Who will not surrender,..
For there is no outcome,..except victory,..
We will have no other,..
For,..this is the last stand,..the last battle,..
The Last Beachhead,...where the forces of good and evil meet , seek mastery of the other,..
The outcome?? 
It is,..preordained,....
Biden is no longer receiving intel reports from the Pentagon,....and refuses to discuss his China compromise,..
Harris has refused to relinquish her Senate seat,..defying standard procedure,..
They know the storm that comes,..
A storm that began four years ago,..
A storm called Trump,..
A storm that shall endure,..
A storm ,..that shall rend all things Democrat asunder,..
And leave nothing ,..but Trumpian triumph in its wake,..

Sunday, November 22, 2020

"Return Of The Spartans!"

 75 million.

75 million American citizens went to the polls on November 3rd,..and cast a legally verified vote,.., for Donald J. Trump and his Republican Legions,..

That is more votes than the President received in his 2016 winning bid for Commander in Chief,..against Hillary Clinton,...Far more ,...millions more,..

And yet,..the Democrat Machine, and the media it controls, tell us that Joe Biden received more votes,..won more states,..from a man who, even in the last days of his campaign, was drawing between 35and 50 thousand citizens to his MAGA Rallies,..while Biden and his campaign partner, Obama ,..combined,..were drawing no more than ten to twenty honking cars,..or a handful of dispirited , masked syncophants, ..sitting meekly in ever widening , designated circles,..before the rambling, bumbling Biden, ...

Utter nonsense.

What has really occurred, ..was not an election,..but merely an extension of the Democrat coup that was out into motion ,the very minute,.. the very second,..Donald J. Trump came down that Trump Tower escalator,  to announce his candidacy for the office of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces , of the United States,...

But,..despite 4 years of malevolent Democrat strategems to unseat a duly elected President,..Trump has finished his first term, ..

A term that was continually under Democrat siege indeed,..

First came the Trump-Russia collusion scheme,..with Obama directed FBI ,CIA,..NSA,...targeting all Trump associates ,..and a Clinton manufactured,..bought and paid for,.. Russian dossier,  ..all put into motion to prove that the Russians elected Trump , by shadowy espionage,..

This failed,..and was proven completely false,..eventually,..the evidence against Trump ,no more than a spectral phantom,..with no real substance ,..

So too,.for the Ukrainian collusion strategem ,..the President's documented phone calls to the Ukrainian President , proving his innocence here easily,..and, in fact,..time had proven that it was the Democrat  Machine ,..Hillary Clinton,..and the Joe Biden international crime family,..that were guilty of the exact crimes they were falsely accusing the President of,....

Indeed,.. if projection were an Olympic sport, doubt the Democrats would bring home the gold,..every time,..

Then came impeachment ...for absolutely nothing,..nothing the Democrats could prove anyway..House Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat controlled House of Representatives, trying to stain the Trump Administration with this action,..

But, it did quite the opposite,..merely making the President seem almost invincible,..with the McConnell- Republican controlled Senate dismissing the impeachment quite easily,....

Then came the Wuhan Virus,..conspiratorically created in an Obama funded,  Chinese Bio-War lab,..and perhaps released as a last resort,  to stop Trump ,..derail his record setting economy ..and insure Democrat-China power collusion, in the years to come, Trump and the Republicans are tainted with the blame for the warlab created scourge,..

This too,.. failed.

Trumps economy setting new records in the third quarter, and Trump himself, shaking off a case of the virus in a matter of three days, if it were nothing more than a gentle summer rain,..His mask,..disdainfully,.. ripped off on the White House balcony, defiance of all Democrat forces moving to destroy him,..

Then,..the endless rallies began again, airport runway, after airport runway,..plowing across the nation ..35 to 50 thousand MAGA warriors per rally,..

Trump seeming invincible,..moving steadily forward to inevitable victory,..

And yet,..hints came from the President himself,..apprehension over the next Diabolical Democrat strategem, set up by the virus itself, which gave Democrats the opening to demand massive ,.unsolicited distribution of mail in voting ballots,,..

A fraudulent,..unconstitutional move, be sure,..and one that would portend the chaos to come,..not just from ballot fraud,..but from other,..more sinister sources as well,..

The Democrat hand was played early on election night, as it became clear that the President was well on his way to win quite easily, landslide numbers, after taking the critical battleground states of Florida,..and Texas as well ..and appearing to be well ahead in must win Pennsylvania ,.for the moment,..

Then,..the Democrat plan was put into motion,..First,..Arizona was called , far too early, Fox news, and the Democrat controlled media sources as well,..almost in panicked  reflex,..then,..all counting in the key battleground states stopped,..

Time would stand still,..and voting stations in Democrat controlled , blue cities and  states, suddenly shut their doors, ..covered windows,.and kicked out Republican poll watchers,..for hours,..


The answer, is obvious,...

Much needed Biden votes were being hastily obtained and assembled from nearby  locations,.. fake ballots,..for emergency use, derail the Trumpian Landslide that the Democrats knew was coming,..Ballots hidden in Mail trucks, car trunks, moving vans,.. warehouses, ..

All now were moved into battleground cities and  stated controlled by Democrats,..and, in the days to come, the Trumpian lead in key blue states, would slowly, but surely,...vanish, as the full scope of the virus-ballot strategem became clear,..

This was always the plan.

The emergency virus-ballot plan, insure that the seat if power would be forced back into Democrst hands,..

Aye,..this was the reason that..then President Obama ,.. sent billions in American taxpayer dollars to a small Wuhan province, Bio-War lab. ..during his second term,..

It was to set up the emergency plan. stop,..the unstoppable,..

Inevitable Republican Victory,..and permanent Democrat defeat,..

The Democrats could not allow this,.and the virus-ballot plan, was the way to derail it quickly,..effectively,..And, more weapon in the Democrat arsenal as well, which has come under the radar if the Trump Machine ,..

A software company called Dominion,..that has a questionable reputation for strange glitches,..and sinister algorithems,.. A company that was rejected by Texas Governor, Greg Abbott,..years ago,..when Dominion tried to sell the software to the Texas government, for statewide use,..Governor Abbott knew full well the true nature of this Venezuela created software,..and knew,..the potential problems it could create,..

And more,..Abbott knew the anti Trump, anti Texas,..anti America stance its Marketing Director,..Eric Coomer,..took on raving twitter posts,..and other social media sites, ..and, the Trump legal team,..knew the true purpose intended for this software, which had been used in Blue states, in previous elections already,..

The purpose was to steal elections for Democrat candidates , .leaving no trace of the steal behind,..thereby assuring Democrat control of the United States,..forever,..

But,..President Trump was a casino owner for many years,..and was well aware of Dominion,.even tweeting about it after the Obama Romney election,.. making it clear,.. that he knew this software had stolen victory from Romney,..

And,..the President has been hinting at ,.."shocking evidence to come",..ever since he declared Trumpian Victory on election night,..and made it clear, that diabolical Democrat fraud was indeed afoot, many key Blue Cities and States,..including crime and fraud infested Philadelphia,..whose reputation for voter fraud , was well established, for decades now,..and almost legendary, in its brazen scope,..

But now,..they all face Trump,..who knew , all this would come to pass ..and prepared quite well,..for the epic battle to come,..

Former New York Mayor, Rudy Guliani,..Attorney Sidney Powell,..Attorney Joe DeGenova,..Attorney Lin Wood,..are already moving on massive,..far reaching lawsuits,.recounts,.. and audits,..even assembling for a powerful press statement this past week,..that had, one clear message throughout,.."We have massive fraud evidence,..and,..We will win!'

And, the wheels of Trumpian Justice were put into motion,..the Republican Legions were performing miracles of their own,..with sweeping wins of seats in both the House,..and the Senate,..despite Democrat malfeasance,..

And yet,..Trump lost??

He was on the top of the winning Republican ticket,..this does not compute,.

Fraud is obvious,...and,.the descrepancy explained, Attorney Sidney Powell stated at the press conference,.."The Trump landslide was so massive, shut down the Dominion software,..and forced Democrats to fill out hundreds of thousands of  fake Biden ballots,..with only the Democrat Presidential candidates name filled out,..There was no time, mark the rest of the ticket,..

Hundreds of thousands of Ballots,..with with only the top if the Democrat ticket marked?? Mathematically impossible, .

Unless  ...sinister forces, were afoot,..forces, that will do what is necessary, stop the Man-Devil Trump,..and end his Presidency,..

So Be It.

But,..fortunately,..these forces stand opposed, a formidable enemy indeed,..

The Trump Machine, stands poised to expose all,..and indeed win the well deserved  second term,..but, more importantly,..expose and destroy this Democrat pestilence,. once and for all,..before it destroys the free republic,..

Indeed,..this was part of the reason Trump was elected to begin with ..

Trump was elected expose,.. and then,.. destroy  all Democrat corruption,..and destroy it he will,..long before hes re-elected, Supreme Court decree,..

Dominion will be exposed, a Venezuela created,..America hating,..leftist controlled corporation,..that created a sinister software algorithm, designed to thwart the will of We the People,..just as it was previously used to keep Venezuelan despots Chavrz,..and Madura, power,.permanently,..

And the Ballot fraud will be exposed as well,..Hundreds of thousands of.fake ballots,..and corrupt Democrat poll workers,..who have ..but one mission,..

To assure Democrat rule and control ..over  We the People,..

An Iron Boot,..on the neck of America,..and eventually, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer stated,.."The World",..

All humanity,.. as well,..


The Million MAGA March this past weekend, Freedom Plaza,..and ending at the steps of the Supreme Court,..made it quite clear,..

Trump and his 75 million Spartans,..are one entity,..and their will shall prevail,..

Trump is Legion,..for he is many indeed,..

We the People rule this land,..We are Trump,..we are one and the same force of nature,.and our love for this land,..this Shining City, supreme,..unshakable,..invincible,..

And no pretended virus,..or ballot malfeasance,..or sinister software algorithem ,..shall alter the course of our inevitable destiny,..

Trumpian Triumph,..

And Democrat Defeat,..

And, good as his word,..the President drove by his Legions gathering in Washington, while on his way to golf at his Mara Lago Fortress of Solitude, relax ,..think and plan,..for his battles to come,..

And the virus vaccine?? Now poised to be released in the next few weeks, the President a new victory, another Trumpian triumph,..that has earned him some rest and relaxation indeed,..

And, he waved to the crowd,..smiling,.. from his Presidential limo,..a small tear came down the face of a man who rarely shows such emotions,...He can ill afford it,..showing weakness in the fray of battle,..

No matter,..the tear was one of joy,..not sadness,..For the President knows now, MAGA thousands fill Washington,..and the legal battles rage on,..

That he will never concede defeat,..

And,..We the People,..will never concede,..

For,..there is nowhere to go,..if we lose the Shining City,..

This is the final battle,..the last stand,..for a savage man demon who has never tasted defeat,..and never will,..and his MAGA Legions have but one battlecry,...

Republican Victory,..and Democrat Death,..

They will settle for nothing less,..

In the days of ancient glory,..when Grecian armies reigned supreme,.. 300 Spartans were able to achieve,..a battlefield miracle,..

Can the Spartan Legions of Trump,..,...75 million strong,..Do Less??



Monday, November 2, 2020

"I Am Legion,..For We Are Many!"

 And, it is written, ..that in First Century Judea, a time of miracles,..a prophet named Jesus, did stretch forth his hand, and cast out a demon that possessed the soul of a man,..
Before the demon fled, Jesus did ask of him,..his name,..
The demon replied,.."I am legion,..for we are many",..
Aye,..many indeed, the Democrats now discover about another demon as well, this ,the 21st Century,..a demon summoned forth by Democrat malfeasance and diabolic destruction,..A demon called Trump, who the Democrats thought could be manipulated into serving their ends,..crippling the Republican Party before the 2016 election,..
An agent of disruption and division, that would clear the Republican field of all challengers, ..and then,..self destruct,..leaving Hillary Clinton , the Heir Apparent to the Obama throne,..
But,..this demon proved more formidable than the Democrats bargained for,..His savage thirst for the truth, of country,..and will to win, proving too much for the diabolical Democrats ,who were.forced into the light of truth by Trump's savage 3 dimensional chess attack,..leaving Hillary a shattered ruin on election night,..with nothing to recommend her, or her Party, except ever higher taxes and regulations, a weakened military,..and an end to the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,.. the right that makes all others possible,..
And, the wake of Trump's triumph,.and even before,.. .his legion of followers ,..apparent at every rally,..every gathering those 4 years ago,..
Legions that clearly indicated the inevitable Trumpian Triumph to come in 2016,..
Aye,.and those legions now, ..still remain, and in greater number than ever before,..
Trump's endless list of achievements over 4 years, making his legions ever more resolute,..and growing in number as well,..
A record setting economy,..a military reborn,..ISIS crushed, independence achieved, for the first time in Ametican history,..Peace in the middle east,..and with North Korea, within Trumpian grasp,..
Iran's power and threat diminished,..4 Nobel Peace Prize nominations,..
New Trade and NATO agreements that force Allies and Enemies alike, pay their way,..
Our Veterans and Allies in Freedom , supported as never before,..An end to the scourge of Obamacare ,..and a revamping of the free market health insurance system,..
A new conservative Supreme Court Justice apppointed,..Amy Coney Barrett,..becoming the third of the Presidents Suoreme Court appointments, under 4 years,..
Aye,..only the China created Wuhan Virus, was able to derail this Trumpuan Age of Miracles,..
At least,..for a moment,...
But now, with the 2020 election one day away, miracles have come to pass,..
Record setting 3rd quarter economic growth,..The Wall,..finished,..and a second debate with Biden that gave the President the chance to fully expose the feeble Biden ,..forcing him to finally admit what he truly was,..the CBS Moderator Kristen Welker,..a leftist Hillary supporter,  to be sure,..was, nonetheless, unlike Chris Wallace ,..seemingly unwilling to run interference for Biden, and allowed Trump to counter attack,..And yes,..gave Biden more time to speak as well,..more time, hang himself,..
Biden had no answer for the Hunter Biden laptop exposure of the Biden family influence pedaling ,..which has been the source of Biden family wealth , for many decades,....
Joe Biden is now quite wealthy,..and all it cost was his nation's security,..
Biden is compromised, selling his Senate seat,..and his Vice Presidency, foreign nations, ..for monetary gain.
Joe Biden cannot pass a security clearance,..therefore,..he cannot be President ,..its as simple as that.
And the President let him know it, on that debate stage, while, at the same time, ..forcing Biden to admit to three things that doom his bid for the Presidency,..
Aye  .the President forced Biden to admit that he intended to raise taxes on Americans drastically,..End Fracking,...and tax and regulate the oil industry out of business as well,..
How?, by simply reminding Joe of his own repeated statements on these issues,..and by playing the Biden videotaped appearances ..over many months of campaigning,..
Biden destroys Biden,.quite effectively,..
The Trumo strategem,..working perfectly,..
Let Biden's own words hang himself, and his Party,..especially in oil and gas rich Texas and Pennsylvania,..
So Be It.
And the Trumpian Ralies,..continue,..rapid fire now ..three,..four,..five, one day,..
The President's triumph over the virus has renewed him ,..body and soul,.
His energy, boundless,..almost superhuman,.. while Biden can draw only handfuls of honking cars at his psuedo- rallies, .Obama too,..barely drawing more than ten,..or twenty of Democrat diehards,..still hoping ..for the masked, feeble Biden , and his angry. Marxist, race baiting running mate, pull off an evil miracle in this time of Halloween,..and end the Trump Presidency,..
Aye,..they can hope, Trumpian Legions disrupt their gatherings, and Trump himself,.. continues to plow the 50 states,....rally after rally ,..the numbers of his Legions ever growing, strength , number ..30,000,..50,000,....even more outside the events,..unable to get close,..
But,..they ,..are,..there,..
And a new Trumpian battle cry has arisen in recent days,.. one never heard before, the Arena of Ideas,..
A ritual chant,..that reveals the true strength of the MAGA movement,..
Aye,..and even the Blue cities and states now seem to be leaning towards this savage man demon , who has survived all Democrat attacks  ..All virus threats,..All attempts to destroy him,..and his mission,..and yet remains,.. undefeated....undestroyed,..and still determined to Make America Great Again,..
Yet ..Again,..
A Red Death is coming,..
A Tidalwave of Trumpian Proportions ,..even greater than the last,..and no virus, ballot malfeasance,..can alter this Trumpian destiny,..
For this Savage man demon, not alone,..
Indeed,..his legions are but a reflection of him,..
And he,..a reflection of them, well,..
Their savage message is clear,..
We the People,..rule ourselves,..We rule this land,..and will tolerate no would be tyrant , who would challenge this God given heritage,..
The money we earn,.. is ours,..
The weapon we carry,..cannot be taken,..
Our Judeo Christian values,..are sacrosanct,..
Our Freedom,..Our individuality,..Our Self Rule,..a part of our very nature,..
The Legion is Trump,..and Trump is Legion indeed,..and cannot be defeated by mere earthian forces,..
And,..he is now poised to grasp the ultimate prize once more,..
The lesson to Democrats is clear,..
Before summoning demons , certain first, to who they hold allegiance,..
So Be It.
Republican Victory,..
And Democrat Death,...
The President,..will accept  nothing less,..
For Trump is Legion,..and We are Many,....Indeed,..

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

"A Savage Reborn!!"

 In the First Century A D.,..a youth by the name of Gaius,.son of the Roman General Germanicus, and nephew of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, was suddenly struck down by a mysterious virus,..and was exiled to the Isle of Capri, rest and recuperate,..

Yet,.he hovered on the brink of death for many months to come,..,leaving many a Roman citizen distraught, that the beloved son of the noble Germanicus , recently slain in battle himself,..should now share his father's fate,  and be cut down so early in life,..leaving the future of Roman rule by Dynasty, much in question,..

Then,..suddenly,..almost miraculously, Young Gaius recovered,.. the fever broken,..He returned Triumphant to Rome,.. the streets lined with cheering citizens greeting the youth,..with a celebration worthy of a Roman General , returning victorious,..from the battlefield itself,..
Aye,..and in the celebrations wake, seemed inevitable that the charismatic youth would soon find himself sitting upon the throne itself,..the will of the Roman people demanding it,..
After this Triumphant return from the brink of the abyss,..they would have no other,..
Aye,..even the Gods themselves,..seemed to demand it,..
But, the months wore on into Young Gaius's rule, .a second miracle seemed to be transpiring ,..this one of a darker,..more sinister nature,..
An evil transformation had occurred,..leaving on the Throne of Rome,..a changeling, the place of the charismatic youth so beloved by the masses,..A strange, sinister changeling, created , no doubt. the deadly illness that had nearly claimed the youths life, and left him , in its wake ,..altered somehow,..his mind, spirit,..and soul,..seemingly twisted by his struggle against the beckoning abyss,..leaving young Gaius ,..nicknamed "Little Boots",..or , "Caligula", the Roman people,..a different man indeed,..
Savagely unpredictable,..mentally unstable,..violent,..merciless,..depraved,..a soulless ..mad emperor,..
Aye, more, in a long list of Roman Tyrants, who would carve an infamous record of madness and mayhem in his two year reign, .before being struck down by his own Praetorian Guard ,..for the crime of mocking the Gods themselves, ordering his legions into battle,..against the undersea legions of King Neptune himself,....Gaius's soldiers standing on the shores,..staring at the lapping waves ,...and realizing , that moment,..that this madman"s reign must end now,..lest it risk the future of the Empire itself,..the Praetorian Guard dispatching young Gaius during the games at the Coliseum,..
Bread and Circuses for the masses, always,...but death,..for an Emperor , now made by an evil virus ,..too unstable,..too dangerously unpredictable,..for even corrupt and cruel Rome,...
So Be It,..
It is often said, that time itself,  seems to meander in circles ,..even in this, the storm tossed 21st Century ,..The Trumpian Age of Miracles,..
At least,..that would be the perception of the Diabolic Democrats, who ..plotting and scheming in vain for 3 and a half years now, overthrow the justly elected President , see yet another sinister strategem emerging,..that may succeed where all other Russian Hoax,..and Ukrainian farce,..hath failed,....
The dreaded Wuhan Virus,..used to all but destroy the booming Trump economy through nationwide economic shutdowns,..would now be used to end the Trump Presidency itself,...even before the November election polls can decide the issue,..
For, after weeks of endless rallies, and a brutal, savage.. face to face stage debate with Biden, that left the former VP stunned, .and shaken,.. with only the moderator Chris Wallace saving Biden from total meltdown,..then a rain swept rally ,..crowing of his triumph over Biden ,...then a Democrat enraging , Rose Garden ceremony announcing the President's nomination of his third Supreme Court pick,..ultra conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett,....
Suddenly, the early morning hours,..the President issued a tweet,..that would rock the very foundations of the Trumpian Republican Machine,..
The President had tested positive for the Wuhan Virus,..along with the First Lady,..and would be quarantining immediately,..and leaving for Walter Reed medical center, by helicopter,..within the hour,..
While Republicans were concerned , were Democrats,..but for far different reasons,..
It became clear within hours , that the Democrat Machine was already envisioning a scenario of a dead President,..slain by the China created virus,..and his entire administration laid low by the virus as well,..leaving Speaker Pelosi , in command, last,..
Had they really said it??

MSNBC,..CNBC,..CNN,..ABC,..NBC,..CBS,..all could barely contain their joy at the possibility,..
And the Democrat death wishes on twitter,..and facebook,..were myriad,..and brutal indeed,..The Democrats hoped for the President's death at the hands of this virus, and they made no bones about it,..
The coup they dreamed of,..was almost within their grasp,..
Then,..came reality,..
The President,..emerging Gaius like,..seemingly undestroyed by the deadly virus ,..rising from the dead it seemed,..after three days, Christ from the Tomb,..
The President's physician prescribing a formidable drug cocktail of Vitamin D,..Zinc,..Rendesevir,..Steriods ..and the still experimental Regeneron,..which the President says was responsible for his miraculous resurrection ,..leaving him feeling 20 years younger,..and so full of energy,..that he even did a limousine drive by of his fans,..gathered outside Walter Reed,..just to show his appreciation for the well wishes,..
An act of pure, ..impulsive energy, that drove the Democrats mad indeed, did the President leaving the hospital after only three days,..
As well it should,..
They envisioned the President at least impaired. and forced to relinquish his rule,..
And, best,...dead,..
 Now....he stood on the balcony of the White House, again, virus free,..
Antibodies present in his system,.. ,..already indicating that  an immunity to the virus,..was becoming Trumpian reality indeed, .
Then,..standing triumphant ,..wind sweeping his hair,..his eyes,..a steely gaze,..
The President,..reached to his face,..ripping away the mask of submission ...with undisguised disdain,..
Then,..the next day ,..came a videotaped message ,.."Do not live in fear of this virus",.."For, can be conquered",..
So Be It,..
This leader had proven it.
He conquers not only Democrat enemies, ....but microscopic,..Bio War enemies from China as well,....
And,..already an event at the White House again, in the history books,..and more rallies , coming rapid fire ,..all across the nation, the last 30 day push towards November 3rd Landslide Victory,...
Biden may hide,..but the miraculously cured President will not, .demanding even another face to face debate with the addled Biden, offer the Biden camp initially refused, .but now agreed to,..but only with another leftist moderator prepared to do anything necessary, disrupt the Trump attack,..even turning off his microphone,..
A necessary strategem to stop the relentless Trump, .indeed,..
For the Democrat Machine knows full well they barely escaped alive from the last one,..a virtual substitute was offered,  that would give Biden the chance to read prepared material,..and gain aid from handlers as well,..
The President refused,..and rightly so,..
Debates,..between men,..must be face to face, the Arena if ideas,..if you are to be deemed worthy to hold the title,..Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces,..if the United States,..
No deal,..the President would  rally instead,..with many to come in the final weeks, doubt,..about his triumph over death itself,..proving the virus , no match for him,..even toying with the idea of wearing a Superman shirt beneath his own, be unveiled,.. Clark Kent style, a rally or White House function as a joke,..
An idea, put on hold,..
But,..perhaps,. just for the moment, .
And the Democrats??
Besides dreading the Trumpian forced,.upcoming second face to face debate with the President ,..they are now deep into their new strategem,.. the 25th Amendment,..Pelosi summoning it forth, a demon from the abyss, plant the evil seeds of Presidential removal from office , due to instability,..mental,..physical,...a rebirth if the Gaius -Caligula moment,..centuries ago,. to be sure,..
But whether unstable or not, matters little to the Democrats,..
They can claim it anyway,..saying the virus has affected the Presidents mind,..his judgement,..his stability,..since his release from Walter Reed Medical Center,..
And, also sets up the reason to oust his potential successor,..Joe Biden,..if he wins,..leaving radical leftist Kamala Harris the heir apparent to the Presidency,..
Aye,..the coup against the Trump Machine, finally completed...thanks to the invisible enemy ,..that did what all the Democrat strategems previously had failed to do,..
An ingenious coup indeed,..
But, all the others,..destined to fail,..
For Trump is healthy and strong,.. fully recovered ,..and ready to resume his relentless Trumpian attack on his Democrat opponents , at all levels,..while Biden will continue to fade and re appear, unpredictable as a mist bound phantom,..
A phantom destined to fade into nothingness,..long before his crushing November defeat to come,..
Still,..the Caligula strategem ,..using the 25th Amendment,..was not unexpected,..
Democrats , having no issues to run on,..except higher taxes and regulations,.., gun confiscation,..and a weaker military,..have always sought to label their Republican opponents mad,...
Aye,..the last refuge of a rogue combatant that knows he is beaten,..
Yet,..refuses to yield,.. 
And while labeling Trump an unstable madman, is an act if total desperation  , no doubt, is certainly justified desperation,..
For the Democrats saw the Trump debate with Biden,..and whether they truly regard the President as mad or not,..they could not escape the grim reality of the savage beating Trump had administered to the stunned Biden ,..,..refusing to obey the Biden protecting rules outlined by the moderator Chris Wallace,..
For he knew Biden himself would not obey them,..
Trump had seen what Biden had done to  Republican VP candidate, Paul Ryan years before,..during the Vice Presidential debate,..
Ryan was lost,..trying go rely on notes, and details regarding the economic outrages of Obamacare , and its ravages of Medicare and Medicaid,...
Biden interrupted,..laughed,..called Ryan names,..labeling him an inexperienced amateur,..who simply didnt know what he was talking about,.
The moderator,..did nothing to stop Biden,..
The result? Ryan had the correct information,..but Biden won the debate,...easily.
Now Trump,..within seconds,.. saw Biden  attempt the same attack strategem on him ..and knew instantly what he must do,..
He must counter savagely , with a similar attack on Biden,..calling him out for each and every lie he spewed,..instantly,..ignoring the demands of Chris Wallace ,..even countering him with the reply,.." I'm fighting two men up here,..and thats okay,..".
Okay indeed,..
Trump destroyed both,..and forced Biden into a stunned silence ,..with this series of blistering attacks,..questions..,.. that were Weapons of War,..Weapons of  Mass Democrat Destruction indeed,..
"Why was Hunter Biden being paid 3 miliion by a Russian Mayor's wife,..and why did China and Ukraine business boards pay him millions as well??"
"Is Biden planning on packing the supreme court ? " 
"If so,..with who?"
"Who are the police organizations endorsing Biden?" "Why can't he name them?"
"Why has Biden refused to denounce Antifa and Black Lives Matter as terror groups?"
"Why is Biden claiming he supports fracking,.. and opposes the Green New Deal,..when his own website,..says the opposite?"
"Why dies Biden claim he is not raising taxes,..except on the wealthy,..when his own website says massive tax increases across the board,..are coming?"
"Why does Biden blame Trump for the virus,..when Biden opposed the China and Europe travel ban that started in late January,..calling them racist and xenophobic?"
"Why does Biden call Trump racist,..when Biden is on record as being pro segregation,..and considers former Senator and KKK leader Robert Byrd,.who fought against the civil rights act, be
his friend and mentor??
And,..why did anti racism Biden create a crime Bill in the nineties ..that targeted and incarcerated minorities for minor crimes and drug offenses?"
Questions,..that even through the chaos of this brutal debate,..that Biden,..had no answer for ..
In the combat rules of political debate,..the man who can pose questions,  for which his opponent has no answers ,..
Is the man who wins the debate,..simple as that.
So too,..for the Vice Presidential debate between Pence and Harris,..
Though Pence may differ in debate style and attack methods from the President,..he achieved the same results,..just in a more polished,  relaxed way,..partly due to the townhall style of the debate setup,..
Harris is also a race baiting leftist,..who seeks to transform hated America , and , like Biden,..she also created laws  .that targeted minorities ,..when she was the Attorney General ,.of San Francisco,..
So Pence simply attacked with the same questions posed by the President,..and the President,..drawing only silence in response,..
The only difference was that Biden"s non answers were punctuated with personal insults directed at Trump,..
Whereas Harris's silence was highlighted by smirks,.. mumbling ,..and nervous laughter,..
Bottom line? 
Neither Biden nor Harris answered any questions posed,..and both claimed their opponent was racist,..
Aye, .the only card, the end,..that the Democrats have left to play,..
But,..ultimately, could not save them,..
Trump and Pence both emerged victorious,..easily,..for their weapon was the truth,..
The weapon that,..when properly wielded, a determined opponent,..who will not surrender,..
Always wins,... 

No wonder Democrats now pin all hope,..on a President driven mad,  by the very virus he once mocked,..
The Democrat Praetorian Guard ....ready and willing to physically remove Trump from the Oval Office,..after the election,.. 
Or ..maybe even before,..
So Be It,..
It matters little,..
Trumpian Triumph is now almost complete ,..the final weeks will see Trumpian rally after Trumpuan rally,..
The President may even wear that Superman shirt  to one,..perhaps,..
And , will be glorious ..
For Trump knows full well,..that madness is a formidable weapon indeed, that works quite well in battle with a madness,.. called ,..Democrat,..
For the Trumpian madness is backed with skill,..will,..and intelligence,..qualities all lacking in the Democrat Machine,..
Winning is what this man -demon reborn does best,..
Aye,..and even if he,.., mad Gaius,..were to challenge the seven seas themselves, doubt, the end,..Neptune's Trident would be within Trumpian grasp,..
For the fray of battle , this man's home,..
And ,..he has yet, be defeated,..
By gods....demons,....or Democrats,.....


Monday, September 7, 2020

"Operation : Democrat - Destruct - Zero!!"

In the last days of World War Two,..with Allied  Russian forces quickly closing on the now defeated Germany and its Nazi regime,..Supreme Leader Adolf Hitler issued a final order to his subordinates from his subterranian bunker stronghold,..
All of Germany was to be leveled,..reduced to ashes,..all of it,..scorched earth strategem was all that remained of Der Fuhrer's dreams of a thousand year Reich,..
If Hitlers dreams were to crumble,..then he would pull the entire Germanic universe down with him,..for, his eyes,..the German people had failed him,..proven themselves unworthy of the Nazi vision,..and therefore undeserving ,..even of a continued existence.
A madman's reasoning to be certain,..madman who,..unable to accept the reality of a defeated army,..would destroy himself and his world,..rather than let the hated Allies bring that destruction to him,..
Aye,..a madman's reasoning , beyond a shadow of a doubt,..a madman's strategem ,,..decades later,..reflected in a new national socialist party,..called,..Democrat,..
And, the Nazi forces before them,..they too, are now faced with the grim reality of final defeat,..ever lasting destruction , the hands of the hated man-devil Trump,..and his Republican forces ,..With less than three months til the November elections,..the Democrat Machine, Adolf Hitler before,..must face the unbearable reality of the destruction Trumpian Legions hath wrought upon them,..
Russian and Ukrainian collusion plots exposed by Attorney General William Barr and special Prosecutor John Durham, a diabolical fraud perpetrated by criminal elements of FBI,.CIA,..NSA,..and the Obama Administration as well,..with proof now emerging of an FBI attorney actually altering FISA documents in order to indict Trump Campaign operative and CIA agent Carter Paige,..on charges of conspiracy with  the Russian government, steal the Presidential election for Trump,..
The smoking gun of documents revealed,..along with the evidence of the entire Obama administration testifying,..under oath,..that they had found no evidence ,..none,..of Trump -Russian conspiracy,..none,..despite their three year rants to the contrary.
So too,..for Ukrainian plots,..the President's own transcripted phone call to the Ukrainian President proving nothing there to attack Trump with either,..
The Wuhan Virus , used to shut down the record setting Trump economy has failed as well,..the President effectively  using executive orders and his sheer willpower, to overcome all,..reopen America,..and grow the record setting economy once again,..leaving only the Democrat controlled states ,..trapped in a looted,..burning,..crime ridden hell of their own creation ,..the President demonstrating superiority here too,..sending in the National Guard to Portland,..Seattle,..New York,..New Jersey,..all Democrat strongholds , stop the Democrat funded terror forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter ,..cold,..within a matter of hours,...
Democrat Mayors and Governors may reject all Trumpian military aid,..but no Federal property will be damaged on this President's watch,..without massive consequences,..
The Democrat push for police defunding gun confiscation,..and dystopian marxist anarchy,..shall fail,..thanks to Trumpian counter strategem to come,..No government bailouts will come for failed Democrat cities and states ,..and there will be no more mandated shutdown of the economy,..ever again,..
The Trump economy shall endure ,..and be reborn ,..despite Democrat efforts to halt it by overhyped virus strategems,..
Bkack Lives Matter and Antifa agents are now being rounded up, and prosecuted for their destructive rampage,..all this will be stopped cold, Trumpian will,..while Republican controlled cities and states still prosper,...pushing forward to November Republican triumph,..
An America made Great Once Again,..long before Trumpian reelection and inaugeration,..
The Democrats,..despite being lost in the grip of Trumpian induced madness,..nevertheless see their doom coming ,..inevitable destruction at the hands of Trumpian Legions ,..the Man-Devil Trump once again anointed Commander in Chief of the Armed forces,..of the United States,..
Their vision of ther own doom now confirmed, ..not only by all their failed conspiracy strategems,..the virus shutdown,..the Antifa-BLM riots,..
But now,..also by the grim reality of their failing champion ,..chosen to do battle with Trump for the Presidency,..
Joe Biden is an addled,..dementia diminished , racist invalid,.. proudly wearing the mask of  submission and subjugation,..the mask of BLM,..and Antifa forces,..  who is being locked in his own basement, lest the Democrat voting base  discover the level of his impairment,..
The Democrat Machine knows all too well that Biden could not do battle on the debate stage with Trump,..
The President would rend him asunder, less than a half hour,..expose him for the weak, racist fraud and invalid that he is,...
The Democrat VP pick,..only adds yet another nail to the Democrat coffin,..for Kamala Harris is but a shadowy reflection of Biden himself,..
Both pushed a racist infused,  law enforcement agenda,..
Both are shapeless phonies,..with no real beliefs or convictions,..on anything,..except Marxist style socialism and gun confiscation,..
Both hate the other,..Harris has called Biden a racist and rapist,..
Biden has returned the favor,..calling Harris corrupt,..racist,..and incompetent,..
They are a match made in Hell itself,...separately,..they are failures and dangerous threats to America as founded,...
Together,..they can only implode inward,..upon the hate filled, ..racist Party that spawned them,..
Implode,..and bring the Democrat Party down with them,..
Aye,..the Democrat Convention was but a prelude to this inevitable implosion,..being nothing more than a scripted, pre recorded Marxist infomercial,..selling racism,..despair,..disease,.and the eternal poverty,..of socialist economics,..
And ,..what of Trump??
The President will remain on the attack,..his  3D Chess sorcery will continue on his part,..unabated,.
He will not go easy on the addled Biden,..or the obtuse and corrupt Harris,..He will take full advantage of this weakness , and level them,..very quickly,..even if they ultimately lack the courage to stage debate with the Trump -Pence team,..
Aye,..God may have mercy,..
But Trump will not.
He cannot afford to.
For, the fate of the free universe, .hangs in the balance,..and winning , is what this man calling himself President,..does best.
Win, all cost.
Win,..over the crushed bodies of his Democrat enemies,...
Of America's enemies,..
So Be It.
And the Trumpian miracles continue as well, the days leading to November glory,..
An executive order , passing the Democrat blocked,  2nd Stimulus Bill,..
A refusal to financially aid the post office attempt at voter fraud,..
A refusal to to bail out Democrat destroyed cities and states,..with hard earned taxpayer dollars,...
A Wuhan Virus Vaccine, almost within grasp,..and the Trump touted hydroxycloriquine, confirmed by medical experts, the cure the President said it was,..
The Presidents Operation Legend,..destroying violent drug gangs Antifa,..Black Lives Matter,..and MS 13 evil,,..
A historic peace treaty brokered between Israel and the UAE,..finally,.. a monumental achievement by Trump indeed,..and one that must put the Nobel Peace Prize,..within the Presidents grasp,..
Record setting black and latino job creation levels,..the Police Union,..recognizing the unwavering Trump support during Democrat attacks against them,..and now supporting him,..100% ,..for reelection,..
Aye,..and the President shall not rest on his Olympian laurels,..from now til inevitable reelection,....
Nay,..for while Biden and Harris may avoid all questions of substance, .and hide in basements over scripted , .manufactured virus fears,..their Convention a virtual reality farce,..
Trump was busy creating a Tepublican Convention for the ages,..celebrating America, a Land of Promise,..
A Land of Greatness ,..
A Land of Opportunity,....
A Land ..Of Heroes,...
So Be It.
And now,..Trump will be prowling across the Nation,..invading even swing states, states,...all,..with a savage campaign message,..A vote for Republicans,..for Trumpian rebirth, a vote for America,..made great once more , America reborn,..
But,..A vote for Biden,..a vote for any Democrat,..
Is a vote for the destruction of this Shining City,....
This ,..America,..
And the President will continue to taunt the feeble Biden,.. trying to lure him into a face to face battle with him,..
Knowing , full well,..that in such a battle,..there can be but one ,.winner,..
Trumpian Triumph, as inevitable , as the rising sun itself,..
And,..the Democrats know it,..better than any,....
Therein lies the real reason that the Democrat cities and states,..will continue to burn, the hands of Antifa and Black Lives Matter terror forces , citizens and businesses flee for greener Republican pastures,..
The Democrats care not,...
For, the Nazi scorched earth strategem,..
Is the Democrat strategem as well,..
Forced by the President's overwhelming  3D Chess Attack,..from all angles,..constant pressure applied always,..forcing Democrat implosion, the face of Trumpian Truth,..the greatest weapon the President wields,..
The scorched earth strategem,..all now that is left to the Democrats , in the face of the unstoppable Trumpian Blitzkrieg now fully unleashed,..
The final battle,..for the soul of the nation , here,..
Operation : Democrat-Destruct-Zero, now in full effect,..
The Zero Hour,..for the Democrat Party, here,,.
For, Adolf Hitler before them ..the Democrats can now see through their own veil of madness,..clearly enough to now know,..
All Is Lost.
And,.. like the tyrants of the past,..
If they must fall,....they will take down their world with them,..
So Be It.
Better self destruction,..than face defeat,..and destruction, the hands of  Republican Legions,..whose Savage  Commander has never tasted defeat,..who only knows , to win,..
And will not rest,..until he has drank the Wine of Victory,..
From the crushed skulls of his Democrat enemies,..
And stand Supreme ,..over the scorched remains,..of the cities they once ruled,..

Sunday, July 19, 2020

"From The Depths Comes,..A Chariot!!"

Is America,..that Shining City on a Hill thst Reagan envisioned,..a racist country?
Not at all.
In fact, it remains the only nation on earth that, from its inception, put into its founding document,..its Declaration of Independence, if you will,..the mechanism to end slavery , least,..on its shores,..
However,..that document could not be passed into law as written by Thomas Jefferson,..for there lurked the Southern Loyalist Colonies, called,.."Democrat States,"..who refused to sign this Declaration of Independence,..from the tyranny of England,..unless all mention of ending slavery were removed from the document,..
Aye,..even at the Shining City's birth ,..even then,..the diabolical Democrats would not let go,..would not concede in writing that all men are indeed created equal,..
All Men.
No,..the Democrats wanted slavery to remain , and if America was to become reality,..then,..  slavery would remain,..
And so it came to pass,..until nearly a decade later,..a Republican President, fact, the creator of the Republican Party,..Abraham Lincoln,..put into effect the Emancipation Proclamation,..finally doing what should have been done years before,..
What would have been done,..if not for Loyalist Democrat interference.
The result?
A nation divided .The Democrats choosing war rather than freedom ,..
A war waged, hold onto their right to deem their fellow man ,..inferior, hold onto their divine Democrat elitist right, rule their fellow man,..
A nation divided,..
The Republicans who ended slavery,..versus the Democrat Southern States who insisted on slavery. A bloody,..shameful stain on U.S.History,..
But the Republicans won,..
The Democrats surrendered to General Grant,..and the Shining City ,.. blood stained and tattered indeed ,..endured nonetheless,..
Aye,..the dream of Lincoln would endure,..but the President himself,..
The Great Emancipator, .would fall in a theatre,.. a bullet to the back of his skull,..a gun fired by a Southern Democrat stage actor,..who would not tolerate a President who would unshackle the chains of centuries,..
Chains that kept the boot heel of the tyrant upon the neck of all humanity ,..until the coming of America,..Lincoln,..and the Republican Party,..
This was intolerable to the Democrats,..
Lincoln had to die, for daring to reaffirm the God given reality, that all men are, in fact,..brothers,..created in one image,..
The Image,..of God.
So Be It.
Then would come the anti gun agenda,..put into effect in the days following the Civil War, by Southern Carpet Bagger Democrat politicians,  who would petition Washington to prevent freed slaves from being able to own a firearm,..
Aye,..not surprising,..for the Democrats understood, that a man is only as free as his ability to defend that freedom.
The Democrats knew, cannot beat, lynch,..or burn a cross on the property of a man who is armed,..
The Second Amendment to the Constitution truly made Lincoln's legislation ,..inescapable reality.
And the Democrats , to this day, continue to try to destroy the God given right to keep and bear arms,..
Aye,..the would be tyrant, dictator,..or despot,..will always seek one thing first,..
Ths citizens he seeks to subjugate to his will, must always first be stripped of all weaponry,..all ability, defend himself,..
Aye,..and the Democrats will never give up their fight , to strip the American people of this right,..whether white or black,..for it is always the tyrants easy path,.. to enslave his fellow man. And,..make no mistake,..a return to slavery,  is indeed the Democrats ultimate goal,..
An entire America enslaved,  to the Democrat ruling elite whims,..
A socialist utopia,..
A Marxist nightmare,..
All Democrat imposed,..
Then came the Civil Rights Act,..the legislation created by Republican Richard Nixon , and the Reverend Martin Luther King,..legislation finally made law by a super majority of Republican House and Senate votes,..with only the Democrat representatives opposing its passing,..
And, all the while, ..the Democrats continued their southern state fight for the evil of segregation ,..a Democrat Governor named Wallace,..becoming the leader of this evil movement,..and looming in the shadows, ..always the presence of the Ku Klux Klan,...white sheeted , masked terrorists ,..dedicated to keeping the freed black man from ever achieving true equality in the southern states,..
Murder, ..vandalism,..intimidation ,..a terror task force,..created and supported , one political party,..and one party alone,..
The Democrat Party.
Yet,..despite this inescapable history of Democrat racism,..Democrat evil,..the Democrats still try to use the race card as their main weapon while in combat with the Republicans,..
They still try to rewrite the clear history of this nation,. and paint the Republicans as the Party of slavery and racism.
An absurd claim..that even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss as a fairytale,..for the evidence is inescapable ,..
America is not racist.
In fact, was founded by men who, at its inception,..sought to end the scourge of slavery,..a scourge, that has existed since the dawn of time itself,..for it is an evil that dwells in the very psyche of man as a species,..
Waiting ,..for the moment,.to unleash itself,..
And it has been unleashed,..for centuries,..since the dawn of time,..until America ended it.
Yet,..the Democrats persist,..and in a way,  this is not surprising.
Indeed,..they have no other weapon to use against Republicans,..
They increase taxes and regulations,..
They want to take guns away from citizens,..
They want to defund the military,..
They want to defund the police ..
They hate our Judeo Christian founding,..
They oppose all that America is,..all that it was ..and they oppose the freedom, that is its essence,..
How then,..for Democrats to win elections?
They must demonize Republicans as the racists,..and keep the borders open,..flood the country with welfare dependent criminals and drug addicts,..who will vote Democrat,..eternally.
It's all they have,..
Senator Ted Kennedy knew this inescapable truth, 1965,..
He knew that unless the Democrat Party pushed this racist agenda,. and kept the borders open,..they would no longer be able to win any election,..ever again,..
He was right.
And,..the borders remained open,..and the race card,..the Democrats played indeed,..unopposed,..
Until now,..that is,..
Now,..with the coming of the Trumpian Age of Miracles,..
The Republicans are indeed fighting back ,..hard,..
And,..there is much to overcome,..
For now,..with all other Democrat strategems failing to stop the demonic Trump,..Russia,..Ukraine,..aye,..even the Wuhan Virus, .all,...have failed,..and the Trump economy is now rebounding ,..setting new records of economic and job growth,..especially in the Republican controlled states,..
The Virus is real,..but the shutdown was not,..
The shutdown was nothing more than an attempt to stop the Trump economy,..mere months before the November elections,..
You dont shut down a free market economy , in a free market republic,..for a mere virus,..unless there is an ulterior motive,..
That motive?
Stop the Trump-Republican Machine,..
Reverse all its sucesses,..
Stop his reelection, and restore Democrat control if all three branches of the Federal Government,..
That is all the virus shutdown is,..was,..or will be,..
But it has failed,..for after but a few months,..even the Democrat states are finding that the shutdown they imposed, being resisted,..
The freedom that the Democrats would take from its citizens, order to stop Trump, ..will not be taken,..for the American people  are fighting to keep it...
And,..there lies the secret to remaining free,..
No one will give you freedom,..
You have to take it.
And, no Democrat will give you back your freedom,..
The shutdowns in Democrat states,..will not end,..
Unless, end them.
So Be It.
And ,..they are ending it,..all across the nation,.. slowly,..but surely,..with the Trumpian economy roaring back indeed,..setting new records,..
The Democrats,..seemingly beaten again,..
Trumpian triumph in November , .seemingly a fait accompli,..
But then,..the unexpected intervened,..
The Democrats old standby,..racism,..that card would now be played by the Democrat Machine for all its worth,..
 It all started in Minneapolis ,..Minnesota,..a Democrat stronghold for decades,..must h like Chicago,.a hotbed of Democrat poverty,..corruption,..crime,..death,..and economic despair,..
In this stronghold,.. three police officers brutally killed a black man,..George Floyd,..over a counterfeit twenty dollar bill,..
A knee to the back of the neck of the handcuffed and street prone Floyd,..cutting off all oxygen,..ending his life,..while two other equally corrupt ,..inept
officers watched,..while the gathering  crowd screamed in protest...
Was this killing racist?
 No. Floyd died not of racism,..but at the hands of three brutal thugs ,..unvetted and poorly trained, a Democrat controlled city,..that has nothing but contempt for police,..and citizens,..alike.
Indeed,..that's why these incidents occur in solely in Democrat cities and states,..
The crime ridden ,..collapsing economies that they rule over,..are bound to have conflicts between corrupt police and the criminal element that controls the Democrat cities and streets,..
Indeed,..the Democrats have planned it this way,..
The same way they planned gun free zones, create the mass murder of children,..
Poorly trained Democrat police officers , in Democrat cities,.. create incidents that enable the Democrat race card, to be played against Republicans,..
Gun Free Zones create mass murder in Democrat schools which enables the Democrats to play the anti gun card,..moving them a step closer to a total nationwide gun ban,..their ultimate socialist goal,..
Indeed,..there is always an ulterior motive to the Democrat madness,..with the ultimate goal always Marxist Socialist Utopia,..with the Democrat Party,..the ruling elite,..
Now,..with Trump so close to second term victory , and the virus almost played out as an anti Trump weapon,..
Racism arises again,..
The citizens of Minneapolis taking to the streets immediately after Floyd's death,..the protests quickly,  and predictably expanding into violent terror strewn riots ,..the George Soros funded Marxist forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter,..resurfacing,..converging on Miinneapolis, and many other Democrat cities and states too,..reducing all their streets to burning rubble ,..stores looted and vandalized,..the Minneapolis police station burned,..
A terror tour de force , with even the statues of historical figures,..federal property,..becoming targets as well,..
Hated symbols of hated America,..
But,..only in Democrat cities and states,..for the ugly truth of these bought and paid for riots , that they could not happen,..if the Democrat Mayors and Governors were not permitting them to happen...
Telling their police forces to stand down,..and let the anarchists level hard working Americans free market businesses,..
All in the name of empathy for Black Americans ,..
All in the name of justice for George Floyd,..and other victims like him,..
Utter nonsense,..
Undertrained, unvetted,..bought and paid for Democrat thugs killed Floyd,..not the police system,..which remains a force for good,..a force for justice,..
But,..that does not fit the Democrat narrative ,, them,..this is racism again,.. rearing its ugly head,..
Republican racism,..
And the only solution?
To sit back,..stand down,..and let the forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter use all their Marxist strategems to tear down all that is ,..American,..level it,..
From its Wendy's and McDonalds, its Civil War statues and Lincoln Memorials,..
All of it must come down,..and a new society must emerge from its ashes,..
Societies, the one in Seattle  Washington,..Antifa named it Chaz,,..then Chop,..the leftist Democrat Mayor going along with the defaced madness,..the burning destruction,..until it came to her own home, that is,..
But, is too late for any Democrats to see the light now,..their police are being defunded by Democrat design,..and are ordered to endure terror attacks without retaliation , Democrat mayor and governor design,..
Aye,..the Democrats that wanted gun bans, have also disabled the police,  and released criminals from prison in the name of covid 19 justice,..
Seattle,..Minneapolis,..New York,..Chicago,.Philadelphia,...California,.. a perfect storm of Democrat created madness indeed, that seemingly threatens the entire nation,..
Aye ,..and even threatens the Trumpian Triumph that seems almost within Republican grasp,..
Seemingly,..but,.looks can be deceiving,..especially when dealing with the ever deceptive,..diabolical Democrats,.
First,..all this madness,..the burning riots, .the Antifa and Black Lives destruction,..
All, exclusively occuring in Democrat cities and states,..with their Mayors and Governors promoting it,..even funding it,..a scheme, no doubt, further hurt Trumpian economy and reelection chances,..and create an excuse for more Federal bailout dollars as well,..
But,..Republican states and cities remain intact,..the National Guard called in,..the city streets protected,..racist free,..terrorist free,..virus free,..shutdown free,..
And,..most importantly,..the Presidents patience with Democrat Mayors and Governors who let all this madness happen,..
Is now,.. at an end,..
It started with a new Trump rally,..the first in months,..massive street turnout,..record setting home viewing numbers,..with only Antifa forces preventing all attendees from remaining at the function,..No mandatory masks, social distancing,..
The President,..has had enough of these games,..for this is a war , .for the soul of a nation,..
The Rally weapon hath returned ,..and with it ,..America is seemingly reborn,..
And Trumpian Victory,..well assured...despite falling poll numbers,.. nothing more than Democrat manipulation, from the 2016 playbook,..
For, All the Gods,..the Presidents patience is indeed,.at an end,..and now comes the 3 dimensional counterattack to end all Democrat strategems,..once and for all,..
And end the lie of racism as well,..
New laws are now being put into place, Trump executive order,..and Attorney General Barr decree,..
All Antifa and Black Lives Matter forces are now to be federally charged for their crimes,..
Those who dare damage or destroy private property or federally protected monuments,.. will face a minimum of ten years in prison, Trumpian decree,..
Aye,..for the Jackson statue was targeted ,..along with Teddy Roosevelt ,..and Lincoln as well,..and, the wake of these attempts at public sacrilege,..the Trump rage has grown,..
The Obama forces against him,.now fully exposed, .the now acquitted General Flynn,..and commuted sentence of Roger Stone,..ending all their injustice,..with more to come,..
Black Lives Matter,..
All enemies of this Free Republic,..whether foreign or domestic..will now face Trumpian Wrath indeed,..
The President waited for the Democrat Mayors and Governors to call him for help, call for the National Guard,...
The calls,..never came,..
In fact,..the Democrats fully exposed their true,..evil nature, not only tolerating this destructive madness,..but encouraging it,..and yes,..even funding it,..
Now,..the President sees all clearly,..
Now,..he knows the truth,..
Antifa..Black Lives Matter,..The Democrat Party,..they are all part of the one whole,..and just as it was at the very beginning,..with the signing of the Declaration of Independence,..when the Democrat loyalists refused to sign,..unless slavery endured,....
So it remains the truth now,....
The Democrat Party is,  and has always been,..the enemy of America...
It's most dangerous enemy,..
For it is an enemy that seeks to destroy all that America is,..
All that it was,..
From within,..
Aye,..the President sees all now,..and he'll have done with it,..once and for all,..
The Obama Administration,..shall face justice,..
So too, Antifa,..and Black Lives Matter,..George Soros,..and all things Democrat,..
Jail and fines are coming,..thanks to Barr and Durham,...
And all Federal funding to Democrat  cities and states that allowed this madness and destruction to go on,..unchecked,..will be ended by Trumpian executive decree,..
So Be It,..
Aye,..the Trumpian patience with all things Democrat , indeed at an end,..and his wrath grows,  with each passing day,..
And with that wrath,..shall come Trumpian retribution,..most brutal,...most terrible indeed,..
The Democrat strategem at this point?
Call upon whatever gods they may still believe in,..
Call upon them,..for deliverance,..
For the Gods may have mercy upon them,..
But Trump,..and his Republican Legions,..will not.
Aye,..better for Democrats  to fall to the forces of Antifa or Black Lives Matter,....than to be crushed beneath the Chariot Wheels of Triumphant Trumpian forces this November,....

Sunday, June 21, 2020

" A Sorceror's Touch,..A Demon"s Wrath!!"

And now,..with the Wuhan virus firmly entrenched amongst us,..
What hath been wrought?
What have we learned from our battle with this invisible enemy  from the abyss?
One vitally important thing,..
This plague has swept the earth,..bringing the pale horsemen's scythe of disease and death to all lands,..
And yet,..mankind endures,..and more importantly,..
The Shining City endures,..
Battered and weakened, perhaps,..but still defiant,..still challenging the gods themselves , to unleash all wrath upon its seemingly indestructible,.. self governed form,..
But now ..if it is to thrive and prosper in the Trumpian manner, it was created to do,..then it must now re-open the economy,..completely,..
For a collapsed American economy will destroy mankind much quicker than any hell spawned Pestilence, to be certain,..
To this end,..Trump has unleashed his latest 3 D chess maneuver,..another masterpiece of Trumpian strategem,..demonstrating,..once again,..
A Sorceror's Touch,..and a Demon's Wrath, when in battle with the Diabolical Democrats,..unleashing it,..actually, during one of his daily coronavirus update briefings,..
The President declared, without hesitation, that the time to reopen the nation would be decided by the Commander in Chief ,.and no one else,..
He , and he alone, has the power to declare this national emergency ended, and the Shining City reborn, again for all free market transactions and free Republic liberties,..
Had he really said it?
Did he mean it?
Seemingly,..for when queried by by the Democrat controlled press about the statement, the President doubled down on it,..never varying,..never waivering, for a second,..
"The President of the United States has total power over the states ,.and by his hand alone,..can they be restored,..
Difficult to explain,..
Perplexing, be certain,..
Surely the President knows the individual states have sovereign rights,..each like a nation unto itself,..and, as such, can open or remain shut as they please,..
The President can declare the threat , the emergency, ended,..and can withdraw his military assistance and equipment,..but the right to open or close ,..constitutionally,,..remains with each state and its governors,..
The President, knows this,..of course,..and therein lies his strategem ,..
To force the Democrats, once again, to expose themselves to the light of Trumpian day, reveal who they truly are,..
Who they always have been,..and always will be,..
For now,..the Democrat controlled states immediately recoiled at the statement,  and insisted that they would determine the time of re-opening,..and the President will not influence them, any way,..
So Be It.
Then,..without pausing the President reversed himself, saying states have the right to determine their fate,..all of it,..including organizing their own pandemic response strategems,..the ordering of supplies,..the organizing of virus tests and hospital space,..
Aye,..Trump had swiftly,..with one bold ststement,.. forced the Democrats to accept full responsibility for the fate of their states,..thereby setting up the final exposure of this diabolical thing called Democrat,..for all the nation and the world to see,...
For now, was made ever clearer, which states were succeeding in their fight against the plague,..
And which were not.
The Democrat controlled states such as New York, New Jersey, .Pennsylvania,..Michigan,..Minnesota,..all ill  prepared for this virus,  all Democrat controlled,..
Now, the virus curve was indeed flattening,,..all Democrat states would be exposed,  their true motive,..their true goal behind the shutdown,  now revealed.
A shutdown, that should have been two or three weeks, more,..
A shutdown, that the Democrats now wished to extend,..indefinitely.
The purpose?
Keep the Trump economy shut down, thereby destroying Trump's chances for re-election in November,..
The Democrats were indeed taking full advantage of this pandemic,..falsefying Corona death reports, ..moving Corona sick seniors into nursing homes, where the virus could spread rapidly,.
Refusing to update hospital supplies or staff,..and threatening any and all free market citizen with fines and jail time,..if they dared to reopen their businesses,...
Small businesses,..that are the very engine of our freemarket economy,..
Businesses,..that now must be kept closed,..right up until November,..if possible,..for to the Democrat,..the complete destruction of America,..on every level, but a small price to pay,..if it insures the destruction of Trump as well,..and ends the Republican Party's reign of power in this nation.
The evidence now, as the long months have gone by, clear,...
Republican controlled states ..such as Florida, with Governor DeSantis,..and South Dakota, with Governor Kristi Noem,..and Texas,..and Alaska,..
All Republican controlled states, are well on their way to opening fully,..businesses being being restored,..their death tolls, significantly lower than the Democrat controlled states , to be certain..
This is by Democrat design, ..for there is no logical reason to force covid sick seniors into crowded nursing homes, reason to expose the elderly,..particularly vulnerable to the virus ,..
No reason,..except to increase the death count,..and create a built in excuse to keep Democrat cities, states,..and the Trumpian nation on whole ..shut down,..indefinitely,..
No matter,..for the President is,.once again,..twelve moves ahead of the Democrat Machine,..on his living 3 Dimensional Chessboard,..and was fully prepared for everything the Democrats are now implementing,..
For Trump and his Republican Legions have known from the beginning exactly why and how the Democrats would use this pandemic to accomplish the only task that concerns them,..
A sweeping Democrat victory in November,..
A Biden Presidency,..
And a Democrat controlled House and Senate,..
A Trump Republican Agenda destroyed,..and a Obama legacy of destruction restored,..permanently.
This will not happen,...
For the President,..has let the Democrats expose themselves fully for weeks now, .and has kept the Trumpian pressure on,..countering their every move,..quite effectively,..
He has instructed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to pass a bill giving all small businesses that wish to reopen immunity against Democrat fueled lawsuits,..designed to punish them, wanting to live,..prosper,..grow,.. and survive,..
The President has demanded that all churches be opened,..
For prayer, and faith,..are indeed essential, more than ever,..
The President has warned  Democrat states such as Illinois,..California,..Minnesota,..New Jersey,..New York,..that bailouts for Democrat destroyed economies would not be receiving tax bailouts from prosperous and growing Republican states during this pandemic and beyond,..
The President's message is clear,..
If the Democrat states insist they have the sole power to reopen,..or not,..then they are on their own,..completely sovereign,..and cut off from this sacred union,..
If they would deliberately collapse their economies to insure Trump defeat,..they will do it without any Federal relief,..they will do it while the Republican states are restored, .prosperous,..and growing,..while their own states wallow in the despair of their self isolated plague of utopian socialism, fully revealed,..for all America,..for all the world,.. to see,..
To see,..and remember when November comes,..
Remember,..and vote accordingly,..
For now,..the Democrat states will have no Federal bailout to conceal their destructive agenda,.
Now,..thanks to the Trumpian Agenda, the 3D Chessmoves that have brought forth ultimate, final checkmate,..even the most obtuse American voter will be able to see the stark difference between the two opposing forces,..
Republican States will be open fully,..and prospering,..with the virus fading into the nothingness of irrational fear,..
While the Democrat States will still be in lockdown, for the most part,..
Businesses shut,.and gone forever,..
Fines and arrests of citizens who resist,..ever increasing,..and all Democrat citizens wearing eternally,..the mask of fear, they venture out into their cities and states of Democrat hoaxed disease,..despair,..death,..permanent poverty,..and the nothingness of fully revealed socialist utopia,..
Communism,.. pure and simple,..
Nothing more,..
Nothing less,..
So Be It.
Checkmate Trump indeed, .
For even in the Democrat controlled states are Americans,..born and raised into freedom,..they know nothing else, being American, and will see the contrast now between Republican and Democrat,..
Between Good,..and Evil,..and will rebel ultimately, .forcing the opening of everything , even in the Democrat states,..eventually,..
The ultimate result?
America fully restored, Trump,.. y Republicans, We the People, who must always remind the Democrat taskmasters that We the People rule this land,..and only they have the power to restore this Free Republic to its former glory,..or destroy it,.as they will,..
So Be It.
And,..all the while,  as the nation is restored,
As the ultimate Trumpian Miracle is performed,..
The Trump Republican Machine is attacking from other 3 dimensional levels on this plague ridden chessboard,...
For still there remains other tasks,..for the Republican Legions to carry out,...
Other ways, finish the Democrats while they are still reeling from the Trumpian virus response,..
The Russian Probe, .the Democrat attempt at a political coup, bring down first a Republican Presidential candidate,..then a Republican President,. for no other reason than the Democrats wished to hold on to Obama created madness,..
To hold on to the American taxpayers hard earned money,..
Money, to be used to further their Demicrat agenda,..and to secure their hold on power,..
Aye, hold on to Democrat Power,  with the boot wheel of their Party,..firmly on the neck of a once free republic,.. for all time,..
But,..all this has come to naught,..for even as the virus swept the world, too, have the forces of Trump swept through the corrupt Democrat forces of FBI, CIA, .NSA,..using Attorney General William Barr,..and Prosecuting Attorney John Durham as its instrument of destruction,..searching,..probing,. digging up all Democrat concealed malfeasance behind the Trump-Russia probe,..and the Trump Ukrainian plot as well,..
Exposing the root of this corrupt attempt to stop the Trump Presidency,..
That root,.?
General Flynn was the Rosetta stone to all Obama led Democrat plans, to stop Trump,..
Flynn was the Chief National Security Advisor during the Obama Presidency, .
Obama fired him,..when he leveled public criticism at the Obama Iranian Nuclear Deal,..
Then,..President Trump appointed Flynn, the same position,..
In Obama's mind,..this could not stand,..for Flynn knew where all the Democrat bodies were buried,..from Benghazi, the Iran deal,..and had no reason to be loyal to the corrupt Obama Administration,..
Flynn, doubt,..would have exposed all ti Trump,..
Benghazi,..Fast and Furious,..the IRS scandal,. the Iran Nuclear Deal,..
The FBI wiretapping of Trump Tower,...
The Russian Dossier,.. .bought and paid for by the Clinton Democrat Machine,..
All Democrat malfeasance and manipulations,..would have been revealed, with Flynn as Trumps National Security Advisor.
He had to be the only means available to the Democrat controlled FBI,..
Perjury Trap.
The same weapon used to destroy all Trump campaign operatives,..Carter Paige,..George Papodopolous,..Oaul Manafort,..Roger Stone,..all,..had to be brought down,  as a warning to any and all who would dare support this illegitimate President,..who now threatened to expose and destroy the entire Obama Legacy , and insure Republican power and control for decades to come,..
Obama,..could not let this happen,..
The wiretapping,..the spying on Flynn,..the unmasking of Flynn's conversation with his Russian counterpart,..
All this was done, create doubt in Flynns mind,..force him to admit to lying under oath, making sinister FBI backed threats , against against the General's family,..
And thereby force him into a jail sentence,..and force the President to fire him, he did.
Flynn did nothing wrong,..
Nor did any Trump supporters targeted by the Comey led FBI.
The only real crime, in the minds of Democrats, was supporting the man who soundly defeated Hillary Clinton, and insured Republican restoration of power and control in Washington,..
Obama started the whole plan,..controlled it all,..forced all if his administration to participate in it,..
Loretta Lynch,..Susan Rice,..Sally Yates,..John Brennan,..James Clapper,..Andrew McCabe,..Rod Rosenstein,..James Comey,..Bruce and Nellie Ohr,..Peter Strzok,..and Lisa Page,..
All of them,..instructed by Obama, to get Flynn,..and through Flynn,.they would get Trump,..and end his illegitimate Presidency,..
So Be It, .
But,..the coup failed.
For Trump, no mere mortal Republican, fall before the Democrat onslaught, so many have in the past,..
And,..whether man, or devil,.Trump has,.from the beginning, countered all Democrat attacks effectively,..and relentlessly,....the constant pressure of his asssult,.. Trumpian indeed,..
His twin bladed weapon of tweet,..and rally,..proven quite effective, has the newly rediscovered press conference,..and even the virus updates as well,..
And now,..the documents exposing all things Democrat are being released,..the timing perfect,..
For Trumpian reelection,..
Will the Obama Democrat conspirators , now being exposed by Barr and Durham,..see jail time?
It matters little.
For, while Barr and Durham are conducting a genuine criminal investigation,..not a stylish report,..the main goal is, it has always been, expose all that was done, expose all who did it,..relentlessly,..right up to the November election,..and beyond,..
For there is only one, true fit punishment for a Democrat,..and a standard jail sentence will not be enough,..
Aye, destroy a Democrat, take away his power base,..his ability to win elections,..his access to the American taxpayers money,..
To destroy a Democrat, ket him know,  that his Party is permanently defeated,..and a Trump Republican landslide election, as inevitable,.as the rising sun, .
For this November Republican Triumph, will serve to place Democrats in a special hell of their own making,..
A Hell,..that they will remain in, ..for all eternity,..time enough to contemplate what Trump hath wrought,..
The Obama Legacy,..destroyed,..
The Russian collusion plot,..thwarted,..
The Ukraine scheme,..reduced to nothingness,..
And the vaunted Trump Impeachment,..rendered  meaningless,..
The Obama Agenda and crimes exposed by Barr and Durham , for all the world to see,..
The Wuhan Virus,..the last chance for  Democrats to stop Trump by destroying his record setting economy, defeated as well,..with Trump even turning this invisible enemy , into a formidable political ally indeed,..for it gave the President a chance to draw a clear contrast between Republican,..and Democrat,...
Between, Good,..and Evil,..
And, to this end,..another chance to perform the Trumpian Miracle , once more,..
Make America Great Again,..
All starting with the landslide reelection,..and Republican Super Majorities gained in House and Senate,..
Aye,..another miracle indeed,..
Overwhelming Republican Victory,..
And Permanent Democrat Defeat,..
Aye,..ultimately,..a fit punishment indeed,..for diabolical Democrat crimes,..
For a Democrat would rather spend all eternity, the bowels of Hell,..stoking the Devils Furnace,..
Than witness Trumpian Glory,...Reborn,..
