Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sentinels of the Shining City

We were created by God, to be free. To be self-governed , self-ruled, and live, work , and worship as we please . Why then , has man suffered under dictatorships and tyranny for countless centuries down through the ages? Why was America the first true Democracy ? Why were there none before her?
Because , freedom is not free. It requires sacrifice, and the price to achieve it, is often blood .Those that founded our country recognized this , and were willing to pay the price ; to live free, or die. And , for that reason alone, America stands as the last , best hope for freedom in the world today . Yes, freedom is not free., for though it is the natural state of man , there will always be those that do not not believe in it, and want nothing more than to take it from those that do . Yes, the United States is a beacon of freedom , the only true source of self-government and self-rule to ever spring from this planet, other than our partners in liberty; Israel. We will remain so as long as we remember that it's not enough to want freedom , you have to be willing to die for it.
Jesus once told his Apostles, 'The greatest gift a man can give , is to lay down his life for another." This Memorial Day, let us remember to honor the heroes that keep us free. The men and women of our Armed Forces , who willingly lay down their lives to keep our Nation what President Reagan called it; "The shining city on a hill ".,and the last , best hope for freedom ,.....and the world.

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