Monday, May 16, 2011

Wherein Doth Freedom Lie?

There are two reasons, and two reasons alone, that Usama Bin Laden was finally brought down , and served the justice he was due. Waterboarding ; and Dick Cheney. Waterboarding is the 'enhanced interrogation " technique that was used on Khalid Sheik Muhammed , the architect of the 9-11 attack , and right hand man of Usama Bin Laden . Sheik Muhammed gave us the name of the Bin Laden courier , and the courier , eventually led us to Bin Laden.
Thanks to Vice-President Cheney , and his tireless eight year , terror attack free , effort to keep this technique in effect , the Nation , today; breathes a little easier. The Vice-President endured endless attacks from ther left , whose goal was to end waterboarding, close Gitmo Bay, and prosecute the CIA agents that applied this technique on suspected terrorists ; prosecute for war crimes .
Waterboarding works . The Khalid Sheik Muhammed intel proves this . Cheney authorized the CIA  to use it  because he knew that it did , indeed work .How could he be so sure?How could he be so sure of the importance of waterboarding , so sure of it's effectiveness , when the liberal left insists that it can't work , and the intel it produces , unreliable?It's simple really. Cheney believes in the existence of evil in the world . Liberals do not. If you believe in evil , then you understand the nature of  evil.
Compassion , courage , kindness , loyalty , these are the qualities that evil does not posess. Dick Cheney ;... understands this. He understands that these qualities are posessed by the good side of man . Liberals , however , cannot understand thgis , since they see no evil ; only different points of view. They feel that the average man subjected to this technique , will say anything to get the torture to stop , , or , will simply hold out, knowing that America does not really torture , and would , ultimately, leave them un-harmed . But, the fatal flaw in that view is that they are looking at the issue through their eyes ; not evils.
Evil , by its very nature , is essentially , a coward . And , most certainly , has no loyalty except to itself. Without the courage and loyalty that good posesses , evil will eventually, crack , and sell its own mother , at the slightest discomfort . That is after all, part of it's nature  Bush and Cheney, both men of faith , understand , by the teachings of Christ, that evil must always , in the end, be defeated by good, because evil , when confronted forcefully ; always retreats .
We are a free nation , , the greatest nation on earth, because of our faith , and the courage that comes from our faith . Waterboarding wouldn't work on a free man of faith , but , it does work on a man born into totalitarian oppression , for , without freedom , there is no courage , no good , no faith . Liberals simply do not believe in this concept, and, that is why they live in fear of the evil that they continue to deny even exists . Without faith , there is no courage . and , without courage , liberals will always reject waterboarding, and, always fear the terrorists.

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