Tuesday, December 29, 2015

"The Power,..and the Purpose!"

Another Christmas Season is upon us, and no doubt many Christians are once again under assault by the Liberal Left, who reject this Holiday celebration and the religion that spawned it. Once again, Liberal Democrats masquerading under the title, "Atheist", will angrily attack Christmas on Facebook and Twitter,and savage any and all who dare to celebrate the birthday of a man whose message of peace and love changed the world for the better,and made the Shining City called America, a reality.There is no proof , they will insist,..of either the existence of God,or even the existence of Jesus Christ ,for that matter. And, for those who will concede that perhaps a man named Jesus did exist in First Century Galilee, and was crucified by the occupying Romans,..they will still insist that the idea of him being the Son of God, absurd." Faith"?, they ask;.." How can you have faith in something,..when there is no proof?"
They are wrong,.. on both counts.There is hard core proof of not only the existence of God, but the existence of the Son of God , as well. A Liberal Democrat, or atheist, as they call themselves,..believe that God did not create the Universe ,..and that life simply happened, through natural chemical reactions, and a Theory called the Big Bang. They believe that life is simply a matter of the right combinations of chemicals and environmental conditions. Wrong. For, as advanced as our science is,there is still one basic thing that man cannot accomplish,..nor will he ever be able to .A single celled organism is the simplest form of life that exists. Our science knows the exact chemical makeup of these cells,..and the environmental conditions it  needs to thrive. Yet, despite knowing all the ingredients needed to create life, despite all our science,..despite all our technology, still cannot create the spark of life.Man still cannot create the simplest of living things,..a single, cell. Nor will he ever be able to,..for that ability is reserved for only one being,..and that is how it will remain,..despite all our science.
As for Jesus,what proof do they need?Even if you doubt the man's existence,.. even if you question whether or not he is the Son of God,..even if you think none of it is real,..there is one thing that no atheist can deny does exist,..the Words of Jesus.The words ,..exist,..written down,..long ago,..
Words of Peace,..
Words of Love,..
Words that spoke,..of the Brotherhood of Man,..
Words that would teach us to love one another , as we love ourselves,..
To treat our fellow man,..the way we want to be treated,..
Words that taught us to love our enemies,..
Words that would indeed,..change the world.
They may doubt the man's existence,...
But,...the words,..remain,..
The words exist,..
Good Words,..
Words of Truth,..
Words that spread a message that is still growing, this day.
Words that are the foundation of everything America would become.
Make no mistake,..without these words,..the words of a man from the First Century,..
America would not,..could not,..exist.
If these are not the words of a man named Jesus,..then,..whose words are they?

If the words speak truth,..
If the message is good,..
How then,..can the messenger be false?
Whose Son,..could he be?
Does God exist?
Is Jesus,..the Son of God?
We have life itself ,..and the message itself,..
Neither have ever been duplicated, any force of man.
What more proof is needed?

Monday, December 28, 2015

"Showdown,In The Savage Land!"

In response to Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump's proposed ban on all Muslim immigrants, Mayor Michael Nutter has put forth a proclamation ,banning Trump from the City Limits of Philadelphia. While Nutter, most likely said this tongue in cheek,there is still no doubt,a serious undertone to the remark. The question is ,why is there such outrage over Trump's proposal in general?What is so outrageous about putting a hold on Muslim immigration ,when our Nation is at war with Muslim Extremists who seek to destroy us,on our own soil?How is it Anti-Muslim to protect our borders during a time of war from an enemy that has told us,quite specifically,that it plans to infiltrate the Syrian refugees soon to be flooding our shores by the thousands?
This is basic war strategy .If the enemy reveals its battleplan, you must be prepared to counter that plan. To do otherwise would not only be foolish,but it could be considered collaboration with that enemy during a time of war. This is not a time for Liberal Democrat style political correctness, that serves no purpose except to eventually expand the Democrat voting base.We are at war,and it's time to face the grim reality of who and what we are fighting.This is an idealogical war,fought by an enemy that has been at war with the civilized world,since the dawn of time. You see, despite what the liberal left believes,all religion is not the primary cause of war. In reality, there is only one faith , one religion ,that has always promoted hate,rather than love,war rather than peace, intolerance rather than the brotherhood of all men.
That religion is Islam,..the religion set down in the Koran ,the religion that was revealed to the Arab people ,by the Prophet Muhammed, a man whose entire history is steeped in violence , hatred, and the mass slaughter of any and all who did not follow and worship the god he called Allah. This is the one ,the only faith that is based on intolerance, and will permit no other faiths before it,and whose false god demands the death of all those who refuse to worship him.
There is, in fact,no other major religion on earth other than Islam that promotes hate and violence.All other faiths promote only peace , love and the brotherhood of man. Why else would every nation on earth that calls itself Islamic,be a hotbed of violence and poverty that its own citizens are fleeing by the thousands every year?
The bottom line is this;..despite the left's insistence in promoting the concept of Judeo-Christian terrorism being an equal threat,..the reality is that there is no such thing.Never was, never will be. There is only one ,single religious source of terrorism in the world today,or in days gone past,..and that is Islam.
The President and the Democrat Party will point out the Crusades as an example of Christian terror,but this is nonsense. So is the idea of Israeli terrorism. Down through history, any wars , any acts of violence perpetrated by representatives of these faiths were done in response to attacks by Muslim terrorists, simple as that. The Crusades were in response to the Islamic Turks of the Ottoman Empire seizing control of the Holy City of Jerusalem. The wars Israel has fought,..past and present,.like the Crusades,...have always been defensive wars fought against muslim aggression. That is a fact of history that the left has too long denied and ignored in their efforts to rewrite History in defense of Islam. They do this with good reason. Islam is an ideology that is essentially,..political in nature,..and it promotes tyrannical government control of all mankind.This is why the Democrat Party favors Islam. over the Judeo-Christian faith that is the foundation of America's Constitution. Christianity and Judism,are not only the faiths that teach peace and love,..but they are also the faiths that promote freedom, free will,and the rights of the individual to live, work, and worship as they please. If the left accepted Judeo-Christian values, it would take away the one thing they worship above all else, and must have, matter what,..power.
God created us to live free ,..and any god that demands the death of those who do not recognize him , not god at all.  That is the proof, the evidence that the Muslim faith alone , is the problem in the world,..and always has been.
 Christianity, Judism, Buddism, Hinduism,....none of these faiths,..none,..actually has written into their scripture ,..instructions to their followers to kill non-believers, subjugate and dehumanize woman,.. to kill homosexuals,.. to eliminate all other faiths put before it.No, is only Islam that has these things specified in its scripture,..known as the Koran. So too, for the Prophets of these other faiths. No prophet,of any religion,..commands its followers to commit acts of violence , intolerance,..and murder in his name,..none that is,..except for the Prophet of Islam ,..the Prophet known as Muhammed.
Muhammed alone, the only Prophet that specifically instructs his followers to kill non-believers and enslave their fellow man,..and he is the only Prophet who did himself,..kill infidel non-believers by the thousands.Their only crime? ,..refusing to worship the same false god that he did.
There it is, pure and simple. It is the Muslim faith that has always been the problem. Always been the prime source of violence throughout the world , and the only reason the middle east has been engulfed in violence, hatred, poverty, disease,and despair,..since the beginning of recorded time.
Buddism teaches peace, and harmony with nature.So too for Hinduism. But, it is the Judeo-Christian faith,..that has been the blueprint ,..the template ,..that has lifted man out of the depths of despair ,and made the Shining City on a Hill,called America,..possible. Without Judeo-Christian faith and values,..there could be no America, system of self -government, last best hope for humanity,..and the world. The Judeo-Christian faith,.. is America.
They are one and the same.
America is the greatest Nation on earth because of Judeo-Christian values, other reason.
Reality check;..the Islamic faith could never , a billion years,..have created anything even close to America. The violent ,hate filled Islamic Nations that currently exist,..are living proof of this.
The Prophet Moses freed the Hebrew people from the tyranny of Pharoah,and set before them God's Laws of peace. love,..and justice.
The Prophet Jesus put forth teachings that also promoted peace and love,..and one more thing,..the idea,..the concept,..of treating your fellow man,..the way you would have him treat you.There is not one word written about either man,..that advocates violence. Not one. Both had only one message; love God with all your heart,with all your mind,..with all your soul,..and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
No,..only the Prophet Muhammed;...gave specific ,.written instructions to his followers, kill all those who refuse to bow before their god,....Allah.
There is the difference.
There is the glaring,..irrefutable evidence ,.of who and what the real problem in the world is.
World War Three is here,,..and it has been forced upon the peace loving,Democratic,..freedom based nations of the world, a religion of hate that dominates the middle east,..and now,..Western Europe as well.
Time for America,..and the world to wake up and recognize the enemy for what it truly is. For, if you cannot identify the enemy, cannot defeat it.
Islam is the Enemy of Mankind, doubt about it.
It always has been,..and always will be.
It is the enemy of peace .
It is the enemy of freedom.
It is the enemy of tolerance.
It is the enemy of love.
It is the enemy of humanity itself.
And, once and for all, must be destroyed.
The Democrat Party has favored Islam in our Nation over the Judeo-Christian faiths,..because through Islam,..they can promote the control,..the power,..they feel that the government must always have over its citizens. This is why both Islam and the Liberal Left,..
Hate Christians,..
Hate Jews,..
Hate Freedom,..
And,..most importantly,..
Hate America.
Islam and the Liberal Left .
They are partners in hatred and oppression.
They are the right and the left hand,...of the same tyrannical, despotic body.
Why else would the left ban Christian symbols and celebrations from public places and public schools,..but promote Islamic symbols and celebrations?
Why else would Christian refugees prevented from entering our country ,while muslim refugees are welcomed with open arms?
Because,..Christians promote freedom, self-government,and self-reliance,..and therefore will ultimately vote Republican,..if they gain full citizen status. There is no other reason for the Democrat Party's promotion of open border immigration .No other reason.
They need the votes of these muslim refugees ,of all entitlement dependent refugees in general,.. and they know that without them,..they cannot win another election .The 900+ legislative seats the Democrat Party have lost to the Republicans since 2010,..have proven this,..beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The Democrat Party is exposed as an arm of the Communist Party and the American people are now well aware of it.
The Democrat Party is finished ,..unless they have illegal immigrant votes ,,, ever increasing numbers.
There is no other way the Democrats can win in the future,..and they know it.
That is the one, the only reason for their decades long support for muslims, for Islam,..for Islamic Extremists,..that they have always believed were created by the inhumanity of Infidel America .To the Democrat Party,..America is the true terror state,..and always has been.
This is why Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter is offended by Donald Trump's proposed Muslim bans ,..and this is why he has banned Trump from his leftist controlled sanctuary city ,that harbors and protects sleeper cell Islamic terrorists , exchange for their Democrat votes.
But, unfortunately for Mayor Nutter,..the Christmas Season is upon us,..a joyful celebration of the birth of a man from the first century , a man from Galilee,..whose message of peace would change the world forever ,..for the better,..a message that would lead to the creation of America,..a message that Islam cannot prevent,..from spreading ,..and growing,..A message that cannot be stopped by the message of hate, violence, and intolerance,..that the Prophet Muhammed and the faith known as Islam,..terrorize the world with. .Especially  this time of year.
And Mayor Nutter wants to ban Trump for his proposed muslim ban?
Here's a better idea.
Since Philadelphia is the city that rejects the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms,.and Trump is strongly pro Second Amendment,..I propose a contest,..a High Noon ,..Wild West style Showdown, front of City Hall itself. A debate on gun rights,and muslim immigration,..between Pro Gun Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump,..and Anti-Gun Liberal Democrat Mayor Michael Nutter ,..and perhaps, Mayor elect Kenney as well.
An Old Fashioned Wild West Shootout, if you will.
Winner take all.
The winner will hold the title Mayor of Philadelphia,..and the loser ,..will be banned from the City limits of Philly,...
And,..Must get out of Town,..before Sundown.
A Showdown, see who the fastest gun,.on the issues,..,really is.
Remember the lesson Gary Cooper learned in High Noon,..
A man can run,..for year after year,..until he realizes,..that what he's running from, himself..
Stop running Mayor Nutter,
From, Guns,...
From the Words of Trump,..
From,..the Truth,..
It's easy to ban someone,..based on what he says.
It's harder to challenge him, a showdown, the arena of ideas,..winner take all,..
 Loser,..gets out of town,..before sundown.
And the winner,..gets to be the Sheriff of Philly.
Donald J. Trump may,..ultimately,..not be conservative enough to be the next Republican President,...
But he is certainly Conservative enough, be the next Mayor of Philadelphia,..
After he wins,..the Showdown , the Savage Land.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

"Whosoever Would Wear This Crown",..

The last Republican Presidential debate for the year 2015, hosted by CNN, is now part of history,and surprisingly enough, the debate moderators Wolf Blitzer, Dana Bash, and Hugh Hewitt,rose to the occasion, turning in an excellent performance , keeping the questions substinative, and the debate structure itself, fair to all the candidates.
The focal point? Foreign Policy.The most important , most critical aspect of being President. Whosoever will wear the crown, must always remember that they are, above all else,the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces,of the United States.They will control the most powerful military force in existence,a force that keeps the world from falling into chaos,..a force that, if fully unleashed,without let or hindrance,..with no moral restraint,..could level the entire surface of the earth, less than a week.
There is no nation on earth , no terror enemy, no dictator,no despot, no tyrant,..that could long endure in all out combat against the United States Military.Nor could any ally , for that matter,..fare much better,in all out conflict with this, the finest fighting machine ever devised by man.
The American Military is ;..
A force of nature unto itself;..
The perfect blend of of man and machine , designed for one purpose; destroy any and all enemies, it encounters.
It's unbeaten record against all those that have dared to challenge it,should give pause to any pretended Islamic Terror State that seeks the destruction of the Great Satan,...America.
For this reason, is vital that the next man elected Commander in Chief ,must be the right man.
He must be a hard core,consistent, full blown Conservative Republican that believes unwaiveringly in the Judeo-Christian values that are foundation of our Constitution.He must have a conservative record that matches his rhetoric,a record that shows he will do exactly what he says he will do. He must support the basic principles that make America great, and regulation cuts, for all Americans,..that grow our economy ,.and a strong military,that will fight an aggressive war against Islamic Terror. He must protect and defend the Second Amendment rights of the American citizens,..the right to keep and bear arms,..the right that makes all other rights possible. He must defend the Judeo-Christian values that symbolize our Nation,.while , at the same time,..defending the freedom of every American to live, work, and worship as they please. And, above all else, he must be a man of principle,who will put fear in the hearts of our enemies,..and pride in the hearts of our allies.
Before we risk World War Three on a man,We the People must make absolutely certain that he is ,beyond a shadow of a doubt, hundred per cent,..wholly reliable.
In truth, many of the Republican candidates would fill this bill. And, the simple fact is that every single one of them, who stood on that stage ,..would make a far better President,..than any Democrat.
But,..we are at war,..and when at war there can be no margin for error.The best man must be chosen,..if America is to survive. The man whose record proves he is ready,on day one, lead this Nation, a time of war and economic collapse.
Did this,the fourth Republican Presidential debate,the last of the year 2015,..reveal that man?In truth, they all did well. and all had their moments to shine. In fact, in the History of our Nation, there has never before been a greater assembly of strong conservative Republicans on one stage, the same time. Against lesser competition,..any one of them would surely win the nomination easily.
Senator Lindsay Graham , once again,..displayed his expertise on military and foreign policy issues,and gave much deserved,and long overdue praise to President Bush,..and his Anti-Terror program that kept us safe for eight years after 911.
Governor Jeb Bush, an establisment Republican candidate, who believes in tax and regulation cuts second Amendment rights, and a strong military,..was at his most aggressive,challenging  front runner Donald Trump's credentials,and giving as good as he got, his heated exchanges with the real estate mogul.It was perhaps Jeb's best debate performance so far.
Carly Fiorina put forth her life history,and the obstacles she had to overcome, become the head of Hewlitt Packard,..and, once again emphasized her experience as an advisor on national security boards,..and the political skills that ,she feels,..make her uniquely qualified to destroy Hillary Clinton.
Governor John Kasich is, in many ways, a RINO Republican,given to spending more on entitlements and soft on Amnesty issues like Bush and Rubio,..but,..he also created a prosperous state,..using the basic tax and regulation cuts that, all Republicans,..whether conservative or moderate,.. know will lead to a strong economy.
Senator Rand Paul , likewise, would make a strong economic President, and despite his glaring weakness as a committed isolationist,..who overemphasizes the dangers of intelligence overreach,..he too,..would make a good President,..if,..World War Three were not already upon us.
Governor Chris Christie had, perhaps, his best debate night as well, but,..this is hardly surprising.He is , after all ,..a former Military Prosecuting Atttorney under the Bush Administration,..and, such, quite experienced on issues of foreign policy. Despite presiding over a blue state with a weak economy,and strong anti-gun issues,..he too,..would make a President to be reckoned with ,..because he too,..understands the Conservative Republican basics,..that keep our economy strong, and our nation secure.
Dr. Ben Carson, a brilliant neurosurgeon ,and a strong intelligent conservative,..whose only flaws seem to be a serene, almost Yoda-like personality,..and a lack of basic foreign policy knowledge.This combined with questions raised over his biography claims ,have resulted in a slip in the polls recently,..but he still remains a viable candidate, the top four,..and, like all the other candidates,..he would make a fine President should he win the nomination. And,like the other candidates, he would still be a valuable asset to any Republican President's Administration , as an advisor.
But,..the question remains,..if  the polls remain as they are now,..whose Administration would he most likely be serving under?
There are two candidates who,..during the month of December,..have risen to the top of the polls,..based on their strong performances in the previous debate,..and there is one who has remained consistently in the lead,..and despite his many critics , on both the right and left,..can no longer be dismissed as an unlikely possibility.
Donald J. Trump , despite endless gaffes that would destroy a lesser candidate, extensive history as a liberal Democrat and anti Iraq War Bush basher,..and most recently, enthusiastic supporter of Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin ,of all people,..he still remains in the high 30% range in the polls,..with only Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio as close competition. In fact, barring any unforseen mishap or completely unforgivable gaffe, appears that these three are the most likely to be the last men standing as the Primary battle begins to tighten and narrow,in the New Year, the actual voting begins. This is as it should be,..for despite a vast field of talented conservative candidates,..these are the three that have shown the one quality ,..above all others,..that a President must have,..if he is to succeed;..Strong Leadership Ability.All three have the aggressive ,self -assured style that is the foundation of a good leader, and all three have,..from day one,..voiced strong opinions on the issues that must take precedence above all others ;..Foreign Policy;..and the War on Terror.
Trump saw these issues as his opening ,..his best chance, establish himself early on, the leading candidate ,..despite his glaring weaknesses;..lack of details,..lack of knowledge,..lack of experience,..lack of Conservative Republican credentials,..and a complete lack of manners, or decorum.His aggressive , no nonsense stance on illegal immigration and border security, were enough to put him in first place in the polls ,..and keep him there consistently. Despite his social issue flaws and childish bluster,..Trump has proven himself to be a master showman,..and self promoter,..who instinctively understood the one issue that was most important to the American people , and he quickly seized on it,..and made it his own.
Trump may be hated by his Republican opponents, considered a nuisance by the GOP establishment,..and a potential threat to run third party,..but he has also been invaluable to all the current candidates ,..for he has shown them how to beat the liberal press at its own game,..and most importantly, to win, simply reflecting the will of the American people. But, Trump has also shown an almost childlike need for praise,..and a Huck Finn like tendency to see just how much he can get away with.He is, after all, currently praising the Russian President Vladimir Putin,..simply because Putin bear hugged him,...and complimented him, on his campaign. Trump said he was "honored"to be praised by a murderous dictator.Interesting.Do we really want , or need a man with questionable Republican credentials,and the temperment, maturity,judgement,.and attention span of a small boy, be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces?
A risky proposition , to say the least,..especially during a time of war.
However,..Senator Marco Rubio is a different matter altogether.
In many ways , he is like the Greek Hero, Achilles,who, at first glance ,..would seem to be the perfect warrior, with no flaws.
Rubio , likewise ,would seem to be the perfect Republican Presidential candidate ,..a master on the debate platform,..with a strong support for our military,..and a Bush-like aggressiveness on the issues of Radical Islam, and the War on Terror.But, like Achilles,..Rubio has a fatal flaw.Achilles was seemingly invulnerable in battle,impervious to harm,..invincible in mortal combat. Yet,..the heel of his foot was mere mortal flesh,..and if pieced there in battle by an enemy's weapon,..Achilles would be destroyed.For Marco Rubio, it is not his heel that leaves him woefully vulnerable in battle,..but his glaring weakness on the issue of illegal immigration ,..and Amnesty. This seemingly perfect conservative warrior , had ,inexplicably ,..joined the so called "Gang of Eight',..Democrats Pelosi, Reid, Schumer,..and endorsed an Amesty bill for illegal immigrants, that , if passed,..would leave our Nation burdened with a permanent , overwhelming Democrat voting base,..that could never be overcome by the Republicans.
This one weakness cannot be overlooked,..despite his otherwise impressive record. Rubio has also damaged himself more recently, skipping votes to campaign,..missing even the vital end of the year omnibus spending bill vote,..that has esentially funded the entire Democrat Agenda. Was this vote not important enough for Rubio?He has also attacked second place front runner Senator Ted Cruz ,..on the very same issue of Amnesty,..accusing the Texas Senator of actually supporting it, previous votes. Utter nonsense , of course,..and a sign of desperation on Rubio's part. Marco understands his own vulnerability on this issue,..and understands that, the end,..when the full records of all the candidates are finally , completely revealed,..there is only one perfect conservative candidate,..who has no weaknesses to be exploited. Senator Ted Cruz, that candidate.Rubio knew , that he had to find one issue he could attack him on,..if he hoped to win. He thought he found it , in Cruz's 2013 Amnesty amendment proposal, that was designed seemingly tp support the Amnesty bill, through bipartisan compromise. But, unfortunately for Rubio, wasn't.Cruz simply proposed the amendment to sabotage the bill, essentially calling the Democrat's bluff. The Amendment was a caviat,..that would prevent all immigrants made legal,..from voting in any elections. This was essentially Cruz's "poison pill" strategem,..that was designed to do nothing more than stop the bill completely, calling the Democrat's bluff. Cruz knew , that the Democrats had no interest in making illegals legal,..if they would be unable to vote .The strategy worked in stopping the bill,and for Rubio to use this as an opportunity to accuse Cruz of supporting Amnesty, a shocking example of Rubio's desperate need to stop Cruz at all costs, any means necessary. Rubio coupled this accusation with claims that Cruz to weaken NSA and Patriot Act surveillance,..that are vital to National Security , and an invaluable weapon in the War on Terror. Total nonsense. , and again,..a desperate attempt by a candidate who knows full well how badly he damaged himself by joining the "gang of eight' , in support of Amnesty for Illegals.
The simple truth is this;..Ted Cruz,.. mathematically speaking,..should be the man to win the Republican Nomination, for one basic reason,..he is the only Conservative Republican running ,..that has never varied , never waivered,..on any issue. Cruz has remained a constant conservative presence, an ever changing , moderate,..Republican Universe. Senator Ted Cruz has delivered on every single thing he promised. No other candidate can ever match that record , and Rubio, his only viable opponent other than Trump,..knows it full well. In the end, is Cruz , not Trump , not Rubio,..that has been consistently Anti-Amnesty from day one,..of his entire political history. Both Trump and Rubio, however,..have supported Amnesty at various times,..and very recently as well. In the end, in this Republican Presidential Contest,..there can be only one , logical choice , for the true conservative voter. The True Conservative,..the Consistent Conservative,..the One Conservative  Candidate,..whose words are backed up by his actions,..whose record matches his rhetoric,.Texas Senator Ted Cruz. In truth,..any Republican voter who calls himself  hard core conservative,..yet supports Trump , or Rubio,..or any of the other candidates, who have all supported Amnesty, at one time or another,..may indeed be strong Republicans,..but,..they cannot call themselves truly conservative. For Cruz is the one ,  the only choice,..that a true conservative could make.
Who won this,..the last debate,..of the year 2015?
It matters little,..since they have all done well, in every debate,..and all are deserving of a place in the New Republican Administration,..of the New Year.What does matter, however, who will wear the crown of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, in 2016.
America's future depends on it being,..the right man.
We are at war with an enemy that seeks America's complete destruction . Political games of the past must be put aside. We must look at the records of these candidates,..and make our choice based solely,..on those records.
Ted Cruz is the one man,.with the record that proves he is ready, willing,..and able , lead this nation,..and this military,..on day one of his Presidency. And, Cruz 's ever increasing poll numbers prove that the American people are beginning to realize it.
But,..should the doubts raised by Rubio be taken seriously?Is it possible, that Cruz could be weak on Amnesty and Security, as Rubio has suggested?
How can "We the People" ever be sure?
In the Gospel of John,,..Jesus was questioned by one of his followers who wondered how he could be sure that Jesus was , who he claimed to be."How do we know you are not a false prophet, sent by Satan?", the man asked. Jesus replied,"If I am not doing the work of my Father,..then do not believe in me."But,..if I am doing his work,..and you would still not believe,..then,,.believe in the work I do".
There it is, pure and simple.A man's actions,..always speak louder,..than his words.
For those who doubted Jesus,..there was only the evidence the record,..his words,..and his deeds,..Words that spoke only of peace, love,..and the brotherhood of man. Words that told us to love our enemies , and to treat our fellow man,,the way that we want to be treated. And deeds that healed the sick,..and the crippled,. deeds that fed the hungry,and the poor,..deeds that helped his fellow man,..deeds that promoted only peace and love,..deeds that changed the world,..deeds that would be celebrated,..every year,..on the day of his birth,..Christmas day.
Who could doubt this man from Galilee,..when his whole life,..and the way he lived it,..proved who he was?
A man's record , a man's actions,will always ,beyond a shadow of a doubt ,..prove who he really is.
So too, for our Republican Presidential Candidates.
So too,  for Senator Ted Cruz;..whose entire record,..his entire political history,.his words,..and his deeds,...prove who he is.
In the end, it was Senator Marco Rubio who voted for the Amnesty Bill.
It was Senator Ted Cruz,..who voted against it.
And, it was Cruz who took the time to interrupt his campaign schedule, back to Washington,.to vote "no",on the Omnbibus spending bill, that virtually funds every Democrat Agenda, for the coming year.
Rubio,..couldn't be bothered.
Who then,.. is the one, whose work we should believe in?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

"If I Fall,.Let It Be,.In Glory."

Are we at war with Radical Islam?It matters not. They are at war with us, and have been for decades leading up to the President Clinton failures that caused 911.We no longer have the luxury to live in denial of this fact ,especially since the war has now been brought home, to our own shores.You see,Donald Trump is right , not only about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey after 911, but also about preventing any more muslim immigration into our country , at least for the present time. Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCall has even stated that ISIS has specific plans to infiltrate the Syrian refugees seeking asylum in our country. The logical , common sense thing to do therefore, is to stop muslim immigration, until those entering our country can be properly vetted. To do otherwise would be foolishly risking the lives of American citizens during war time, for no good reason. When the enemy willingly gives you information on their strategy, take advantage of it, and form a counter strategy .In this case that counter strategy has to be cutting off all muslim immigration. We are at war,and must use the same brutal tactics that the enemy uses , and , most importantly ,fight to win. .Massive air strikes , endless carpet bombing ,hit and run operations,..strike and vanish,like a phantom,..this will put fear in the enemy while the airstrikes destroy the ISIS home bases and oil reserves, that serve as their money source.
A defensive war is out ISIS will not tolerate the existence of other faiths, or other cultures.We must destroy them, or they will destroy us, guaranteed.
Keeping Muslims out of our country is not racism , but a smart war tactic. ISIS's faith is a violent one, based on the teachings of a violent Prophet who believed in a false god sent by the forces of Satan, dupe him,..and his people.
Christianity is different,..Judism is different. These faiths ,..that are the root of our Constitution,..are based on the teachings of a Prophet who spoke only of peace, love ,and the brotherhood of man,..a prophet who taught us to love our enemies ,as we love ourselves,..and to treat our fellow man,..the way we want to be treated. This is why Christianity is the faith that dominates the world.This is why a man by the name of Jesus ,..a man from the first century, known in every corner of the globe. This is why the whole world is filled with peace, love,..and joy,..every year at this time,..when we celebrate the birth of this man, and why our Republic was founded on his teachings .And, for those who still think we should grant the Syrian refugees asylum,..because to do otherwise would be "unconstitutional",and against the principles that America is founded on,..I say this,....Our children are being killed, the name of an evil god,..and Christmas time,.is when they will strike.
Jesus said that any who would harm a child , it would be better if they were never born, or a millstone tied to their necks, and flung into the sea. Jesus always fought to protect children. We must fight to protect them as well. Sealing our borders is part of this fight,..part of defending,..our children. The Obama Administration says we must admit the Syrian refugees out of "compassion",..but,..if this is so,..then why have they prevented Christian, Kurdish, and Yazidi refugees,..from entering the country ,..for the same reasons? Just like the Syrians,..these people are also being butchered, burned, beheaded, and crucified, ISIS,for the sin of believing in the peace and love that Christ taught them.
Where is President Obama's compassion for them?
Where is America's "compassion",..for them?
These "refugees" won't vote Democrat, they are discarded by the Obama  Administration , that ultimately wants an Islamic based government in America,..simple as that.
Since World War Two,..the forces of socialism,..and the liberal left in America,..;.. has allied itself with Radical Islam. Why wouldn't they? They fight for the same things ,..oppression,..the subjugation of their fellow man,..and the extermination of Judeo-Christians,..who believe in peace, love,..and,..most offensive of all,..freedom. For, you see,..freedom leads to self government, and that leads to a free Republic,..and that,..leads to America.And that is why the liberal socialist forces in this country , in our government,..want more Islamic refugees,..and why they say no , Christians.Yes,..for all his flaws,..Trump is right .Muslim immigration,..must be stopped. And yes,..Trump is not the ideal choice for the next Republican President, by any means.After 911, Trump opposed the Iraq and Afghanistan war, accused Pres Bush of lying about WMD'S in Iraq,and called for Speaker Pelosi to impeach him;...Trump praised Saddam Hussein for "killing terrorists";...Trump donated to, and was friends with ,..both Clintons,.. and donated to their scam of a Foundation;..,. .Trump supported the election campaigns of Harry Reid,..Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer;...Trump supported Obama, and Obamacare initially,..and still calls for universal, mandatory, government controlled,..single payer ,;...Trump supported Vladimir Putin's presence in the middle east,..even suggesting that we should just let him fight ISIS;...Trump called Pam Geller, the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, "disgusting",for" provoking" terrorists ,by holding a "Draw Prophet Muhammed" contest, in protest of Sharia Law on America's shores;... Trump supports Ethanol subsidies,that increase food prices,and damage car engines;.. and feels that Cruz would be a bad President,..because he's a "maniac", who won't be able to work with the Democrats in the House and Senate..Trump has repeatedly threatened to run third party at the slightest provocation,..despite the fact that he knows,..doing so,..will virtually assure a Hillary Clinton Presidency;... Hmmm,..does any of this,..make Trump sound like the conservative Republican he claims to be?Yet,despite all this,..Trump is right about immigration, about sealing the border,..and about muslim immigration. And, in recent days ,..Trump has made a show of defending basic Republican principles,..and has displayed a fearlessness in fighting the liberal press as well. In fact, Trump has proven, in many ways, be invaluable to the other Republican candidates,..and to the Republican Party , as well,..because he has shown them,..the way to win.
Senator Ted Cruz is the perfect conservative,..and will, most likely get the nomination,..for he has shown remarkable debate skills,..coupled with a consistent conservative record,..that easily matches.his conservative rhetoric. Cruz is the only Republican candidate whose actions speak louder than his words. Everything Cruz says he will do,..he will do. His record proves this, beyond a shadow of a doubt. This is why,..he must be,..our next President,..not Trump.
But, no matter who the eventual candidate is,..the Republican voters must support him unwaiveringly. In truth, any of these candidates would make good Republican Presidents,..despite their varying flaws,..because they all believe in the basic Conservative Republican Principles ,..that make our country work. And all, would be far better Presidents, than any Democrat, to be sure, even the deceptive,..quasi-Republican,..Trump. A Democrat victory, in the 2016 Presidential election,..would spell doom for America , as we know it. The Republican nominee , matter who it is,..must be supported by the Republican voters, if America is to survive,'s as simple as that. Even,..if it's Trump.
The Republican Party itself,..must win,and reduce the Democrat Party to a permanent minority Party,....if our Republic is to survive.
One thing is certain,..whoever wins the nomination,..and is elected our new Republican commander in chief,..should look to this greatest assemblage of conservative candidates in the History of our Nation,..and use them , the new Administration. After all;..
What terror power could stand against a conservative Republican force ,..such as this?
But,..they cannot do it alone,..We the People rule this self government,..and therefore,..We the People ,..must lead the fight.
In the wake of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, on Demember 7th, 1941,..President Roosevelt addressed the Nation,..and reminded the American people that there was nothing to fear,...but fear itself,..
Words,..that apply to We the People now, America faces a new enemy,..a new war, that will be fought on our own shores.
The fact that the San Bernardino neighbors of Sayed Farook and Tashfeen Malik did not report the terror couples suspicious activities in the weeks leading up to their terror attack, shameful,..and Un-American.To let your fellow Americans be slaughtered , and ISIS win a victory on our shores,simply because you feared being labeled a "racist" is a disgrace,and insults the memory of our Founding Fathers .And, forget the idea that the Patriot Act and NSA are somehow violating your precious privacy. You are not entitled to privacy under our Constitution. You are entitled to only Liberty and Freedom,..and that, more than enough. The Patriot Act and NSA are weapons that are used to destroy terrorists , and both programs must be expanded ,..period. Only criminals, drug dealers, drug addicts,and terrorists are worried about someone monitoring their phone calls. Phone calls from this country,to terror nations,..can and will, monitored,..end of story. If you have an I Phone, are on Facebook and Twitter,..have an email account,..and use credit cards,.. then you have no privacy at all.Everything you do , already monitored.Every street corner and business store front,..has a camera system installed.You are being watched and filmed,..every single day because of this,..and criminal rapists and murderers, are caught and brought to justice ,..because of these monitoring systems. Deal with it. You have privacy in your home,and when you go to the bathroom,.and unless you are an enemy of freedom,..that's all you need. We are at war. If you don't trust your government with your information,..then stop electing the Democrats who have controlled these programs for decades,..and who view America as the real enemy,..and start putting Republicans in charge of the Patriot Act and the NSA,..the Party that supports our military,  protects our citizens, fights terror aggressively,..and knows who the real enemy is.
World War Three is here;,..
whether we want to accept it or not.
We the People either prepare to destroy the enemy,..or prepare to die at their hands, it's as simple as that.
The Price of Freedom is high.
Those that would live free,must be willing to die defending that freedom , or that freedom is nothing but a myth,.. an illusion.
President Obama and the Democrat Party will not fight this enemy, because they believe that America is the true terror threat. In a self-governed Republic, is the will of the people that must ,in the end,..triumph. The defense of our nation depends on us, and us alone. There is no more time to be afraid. We must replace that fear with righteous anger ,and fight as our Founders did,..or we do not deserve to be called American.
This is the adventure of our times,and the challenge of our times,..and we must rise to meet it.
The aviator Charles Lindberg once said,.."A life without risk, not worth living". How true. Eating , sleeping, in malls, and watching American Idol and the Kardashians., not living. It is existing,..the way an amoeba exists,..and yet, does not truly live.
To live a life in fear ,..afraid to defend the freedom that our Founders gave us,..makes us unworthy of even the back of our Founder's hands.
We the People have a war to fight, adventure to win,..a freedom to defend.
We must rise to the challenge , or back down and be damned forever.
We the People must make that choice,,..between really living,..or merely existing,..afraid of our own shadows, a life of shame.
We the People,..must stop waiting for a Leader,..
America is a system of self-government,..the greatest system yet devised by mortal man.
We the People rule,..and therefore we must fight , and insure that the Republican Party ,..the Party that built our free Republic,..remains in power,..controlled by our will,..the will of a free people,..against which no enemy can stand ,..for we will live free,..or not at all.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Last Beachhead

When Barack Hussein Obama became President in 2008,.. he was hailed by the liberal left as the Chosen One, the man who would heal the planet,end racism, and restore America to its former greatness.Now, nearly eight years later, President Obama has been revealed to be nothing more than another garden variety Democrat politician,, who has used tax and regulation increases,cuts to our military, and attacks on our Second Amendment rights , to weaken our Nation.
Far from being a healer of worlds,Obama is just a con artist and tax grifter, who uses an endless array of entitlement programs to take money from hard working Americans,and re-distribute it to the Democrat Elite,and their illegal immigrant, union operative voting base.
But, it is the Foreign Policy Appeasement-Withdraw strategem of Obama that has proven to be the greatest threat to our nation,..making the terror forces of Al Queda stronger,..and creating the Terror State , known as ISIS.
We are at war,with an enemy that wants to destroy us ,because we refuse to worship their evil god, and dare to live in freedom. And now, because President Obama has refused to fight that enemy aggressively on their own soil, that war will now be fought on our own .Obama has violated the basic rule of warfare,and now America is paying the price ,..with new terror attacks on the homeland. Like France ,Germany, England, and Norway,.before us,...America is now paying the price for being weak in the face of evil,..the true face of Islam. San Bernadino, California is just the first in an endless series of attacks that will soon be happening ,in Obama approved Democrat created "Gun Free Zones" all across the country .Sayed Farouk and his radicalized wife, Tashfeen Malik, had planned this attack , months in advance , for the office Christmas Party. They were heavily armed and wore tactical battle gear, and body armor. They are the face of evil Jihad, and  yet, there are those Americans,..those who suspected, and remained silent,..because they feared being called racist. How weak. How pathetic. How UnAmerican. Our Founding Fathers would be ashamed of these people, these actual neighbors of Farouk;..who valued political correctness,..over human life.
And, it matters little if Obama and the Democrat Party refuse to admit we are at war with Radical Islam. Radical Islam is at war with us.World War Three has begun, and now, it will be a war fought on our own shores ,thanks to Obama's appeasement , withdraw, and open border policies, that have created an ever increasing number of terror sleeper cells , masquerading as war refugees, among us,...ready to strike. You see, Donald Trump is right . Muslims did celebrate the 911 attacks , in New Jersey,..and all across our Nation, and they are now planning new attacks, ..and  even stranger celebrations, this, the final battlefield,..America.
There is only one rule of war,..either we win,..or they do,..
Appeasement policies,..
Containment strategies,..
And limited airstrikes, longer matter,..
The enemy is here,..because we failed to fight them,..there,..
The solution?
Destroy them,..before they destroy us.
The grim reality is that unless a Republican President is elected in 2016,..and our Nation has been purged of the stain of Democrat rule,..the American people will not have the luxury of merely being spectators to a war that has been,..until now,..fought predominately in the middle east.
Thanks to the President's withdraw of American forces around the world,..the new Battleground for the War on Terror, America itself.
The choice is simple;..We the People, must exercise our Second Amendment Rights,... arm ourselves ,..and fight, our Founders did,..or be prepared to be sheared ,like sheep.
Forget the left's socialist con job cries for gun control in the wake of new terror attacks.
There is no more time Obama's childish , leftist nonsense.
This is a battle for the survival of civilization itself,..a battle that We the People,..must win.
Freedom has one price that, eventually,..every generation of Americans,..must be prepared to pay,..if they wish to remain free.
We the People,..must be willing to die for that freedom,..or make those who would take it from us,..die first.
The Last Battlefield,..has been chosen, an enemy that has grown stronger , America has grown weaker.
President Obama has chosen his Faux War, he declared Global Warming , not Radical Islam,..the true threat to the world,..before world leaders of the United Nations.The reason for this is clear;...Global Warming is a War,..that gives the President an opportunity to make money,and strengthen the Democrat political base, raising taxes. A war on Terror, costs taxpayer money,...and offers the Democrat's no profit margin. That  taxpayer money can be better used therefore, fund the left's plan to bring America, and the world,..under the complete control,..of the  terror sponsoring U.N.That's the goal.That is the left's only war,..a war against the American people,..wealth re-distribution, climate change,..with America under the iron boot of the U.N.,.. as the ultimate payoff.
This,..must never come to pass.
Let the Trumpets sound,...
Don your War Crowns,..and Armor,...
For,..the Battle is now Joined,..
On This,. Last Beachhead,..America.
Defeat is not an Option,..
If We the People ,..are not Victorious,..
Let no Warrior,..come back alive,..
Victory,..for America,..
And,..Death , the False God of Islam.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Once upon a time, it came to pass, that the ancient Greek Poet Homer did tell the tale of the Iliad, the great war between the Greeks and the Trojans who dwelled in the City of Troy, a city whose walls and defenses were well nigh impenetrable to all foes. The epic war began when the Trojan Prince, Paris, did elope with Helen , the daughter of the Greek god Zeus and the goddess Leda, and the wife of the Spartan King, Menelaus.
This brazen affront to both King and god became the rallying point for the gathering Greek Armies that would lay siege to the City of Troy,for ten long years.Their efforts , however, seemed futile, until the Greek Hero and King of Ithaca , Odysseus, did hatch a battle strategem that would become the stuff of legends .The Greek siege would be no more;..their ships and armies would sail away , in retreat, leaving behind , just outside the Gates of Troy,..a Great Wooden Horse,..a tribute , no doubt, Troy's Temple goddess Athena,..and an admission of defeat as well. The war was now over,..seemingly, and the Soldiers of Troy brought the Wooden Colossus inside the gates , as a symbol of their Victory. But,..all was not as it seemed and as night fell within the fortress walls of the Trojan City, Army of Greeks led by Odysseus himself,..fled the belly of the wooden beast and didst slaughter the now sleeping Trojans and pillage their city as well. And it came to pass,...that at the height of their triumph,..most irreverent and arrogant Odysseus,..and the Greek warrior Ajax,..didst dare to desecrate the Sacred Trojan Temple of Athena as well,..laying waste even, the Statue of Great Neptune himself. It was at this moment that Odysseus was given pause, the Temple Oracle and High Priestess didst confront him in the midst of a city in flames ,..with a grim prophecy, for daring to mock the gods themselves. "Death to Odysseus",..she bellowed,..her finger pointing at him in accusation,.."And may the wrath of Neptune mark the rest of your days."
And, it did come to pass, Odysseus was swept out to sea, by an angry Neptune ,..his kingdom, his ship and crew,..and even his memory,..all lost to him as he was forced by a god's thirst for vengeance,to wander the earth ,..a prisoner of his own arrogance ,..with only the forgiving goddess Athena to aid him in his seemingly endless Odyssey,..beset by demons ,sirens, monsters , and the gods of Olympus themselves,..while the fabled City of Troy lay in eternal ruins,..fallen beneath the Armies of the Greeks and the sorcerer -like battle strategems of their now cursed leader,..the Legendary Odysseus.
Troy's greatness would be reduced to a smoldering ruin, and remembered only only in distant legend,..its triumphs and majesty reduced to mere folklore by a cunning Greek Hero and his Wooden Horse.
And now,..centuries later,..stands a new Kingdom,..a new Troy,..a new Fabled City,..seemingly unbeatable,..impenetrable,..invincible, threatened,..,..not by an army of greeks,..but by an invading terror army , hidden ,..not by the trappings of a wooden horse,..but by the deceptions of its own Commander in Chief. President Obama continues to push the narrative that the 100,000 plus Syrian refugees fleeing the horrors of ISIS,are seeking sanctuary on  American shores,..for only the most peaceful of reasons,..and will be carefully screened by the combined security forces of the NSA, CIA, and FBI.
Nothing,..could be further from the truth. The Syrian refugees are, in fact,...President Obama's "Trojan Horse", invading army of ISIS Sleeper Cells that seek only one thing, destroy the "Great Satan",..America,..from within, did the Greek Army invading Troy,..concealed within a wooden horse.
Obama , however,..needs no horse. ,..but instead uses the crises in Syria , the rise of ISIS,..that Obama himself created with his withdraw and appease policies, the cloaking device that will enable him to sneak his Syrian Army inside the Gates of America.
The question remains;..."Why would he do this?"Does President Obama seek what ISIS does,..the Destruction of America?.
In a word,..yes. But,..not by the terror attacks that have afflicted the shores of France, Germany..and England,..but by an endless migration of illegal invaders who, once registered with Obamacare ,..will become the unbeatable Democrat  voting base that the left has always dreamed of, since the days of Woodrow Wilson.This is the reason for the Amnesty push by executive order. This is the reason for America's non-existent borders. In 1965,..Senator Ted Kennedy saw the handwriting on the wall and realized that the Democrat Party simply did not have the voting base, win elections and hold onto power, the decades to come. The solution was simple,..expand the Democrat's already considerable entitlement base, allowing a mass migration of illegal aliens,..that will serve but one purpose , to show up at the polls, and pull that voting booth lever,..for Democrat Party Candidates. The idea that the Democrats promote illegal immigration out of compassion is laughable, for,..if this is true,..why have Obama and his Party blocked Syrian and Iraqi Christians, Kurds, Yazidis, and Jews,..from entering the country as refugees for years now?Because Christians , and those who believe in Judeo-Christian principles ,..tend to vote Republican,..while Muslims tend to vote Democrat.That's why.
A risky strategem?To be sure,..for though these Islamic invaders will no doubt vote Democrat,..if they vote at all,..and will increase the Democrat delegate count in Blue States ,..they also have the potential to carry out a more sinister purpose than mere political maneuvering. These Syrian invaders seek America's destruction , by terror war,..not by socialist engineering. That is the grim tradeoff,..the risk,..that the Obama Administration is willing to accept , order to achieve their goal,.President Obama's final Legacy,..of an America permanently controlled by the Democrat Party.
President Obama and the Democrat Party are willing to risk the possibility of terror attacks on our soil,..and the deaths of American citizens at the hands of Al Queda and ISIS, exchange for permanent political advantage. Why else would Obama virtually create ISIS,..and the resulting Syrian migration, a complete withdraw of American forces from Iraq, arming Iran with nuclear power and billions in unfrozen assets, backing down to Vladimir Putin and his Russian Army, allowing Syria to join forces with Russia, Iran and China,.,...and commit mass genocide on the American and Turkish trained Syrian rebels. Why else would Obama willingly relinquish America's superpower status , and allow an Axis of Evil between Russia China, Syria,and Iran, be created? Russia is not in the Middle East to fight ISIS, and Obama knows it. Putin is in Syria to support Assad, militarily, stop the Turkish and American trained Syrian rebel forces,..and to expand the Russian power base and influence,..through unrestricted arms trading,..with Iran Syria,..and China as well. Turkey shot down those two Russian jet fighters over their territory ,with good reason.The can see that Russia is not fighting ISIS, but targeting their own rebel forces to protect the Assad regime. Putin has no interest in fighting ISIS ,.has no respect for the restricted air space of other nations,..and Turkey , well aware of it.
You see, defeating ISIS is not Vladimir Putin's goal;..defeating America, and her allies, And now,..Putin has his own Axis power base , accomplish this
All this, mere accepted risk, the liberal left,..and Obama ,..who have always believed that it is American Imperialism,..not Islamic Extremism,..that is the root cause of the world's ills,..and it is America,..not ISIS , ...not Al Queda,..not Boko Haram, not the Muslim Brotherhood,....and not the Taliban,... but America,..that is the real Terror Nation.
With America reduced,..and it's superpower status eliminated,..the world will be more peaceful,..more productive,...more prosperous,..with all poverty,all despair,..all disease,..all hunger,..all terrorism,..eliminated , America is eliminated.
That is the left's long held belief,..and now,..thanks to the political maneuverings of the Obama Administration,..those long held beliefs have been proven,..once and for all, be completely  ,..false. The exact opposite has been proven. With America weakened,..the world has grown darker,..more dangerous , more disease ridden,..more poverty stricken,..with the forces of Islamic terrorism engulfing the entire globe.
That is the world, as it must be,..if America no longer exists as the number one superpower ,..and the last best hope for humanity. That is the truth ,..the Conservative Republican truth,..that almost eight years of the Obama Agenda has proven to be 100% accurate.
But, the left,..this matters little,..since their sympathies have always been with the Islamic Extremists that seek America's destruction. America created terrorism with its Imperial policies around the globe. ,..and so, is only right,..only fair,..that America should now suffer from the results of these policies. That includes attacks on our shores ,..on our own cities, ISIS invaders pretending to be war torn,.. Syrian refugees. Why shouldn't America suffer, as France, Germany,..England,..Norway,..and Sweden have suffered under Islamic invasion and forced Sharia Law?America must pay for it's Imperialism ,..and to the left,..ISIS is the perfect weapon to make America pay. To the liberal left, is the perfect weapon ,because it's a sword with a double edge. ISIS may invade , and may kill Americans,..but,'s invasion will also increase the Democrat voting base , and flood existing blue states,..with Democrat delegates .Permanent Democrat Party control,..of America. To achieve this,..there is no price the Democrats would not pay,..and that includes ISIS terror attacks,... on American soil.
Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has, with the help of 45 Democrat votes as well,.successfully passed legislation that has, at least temporarily stopped this invasion, and prevented the Obama veto,.. by achieving the necessary 67 votes .Will it pass the Senate as well? Time will tell. One thing is certain,..this Republican controlled House and Senate, under new Leadership,..must unite under the conservative banner, stop Obama, The President is rapidly approaching his last year in office. He will now accelerate his destructive agenda in order to secure his Legacy;..America,..under permanent rule, the Democrat elite. The Syrian ISIS sleeper cells are the President's 'Trojan Horse"Army,..that he must get through the gates of this ,..the new Troy,..America,..if he hopes to fulfill his Party's destiny.
One thing is certain,..there will be no Wrath of Neptune to punish Obama , it did Odysseus , for his destruction of Troy.
No,..if Obama is to be punished, ..and his Trojan Terror Army stopped, must be the Wrath of the Republican Party,..that accomplishes it.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

"This God;..America!"

Despite the horrific terror attacks on France by ISIS, President Obama and his Chief Security Advisor Ben Rhodes have doubled down on their plan to accept over 100, 000 Syrian refugees and potential  ISIS sleeper cells on American soil. Refugees that were in fact, created by the President's appease and withdraw Foreign Policy. So be it. But, the President should take pains to insure that these refugees are sent only to Washington , and to the homes of Democrat Congressman and Senators, for if he sends them to any other part of the United States,the collective fist of "We the People",who govern this country will be sending them right back to where they came from.
France is in hell right now;...but it is a hell of their own making.
Their socialist policies of gun bans, and open borders, plus their refusal to vet or assimilate the thousands of Muslim invaders that have flooded their shores has now earned them a grim reward indeed. Germany and England are next,and so are all the Western European nations that have foolishly banned guns and allowed Muslims to infest their cultures with Sharia Law within their borders.
Last year,at the White House Christmas Party,  Congresswoman Michele Bachmann gave a prophetic warning to the President about the threat of Iran. She told the President to bomb Iran, or else. Her warning went unheeded.
The result is a Nuclear capable Iran,that has 11 billion in unfrozen assets,that has formed an Axis of Evil with it's new Allies, Russia and Syria.
Now, the threat that the President ignores is ISIS, and result has been an ever increasing terror threat, and the massacre of hundreds of French civilians.
The solution is simple;..the Terror State formerly known as Iraq,must be reduced to a burnt out cinder by unlimited U.S.Airstrikes. Under President Bush's watch , Saddam Hussein had been defeated, and Iraq converted to a stable American controlled Democracy , free of terror.Then, President Obama's withdrew all troops from the region, and an ISIS controlled  Terror State is the result.
This is an ideological war with evil that began with President Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates, and has spanned the centuries since. Make no mistake , this is a muslim problem exclusively. Buddism, Hinduism,Christianity,and Judism, are not causes of war, death, and violence,..Islam is.Islam is the only faith that breeds death period.And, for this reason,.. It must be stopped ,now.
America can no longer hesitate to do what must be done.The ISIS Terror State must be vaporized ,and its charred remains left to scatter to the desert winds. House Speaker Paul Ryan,and the Republican House and Senate,must force the President's hand, and over ride his veto , by any means necessary.It's time for America and the finest Military in the Universe, to remove the First Terror State from the face of the Earth,and thereby send a direct message to ISIS;..
In a War against America, are no match, match at all.You cannot win. No one can.  For when it's wrath is fully unleashed,.... the false god of ISIS, will tremble in the wake,..of the God of Peace,..the God of Freedom, the God of Justice,...this God;...America,...
It's time for the new House Speaker Paul Ryan  to do what is necessary to stop this President and the Democrat Party that have nothing but contempt for our military , and our country, and nothing but sympathy for our terror enemies who seek to destroy us.
The Republican Party must win the Presidency in 2016,and seize total control of this Nation;..or the ISIS Flag will indeed be flying from the White House Lawn, in an America under Sharia Law.
The President says it would be "Un-American",..for Congress to pass Legislation that would prevent Syrian refugees from entering the country. Yet, for years now,the President has blocked the entry of Yazidi, Kurdish, Christian and Jewish refugees that have fled the beheadings , burnings , and crucifixions being perpetrated across the middle east, by ISIS. Why?The answer is clear, and it is the only answer that reveals the method to this rogue President's madness. Yazidis Kurds, Christians, and Jews, all believe in the peaceful, freedom based Judeo-Christian values that provided the blueprint for America. Therefore, if allowed in the country,..they will vote Republican ,..guaranteed. President Obama will not let this happen,..not with both Houses already lost to him, and a record 900 plus Legislative seats and State government seats lost to the Republicans in 2014.
President Obama has only one year to assure his Legacy,..forever;...and that Legacy was always meant to be ;... an America;.. under Democrat rule;....permanently .
The 100,000 Syrian refugees, in addition to the Mexican illegals that flood our borders by the thousands every day,..are the potential Democrat votes that are to secure that Legacy in 2016, and forevermore. That, is the reason ;..the only reason,...for this President's refusal to protect America , and the World,..from the Evil of ISIS.
The United States must be flooded with endless hoardes of Democrat Delegate votes that will keep the Democrat Party in power eternally,..and therefore keep the President's Destructive Legacy secure for future generations of Americans to suffer under.
President Obama must be stopped, and the nightmarish vision of a world under Islamic Rule crushed forever.."We the People" say no to the future this President has envisioned for us, in order to fulfill the Dreams of his America Hating,..Marxist Father.
President Barack Hussein Obama's mad dreams shall indeed vanish now; the light of a New Dawn,..the Dawn of a People,..a Nation,..a World, Awakened ,..and United,..against him,..and the Terror Forces that have sown the seeds of their own destruction, daring  to challenge,..

Saturday, November 14, 2015

"No Greater Love,Hath a Man,...."

The Fox Business Channel's fourth Republican Presidential Debate was, without a doubt, the single ,greatest exhibition of journalistic skill, brains, and professionalism,in the History of American Politics.It was flawless,perfect in every way,both the early and the later segments.There were no self serving gotcha questions,no argument baiting,no cutting off of the candidates in mid sentence, no interjection of moderator opinions on the proceedings.No,there was only smart questions related to both economic and foreign policy issues, questions that, finally allowed the candidates to forget the sniping, for the most part, and focus on expressing their individual policy strategems. Again, this is how it should be, all the other debates should have been.
A true debate between a group of remarkably accomplished , conservative candidates, on the issues,..and the issues alone. Not on personality,not on personal attacks, not on biographies, but on the central reason we have these debates ; determine which candidate can best implement the conservative policies that are vital to the system of self government that is the foundation of our Republic.
The Fox Business Moderators , Neil Cavuto, Maria Bartiromo, and Gerard Baker,accomplished this , and did indeed create the template the standard,..that all future debates will, no doubt, be measured against.
And, this is the debate that finally forced the candidates to expose both their strengths and their glaring weaknesses as well, since the moderators gave each one more than ninety seconds to answer their questions and explain the nuances of their positions .Yes, for this debate , there would be no cutting off the candidates in mid sentence,no repeated warnings about their rapidly diminishing time, no mindless rush  by the moderators to "move on" to the next topic.
No, all that remained was debate perfection;..the candidates arguing their political philosophies with each other in a healthy back and forth debate in the arena of ideas, with no interference from the moderators.
As Trump himself said,..."Elegant".But more than that, it was the greatest , single political debate yet devised by modern man. "Elegant",..indeed. And, pure perfection .Bravo Fox Business .And, it did accomplish what the other debates did not, by clearly revealing the strengths of all the remaining candidates , as well as their glaring weaknesses ;..
John Kasich, in particular,is now fully exposed, as a self hating Republican.He refuses to to entertain the notion of illegal deportation,..refuses to accept that Obamacare must be destroyed,..refuses to deny crony capitalist businesses and banks ,economy crippling government bailouts,..refuses to to accept America's responsibility as the Leader of the Free World ,..refuses to accept that America's military must never be restricted by any budget constraints,.and refuses to accept that tax grabbing entitlement programs for illegals and deadbeats must be cut, heavily. Kasich was revealed by Fox Business , to be far too moderate a Republican, on the issues that count most. Jeb Bush did better, because his awkward debate skills no longer mattered , since the this debate format gave him more time to formulate his answers. Simply put;..a better Bush performance ,..because of a better debate structure.
Donald Trump remained the same,..with the same old talking points ,..and seemed uncharacteristically quiet and subdued,perhaps because in a debate on specifics,..he simply had nothing to offer,..except what he's already said. Except on foreign policy , that is.The time schedule allowed Trump to expound on this issue , and that proved to be his undoing, it exposed him as an isolationist, who,.. like fellow Presidential Candidate Rand Paul,.. would prefer that Vladimir Putin fight ISIS ,Iran, and Syria,..and balks at the idea of spending too much on our military,when our nation's infrastructure is in dire need of more tax dollars. Hmmm,...sounds almost like the Democrat mantra on military spending .But then, we must remember that Trump is,..after all,..a lifelong Democrat,who spent eight years opposing the Iraq War ,opposing the Afghaistan War,... accusing President Bush of lying about Weapons of Mass Destruction , instigate a war,..and calling for Bush's impeachment ,..repeatedly.And more recently,..Trump not only suggested letting Putin take the lead in the middle east conflicts ,..but he also has viciously attacked the American Freedom Defense Initiative's President Pamela Geller, calling her,"disgusting",..for "provoking" terrorists with her "Draw Prophet Muhammed" contest ,which was designed to oppose the evil of Sharia Law.
Not a good record for a potential Republican Commander in Chief.
Marco Rubio, on the other hand,..shone brightly,..his debate skills on full display, and his knowledge of Foreign Policy issues ,without peer. Trump and Rand Paul may be isolationists, but  a President Rubio will certainly take the fight , the enemy. A Rubio Presidency will spell doom for our terror enemies , to be sure.
Senator Rand Paul is ,unfortunately,..that isolationist who, although a good conservative on fiscal issues, simply too weak on foreign policy in general,..just like his Father. His suggestion to Rubio that any proposed increase in military spending smacks of liberalism, patently ridiculous. Our tax system main purpose, is to maintain our military superiority,..first and foremost, and all other entitlements must take a back seat .A pity that Senator Paul will never quite grasp that concept, or the fact that America can never withdraw from world affairs , since America leads the world ,and is the only force on earth that truly stands strong against evil.
Dr. Ben Carson had a good night , and has proved himself capable of withstanding the onslaught of the liberal press, who seek to cast doubts about his overall honesty .It didn't work.Carson responded correctly,by disproving each and every charge they threw at him .That's the secret.You don't ignore attacks by the left.That's a strategy for moderate ,losing Republicans.Conservatives attack back,..hard.That's the right strategy.That's how you win .Trump, if nothing else, has proven the effectiveness of this method.
Carly Fiorina , once again, gave a stellar performance,because she knows how to fight,and, more importantly, how to win.Did she interrupt the other candidates?Of course. But, it was effective , and moreover, it was encouraged by the Fox Business moderators who understood that the candidates themselves were effectively controlling their own debate with no need for interference.Would Fiorina beat Hillary?Most assuredly. She would destroy her, as would any of the candidates on that stage, for in the end,they are all basically conservatives, and all believe in the basic principles that make America work.
But, we are at war, with an enemy that seeks the destruction of America from within, as well as without, and Fiorina , like Trump, has not always been the stellar conservative she seems to be now.America cannot take the risk of electing her.Not now.The President of the United States is essentially the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. That is his primary function.
To lead our Military,...
And to protect America,..with that Military.
Yes, all the candidates proved themselves , in the most substantive debate yet, to be up to the task on a fiscal level , even the more questionable Trump and Kasich. But, we are at war, and the title they seek is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States. And, thanks to the Fox Business Network ,we now know who is worthy, and who is not, hold the title.
Kasich, Paul, and Trump ,..cannot be,..can never be,..because they fail to understand that there can be no limit to the budget on military spending. America must always remain excessively superior to all other nations in military might, always overwhelming in our power,..because war,.. can never be a fair fight. America must always hold the overwhelming edge , enough to handle any two wars at the same time ,..with ease. Such is the burden of America,..who must lead the free world ,..or the free world ,..will simply cease to be. In this respect, there are only two choices , two men who should be seriously considered for the Office of the Presidency,..Cruz and Rubio.
Cruz is the perfect conservative fighting machine , who has proven that he understands the nature of war , and the role America must play in it .So too for Rubio, who, like Cruz, is a Master of Foreign Policy strategem, but it is Cruz alone,who understands the vital importance , not only of fighting terrorism aggressively, but also knows that our border must finally be sealed, and illegals ousted. Unlike Trump , Rubio , Bush , or Fiorina, who are all strong militarily, only Cruz combines an aggressive stance against terror with a never waivering stance against illegal immigrants and the Democrat entitlements that breed it.
Border security, a Strong Military, and an aggressive War on Terror.
Only Cruz has remained unwaivering on all these issues ,and thanks to the Fox Business Debate format, that fact was revealed , quite effectively, in this, the Fourth Republican Presidential Debate.
Senator Cruz made an excellent point,when he offered an apt analogy regarding illegal immigration;..would the liberal media be so unconcerned about its consequences, if they were taking the jobs of lawyers and liberal media journalists?As Cruz said,"If Republicans continue to adopt the Democrat policy of Amnesty,..they will lose in 2016". Has a greater truth ever been spoken?
Make no mistake, whoever the eventual Republican candidate is, one thing is certain;..the Republican Party must win in 2016, if this nation is to survive. And, in reality , any of these candidates, under normal circumstances,would make fine Presidents.But,..circumstances are not normal. We are at War,..with an enemy that wants to destroy us, for no other reason than we demand to live free, and refuse to subjugate our will to a false god, that calls for the death of all those who refuse to worship him.
The stakes are high.The beheadings ,burnings and crucifixions of Kurds Yazidis, Christians and Jews all across the Middle East, are merely prelude. ISIS wants us. We are the main target. We need more than just a  good President,any one of them would indeed fill that role. But, that's not enough. We need a man whose record proves that he will be absolutely one hundred percent  reliable in protecting America, both at home and abroad, and in restoring America's reputation as the greatest force for freedom and liberty to ever exist.
Senator Ted Cruz's record proves  that he is that man, undoubtedly. Cruz would not bail out failing banks and businesses. He would let the free market work. Cruz would implement a flat tax that would eliminate the I.R.S., and restore our economy .Cruz would protect our Second Amendment rights. Cruz would repeal Obamacare and the Iran Nuke Deal, on day one, of his Presidency. Cruz will seal the border, deport illegals , and end the sanctuary cities and entitlement programs  that burden our economy and endanger our citizens.
Cruz would strengthen our military , end the Democrat Union control of the Veterans Administration, and take the fight directly to ISIS.
How do I know?
Because Ted Cruz's record shows that he always backs up his words,..with action.
The Fourth Republican Presidential Debate was a Great One, and it clearly defined an outstanding group of conservative Republicans.Cruz is the man who should be our next President.Beyond a shadow of a doubt, that is what this debate proved.
Veterans Day has once again , come,..and gone. How should we honor those who give everything to insure our freedom?
Let's give them what they deserve.
A Commander in Chief who respects them, and will give them everything they need to carry out their mission. A Commander in Chief who will insure that all our Vets and their families, never need to worry about anything,..ever.
A Commander in Chief that will protect our borders and let these exceptional men and women unleash their skills upon an enemy that stands no chance against them.
A Commander in Chief that loves them as much as they love America.
Ted Cruz is that man.
"No Greater love hath a man, than to lay down his life for a friend".
Our Military lives by these words, ..
So that "We the People",... can live free.
"No Greater Love ,..than this,..indeed.
Time for America to end the reign of the Democrat Party , that has shown nothing but endless contempt and disdain for our military;...and replace it with the Party that understands one thing;..
Without their sacrifice,..there is no America.
Republican Victory, in 2016.
Can there be a greater gift , to give the finest Military on the face of the earth,.....than this?

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Savior Machine?

In the wake of President Barack Hussein Obama's appeasement-withdraw foreign policy strategem , the terror organization known as Al Queda has grown stronger, and more brazen in their attacks on the Middle East, and the Western World as well.In addition , the Obama policies have had another more malevolent effect, a whole new threat has risen from the ashes of the Iraq War.A threat that would make AlQueda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, and the Taliban,pale by comparison.
It's been said that when good retreats, evil advances, grows in strength and numbers,and manifests itself into new horrors.The forces of ISIS are such a threat,borne from the failure of America, the last best hope for humanity;.to accept the responsibility that fate has imposed upon it. The result of America's failure to destroy evil ;to do what it was created to do,has been horrendous indeed.
Not only did America's retreat give birth to the evil known as ISIS,but it created the first Terror State in history as well, with the abandoned hapless Iraqi Forces falling easily to the savage forces of new born terror pestilence. ISIS now has Iraq, the chemical weapons of Saddam Hussein, and the advanced weapons of America as well, now abandoned by the fleeing Iraqi Army.
Like the Biblical Plague,ISIS quickly spread its Black Death across the Middle East ,consuming everything in its path;..destroying religious artifacts,beheading Christians,burning Kurds,slaughtering Jews,crucifying women and children,..cutting a crimson swath across the face of humanity .They are a plague, a menace,..a walking pestilence, that has offended God,Man,and the forces of nature as well.
If not America,..then who shall bring this evil down and end its reign of terror?
Enter;..the man known as Vladimir Putin ,KGB Agent,and currently the President of communist Russia,formerly known as the Soviet Union.
An aggressive man,who does not suffer fools lightly.An athlete,sportsman,hunter,outdoorsman,..a natural born leader who, in the Iron Curtain tradition, believes that military strength and expansion of territory are the keys to gaining power,and holding on to it. And, as Obama retreated,Putin has made his chess move, ..consolidating his tenuous alliance with Syria's President Assad,..who now finds himself under siege from both Syrian Rebel Armies, and ISIS as well, who even now continues to march ever closer to the Syrian borders in its quest to leave every nation on earth that does not submit to its will, nothing more than a patch of scorched earth, in it wake.
Putin has long been in the business of selling weapons and munitions to Third world Dictators and Despots, including those in the Middle East, and now with America in retreat, he has an opportunity to gain not only Syria as a permanent ally, but Iran as well. To be sure,Putin has sold arms to both nations before,in past years,as well as to Iraq,when it was still controlled by Dictator Saddam Hussein. Now, Putin sees his chance to fill a power gap left by a retreating America , expand Russian influence in world affairs,and share in the bounty of the 11 billion in unfrozen assets that are part of the Iran Nuclear Deal.If Putin dreams of restoring the Soviet Union to its former glory can never be realized, then he will create a new one in the desert land where terror reigns supreme.
All it will take is to protect Syria from its rebel enemies who seek to overthrow the Despot Assad,and to continue to supply Iran with the weapons it needs to make their mad dreams of Jihad reality.
But then,disaster intervened.
An airliner, filled with Russian citizens , including a newborn baby,exploded in mid-air, and dropped like a wounded bird from the sky over the Sinai desert, near Egypt. All two hundred  twenty four passengers, including that newborn, were killed instantly on impact. At first, the crash was perceived as nothing more than an accident, caused by an on board equipment malfunction. But then, ISIS claims of responsibility for the crash prompted further investigation into the incident,and now, it appears almost certain that this tragedy was indeed caused by a deliberate terror attack in the form of an ISIS bomb, placed on board the plane shortly before takeoff.
Two hundred twenty four Russian citizens slaughtered by an act of terrorism, and the forces of ISIS are proudly taking full responsibility for it.
There are, of course, many political pundits , analysts, military strategists , and American voters as well, who are fully convinced now, that Vladimir Putin , the Iron Man of Russia,who had forced Obama to bend to his will, ..who took full advantage of Obama failure to honor America's agreement to protect the Ukraine , by swiftly invading its territory,..who dared to stand before the United Nations, and lecture America on its failure to fight terror aggressively,..Is the strong willed respected Leader who will now reign  destruction down upon the forces of ISIS,in retribution for this horrendous act of terror that slaughtered  two hundred of his own citizens.They are convinced,that Putin is the strong leader the world needs, and are convinced that he will now bring the full force of the Russian Military down upon the Terror State of ISIS, and end their threat, once and for all. Putin they say, is indeed the Iron Man of Russia, who will now use the Soviet Military Machine, a Savior Machine, reduce the Terror Forces of ISIS to mere ashes,.scattering to the Wind of the Sinai Desert.
This will not happen.
Vladimir Putin has no intention , now, or ever, fight the forces of ISIS,Al Queda,..or any other terror organization, for that matter,..despite his own claims to the contrary.
Putin is in the Middle East for a darker purpose; protect the Dictator Assad from the Syrian Rebel Army that seeks to overthrow him,..and to arrange with the now Nuclear power assured Iran, new weapon sales , that will create a permanent Axis of Evil,between Russia, Syria, and Iran,that will further Putin's territorial ambitions, and political power base, him new military leverage against his only real enemy,..the United States. And ISIS?Putin will keep them intact,which will give the defeated Syrian rebels a clear black and white choice;..loyalty to Assad,..or death at the hands of ISIS. No real choice at all.
Those who believe otherwise , and continue to believe that Vladimir Putin will fight ISIS in retaliation to the plane bombing,..are either woefully naive,.willfully ignorant of foreign affairs,in general,.. or they simply get all of their foreign policy information from Pravda Magazine.
As History has shown, Russia is, was,..and always will be,..a Communist Nation ,that seeks only the conquest of the Western Democracies,and the spread of Marxism around the globe .And, to this end,..Russia has always allied itself with other totalitarian nations who likewise seek the Death of Democracy ,..and a world under the boot heel of their shared tyrannical rule.
The Cold War is over. The Soviet Union is no more,..brought down by Reagan's Star Wars strategem, ..and massive military buildup,..which forced the Iron Curtain to spend itself,..into complete economic collapse, scattering its once united provinces, to the cold Siberian Winds.
Yet, make no mistake,the former Soviet Union's dreams of conquest still remain, under the Leadership of Vladimir Putin.Putin's dream of a new Soviet Union ,..with all its territories once more unified under one now restored Iron Curtain.
Yes, Putin has claimed from day one that he is only in Syria to to fight ISIS .But again, date,there is no evidence to back this claim.Putin has used the Russian Army to attack the Syrian Freedom Fighters,..and no one else. No ISIS fighter has been killed, nor has any ISIS outpost been attacked, Putin. Russia is on a specific mission  to kill Assad's enemies that seek his overthrow ,..and that is all.
And, make no mistake,..nothing related to the destruction of the Russian Jetliner will change Putin's military mission in Syria.Nothing.
Despite what some misguided, uninformed individuals may think,.. Vladimir Putin is not a "strong leader".Nor has any Russian Leader ,..been a "strong leader".
Putin is an ex-KGB thug,a bully,and a mass murderer of his own people .The claims now by Russian officials of "overwhelming support"for his Leadership in Russia is laughable.
Putin is a Russian Dictator ,..not an elected President. Of course he's supported overwhelmingly. To do otherwise, in Russia, to risk imprisonment,..or even death, as many of Putin's enemies have found out to their eternal regret.
Ask the all girl  Russian Punk Rock Band,"Pussy Riot",..what they think of Putin's "strong leadership'.They were jailed for two years, for performing their music in a Russian Cathedral , and beaten by the Russian Militia ,for performing the song, "Putin will Teach you to Love the Motherland",in Sochi, during the Winter Olympics.
Pussy Riot's opinion of Putin  may differ from many misguided spoiled, entitlement dependent Americans.
The girls of Pussy Riot know that ISIS is not the enemy of Putin,..America is,  and only America.
Putin will make  ISIS and Al Queda his allies against America just as he made Iran and Syria as allies. There is nothing  in the history of this man that would lead us to believe anything different.
Evil allies itself, with other evil, bring down the forces of good.
Germany did it.
Italy did it.
Russia did it.
Japan did it.
North Vietnam did it.
And now,Putin has done it,with Iran and Syria.
And,make no mistake, the only targets are America, and its partner in freedom, Israel.
Forget what Putin says.
Putin also claimed that he wasn't attacking the Ukraine ,..while the attacks were clearly going on.
Now, likewise,Putin is claiming he is targeting ISIS,and that he is , in fact ,only in the middle east, fight ISIS,..because America won't.
Yet,..again,..his military has targeted only Syrian rebels , one else.
This, reality.
America needs to stop listening to, and believing the words of idealogues, whether Obama, Trump,..or Putin,..and instead look at their actions,..look at their history,..look at what these men have done;.. not what they say they will do.
Obama said he would "degrade and destroy "ISIS.He said he would stop Assad , if he dared cross his" red line".Yet, he has done nothing except abandon Iraq and the Middle East to the forces of ISIS.Presidential Candidate Donald Trump says he will "Make America Great Again",..and restore our military .Yet,..he's opposed the war on Iraq,blamed Bush for the 911 attack, called for Bush's impeachment,..and even opposed the war on Afghanistan as well. In addition,Trump said that he,like Obama ,would just let Putin have control of the middle east,..and withdraw troops as well. Indeed, Trump even says he would be able to "deal"and "negotiate" with Putin , and the middle east terror supporters ,.rather than go to war with them. Who does that sound like?Trump even attacked American Freedom Defense Initiative's Founder, Pamela Geller,..for sponsoring a"Draw Prophet Muhammed" contest in protest of Sharia Law.A terror bounty was put on Geller's head,..and Trump, response,..attacked Geller,..not ISIS,...for deliberately "provoking' the terrorists by mocking Muhammed and the evil of Sharia Law. "Provoking' Mr. Trump?Are Americans fighting against Sharia Law supposed to be afraid of provoking terrorists Mr.Trump?
Is this the "strong leadership"that Trump promises will make America Great Again?
Enough of this nonsense.
I f you are a hard core conservative,..Senator Ted Cruz would have to be your obvious pick for President,..not Trump.
Why?Because he is the only candidate whose conservative rhetoric,..perfectly matches his conservative record. The only one.
And, unlike all the other candidates,including Trump,..who claim to be Anti-Amnesty and Pro-Border control,..Only Ted Cruz has the consistent record that proves he has always had this stance on immigration,..and always will. But what of Trump?He was always Pro-Amnesty,..until he decided to run for President, that is.
Wake up America.
Would a man who blamed Bush for 911 , opposed the Afghanistan and Iraq war,.. spent eight years saying Bush lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction,..and called repeatedly for President Bush's impeachment , able to "Make America Great Again".?
Trump's record, not his rhetoric,...says no.
So too, for the Iron Man of Russia ,Vladimir Putin,..whose rhetoric does indeed say he will destroy ISIS,..but his record says that he is a weak, murderous KGB ,communist bully , who beats and imprisons girl bands, mass murders his own citizens ,and only goes to war with those who seek freedom and liberty .
Wake up America, and stop romanticizing this KGB criminal.
Time to face the reality of this man's actual record that demonstrates quite clearly, what he really is.
Obama may not be a strong leader,..
but neither is Putin,..or  even Trump,..for that matter.
The world must look elsewhere for the "Savior Machine",that will bring down the forces of ISIS,..
For,..the true character of a man rests not with his words,.
With his deeds,...
And his deeds,..alone,..

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Rise of the New Gods

There is a tide in the affairs of men,and in Boulder, Colorado,the battleground for the third 2015 Republican Presidential Debate, the tide had indeed shifted in favor of the Republican Presidential contenders. Their battle was finally well and truly joined,...and the enemy would tremble in their wake.
It started at first, as the others had, the Republican contenders testing each other's strengths and weaknesses , this time over economic issues.Tax cuts, regulation cuts,Corporate dividend cuts, flat taxes,fair taxes, ..all good concepts, all Republican concepts,..designed to grow the economy the only way that works;..the Republican way.You let the American People keep the money they earn and spend it as they please.
The Candidates battled on,...Trump and Kasich attacked each other over falling polls and Kasich's connection to Lehman Brothers. Bush attacked Rubio over his absentee Senate record;...and, all the while,.....John Harwood, Carl Quintanella, and Becky Quick,..the sneering, contemptuous CNBC Democrat operatives posing as moderators ,were more than willing to fuel the fire by spitting poisonous ,disrespectful gotcha questions at the ten candidates ,..questions designed to provoke their self  imposed destruction.
Then,..something happened.Something strange;...Something unexpected,...
A miracle had come to pass,...
 Dr. Ben Carson invoked President Reagan's 11th Commandment , and made it clear he would not engage in attacks on his fellow Republicans,.....
Senator Marco Rubio returned Jeb Bush's attacks,..with words of praise and respect for his former political sponsor and mentor,....
Governor Mike Huckabee refused to rise to the CNBC bait and attack Donald Trump,..and instead praised all the candidates on that stage who were willing to enter the arena of ideas,..and fight for America.
Even the contentious, bombastic, thin skinned Trump, after his brief skirmish with Kasich,now suddenly stiffened his resolve,and took on the mantle of elder statesmen,..refuting a John Harwood attack that compared him to a comic book villian, with only a mild rebuff.
Indeed, Donald Trump was suddenly serene, almost Yoda-Like.At one point, he even seemed to use a Jedi-Mind Trick on Moderators Becky Quick and John Harwood. Quick questioned his attack on Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg's immigration stance.Trump calmly said that it never happened.Quick replied that it did.Trump said that it didn't, and that the media simply made it up.Quick then backed down ,and inexplicably apologized ,despite the fact that the story was indeed true.Harwick attempted to refute Trump's claim that the debate had originally been scheduled for three hours, until Trump and Carson threatened to walk.Harwick said it was always set for two hours.Trump said that it wasn't. Harwick had no reply.Well done Trump .Obi Wan Kenobi couldn't have done it better.
The moment of truth had come.
The key to victory , finally became crystal clear to the embattled candidates,..and their mood visibly lifted.
For, they now saw  fear in the enemy's eyes,..and moved in for the kill.
The killing stroke would be delivered by Senator Ted Cruz,whose fabled, time tested political instincts told him that now was the time.Cruz knew , that with one swift stroke, he could not only win the battle, ..but the war as well.
Cruz created a masterpiece of political rhetoric, unleashing all hell upon the hapless CNBC dupes,for turning the debate into a"cage match"of ugly infights between candidates that they obviously have no respect for, and certainly would never vote for. Then, Cruz asked the one question that seems to have no answer,.."Why are Conservative Republicans allowing their debates to be run by Liberal Democrats?"
With this one, simple question, Senator Cruz had  finally exposed the obvious truth ;..
CNBC, and the rest of the Liberal Media,are nothing more than Democrat operatives who serve only one purpose; assure that Democrat candidates are elected, matter what.
They are not reporters.
They are not newsmen.
They are not,"fair and balanced".
They exist solely to destroy the Republican Party,..
And to promote the Democrat Agenda.
That is the singular purpose behind the vicious attacks by the CNBC moderators; destroy the Republican opponents of Hillary Rodham Clinton, and assure her victory in 2016.
Nothing more, nothing less.
And, they can no longer conceal their sheer contempt for the Republican Party ,or its candidates.
They know their Party is losing, and has been since 2010, when the Republicans took back control of the House. Then came the 2012 elections, which gave Republicans even more House and Senate seats.Then came 2014,.which gave the Republican Party the largest majority since the days of Herbert Hoover.
All that remains is the Presidency,and with a collapsed economy, and the growth of ISIS and Al Queda during a Democrat Presidency,,they know Republicans are indeed poised for an easy victory .Desperation and panic were in the air that night in Boulder,Colorado,and that panic showed on the faces of the CNBC Moderators,who sought to provoke the Republican Candidates into destroying themselves. It didn't work.Cruz exposed , their agenda ,won the debate , the battle, and the war as well. And, more importantly, Ted Cruz changed forever the battleplan and character of his fellow Republican Candidates , who now understood , for the first time,..who the real enemy is. The only enemy.The only enemy who has damaged the country .The only enemy, that has brought nothing but destruction to America,since the very first time it ever seized power.
The Democrat Party is the Enemy,the real enemy that must be defeated.
And the Republican candidates now know, that they can do it.
They now know, they can't lose.
As long as they are united under the Republican War Banner , for one purpose,..
Victory over the Democrat Party.
We live in Perilous Times.
Our Nation is under attack from enemies within, and without.
And, the threat of ISIS and Al Queda , has grown stronger ,as America has grown weaker ,and withdrawn it's presence in world affairs, and forsaken it's role as Leader of the Free World.
But, I have never been more optimistic, more hopeful, more confident of the Great Future that lies ahead for America.
For I see now, a new breed, a new generation of Conservative Republicans ;.. Republicans that reject the idea of working with Democrats , and understand that their mission is to stop them.
A New Generation of Republicans who understand that it is the Republican Party alone,that protects the Judeo-Christian Principles that our Constitution was founded on,..
That cuts taxes and regulations and allows businesses and working Americans to grow and prosper,..
That defends our 2nd Amendment Rights ,...
That ended slavery, and created Civil rights,...
That defended the 2nd Amendment rights of freed slaves against the Democrat gun laws created to take them away,...
That supports and strengthens our Military , protect our Veterans, and fights an aggressive War on Terror,against the forces of ISIS and Al Queda,...
That defends and supports our Allies in Freedom from the terrorist enemies that seek their destruction.
These are the principles that the Republican Party stands for, and those principles are indeed reflected in this new generation of Republicans , that will lead our Nation into the future.
A new Republican Speaker of the House , Paul Ryan has been chosen to lead this new generation of Conservative Republicans,..and a new Republican President will be chosen as well ,giving America the solution it needs .The only solution that will restore America to its greatness.
A Republican President,..a Republican House,..and a Republican Senate, the formula for a prosperous, strong America.
The proof?
Look at the History of our Nation.
Since it's creation, it has been the Democrat Party that has controlled its fate most of the time,..with disasterous results.
The simple truth is that when the Republican Party controls at least two of the three Federal branches of Government,..the Nation prospers.
When President Nixon failed, was the Democrats who controlled both the House and Senate.
When President Ford failed, it was the Democrats who controlled both the House and Senate.
When President Carter failed; was the Democrats who controlled both the House and Senate.
When President Reagan created a strong economy,and military, the Republicans controlled the Senate.
When President Reagan failed in his last two years, he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
When President Bush Sr. broke his no tax pledge, and failed to win re-election, ..he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
When President Clinton failed, in his first two years , he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
When President Clinton created a booming economy, he had a Republican House and Senate,..the first in nearly fifty years.
When President Bush Jr. created the greatest period of economic growth in history,..he had a Republican House and Senate.
When President Bush Jr, failed ,in his last two years, with a collapsed economy,..,he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
When President Obama failed ,massively, in his first two years,nearly destroying the country, he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
When President Obama began to see slow improvement , despite his destructive socialist agenda,and executive overreach,..he had a Republican controlled House and Senate.
States controlled by Republicans are prosperous and growing.
States controlled by Democrats , are bankrupt, poverty stricken,..and crime ridden.
There is no mystery.
This is not rocket science.
Republican principles and Leadership ,..create a strong America.
And,this new generation of Republicans know now , in the wake of the shameful CNBC Debate , that only complete victory by the Republican Party, and the permanent defeat of the Democrat Party, can restore America to that Shining City on a Hill, that President Reagan envisioned.
Let the Trumpets Sound.
The Battle has been joined,..
And a new Republican Army shall lead the charge.
The key to victory?
A United Republican Party,..
A United American People.
Against this;..
No Enemy can stand,..
No Tyranny can survive,..
No Despot can prosper,...
No terrorist can succeed,...
No injustice,..remain unavenged,..
No Freedom ,..denied,..
If America is United,..
If America,..Endures,..