Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Boys from Bebe

Ah , for the life of a pirate! That's the life for me! The open sea, fresh salt air, sunshine, adventure ; boarding terrorists barges bringing weapons into Gaza! Heartiest congratulations to Bebe and his boys for their magnificent , swashbuckling raid on a terrorist infested flotilla that was clearly looking for trouble, and as is often the case, they found it. Bebe's hearty mates were all over that barge, swinging in like a bunch of swashbuckling ,Kosher , Jack Sparrows! I haven't seen such flair and derring-do since Errol Flynn in Captain Blood! Maybe next time Bebe's boys could wear sashes and sabres, just to give it that  "Pirates of the Caribbean" feel.
Take note President Obama! This is how you handle a crises ; head on! Notice the second barge that tried to get through surrendered with nary a cutlass  wound. They know better now. Better stand behind Israel President Obama. They are our allies in Democracy, they are surrounded by terrorists on all sides ; and they are like pit-bulls. They will never back down or surrender. They need to know we will always be there ; not that they need our help, but just in case they need backup. Perhaps a little swashbuckling flair would be appropriate to show our support. The next lame press conference you hold, Mr. Obama, show up with an eye-patch and parrot on your shoulder, maybe even a hook and peg-leg, just to let Bebe's boys know that, when it comes to protecting democracy in the middle east, our motto should be;"All for one , and one for all!" between the U.S. and Israel.
Or, as my favorite sea chanty says; " What do ya do with a terror sailor, What do ya do with a terror sailor, earli in the morning?" "Ya board 'em and ya stop 'em like a Kosher Jack Sparrow, Ya board 'em and ya stop 'em like a Kosher Jack Sparrow, earli in the mornin'."
Always remember, if all nations are free Democracies there will be no more war. Ever. That is why we must back Israel and all other Democratic Republics. How do you end all war? End all Dictatorships everywhere on earth. Then, there will be no more war. Free men do not make war against each other. That is why the U.S. and Israel must destroy the evil of tyranny and terrorism aggressively , and wherever we find it. The United States and Israel must remain always the right and the left hand of the same body. And, when "Bebe's Boys" next set sail , they must know that , in spirit , at least, we sail with them. Ahoy , me Hearties!

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