Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Anti- Bush Maneuver

Is Rick Perry Dumb?Questioning a someone's intelligence seems to be a common tactic for the left  against Conservative Republican candidates that truly put the fear of God in them. But, shouldn't their question really be;"Is Barack Hussein Obama dumb?" After all, if I had a question about Palin , Romney , Bachmann, or Perry 's intelligence, I would simply look up their school grades , which are available to the public.
But what about Obama? This is a man who has been touted by the left as the Anti-Bush , the thinking man's President, yet, after three years in office , Obama's grades are still a mystery, still unreleased, still unavailable to the public , still unknown. Why? There can only be one reason . His grades are bad. After all, if his college record was something to be proud of , he would release his grades immediately. And, maybe even tape a copy on his Whitehouse refrigerator door, you know, just to showc his family how proud he is of his work.
But, three and a half years have past, and the grades remain hidden . There is a deeper reason for this , and that reason is President George W. Bush . Think about it. Obama would'nt be the first President with subpar grades, so why conceal them to this degree? The reason is clear;....President George W. Bush 's grades must have been superior to his. And, the left, instinctively, knows it. Obama's grades will never, never, be released, for the reality of finally seeing proof of Bush's greater intelligence would be more than the left , or Obama could bear. Yet, it does seem to be the only explanation. George W. Bush, called a moron for eight years by the left , has better college grades than the anti-Bush intellectual , Barack Hussein Obama. What greater victory could the Tea Party hope to achieve?
However, the left will never allow this victory, never allow our President's grades to be compared with the President Bush's . No matter . I'll just settle for the inevitable viictory in November , when another "Dumb" Conservative Republican takes back the White House from the "intellectual " liberal socialist that's currently bankrupting our country. Union Leader Jimmy Hoffa Jr. better get ready , because those "sons of bitches" in the Tea Party are GONNA WIN AGAIN , AND WILL TAKE BACK THE COUNTRY from those in public unions that survive off of tax payer's money, and use that money to keep the incompetent employed and voting for Democrats, who then , make sure that corrupt unions stay in power.

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