Monday, June 13, 2011

Destiny's Child

Once upon a time, a girl named Sarah , went on a journey to find America , and instead, she found herself; ..and her destiny.
But , what of the rest of destiny's children? What of the other Republican candidates for 2012?Newt Gingrich has self -destructed. His Achilles heel has been revealed, over-weening pride, and, despite being the smartest man in politics , his lack of horse sense and campaign strategy shall always be his downfall. Mitt Romney is a Rino, like John McCain . He opposes Obamacare , yet, when Governor of the most liberal State in the Nation, he had it's statewide equivilent; Romneycare. That combined with a flip-flop on abortion rights and a strong belief in the left's Global Warming agenda , and you have another McCain, ready to fall beneath the indifference of independent voters .
Bachmann and Palenty , are both strong conservatives , but , seem to lack the name recognition . Although , with Bachmann , that may change soon , since her personality and strong stance against the raising of the debt ceiling and Obamacare , has been , from the beginning , loud , passionate , relentless , and unwaivering. Palenty may lack fire , personality , and energy, but Bachmann is a virtual Howling Banshee of conservative values , and , possibly, a very strong contender in the Republican Primaries. Texas Governor Rick Perry , now contemplating a run , may prove to be the most viable contender of all. He is Governor of the most sucessful , most prosperous , State in the Nation , and despite a weak stance on immigration reform , a very strong , pro 2nd Amendment , Texas style conservative , who has the experience and sucessful Governorship in his resume to make an extremely good President , if he decides to run.
But, what of Sarah?Her bus tour of America has done it's job , sending the liberal press into a mass panic , as they try to cover her every move , exposing their hatred and mocking contempt for her as mearly a ruse , designed to conceal their fear of her.
Fear, that is rooted in the grim reality that , if Sarah Palin runs for President ;...she will win . She is the pure conservative, and, conservatism is truth , and , truth ; ....always , in the end , wins. So, as Sarah continues her cross country American Odyssey; the question that remains is, what is she seeking? A deeper understanding of America , or perhaps she seeks an even greater truth , a deeper understanding of herself , and her destiny. Hers, ours, , .....and America's.

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