Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Changeling

Mitt Romney is favored to win the Republican Presidential nomination . Says who?The Polls?The frontrunner has switched back and forth almost weekly , depending on which candidate has put his foot in his mouth at the latest debate. So, why is Mitt Romney still considered the frontrunner , the one favored to go up against Barack Obama in 2012? Mitt is no conservative . He's barely a Republican , although he is very strong on the military , and war on terror issues. However , he did have Obamacare in Massachusetts , and has also been on both sides of any political issue you can bring up at a debate.
He was for abortion ;...before he was against it .
He was for govt. controlled healthcare;..before he was against it .
He was for gun restrictions and bans;...before he was against them.
He believed in global warming ; .. and , unfortunately, he still does .
Am I referring to Presidential candidate John Kerry? Nope, just Governor Mitt Romney , the man favored to win the Republican nomination.
Conservative voters are the ones who won  the November elections last year.The question to ponder is;..what conservatives are picking this man as their candidate ? Answer;... none of them. The concept of Mitt Romney as the favorite has originated from only one source;...the Liberal Media. They picked him , many months ago, and have put the word out to the press and the media in general that he is somehow , our pick. The reason is clear. Of all the candidates with a viable chance to win ;.. Romney is the one Obama would like to face in debates , and it's obvious why. He is Obama , in many ways . Not now , of course , but at one time he has agreed with many of the positions that the President holds . Obama will exploit this in the debates , and force Romney to admit that he, at one time, agreed with the President on many issues , especially the elephant in the punch bowl;...Obama Care. Obama should feel confident in this strategy . It already worked once . ;against Senator John Mc Cain . Mc Cain also, was no conservative and often worked closely with liberal democrats on many issues, McCain -Feingold being one of these atrocities.
John McCain also was picked by the liberal media , as our candidate , and we , like suckers , fell for it. You see, the strategy is simple . In debates , the lack of difference with Obama's policies will become clear , and , as a result , many voters will make a fatal decision ;...not to vote for Obama , and to simply stay home , and not vote at all. This is how McCain lost to Obama .Indecisive , weak kneed fools who call themselves , 'Independents";. stayed home , in disgust , despite the fact that the socialist record of Obama clearly showed what a danger this man would be to our country as commander in chief of the armed forces. They, lazily , saw no difference in the candidates;...despite the fact that there was, and the fate of the Nation hung in the balance.
Now, the Obama machine sees another opportunity to repeat history , and Mitt Romney is their "Mc Cain "this time around. They will continue to try to slyly push him through and promote him heavily , in print, television , and radio.
We, as conservatives , must recognize what nonsense this is. Newt is a good pick and the current frontrunner. Bachmann is too. So is Perry. These are all conservatives , with proven records of conservative ideas and action . One of them must be our pick . In fact, any of the candidates would be better than Obama , but, they must win first. We cannot risk a repeat of Obama -McCain . A conservative must be the pick if we are to save this country from another four years, that we, as a country, surely cannot survive.
A second coming of Obama means one thing;...taxes and spending will go up. Drastically , and steadily.
In fact, the only spending cut that will ever occur under Obama , or any democrat for that matter, is to cut to Military spending. That's all a liberal Democrat ever wants to cut. Which is ironic , since the military is the one thing that we cannot ever , under any circumstances, cut. Our freedom depends on the strength of our military, our ability as a fighting force, to obliterate any country that goes up against us; quickly and easily.
This is important, and is the root of what is known as the Reagan Doctrine;...Peace through strength .The simple reality that President Reagan understood was that freedom is an illusion , a fantasy , that will quickly vanish in the midst ;...without the military might to destroy those who don't like our freedom..and want to take it from us.
The one thing that the so -called "Super Commitee" members seemingly do not understand is simply this;...all entitlements can be cut and cut drastically ;...but the military cannot;...since the nation that believes so strongly in peace and freedom must also believe in our overwhelmingly powerful military force ;...that makes our freedom possible. This is why we cannot risk the Presidency on Mitt Romney , for he has displayed the qualities of a changling;...a creature from Greek Mythology that appears to be something;....that it is not.

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